YEMEN – Photographic archive
Since 1980 , the Italian Archaeological Mission in Yemen (MAIRY) has collected a remarkable documentation (drawings, photographs, etc.) relating to its scientific activity in the country (surveys, discoveries, excavations, restoration, etc). Thanks to a valuable three-year project (2017-2020) for the digitisation of the documentary archive of the MAIRY, generously financed by The Shelby White and Leon Levy Program for Archaeological Publications, the images have been entered in a database. This can be accessed by the name of archaeological site and year of photograph. Due to technical issues, in some cases it has been necessary to change the original ID of the sites to a standard Access Number composed of three alphabetic letters (see Access Number). In the Access Number, the letter ‘n’ is the initial of ‘negative’ (b&w and colour), ‘s’ stands for slide, ‘p’ for plate, ‘o’ for object, and ‘m’ for map. Most of the material in this archive has been published in books and academic articles. The remaining images are part of current studies and not published yet. Therefore, these images, which bear the MAIRY watermark, cannot be copied All images from MAIRY’s archive are owned by MAIRY itself and Monumenta Orientalia, and therefore protected by copyright.
Site | Site's Arabic name | Year | Access number | Description | Photo |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07579 | Aḍraʿa: The convoy of Mohafez (Governor) of Ḏamār Province, Yaḥyah Mulisḥ, on the way to visit the dams at Aḍraʿa, named Ḥbrh حبرة. (Sid al-Naqʿa سد سد لنقعة and Sid al-Ğabar سد جبار ). (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07582 | Aḍraʿa: The official visit of the Governor of Ḏamār Province, Yaḥyah Mulisḥ, and professor Alessandro de Maigret at Ḍwrān ( ضوران ), the village reconstructed after the earthquake (the tribe is Ans, آنس). (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07583 | The official visit of the Governor of Ḏamār Province, Yaḥyah Mulisḥ, and professor Alessandro de Maigret at Ḍwrān ( ضوران ). | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07584 | Dromedary at Ḍwrān ( ضوران ). (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07585 | Aḍraʿa: Official visit of the Governor of Ḏamār Province, Yaḥyah Mulisḥ, and professor Alessandro de Maigret at Ḍwrān ( ضوران ). Line-up of children. (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07586 | Aḍraʿa: Official visit of the Governor of Ḏamār Province, Yaḥyah Mulisḥ, and professor Alessandro de Maigret at Ḍwrān ( ضوران ). Line-up of children and adults. (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07588 | Aḍraʿa: The Governor of Ḏamār Province, Yahyah Mulish, on the way to the dams Ḥbrh (سدي حبرة) of Aḍraʿa (Sid al-Naqʿa سد سد لنقعة and Sid al-Ğabar (سد جبار ). (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07590 | Aḍraʿa: The Governor of Ḏamār Province, Yaḥyah Mulisḥ, on the way (in a wādī) to the dams of Aḍraʿa. In the foreground professor Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07591 | Walking in a wādī to the dams of Aḍraʿa. (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07592 | Walking in a wādī to Aḍraʿa dams. In the foreground S. Antonini and Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07593 | Aḍraʿa: Arriving to the western dam of Aḍraʿa. The dam is lying 5 km S of a small centre, Al-Kawlah, on the Ḏamār-Al-Bayḍāʿ road. (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07594 | Aḍraʿa: Arrivind to the western dam of Aḍraʿaʿ (Sid al-Naqʿa, سد سد لنقعة ). (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07595 | Aḍraʿa: The western dam of Aḍraʿa (Sid al-Naqʿa, سد سد لنقعة ). Only the eastern half of the barrage remains. (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07596 | Aḍraʿa: View of the eastern rests of the barrage (Sid al-Naqʿa, سد سد لنقعة ). (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07597 | Aḍraʿa: View of the eastern rests of the barrage (Sid al-Naqʿa, سد سد لنقعة ), from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07598 | Aḍraʿa: The Governor of Ḏamār Province and Professor A. de Maigret at Sid al-Naqʿa ( سد سد لنقعة ) dam at Aḍraʿa. (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07599 | Aḍraʿa: View of Sid al-Naqʿa (سد سد لنقعة ). (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07600 | Aḍraʿa: General view of Sid al-Naqʿa ( سد سد لنقعة ). (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07601 | View of the landscape and the second dam at Aḍraʿa (Sid al-Ğabar, سد جبار ). (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07602 | Aḍraʿa: View of the the second barrage (Sid al-Ğabar, سد جبار ). (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07603 | Aḍraʿa: View of the the second barrage (Sid al-Ğabar, سد جبار ). (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07604 | Aḍraʿa: Detail of Sid al-Ğabar ( سد جبار ). (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07580 | Aḍraʿa: Landscape on the way to visit the dams at Aḍraʿa, with the Mohafez (Governor) of Ḏamār Province, Yaḥyah Mulisḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Aḍraʿa | اضرعة | 1985 | 2018DARn07587 | Aḍraʿa: Official visit of the Governor of Ḏamār Province, Yaḥyah Mulisḥ, at Ḍwrān ( ضوران ). The people of the village are lined up on both sides of the road. | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08274 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08275 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08276 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08277 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ, turret tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08278 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08279 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08280 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08281 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ, turret tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08282 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ, turret tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08283 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ, turret tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08284 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08285 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08298 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08299 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08300 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ, turret tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08301 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ, turret tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08302 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08303 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08304 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08305 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ, different state of conservation between two turret tombs. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08306 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ, different state of conservation between two turret tombs. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08307 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08308 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08309 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ, turret tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08310 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08311 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ, turret tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08312 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08314 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08315 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08316 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08318 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis at Al-ʿAlam Al-Abyaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08319 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis on Ǧabal. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08320 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis on Ǧabal. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2018ABYn08321 | Al-Abyaḍ (ABY): Necropolis on Ǧabal. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01685 | Al-Asāḥil: Detail of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01686 | Al-Asāḥil: Detail of a corner of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01687 | Al-Asāḥil: L. Cagni and M. Cappon during a survey in the Sabaean site. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01688 | Al-Asāḥil: A building in the Sabaean site. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01689 | Al-Asāḥil: Detail of an ancient building in the Sabaean site. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01690 | Al-Asāḥil: View of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01691 | Al-Asāḥil: Detail of the construction technique of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01692 | Al-Asāḥil: View of a sector of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01693 | Al-Asāḥil: View of a most ruined sector of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01694 | Al-Asāḥil: Detail of the construction technique of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01695 | Al-Asāḥil: Detail of the construction technique of a corner of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01696 | Al-Asāḥil: Detail of the construction technique of a corner of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01697 | Al-Asāḥil: View of a most preserved sector of the city walls (on the southern part). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01698 | Al-Asāḥil: Detail of the construction technique of the city walls, formed by recesses and towers. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01699 | Al-Asāḥil: A cross-section of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01700 | Al-Asāḥil: Detil of a cross-section of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01701 | Al-Asāḥil: Detil of a cross-section of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01702 | Al-Asāḥil: View of a sector of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01703 | Al-Asāḥil: General view of the Sabaean site. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01704 | Al-Asāḥil: Detail of a cross-section of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01705 | Al-Asāḥil: View of a sector of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01706 | Al-Asāḥil: View of a sector of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01707 | Al-Asāḥil: Detail of a well preserved sector of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01708 | Al-Asāḥil: View of a gate of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Asāḥil | الاساحيل | 1989-1990 | 2018ASHn01709 | Al-Asāḥil: View of a ruined sector of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Aʿrūš | الاعروش | 1984 | 2018ALRm09016 | Al-Aʿrūš/Ğabal ʿUrqūb: Topographical Map (Scale 1:10000) (V. Labianca). | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03742 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view of the environment and the basin downstream, from the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03743 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view of the environment around the dam. The columnar basalt, of vulcani origin, was used as a quarry to build the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03744 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view of the environment around the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03745 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view of the dam, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03746 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view of the dam, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03747 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view of the dam, and the basin of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03748 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view of the dam, and the basin of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03749 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view of the dam, and the basin of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03750 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view of the dam, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03751 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view of the mountain of volcanic origin on the eastern side of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03752 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Detail of the western side of the containing wall of the dam, from the W. The wall is covered with a thick layer of qaḍaḍ (mortar). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03753 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Bird's eye view of the dam, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03754 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the dam, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03755 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view of the dam, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03756 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Damār region): General view of the dam, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03757 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the dam, from the northern hill. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03758 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the columnar basalt and in the foreground a cultivated field. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03759 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The dam and the surrounding mountains. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03760 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Plowed field in the area downstream of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03761 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Local people and topographer Mario Mascellani at the end of the survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03762 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Women, children and the Italian team at the Land Rover, driving back to Ḏamār. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03763 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): A dam (not surveyed) discovered on the way back from Al-Ḍarāʿ to Ḏamār. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03765 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): A dam discovered on the way back from Al-Ḍarāʿ to Ḏamār. View from the top of the dam built with volcanic stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03766 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Detail of the containing wall of the dam, covered wit a thick layer of mortar (qaḍaḍ).(©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03767 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Detail of the qaḍaḍ (mortar) that covers the stones of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03768 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Detail of the containing wall of the dam, with steps and qaḍaḍ (mortar). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03770 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The hill at a side of the dam, characterized by columnar basalt of volcanic origin. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03771 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View around the dam, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03772 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view around the dam and children. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03773 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Bird's eye view of the dam, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03774 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view downstream of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03775 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view downstream of the dam. In the background the village of Al-Ḍarāʿ (?) and cultivated fields. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03776 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the hight sediments, or silt. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03777 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Children climbing on the building.(©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn03778 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Children climbing on the building.(©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04143 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the dam, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04144 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the basin upstream of the dam, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04145 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the dam and the basin upstream of the dam, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04146 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the dam and the basin upstream of the dam, from the W. Hill of volcanic origin, characterized by columnar basalt. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04147 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the basin upstream of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04148 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the basin upstream of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04149 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the hydrographic basin of the dam and the alluvial deposits, from the Station 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04150 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the connection of the dam to the rock. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04151 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the basin upstream of the dam, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04152 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Detail of the dam. The wall is covered with qaḍaḍ (mortar).(©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04153 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Detail of the dam. The wall is covered with qaḍaḍ (mortar).(©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04154 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Building related to the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04155 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Detail of the dam. The five superimposed walls are covered with qadad (mortar). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04156 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Detail of the building related to the dam. The entire surface is covered by mortar (qaḍaḍ). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04157 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Detail of the upper part of the building related to the dam. The entire surface is covered by mortar. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04158 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Detail of the lower part of the building related to the dam. The entire surface is covered by qaḍaḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04159 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the dam from the north. Concrete barrier forming a small lake, where children take a bath. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04160 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the dam from the north. Concrete barrier forming a small lake, where children take a bath. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04161 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View from the north of the building related to the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04162 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the cross section of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04163 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the cross section of the dam, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04164 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): A dromedary. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04165 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the basin downstream from the dam, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04166 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the basin downstream from the dam, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04167 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the basin downstream from the dam, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04168 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Dromedary and kids near the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04169 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the basin downstream from the dam, from the Station 1, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04170 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Detail of the cross section of the dam, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04171 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Detail of the base of the building related to the dam. On the right the concrete barrier. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04172 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The wall forming the dam, from the northern side. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04173 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The northern side of the dam, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04174 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The basin downstream of the dam, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04175 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Detail of a building, from the upper stream side. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04176 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Detail of the upper side of the ancient barrier. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04177 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Detail of the ancient barrier. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04178 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Top view of the dam. The qaḍaḍ is still in situ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04179 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Top view of the dam, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04180 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Top view of the dam, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04181 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Top view of the dam, from the S. The Italian team are surveying the structures. In the background the columnar basalt rocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04182 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the dam, from the SE. | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04183 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the dam and the downstream, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04184 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the dam, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04185 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the basin downstream, from the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04186 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the basin of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04187 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the dam on the downstream side. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04188 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the retaining wall downstream from the dam, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04189 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the dam on the downstream side. The retaining wall is built in steps with stones of medium to large size. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04190 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The retaining wall is built in steps with stones of different shapes of medium to large size. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04191 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The Italian geologist Vincenzo Francaviglia is admiring the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04192 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the retaining wall downstream from the dam, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04193 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the retaining wall downstream from the dam, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04194 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view of the dam complex, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04195 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view of columnar basalt on a side of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04196 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view of the dam and the environment. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04197 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view of the environment. The slope of the hill is stepped. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04198 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the dam. In the background are the local people and the topographer Mario Mascellani. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04199 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view of the downstream basin from the dam and the environment. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04200 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): General view of the basin and the environment. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04201 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the dam, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04202 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the dam complex, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04203 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the dam, from the N.(©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04204 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the basin with the water and vegetation, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04205 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): View of the basin with the water and vegetation, from the N.(©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2018DARn04206 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): Detail of the dam, from the N.(©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07283 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07284 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07285 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): The rest of House D, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07286 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): The rest of a building. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07287 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): The rest of House E, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07288 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of the sedimentary plain, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07289 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): The rest of House E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07334 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of water containment wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07335 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Water containment wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07336 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of water containment wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07337 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Water containment wall viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07338 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of Complex B, from the NW. In the foreground, loci L, M, N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07339 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of Complex B, from the NW. In the foreground, loci L, M, N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07340 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of the area. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07341 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of the wādī. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07342 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of Complex B, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07343 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of the area and the containment wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07344 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Part of a wall of the garrison on the left bank of Wādī Qawqah valley. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07345 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of the garrison on the left bank of Wādī Qawqah valley, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07346 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Detail of a wall of the garrison on the left bank of Wādī Qawqah valley. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07347 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Garrison on the left bank of Wādī Qawqah valley. Part of fortification. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07348 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of the area and in the background the NW fortification wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07349 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Detail of the fortification wall, lateral view. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07350 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Garrison on Wādī Qawqah. Detail of one of the longitudinal dividing walls inside the complex, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07351 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of garrison on left bank of Wādī Qawqah valley. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07352 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of garrison on left bank of Wādī Qawqah valley, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07353 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Jambs of a door. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07354 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of House E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07355 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of House E, Unit 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07356 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Building G from the SW, detail of walls i and a. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07357 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of Building G. SE part of A. Geologist Vincenzo Francaviglia standing on wall b. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07358 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Building G, Western part of large room A, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07359 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Building G, Room A, detail from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07360 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Building G, Room A, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07361 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of Building G, Room A, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07362 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of Building G, Room A, detail from the eastern wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07363 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Building G, view of rooms NW of A. In the foreground top of wall d (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07364 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of Building G, Room A, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07365 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Base camp of the Italian-Yemeni Archaeological Mission, SE of the Building G. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07366 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): NE section of dam A, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07367 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Water containment wall viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07368 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): ): Water containment wall viewed from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07369 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): House C (?). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07370 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): House C from the NE. Marina Marini on the right. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07371 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Building on the rocks N of the containment wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07372 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): House on the rocks north of the wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07373 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): The site of Al-Ǧafnah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07374 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): The site of Al-Ǧafnah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07375 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): NE end of water containment wall, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07376 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): ): NE end of water containment wall, from the N (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07377 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): House E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07378 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): House E, Unit 1, viewed from the W, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07379 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): House E, Unit 1, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07380 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): House E, Unit 1, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07381 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): House E, Unit 1. Detail of elevation of the eastern wall of room D. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07382 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): House E, Unit 2, viewed from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07383 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of the structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07384 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): House E, Unit 2. Detail of layout of room B built on the bedrock. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07385 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): The entrance in A, in the Farm F. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07386 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of the Sabaean buildings. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07387 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of the Sabaean buildings. The House E on the right. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07388 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Farm F, entrance in A, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07389 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Farm F. In the background the House E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07390 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of the Farm F, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07391 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of the Farm F. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07392 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): NE sector of Farm F, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07394 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Farm F, entrance in A viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07395 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Farm F (?). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07396 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Islamic tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07410 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Building B. The southern sector of the complex viewed from the W. In the foreground is the room C. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07411 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of the valley and the Sabaean structures. On the left is the camp with the tents of the Italian Mission. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07412 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Building B. The southern sector of the complex viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07414 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Garrison on the left flank ofvWādī Qawqah. View of NW part of fortification (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07415 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Garrison on the left flank of Wādī Qawqah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07416 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Garrison on the left flank of Wādī Qawqah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07418 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Detail of a wall of the garrison. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07419 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): A squared tower of the garrison. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07420 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Detail of a squared tower of the garrison. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07421 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): A squared tower of the garrison. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07422 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): House C. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07423 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): House C. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07424 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): House C. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07425 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): House C. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07426 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): House C. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07427 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): THouse C. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFAn07428 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): The representative of the GOAM Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ and the geomorphologist Bruno Marcolongo. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFNm08996 | Al-Ğafnah: Archaeological map of the site (Scale 1:500) (V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFNm08997 | Al-Ğafnah: Sabaean structures, A – Plan (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti, V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFNm08999 | Al-Ğafnah: Sabaean House C (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti, V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFNm09000 | Al-Ğafnah: Sabaean Structures D (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti, V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFNm09001 | Al-Ğafnah: Sabaean Structures E (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti, V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2018GFNm09002 | Al-Ğafnah: Sabaean House F (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti, V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ġawlayn | غول السيفي | 1983 | 2018GHAn05983 | Al-Ġawlayn (GHA). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ġawlayn | غول السيفي | 1983 | 2018GHAn05984 | Al-Ġawlayn (GHA). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ġawlayn | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09221 | Pottery from Al-Ġawlayn (GHA), Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv), Ġawl As-Sayfi (GS) (41), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧīrid | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09226 | Pottery from Wādī an-Niǧād (NIG i, ii), Al-Ǧīrid (GRD i) (Y.87.2), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧīrid | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09227 | from PotteryAl-Ǧīrid (GRD i), Ǧabal Šayr (GSH ii), Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA ii, iii), Wādī Ramik (WRA i), Al-Maḫdarah (MKD) (Y.87.3), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥadā | الحداء | 1989 | 2018YEMm09042 | Al-Ḥadā Region, Yemen: Map with Archaeological Sites in Al-Ḥadā Region (V. Lavianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HAGm09064 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (HG i): Plan and Sections of the Structures, Site 1 (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti, V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HAGm09065 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (HG i): Plan and Sections of the Structures, Site 2 (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti, V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03826 | Al-Ḥaǧfah: View of Waraqah (in the background), near Al-Hagfah, from a gas station. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03827 | Al-Ḥaǧfah: Tornado in the Ḏamār plain, view from Al-Ḥaǧfah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03828 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): The pre-Islamic site. The two blocks are pertinent of a doorstep of a house. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03829 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): The pre-Islamic site. Detail of the two blocks of a doorstep. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03830 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): The huge blocks are pertaining to a house of the pre-Islamic period. In the background a corn field. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03831 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): View of a wall in the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03832 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): A view of the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03833 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): General view of the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03834 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): The pre-Islamic site. In the foreground is a block delimiting a doorstep of a house. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03835 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): The ancient site of pre-Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03836 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): View of stone blocks of the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03837 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): A wall of a pre-Islamic building. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03838 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): The two blocks are the bases of the door jambs. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03839 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): Base of a wall in the pre-Islamic site. In the background two mountains of volcanic origin are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03840 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): The two blocks delimit a doorstep of a house in the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03841 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): Rest of a wall in the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03842 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): View of a sector on a slope of the ancient site. On the left a corn field is visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03843 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): An agave plant is grown in an ancient wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03844 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): View of the Italian-Yemeni camp, from the pre-Islamic site of Al-Ḥaǧfah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03845 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): General view of remains of the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03846 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): Rest of pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03847 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): Mounds of stones in the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03848 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): Mounds of stones and a wall around a plain area in the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03849 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): Pre-Islamic site. View of mounds of stones all around a plain area. The site is used as a quarry to build new houses. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03850 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): Mounds of stones of the pre-Islamic site. The stones are of volcanic origin. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03851 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): Pre-Islamic site. View of a wall with squared basalt stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03852 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): Pre-Islamic site. Detail of a wall with squared basalt stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03853 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): General view of a sector of the ancient site. In the background, on the right, a volcanic mountain is visible (Ğabal Isbīl?). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03854 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): Mounds of stones around a plain area of the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03855 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): The stones are pertinent of ancient walls. On the right the archaeologists are working. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03856 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): In the background view of the hill where is the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03857 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): The ruins of the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03858 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): The ruins of the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03859 | Al-Ḥaǧfah Ḏamār region): View of probably ancient farmyards. In the background, cultivated fields are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGFn03860 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (Ḏamār region): In the background the ruins of pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | الحجفه | 1986 | 2018HGHp09121 | Al-Ḥaǧfah (HG i): Pottery HG i (4), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | خربة قاع سويد | 1986 | 2018KQSp09120 | Ḫarabah QāʿAswayd (KQS): Pottery KQS, HGi (3), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥaǧfah | فخار | 1986 | 2018POTp09066 | Pottery from Al-Ḥaǧfah (Hg i) and Barāqiš (BAR ii) (5) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05565 | Al-Haṭamah: Squared stone block of pre-Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05566 | Al-Haṭamah: General view of the ruins of the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05567 | Al-Haṭamah: General view of the ruins of the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05568 | Al-Haṭamah: Modern house built with re-employed stones of the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05569 | Al-Haṭamah: Fragments of Himyarite pottery. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05570 | Al-Haṭamah: A cistern; the inner wall is coated with qaḍāḍ (mortar). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05571 | Al-Haṭamah: A corner of a building of the pre-Islamic period. Two rows of well-cutted stones are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05572 | Al-Haṭamah: Pre-Islamic building with a modern wall on top. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05573 | Al-Haṭamah: Disarranged stones of the Mimyarite site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05574 | Al-Haṭamah: Modern houses built reusing stones of the ancient Himyarite site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05575 | Al-Haṭamah: A view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05720 | Al-Haṭamah: Fragments of a rim and a perforated vertical handle of terracotta container. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05721 | Al-Haṭamah: Fragments of a rim and a perforated vertical handle of terracotta container (inner side). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05722 | Al-Haṭamah: Fragments of rims of terracotta container. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05723 | Al-Haṭamah: Fragments of rims of terracotta container (inner side). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05724 | Al-Haṭamah: Fragment of a decorated jar. Impressed, incised and applied decoration. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05725 | Al-Haṭamah: Fragment of a decorated jar. Impressed, incised and applied decoration (inner side). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05726 | Al-Haṭamah: Decorated rims of jars. Himyarite period. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05727 | Al-Haṭamah: Decorated rims of jars. Himyarite period (inner side). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05728 | Al-Haṭamah: Two decorated potsherds. Himyarite period. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2018HATn05729 | Al-Haṭamah: Two decorated potsherds (inner side). Himyarite period. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1985 | 2018HATp09078 | Al-Haṭamah (HAT): Pottery HAT, WY i (B2.5) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1985 | 2018HATp09079 | Al-Haṭamah (HAT): Pottery HAT (B2.4) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḫubaiqah | الخبيقة | 1983 | 2018KHUn06205 | Al-Ḫubaiqah (KHU): Outside view of structure A. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḫubaiqah | الخبيقة | 1983 | 2018KHUn06206 | Al-Ḫubaiqah (KHU): Outside view of structure B. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḫubaiqah | الخبيقة | 1983 | 2018KHUn06207 | Al-Ḫubaiqah (KHU): View of structure C. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥuṣn | الحصن | 1983 | 2018HUSn06239 | Al-Ḥuṣn: The castle, viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥuṣn | الحصن | 1983 | 2018HUSn06240 | Al-Ḥuṣn: The castle, viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥuṣn | الحصن | 1983 | 2018HUSn06241 | Al-Ḥuṣn: The castle, viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḥuṣn | الحصن | 1983 | 2018HUSn06242 | Al-Ḥuṣn: The castle, viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Lana | اللانه | 1986 | 2018LANn04226 | Al-Lana: The village of Al-Lana, in the Ḏamār region. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Lana | اللانه | 1986 | 2018LANn04227 | Al-Lana: The village of Al-Lana, in the Ḏamār region. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Lana | اللانه | 1986 | 2018LANn04228 | Al-Lana: The village of Al-Lana, in the Ḏamār region. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Lizīm | الزيزم | 1985 | 2018LZMn07279 | Al-Lizīm (LZ): Ancient structure cut by the track. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Lizīm | الزيزم | 1985 | 2018LZMn07280 | Al-Lizīm (LZ): Ancient round structure, probably a tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Lizīm | الزيزم | 1985 | 2018LZMn07281 | Al-Lizīm (LZ): Alignment of stones of an ancient structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Lizīm | الزيزم | 1985 | 2018LZMn07282 | Al-Lizīm (LZ): Rest of an ancient structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ma'allak | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09240 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB vii), Al-Ma'allak (MAA ii, v), Ar-Raqlah (RAQ): Pottery NAB vii, MAAii, MAAv, RAQ (85.B2.8), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ma'allak | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09241 | Pottery from Al-Ma'allak (MAA ii), Al-Masannah (MAS i), Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah (GA i): Pottery MAA ii, MAS i, GA i (85.B2.9), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ma'allak | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09241 | Pottery from Al-Ma'allak (MAA ii), Al-Masannah (MAS i), Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah (GA i): Pottery MAA ii, MAS i, GA i (85.B2.9), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDm09052 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD i): Distribution of the Turret tombs in Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ), Site 1 (Scale 1:1000) (V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDm09053 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Distribution of the Turret tombs in Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ), Site 2 (Scale 1:1000) (V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDm09054 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Distribution of the Turret tombs in Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ), Site 3(Scale 1:1000) (V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03593 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The necropolis of Al-Maḫdarah and the remains of a turret tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03594 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The necropolis of Al-Maḫdarah and Angela Luppino, a student at the University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03595 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The necropolis of Al-Maḫdarah and the ruins of a funerary chamber of a turret tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03596 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The necropolis of Al-Maḫdarah and some huge slabs of a funerary chamber of a turret tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03597 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The necropolis of Al-Maḫdarah and the turret tomb T5, from the W. On the left E. de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03598 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): General view of the necropolis, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03599 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): General view of the necropolis, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03600 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Thw necropolis of Al-Maḫdarah and Tomb T5, from the W. On the left the archaeologist Fiorella Rispoli. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03601 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): View of some tombs of the necropolis, from the NW. On the background (right) the Hill A. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03602 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): View of turret tombs of the Al-Maḫdarah necropolis, from the N-NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03603 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): View of Al-Maḫdarah necropolis, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03604 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The necropolis of Al-Maḫdarah and a view of the turret tombs T1, T3, T4 (on the right). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03617 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The turret tombs of the necropolis. On the right, the tomb T2. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03618 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The turret tombs of the necropolis. From the left: T2, T14, T15, T15A, T16, T17. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03619 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): General view of the turret tombs of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03620 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The turret tombs of the necropolis. On the right the tomb T2. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03621 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): General view of the turret tombs of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03622 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The turret tombs of the necropolis. The tomb T2. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03623 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The turret tombs of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03624 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The turret tombs of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03625 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T17 of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03626 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The necropolis. On the left the turret tomb T17. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03628 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The necropolis. Tomb T15, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03629 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The necropolis. Tomb T15, detail of the entrance and roof, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03630 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The necropolis. Tomb T15, detail of the funerary chamber and roof, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03631 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of Al-Maḫdarah necropolis, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03632 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of Al-Maḫdarah necropolis, from the Hill A. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03633 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of Al-Maḫdarah turret tombs necropolis, from Hill A. On the right the architect Vincenzo Labianca and the topographer Mario Mascellani. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03634 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of Al-Maḫdarah necropolis, from the Hill A. On the right the topographer Mario Mascellani and the architect Vincenzo Labianca. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03635 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of Al-Maḫdarah necropolis, from Hill A (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03636 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ. View of the paved section. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03637 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The ancient paved road to Ṣirwāḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03639 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of the large paving stones of the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03640 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The large stones of the paved road to Ṣirwāḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03641 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): E. de Maigret and two local Yemenis on the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn03642 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Two local people. On the background the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04019 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): A turret tomb of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04020 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Ruin of the turret tomb T1. The entrance on the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04021 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): On the right is the turret tomb T1 and, behind, turret tomb T3. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04022 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Ruin of the turret tomb T1, from the NE. On the background the turret tomb T5. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04023 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The turret tomb T2, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04024 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The turret tomb T2, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04025 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The turret tomb T2, from the SE. On the left (background) the tomb T1. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04026 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Ruin of a turret tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04027 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The necropolis and, on the left, a tent of the Italian-Yemeni Archaeological Mission. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04028 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The turret tomb T3, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04029 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): View of some tombs, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04030 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The necropolis of Al-Maḫdarah. A turret tomb with three walls arranged radially, on the right. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04031 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD i): The ruins of a turret tomb and the inner wall of the funerary chamber, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04032 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD i): The necropolis. In this view of two tombs, a more advanced level of degradation is visible in the left one, where only the internal curtain of the burial chamber is preserved. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04033 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD i): A turret tomb of the necropolis, detail of the two walls; the inner one is the burial chamber. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04034 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD i): View of three turret tombs in the site of Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04035 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD i): A turret tombs with remains of wall-rays in the Al-Maḫdarah necropolis. The entrance is on the west side. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04036 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD i): The east side of a tomb in the necropolis of Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04037 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD i): The eastern side of the turret tomb T5 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04038 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The tomb T5, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04039 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The tomb T5 with two walls radially arranged, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04040 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The tomb T5 with two walls radially arranged, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04041 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): A turret tomb in the site of Al-Maḫdarah necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04042 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): View of two tombs with walls radially arranged. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04043 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Turret tombs of the Al-Maḫdarah necropolis.(©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04044 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): View of turret tombs of the Al-Maḫdarah necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04045 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Turret tombs of the Al-Maḫdarah necropolis. In the foreground the remains of a wall/ray. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04046 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Two turret tombs of the Al-Maḫdarah necropolis, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04047 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): General view of the Al-Maḫdarah necropolis. On the right the inner (burial chamber) and outer walls of a tomb are visible. In the background are the tents of the Italian Archaeological Mission. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04079 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): A turret tomb, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04080 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): A turret tomb, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04081 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): A turret tomb, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04082 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): A turret tomb, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04083 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): A turret tomb, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04084 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): A turret tomb, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04085 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Two rays of a turret tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04086 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): A complete turret tomb, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04087 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): A turret tomb with two walls/rays. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04088 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13 during excavation, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04089 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13, Level 1 burial with the alabaster grinder Y.86.MKD.T13/7. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04090 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13, Level 1 burial. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04091 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13, disarticulated bones piled up against the NE wall of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04092 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13, Level 1 burial. Detail of a Skeleton A. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04093 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13, Level 1 burial. In the middle rest of burnt. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04094 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13, detail of the center of burial chamber showing the hard dark soil. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04095 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13, the complete Skeleton A, just before the entrance of the turret tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04096 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): A turret tomb, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04097 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13, Level 1 (from the entrance on the West side). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04098 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13, Level 1 with disarticulated human bones and an alabaster grinder. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04099 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13, Level 1 with disarticulated bones piled up against the NE wall of the funeral chamber. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04100 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13, Level 1, detail of the bones piled up against the NE inner wall of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04101 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13, during the excavation (from outside, west). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04102 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13 during excavation (from outside). Two rays, composed by short walls, are visible on both right and left. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04103 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13, the entrance of the tomb (from West). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04104 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13, detail of the entrance. Two curtains of both inner and outer walls of the tomb are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04105 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13. NE side of the tomb, with Yemeni representative of GOAM. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04106 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tomb T13, detail of the entrance with the slabs of the ceiling. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04704 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The necropolis of Al-Maḫdarah. The camp of the Italian-Yemeni Archaeological Mission. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04705 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): General view of the Al-Maḫdarah necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04706 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The turret tomb T13, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04707 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The turret tomb T13, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04708 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The turret tomb T13, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04709 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The turret tomb T13, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04710 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The turret tomb T13, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04711 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The turret tomb T13, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04712 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The turret tomb T13, the opening and the burial chamber, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04713 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The turret tomb T15, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04714 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The turret tomb T15, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04715 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The entrance of the turret tomb T15, detail from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04716 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The slab of the roof of the turret tomb T15, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04717 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The opening of the turret tomb T15, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04718 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The opening of the turret tomb T15, from inside. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04719 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The turret tomb T15 beside the 'ray' of tomb T15A (on the right), from the S. In the background is the tomb T13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04720 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The 'ray' of the turret tomb T24, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04721 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The 'ray' of the tomb T22. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04722 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Detail of end of 'ray' of tomb T22, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04723 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb T13, level 1 burial, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04724 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb T13, level 1 burial, from the W. The skeleton is partially covered by two stone blocks fallen from the ceiling of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04725 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb T13, pavement La, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04726 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb T13, pavement La, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn04727 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb T13, pavement La, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07954 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Bronze rod (Y.86.MKD.T13/4), found in the turret tomb 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07955 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Bronze rod (Y.86.MKD.T13/4), found in the tomb 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07956 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Bronze buckle (Y.86.MKD.T13/5) and bronze wire (Y.86.MKD.T13/6), found in the tomb 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07957 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Necklace (Y.86.MKD.T13/1), found in the tomb 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07958 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Necklace (Y.86.MKD.T13/1), found in the tomb 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07959 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Detail of disk pendant made of sea shell (Y.86.MKD.T13/1), found in the tomb 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07960 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Grave goods of T13; carnelian bracelet (Y.86.MKD.T13/3), bronze rod (Y.86.MKD.T13/4), sea shell finger ring (Y.86.MKD.T13/2), alabaster grinder (Y.86.MKD.T13/7), pink granite mortar (Y.86.MKD.T13/8), and Necklace (Y.86.MKD.T13/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07961 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Grave goods of T13; carnelian bracelet (Y.86.MKD.T13/3), bronze rod (Y.86.MKD.T13/4), sea shell finger ring (Y.86.MKD.T13/2), alabaster grinder (Y.86.MKD.T13/7), pink granite mortar (Y.86.MKD.T13/8), and Necklace (Y.86.MKD.T13/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07962 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Grave goods of T13; carnelian bracelet (Y.86.MKD.T13/3), bronze rod (Y.86.MKD.T13/4), sea shell finger ring (Y.86.MKD.T13/2), alabaster grinder (Y.86.MKD.T13/7), pink granite mortar (Y.86.MKD.T13/8), and Necklace (Y.86.MKD.T13/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07963 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Iron KN ife blade (Y.86.MKD.T5/2), found in the turret tomb 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07964 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Alabaster grinder (Y.86.MKD.T13/7), found in the tomb 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07965 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Alabaster grinder (Y.86.MKD.T13/7), found in the tomb 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07966 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Detail of the coral from the necklace (Y.86.MKD.T13/1), found in the tomb 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07967 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Carnelian bracelet (Y.86.MKD.T13/3), found in the tomb 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07968 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Pink granite mortar (Y.86.MKD.T13/8), found in the tomb 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07969 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Pink granite mortar (Y.86.MKD.T13/8), found in the tomb 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07970 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Sea shell finger ring (Y.86.MKD.T13/2), found in the turret tomb 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07971 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Sea shell finger ring (Y.86.MKD.T13/2), found in the turret tomb 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07972 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Detail of disk pendant (back side) made of sea shell (Y.86.MKD.T13/1), found in the tomb 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07973 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Detail of cylindrical carnelian of the necklace Y.86.MKD.T13/1, found in the tomb 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07974 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Detail of beads, one of which in gold, and shell of the necklace Y.86.MKD.T13/1, found in the tomb 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07975 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Bronze sheet (Y.86.MKD.T15/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07976 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Iron KN ife with bone handle (Y.86.MKD.T5/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07977 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Iron KN ife with bone handle (Y.86.MKD.T5/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07978 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Grave goods of T13; carnelian bracelet (Y.86.MKD.T13/3), bronze rod (Y.86.MKD.T13/4), sea shell finger ring (Y.86.MKD.T13/2), alabaster grinder (Y.86.MKD.T13/7), pink granite mortar (Y.86.MKD.T13/8), and Necklace (Y.86.MKD.T13/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07979 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Grave goods of T13; carnelian bracelet (Y.86.MKD.T13/3), bronze rod (Y.86.MKD.T13/4), sea shell finger ring (Y.86.MKD.T13/2), alabaster grinder (Y.86.MKD.T13/7), pink granite mortar (Y.86.MKD.T13/8), and Necklace (Y.86.MKD.T13/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07980 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of the turret tombs of Al-Maḫdarah necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07981 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Disarticulated bones piled up against the NE wall of the tomb T13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07982 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Disarticulated bones piled up against the NE wall of the tomb T13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07983 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Disarticulated bones piled up against the NE wall of the tomb T13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07984 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Disarticulated bones piled up against the NE wall of the tomb T13, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07985 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Disarticulated bones piled up against the NE wall of the tomb T13, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07986 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Disarticulated bones piled up against the NE wall of the tomb T13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07987 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Disarticulated bones piled up against the NE wall of the tomb T13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07988 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Disarticulated bones piled up against the NE wall of the tomb T13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07989 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Detail of the human bones in the tomb T13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07990 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Detail of the human bones in the tomb T13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07991 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of the entrance of the tomb T13, from the inside. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07992 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Detail of the external wall of the tomb T13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07993 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of the necropolis from the tomb T13 (inside). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2018MKDn07994 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of the necropolis from the tomb T13 (inside). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08077 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb T13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08078 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb T13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08079 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T9. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08080 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T9. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08081 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T9. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08082 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T9. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08083 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb T13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08084 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb T13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08085 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T9. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08086 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T9. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08087 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb T13, fabric from level 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08088 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb T13, fabric from level 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08089 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb T13, fabric from level 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08090 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb T13, fabric from level 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08091 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T9. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08092 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T9. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08093 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T9. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08094 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T9, paved La. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08095 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T9, paved La. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08096 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T9, the base floor (Lb). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08097 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T9, the base floor (Lb). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08098 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08099 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tombs from the south area of the site, in the foreground tomb T44, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08100 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tombs T9, T8 and T7, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08101 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tombs T8 and T9, base camp, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08102 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tombs T7 and T6, base camp, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08103 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T9. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08104 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tombs T44, T10 and T11, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08105 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Radius tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08106 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08107 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tombs T11, T12, T9, T8, T7 and T6, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08108 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08109 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08110 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tombs, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08111 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08113 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08114 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb T13, the floor of the burial chamber is made up of large, loose stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08115 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD i): The floor of the tomb T13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08116 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44 before excavation, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08117 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44 before the excavation, from the W. The archaeologist S. Antonini. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08118 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The collapsed roof of the tomb T44 viewed before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08119 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The collapsed roof of the tomb T44 viewed before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08120 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The collapsed roof of the tomb T44 viewed before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08121 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Bird's eye view of the tomb T44. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08122 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Bird's eye view of the tomb T44. The huge flat slab of the roof is missing or collapsed. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08123 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Detail of the upper part of Tomb T44. The roof is collapsed. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08124 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44, human bones (jaw and skull) laid against the wall at E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08125 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44, human bones (jaw and skull) laid against the wall at E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08126 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): T44. The excavated tomb, viewed from the collapsed roof. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08127 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44. General view of the paved floor (viewed from the collapsed roof). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08128 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44. General view of the paved floor (viewed from above). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08129 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44. General view of fragments of human bones on paved floor (viewed from above). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08130 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44; view of the bottom of the burial chamber covered by flat slabs. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08131 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44; the bottom of the burial chamber is covered by flat slabs (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08132 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Human bones on the floor of Tomb T44, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08133 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Human bones on the floor of Tomb T44, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08134 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44. Detail of the fragments of human bones laid on the western part of the floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08135 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44. Fragments of human bones laid on a level rubble floor, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08136 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T44. Fragments of human bones laid on a level rubble floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08137 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Frontal view of the tomb T4. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08138 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T4, level 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08139 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Other tombs viewed from Tomb T4. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08140 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The inside of Tomb T4, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08141 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD i): Tomb T1. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08142 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD i): Tomb T1. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08143 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD i): Tombs T1 in the center and T14 in the foreground (on background, tomb T15). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08144 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T4, level 1. Fragments of human bones found in the sand layer sealed by paved floor La. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08145 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T4, level 1. Fragments of human bones found in the sand layer sealed by paved floor La. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08146 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T4, level 1, detail of the floor La with flat slabs. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08147 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tomb T4, level 1, detail of paved floor La. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08200 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. Official of GOAM Muḥammad Asbaḥī. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08201 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the slope of Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. Architect V. Labianca and topographer M. Mascellani. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08202 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): View of the terrace work of the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the slope of Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. Architect V. Labianca. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08203 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. A. de Maigret and V. Labianca. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08204 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08205 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): General view of the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08206 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08207 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Substructure stones of the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08208 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Tombs, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08209 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): View of the necropolis MKD iii, from the W. The Italian camp is between tombs T3, T4 and T5. On the right, the tombs of MKD ii. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08210 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Overview of the necropolis from the W. The Italian camp is between tombs T3, T4 and T5. On the right, the tombs of MKD ii. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08211 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tombs, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08212 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tombs, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08213 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The turret tombs, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08214 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The tombs, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08215 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Overview of the area from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08216 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The turret tombs with rays, from the W. In the foregroung T5. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08217 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Zoom of the Archeological Mission camp, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08218 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Overview of the tombs and alignments of rays towards the N, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08219 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Zoom on tombs with rays aligned towards the N, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08220 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of the tombs and the alignments of rays towards the N, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08221 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Genral view of the landscape, from the mountain at the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08222 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb 1, view of the bottom level. The base of the burial chamber is cutout of bedrock. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08223 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb T1, view of the bottom level. The floor of the burial chamber is constituted by natural rock. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08224 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb T1. Detail of the burial chamber floor, cutout of bedrock. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08225 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Tomb T1. View of the roof slab, from the inside of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08226 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of some turret tombs. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08227 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of some turret tombs. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08228 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of the tomb T16. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08229 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of a turret tomb and rays. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08230 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Remains of an archaic tomb in the southwestern limit of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08231 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Remains of an archaic tomb in the southwestern limit of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08232 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of an archaic tomb in the southwestern boundary of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08233 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): Rest of a tomb in the southwestern boundary of the necropolis. Only the inner slabs of the funerary chamber are preserved. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08234 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): General view of the necropolis. In the foreground few remains of an archaic turret tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08235 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ. Official of GOAM, Muḥammad Asbaḥī. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08236 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ. Official of GOAM, Muḥammad Asbaḥī. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08237 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): View of the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ, from above. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08238 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Overview of the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ, from above. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08239 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): View of a stretch of the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ, from above. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08240 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ, and Muḥammad Asbaḥī, official of GOAM. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08241 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ, and Muḥammad Asbaḥī, official of GOAM. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2018MKDn08242 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Lateral view of the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09227 | from PotteryAl-Ǧīrid (GRD i), Ǧabal Šayr (GSH ii), Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA ii, iii), Wādī Ramik (WRA i), Al-Maḫdarah (MKD) (Y.87.3), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
al-Manqaz | مدينة الأهجر | 1987 | 2018MADp09132 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery MA, MNQ (4), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masaǧid | المساجد | 1989-1990 | 2018MAGn01682 | Al-Masaǧid: View of a wall of the temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Masaǧid | المساجد | 1989-1990 | 2018MAGn01683 | Al-Masaǧid: Detail of a wall of the temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Masaǧid | المساجد | 1989-1990 | 2018MAGn01684 | Al-Masaǧid: View of a wall of the temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05768 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): View towards the Ğabal Ḥamrāʿ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05769 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): The archeological survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05770 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): The archeological survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05771 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): The archeological survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05772 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): The archeological survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05773 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): The archeological survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05774 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): A general view of the area. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05775 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Shepherds from Qariat aẓ-Ẓayq. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05793 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Archaeological sounding A. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05794 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Archaeological sounding A, level with few stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05795 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Archaeological sounding A, final level with stones and slabs. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05796 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Archaeological sounding A, final level with stones and slabs. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05797 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Archaeological sounding A, final level with stones and slabs. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05798 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Area of the sounding B, before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05799 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Area of the sounding B, before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05821 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Archaeological sounding B (at the end of the excavation), from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05822 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Archaeological sounding B (at the end of the excavation), from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05823 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Archaeological sounding B (at the end of the excavation), from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05824 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Archaeological sounding B (at the end of the excavation), from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn05825 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): The stratigraphical section of archaeological sounding B, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn06379 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Sounding B. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn06380 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Sounding B. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn06381 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Sounding B. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn06382 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Sounding B. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MANn06383 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Sounding B. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1984 | 2018MASm09028 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Distribution of Neolithic sites of Al-Masannah (MASi-iv), (Scale 1: 10.000). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASm09038 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Al-Masannah, Unit 1: Plan and Sections of Pit 1 (Scale 1:10) (P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASm09039 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Al-Masannah, Unit 1: Sondage A (Scale 1:10) (P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05761 | Al-Masannah (MAS iii-iv): Towards the Ğabal Ḥamrāʿ and MASi. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05762 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): View of the site, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05763 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): View of the site, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05764 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Pit 1 in the lower part of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05765 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Round locus in the lower par of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05766 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Lower part, structures on the South; on the East side the area choosed for the archaeological sounding. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05767 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): The lower part of the site from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05776 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): View from the Ğabal Ḥamrāʿ towards Ğabal Kanīn. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05826 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Structure built on the terrace (Ab). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05827 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Bird's nest under a rock among the structures built on the terrace. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05828 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Structures on the terrace (A). Northern limit of the huge stones circle in A, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05829 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Structures on the terrace: Area A, locus a, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05830 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Structures on the terrace: Area A, a locus and the pit d, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05831 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Structures of the lower part of the site, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05832 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Structures of the terrace. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05833 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Area of the archaeological sounding, with the annexes (loci). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05834 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): The sandstones terrace that supports the upper part of the site, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05835 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Structures in the lower part of the site, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05836 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Structures in the lower part of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05837 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Structures in the lower part of the site, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05838 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): General view from the sandstone terrace in which there is the upper part of the site, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05839 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): A locus in the lower part of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05840 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): A locus in the lower part of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05841 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): The lower part of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05842 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Extension toward W of structures in the lower part of the site, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05843 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): General view of loci in the lower part of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05844 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Collection of points of interest in front of a structure in the lower part of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05851 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Sounding 1 before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05852 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Sounding in the little square (S3). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05853 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Sounding in the little square (S3, south part). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05857 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Sounding in the little square S2 and a fire pit. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05858 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Sounding in the little square S2/3 and a fire pit. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05859 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Sounding in the little square (S2). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05860 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Sounding in the little square (S2), south limit of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05861 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Sounding in the little square (Liv. I), toward S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05862 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Sounding in the little square (Liv. I), from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05863 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Sounding in the little square (Liv. IA), from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05864 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Sounding in the little square (Liv. IA), from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05865 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): A grinding stone and a handstone found in the archaeological sounding. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05866 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): A grinding stone and a handstone from the archaeological sounding. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05867 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Deatail of the grinding stone from the sounding. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05870 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Fire pit 1, before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05871 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Sounding near the fire pit, from the S (lev. IA). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05872 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Sounding near the fire pit, from the S (lev. IA). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05873 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Fire pit 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05874 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Fire pit 1, following the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05875 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Fire pit 1, following the excavation (- 0.70 cm). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05876 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Fire pit 1, following the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05878 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): The sounding following the excavation, from the S (lev. 2). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05879 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Fire pit 1 following the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05880 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Fire pit 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05881 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Fire pit 1, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05882 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Fire pit 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05883 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): The sounding (lev. 2A), following the excavation, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05884 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Sounding following the excavation, from the S (lev. 2A). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05894 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Fire pit 2, following the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05895 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Fire pit 2 following the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05896 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Fire pit 2 following the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05897 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Fire pit 2, detail of a ovine jaw. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05898 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05899 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05900 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05902 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05903 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05904 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Stratigraphical section of sounding I. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05905 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Stratigraphical section of sounding I. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05906 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Side N of sounding I. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05907 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Side N of sounding I. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05908 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Side S of sounding I. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05909 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Side S of sounding I. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05910 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Stratigraphical section W of sounding I. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05911 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Stratigraphical section W of sounding I. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05912 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Sounding I following the excavation, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05913 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Sounding I following the excavation, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05914 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Excavation in a locus, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05915 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Excavation in a locus, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05916 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Excavation in a locus, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05917 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): View of Pit 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05918 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Pit 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05924 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Pit 2, following the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn05925 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): General view of the excavated locus, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASn08391 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Grinding stone or handstone. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASp09312 | Al-Masannah (MAS iv): Neolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 69), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASp09313 | Al-Masannah (MAS iv): Neolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 70), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASp09314 | Al-Masannah (MAS i): Neolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 71), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASp09315 | Al-Masannah (MAS iii): Neolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 72), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASp09316 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Neolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 73), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASp09317 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Neolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 75), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASp09318 | Al-Masannah (MAS ii): Neolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 81), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASp09319 | Al-Masannah (MAS iii): Neolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 82), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASp09320 | Al-Masannah (MAS iii): Neolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 86), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MASp09321 | Al-Masannah (MAS iii): Neolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 87), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MNAn06278 | Al-Masannah (MAS iv): General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2018MNAn06279 | Al-Masannah (MAS iv): The Italian-Yemeni team. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09241 | Pottery from Al-Ma'allak (MAA ii), Al-Masannah (MAS i), Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah (GA i): Pottery MAA ii, MAS i, GA i (85.B2.9), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09241 | Pottery from Al-Ma'allak (MAA ii), Al-Masannah (MAS i), Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah (GA i): Pottery MAA ii, MAS i, GA i (85.B2.9), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2018MSAn07245 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Site with tombs and obsidians on the left bank of the Wādī al-Madan. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2018MSAn07246 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Site with rests of tombs and obsidians on the left bank of the Wādī al-Madan. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2018MSAn07247 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Squared blocks of pre-Islamic origin, on the left bank of the Wādī al-Mada. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2018MSAn07248 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Village of Šaraz. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2018MSAn07317 | Al-Maswah (MS i): South Arabian site on the left bank of the Wādī al-Madan. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2018MSAn07318 | Al-Maswah (MS i): South Arabian site with tombs and obsidians on the left bank of the Wādī al-Madan. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2018MSAn07319 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Ruins of South Arabian origin on the left bank of the Wādī al-Madan. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Mayanīt | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09236 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i), Al-Mayanīt (MAY): Pottery WY i, MAY (85.B2.1), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maʿallak | المعلك | 1983 | 2018MALn08387 | Al-Maʿallak (MAA ii): Stone circle, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maʿallak | المعلك | 1983 | 2018MALn08388 | Al-Maʿallak (MAA ii): The village of Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah photographed from Al-Maʿallak. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maʿallak | المعلك | 1983 | 2018MALn08389 | Al-Maʿallak (MAA ii): Stone circle, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maʿallak | المعلك | 1983 | 2018MALn08390 | Al-Maʿallak (MAA ii): The W part of the stone circle, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maʿallak | المعلك | 1983 | 2018MLKn08392 | Al-Maʿallak (MAA iv): General view of a structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maʿallak | المعلك | 1983 | 2018MLLn08393 | Al-Maʿallak (MAA iii): General view of the site, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maʿallak | المعلك | 1983 | 2018MLLn08394 | Al-Maʿallak (MAA iii): General view of the structure, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maʿallak | فخار | 1985 | 2018POTp09124 | Pottery from: A (?), M i, M ii, MA, A ii (?), NAB iiI (B2.15), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05961 | Al-Quray (QU i): Alessandro de Maigret, Francesco Di Mario and Michael Jung. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05962 | Al-Quray (QU i): Sandstone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05963 | Al-Quray (QU i): Sandstone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05964 | Al-Quray (QU i): Sandstone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05965 | Al-Quray (QU i): Sandstone quarry. In the background is Ğabal al-Hammah al-Ğunubiyah (Banī Zaydān); on the right Ğabal al-Hammah al-Šimaliyah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05966 | Al-Quray (QU i): Natural sandstone slabs. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05967 | Al-Quray (QU i): Modern sandstone quarry. In the background Ğabal al-Hammah al-Šimaliyah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05968 | Al-Quray (QU i): Sandstone quarry, towards the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05969 | Al-Quray (QU i): Sandstone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05970 | Al-Quray (QU i): Sandstone quarry. | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05971 | Al-Quray (QU i): Sandstone quarry. In the background the villages (starting from the left): Al-Qariyah, Al-Ḥusn. Al-Mahdī. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05972 | Al-Quray (QU i): Sandstone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05973 | Al-Quray (QU i): Sandstone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05974 | Al-Quray (QU i): Sandstone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05975 | Al-Quray (QU i): Sandstone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05976 | Al-Quray (QU i): Sandstone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05977 | Al-Quray (QU i): Sandstone quarry. In the background the Ğabal al-Hammah al-Šimaliyah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05978 | Al-Quray (QU i): Sandstone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn05987 | Al-Quray (QU i): Sandstone quarry on the Eastern side of Al-Mahdī village. Worked cubic block. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06312 | Al-Quray (QU i): Stone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06313 | Al-Quray (QU i): Stone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06314 | Al-Quray (QU i): Stone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06315 | Al-Quray (QU i): Stone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06316 | Al-Quray (QU i): Stone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06317 | Al-Quray (QU i): Stone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06318 | Al-Quray (QU i): Stone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06319 | Al-Quray (QU i): Stone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06320 | Al-Quray (QU i): Modern sandstone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06321 | Al-Quray (QU i): General view of the Al-Quary Al ʿAla and Al Quary Al-Asfa plains. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06322 | Al-Quray (QU i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06323 | Al-Quray (QU i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06324 | Al-Quray (QU i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06325 | Al-Quray (QU i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06326 | Al-Quray (QU i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06327 | Al-Quray (QU i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06328 | Al-Quray (QU i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06329 | Al-Quray (QU i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06330 | Al-Quray (QU i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06331 | Al-Quray (QU i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06332 | Al-Quray (QU i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06333 | Al-Quray (QU i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06334 | Al-Quray (QU i): Wall of a structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06335 | Al-Quray (QU i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06336 | Al-Quray (QU i): Landscape and stone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06337 | Al-Quray (QU ii): Cars in the landscape and the stone quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06338 | Al-Quray (QU ii): View of the Wādī. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06339 | Al-Quray (QU ii): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06340 | Al-Quray (QU ii): View of the Wādī. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06341 | Al-Quray (QU ii): General view of the landscape. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06342 | Al-Quray (QU ii): General view of the landscape. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06343 | Al-Quray (QU ii): General view of the plateau. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06344 | Al-Quray (QU ii): View of the site. The archaeologist Francesco Di Mario. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06345 | Al-Quray (QU ii): View of some stones alignements. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06346 | Al-Quray (QU ii): View of some stones alignements. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06347 | Al-Quray (QU ii): View of some huge blocks in the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06348 | Al-Quray (QU ii): View of stones alignements. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06349 | Al-Quray (QU ii): View of some structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06350 | Al-Quray (QU ii): The Architect Patrizia Berardi. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06351 | Al-Quray (QU ii): A stone with graffiti (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06352 | Al-Quray (QU ii): Local people. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06353 | Al-Quray (QU ii): The Italian camp and Architect Patrizia Berardi. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2018QUAn06354 | Al-Quray (QU ii): A tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2018RAQm09017 | Al-Raqlah (RAQ): General Plan, sections (Scale 1:200) (V. Labianca, D. Picchi, P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Wāṣṭah | الواسطة | 1986 | 2018WASm08957 | Al-Wāṣṭah: Plan and elevation of the dam (Scale 1:100), Zone A, Pl. 5 (E. Gatti - V. Labianca - M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Wāṣṭah | الواسطة | 1986 | 2018WASm08958 | Al-Wāṣṭah: General plan of the dam (Scale 1:20), Zone A, Pl. 4 (E. Gatti - V. Labianca - M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Wāṣṭah | الواسطة | 1986 | 2018WASm08959 | Al-Wāṣṭah: Section of the dam (Scale 1:100), Zone A, Pl. 7 (E. Gatti - V. Labianca - M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Wāṣṭah | الواسطة | 1986 | 2018WASm08960 | Al-Wāṣṭah: General plan of the dam and the surrounding area, Zone A, Pl. 6 (E. Gatti - V. Labianca - M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-ʿUruš | العروش | 1981 | 2018URUn05668 | Al-ʿUruš (UR): Site H, lithic tolls. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-ʿUruš | العروش | 1981 | 2018URUn05669 | Al-ʿUruš (UR): Site H, lithic tools (©MAIRY) | |
Al-ʿUruš | العروش | 1981 | 2018URUn05670 | Al-ʿUruš (UR): Site H, lithic tools. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-ʿUruš | العروش | 1981 | 2018URUn05671 | Al-ʿUruš (UR): Site H, lithic tools. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-ʿUruš | العروش | 1981 | 2018URUn05702 | Al-ʿUruš (UR): Islamic pottery found in the Site G. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-ʿUruš | العروش | 1981 | 2018URUn05703 | Al-ʿUruš (UR): Potsherds of the Islamic period, Site G. (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2018NABm09011 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB vii): Topographical Map (Scale 1:200) (V. Labianca, D. Picchi, P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2018NABm09012 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB vii): General Plan (Scale 1:50) (V. Labianca, D. Picchi, P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2018NABm09013 | An-Naǧid al-Abyad (NAB vii): Plan and Stratigraphic Sections (Scale 1:10) (V. Labianca, D. Picchi, P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2018NABp09181 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB vii): Pottery NAB vii (1), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2018NABp09182 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB vii): Pottery NAB vii, WY i, KHA ii (2), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | فخار | 1985 | 2018POTp09124 | Pottery from: A (?), M i, M ii, MA, A ii (?), NAB iiI (B2.15), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09187 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB vii), Ḫašrān (KHA i), Wādī Hawrah (HAW ii) (7), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09188 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB vii) and from Ġiris (GIR ii) (8), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09195 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY) and An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB ii) (15), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | فخار | 1983-1984 | 2018POTp09202 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i), An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB ii), Ḫašrān (KHA ii) (22), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | وادي يناعم/وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2018POTp09207 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Pottery WTH v, NAB ii (27), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09208 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB ii)/Wādī Hawrah (HAW i): Pottery HAW i, NAB ii (28), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09219 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i), An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB ix), Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH), Wādī Hawrah (HAW iii) (39), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09220 | Pottery from Ḫašrān (KHA i), An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB ix), Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH), Wādī Hawrah (HAW iii) (40), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09225 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB i, viii), Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH ii, iv), Wādī an-Niǧād (NIG ii) (Y.87.1), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09239 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB vi), Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), Ḥağbah (HAG) (85.B2.7), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09240 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB vii), Al-Ma'allak (MAA ii, v), Ar-Raqlah (RAQ): Pottery NAB vii, MAAii, MAAv, RAQ (85.B2.8), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | فخار | 1984-1985 | 2018POTp09244 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB i, ii), Bayt Abū Hašim (BAH i), Yalā (Y): Pottery NAB i, NAB ii, BAH i, Y (85.B2.18), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | فخار | 1981-1984 | 2018POTp09245 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB iv, vii), Ṣirwāḥ (S ii), Šibām Ġirās (SG): Pottery NAB iv, NAB vii, S ii, SG (85.B2.26), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
ar-Raqlah | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09116 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Pottery KAH ii, RAQ i, full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09193 | Pottery from Ar-Raqlah (RAQ) and Ġiris (GIR i) (13), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09211 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i) and Ar-Raqlah (RAQ) (31), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09240 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB vii), Al-Ma'allak (MAA ii, v), Ar-Raqlah (RAQ): Pottery NAB vii, MAAii, MAAv, RAQ (85.B2.8), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09243 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i, RAQ (85.B2.14), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQm09019 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Plan of the Excavated Area (Scale 1:25) (V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQm09020 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Isometrical View of the Excavated Area (Scale1:25) (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04753 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L14. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04754 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L12. The central pillar and the two pillars at the sides of the doorstep. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04755 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L16, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04756 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L11. On the left L16, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04757 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L12, detail. In the foreground the entrance into the locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04758 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, loci L12 (left) and L14 (right). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04759 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, loci L12 and L14. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04760 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, loci L12 and L14. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04761 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L12. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04762 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L12, in the foreground the two jambs of the entrance. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04763 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, detail of locus L8 (from L6), ashes and charcoals. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04764 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L8, detail of hearth (collapse). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04765 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L8 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04766 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L8 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04767 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L12. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04768 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L12. Collapse of the wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04769 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L12. Collapse of the wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04770 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L12. The soil of the room after removing of the collapsed wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04771 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L12. Detail of the room after removing of the collapsed wall. Two standing stones of the entrance and the base of the central pillar. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04772 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L12. Detail of the central pillar and walls of the locus. A stone bench is along the perimetrical wall of the locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04773 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ), Bronze Age site, general view of L3 after the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04774 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ), Bronze Age site, general view of L3 after the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04775 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ), Bronze Age site, general view of loci L3 and L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04776 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ), Bronze Age site, view of L3 after the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04777 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ), Bronze Age site, general view of L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04778 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L12. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04779 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L12. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04780 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L12. On the left the doostep flanked by two jambs. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04781 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L12. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04829 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, structures before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04830 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, structures after excavation. On the right a grinding stone in situ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04831 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, structures before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04832 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, structures before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04833 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, structure and a monolithic stone in the center of a locus (L3), before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04834 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, general view of the structures before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04835 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L3 after removal of Level 1 (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04836 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L3 after removal of Level 1 (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04837 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L3 after removal of Level 1 (from the NW). General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04838 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L2 after removal of the Level 1 (sector N). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04839 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, structures after the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04840 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, L3 and L2 at the end of the archaeological excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04841 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, L3 and L2 at the end of the archaeological excavation. On the left both grinding and top stones in situ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04842 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, L1 at the end of the archaeological excavation. The blocks of the foundation rest on the bed-rock. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04843 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, L1 at the end of the archaeological excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04844 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, L1 at the end of the archaeological excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04845 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, L3 and L2 at the end of the archaeological excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04847 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, general view of L3 and L2 at the end of the archaeological excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04848 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Italian-Yemeni team. From the left, standing: Al-ʿIzzî Muḥammad Muṣliḥ, ʿAbd al-Razāq Nuʿmān (GOAM), Francesco Di Mario, Ismāʿīl al-Kibsi (GOAM), Bruno Castiello. From the left, crouching: Masad (the driver), Chicco Gianni, Vincenzo Labianca, Patricia Smith, Marina Marini, Mario Mascellani. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04849 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Italian-Yemeni team. From the left, standing: Al-ʿIzzî Muḥammad Muṣliḥ, ʿAbd al-Razāq Nuʿmān (GOAM), Francesco Di Mario, Ismāʿīl al-Kibsi (GOAM), Alessandro de Maigret, Bruno Castiello. From the left, crouching: Chicco Gianni, Vincenzo Labianca, Patricia Smith, Marina Marini, Mario Mascellani. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04850 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, loci L6 and L8, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04851 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, loci L6 and L8, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04852 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, fire pit in locus L6, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04853 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, locus L12, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04854 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, L14, southwestern limit of the locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04855 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, loci L14 and L12, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04856 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, loci L12 and L16, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn04857 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site, loci L12 and L4, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07398 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Locus L3 (in the foregroung) and L4 (background), from the E, following the 1985 excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07399 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Detail of the stone where was the hinge of the door between L3 and L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07400 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The passage between L3 (foreground) and L6 (background), from the SE, at the end of the 1985 excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07401 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The passage between L4 (foreground) and L5 from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07402 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): L4 and L5 (background) from the SE following the 1985 excavation. On the right is L3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07403 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): L3 (foreground) and L2 (background) from the SW at the end of the 1985 excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07404 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): L3 (foreground) and L6 (background) from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07405 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Grinding stone and handstone in L2, detail. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07406 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Grinding stone and handstone in L2, from the S, following the 1985 excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07407 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): L2 following the 1985 excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07408 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Deail of a wall in L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07409 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): View of L2. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07430 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze age site at the end of the excavation, L11 and L16, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07431 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze age site at the end of the excavation, L11 and L16, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07432 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze age site at the end of the excavation, L11 and L16, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07433 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze age site at the end of the excavation, L7, and L6, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07434 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze age site at the end of the excavation, L7, and L6, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07435 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze age site at the end of the excavation, L7, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07436 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze age site at the end of the excavation, L7 and L8, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07437 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bird's eye view of L8 and two cooking-pits in the foreground, L6 in the background, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07438 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): View of L8 in the foreground, L7 in the background, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07439 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bird's eye view of one cooking-pit in L8 (background), and one cooking-pit in L6 (foreground), from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07440 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The cooking-pit in L6, detail, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07441 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The cooking-pit in L6, detail, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07853 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): On the way to the Bronze Age site, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07854 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): On the way to the Bronze Age site, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07855 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): On the way to the Bronze Age site, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07857 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): On the way to the Bronze Age site, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07858 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The structures of the Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07859 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): General view of the structures of the Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07860 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): View of L12, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07861 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The structures of the Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07862 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): L13 and in the background L12. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07863 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07864 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): L15, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07865 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The structures of the Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07866 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): L5 from L4, from the S, and on the right the cooking pit. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07867 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): On the right L3, on the left L4, and at the centre the walls of L8. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07868 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): View of the excavated structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07869 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): L12, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07870 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): L12, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07871 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The wall M9 of L12, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07873 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): In the foreground L8, at the centre the cooking pit in L6, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07874 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i):The cooking pit in L6, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07877 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation, L12, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07878 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation. L6 and L12, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07880 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation, L 12. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07881 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation. L11, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07882 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation. L11, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07884 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation. L11 and L2, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07885 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation, L10 from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07886 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation, L10 (left) and L6 (right). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07888 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): L6 at the end of the archaeological excavation, from the NW. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07889 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation. L12 on the right. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07890 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): L6 at the end of the archaeological excavation, from the NW. In the background L7 and L8. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07892 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07893 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation. On the background the dike, east of the site. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07894 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): L12 at the end of the archaeological excavation,from the W. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07896 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The locus L12 at the end of the archaeological excavation,from the W. On the left L13. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07897 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07898 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation. L6 from the NW. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07900 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): L4 and L5 from the SE. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07901 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): In the foreground L3, in the background L6, from the SE. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07903 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The locus L3 from the SE. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07905 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): General view of the excavated loci: L3 (foreground) and L4 (background), from the NE. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07906 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site at the end of the archaeological excavation. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07908 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The pit b in L8. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQn07909 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The locus L5, from the NE. | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2018RAQp09190 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ): Pottery RAQ (10), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2018RAQp09191 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ): Pottery RAQ (11), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2018RAQp09192 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ): Pottery RAQ (12), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2018RAQp09212 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ): Pottery RAQ (32), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQp09230 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Pottery (Y.85.RAQ.16 (12), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQp09231 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Pottery (Y.85.RAQ i. l6/12/11 (13), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQp09232 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Pottery (Y.85.RAQ i.l10/12/14/7 (14), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQp09233 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Pottery (Y.85.RAQ i.l8/10/12/2 (15), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQp09234 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Pottery (Y.85.RAQ i.l15/2/3/4 (16), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQp09235 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Pottery (Y.85.RAQ i.l3 (17), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQp09246 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Pottery (85.B2.28), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2018RAQp09247 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Pottery (85.B2.29), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Aš-Šumah | الشُمه | 1989 | 2018SHMm09050 | Aš-Šumah (SHM): Aš-Šumah 1. Site Plan (Scale 1:20) (V. Labianca) (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Aš-Šumah | الشُمه | 1987 | 2018SHMn04862 | Aš-Šumah (SHM): Shells from the Prehistoric site of Aš-Šumah, Tihamah (Maurizio Tosi excavation). (©MAIRY) | |
Aṣ-Ṣwaliḥ | الصوالح | 1989-1990 | 2018ASWn01730 | Aṣ-Ṣwaliḥ: A Sabaean building. (© MAIRY) | |
Aṣ-Ṣwaliḥ | الصوالح | 1989-1990 | 2018ASWn01731 | Aṣ-Ṣwaliḥ: A Sabaean building. (© MAIRY) | |
Aṣ-Ṣwaliḥ | الصوالح | 1989-1990 | 2018ASWn01732 | Aṣ-Ṣwaliḥ: A Sabaean building. (© MAIRY) | |
Aṣ-Ṣwaliḥ | الصوالح | 1989-1990 | 2018ASWn01733 | Aṣ-Ṣwaliḥ: A Sabaean building. A. de Maigret, L. Cagni, V. Buffa. (© MAIRY) | |
Asam | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09210 | Pottery from Wādī Hawrah (HAW i), 'Asam (AS i) (30), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Bani Tawq 1 | بني طوق | 1984 | 2018TAWm09014 | Banī Tawq 1: Present Tillages Distribution (Scale 1:1000) (V. Labianca, D. Picchi, P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
Bani Tawq 2 | بني طوق | 1984 | 2018TAWm09015 | Banī Tawq 2: Present Tillages Distribution (Scale 1:200) (V. Labianca, D. Picchi, P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BANn06085 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/VI): General view of the site BAS ii/VI at the foot of the Ğabal ʿAsāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BANn06090 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/VI): General view of the site from BAS ii/V (from the top of Ğabal ʿAsāl). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BASn06057 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS i): Bronze Age Tomb 3 towards Ğabal ʿAsāl, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BASn06058 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS i): Detail of the Bronze Age Tomb 3 towards Ğabal ʿAsāl, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BLSn06063 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/I): General view of the Bronze Age site, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BLSn06064 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/I): General view of the Bronze Age site, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BLSn06065 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/I): Detail of the Structure 1, the northern limit, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BLSn06066 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/I): View of the Structure 2, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BLSn06067 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/I): View of the Structure 2, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BLSn06070 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/I): Petroglyph incised in a sandstone block wich is on the eastern side of the Structure 2, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNAn06068 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/II): View of the complex BAS ii/II, from BAS ii/I Structure 2, towards W. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNAn06069 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/II): View of a house in the complex BAS ii/II, from BAS ii/I Structure 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNIn06071 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/III): Structure on the eastern side of the cistern, view from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNIn06072 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/III): View of a cistern, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNIn06073 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/III): View of the Structure A, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNIn06074 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/III): Terracing on the Southern side of the cistern, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNIn06075 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/III): General view of the site, from the N-NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNIn06076 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/III): Petroglyph incised in a sandstone block. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNIn06077 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/III): View of some walls in the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNIn06078 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/III): View of some structures in the ancient site. In the background is the ʿAsāl village. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNIn06079 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/III): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNIn06080 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/III): Detail of a structure of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNIn06081 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/III): Detail of the northern side of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNIn06082 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/III): View of the northern side of the site. The structure is on the slope of the Ğabal ʿAsāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNIn06083 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/III): Detail of the northern side of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNIn06084 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/III): View of the structure on the northern side of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06086 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Detail of the terracing of the track that goes up the Ğabal ʿAsāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06087 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): View of the track that goes up the Ğabal ʿAsāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06088 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Structure on the eastern side slope of Ğabal ʿAsāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06089 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Structure on the eastern side slope of Ğabal ʿAsāl (detail with a lintel). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06091 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Bird's eye view of the site, from the SW towards E. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06092 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Bird's eye view of Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06093 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Bird's eye view towards BAS i, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06094 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Bird's eye view toward BAS i, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06095 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Bird's eye view of the ʿAsāl village, from the Ğabal ʿAsāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06096 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Bird's eye view of the site BAS ii/V (from the top of Ğabal ʿAsāl). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06097 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Bird's eye view of the site BAS ii/V (from the top of Ğabal ʿAsāl). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06098 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Bird's eye view of the site BAS ii/V (from the top of Ğabal ʿAsāl). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06099 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Bird's eye view of the surrounding area of the site, from the top of Ğabal ʿAsāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06100 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyph representing an archer with bow and sword. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06101 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyphs representing hunters (horsemen) and dromedaries, probably of the Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06102 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyphs representing horses, probably of the Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06103 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyph representing a stylised gazelle and an inscription of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06104 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyphs representing two camel drivers on one dromedary, and a horseman probably with a spear. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06105 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyph of difficult identification. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06106 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyphs representing two dromedaries. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06107 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Wall of the mountain with a numbers of incised petroglyphs. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06108 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyph representing scissors (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06109 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyphs representing two camel drivers (hunters), a stylised tree and an arrow. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06110 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyphs. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06111 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyphs representing a dromedary and a horseman with a spear. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06112 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyphs representing horsemen with spears. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06113 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyph representing a horse. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06114 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyph representing a very stylised ibex. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06115 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyphs representing different subjects of different periods, including Islamic inscriptions and a horse. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06116 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyph. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06117 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyph representing a sword. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06118 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyphs representing probably two horsemen. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06119 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyphs representing a dromedary and other subjects of undefined identification. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06120 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyphs incised on the northeastern side of Ğabal ʿAsāl: an ibex, horsemen, a speared dromedary, two knights facing each other and a soldier with an oval shield and sword. The horses are covered with caparisons. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BNLn06121 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS ii/V): Petroglyphs incised on the northeastern side of Ğabal ʿAsāl: An ibex, horsemen, a speared dromedary, two KN ights facing each other and a soldier with an oval shield and sword. The horses are covered with caparisons. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BSAn06122 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS iii): Remains in an abandoned village at NW of ʿAsāl, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BSAn06123 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS iii): Remains in an abandoned village at NW of ʿAsāl, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BSAn06124 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS iii): Remains at NW of ʿAsāl, detail of a wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BSAn06125 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS iii): Remains at NW of ʿAsāl, detail of a row composed with huge blocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BSAn06126 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS iii): Remains at NW of ʿAsāl, detail of a corner of a locus built with huge blocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2018BSAn06127 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS iii): Remains at NW of ʿAsāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1987 | 2018BATm09021 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT iii): Plan and Section of the Protohistorical Structure (Scale 1:50) (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01524 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT i): Standing stones, probably a place of worship or funerary monument of Bronze Age. The site is located north of the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01525 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT i): A Bronze Age funerary or religious monument. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01526 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT i): Detail of huge standing stones of a Bronze Age monument. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01527 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT i): View of huge standing stones of a Bronze Age monument. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01528 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT i): Topographic survey of the funerary or religious monument. Architect Vincenzo Labianca and topographer Mario Mascellani. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01529 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT i): View of the Bronze Age monument with huge standing stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01530 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT i): On the left is the inner circle with standing stones of a Bronze Age monument. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01531 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT i): Bird's eye view of the inner circle of standing stones of a Bronze Age monument. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01532 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT i): Architect V. Labianca and topographer M. Mascellani during the topographical survey of the monument. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01533 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT i): Architect V. Labianca and topographer M. Mascellani of the Italian Arcaheological Mission at work. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01534 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT iii): View of the two circles of standing stones of a Bronze Age monument. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01535 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT iii): General view of the two circles of huge standing stones, Bronze Age. (©MAIRY): | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01536 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT iii): General view of the circles of standing stones, Bronze Age. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01537 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT iii): Bronze Age site, view of the two circles of standing stones, probably a religious or funerary Bronze Age monument. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01538 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT iii): Bronze Age site, view of a a religious or funerary monument, composed by two concentric circles of standing stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01539 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT iii): Bronze Age site (N of the modern village); general view of a religious or funerary monument, composed by two concentric circles of standing stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01568 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT iii): View of the standing stones of a Bronze Age megalithic structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01569 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT iii): Bronze Age megalithic structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01570 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT iii): Circle of standing stones of a Bronze Age megalithic structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01571 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT iii): Detail of the circle of standing stones of a Bronze Age megalithic structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01572 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT iii): Bronze Age megalithic structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عطايف | 1983 | 2018BATn01573 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT iii): Two concentric rows of standing stones of a Bronze Age megalithic structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عاطف | 1983 | 2018BATn06059 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT i): Bronze Age site located at the south of the village (southern structure). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عاطف | 1983 | 2018BATn06060 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT i): Bronze Age site located at the south of the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عاطف | 1983 | 2018BATn06061 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT i): Bronze Age site located at the south of the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عاطف | 1983 | 2018BATn06062 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT i): Structures of the Bronze Age period. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عاطف | 1987 | 2018BATn08016 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT iii): Religious structure from the Bronze period. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عاطف | 1987 | 2018BATn08017 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT iii): Religious structure from the Bronze period. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عاطف | 1987 | 2018BATn08018 | Banī ʿAṭif (BAT iii): Religious structure from the Bronze period. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿIsa | بني علسة | 1983 | 2018BISn06210 | Banī ʿIsa: Ploughing of the fields, South of Banī ʿIsa. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿIsa | بني علسة | 1983 | 2018BISn06211 | Banī ʿIsa: Dromedary, south of Banī ʿIsa. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn00001 | Barāqiš: The tents of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological mission at the foot of the ancient city (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn00002 | Barāqiš: The tents of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological mission at the foot of the ancient city (from the NW).(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn00003 | Barāqiš: The camp of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological mission at the foot of the ancient city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn00004 | Barāqiš: The camp of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological mission at the foot of the ancient city (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn00005 | Barāqiš: The camp and equipment of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological mission at the foot of the ancient city (from the SW).(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn00006 | Barāqiš: The tents of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological mission at the foot of the ancient city (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn00007 | Barāqiš: The camp of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological mission (from the W). In the background the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn00008 | Barāqiš: View of the ruins of Islamic period inside of the city (from the S).(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn00009 | Barāqiš: The tents of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological mission (from the NW). In the background the city walls and tower T48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn00010 | Barāqiš: The camp of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological mission (from the W). In the background the city walls (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn00011 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ during excavation (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | - | 2017BARn00012 | Barāqiš: Aerial photo of the ancient city (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | - | 2017BARn00013 | Barāqiš: Aerial photo of the ancient city (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | - | 2017BARn00014 | Barāqiš: Aerial photo of the ancient city (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | - | 2017BARn00015 | Barāqiš: Aerial photo of the ancient city (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | - | 2017BARn00016 | Barāqiš: Aerial photo of the ancient city (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | - | 2017BARn00017 | Barāqiš: Aerial photo of the ancient city (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | - | 2017BARn00018 | Barāqiš: Aerial photo of the ancient city (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | - | 2017BARn00019 | Barāqiš: Aerial photo of the ancient city (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | - | 2017BARn00020 | Barāqiš: Aerial photo of the ancient city (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | - | 2017BARn00021 | Barāqiš: Aerial photo of the ancient city (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00022 | Barāqiš: In the background the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00023 | Barāqiš: In the background the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00024 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00025 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00026 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00027 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ during excavation (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00028 | Barāqiš: View of the roof of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from below). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00029 | Barāqiš: View of the roof of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from below). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00030 | Barāqiš: View of L22 in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. The vertical slabs were useful to support the offering table decorated with ibex heads (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00031 | Barāqiš: View of the roof of the Temple of Nakraḥ. The metopes with dentils are in situ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00032 | Barāqiš: View of the roof of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Some beams are missing. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00033 | Barāqiš: View of the roof of the Temple of Nakraḥ during excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00034 | Barāqiš: Professor A. de Maigret in the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00035 | Barāqiš: View of the roof of the Temple of Nakraḥ during excavation (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00036 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00037 | Barāqiš: View of the camp, tents and equipment of the Italian archaeological mission (from the city wall, from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00038 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic period in the city (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00039 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the NW). In the foreground the stones from the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00040 | Barāqiš: General view of the Minaean city (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00041 | Barāqiš: General view of the Minaean city (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00042 | Barāqiš: General view of the Minaean city (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00043 | Barāqiš: General view of the Minaean city (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00052 | Barāqiš: General view of the Minaean city walls (from the S.) (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2017BARn00053 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N/NW). On the roof is a mudbricks house of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2017BARn00054 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ before excavation (from the N). On the roof is a mudbricks house of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2017BARn00055 | Barāqiš: General view of the remains of Islamic period inside the city walls (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2017BARn00056 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic period inside the city walls (from the E) (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2017BARn00057 | Barāqiš: The pillars of the propylaeum and portal of the Temple B or Temple of ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2017BARn00058 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N/NE). On the roof is a mudbricks house of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2017BARn00059 | Barāqiš: General view of the remains of Islamic period inside the city walls (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2017BARn00060 | Barāqiš: View of pillars and beams of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the SE). In the background the tower T48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2017BARn00061 | Barāqiš: View of the mudbricks house of Islamic period built on the roof of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the SE). In the background the tower T48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2017BARn00062 | Barāqiš: Remains in mudbricks and stones of Islamic period. In the background the tower T48 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00063 | Barāqiš: Side view of a western section of the city walls (from the N/NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00064 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). In the background the crane arm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00065 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the NW). In the foreground the crane arm with a container/box. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00066 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ without roof (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00067 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ without roof (from the N). In the background the beams, slabs and metopes of the dismantled roof are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00068 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation of the Islamic structures in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N/NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00069 | Barāqiš: View of the stratigraphy of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00070 | Barāqiš: General view of the stratigraphy of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00071 | Barāqiš: The specialised workers of GOAM in L12 (between M18 on the left, and M28 on the right) (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00074 | Barāqiš: Inscription found in the Temple of Nakraḥ, Y.92.B.A/20. | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00075 | Barāqiš: Inscription found in the Temple of Nakraḥ, Y.92.B.A/20. | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00076 | Barāqiš: The door between M39 and T45 which, through L12, leads to the sacred area and to the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00077 | Barāqiš: The podium (M14) of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00078 | Barāqiš: General view of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00079 | Barāqiš: General view of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). The main door of the temple is secured by metal scaffolding. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00080 | Barāqiš: The offering table found in situ in L21 in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00081 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00082 | Barāqiš: General view of the area, S of the Temple of Nakraḥ, where beams, metopes and slabs of the roof were placed (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00083 | Barāqiš: View of part of R44/45, the door of L12 and T45 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00084 | Barāqiš: View of the Temple of Nakraḥ (foreground), T44 and R44/45 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00085 | Barāqiš: View from the crane arm of R44/45 and the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00086 | Barāqiš: View (from the crane arm) of tower T44, the Temple of Nakraḥ and the area where beams, metopes and slabs of the roof of the temple are placed (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00087 | Barāqiš: View (from the crane arm) of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). In the foreground the city wall, named in this sector M39 (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00088 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view (from the crane arm) of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). In the foreground the city walls, named in this sector M39 (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00089 | Barāqiš: View (from the crane arm) of tower T45, and the door in M39 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00090 | Barāqiš: General view (from the crane arm) of the area S of the Temple of Nakraḥ, were the roof elements were placed (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00090 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00091 | Barāqiš: General view (from the crane arm) of the remains of Islamic period in the city (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00092 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view (from the crane arm) of the Temple of Nakraḥ and R44/45, i.e. the city walls M39 between T44 (right) and T45 (left) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00093 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view (from the crane arm) of the Temple of Nakraḥ and R44/45, i.e. the city walls M39 between T44 (right) and T45 (left) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00094 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view (from the crane arm) of the Temple of Nakraḥ, T44 and, in the background, the remains of Islamic buildings (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00095 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view (from the crane arm) of the Temple of Nakraḥ and, in the background, the remains of Islamic buildings. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00096 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view (from the crane arm) of the Temple of Nakraḥ, T45 and the city walls, named M39 in this sector, with the posterula (postern). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00097 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ and the 'Sacristy' (on the left) (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00098 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ and the 'Sacristy' (on the left) (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00100 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ, the 'Sacristy' and part of R44/45 (on the left) (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00101 | Barāqiš: General view (from the crane arm) of the roof elements of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00102 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ, the 'Sacristy' and T44 (on the left) (from the S). In the background the terraced section of the excavation limit. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00103 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of T44 (foreground), M39 and T45 (from the S). In the background the terraced section of the excavation limit. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00104 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the excavated area: the Temple of Nakraḥ, the 'Sacristy' and T44 (from the S). In the background the terraced section of the excavation limit. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00105 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the western sector of the city walls, from T44 (foreground) to T48 (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00106 | Barāqiš: View of the camp from the crane arm (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00107 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ, the 'Sacristy' and T44 (from the S). In the background the Islamic remains, including the mausoleum/mosque and the tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn00108 | Barāqiš: General view (from the crane arm) of the Temple of Nakraḥ and in the background the Islamic remains in the city, including the mausoleum/mosque and the tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00109 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient Minaean site, from the S/SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00110 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient Minaean site, from the S/SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00111 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient Minaean site, from the S/SW. On the left side is the main gate between T1 and T56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00112 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient Minaean site, from the S/SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00113 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient Minaean site, from the S/SW. In the center stands the tower T48 of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00114 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient Minaean site, from the S/SW. In the center stands the tower T48 of the city walls. On the right the corner tower of the city walls T37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00115 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient Minaean site, from the S/SW. On the left is the tower T56, at the center stands T48 and on the right is the corner tower T37 of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00116 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient Minaean site, from the S/SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00117 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient Minaean site, from the S/SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00118 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient Minaean site, from the S/SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00119 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient Minaean site, from the S/SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00120 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient Minaean site, from the S/SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00121 | Barāqiš: View of the W/SW sector of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00122 | Barāqiš: View of the SW sector of the city walls; towers T42-T1 (from the right). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00123 | Barāqiš: View of the city walls; towers T42-T1(from the right). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00124 | Barāqiš: View of the city walls; there are towers and recesses. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00125 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient city on the tell (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00126 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient city on the tell (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00127 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient city on the tell (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00128 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient city on the tell (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00129 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient city (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00130 | Barāqiš: View of the ancient city (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00131 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation. On its roof is a stones and mudbriks house of Islamic period (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00132 | Barāqiš: The pillars of the propylaeum and portal of the Temple B or Temple of ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00133 | Barāqiš: The pillars of the propylaeum and portal of the Temple B or Temple of ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00134 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation. View of the remains of an Islamic house built on the roof of the temple (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00135 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation. On the roof of the temple is a mudbricks and stones house of Islamic period (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00136 | Barāqiš: Lateral view of towers T50 and T49 (from the NW). On the left the recess between T50 and T51 is missing, showing the filling, in earth (Islamic) and in mudbricks (Minaean). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00137 | Barāqiš: The Tower and the mausoleum of Islamic period built at the centre of the city. Close to the tower there is a well. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00138 | Barāqiš: Remains of buildings of Islamic period, built at the centre of the city (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00139 | Barāqiš: Remains of buildings of Islamic period, built at the centre of the city (from the S). In the background is the Islamic tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00140 | Barāqiš: General view of the empty place at the centre of the city, surrounded by remains of Islamic buildings (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00141 | Barāqiš: General view of the empty place at the centre of the city, surrounded by remains of Islamic buildings (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00142 | Barāqiš: Lateral view of the southeastern sector of the city walls (from the SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00143 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ after the first archaeological campaign (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00144 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ after the first archaeological excavation campaign. (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00145 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ not yet freed from the strata of the Islamic period (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00146 | Barāqiš: The floor of the Temple of Nakraḥ is around 6 m below the current ground level (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00147 | Barāqiš: Fragment of an inscription concerning confession (Y.90.B.A./1), from the excavation in the Temple A dedicated to the Minaean god Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00148 | Barāqiš: Fragment of an inscription concerning confession (Y.90.B.ext.1), from the excavation in the Temple A dedicated to the Minaean god Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00149 | Barāqiš: Fragment of an inscription concerning confession (Y.90.B.1), from the excavation in the Temple A dedicated to the Minaean god Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00150 | Barāqiš: Fragment of an inscription (Y.90.B.A.2) found during the excavation in the Temple A dedicated to the Minaean god Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00151 | Barāqiš: Fragment of an inscription concerning confession (Y.90.B.A.6), from the excavation in the Temple A dedicated to the Minaean god Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00152 | Barāqiš: Fragment of an inscription concerning a public confession (Y.90.B.A.5), from the excavation in the Temple A dedicated to the Minaean god Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00159 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 20, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00160 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 20, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00161 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers no. 20-21, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00162 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 21, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00163 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers no. 21-22, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00164 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 22, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00165 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers no. 22-23, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00166 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 23, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00167 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers no. 23-24, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00168 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 24, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00169 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers no. 24-25, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00170 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 25, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00171 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 25-26, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00172 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 26, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00173 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 26-27, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00174 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 27, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00175 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 27-28, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00176 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 28, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00177 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 28-29, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00178 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 29, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00179 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 29-30, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00180 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 30, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00181 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 30-31, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00182 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 31, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00183 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 31-32, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00184 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 32, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00185 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 32 bis, from the SE, recess between towers nos 32-33, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00186 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 32-33, from the SE, tower no. 33, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00187 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 33, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00188 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 33-34, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00189 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 34, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00190 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 34-35, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00191 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 35, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00192 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 35-36, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00193 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 36, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00194 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 36-37, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00195 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 37, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00196 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 47, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00197 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 46-47, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00198 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 46, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00199 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 46-45, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00200 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 45, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00201 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 45-44, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00202 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 44, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00203 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 44-43, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00204 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 43, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00205 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 43-42, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00206 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 42, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00207 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 42-41, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00208 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 41, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00209 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 41-40, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00210 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 40, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00211 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 40-39, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00212 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 39, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00213 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 39-38, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00214 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 38, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00215 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 38-37, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00216 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 37, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00217 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 37, from the SE. Detail of the upper part. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00218 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 37-36, from the S-SE. Detail of the upper part. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00219 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 37, from the S. Detail of the lower part. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00220 | Barāqiš: City walls, right recess of tower no. 42. Detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00221 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 44-43, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00222 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 44-43, from the S. Detail of the section. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00223 | Barāqiš: City walls, right recess of tower no. 48. Detail of the upper part. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00224 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 45-46, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00225 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 46, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00226 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 46-47, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00227 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 47, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00228 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 47-48, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00229 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 47-48, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00230 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 48, from the S. Detail of the upper part. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00231 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 48, from the S. Detail of the lower part. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00232 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers no. 48-49, from the S-SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00233 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 49, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00234 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 49-50, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00235 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 50, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00236 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 50-51, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00237 | Barāqiš: City walls, SW wall of tower no. 51, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00238 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 51, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00239 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 50-51-52, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00240 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 48, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00241 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 52, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00242 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 52, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00243 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 53, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00244 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 53-54, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00245 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 54, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00246 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 54-55, from the SW-W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00247 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 55, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00248 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 55, from the W. Detail of the upper part. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00249 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 55-56, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00250 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 56, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00251 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 57, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00252 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 57-58, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00253 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 58, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00254 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 1, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00255 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 1, from the W. Detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00256 | Barāqiš: City walls, sequence of towers nos 48-47-46-45-44, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00257 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 1, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00258 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 1-2, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00259 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 2, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00260 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 2-3, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00261 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 3, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00262 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 3-4, from the W-NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00263 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 4, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00264 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 4-5, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00265 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 5, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00266 | Barāqiš: City wall, tower no. 5, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00267 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 5-6, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00268 | Barāqiš: Architects at work. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00269 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 6, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00270 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 6-7, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00271 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 7, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00272 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 7-8, from the NW-N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00273 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 8, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00274 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 8-9, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00275 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 9, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00276 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 9-10, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00277 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 9-10, from the N, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00278 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 10, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00279 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 10-11, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00280 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 11, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00281 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 11-12, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00282 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 12, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00283 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 12-13, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00284 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 13, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00285 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 13-14, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00286 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 14, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00287 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 14-15, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00288 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 15, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00289 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 15-16, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00290 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 16, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00291 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 16-17, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00292 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 17, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00293 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 17-18, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00294 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 18, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00295 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 18-19, from the N-NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00296 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 19, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00297 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 19-20, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00298 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 20, from the NE.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00299 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 20-21, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00300 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 21, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00301 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 21-22, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00302 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 22, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00303 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 22-23, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00304 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 23, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00305 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 23-24, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00306 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 24, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00307 | Barāqiš: City walls, NE wall of tower no. 14, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00308 | Barāqiš: City walls, NE wall of tower no. 14, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00309 | Barāqiš: City walls, the topographer M. Mascellani. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00310 | Barāqiš: City walls, Professor Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00311 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 2. | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00312 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 2 (below the previous one). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00313 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the recess between towers no. 2 and no. 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00314 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00315 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00316 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00317 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00318 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00319 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00320 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 4 and no. 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00321 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 5 and no. 6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00322 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 5 and no. 6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00323 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 10 and no. 11. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00324 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 11. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00325 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 11 and no. 12. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00326 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 13.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00327 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 14. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00328 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the right setback of tower no. 15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00329 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00330 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00331 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00332 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00333 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 15 and no. 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00334 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the right setback of tower no. 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00335 | Barāqiš: City walls, bulging of right setback of tower 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00336 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 15 and no. 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00337 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 38 and no. 37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00338 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 38 and no. 37.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00339 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 38 and no. 37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00340 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 38 and no. 37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00341 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 38. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00342 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 38. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00343 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 38 and no. 39. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00344 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 38 and no. 39. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00345 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 38 and no. 39. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00346 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the right setback of tower no. 39. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00347 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the right setback of tower no. 39. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00348 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 40. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00349 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 40. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00350 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 40. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00351 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 40. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00352 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the right setback of tower no. 41. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00353 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 41. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00354 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 41. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00355 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 41. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00356 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the tower no. 41. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00357 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 41. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00358 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 41. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00359 | Barāqiš: City walls, in the lower part of tower no. 41 is a Minaean inscription in situ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00360 | Barāqiš: City walls, a Minaean inscription in situ in tower no. 41. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00361 | Barāqiš: City walls, a Minaean inscription in situ in tower no. 41. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00362 | Barāqiš: City walls, a Minaean inscription in situ in tower no. 41. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00363 | Barāqiš: City walls, a Minaean inscription in situ in recess between towers no. 41 and no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00364 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 41 and no. 42.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00365 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 41 and no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00366 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 41 and no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00367 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 41 and no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00368 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 41 and no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00369 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 41 and no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00370 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 41 and no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00371 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 41 and no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00372 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 41 and no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00373 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the right setback of tower no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00374 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the right setback of tower no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00375 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00376 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00377 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00378 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00379 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00380 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00381 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00382 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00383 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00384 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00385 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00386 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 43 and no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00387 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 43. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00388 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 43. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00389 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 43. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00390 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 43. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00391 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 43. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00392 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 44. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00393 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 44. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00394 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 44. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00395 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 44. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00396 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 44 and no. 45. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00397 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 44 and no. 45. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00398 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 44 and no. 45. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00399 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the right setback of tower no. 45. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00400 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 45. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00401 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 45. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00402 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 45 and no. 46. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00403 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 45 and no. 46. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00404 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the right setback of tower no. 46. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00405 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the right setback of tower no. 46. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00406 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in the right setback of tower no. 46. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00407 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 47. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00408 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 47. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00409 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 47. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00410 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of the Islamic period, in tower no. 47. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00411 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions in situ, in recess between towers no. 47 and no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00412 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions in situ, in recess between towers no. 47 and no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00413 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions in situ, in recess between towers no. 47 and no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00414 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions in situ, in recess between towers no. 47 and no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00415 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 47 and no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00416 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions in situ, in recess between towers no. 47 and no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00417 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions in situ, in recess between towers no. 47 and no. 48, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00418 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions in situ, in tower no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00419 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions in situ, in tower no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00420 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions in situ, in tower no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00421 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 52. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00422 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 52. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00423 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 52. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00424 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 52. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00425 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 52. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00426 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 52. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00427 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions in situ, in tower no. 54. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00428 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions in situ, in tower no. 54. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00429 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions in situ, in tower no. 54. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00430 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions in situ, in tower no. 54. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00431 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions in situ, in tower no. 54. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00432 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions in situ, in tower no. 54.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00433 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the setback of tower no. 55. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00434 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in the setback of tower no. 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00435 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in the setback of tower no. 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00436 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in the setback of tower no. 1.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00437 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in the setback of tower no. 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00438 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in the setback of tower no. 1, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00439 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in the setback of tower no. 1, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00440 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00441 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00442 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00443 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00444 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 57. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00445 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in the right setback of tower no. 1, city gate. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00446 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in the right setback of tower no. 1, city gate. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00447 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in the right setback of tower no. 1, city gate. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00448 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in the right setback of tower no. 1, city gate, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00449 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in the right setback of tower no. 1, city gate, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00450 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 54 and no. 55. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00451 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 54 and no. 55. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00452 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 54 and no. 55. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00453 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 54 and no. 55. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00454 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 54 and no. 55. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00455 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 54 and no. 55. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00456 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 54 and no. 55. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00457 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 54 and no. 55. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00458 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 54 and no. 55. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00459 | Barāqiš: City walls, general view of recess between towers no. 54 and no. 55, with pre-Islamic inscription in situ in the lower part of the wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00460 | Barāqiš: City walls, general view of recess between towers no. 54 and no. 55, with pre-Islamic inscription in situ in the lower part of the wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00461 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 34. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00462 | Bird’s eye view of the dam (within the fence arranged by GOAM in 1985). The dam is on the east of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00463 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in left setback of tower no. 28.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00464 | Barāqiš: General view of the wādī and, in the foreground, the dam within the fence arranged by GOAM in 1985. The dam is on the east of the city, and the view of the dam is from the recess between towers no. 24 and no. 25. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00465 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 24 and no. 25. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00466 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 24 and no. 25. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00467 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in left setback of tower no. 25. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00468 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 25. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00469 | Barāqiš: General view of the dam of Barāqiš, on the east of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00470 | Barāqiš: Bird’s eye view of wādī and the dam of Barāqiš, from the city walls, at the foot of towers nos 19-20. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00471 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in left setback of tower no. 19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00472 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in left setback of tower no. 14. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00473 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in left setback of tower no. 11. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00474 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in left setback of tower no. 2 (three lines). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00475 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in left setback of tower no. 2 (one line). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00476 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls, specifically towers no. 1 (on the left), no. 57 (in the middle) and no. 56 (on the right), i.e. the city gate, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00477 | Barāqiš: View of the city gate, from the W, between towers no. 1 (on the left), no. 57 (in the middle) and no. 56 (on the right). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00478 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00479 | Barāqiš: City walls, two fragments of pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00480 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00481 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 39. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00482 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 40. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00483 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 40. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00484 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 41. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00485 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 41. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00486 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 41. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00487 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00488 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 43 and no. 44. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00489 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 43 and no. 44.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00490 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 43. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00491 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 43.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00492 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 43. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00493 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 44. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00494 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 45. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00495 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 50. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00496 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00497 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00498 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00499 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00500 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00501 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00502 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00503 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00504 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00505 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00506 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00507 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00508 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00509 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions and symbol (snake) reused in the wall of Islamic period, in left setback of tower no. 56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00510 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in left setback of tower no. 56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00511 | Barāqiš: City walls, general view of left setback of tower no. 56. Several Minaean inscriptions are reused in the wall of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00512 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in left setback tower no. 57. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00513 | Barāqiš: City walls, general view of the left setback of tower no. 56; the Minaean inscriptions are reused in the wall of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00514 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 56, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00515 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions and symbol (snake) in situ in the left setback of tower no. 56, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00516 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 56, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00517 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 1 and no. 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00518 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 1 and no. 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00519 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00520 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 2 and no. 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00521 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription, monogram and a snake, reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00522 | Barāqiš: City walls, traces of pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00523 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00524 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00525 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00526 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 4 and no. 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00527 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 5 and no. 6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00528 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 5 and no. 6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00529 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 10 and no. 11. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00530 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 11 and no. 12. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00531 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00532 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00533 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00534 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00535 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00536 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 15 and no. 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00537 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 15 and no. 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00538 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00539 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00540 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00541 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00542 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 18. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00543 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscriptions in situ, in recess between towers no. 18 and no. 19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00544 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 18 and no. 19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00545 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 18 and no. 19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00546 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 18 and no. 19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00547 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 18 and no. 19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00548 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 18 and no. 19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00549 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 18 and no. 19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00550 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 18 and no. 19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00551 | Barāqiš: City walls, Minaean inscription in situ, in recess between towers no. 18 and no. 19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00553 | Barāqiš: The temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ (Temple A) before excavation (beams, metopes, roof) (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00554 | Barāqiš: The temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before excavation (beams, metopes, roof). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00555 | Barāqiš: The temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before excavation (beams, metopes, roof). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00556 | Barāqiš: The temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before excavation (beams, metopes, roof). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00557 | Barāqiš: The temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before excavation (beams, metopes, roofing). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00558 | Barāqiš: The temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before excavation (beams, metopes, roof). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00559 | Barāqiš, the temple of Nakraḥ (Temple A) before excavation, under the mudbricks house of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00560 | Barāqiš: The temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before excavation (roof) (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00561 | Barāqiš: The temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before excavation: view of beams, metopes and slabs of the roof. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00562 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic structure inside the city, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00563 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic structure inside the city, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00564 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic structure inside the city, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00565 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic structure inside the city, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00566 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic structure inside the city, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00567 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic structure inside the city, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00568 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic structure inside the city, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00569 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic structures in the southeast part of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00570 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic structures in the southeast part of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00571 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic structures in the southeast part of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00572 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic structures in the southeast part of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00573 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic structures in the southeast part of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00574 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic structures in the southeast part of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00575 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic structures in the southeast part of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00576 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic structures in the southeast part of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00577 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic structures in the south part of the city and, in the foreground, V. Labianca end P. Smith. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00578 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic structures in the south part of the city and, in the background, tower no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00579 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic structures in the south part of the city and, in the background, tower no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00580 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic structures in the south part of the city and, in the background, tower no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00581 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic structures (tower near the mosque/mausoleum). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00582 | Barāqiš: General view of the Islamic structures (tower near the mosque/mausoleum). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00583 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic structures in the southeast part of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00584 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic structures in the southeast part of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00585 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic structures in the southeast part of the city and, in the background, tower no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00586 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic structures in the southeast part of the city and, in the background, tower no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00587 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic buildings. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00588 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic buildings and on the right the tower near the mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00589 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic structures and on the right the tower near the mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00590 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic buildings and on the left the tower near the mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00591 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic structures, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00592 | Barāqiš: The tower and the mosque/mausoleum. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00593 | Barāqiš: The mosque/mausoleum and Minaean pillars. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00594 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00595 | Barāqiš: The ruins of Islamic structures, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00596 | Barāqiš: The ruins of Islamic structures, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00597 | Barāqiš: The ruins of Islamic structures, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00598 | Barāqiš: The ruins of Islamic structures from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00599 | Barāqiš: The ruins of Islamic structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00600 | Barāqiš: The ruins of Islamic structures, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00601 | Barāqiš: The ruins of Islamic structures, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00602 | Barāqiš: The ruins of Islamic structures, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00603 | Barāqiš: The ruins of Islamic structures and the tower near the mosque/mausoleum. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00604 | Barāqiš: The tower and the mosque/mausoleum. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00605 | Barāqiš: General view of the ruins of Islamic structures and, on the left, the mosque and Minaean pillars. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00606 | Barāqiš: The ruins of Islamic buildings from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00607 | Barāqiš: The tower and the mosque/mausoleum. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00608 | Barāqiš: The ruins of Islamic structures and tower no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00609 | Barāqiš: The mosque/mausoleum and Minaean pillars. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00610 | Barāqiš: The ruins of Islamic structures, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00611 | Barāqiš: The ruins of Islamic buildings. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00612 | Barāqiš: The ruins of Islamic buildings and, on the left, four Minaean pillars. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00613 | Barāqiš: The ruins of Islamic buildings. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00614 | Barāqiš: The tower, the mausoleum and remains of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00615 | Barāqiš: Detail of the tower, the mausoleum and remains of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00616 | Barāqiš: The ruins of Islamic structures and, on the background, tower no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00617 | Barāqiš: The ruins of Islamic structures and, on the background, tower no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00618 | Barāqiš: The ruins of islamic structures and, on the background, tower no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00620 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 20. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00621 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 20 and no. 21. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00622 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 20 and no. 21. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00623 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 20 and no. 21. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00624 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 21. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00625 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 23. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00626 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 23. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00627 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 23. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00628 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 23. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00629 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 23. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00630 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 23. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00631 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 23. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00632 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 23. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00633 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 23 and no. 24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00634 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 23 and no. 24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00635 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 23 and no. 24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00636 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 23 and no. 24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00637 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the right setback of tower no. 24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00638 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the right setback of tower no. 24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00639 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the right setback of tower no. 24 (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00640 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00641 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00642 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00643 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00644 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00645 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 24 and no. 25. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00646 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 24 and no. 25. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00647 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the right setback of tower no. 25. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00648 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the right setback of tower no. 25. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00649 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 26. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00650 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 26. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00651 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 26. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00652 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 26. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00653 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 26 and no. 27. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00654 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in right setback of tower no. 27. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00655 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 27 and no. 28. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00656 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 28 and no. 29. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00657 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in left setback of tower no. 28. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00658 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 28 and no. 29. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00659 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 29. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00660 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 29. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00661 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in the left setback of tower no. 30. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00662 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 30 and no. 31. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00663 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in tower no. 32. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00664 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the door of Islamic period, on the top, left side. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00665 | Barāqiš: General view of the well, outside of the city walls of Barāqiš, on the east. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00666 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in left setback of tower no. 34. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00667 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in right setback of tower no. 36. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00668 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 35 and no. 36. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00669 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 35 and no. 36. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00670 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 35 and no. 36. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00671 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 36 and no. 37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00672 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period, in recess between towers no. 35 and no. 36. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00673 | Barāqiš: City walls, pre-Islamic inscriptions reused in the wall of Islamic period, in right setback of tower no. 37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00674 | Barāqiš: Detail of a sounding on the southern city walls of Barāqiš. The stones in situ forming the inner curtain of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00675 | Barāqiš: City walls, bird’s eye view of a sounding on the south. The stones in situ forming the inner curtain of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00676 | Barāqiš: General view of southwestern part of the city walls. In the foreground is the sounding carried out to uncover the inner curtain of the city wall in situ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00677 | Barāqiš: General view of a sounding on the south-west city walls of Barāqiš, from above. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00678 | Barāqiš: Detail of a sounding on the southern city walls of Barāqiš, from above. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00679 | Barāqiš: City walls, general view of a sounding in the city walls, from the south-west. The stones in situ forming the inner curtain of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00680 | Barāqiš: Ruins of buildings in stone of the Islamic period, close to the eastern Islamic gate. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00681 | Barāqiš: General view of the western towers of the city walls, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00682 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers nos 38-37, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00683 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 37 to no. 40, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00684 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 38 to no. 41, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00685 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 40 to no. 42, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00686 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 41 to no. 43, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00687 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 39 to no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00688 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 41 to no. 43, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00689 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and from no. 42 to no. 44, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00690 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 43 to no. 46, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00691 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 45 to no. 48, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00692 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 46 to no. 51, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00693 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 45 to no. 53, from the SW.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00694 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 42 to no. 48, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00695 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 39 to no. 44, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00696 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 37 to no. 43, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00697 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 37 to no. 40, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00698 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 37 to no. 42, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00699 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 37 to no. 44, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00700 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 37 to no. 47, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00701 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 39 to no. 52, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00702 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 42 to no. 56, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00703 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 43 to no. 1, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00704 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 45 to no. 1, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00705 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 48 to no. 1, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00706 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 54 to no. 1, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00707 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 26 to no. 29, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00708 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls and towers from no. 23 to no. 26, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00709 | Barāqiš: A wall in front of the southern city gate of Islamic period, between towers no. 33 and no. 34. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00710 | Barāqiš: City walls, sequence of towers from no. 33 to no. 37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00711 | Barāqiš: City walls, sequence of towers from no. 33 to no. 36. In the foreground the retaining wall in front of the southern Islamic doorway. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00712 | Barāqiš: Detail of the retaining wall in front of the southern Islamic doorway, between towers no. 33 and no. 34 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00713 | Barāqiš: Detail the retaining wall in front of the southern Islamic doorway, between towers no. 33 and no. 34. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00714 | Barāqiš: On the left the tower no. 35 with Minaean foundation in view. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00715 | Barāqiš: The city walls and tower no. 48 from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00716 | Barāqiš: City walls, sequence of towers from no. 37 to no. 52 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00717 | Barāqiš: City walls, the gate with towers no. 56, no. 57 and no. 1 (on the left), from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00719 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers no. 1, no. 57 and no. 56 (right), from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00720 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 1, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00721 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers no. 1 and no. 56, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00722 | Barāqiš: City walls, in the foreground tower no. 56, in the background tower no. 48 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00723 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 43-42 from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00724 | Barāqiš: City walls. In the background is the tower no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00725 | Barāqiš: The temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before excavation (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00726 | Barāqiš: Pillars of the propylaeum of the temple B or temple of ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00727 | Barāqiš: The temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before excavation (from the N).(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00728 | Barāqiš: The temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before excavation (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00729 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic structures in the southwest part of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00730 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic structures in the south part of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00731 | Barāqiš: Minaean pillars in the foregroun. In the background the jambs of the Temple C are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00732 | Barāqiš: The tower and the mosque or mausoleum (from the east). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00733 | Barāqiš: Pillars of pre-Islamic period reused in the area of the mosque or mausoleum. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00734 | Barāqiš: The tower and the mosque or mausoleum. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00735 | Barāqiš: The well outside of the city wall, from the S/SE. In the background the corner tower no. 37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00736 | Barāqiš: City walls, sequence of towers from the southern Islamic doorway to the west (nos 33-32-…). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00737 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic buildings inside the city walls. In the background is the Islamic tower.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00738 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic buildings inside the city walls. In the background/left is the southern city gate of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00739 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic period inside the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00740 | Barāqiš: Remains of Islamic period close to the southern Islamic city gate. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00741 | Barāqiš: Remains of Islamic buildings next to the southern city gate (from the E/SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00742 | Barāqiš: General view of the remains of Islamic period, from the E/SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00743 | Barāqiš: Remains of Islamic period along the city wall, from the S/SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00744 | Barāqiš: Building of Islamic period next to the southern city gate (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00745 | Barāqiš: Detail of the building of Islamic period next to the southern city gate (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00746 | Barāqiš: Ruined buildings of Islamic period next to the southern city gate. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00747 | Barāqiš: The Islamic ruined buildings next to the southern city gate, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00748 | Barāqiš: General view of the remains of Islamic origin inside the city walls (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00749 | Barāqiš: General view of the remains of buildings of Islamic occupation; in the background is the tower no. 48 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00750 | Barāqiš: Ruins of Islamic buildings inside the city walls; in the background/left is T48, and right the Islamic tower and mosque/mausoleum (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00751 | Barāqiš: General view of the Islamic remains. In the background the tower and the mosque/mausoleum (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00752 | Barāqiš: Islamic remains in the northern part of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00753 | Barāqiš: Remains of the Islamic occupation in the southwest part of the site; in the background is the tower no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00754 | Barāqiš: Remains of Islamic period inside the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00755 | Barāqiš: In the background the pillars of the propylaeum of the temple B or temple of ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00756 | Barāqiš: The tower and the mosque/mausileum, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00757 | Barāqiš: City walls, the upper part of towers nos 33-32, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00758 | Barāqiš: City walls, the upper part of towers nos 33-32, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00759 | Barāqiš: City walls, the wall of tower no. 34, from above. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00760 | Barāqiš: City walls, detail of the wall of tower no. 34, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00761 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 34, from the SE, and the lower part of the Islamic city gate. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00762 | Barāqiš: View of the building on the upper part of tower no. 34 (from the SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00763 | Barāqiš: City walls, detail of tower no. 34 (foreground) and tower no. 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00764 | Barāqiš: City walls, southern Islamic doorway between towers no. 33 and no. 34. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00765 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 33, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00766 | Barāqiš: General view of the complex condition of the area around the southern doorway of Islamic period. In the foreground is the building on tower no. 34. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00767 | Barāqiš: General view of the area around the southern doorway of Islamic period. In the foreground the building on tower no. 34. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00768 | Barāqiš: General view of the Islamic building on tower 34 (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00769 | Barāqiš: In the background on the left is the tower no. 48, on the right is the Islamic tower inside the city wall (from the N).(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00770 | Barāqiš: City walls, (from the left) towers nos 51-48 (from the left). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00771 | Barāqiš: City walls, in the foreground is the tower no. 56, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00772 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00773 | Barāqiš: City walls, (from the right) towers nos 44-1, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00774 | Barāqiš: City walls, (from the right) towers nos 42-1, from the S. | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00775 | Barāqiš: City walls, (clockwise) towers nos 43-1, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00776 | Barāqiš: City walls, (from the right) towers nos 1-4, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00777 | Barāqiš: General view of the ancient city of Barāqiš, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00778 | Barāqiš: General view of the ancient city of Barāqiš, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00779 | Barāqiš: General view of the ancient city of Barāqiš, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00780 | Barāqiš: General view of the ancient city of Barāqiš, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00781 | Barāqiš: General view of the ancient city of Barāqiš, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00782 | Barāqiš: General view of the ancient city of Barāqiš, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00783 | Barāqiš: General view of the ancient city of Barāqiš, from the N. From the right, towers nos 1-19 (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00784 | Barāqiš: The city walls, from the N, detail of towers nos 7-12 (from the right). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00785 | Barāqiš: The city walls, from the N. View of towers nos 9-14 (from the right). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00786 | Barāqiš: The city walls; from the right are the towers from no. 1 to no. 9 (view from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00787 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 1, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00788 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 2 from W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00789 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 1-2, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00790 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 5, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00791 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 4-5, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00792 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 6, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00793 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 5-6, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00794 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 10, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00795 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 9-10, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00796 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 9-10, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00797 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 9, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00798 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 12, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00799 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 11-12, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00800 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 11, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00801 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 13, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00802 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 12-13, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00803 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 12, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00804 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 13 and recess between towers nos 13-14 , from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00805 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 14, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00806 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 14-15, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00807 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 14-15, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00808 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 16, from the N. Detail of the lower part. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00809 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 16, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00810 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 18, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00811 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 17-18, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00812 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 22, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00813 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 22-23, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00814 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 22-23, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00815 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 23, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00816 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 27-28, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00817 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 27-28, recess, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00818 | Barāqiš: City walls, (from the right) towers nos 28-29, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00819 | Barāqiš: City walls, sequence of towers from no. 33 to no. 37, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00820 | Barāqiš: City walls, from the right, sequence of towers from no. 29 to no. 36, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00821 | Barāqiš: City wall, clockwise, sequence of towers from no. 29 to no. 37, from the E. In the foreground the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00822 | Barāqiš: The dam outside the city walls, on the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00823 | Barāqiš: The dam outside the city walls, on the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00824 | Barāqiš: The dam outside the city walls, on the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00825 | Barāqiš: The dam outside the city walls, on the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00826 | Barāqiš: The dam outside the city walls, on the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00827 | Barāqiš: The dam outside the city walls, on the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00828 | Barāqiš: The dam outside the city walls, on the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00829 | Barāqiš: The dam outside the city walls, on the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00830 | Barāqiš: The dam outside the city walls, on the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00831 | Barāqiš: The dam outside the city walls, on the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00832 | Barāqiš: The dam outside the city walls, on the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00833 | Barāqiš: The dam outside the city walls, on the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00834 | Barāqiš: The dam outside the city walls, on the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00835 | Barāqiš: The well outside the city walls, on the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00836 | Barāqiš: The well outside the city walls, on the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00837 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 37, from the S/SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00838 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 36-37, from the S/SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00839 | Barāqiš: City walls, clockwise, towers nos 35-37, from the S/SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00840 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 37. Detail of the lower part. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00841 | Barāqiš: City walls, detail of the foundations of towers nos 36-37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00842 | Barāqiš: City walls, detail of the foundations of tower no. 36. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00843 | Barāqiš: City walls, detail of the retaining wall in front of towers nos 34-35. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00844 | Barāqiš: City walls, general view of towers nos 33-29, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00845 | Barāqiš: City walls, retaining wall in front of the southern gate, towers nos 33-34, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00846 | Barāqiš: City walls, general view of retaining wall in front of the southern gste, towers nos 33-34, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00847 | Barāqiš: City walls, detail of the inner side of tower no. 34 (southern Islamic gate). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00848 | Barāqiš: City walls, detail of the walled gate of Islamic period, between towers nos 33 and 34. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00849 | Barāqiš: City walls, detail of tower no. 33, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00850 | Barāqiš: City walls, detail of towers nos 32-33, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00851 | Barāqiš: City walls, general view of towers nos 33-32, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00852 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 32 (left) and 31 (right), from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00853 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 31-30, (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00854 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 34 (left) and 33 (right), from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00855 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers ns. 34 and 35. In the foreground the containing wall, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00856 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 32 (foreground) 32- and 30, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00857 | Barāqiš: City walls, the southern gate of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00858 | Barāqiš: City walls, the corner tower no. 37, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00859 | Barāqiš: City walls, the corner tower no. 37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00860 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 37-38, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00861 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers 37 (right), 38 and 39 (left), from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00862 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 43-44, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00863 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 43-44, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00864 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 43-44, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00865 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 43, from the S. Detail of the western wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00866 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 43 (background), from the S. Detail of the lower part of the recess between T43 and T44, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00867 | Barāqiš: City walls, excavation test carried out in the wall between towers nos 43-44. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00868 | Barāqiš: City walls, excavation test carried out in the wall between towers nos 43-44. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00869 | Barāqiš: The temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before excavation, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00870 | Barāqiš: The temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before excavation, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00871 | Barāqiš: The temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before excavation, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00872 | Barāqiš: The pillars of the propylaeum of the temple B, dedicated to ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ (from the SW) (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00873 | Barāqiš: The pillars of the propylaeum of the temple B, dedicated to ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00874 | Barāqiš: The pillars of the propylaeum of the temple B, dedicated to ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00875 | Barāqiš: The pillars of the propylaeum of the temple B, dedicated to ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ (from the S). On the right two standing pillars of a Temple C are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00876 | Barāqiš: General view of Islamic remains and two standing monolithic pillars, probably related to a third temple (Temple C). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00877 | Barāqiš: General view of Islamic remains from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00878 | Barāqiš: General view of Islamic remains around a central area of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00879 | Barāqiš: General view of Islamic remains in the southern area of the city (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00880 | Barāqiš: General view of Islamic buildings in the southern area of the city, next to the southern Islamic gate (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00881 | Barāqiš: General view of Islamic remains along the southwestern city walls and towers (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00882 | Barāqiš: General view of Islamic remains along the southwestern city walls and the temple of Nakraḥ (foreground/right) (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00883 | Barāqiš: General view of the temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00884 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 48 and 47 (right) from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00885 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 46 (right), 47 and 48 (left) (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00886 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 48 (right) and 49 (left) (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00894 | Barāqiš: City walls, view of the inside of tower no. 48, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00895 | Barāqiš: City walls, view of the inside of tower no. 48, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00896 | Barāqiš: View of the western sector of the city walls; the higher tower is no. 48. The architect V. Labianca at the foot of the tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00897 | Barāqiš: Tower no. 48. The architect V. Labianca at the foot of the tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00898 | Barāqiš: City walls, view of the inner part of tower no. 48, from the NE, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00899 | Barāqiš: View of the city gate, between towers no. 1 (on the left) and no. 56 (on the right), from the W. The architect V. Labianca is standing at the corner of tower no. 56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00900 | Barāqiš: View of the city gate, specifically the tower no. 56 and no. 57 from the NW. The architect V. Labianca is standing at the corner of tower no. 56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00901 | Barāqiš: The city gate, between towers no. 1 (on the left) and no. 56 (on the right), from the NW. General view of towers from no. 1 to no. 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00902 | Barāqiš: City walls, view of towers no. 48, no. 47 on the right and no. 49 on the left, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00903 | Barāqiš: City walls, view of towers no. 48 and no. 49 (left), from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00904 | Barāqiš: General view of western sector of the city walls; towers no. 49, no. 48, no. 47 etc., from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00905 | Barāqiš: Southern corner of the city walls; towers no. 38 (left) and no. 37 are visible, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00906 | Barāqiš: City walls, view of the corner tower no. 37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00907 | Barāqiš: City walls, view of the corner tower no. 37, from the S. The core of the tower is made of mud bricks. On the left the architect V. Labianca. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00908 | Barāqiš: City walls, view of the corner tower no. 37, from the south. Between the internal and external curtains of the tower there is a thick wall in mud bricks (in lighter color). Above, the stratum of soil in darker color and walls made of small stones are of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00909 | Barāqiš: City wall, view of tower no. 37, from the south. The external wall is collapsed showing the original Minaean core of the tower made of mud bricks. In this part of the city wall the foundations are visible. | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00910 | Barāqiš: City walls, view of towers no. 37 and no. 36. The foundations of the city walls are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00911 | Barāqiš: View of towers no. 37 and no. 36. The foundations of the city walls are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00912 | Barāqiš: General view of the city, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00913 | Barāqiš: Hydraulic structures of a dam, west of Barāqiš. Rests of high sediments of the wādī are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00914 | Barāqiš: General view, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00915 | Barāqiš: Hydraulic structures of a dam, west of Barāqiš. Al-ʿIzzî Muḥammad Muṣliḥ, responsible of the GOAM office in Marib (the ancient site of Barāqiš depends from Marib). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00916 | Barāqiš: View of high sediment banks in wādī Jawf, W part of Barāqiš. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00928 | Barāqiš: Aerial photo. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00929 | Barāqiš: Aerial photo. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00930 | Barāqiš: Aerial photo. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00931 | Barāqiš: General view of the site and city walls, from the S/SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00932 | Barāqiš: General view of the site and city walls, from the S/SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00933 | Barāqiš: General view of the site and city walls, from the S/SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00934 | Barāqiš: General view of the site and city walls, from the S/SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00935 | Barāqiš: General view of the site and city walls, from the S/SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00936 | Barāqiš: General view of the site and city walls, from the S/SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00941 | Barāqiš: Incense burner found during a survey outside of the city walls (October, 26-30 1986) (Y.86.BAR/13). The name qusṭ is carved. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00942 | Barāqiš: Incense burner found during a survey outside of the city wall (October, 26-30 1986) (Y.86.BAR/13). The name ḥādik is carved. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00943 | Barāqiš: Incense burner found during a survey outside of the city wall (October, 26-30 1986) (Y.86.BAR/13). The name ḍarw is carved. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2017BARn00944 | Barāqiš: Incense burner found during a survey outside of the city wall (October, 26-30 1986) (Y.86.BAR/13). The name rand is carved. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00945 | Barāqiš: City walls, western sector. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00946 | Barāqiš: City walls tower no. 37, from the W. (M.Cucarzi, Lerici Foundation, at the foot of the tower). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00947 | Barāqiš: City walls, detail of the lower part of tower no. 36 (M. Cucarzi, Lerici Foundation). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00948 | Barāqiš: City walls, detail of the foundations of towers nos 36 (right) and 37 (left). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00949 | Barāqiš: City walls, detail of a row of stones of the foundation. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00950 | Barāqiš: City walls, general view of western sector with towers nos 50-47 (left), from the W. The higher tower is tower no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00951 | Barāqiš: General view of towers nos 46-53 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00952 | Barāqiš: Tower no. 56 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00953 | Barāqiš: City walls, sequence of towers from no. 55 (left, foreground) to no. 48, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00954 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 55-56, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00955 | Barāqiš: City walls, inscription re-employed in tower no. 1, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00956 | Barāqiš: City walls, tower no. 48, from W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00957 | Barāqiš: General view of the remains of Islamic period and tower no. 48, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00958 | Barāqiš: General view of Islamic ruins in the southern part of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00959 | Barāqiš: General view of Islamic ruins in the eastern part of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00960 | Barāqiš: The tower and the mosque / mausoleum, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00961 | Barāqiš: A building in stone and mud bricks of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00962 | Barāqiš: City walls, towers nos 37-36, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00963 | Barāqiš: Sand dunes outside the northeastern city walls of Barāqiš. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00964 | Barāqiš: Sand dunes outside the northeastern city walls of Barāqiš. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00965 | Barāqiš: Northern sector of the city walls, towers no. 15 (on the left), no. 14 and no. 13, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00966 | Barāqiš: Northern sector of the city walls, tower no. 13 (on the right), and recess between towers no. 13 and no. 14. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00967 | Barāqiš: City walls, inscription reused in the wall of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00968 | Barāqiš: City walls, internal view of tower no. 48, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00969 | Barāqiš: General view of the Islamic ruins; the tower and the mosque/mausoleum are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00970 | Barāqiš: Bird’s eye view of the Islamic ruins inside the city walls. The higher tower is no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00971 | Barāqiš: General view of the Islamic ruins, from the north; the jambs of Temple C and two pillars of pre-Islamic period are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00972 | Barāqiš: General view of the central area inside the city walls, from the northwest. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00973 | Barāqiš: View - from the roof of the Islamic tower - of the mosque/mausoleum. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00974 | Barāqiš: View of the eastern sector of the city walls, from the E. From the left: the tower nos 29, 28, 27 and 26. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00975 | Barāqiš: Towers nos 22 (on the right), 23, 24 and 25, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00976 | Barāqiš: View of towers no. 21 (on the left), 20 and 19 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00977 | Barāqiš: City walls, recess between towers nos 19 (on the left) and 20 (this is not in the field), from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00978 | Barāqiš: City walls, Tower no. 19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00979 | Barāqiš: City walls, view of towers nos 23 and 24 (background), from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00980 | Barāqiš: City walls, view of towers no. 24 (in the foreground) and no. 25, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00981 | Barāqiš: Eastern sector of the city walls, view of tower no. 26, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00982 | Barāqiš: Eastern sector of the city walls, from the right to the left towers nos 27, 28, 29, etc., from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00983 | Barāqiš: The tower no. 37 on the southern corner of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00984 | Barāqiš: In the foreground is the well outside of the city walls. In the background is the corner tower no. 37, from the S/SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00985 | Barāqiš: View of the southwestern section of the city walls, from the W. Specifically, from the left, the towers nos 40, 39, 38 and 37 are visible. The tower no. 37 is on the southern corner of the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00986 | Barāqiš: View of the southwestern section of the city wall, from the W. Specifically, from the left, the towers nos 42, 41, 40 and 39 are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00987 | Barāqiš: View of the western sector of the city walls, from the W. From the left, towers nos 44, 43, 42, 41. The inner section of recess between towers no. 44 (on the left) and no. 43 is visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00988 | Barāqiš: View of the western sector of the city walls from the W. From the left, towers nos 48-41. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00989 | Barāqiš: View of the city gate, from the W. The city gate is included between towers no. 1 (on the left) and no. 56 (on the right). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00990 | Barāqiš: View of the northwestern sector of the city walls, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00991 | Barāqiš: View of the western sector of the city walls, from the W. In the foreground is tower no. 1, in the background the higher tower no. 48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00992 | Barāqiš: View of the Temple A, dedicated to the god Nakraḥ, before excavation (from the SW). A house in mud bricks and stones was built on the roof of the temple in the later Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00993 | Barāqiš: View from the SE of the mudbricks and stones house built on the roof of the Temple A (Temple of Nakraḥ). In the background is tower no. 48.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00994 | Barāqiš: The remains of the house in mud bricks and stones of the Islamic period are preserved on the roof of the Temple A (Temple of Nakraḥ). View from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00995 | Barāqiš: View of the door jambs of Temple C (on the left), emerging from the soil (accumulation of Islamic strata). Islamic buildings (on the right) near the Islamic city gate (from the NW).(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00996 | Barāqiš: Detail of the door jambs of the Minaean Temple C. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00997 | Barāqiš: View of the mosque/mausoleum in the city, from the northwest. Minaean pillars were reused in the court of the mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00998 | Barāqiš: View of Islamic mosque/mausoleum and the tower, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn00999 | Barāqiš: Close view of mosque/ mausoleum and the tower, from the W. In the foreground Minaean pillars were reused in the court of the Islamic monument. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn01000 | Barāqiš: General view of Minaean pillars of Temple C (foreground) and Temple B (background) emerging from the accumulation of Islamic strata from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn01001 | Barāqiš: In the background the pillars of the propylaeum of Temple B, in the foreground monolithic blocks of Temple C, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn01002 | Barāqiš: General view of remains of Islamic period, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn01003 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls, from tower no. 48 to tower no. 1 (the city gate in the background), from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2017BARn01004 | Barāqiš: General view of the city walls, from tower no. 50 to tower no. 1 (the city gate), from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01005 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Plaster female head (Y.90.B/148) found in the 'Sacristy', L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01006 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Plaster female head (Y.90.B/148) found in the 'Sacristy', L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01007 | Barāqiš: Incense burner in sandstone (Y.90.B/1) found in the excavation of Temple A, or Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01008 | Barāqiš: Incense burner in sandstone (Y.90.B/2) found in the excavation of Temple A, or Temple of Nakraḥ. The names ḍarw and rand are carved. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01009 | Barāqiš: Frontal view of a seated headless female figurine in terracotta covered with plaster (Y.90.B/3) found in the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01010 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Lateral view of a seated headless female figurine in terracotta covered with plaster (Y.90.B/3) found in the 'Sacristy', L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01011 | Barāqiš: Rear view of a seated headless female figurine in terracotta covered with plaster (Y.90.B/3), found in the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01012 | Barāqiš: Inscription in sandstone, composed by two fragments: Y.86.BARii/19 (survey 7/12/1986) + Y.90.B/17 (excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01013 | Barāqiš: Inscription in sandstone, composed by two fragments: Y.86.BARii/19 (survey 7/12/1986) + Y.90.B/17 (excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01014 | Barāqiš: Detail of rear view of a seated headless female figurine in terracotta covered with plaster (Y.90.B/3), found in the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ, 'Sacristy', L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01015 | Barāqiš: Lateral view of a seated headless female figurine in terracotta covered with plaster (Y.90.B/3), found in the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ, 'Sacristy', L6.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01016 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of the upper part of a seated headless female figurine in terracotta covered with plaster (Y.90.B/3), found in the 'Sacristy', L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01017 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of the upper part of a seated headless female figurine in terracotta covered with plaster (Y.90.B/3), found in the 'Sacristy', L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01025 | Barāqiš: The mausoleum inside the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01026 | Barāqiš: A block of alabaster. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01027 | Barāqiš: Inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01028 | Barāqiš: The team of the Italian Archaeological Mission: Vincenzo Labianca, Sabina Antonini, Franco Brancaleoni, Francesco Di Mario. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01029 | Barāqiš: The tower and the mosque/mausoleum. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01030 | Barāqiš: The tower and the mosque/mausoleum. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01031 | Barāqiš: Inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01032 | Barāqiš: The team of Italian Archeological Mission: Sabina Antonini, Alessandro de Maigret, Gherardo Gnoli, Vincenzo Labianca, Franco Brancaleoni and Francesco Di Mario. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01033 | Barāqiš: The team of Italian Archeological Mission. Francesco Di Mario, Sabina Antonini, Vincenzo Labianca, Franco Brancaleoni. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01034 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.90.B.A./3 on the stela resting on M1 of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01035 | Barāqiš: The stela with inscription Y.90.B.A./3 resting on M1 of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01036 | Barāqiš: The stela with inscription Y.90.B.A./3 resting on M1 of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01037 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01038 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01039 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01040 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01041 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01042 | Barāqiš: Franco Brancaleoni (Lerici Foundation) with workers during an exploratory coring in the 'Sacristy', L3 (view from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01043 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.90.B.A./8, from the demolition of the wall Mr, locus Ln. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01044 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01045 | Barāqiš: Inscription of public confession Y.90.B.A./10 a+b, found in locus L3, the 'Sacristy'. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01046 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01047 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.90.B.A./16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01048 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.90.B.A./9 from locus L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01049 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.90.B.A./14 from locus L3 ('Sacristy'). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01050 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.90.B.A./? from locus L3 ('Sacristy'). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01051 | Barāqiš: Inscription of public confession Y.90.B.A./1, between wall Ma and beam 37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01052 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.90.B.A./9 from locus L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01053 | Barāqiš: Fragment of an inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01054 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.90.B.A./11 from locus L3 ('Sacristy'). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01055 | Barāqiš: Fragment of public confession inscription Y.90.B.A./? (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01056 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.90.B.A./? (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01057 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscription Y.90.B.A./? (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01058 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscription Y.90.B.13, from locus L3 ('Sacristy'). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01059 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.90.B.A./12, from locus L3 ('Sacristy'). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01060 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.90.B.A./15, from locus L3 ('Sacristy'). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01061 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.90.B.A./18. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01062 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscription Y.90.B.A./? (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01063 | Barāqiš: Detail of Y.90.B.A./7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01064 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscription Y.90.B.A./? (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01065 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscription Y.90.B.A./? (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01066 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscription Y.90.B.A./2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01067 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscription Y.90.B.A./4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01068 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscription Y.90.B.A./4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01069 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscription Y.90.B.A./10 a+b. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01070 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscription Y.90.B.A./10 a+b. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01071 | Barāqiš: Drawing of L22 in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ, by Patricia Smith (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2017BARn01072 | Barāqiš: Drawing of the Temple of Nakraḥ, by Patricia Smith (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01073 | Barāqiš: Coin in silver (Y.92.B/347) of imam al-Manṣūr ʿAbd Allāh b. Ḥamza, found on the doorstep of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01074 | Barāqiš: Coin in silver (Y.92.B/347) of imam al-Manṣūr ʿAbd Allāh b. Ḥamza, found on the doorstep of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01075 | Barāqiš: Coin in silver (Y.92.B/347) of imam al-Manṣūr ʿAbd Allāh b. Ḥamza, found on the doorstep of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01076 | Barāqiš: Incense burner Y.92.B/106 found in the excavation of Nakraḥ Temple, L4. Lateral view. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01077 | Barāqiš: Incense burner Y.92.B/106 found in the excavation of Nakraḥ Temple, L4. Lateral view. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01078 | Barāqiš: Incense burner Y.92.B/106 found in the excavation of Nakraḥ Temple, L4. Frontal view. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01079 | Barāqiš: Incense burner Y.92.B/106 found in the excavation of Nakraḥ Temple, L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01080 | Barāqiš: Incense burner Y.92.B/106 found in the excavation of Nakraḥ Temple, L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01081 | Barāqiš: Incense burner Y.92.B/106 found in the excavation of Nakraḥ Temple, L4. Frontal view. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01082 | Barāqiš: Coin in silver (Y.92.B/347) of imam al-Manṣūr ʿAbd Allāh b. Ḥamza, found on the doorstep of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01083 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of yellow-brownish textile from L4 (Y.92.B/390). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01084 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of yellow-brownish textile from L4 (Y.92.B/390). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01085 | Barāqiš: Gutter in the shape of a bull's head (Y.92.B/130), found in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01086 | Barāqiš: Gutter in the shape of a bull's head (Y.92.B/8), found in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ, in Lcc. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01087 | Barāqiš: Gutter in the shape of a bull's head (Y.92.B/8), found in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ, in Lcc. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01088 | Barāqiš: Gutter in the shape of a bull's head (Y.92.B/130), found in the excavation area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01089 | Barāqiš: Gutter in the shape of a bull's head (Y.92.B/130), found in the excavation area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01090 | Barāqiš: Gutter in the shape of a bull's head (Y.92.B/130), found in the excavation area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01091 | Barāqiš: Cubic incense burner in sandstone (Y.92.B/103). Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01092 | Barāqiš: Cubic incense burner in sandstone (Y.92.B/103). Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01093 | Barāqiš: Gutter in the shape of a bull's head (Y.92.B/130). Found in the excavation area, NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01094 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Incense burner in sandstone (Y.92.B/9). Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01095 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Cubic incense burner insandstone (Y.92.B/103). Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01096 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, L4. Cubic incense burner in sandstone (Y.92.B/103). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01097 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of bronze sheet (Y.92.B/471) from L12. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01098 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of bronze sheet (Y.92.B/471) from L12. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01099 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of bronze sheet (Y.92.B/471) from L12. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01100 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta figurine covered by plaster and painted (Y.92.B/2) representing a female head. Lateral view. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01101 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta figurine covered by plaster and painted (Y.92.B/2) representing a female head. Rear side. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01102 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta figurine covered by plaster (Y.92.B/198) representing a female bust. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01103 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Rear side of a terracotta figurine covered by plaster (Y.92.B/198) representing a female bust. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01104 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta female head covered by plaster (Y.92.B/197). Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01105 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta female head covered by plaster (Y.92.B/197). Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01106 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta figurine covered by plaster (Y.92.B/198) representing a female bust. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01107 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta figurine covered by plaster (Y.92.B/198) representing a female bust. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01108 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta figurine covered by plaster (Y.92.B/198) representing a female bust. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01109 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta figurine covered by plaster representing a female head (Y.92.B/2). Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01110 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta figurine covered by plaster representing a female head (Y.92.B/2). Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01111 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta figurine covered by plaster representing a female head (Y.92.B/2). Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01112 | Barāqiš: Triangular lamp in soap stone (burm) of Islamic period (Y.92.B/369). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01113 | Barāqiš: Fragment of a terracotta lamp (Y.92.B/348). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01114 | Barāqiš: Fragment of a terracotta lamp (Y.92.B/348). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01115 | Barāqiš: Triangular lamp in soap stone (burm) of Islamic period (Y.92.B/369). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01116 | Barāqiš: Triangular lamp in soap stone (burm) of Islamic period (Y.92.B/369). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01117 | Barāqiš: Triangular lamp in soap stone (burm) of Islamic period (Y.92.B/369). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01118 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta figurine covered by plaster (Y.92.B/183) representing a female head. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01119 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta figurine covered by plaster (Y.92.B/183) representing a female head. From L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01120 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta figurine covered by plaster (Y.92.B/183) representing a female head, from L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01121 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta figurine covered by plaster (Y.92.B/183) representing a female head, from L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01122 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta figurine covered by plaster (Y.92.B/183) representing a female head. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01123 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta figurine covered by plaster (Y.92.B/183) representing a female head. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01124 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta female head covered by plaster (Y.92.B/127). Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01125 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta female head covered by plaster (Y.92.B/127). Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01126 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta female head covered by plaster (Y.92.B/127). Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01127 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta female head covered by plaster (Y.92.B/197). Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01128 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta female head covered by plaster (Y.92.B/197). Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01129 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta female head covered by plaster (Y.92.B/127). Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01130 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Wooden arm of a human statue, found in L12 (Y.92.B/470). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01131 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Wooden arm of a human statue, found in L12 (Y.92.B/470). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01132 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Wooden arm of a human statue, found in L12 (Y.92.B/470). Lateral view. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01133 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Wooden arm of a human statue, found in L12 (Y.92.B/470). Rear view. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01135 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Wooden arm of a human statue, found in L12 (Y.92.B/470). Detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01136 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Wooden arm of a human statue, found in L12 (Y.92.B/470). Lateral view, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01137 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Wooden arm of a human statue, found in L12 (Y.92.B/470). Rear view, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01138 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Snake in bronze (Y.92.B/411) from L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01139 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Snake in bronze (Y.92.B/411) from L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01140 | Barāqiš: Fragment of plaster (qaḍaḍ) with black Arab script (Y.92.B/466) from Islamic level (wall Mev). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01141 | Barāqiš: Fragment of plaster (qaḍaḍ) with black Arab script (Y.92.B/466) from Islamic level (wall Mev). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01142 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, Cubic incense burner in sandstone (Y.92.B/104). The name ḥāḏik is carved. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01143 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, Cubic incense burner in sandstone (Y.92.B/104). The name ḥāḏik is carved. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01144 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Cubic incense burner in sandstone (Y.92.B/104). The name ḥāḏik is carved. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01145 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, fragment of a jar with monogram incised on the inner side of the neck (Y.92.B/15 =Y.92.B.A./49). From Minaean level on M4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01146 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Cubic incense burner in sandstone (Y.92.B/104). The name ḥāḏik is carved on one face. On three faces 4 'false windows' are carved. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01147 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Cubic incense burner in sandstone (Y.92.B/104). The name ḥāḏik is carved on one face. On three faces 4 'false windows' are carved. From L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01148 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, triangular lamp in burm (steatite) of Islamic period ( Y.92.B/5). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01149 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, fragment of a jar with a monogram incised on the inner side of the neck (Y.92.B/15 = Inv. no. of inscription Y.92.B.A./49). From Minaean level on M4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01151 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, triangular lamp in burm (steatite) of Islamic period (Y.92.B/5). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01152 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, triangular lamp in burm (steatite) of Islamic period (Y.92.B/5). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01153 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, triangular lamp in burme (steatite) of Islamic period (Y.92.B/5). Found next to M9. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01154 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, incense burner in limestone with inscription, found in L10 (Y.92.B/13). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01155 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, incense burner in limestone with inscription, found in L10 (Y.92.B/13). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01156 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, incense burner in limestone with inscription, found in L10 (Y.92.B/13). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01157 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, incense burner in limestone with inscription, found in L10 (Y.92.B/13) (restored). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01158 | Barāqiš: Stela in sandstone representing a human face in relief (Y.92.B/391). The stone was found below the floor level in Led. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01161 | Barāqiš: Stela in sandstone representing a human face in relief (Y.92.B/391). The stone was found below the floor level in Led. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01163 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, gutter in the shape of a bull's head (Y.92.B/8), found in Lcc (Islamic level). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01164 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, terracotta female head and chest covered with plaster (Y.92.B/4), found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01165 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, terracotta female head and chest covered with plaster (Y.92.B/4), found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01166 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, terracotta female head and chest covered with plaster (Y.92.B/4), found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01167 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, terracotta female head covered with plaster and painted, found in L4 (Y.92.B/3). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01168 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, terracotta female head covered with plaster and painted, found in L4 (Y.92.B/3). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01169 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, terracotta female head covered with plaster and painted, found in L4 (Y.92.B/3). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01170 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, terracotta female head covered with plaster and painted, found in L4 (Y.92.B/3). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01171 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, terracotta female head covered with plaster and painted, found in L4 (Y.92.B/3). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01172 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, terracotta female head covered with plaster and painted, found in L4 (Y.92.B/3). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01173 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, terracotta female head and chest covered with plaster (Y.92.B/4), found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01174 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, terracotta female head and chest covered with plaster, found in L4 (Y.92.B/4). Rear side. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01175 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, terracotta female head covered with plaster and painted, found in L4 (Y.92.B/3). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01176 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, stopper (?) in plaster (Y.92.B/116), found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01177 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, stopper (?) in plaster (Y.92.B/116), found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01178 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, object in terracotta covered with plaster, found in L4 (Y.92.B/110). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01179 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, object in terracotta covered with plaster, found in L4 (Y.92.B/110). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01180 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, object in terracotta covered with plaster, found in L4 (Y.92.B/110). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01181 | Barāqiš: Fragments of Islamic pipes in terracotta (Y.92.B/177, Y.92.B/169, Y.92.B/93). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01182 | Barāqiš: Fragments of Islamic pipes in terracotta (Y.92.B/177, Y.92.B/169, Y.92.B/93). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01184 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, detail of the monogram incised on the inner side of a jar's neck (Y.92.B/15 = Inv. no. of inscription Y.92.B.A./49). From Minaean level on M4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01185 | Barāqiš: Fragment of a triangular lamp in steatite (burm). Islamic. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01186 | Barāqiš: Fragment of a triangular lamp in burm. Islamic. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01187 | Barāqiš: Fragment of a triangular lamp in burm, found in the Islamic level, in Ldi (Y.92,B/229). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01188 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, fragment of a terracotta female head covered with plaster and painted, found in L4 (Y.92.B/105). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01189 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, fragment of a terracotta female head covered with plaster and painted, found in L4 (Y.92.B/105). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01190 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, fragment of a terracotta female head covered with plaster and painted, found in L4 (Y.92.B/105). Rear side. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01191 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, figurine in bronze representing a lyre player, found in L4 (Y.92.B/108). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01192 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, figurine in bronze representing a lyre player, found in L4 (Y.92.B/108). Right side. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01193 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, figurine in bronze representing a lyre player, found in L4 (Y.92.B/108). Left side. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01194 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, figurine in bronze representing a lyre player, found in L4 (Y.92.B/108). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01195 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, figurine in bronze representing a lyre player, found in L4 (Y.92.B/108). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01196 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, female figurine in bronze representing a lyre player, found in L4 (Y.92.B/108). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01197 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, female figurine in bronze representing a lyre player, found in L4 (Y.92.B/108). Frontal view. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01198 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, female figurine in bronze representing a lyre player, found in L4 (Y.92.B/108). Frontal view. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01199 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, female figurine in bronze representing a lyre player, found in L4 (Y.92.B/108). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01200 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, male figurine in terracotta covered with plaster and painted in reddish. Hair, eyes, eyebrows are in black. Found in L4 (Y.92.B/107). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01201 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, male figurine in terracotta covered with plaster and painted in reddish. Hair, eyes, eyebrows are in black. Found in L4 (Y.92.B/107). Rear side. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01202 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, male figurine in terracotta covered with plaster and painted in reddish. Hair, eyes, eyebrows are in black. Found in L4 (Y.92.B/107). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01203 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, male figurine in terracotta covered with plaster and painted in reddish. Found in L4 (Y.92.B/107). Lateral view. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01204 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, male figurine in terracotta covered with plaster and painted in reddish. Hair, eyes, eyebrows are in black. Found in L4 (Y.92.B/107). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01205 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, male figurine in terracotta covered with plaster and painted in reddish. Hair, eyes, eyebrows are in black. Found in L4 (Y.92.B/107). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01206 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, female portrait in terracotta covered with plaster and painted in black (hair, eyes, eyebrows), and in red (mouth, necklace). Found in L4 (Y.92.B/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01207 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, female portrait in terracotta covered with plaster and painted in black (hair, eyes, eyebrows), and in red (mouth, necklace). Found in L4 (Y.92.B/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01208 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, female portrait in terracotta covered with plaster and painted in black (hair, eyes, eyebrows), and in red (mouth, necklace). Found in L4 (Y.92.B/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01209 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, female portrait in terracotta covered with plaster and painted in black (hair, eyes, eyebrows), and in red (mouth, necklace). Found in L4 (Y.92.B/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01210 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, female portrait in terracotta covered with plaster and painted in black (hair, eyes, eyebrows), and in red (mouth, necklace). Found in L4 (Y.92.B/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01211 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, female portrait in terracotta covered with plaster and painted in black (hair, eyes, eyebrows), and in red (mouth, necklace). Found in L4 (Y.92.B/1). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01212 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of plaster with an impressed inscription (Y.92.B/124) for a terracotta jar. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01213 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of plaster with an impressed inscription (Y.92.B/124) for a terracotta jar. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01214 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of plaster (Y.92.B/109) for a terracotta jar. Impressed letters. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01215 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of plaster (Y.92.B/109) for a terracotta jar. Impressed letters. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01216 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of plaster with an impressed inscription (Y.92.B/123) to cover a stopper in stone and seal a terracotta jar. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01217 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of plaster with an impressed inscription (Y.92.B/123) for a terracotta jar. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01218 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of plaster with an impressed inscription (Y.92.B/123) to seal a terracotta jar. Rear side. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01219 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of plaster with an impressed inscription (Y.92.B/128) for a terracotta jar. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01220 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of plaster with an impressed inscription (Y.92.B/128) to cover and seal a stone stopper of a terracotta jar. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01221 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of plaster with an impressed inscription (Y.92.B/128) for a terracotta jar. Found in L4. Rear side. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01222 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of plaster with a chequered engraving (Y.92.B/281) to seal a stopper of a terracotta jar. Found in L1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01223 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of a seal in plaster with a chequered engraving (Y.92.B/281) to seal a stopper of a terracotta jar. Found in L1. Rear side. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01224 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic structures on the western side of the Temple of Nakraḥ, and the staircase of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01225 | Barāqiš: General view of the temple (right), and the beams of the roof arranged on the ground, S of the temple (background). Representatives from the GOAM (Ṣanʿāʾ) visiting the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01226 | Barāqiš: The hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ, after dismounting the roof, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01227 | Barāqiš: The pillars of the hypostyle Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01228 | Barāqiš: View of the beams of the temple’s roof arranged in an area outside (S) of the temple. On the left the representatives of the GOAM visiting the excavation work. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01229 | Barāqiš: View of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the E. On the background the tower no. 44, the walls M39 (city wall) and M15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01230 | Barāqiš: Removal with the crane of the lintel from the door of the central cella of the Nakraḥ Temple, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01231 | Barāqiš: View of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. On the background the tower no. 44 and the wall M39 of the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01232 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ after dismounting the roof, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01233 | Barāqiš: The eastern perimetrical wall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01234 | Barāqiš: View of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. The roof, composed by beams, metopes and slabs, is dismounted. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01235 | Barāqiš: View of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. The pillars of the hypostyle hall of the temple are sustained by scaffolding. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01236 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Islamic locus Led: walls Mdp (left), Mfe + Mfb (background) (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01237 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Islamic locus Led: on the right is the wall Mdp. Mff in the background (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01238 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Islamic locus Led: walls Mfe (foreground), Mfd (left), Mdp (right), Mff (background). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01239 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Islamic locus Leb+Lec: walls Mfb (foreground), Mfd (left), Mev (right), Mdb (background) (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01240 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01241 | Barāqiš: Detail of the basin in stone found next to the eastern wall M8 in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Below the inscription Y.92.B.A./32. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01242 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Islamic locus Lec+Leb: wall Mev (left) is built in stone and wood, and covered with mud (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01243 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Islamic locus Lec (from the W). In the background are the walls Mcc and Mcf. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01244 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Islamic locus Lec: wall Mev in stone and wood is covered with mud (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01245 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Islamic locus Lec+Leb: walls Mev (right), Mfd (left), Mfb (background) (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01246 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Islamic locus Lec+Leb: wall Mev (left) is built in stone and wood, and covered with mud (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01248 | Barāqiš: View of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. In the background the offering table Y.92.B.A./40. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01249 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. General view. On the right is the locus Lec+Leb (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01250 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. General view. On the right is the locus Lec+Leb (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01251 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Basin in stone found next to the eastern wall M8 in the hypostyle hall of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01252 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Basin in stone found next to the eastern wall M8 in the hypostyle hall of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01253 | Barāqiš: General view of the basin in stone found next to the eastern wall M8 and cellae in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01254 | Barāqiš: Detail of the basin in stone found next to the eastern wall M8 in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Below the inscription Y.92.B.A./32. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01255 | Barāqiš: Stela in sandstone representing a human face in relief (Y.92.B/391). The stone was found below the floor level, in the Islamic locus Led. (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01256 | Barāqiš: Stela in sandstone representing a human face in relief (Y.92.B/391). The stone was found below the floor level, in the Islamic locus Led. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01257 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A./30 found in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ, next to the eastern cella, and it is part of the inscription Y.92.B.A./21. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01258 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A./30 found in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. In the background the wall M8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01259 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A./30 found in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. It is associated with the inscription Y.92.B.A./21, forming a chancel. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01260 | Barāqiš: View from helicopter of the camp of the Italian Archaeological Mission, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01261 | Barāqiš: View from helicopter of a portion of the site, from the NW. In the background is the crane arm close to the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01262 | Barāqiš: View from helicopter of the site, from the N. In the background is the crane arm close to the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01263 | Barāqiš: View from helicopter of the site, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01264 | Barāqiš: View from helicopter of the site, from the SE. In the left is the crane arm close to the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01265 | Barāqiš: The French epigraphist Christian Robin. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01266 | Barāqiš: The French epigraphist Christian Robin. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01267 | Barāqiš: Offering table in limestone (Y.92.B.O/427) found between walls Mcz and Mcf. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01268 | Barāqiš: Architectonic element in limestone decorated with dentils and fillets, found in the Temple of Nakraḥ, between pillars 11 and 15. Traced of red colour. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01269 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A./21, found in the Temple of Nakraḥ, W of pillar 7. Under is the inscription Y.92.B.A./30. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01270 | Barāqiš: Inscriptions Y.92.B.A./21 and Y.92.B.A./30 found in the Temple of Nakraḥ. They form a chancel next to the eastern cella. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01271 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscriptions Y.92.B.A./21 + Y.92.B.A./30 forming a chancel next to the eastern cella. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01272 | Barāqiš: Removal of the propylaeum pillar found at the foot of the Temple of Nakraḥ stairway (final phase). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01273 | Barāqiš: Removal of the propylaeum pillar found at the foot of the Temple of Nakraḥ stairway. The pillar was laid along the limit of the excavation area. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01274 | Barāqiš: Removal of the propylaeum pillar found at the foot of the Temple of Nakraḥ stairway. It was laid along the limit of the excavation area. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01275 | Barāqiš: Removal of a propylaeum pillar found at the foot of the Temple of Nakraḥ stairway. The pillar was laid along the western limit of the excavation area. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01276 | Barāqiš: Removal of a pillar of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ, found at the foot of the stairway. The pillar was laid along the western limit of the excavation area (intermediate phase.) (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01277 | Barāqiš: Removal of a pillar of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ, found at the foot of the stairway. The pillar was laid along the western limit of the excavation area. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01278 | Barāqiš: Intermediate phase of removal of a pillar of the propylaeum. It was found at the foot of the Temple of Nakraḥ stairway. The pillar was laid along the western limit of the excavation area. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01279 | Barāqiš: Intermediate phase of removal of a pillar of the propylaeum. It was found at the foot of the Temple of Nakraḥ stairway. View from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01280 | Barāqiš: Initial phase of removal with the crane of a pillar of the propylaeum. It was found at the foot of the Temple of Nakraḥ stairway. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01281 | Barāqiš: Removal with the crane of a pillar of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Initial phase. From the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01282 | Barāqiš: Removal with the crane of a pillar of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Initial phase. From the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01283 | Barāqiš: Removal with the crane of a pillar of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Initial phase. From the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01284 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. The main door with the bases of the propylaeum pillars. In the foreground the steps of the stairway (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01285 | Barāqiš: General view of he Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992 (from the W/NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01286 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992 (from the W/NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01287 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the stairway and the bases of the propylaeum. All pillars are missing, but one small fragment (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01288 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the bases of the propylaeum pillars. Walls and pillars of the temple are supported by scaffolding (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01289 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the stairway, the base of propylaeum and the door. In the background the central cella. (From the N/NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01290 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. Only the lower portion of a propylaeum pillar is preserved in situ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01291 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the western part of the stairway. The steps in limestone are deeply damaged (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01292 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. General view of the stairway from the west. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01293 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. Detail of the podium L11, on the west side of the gate (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01294 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. The podium L11, on the west side of the gate, and the wall M3 (from the NW). On the right is the 'Sacristy'. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01295 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the base of the propylaeum (named M14); only the lower portion of the western pillar is preserved in situ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01296 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. The hypostyle hall and two offering tables decorated with crouching ibexes, in situ (in L21 and L22). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01297 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. Two offering tables decorated with crouching ibexes, found in situ in the opposite loci L21 and L22. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01298 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the hypostyle hall from the E. Two offering tables, decorated with crouching ibexes, were found in loci L21 and L22. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01299 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of locus L2, from the N. The door leads to the 'Sacristy'. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01300 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. General view of locus L2, from locus L23, where is an offering table in situ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01301 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. General view of the hypostyle hall, from locus L23. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01302 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of locus L2, from the N. The door leads to the 'Sacristy'. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01303 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of central 'nave' and, in the background, the cella. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01304 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of central 'nave' and, in the background, the cella, from the main door. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01305 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of central 'nave' and, in the background, the cella. In the foreground are the jambs P1 and P2 of thedoor. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01306 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. General view of central 'nave' and, in the background, the cella. In the foreground are the jambs P1 and P2 of the door. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01307 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of podium L25, on the left of the door. In the foreground is the base where a pillar of the propylaeum rested. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01308 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the hypostyle hall, from the eastern cella (L7). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01309 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the cellae L7 (foreground) and L13 (with cavities to fix an altar or a base of a statue) (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01310 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the area in front of the cellae (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01311 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. On the left the cellae, in the background is the wall M1, on the right the pillars of the hypostyle hall (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01312 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the cellae L14 and L9 (on the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01313 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the hypostyle hall. In the foregrounf L22 with the offering table in situ (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01314 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the hypostyle hall. In the foregrounf L22 with the offering table in situ. In the background L21. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01315 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the area in front of the cellae: on the left the drain channel along the step; in the background the limestone basin next to M8 (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01316 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the southern corner of the temple. Behind the pillar is the cella L9. M4 (left) and M1 (right). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01317 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the space in front of the cellae: on the right the drain channel along the step; in the background the wall M1 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01318 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the scentral cella L8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01319 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of L21 with the limestone offering table in situ. In the background M8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01320 | Barāqiš: View of the Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01321 | Barāqiš: View of the Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992 (from the W). On the right is the 'Sacristy'. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01322 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the podium and part of the propylaeum (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01323 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the stairway and the propylaeum (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01324 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the stairway (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01325 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the propylaeum; only the lower part of a pillar is in situ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01326 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the 'Sacristy' (L3+L6) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01327 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the 'Sacristy' (left, L3+L6) and L4 (right) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01328 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the podium and propylaeum (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01329 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the podium and stairway (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01330 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the podium and L11 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01331 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the entrance (in M19) to the 'Sacristy' (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01332 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View from the crane arm of the temple, R44/45 and L12 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01333 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View from the crane arm of the city wall, T44 and R44/45 next to the temple (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01334 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View from the crane arm of T45, R44/45 and L12, (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01335 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View from the crane arm of R44/45, the temple and the Islamic ruins (background) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01336 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View from the crane arm of the temple and the 'Sacristy' (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01337 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View from the crane arm of the temple, the 'Sacristy' and R44/45 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01338 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the camp of the Italian Archaeological Mission (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01339 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the camp of the Italian Archaeological Mission (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01340 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View from the crane arm. In the foreground R44/45, in the background the Islamic ruins (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01341 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of T44, the temple and the architectonic elements of the dismounted roof (beams, metopes and slabs) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01342 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of R44/45, the temple and the islamic ruins in the background (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01343 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of R44/45, the temple and the islamic ruins in the background (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01344 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. The central corridor; in the background is the doorway, viewed from the cella. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01345 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. The central corridor; in the background is the cella L8, viewed from the doorway. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01346 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. The hypostyle hall. In the background is the basin in limestone next to the wall M8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01347 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the hypostyle hall. In the background is wall M1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01348 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the area in front of the cellae (right). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01349 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the hypostyle hall. On the right the southern wall of the central cella. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01350 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the hypostyle hall (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01351 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the central 'nave' and the doorway (from the central cella L8). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01352 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of jambs and lintel of the central cella (L8). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01353 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the hypostyle hall (from L8). In the background the doorway. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01354 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the inner side of wall M31 in L8 (central cella). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01355 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the hypostyle hall, NE sector. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01356 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. Bird's eye view of the temple (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01357 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. Bird's eye view of the stairway, podium and propylaeum of the temple (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01358 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. Bird's eye view of the stairway, podium and propylaeum of the temple. On the right the 'Sacristy' (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01359 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. Bird's eye view of the hypostyle hall and cellae (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01360 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. Bird's eye view of the hypostyle hall and cellae (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01361 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. Bird's eye view (from the crane arm) of the 'Sacristy' (L3+L6), L4 and the sector of the city wall R44/45 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01362 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. General view (from the crane arm) of the dismounted roof of the temple (beams, metopes and slabs) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01363 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the stairway, propylaeum and L2 (from the crane arm). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01364 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the hypostyle hall and 'Sacristy' (from the crane arm). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01365 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the stairway, propylaeum, hypostyle hall and part of the 'Sacristy' (from the crane arm, from the west). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01366 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the hypostyle hall (from the crane arm, from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01367 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the temple (from the crane arm, from the south). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01368 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. General view of the 'Sacristy' and L4 (between M5 and M15) (from the west). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01369 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the 'Sacristy' and L4 (between M5 and M15) (from the west). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01370 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. General view of the 'Sacristy' and L4 (on the right, between M5 and M15) (from the west). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01371 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the stairway of the temple (from the west). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01372 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the stairway, the podium and the base (M14) of the propylaeum pillars (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01373 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the stairway and the podium (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01374 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the podium and the base (M14) of the propylaeum pillars (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01375 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the stairway. In the background the Islamic walls Mcc and Mcf (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01376 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the stairway (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01377 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the stairway and the propylaeum (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01378 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the 'Sacristy' (L3+L6) and the stairways M21 (left), M7 (right) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01379 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. Bird's eye view of the monumental entrance of the temple, i.e. stairway, podium and propylaeum (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01380 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. Bird's eye view of the wall between T44 and T45 (R44/45) and the postern to enter in L12 and then in the sacred area (from the W/SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01381 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. Bird's eye view of the wall between T44 and T45 (R44/45) and the postern to enter in L12 and then in the sacred area (from the W/SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01382 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. Bird's eye view of R44/45 with the postern and the front of the temple (from the W/SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01383 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. Bird's eye view of the temple (from the W/SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01384 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. Bird's eye view of the temple and in the background the Islamic ruins (from the W/SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01385 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. Bird's eye view of the temple and the monoliths of the dismounted roof (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01386 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01387 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992 (from the W). In the foreground R44/45. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01388 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. On the left the terraced section. In the foreground the recess between T44 and T45 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01389 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. In the foreground the recess between T44 and T45 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01390 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the monolithic stones of the roof (beams, slabs and metopes). In the background the Islamic buildings (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01391 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992 (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01392 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the pillars of the hypostyle hall (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01393 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the pillars of the hypostyle hall. In the background, behind the temple, is tower no. 44 of the city walls (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01394 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the Autumn offering table (Y.90.B.A./39), found in situ, in the hypostyle hall. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01395 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the central 'nave'; in the background is the doorway (from the S/SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01396 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the 'Sacristy', L4 and R44/45. In the background is T48 (from the S/SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01397 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ and the 'Sacristy' (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01398 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. Walls M36 and M37. In the background is the wall M28 (next to L12) (viewed from the N/NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01399 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of L11 of the podium. In the background is M3, on the left is the propylaeum (from the W/NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01400 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the lower part of a pillar (in situ) of the propylaeum; this is named L14 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01401 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992. View of the base of the propylaeum L14 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01402 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ and 'Sacristy' at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992 (from the W). In the background are the ruined monuments of Islamic period (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01403 | Barāqiš: General view of the 'Sacristy', L4 and R44/45 at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01404 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ, the 'Sacristy', and L4 at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01405 | Barāqiš: General view of the stairway, podium and propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01406 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ and annexes at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01407 | Barāqiš: General view of the western corner of the Temple of Nakraḥ and annexes at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992 (from the W). In the foreground (right) is L12 (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01408 | Barāqiš: General view of the front of the temple of the Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992 (from the W). In the foreground is L10 (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01409 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ and 'Sacristy' at the end of the archaeological campaign in 1992 (from the W). L4 is on the right (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01410 | Barāqiš: View of locus L12, the stepped passage that connects the sacred area to the outside of the city (from the W, i.e. from the top of M28). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01411 | Barāqiš: View of locus L12, the stepped passage that connects the sacred area to the outside of the city (from the N, i.e.from the entrance in L12). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01412 | Barāqiš: View of locus L12, the stepped passage that connects the sacred area to the outside of the city (from the N). In the background the postern opened in the recess between T44 and T45 (=R44/45). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01413 | Barāqiš: View of the postern from outside. The Minaean postern is opened in the recess between T44 and T45 (=R44/45). In the iron gate we wrote the name of the god Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01414 | Barāqiš: General view of the Minaean postern from outside. The postern is opened in the recess between T44 and T45 (=R44/45). In the iron gate is the name of the god Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01415 | Barāqiš: View of the postern and the stepped L12 from outside to the sacred area, in front of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01416 | Barāqiš: View, from L12, of the Minaean postern closed by the iron gate. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01417 | Barāqiš: View from the stepped L12 to the door that opens onto the sacred area of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01418 | Barāqiš: View from the stepped L12 to the door that opens onto the sacred area of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01419 | Barāqiš: View, from L12, of the Minaean postern closed by the iron gate. The postern was built in the recess between T44 and T45 of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01420 | Barāqiš: General view, from L12, of the Minaean postern closed by the iron gate. The postern was built in the recess between T44 and T45 of the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01421 | Barāqiš: View of L12 from the area in front of the Temple of Nakraḥ. M18 on the left, and M28 on the right frame the door of L12 (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01422 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the only pillar found in situ, belonging to the propylaeum (from the W) (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01423 | Barāqiš: View of L12 from the area in front of the Temple of Nakraḥ. M18 on the left, and M28 on the right frame the door of L12. On the left is M19, the NW wall of the 'Sacristy'. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01424 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of loci L22 (background) and L21, both with the offering tables in situ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01425 | Barāqiš: View of the entrance in L12 from the area in front of the Temple of Nakraḥ. M18 on the left, and M28 on the right frame the door of L12. On the right is M36. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01426 | Barāqiš: M36 and M37 enclose L29, next to M28 of T45 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01427 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. The stairway (named M30) (foreground) (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01428 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. The stairway (named M30) (foreground). In the background the NW stratigraphic section. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01429 | Barāqiš: In the background is the western stratigraphic section (and limit) of the excavation area. In the foreground the stairway of the Nakraḥ temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01430 | Barāqiš: The Minaean walls M36 and M37 enclose L29, next to M28 of T45. On the left the door of L12 (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01431 | Barāqiš: General view of the northern section (walls Mcc and Mcf), and limit of the excavation area. In the foreground the stairway of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01432 | Barāqiš: View of walls Mcc and Mcf. Beyond these walls is the temple dedicated to ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ . In the foreground the stairway and propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01433 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the propylaeum M14 and the pillar in situ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01434 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of L23 with an offering table in situ (foreground). In the background is L2 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01435 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of L23 with an offering table in situ (foreground). In the background is L2 and the door that leads to the 'Sacristy' (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01436 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of loci L21 (foreground) and L22, both with offering tables in situ (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01437 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of loci L21 (foreground) and L22, both with offering tables in situ (from the E/NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01438 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the cellae L8 (left), L14 and L9 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01439 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the ante-cellae area. In the background is the perimetrical wall M1 (from the E/SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01440 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the central 'nave' and cella L8, from the doorway of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01441 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the central 'nave' and cella L8. In the foreground the jambs (P1 and P2) of the doorway of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01442 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the central 'nave' and cella L8. In the foreground the jambs P1 and P2 and the doorstep of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01443 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. The central 'nave' and in the background the doorway of the temple. View from the central cella L8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01444 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. The central 'nave' and in the background the doorway of the temple. View from the central cella L8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01445 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. The central 'nave' and in the background the doorway of the temple. View from the central cella L8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01446 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of loci L21 and L23 (on the left), both with offering tables in situ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01447 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of locus L21 with the inscribed offering table (Y.92.B.A./39) in situ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01448 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the area in fron of the cellae (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01449 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of loci L21 and L23, both with offering tables in situ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01450 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of L20 (on the right is L22 with an offering table in situ) (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01451 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the central 'nave' and in the background the doorway of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01452 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. View of L22 with the inscribed offering table in situ (Y.92.B.A./40) (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01453 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Locus L 23 with the offering table in situ. Viewed from L2. On the left the doorway of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01454 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Locus L 2. In the background is the 'Sacristy' (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01455 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Locus L 23 with the offering table in situ. Viewed from L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01456 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Locus L 23 with the offering table in situ. Viewed from L2. On the left the doorway of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01457 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Locus L 23 with the inscribed offering table (Y.92.B.A./38) in situ. On the left the doorway of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01458 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the roof elements (beams, metopes and slabs) in the area S of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01459 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the roof elements (beams, metopes and slabs) in the area S of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01460 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ from the south. Photo taken from the crane arm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01461 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the R44/45 and 'Sacristy' from the south. Photo taken from the crane arm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01462 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of L4, 'Sacristy' and the Temple of Nakraḥ from the south. Photo taken from the crane arm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01463 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ from the south. Photo taken from the crane arm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01464 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Islamic ruins and the Temple of Nakraḥ from the south. Photo taken from the crane arm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01465 | BarBarāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ from the south. Photo taken from the crane arm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01467 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the roof elements (beams, metopes and slabs) in the area S of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01468 | BarBarāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ and annexes (from the S). Photo taken from the crane arm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01469 | BarBarāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ and annexes (from the S). Photo taken from the crane arm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01470 | Barāqiš: Movement with a crane of a propylaeum pillar found at the foot of the Temple of Nakraḥ's stairway. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01471 | Barāqiš: Work to move (with a crane) a propylaeum pillar found at the foot of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01472 | Barāqiš: Work to move (with a crane) a propylaeum pillar found at the foot of the Temple of Nakraḥ's stairway (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01473 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/14. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01474 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/14. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01475 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01476 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01477 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/3. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01478 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/3. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01479 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/11. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01480 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/11. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01481 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/13. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01482 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/13. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01483 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01484 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01485 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/18. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01486 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/18. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01487 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/26. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01488 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/26. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01489 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/20 carved on a base of a (bronze) statue. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01490 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. The carved footprints of a statue, probably in bronze, with the inscription Y.92.B.A/20. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01491 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. The carved footprints of a statue, probably in bronze, with the inscription Y.92.B.A/20. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01492 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/20 carved on a base of a (bronze) statue. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01493 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ. Base of a statue with inscription Y.92.B.A/20. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01494 | Barāqiš: Beams, metopes and slabs of the Nakraḥ Temple roof, placed in the area south of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01495 | Barāqiš: The architectural elements of the roof of the Nakraḥ Temple (beams, metopes and slabs) placed beside the temple (on the southern side). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01496 | Barāqiš: A bird’s eye view of the excavated area: the hypostyle Temple of Nakraḥ, and the so-called sacristy; on the background the excavation of the Islamic structures (from the southeast). The picture was took from the crane’s arm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01497 | Barāqiš: A bird’s eye view of the excavation in the area between the towers T44 and T45, i.e. between the city wall M39 and the inner parallel wall M15. Restoration of the wall M15, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01498 | Barāqiš: A bird’s eye view of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the S. The pillars are sustained by scaffolding. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01499 | Barāqiš: The hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ, a bird’s view from the S. The lintel of the central cella is in situ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01500 | Barāqiš: A bird’s eye view of the excavated area: on the right the hypostyle hall of the Nakraḥ Temple; on the left the so-called sacristy and the city wall recess R44/45. On the background the tower T45 and the excavation of the Islamic structures, from the S. The picture was took from the crane’s arm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01501 | Barāqiš: A bird’s eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the west). The hypostyle hall without roof and the so-called sacristy are visible. On the foreground is the propylaeum and the door of the temple, sustained by scaffolding pipe. The picture was took from the crane’s arm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01502 | Barāqiš: A bird’s eye view of the excavated area: on the left the hypostyle hall of the Nakraḥ Temple; on the right the so-called sacristy and the city walls with tower T44, from the N. The picture was took from the crane’s arm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01503 | Barāqiš: A bird’s eye view of the southern sector of the Nakraḥ Temple, from the S. On the left the so-called sacristy is visible. On the foreground is the southeastern wall of the temple M4 (rebuilt in the Islamic period). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01504 | Barāqiš: A bird’s eye view of the Nakraḥ Temple, from the S. In the foreground the central cella of the temple is visible. The picture was took from the crane’s arm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2017BARn01505 | Barāqiš: A bird’s eye view of the excavation of the islamic levels in the area, W of the Nakraḥ Temple, from the S. The picture was took from the crane’s arm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARm08941 | Barāqiš (BAR): Exploration drillings. Stratigraphy and C14 dating of fire levels (Scale 1:20) (C. Azzi - F. Brancaleoni - A de Maigret - V. Francviglia). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARm08942 | Barāqiš (BAR): General plan of the city (Scale 1:200), Zone A, Pl. 8 (V. Labianca - M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARm08944 | Barāqiš (BAR): Section of the city - section XX (Scale 1:200), Zone A, Pl. 9 (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARm08945 | Barāqiš (BAR): Section of the city - section YY (Scale 1:200), Zone A, Pl. 10 (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARm08946 | Barāqiš (BAR): Section of the city - section JJ (Scale 1:200), Zone A, Pl. 10 (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARm08947 | Barāqiš (BAR): Southwest elevation (Scale 1:200), Zone A, Pl. 11 (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08961 | Barāqiš (BAR): Plan of the Temple A before excavation (Scale 1:50), Pl. 1 (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08962 | Barāqiš (BAR): Plan of the Islamic structures (Scale 1:50), Pl. 2 (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08963 | Barāqiš (BAR): Plan of Islamic structures (Scale 1:50), Pl. 3 (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08964 | Barāqiš (BAR): Plan Islamic structures (Scale 1:50), Pl. 4 (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08965 | Barāqiš (BAR): Plan of the roof of the Temple (Scale 1:50), Pl. 6 (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08966 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, quota (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08967 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, quota (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08968 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, quota (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08969 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, quota (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08970 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, Western Islamic walls (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08971 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, quota Islamic structures (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08972 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, quota Islamic floors and structures along the city-walls (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08973 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, Islamic structures along the city-wall (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08974 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, quota floor (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08975 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, Islamic structures, measures (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08976 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, Islamic structures, measures (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08977 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, Islamic structures, measures (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08978 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A + annexe, quota (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08979 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, Stratigraphic Sections E, W of Locus 3 (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08980 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, Stratigraphic southwestern Sections (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08981 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, Plan of the excavation area (Scale 1:50) (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08982 | Barāqiš (BAR): Plan of Temple A (Scale 1:50) (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08983 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple A area before excavation (Scale 1:50) (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08984 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, reconstructed plan (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08985 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, reconstruction, details of the rear portals and W elevation (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08986 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, reconstruction rear portals and covering (inside axonometrical view) (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08987 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A., reconstruction of the stone elements supported by the main door pier (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARm08988 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A, reconstruction, West side (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2018BARm09047 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A: Reconstruction. General Axonometrical View (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2018BARm09048 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple A: Reconstruction. Inside Perspective View (No scale) (M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01794 | Barāqiš (BAR): Terracotta figurine of an animal (Y.90.B/5). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01795 | Barāqiš (BAR): Terracotta figurine of an animal (Y.90.B/5). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01796 | Barāqiš (BAR): Fragment of a Minaean steatite (burm) pot restored with a piece of bronze (Y.90.B/67). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01797 | Barāqiš (BAR): Two fragments of Islamic pipes, one of which is in glazed terracotta (Y.90.B/93, from L4, and Y.90.B/92, from Lq). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01798 | Barāqiš (BAR): Islamic weight in terracotta (found in La) (Y.90.B/14). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01799 | Barāqiš (BAR): Millefiori bead, found in L3 (Y.90.B/6). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01800 | Barāqiš (BAR): Millefiori bead (Y.90.B/6). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01801 | Barāqiš (BAR): Millefiori bead (Y.90.B/6). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01802 | Barāqiš (BAR): Gold pendant, found in L3 (Y.90.B/7). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01803 | Barāqiš (BAR): Fragment of a turquoise bead. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01804 | Barāqiš (BAR): Bead in white stone (iron in the hole) (Y.90.B/62). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01805 | Barāqiš (BAR): Fragment of decorated blu glass, found in Lp (Y.90.B/35). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01806 | Barāqiš (BAR): Fragment of decorated blu glass, found in Lp (Y.90.B/35). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01807 | Barāqiš (BAR): Fragment of decorated blu glass, found in Lp (Y.90.B/35). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01808 | Barāqiš (BAR): Lid of a small alabaster jar, found in L6 (Y.90.B/18). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01809 | Barāqiš (BAR): Lid of a small alabaster jar, found in L6 (Y.90.B/18). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01810 | Barāqiš (BAR): Steatite lid painted in brown colour, found in Lm (Y.90.B/12). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01811 | Barāqiš (BAR): Steatite lid painted in brown colour, found in Lm (Y.90.B/12). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01812 | Barāqiš (BAR): Steatite lid (similar to the well known lids in alabaster) painted in brown colour, found in Lm (Y.90.B/12). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01813 | Barāqiš (BAR): Astragali (76), some of them with traces of red and black colours, found in Lp (Y.90.B/95). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01814 | Barāqiš (BAR): Sealing in plaster (Y.90.B/4, inscription Y.90.B.A/19), found in L3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01815 | Barāqiš (BAR): Sealing in plaster (Y.90.B/4, inscription Y.90.B.A/19), found in L3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01816 | Barāqiš (BAR): Sealing in plaster (Y.90.B/4, inscription Y.90.B.A/19), found in L3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01817 | Barāqiš (BAR): Mold of the sealing in plaster (Y.90.B/4, inscription Y.90.B.A/19), found in L3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01818 | Barāqiš (BAR): Mold of the sealing in plaster (Y.90.B/4, inscription Y.90.B.A/19), found in L3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01819 | Barāqiš (BAR): Mold of the sealing in plaster (Y.90.B/4, inscription Y.90.B.A/19), found in L3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01820 | Barāqiš (BAR): Astragali (76), some of them with traces of red and black colours, found in Lp (Y.90.B/95). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01821 | Barāqiš (BAR): Glass bracelets of Islamic period. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01822 | Barāqiš (BAR): Shells. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01823 | Barāqiš (BAR): Two fragments of Islamic pipes, one of which is in glazed terracotta (Y.90.B/93, from L4, and Y.90.B/92, from Lq). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01824 | Barāqiš (BAR): Two fragments of Islamic pipes, one of which is in glazed terracotta (Y.90.B/93, from L4, and Y.90.B/92, from Lq). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01825 | Barāqiš (BAR): Two fragments of Islamic pipes, one of which is in glazed terracotta (Y.90.B/93, from L4, and Y.90.B/92, from Lq). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01826 | Barāqiš (BAR): Fragment of a Minaean steatite (burm) pot restored with a piece of bronze (Y.90.B/67) (found in L4). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01828 | Barāqiš (BAR): Fragments of bronze, shells, beads of different materials of Minaean period. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01829 | Barāqiš (BAR): Fragments of bronze, shells, beads of different materials of Minaean period. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01830 | Barāqiš (BAR): Fragments of bronze, shells, beads of different materials of Minaean period. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01831 | Barāqiš (BAR): Figurine representing an animal, probably a dog, in terracotta covered with plaster (Y.90.B/5). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01867 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the excavation in L1, L22, L23. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01868 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ, excavation in locus L3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01869 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, locus L6, in front of the side door (Professor M. Liverani). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01870 | Barāqiš (BAR): Inscription found during a geological survey near Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01871 | Barāqiš (BAR): A geological survey near Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01872 | Barāqiš (BAR): A geological survey near Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01873 | Barāqiš (BAR): A geological survey near Barāqiš, sluice. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01874 | Barāqiš (BAR): A geological survey near Barāqiš, pebbles. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01875 | Barāqiš (BAR): A geological survey near Barāqiš, pebbles. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01876 | Barāqiš (BAR): A geological survey near Barāqiš, cracks. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01877 | Barāqiš (BAR): A geological survey near Barāqiš, cracks. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01878 | Barāqiš (BAR): Hydraulic sluice found during a geological survey near Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01879 | Barāqiš (BAR): A geological survey near Barāqiš, hydraulic sluice. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01880 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, excavation in locus L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01881 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, excavation in locus L6, from the S. In the foreground is M1. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01882 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the excavations in the area W of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from M1 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01883 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the excavations in the area W of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from M1. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01884 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of L22, from the top of M1. On the left is L2. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01885 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of L3 and L4 during the excavation works. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01898 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, general view during the excavations, from the North. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01899 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, general view during the excavations, from the North. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01900 | Barāqiš (BAR): The remnants of Islamic period inside the city walls (view from the South). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01901 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the remnants of Islamic period and, in the foreground, the soil from the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01937 | Barāqiš (BAR): The camp of the Italian Archaeological Mission (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01938 | Barāqiš (BAR): The camp of the Italian Archaeological Mission (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01943 | Barāqiš (BAR): Waiting for the Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti visiting the site and the Italian Mission at Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01944 | Barāqiš (BAR): Waiting for Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti visiting the site and the Italian Mission. In the foreground A. de Maigret and M. Mascellani. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01945 | Barāqiš (BAR): Waiting for Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti to visit the site and the Italian Mission. Bedouins parade. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01946 | Barāqiš (BAR): The visit to the Italian Mission and the site of Barāqiš by Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01947 | Barāqiš (BAR): The visit to the Italian Mission and the site of Barāqiš by Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti. The officials of GOAM Khalid Al-Ansi (left) and Ahmad Shuja. From the back M. Mascellani. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01948 | Barāqiš (BAR): Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti at Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01949 | Barāqiš (BAR): The visit to the Italian Mission and the site of Barāqiš by Prime Minister Andreotti. The delegation next to the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01950 | Barāqiš (BAR): The visit to the Italian Mission and the site of Barāqiš by Prime Minister Andreotti. Inside the city walls. (© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01951 | Barāqiš (BAR): Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti visits Barāqiš. A. de Maigret at the centre, close to the Temple of Nakraḥ (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01952 | Barāqiš (BAR): Prime Minister G. Andreotti and A. de Maigret next to the Temple of Nakraḥ (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01953 | Barāqiš (BAR): The visit of Minister Andreotti at Barāqiš. M. Mascellani, F. Pallucci and Gh. Gnoli. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01954 | Barāqiš (BAR): Prime Minister G. Andreotti and A. de Maigret next to the Temple of Nakraḥ (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01955 | Barāqiš (BAR): Prime Minister Andreotti at Barāqiš. The Italian-Yemeni delegation. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01956 | Barāqiš (BAR): Prime Minister G. Andreotti and A. de Maigret next to the Temple of Nakraḥ (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01957 | Barāqiš (BAR): Prime Minister Andreotti at Barāqiš. The Italian-Yemeni delegation. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01958 | Barāqiš (BAR): Prime Minister Andreotti at Barāqiš. The Italian-Yemeni delegation. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01959 | Barāqiš (BAR): Prime Minister Andreotti visiting the camp of the Italian Mission at Barāqiš. In the foreground (right) architect E. Gatti. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01960 | Barāqiš (BAR): From right: G. Andreotti, Gh. Gnoli, A. de Maigret and the Prime Minister’s wife in the mafraj. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01961 | Barāqiš (BAR): From right: Gh. Gnoli, A. de Maigret and the Prime Minister’s wife, in the mafraj. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01962 | Barāqiš (BAR): From right: G. Andreotti, Gh. Gnoli, A. de Maigret in the mafraj. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01963 | Barāqiš (BAR): Departure of Prime Minister G. Andreotti and the Italian-Yemeni delegation from Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01964 | Barāqiš (BAR): Departure of Prime Minister G. Andreotti and the Italian-Yemeni delegation from Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01965 | Barāqiš (BAR): The fence around the temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological excavation (from the South). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01966 | Barāqiš (BAR): The fence around the temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological excavation (from the East). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01967 | Barāqiš (BAR): The fence around the temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological excavation (from the East). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01968 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the North. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01969 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ, southeastern perimetral wall M4. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01970 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the fence delimiting the northeastern side of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01971 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the fence delimiting the northwestern side of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01972 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of a part of excavated area from above. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01973 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, from the right: A. de Maigret, V. Francaviglia, B. Marcolongo and M. Mascellani. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01974 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, from the right: A. de Maigret, V. Francaviglia, B. Marcolongo and M. Mascellani. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01975 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, from the right: M. Mascellani, B. Marcolongo, V. Francaviglia (left) and A. de Maigret (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01976 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, from the right: M. Mascellani, B. Marcolongo, V. Francaviglia (left) and A. de Maigret (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01977 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the Temple of Nakraḥ during the excavations. Tripod with winch to take the blocks out of the excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01978 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the tripod with a winch to secure the beam no. 25 of the Temple of Nakraḥ (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01979 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the tripod with a winch to secure the beam no. 25 of the Temple of Nakraḥ (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01980 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the excavations in the area W of Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01981 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the excavations of the Islamic levels, in the area W of Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01982 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the excavations of the Islamic levels, in the area W of Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01983 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the excavations of the Islamic levels, in the area W of Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01984 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the excavations in the Temple of Nakraḥ and in the area W of the temple. In the background is T48 (from top of M1, from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01985 | Barāqiš (BAR): Excavations in the Temple of Nakraḥ. A. de Maigret sitting under the beams of the roof. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01986 | Barāqiš (BAR): Excavations in the Temple of Nakraḥ. Professors M. Liverani and A. de Maigret sitting under the beams of the roof. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01987 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the excavations of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01988 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the excavations of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01989 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the excavations of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01992 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, inscription Y.90.B.A/3 in L3 (or 'Sacristy'). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01993 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, detail of the inscription Y.90.B.A/3 in L3 (or 'Sacristy'). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01994 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, detail of the inscription Y.90.B.A/3 in L3 (or 'Sacristy'). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01995 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, detail of the inscription Y.90.B.A/3 in L3 (or 'Sacristy'). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01996 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, coring no. 2 in locus L3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01997 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, inscription Y.90.B.A/7 in locus L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01998 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, Ma/M4 in Lbe, from the SE. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01999 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, walls Ma/M4 in Lbe, from the SE. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02000 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, southern corner between M4 and M1. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02001 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, general view of loci L3 and L6 ('Sacristy') and L4 (left) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02002 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, general view of loci L3 and L6 ('Sacristy') and L4 (left) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02003 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, upper part of M4 (Abc and M1), from the NW. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02004 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, inside corner between M4 (left) and M1, from the E. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02005 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the inner side of M1. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02006 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the inner side of M1. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02007 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the roof and broken beam no. 25. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02008 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of loci L22 (background) and L21 (foreground), (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02009 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of loci L22 (background) and L21 (foreground), (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02010 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, detail of the jamb no. 2 of the main door (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02011 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the western sector of the temple. In the foreground L2, on the right the 'Sacristy' (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02012 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, general view of the 'Sacristy' (L6+L3) with the staircase M7, from the W. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02013 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the staircase M7 in locus L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02014 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the staircase M7 in locus L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02015 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, inscription Y.90.B.A./4 in locus L6, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02016 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the landing of the side entrance to the temple, from the 'Sacristy' into L2. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02023 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls (from the S) walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02024 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation. On top of the roof is an Islamic house built in stones and mud bricks. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02025 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation. On top of the roof is an Islamic house built in stones and mud bricks. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02026 | Barāqiš (BAR): A survey at the Temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation. On top of the roof is an Islamic house built in stones and mud bricks. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02027 | Barāqiš (BAR): A survey at the Temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation. On top of the Islamic house are A. de Maigret and M. Mascellani. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02028 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the Islamic buildings, including the Tower and the mosque/mausoleum (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02041 | Barāqiš (BAR): The soldiers stationed at the site and the official of GOAM Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ (sitting on the right). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02042 | Barāqiš (BAR): Two soldiers stationed at the site and a local man. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02043 | Barāqiš (BAR): A soldier stationed at the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02044 | Barāqiš (BAR): Workers waiting to start the excavations of the Temple of Nakraḥ. In the background the tower no. 48 (T48). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02045 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, workers in loci L3 and L6 (the so-called 'Sacristy'). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02046 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, workers resting in the excavation area. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02047 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, inscription Y.90.B.A/3 in locus L3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02048 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, inscription Y.90.B.A/3 in locus L3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02049 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, inscription Y.90.B.A/3 in locus L3. The inscribed stela leaning against the wall M1 of the temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02050 | Barāqiš (BAR): The inscription Y.90.B.A/3 in locus L3. The inscribed stela leaning against the wall M1 of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02051 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, inscription Y.90.B.A/3 in locus L3, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02052 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, inscription Y.90.B.A/3 in locus L3, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02053 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, inscription Y.90.B.A/3 in locus L3, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02054 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, inscription Y.90.B.A/3 in locus L3, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02055 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, S. Antonini sitting on M21. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02056 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, F. Brancaleoni and the workers in locus L6 during an exploratory coring. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02057 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, F. Brancaleoni and the worker Saliḥ in locus L6 during the exploratory coring no. 2. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02058 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, workers in locus L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02059 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, workers during the excavations. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02061 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, A. de Maigret on inscribed stela Y.90.B.A/3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02069 | Barāqiš (BAR): The beams of the Temple of Nakraḥ's roof. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02070 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, a window of an Islamic house. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02071 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, a pillar in locus L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02072 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the Temple of Nakraḥ from the S. In the foreground the beam no. 27. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02073 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the workes in locus L6 during the exploratory coring no. 2. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02074 | Barāqiš (BAR): The point of the total station outside the walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02075 | Barāqiš (BAR): The point of the total station outside the walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02076 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the central part of the site. In the background the pillars of the propylaeum of Temple B (ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ temple). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02077 | Barāqiš (BAR): F. Di Mario, M. Ricci and S. Antonini on the top of a tower of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02078 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the wall Ma (M4), from the E. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02079 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the cellae of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02080 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the central part of the site. In the background (right) the pillars of the propylaeum of Temple B (ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ temple). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02081 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, islamic walls, detail of the north-west section. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02082 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, visitors looking at the excavations from the north-west corner of the excavation area. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02083 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the workers in locus L6 during the exploratory coring no. 2. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02085 | Barāqiš (BAR): Hydraulic sluice near Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02086 | Barāqiš (BAR): Hydraulic sluice near Barāqiš, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02087 | Barāqiš (BAR): Fragment of a limestone water duct found during a geological survey near Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02088 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of a hydraulic sluice near Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02089 | Barāqiš (BAR): A hydraulic sluice near Barāqiš found during a geological survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02090 | Barāqiš (BAR): A hydraulic sluice near Barāqiš (in the background) found during a geological survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02091 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of Barāqiš from the SE. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02092 | Barāqiš (BAR): A hydraulic sluice near Barāqiš found during a geological survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02093 | Barāqiš (BAR): An inscription found during a geological survey near Barāqiš . (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02094 | Barāqiš (BAR): An inscription found during a geological survey near Barāqiš . (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02095 | Barāqiš (BAR): An inscription found during a geological survey near Barāqiš . (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02096 | Barāqiš (BAR): An inscription found during a geological survey near Barāqiš . (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02097 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail od a hydraulic sluice near Barāqiš found during a geological survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02098 | Barāqiš (BAR): A hydraulic sluice near Barāqiš found during a geological survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02099 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of locus L22. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02100 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of locus L22. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02101 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of a locus. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02102 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of locus L22. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02103 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, dovetail joint between two beams (no. 23 and no. 24, on pillar no. 10). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02104 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, detail of joint between pillar no. 1 and beam no. 27 ( from the SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02105 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, state of conservation of the lintel of the central cella (before excavation and restoration). In the foreground is the southern jamb. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02106 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, state of conservation of the lintel of the central cella (before excavation and restoration). In the foreground is the eastern jamb. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02107 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of locus L2 partially excavated. The door leads into the 'Sacristy' (L3 + L6). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02108 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the roof viewed form the NW. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02109 | Barāqiš (BAR): The camp of the Italian Archaeological Mission, from the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02110 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of the beam no. 20 next to the jamb no.1 of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02111 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, beams no. 17 and no. 18 on pillar no. 3 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02112 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, detail of a dovetail joint between beams no. 24 and no. 23 (on pillar no. 10). (© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02113 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, detail of a metope with dentils. (© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02114 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, excavation in locus Lb (between beam no. 27 and pillar no. 13). (© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02115 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, excavation in locus Lb (between beam no. 27 and pillar no. 13). (© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02116 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, excavation works, viewed from the South. (© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02117 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, excavation of locus Lb, from the W. (© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02118 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the site. In the foreground the Temple B. (© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02119 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, a mud bricks wall between pillars no. 12 and no. 16, (from the SE). (© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02120 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the the wall M1 from the E. (© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02121 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, M1 and, in the foreground, the locus Ld (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02122 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, excavation of the Islamic loci Li, Lc, La and Ld, from the NW. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02123 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, side door of the temple, between Li and Ll (=L2). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02124 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, workers in Li. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02125 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the perimetral wall M1 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02126 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the Islamic locus Lc and wall Mf (perpendicular to M1). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02127 | Barāqiš (BAR): Traditional “dance of jambiya”. From the left the driver Masad, and Khalid Al-Ansi e Ahmed Al-Rawdi. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02128 | Barāqiš (BAR): Traditional “dance of jambiya”, Ahmed Al-Rawdi and the cook. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02129 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the southern corner of Mb (=M1). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02130 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the SW area of the excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02131 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the southwestern area of the excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02132 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the southwestern area of the excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02133 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the southwestern area of the excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02134 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the western area of the excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02135 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the soil during a geological survey near Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02136 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of an hydraulic sluice during a geological survey, S of Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02138 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Islamic structures on the west to the Temple of Nakraḥ: the locus Lc, and walls Mf and Mh. In the foreground Mu. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02139 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the Islamic locus Lr framed by Mh and Mac. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02140 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the Islamic locus Lh. At the bottom is the inner curtain of M3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02141 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ from the north. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02142 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ from the north. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02143 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ from the north. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02145 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, Ls and, at the bottom, the wall of external curtain of M3; on the right Mq (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02146 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, Ls and, at the bottom, the wall of external curtain of M3; on the right Mq (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02147 | Barāqiš (BAR): The camp of the Italian Archaeological Mission (from the SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02148 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ from the S. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02149 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ (right); in the foreground is the Islamic locus Lp; in the background is T48 (from S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02150 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the southern corner M1+M4 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02151 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of L2 (from the N). The door leads to the 'Sacristy'. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02152 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the Islamic locus Ls from the N. On the left is M3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02153 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the exploratory coring no. 2 in L3 (right). In the background is M1. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02154 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of wall M1 of the Temple of Nakraḥ, and the inscribed stela. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02155 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the exploratory coring no. 2 in L3 (right). In the background is M1. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02156 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the southern corner of the Temple of Nakraḥ: M1 (left) + M4. The upper part of M4, named Ma, is of Islamic period. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02157 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the southern corner of the Temple of Nakraḥ: M1 (left) + M4. The upper part of M4, named Ma, is of Islamic period. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02158 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the eastern cella of the Temple of Nakraḥ, named Lbc (=L7). On the left is Ma (=M4). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02159 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the cellae of the Temple of Nakraḥ, named as Islamic loci Lbc and Lbb (=L7 and L13). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02160 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the cellae of the Temple of Nakraḥ, named as Islamic loci Lbc and Lbb (=L7 and L13). (From the NW) (© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02161 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the central cella of the Temple of Nakraḥ, named as Islamic locus Lba (=L8). (From the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02162 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of loci L2 (right) and L22 (left) (from the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02163 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of wall M3 (from the E). In the foreground is L2. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02164 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of wall M3 (from the E). In the foreground is L2; on the left the door leding to the 'Sacristy'. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02165 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the excavation in the area W of the Temple of Nakraḥ. In the foreground is the junction between M1 (left) and M3 (right) and locus L2 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02166 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the southern jamb (no. 13) of the central cella (L8=Lba), from the south. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02167 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the jambs and lintel of the central cella (L8=Lba) viewed from the locus L1 of the hypostyle hall. In the background is Ma (=M4). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02168 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, staircase M7 (from the SW). The stone block for the door hinge is visible next to the last step of the staircase. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02169 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, staircase M7 (from the SW) in the 'Sacristy' (M3+M6). The stone block for the door hinge is visible next to the last step of the staircase. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02170 | Barāqiš (BAR): The traditional Yemeni 'jambiya dance'. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02171 | Barāqiš (BAR): The traditional Yemeni 'jambiya dance'. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02172 | Barāqiš (BAR): The traditional Yemeni 'jambiya dance'. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02174 | Barāqiš (BAR): The traditional Yemeni 'jambiya dance'. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02175 | Barāqiš (BAR): The traditional Yemeni 'jambiya dance'. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02176 | Barāqiš (BAR): The traditional Yemeni 'jambiya dance'. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02177 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02178 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02179 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, collapse of the western section. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02180 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, collapse of the western section. In the background C. Robin. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02181 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, collapse of the western section (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02182 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, collapse of the western section, detail (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02183 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, collapse of the western section, detail (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02184 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, collapse of the western section, detail (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02207 | Barāqiš (BAR): Drainage trench dug east of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02208 | Barāqiš (BAR): Drainage trench dug east of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2018BARn02209 | Barāqiš (BAR): Inscription reused in a wall of the southwest gate of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2018BARn02210 | Barāqiš (BAR): Inscription with snake reused in a wall of the southwest gate of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2018BARn02211 | Barāqiš (BAR): Inscription with religious symbols, reused in a wall of the southwest gate of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2018BARn02212 | Barāqiš (BAR): Inscription with snake reused in a wall of the southwest gate of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02213 | Barāqiš (BAR): A break under the sole tree: the driver, Khālid Al-ʿAnsī, Gh. Gnoli, A. de Maigret, and Jamāl Thābit. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02214 | Barāqiš (BAR): A break after a survey: the driver, Gh. Gnoli, V. Labianca, A. de Maigret, and two officials of GOAM, Khālid Al-ʿAnsī and Jamāl Thābit. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02215 | Barāqiš (BAR): A break after a survey: from left: the driver, Gh. Gnoli, S. Antonini, A. de Maigret, and two officials of GOAM, Khālid Al-ʿAnsī and Jamāl Thābit. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02216 | Barāqiš (BAR): The driver, Jamāl Thābit, Gh. Gnoli, and Khālid Al-ʿAnsī. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02217 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, collapse of the western section (from the SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02218 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, collapse of the western section and debris in the 'Sacristy' (L3+L6) (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02219 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, collapse of the western section and debris in the 'Sacristy' (L3+L6) (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02220 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, collapse of the western section and debris in the 'Sacristy' (L3+L6) (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02221 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, collapse of the western section (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02222 | Barāqiš (BAR): Cleaning works on the collapsed section. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02223 | Barāqiš (BAR): Dromedary carcass near the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02224 | Barāqiš (BAR): Dromedary carcass near the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02225 | Barāqiš (BAR): Dromedary carcass near the site, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02226 | Barāqiš (BAR): Dromedary carcass near the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02242 | Barāqiš (BAR): Reconstruction of the interior of the Temple of Nakraḥ (Temple A). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02243 | Barāqiš (BAR): Axonometric reconstruction of the Temple of Nakraḥ (Temple A). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02244 | Barāqiš (BAR): Topographic relief of the Temple of Nakraḥ (Temple A), before excavation works. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02245 | Barāqiš (BAR): Plan of the Temple of Nakraḥ (Temple A). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02246 | Barāqiš (BAR): Axonometric reconstruction of the western part of the Temple of Nakraḥ (Temple A). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02247 | Barāqiš (BAR): Plan of the Temple of Nakraḥ (Temple A). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02248 | Barāqiš (BAR): Plan of the Temple of Nakraḥ (Temple A). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02249 | Barāqiš (BAR): Western elevation and details of the Temple of Nakraḥ (Temple A). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02250 | Barāqiš (BAR): Axonometric reconstruction of the roof and details of the Temple of Nakraḥ (Temple A). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02251 | Barāqiš (BAR): Reconstruction of the interior of the Temple of Nakraḥ (Temple A). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02253 | Barāqiš (BAR): First day of the excavation of an Islamic house built on top of the Temple of Nakraḥ (Temple A). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02254 | Barāqiš (BAR): Beginning of the excavation of an Islamic house built on top of the Temple of Nakraḥ (Temple A) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02255 | Barāqiš (BAR): First day of the excavation of an Islamic house built on top of the Temple of Nakraḥ (Temple A) (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02256 | Barāqiš (BAR): First day of the excavation of an Islamic house built on top of the Temple of Nakraḥ (Temple A) (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02257 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the roof of the Temple of Nakraḥ (Temple A) at the beginning of the archaeological excavation (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02258 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ at the beginning of the archaeological excavation (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02259 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the Temple of Nakraḥ after removing the Islamic house built on top of the roof. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02260 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ after removing the Islamic house built on top of the roof. Detail of the lintel of the central cella (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02261 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ after removing the Islamic house built on top of the roof (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02262 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ after removing the Islamic house built on top of the roof (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02263 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ after removing the Islamic house built on top of the roof (from the S). On the rigt the lintel of the central cella. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02264 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ after removing the Islamic house built on top of the roof. In the foreground is the lintel of the central cella (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02265 | Barāqiš (BAR): Plan of the excavated area of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02266 | Barāqiš (BAR): Reconstruction of architectural elements and doorway of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02267 | Barāqiš (BAR): Plan of the excavated area of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02268 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of some Islamic structures, southwest of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02269 | Barāqiš (BAR): The wall M1 of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02270 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of some Islamic structures (Lf, Ld, La), southwest of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02271 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of some Islamic structures (Lf, Ld, La), southwest of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02272 | Barāqiš (BAR): Inscription Y.90.B.A./3 found in La, the Islamic locus, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02273 | Barāqiš (BAR): Inscription Y.90.B.A./3 found in La, the Islamic locus, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02274 | Barāqiš (BAR): Inscription Y.90.B.A./3 found in La, the Islamic locus, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02275 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ during excavations (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02276 | Barāqiš (BAR): Inscription Y.90.B.A./3 found in the Islamic locus La, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02277 | Barāqiš (BAR): Inscription Y.90.B.A./3 found in the Islamic locus La, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. The wall is plastered (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02278 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the excavations west of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02279 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the excavations west of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02280 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the excavations west of the Temple of Nakraḥ, between M1 and the city walls/T44 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02281 | Barāqiš (BAR): Excavations west of the Temple of Nakraḥ, between M1 and the city walls/T44 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02282 | Barāqiš (BAR): A grinder found in the Islamic locus Lp, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02283 | Barāqiš (BAR): The western wall in mud bricks of an Islamic locus, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02284 | Barāqiš (BAR): The western wall in mud bricks of an Islamic locus, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. The wall is plastered with mud. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02285 | Barāqiš (BAR): The western door of the Temple of Nakraḥ (leading in Ll=L2). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02286 | Barāqiš (BAR): A hearth in mud bricks in the Islamic locus Lr, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02288 | Barāqiš (BAR): The jamb no. 1 (northern) of the main gate of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the north). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02289 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the Temple of Nakraḥ from the west. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02290 | Barāqiš (BAR): A tannur found in Lg, an Islamic locus, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02291 | Barāqiš (BAR): A hearth in mud bricks in the Islamic locus Lr, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02292 | Barāqiš (BAR): The jamb no. 1 (northern) of the main gate of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the south). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02293 | Barāqiš (BAR): A wall between M1 (foreground) and M2 (left) in the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the south). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02294 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ: excavation in L22, On the left is the wall M2 (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02295 | Barāqiš (BAR): Recent Islamic walls, NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02296 | Barāqiš (BAR): The camp of the Italian Archaeological Mission (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02297 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of Ls. On the right is Mq, on the left Mae and jamb P2 of the main doorway (from the NW) (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02298 | Barāqiš (BAR): The excavation of the Islamic structures, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ: in the foreground loci Lh+Lg (left) and Ll (=L2) (right) separated by M3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02299 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the excavation in Lh+Lg (along Ml=M3) (from the west). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02300 | Barāqiš (BAR): Inscription Y.90.B.A/5 found in Lr, an Islamic locus west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02301 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, Excavation in L22 (from the N) (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02302 | Barāqiš (BAR): On the right the Islamic structures, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ: in the foreground Ll (=L2) (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02303 | Barāqiš (BAR): A grinder found in the Islamic locus Lp, and wall Mi (?), west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02304 | Barāqiš (BAR): A grinder found in the Islamic locus Lp, and wall Mi (?), west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02305 | Barāqiš (BAR): Inscription Y.90.B.A/5 found in Lr, an Islamic locus west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02306 | Barāqiš (BAR): Inscription Y.90.B.A/5 found in Lr, an Islamic locus west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02307 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ, the side doorway of L2 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02308 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of a pillar in L22, the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02309 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the Islamic locus Lm and the wall Mu, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02310 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the excavation work in the Islamic locus Lc, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02311 | Barāqiš (BAR): A worker on a wall, southwest of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02312 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of external side of Ma (=M4) of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the east). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02313 | Barāqiš (BAR): Excavation of the Islamic levels, the area west of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E) (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02314 | Barāqiš (BAR): Excavation of the Islamic levels in the area west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02315 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, L6+L3 ('Sacristy') with M1 (left) and staircase M7 (right) (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02316 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the western corner (M1+M3) of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W) (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02317 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ: excavation in L22, On the left is the wall M2 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02318 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Islamic house, in mud bricks and stones, built on the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02319 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, L2 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02320 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the archaeological work in the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02321 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the excavation in the area west of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02322 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ, general view of the excavation in L2 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02323 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the excavation in the area west of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02324 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ, L2 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02325 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ, view of wall M3 (inner curtain) from L2. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02326 | Barāqiš (BAR): Excavation in the western part of the Temple of Nakraḥ. On the right is M1, in the foreground is M3 (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02327 | Barāqiš (BAR): Excavation in the area west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. On the right is M1, on the left is the city wall (R44/45) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02328 | Barāqiš (BAR): Locus Lq, delimited by plastered walls: Mac+Ml on the south (left), Mad on the west (background), Mo on the north (right), Mn on the east (foreground). On the corner Mo+Mad is a tannur. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02329 | Barāqiš (BAR): Locus Lq, delimited by plastered walls: Mac+Ml on the south (left), Mad on the west (background), Mo on the north (right), Mn on the east (foreground). On the corner Mo+Mad is a tannur. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02330 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, small structures of Islamic period in L2 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02331 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, small structures of Islamic period in L2 (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02332 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, small structures of Islamic period in Lba (=central cella L8) framed by Ma (S), Mbb (E), Mbc (W) and Mbd N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02333 | Barāqiš (BAR): Excavation in the area west of the Temple of Nakraḥ; view of the inner wall (MB=M10+M15) of R44/45. In the foreground M5. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02334 | Barāqiš (BAR): Excavation in the area west of the Temple of Nakraḥ; view of the inner wall (MB=M10+M15) of R44/45. In the foreground M5. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02335 | Barāqiš (BAR): Section with Islamic levels west of the Temple of Nakraḥ, (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02336 | Barāqiš (BAR): Section with Islamic levels west of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02337 | Barāqiš (BAR): Excavation in the area west of the Temple of Nakraḥ; view of the inner wall (MB=M10+M15) of R44/45. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02338 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the sounding 1, next to M1 of the Temple of Nakraḥ. In the foreground is the inscribed stela Y.90.B.A/3 +Y.90.B.A/4. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02339 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, excavation works in L22. On the left is M2 (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02340 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ. L2 is delimited by M3 (left) and M2 (right). On the right is L1 (=L22) (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02341 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ. The excavation in L22 (south of L2) (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02342 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ, excavation in locus L22; M1 on the left, M2 in front. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02343 | Barāqiš (BAR): A tannur in Lh+Lg, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02344 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of M1 (right) and the excavation in R44/45, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02345 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of M1 (left) and the excavation in R44/45, west of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02346 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, L22) (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02347 | Barāqiš (BAR): Excavation in the area west of the Temple of Nakraḥ: wall Mf between La and Lc (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02348 | Barāqiš (BAR): Excavation in the area west of the Temple of Nakraḥ: the western section with Islamic levels, in La (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02349 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of M6 (perpendicular to M1 of the Temple of Nakraḥ, on the left), found in sounding no. 2 in L3. In the background is a ring foot of a Minaean terracotta jar. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02350 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, Islamic structure in loci Lbc + Lbb (cellae of the temple L7 and L13, respectively (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02351 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, detail of an Islamic structure in loci Lbc + Lbb (cellae of the temple L7 and L13, respectively (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02352 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the excavation in front of L2 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02353 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, general view of excavation, between M1 and R44/45 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02355 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the Islamic levels west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. In the backgrpound the side doorway in L2 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02356 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the Islamic levels west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of the side doorway in L2 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02357 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the excavation west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of the sounding no. 1 in L3, next to M1 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02358 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the excavation west of the Temple of Nakraḥ (L6+L3). (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02359 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the excavation southwest of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02360 | Barāqiš (BAR): Core segments of an exploratory coring carried out in Lbe, ouside the easter corner of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02361 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the southeast wall of the temple (Ma=M4). In the foreground is Lbe and perpendicular wall Mbf (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02362 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, excavation in the Islamic loci Lbc + Lbb (=L7 and L13, the cellae of the temple) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02363 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the Islamic doorway Mbh (of Lbc). In the foreground is Lbe, on the left is the perpendicular wall Mbf against Ma (=M4). (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02364 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the Islamic doorway Mbh, between Ma (=M4) on the left and Md on the right. In the foreground is Lbe (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02365 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, loci L21 with the offering table (foreground) and L22 (background) from the N. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02366 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of locus L21 with the offering table broken in two parts (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02367 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of locus L21, detail of the floor and standing slabs to support the offering table (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02368 | Barāqiš (BAR): The floor of the Islamic locus Ld. In the background is M1 of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02369 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, in the foreground the jamb no. 2 of the main doorway (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02371 | Barāqiš (BAR): The southwestern section and Islamic levels. In the foreground is the locus Ld. On the left is the wall Mi (between Ld and Lf) (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02372 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the head in plaster (Y.90.B/148) found in locus L6 ('Sacristy'). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02373 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the head in plaster (Y.90.B/148) found in locus L6 ('Sacristy'). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02374 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, M1 and the stelae in the so-called sacristy (L6+L3), from the W. In the foreground are the walls M4+M5. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02375 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, M1 and the inscribed stelae (Y.90.B.A/18, and Y.90.B.A/3+Y.90.B.A/4) in the 'Sacristy' (L6+L3), from the S. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02376 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the 'Sacristy' (L6+L3) and the inscribed stelae (Y.90.B.A/18, and Y.90.B.A/3+Y.90.B.A/4). In the foreground the stairway M7 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02377 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, locus L6 and the inscribed stela. On the left is the back of staircase M7, on the right M1 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02378 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, inscribed stone Y.90.B.A/18 next to the stela with inscriptions Y.90.B.A/3 +Y.90.B.A/4. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02379 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, excavation works in locus L6 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02380 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the section between locus L3 (foreground) and locus L6. On the right is M1 and the inscribed stela (Y.90.B.A/3 +Y.90.B.A/4) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02381 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the stela with inscription Y.90.B.A/3, detail (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02382 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the stela with inscription Y.90.B.A/3, detail (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02383 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the stela with inscription Y.90.B.A/3, detail. On the left the section between L3 and L6 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02384 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the stela with the inscription Y.90.B.A/3 in locus L3. (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02385 | Barāqiš (BAR): A geological survey around the site. High sediments. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02386 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, architectonic elements from locus L1. Some are decorated with dentils (metopes). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02387 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, stone slabs from locus L2. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02388 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, stone slabs from locus L3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02389 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, stone slabs found in locus L3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02390 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, architectonic stones found in locus L1. The metopes are decorated with dentils. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02391 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, stones found in locus L1. The slabs decorated with dentils are fragments of metopes. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02392 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, section between locus L3 and locus L6 (from the S). On the left the back of staircase M7, and M5a. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02393 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, section between locus L3 and locus L6 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02394 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, section between locus L3 and locus L6 (from the S). On the left the back of staircase M7. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02395 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, wall parallel to M1, in locus L6. On the left is the staircase M7 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02396 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, wall parallel to M1, in locus L6. On the left is the staircase M7 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02397 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, wall close to M1, in locus L6, detail (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02398 | Barāqiš (BAR): A geological survey around the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02399 | Barāqiš (BAR): A geological survey around the site. High sediments. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02400 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, general view of the temple (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02401 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, general view of the temple (from the N/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02402 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, general view of the temple (from the E/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02403 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, architectonic slabs found in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02404 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, architectonic slabs found in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02405 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, M1 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02406 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the side doorway (to get into L2), M1 with the stelae and L6+L3 ('Sacristy') (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02407 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, architectonic slabs found in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02408 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, architectonic slabs found in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02409 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, wall covering slabs. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02410 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, wall covering slabs. On a side of each slab a letter is incised. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02411 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view in a mirror of the ibexes heads decorating a stone offering table. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02412 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the stela with inscription Y.90.B.A/18 found in locus L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02413 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the stela with inscription Y.90.B.A/18 found in locus L6 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02414 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, offering table decorated by 6 ibexes heads (inv. no. Y.90.B/149) found in locus L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02415 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, offering table decorated by 6 ibexes heads (inv. no. Y.90.B/149) found in locus L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02416 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the eastern wall (Mbb=M31) of the central cella (Lba=L8). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02417 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the southern wall (Mbc=M32) of the central cella (Lba=L8). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02418 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, detail of Md (=M8=eastern perimetral wall of the temple) in Lbc (=L7=eastern cella) (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02419 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the inner curtain of M3 (=Ml), and in the foreground the locus Ls. In the background is L2 (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02420 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, L6+L3, M1 on the left, and the staircase M7 on the right (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02421 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of L6+L3: M1 on the left, M6 in the background, the staircase M7 against M5 on the right (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02422 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of L6+L3: the staircase M7 against M5 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02423 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the loci (=cellae) Lbc (L7) and Lbb (L13). On the left is the threshold Mbh and wall Ma (=M4) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02424 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of locus Lbc (= cella L7) and in the foreground the threshold Mbh. On the right is Md (=M8), and on the left is Ma (=M4) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02425 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the wall Mbb (M31) in Lbb (=cella L13). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02426 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, Lbc (=cella L7), detail (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02427 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the locus Lbb (=cella L13) and the wall Mbb (=M31) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02428 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the inscribed stela Y.90.B.A/18 in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02429 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the inscribed stela Y.90.B.A/18 next to the tela with inscriptions Y.90.B.A/3+Y.90.B.A/4, in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02430 | Barāqiš (BAR): View from L3 of the excavation work west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02431 | Barāqiš (BAR): View from L3 of the excavation work west of the Temple of Nakraḥ. On the right M1, on the left the back of staircase M7. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02432 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, M1, detail of the architectural technique. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02433 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the stela with inscription Y.90.B.A/3 in locus L3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02434 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the stela with inscription Y.90.B.A/3 in locus L3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02435 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the area southeast of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02436 | Barāqiš (BAR): The stone seat in L22 along M2 (the wall in common with L2) and M1. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02437 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the use of plaster in the masonry, detail in locus L22. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02438 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, loci L22 (foreground) and L21 (background) (from the W). The standing slabs are useful to support the offering tables. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02439 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, loci L22 (foreground) and L21 (background) (from the W). The standing slabs are useful to support the offering tables. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02440 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, pillar P1 detail of the fracture. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02441 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of locus L22. The standing slabs are useful to support an offering table in stone decorated with ibexes heads. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02442 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of locus L22. The standing slabs are useful to support an offering table in stone decorated with ibexes heads. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02443 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of locus L22. On the left is the section of the unexcavated area (in correspondence with the main door). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02444 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of L6+L3 and the side doorway (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02445 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of M1 of the Temple of Nakraḥ, and the walls M4 (right) and M5 (foreground) of the 'Sacristy' (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02446 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of locus L22. On both sides are the sections of the unexcavated areas (in correspondence with the central nave of the temple). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02447 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of locus L22. On both sides are the sections of the unexcavated areas (in correspondence with the central nave of the temple). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02448 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of L3+L6 ('Sacristy') included by walls M1 (left) M4 (background) and M5+M7 (staircase) (right) (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02449 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of L3+L6 ('Sacristy') and the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02450 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of L3+L6 ('Sacristy'); on the left is M10+M15 (=R44/45), M5+M4 (foreground) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02451 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of locus L22 and, in the foreground, L21. The standing slabs are useful to sustain the offering tables. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02452 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the floor of L2, detail (from the west). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02453 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, general view of L2 (from the north). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02454 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, general view of L2. On the left is the wall M2, on the right is M3 (from the north). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02455 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of M2 with the incorporated pillar. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02456 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the side doorway (M21) in M1, connecting L2 and L6 ('Sacristy') (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02457 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of L2 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02458 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the side doorway M21 in M1 and locus L6 (from the W). (© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02459 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation (from the E). The official of the GOAM Khalid Al-Mindi. (© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02460 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation (from the NW). (© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02461 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02462 | Barāqiš (BAR): The camp of the Italian Archaeological Mission (from the E). (© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02463 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02464 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, detail of the bench on a side of an offering table in L21 (from the S).(© MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02465 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, detail of the the state of conservation of a pillar no. 7 in L21.(© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02466 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of locus L21: in the background the offering table lied horizontally (from the W).(© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02467 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of locus L22, and the beams and metopes of the roof (from the N).(© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02468 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, detail of the offering table decorated with ibexes heads in locus L21.(© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02469 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the offering table decorated with ibexes heads in locus L21.(© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn02470 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of L22 from L21. In the foreground the offering table in L21. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02630 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic structures N of the Temple A, dedicated to the god Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02631 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation of the Islamic structures N of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02632 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic structures N of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. On the left the jambs (P1 and P2) of the main gate, and L2 with the entrance in the temple from the 'Sacristy'. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02633 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic structures N of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. On the left background the locus L2 with the entrance of the temple from the 'Sacristy'. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02634 | Barāqiš: Southern jamb P2 (lateral view) of the main gate of the Nakraḥ Temple, from the S. On the right is the inner curtain of the NW wall (M3) of the temple. To the left of the jamb is the stratigraphy of Islamic levels. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02635 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation of Islamic structures N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. In the background the propylaeum pillars of theʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ Temple .(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02636 | Barāqiš: Excavation of Islamic structures N of the Nakraḥ's Temple, i.e. in front of the main entrance (P1+P2), from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02637 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in the external (SW) area of the Nakraḥ's Temple. In the foreground the lateral entrance to the temple (L2) from the 'Sacristy' (L3+L6). On the left architect Giuseppe Tilia. Standing on the wall is the restorer Angela Bizzarro. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02638 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation area, NW of the Nakraḥ's Temple. In the background, the tower close to the well and mausoleum at the centre of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02639 | Barāqiš: General view of the Italian-Yemeni camp, from the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02640 | Barāqiš: View of the Italian-Yemeni camp, at the foot of the city walls, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02641 | Barāqiš: The Italian-Yemeni camp, at the foot of the city walls, from the E. Components of prefabricated buildings. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02642 | Barāqiš: View of the Italian and Yemeni camp with tents settled at the foot of the city walls, from the SE. In the background the soldiers camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02643 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic structure, in front of the main door of the Nakraḥ's Temple. In the background the Islamic walls Mcc and Mcf. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02644 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the 'Sacristy' (L3+L6) from the W. On the left the lateral door conducting in L2 of the Nakraḥ's Temple is visible. In the foreground is the architect Giuseppe Tilia with hat. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02645 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic structures N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02646 | Barāqiš: View of a beaten earth floor in Lcc and walls in stones (Mcc and Mcf) of Islamic period, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02647 | Barāqiš: View of a beaten earth floor in Lcc and stones walls (Mcc and Mcf) of Islamic period, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02648 | Barāqiš: Detail of a beaten earth floor in Lcc and stones walls (Mcc and Mcf) of Islamic period, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. From the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02649 | Barāqiš: View of Islamic structures in mud bricks, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. In the foreground is Lcb. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02650 | Barāqiš: View of Islamic structures in mud bricks, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the E). The locus Lcb (left) and the locus Lcd (right) are separated by the wall Mcg. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02651 | Barāqiš: View of Islamic locus Lcb with beaten earth floor and mud-plastered walls, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02652 | Barāqiš: Detail of Islamic locus Lcb with beaten earth floor and mud-plastered walls, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02653 | Barāqiš: General view of Islamic loci Lcb and Lcd, separated by the mud bricks wall Mcg, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02654 | Barāqiš: Detail of Islamic beaten earth floor in Lcd and mud bricks wall Mcg, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02655 | Barāqiš: Detail of Islamic levels, including beaten earth floor in Lcd and mud bricks walls Mch (foreground) and Mcg (right), N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02656 | Barāqiš: Detail of Islamic levels: beaten earth floor in Lcd and mud bricks walls Mch and Mcg, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02657 | Barāqiš: General view of the Islamic levels, with beaten earth floor in Lcd and mud bricks walls Mch (right) and Mcg (background), N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02658 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic levels, with beaten earth floor in Lcd and mud bricks walls Mcg (right) and Mch (foreground), N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. The vertical pole is resting on Mcd. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02659 | Barāqiš: General view of the of Islamic levels, with beaten earth floor in Lcd and mud bricks walls Mch (right), Mcg (centre) and Mcd (left), N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02660 | Barāqiš: General view of the of Islamic levels, with beaten earth floor in Lcd and mud bricks walls Mch (right), Mcg (centre) and Mcd (left), N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02661 | Barāqiš: Construction of a prefabricated office in the Italian-Yemeni camp, at the foot and SW of the ancient city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02662 | Barāqiš: Construction of a prefabricated office in the Italian-Yemeni camp, at the foot and SW of the ancient city. At the centre the topographer Mario Mascellani. On the right the architect Giuseppe Tilia. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02663 | Barāqiš: Moment of relax: Giuseppe Tilia, Vittoria Buffa and Angela Bizzarro. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02664 | Construction of a prefabricated office in the Italian-Yemeni camp, at the foot of the ancient city. In the background the city walls of Barāqiš and towers T1, T56 and T55.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02665 | Barāqiš: Construction of a prefabricated office in the Italian-Yemeni camp, at the foot of the ancient city (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02666 | Barāqiš: Professor Alessandro de Maigret sitting in the prefabricated office during the construction (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02667 | Barāqiš: The director of the Mission sitting in the prefabricated office during the construction (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02668 | Barāqiš: Professor Roberto Malighetti, anthropologist. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02669 | Barāqiš: Remains of a roof made of wooden branches, collapsed on the floor, in an Islamic level, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02670 | Barāqiš: General view of remains of a roof made of wooden branches, collapsed on the floor. In the foreground mud brick walls of Islamic period, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02671 | Barāqiš: View of remains of a roof made of wooden branches, collapsed on the floor, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02672 | Barāqiš: General view of remains of a roof made of wooden branches, collapsed on the floor, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02673 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. In the background, right, the remains of a roof made of wooden branches. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02674 | Barāqiš: View of the the remains of a roof made of wooden branches in Lcd, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02675 | Barāqiš: Detail of the the remains of a roof made of wooden branches in Lcd, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02676 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the eastern sector of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02677 | Barāqiš: Excavation in T44, SW of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02678 | Barāqiš: Excavation in Lcf and demolition of the mud brick wall Mq, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02679 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the eastern sector of the Nakraḥ's Temple, detail (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02680 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic level in the eastern sector of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the E). In the background the excavation in T44. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02681 | Barāqiš: Detail of the the remains of a roof made of wooden branches in Lcd, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02682 | Barāqiš: A Soldier. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02683 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic level in the eastern sector of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02684 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic level in tower T44 of the city walls (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02685 | Barāqiš: Excavation in Lcf, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02686 | Barāqiš: The beaten earth floor in Lcf, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02687 | Barāqiš: The beaten earth floor in Lcf, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. On the right the wall Mq. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02688 | Barāqiš: The beaten earth floor in Lcf, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. On the right the wall Mq (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02689 | Barāqiš: The beaten earth floor in Lcf, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. The Islamic wall Mci, S of Lcf, is visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02690 | Barāqiš: The demolition of the Islamic wall Mq, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02691 | Barāqiš: The demolition of the Islamic wall Mq, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02692 | Barāqiš: The Islamic loci Lcf+Lcb after the demolition of the Islamic wall Mq, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02693 | Barāqiš: The Islamic loci Lcf+Lcb after the demolition of the Islamic wall Mq, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02694 | Barāqiš: The Islamic loci Lcf+Lcb after the demolition of the Islamic wall Mq, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02695 | Barāqiš: The Islamic loci Lcf+Lcb after the demolition of the Islamic wall Mq, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02696 | Barāqiš: The Islamic loci Lcf+Lcb after the demolition of the Islamic wall Mq, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02697 | Barāqiš: The Islamic wall Mci, in the N area of the Nakraḥ's Temple (view from the N). There was probably a door, then walled. A small wooden beam is visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02698 | Barāqiš: The Islamic wall Mq was built breaking the floor in Lcf, in the N area of the Nakraḥ's Temple (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02699 | Barāqiš: The excavation of the Islamic levels in the eastern sector of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02700 | Barāqiš: The excavation of the Islamic levels in the eastern sector of the Nakraḥ's Temple. On the right is the pillar 5 of the hypostyle hall. Against the pillar no. 5 is the Islamic wall Mcl. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02701 | Barāqiš: The excavation of the Islamic levels in the eastern sector of the Nakraḥ's Temple. On the right is the pillar 5 of the hypostyle hall. In the background is the wall Ma. On the left is the wall Md (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02702 | Barāqiš: The excavation of the Islamic levels in the eastern sector of the Nakraḥ's Temple. The pillars 5 (foreground), 4 and 3 in the same row of the hypostyle hall (from the SE). On top of the pillars the monolithic beams of the roof are in situ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02703 | Barāqiš: Detail of the Minaean pillar 5 and the Islamic wall Mcl (in locus Lcg) in the hypostyle hall of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02704 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic wall Mcl (in locus Lcg) in the hypostyle hall of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the NW, i.e. from top of beam on pillar no. 5). On the left is the wall Md. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02705 | Barāqiš: The Islamic loci Lcf+Lcb after the demolition of the Islamic wall Mq, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02706 | Barāqiš: View of Islamic loci Lch+Lci after the demolition both of Mq and Lcf+Lcb, in the area N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02707 | Barāqiš: View of Islamic wall from the N, in the area N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02708 | Barāqiš: View of the jamb P2 of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the W). On the right of the jamb the inner curtain of the temple's wall M3 is visible. On the left the Islamic levels are preserved. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02710 | Barāqiš: Detail of a stepped decoration in qaḍāḍ found in the excavation carried out in Lch, in the area N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02711 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic levels in tower T44 of the city walls (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02712 | Barāqiš: View of Islamic loci Lch+Lci after the demolition both of Mq and Lcf+Lcb, in the area N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02713 | Barāqiš: View of Islamic loci Lch+Lci after the demolition both of Mq and Lcf+Lcb, in the area N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). Some stones are set vertically in the compact floor of beaten earth. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02714 | Barāqiš: General view of Lch+Lci after the demolition both of Mq and Lcf+Lcb, in the area N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). In the background the Islamic wall Mci. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02715 | Barāqiš: View of Islamic loci Lch+Lci, in the area N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the SE). Some stones are set vertically in the compact floor of beaten earth, against Mci (left) and the northwestern section of the excavation area. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02716 | Barāqiš: Detail of the of thick wall (Mcd+Mcg) of Islamic origin against P2, in the area N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02717 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area N of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the SW). In the foreground (right) is the jamb P2 of the main entrance of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02718 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic level (Lcg) in the hypostyle hall of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the S). On the left is the Minaean pillar no. 5 and the Islamic wall Mcl. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02719 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic level (Lcg) in the hypostyle hall of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). Against the Minaean pillar no. 5 is the Islamic wall Mcl. In the background P9 (left) and P8 (right) are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02720 | Barāqiš: Detail of pieces in qaḍāḍ (mortar) found in the excavation carried out in Lcu (under Lch), in the area N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02721 | Barāqiš: View of pieces in qaḍāḍ (mortar) found in the excavation carried out in Lcu (under Lch), in the area N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02722 | Barāqiš: Water scorpion (Nepidae). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02723 | Barāqiš: Water scorpion (Nepidae). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02724 | Barāqiš: View (from the NW) of the Islamic structures in T44, SW of the 'Sacristy' and Nakraḥ's Temple. From the foreground: Lcs, Lcp, Lcl (left); Lcr, Lco, Lcm (right). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02725 | Barāqiš: General view of the Islamic structures in T44, SW of the 'Sacristy' and Nakraḥ's Temple (from the W). From the left Lcs, Lcp, Lcl (background); Lcr, Lco, Lcm (centre); Lcq, Lcm (foreground). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02726 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic structures in T44, SW of the 'Sacristy' and Nakraḥ's Temple (from the W). From the left the loci Lcs, Lcp (background); Lcr, Lco (centre); Lcq, Lcm (foreground). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02727 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic structures in T44, SW of the 'Sacristy' and Nakraḥ's Temple. From the left Lcr, Lco, Lcm; in the foreground Lcm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02728 | Barāqiš: View from the S of the Islamic structures in T44. On the right the wall M1 and the lateral entrance (in L2 from the 'Sacristy') of the Nakraḥ's Temple. In the foreground Lcm, Lco (right), Lcm (left). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02729 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic structures in T44, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02730 | Barāqiš: Overview of the Islamic structures in T44 (photo from the roof of the Nakraḥ's Temple). The tower T44 is formed by walls M10 (foreground), Mcn (background), Mct (left). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02731 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic structures in T44 (photo from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02732 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic structures in T44 (photo from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02733 | Barāqiš: Excavation on the city wall, between T44 and T45 (=R44/45). View of the Islamic locus Lcx. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02734 | Barāqiš: Excavation on the city wall, between T44 and T45 (R44/45). View of the Islamic locus Lci, N of the Nakraḥ's Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02735 | Barāqiš: Excavation in front of the jambs P1 and P2 of the main entrance of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02736 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in front of the main entrance of the Nakraḥ's Temple (from the N). On the left, the jambs P1 and P2 are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02737 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation on the city walls, between T44 (left) and T45 (right) (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02738 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation on the city walls, R44/45 (from the N). In the foreground (left) is the wall M10 of T44. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02739 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation of Islamic levels in R44/45 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02740 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic levels in R44/45 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02741 | Barāqiš: View of the pillars 4 (left) and 5 (right) and beams in the hypostyle hall of the Nakraḥ's Temple after the excavation of the Islamic levels (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02742 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic levels in R44/45 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02743 | Barāqiš: Construction of a prefabricated building in the Italian-Yemeni camp, at the foot of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02744 | Barāqiš: Construction of a prefabricated building in the Italian-Yemeni camp, at the foot of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02745 | Barāqiš: Workers around the water tank, for a shower. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02746 | Barāqiš: Construction of a prefabricated building (office) in the Italian-Yemeni camp, at the foot of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02747 | Barāqiš: A prefabricated building already built in the Italian-Yemeni camp, at the foot of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02748 | Barāqiš: Acacia tree and workers cars. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02749 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation and Islamic structures, N of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02750 | Barāqiš: Detail of locus Lcu with walls Mdc (centre), Mda (foreground), and Mci+Mdb (background), N of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02751 | Barāqiš: Detail of locus Lcu with wall Mdc (centre), N of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02752 | Barāqiš: View of locus Lcc with a metope decorated with dentils; the collapsed wall Mcz and - on the left - a pillar lies horizontally in Lct (N of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02753 | Barāqiš: Locus Lcu with walls Mdc (centre), Mda (foreground), and Mci+Mdb (background). Excavation in the area, N of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02754 | Barāqiš: View of locus Lcc with a metope decorated with dentils; the collapsed wall Mcz and in the background the Islamic walls Mcc and Mcf (N of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02755 | Barāqiš: A pillar lies horizontally on the floor in Lct. The walls Mcz (left), Mda (right) (N of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02756 | Barāqiš: The bases of pillars (2, 3, 4 from the left) belonging to the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02757 | Barāqiš: View of the excavated area in front of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Two bases of the propylaeum pillars in M14 are visible. The lower part of a broken pillar is still in situ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02758 | Barāqiš: View of the excavated area in front of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Three bases of the propylaeum pillars in M14 are visible. The lower part of a pillar is still in situ and a broken pillar lies horizontally on the floor in Lcy (under Lct). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02759 | Barāqiš: View of the jamb P2 of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). On the left three bases of the propylaeum pillars are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02760 | Barāqiš: View of the city walls between T44 and T45 (R44/45), from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02761 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic structures in mud brick in R44/45, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02762 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in R44/45, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02763 | Barāqiš: Excavation in R44/45, from the W. The locus Lcz is delimited by the walls Mdg (right) and Mad (left). The walls of the locus are covered with plaster. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02764 | Barāqiš: View of the locus Lcz built in R44/45. The walls Mdg (right) and Mad (left) are plastered. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02765 | Barāqiš: View of the locus Lcz built in R44/45, from the S. The floor is in compact beaten earth. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02766 | Barāqiš: General view of the locus Lcz built in R44/45, from the S. On the right the wall Mad, on the left Mdg, in the background the Mo. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02767 | Barāqiš: View of the locus Lcz built in R44/45, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02768 | Barāqiš: View of the wall M15 of R44/45, parallel to M5, the western wall of the 'Sacristy'. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02769 | Barāqiš: The mudbrick wall Mdg of locus Lcz, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02770 | Barāqiš: View of the mudbrick wall Mdg of locus Lcz, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02771 | Barāqiš: Excavation of Islamic levels in R44/45, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02772 | Barāqiš: Excavation of Islamic levels in R44/45, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02773 | Barāqiš: Overview of the excavations in T44 and in R44/45, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02774 | Barāqiš: Overview of the excavations in T44 and R44/45, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02775 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the hypostile hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ, in L1, SW corner. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02776 | Barāqiš: Restoration of M10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02777 | Barāqiš: Restoration of M10 and general view of the excavation in R44/45, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02778 | Barāqiš: Restoration of M10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02779 | Barāqiš: Structure of Islamic origin in mud bricks and stones in R44/45 (under Lci), from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02780 | Barāqiš: Structure of Islamic origin in mud bricks and stones in R44/45 (under Lci), from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02781 | Barāqiš: View of a structure of Islamic origin in mud bricks and stones in R44/45 (under Lci), from the W. The floor is in beaten earth. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02782 | Barāqiš: Excavation in R44/45 (under Lci+Lcx), from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02783 | Barāqiš: View of the structures of Islamic origin excavated in R44/45 (under Lci+Lcx). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02784 | Barāqiš: View of the structures of Islamic origin excavated in R44/45 (under Lci+Lcx), from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02785 | Barāqiš: View of islamic structures in R44/45 (under Lci+Lcx). The floor is in beaten earth. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02786 | Barāqiš: Minaean inscription Y.92.B.A.3 found in the Islamic level in R44/45. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02787 | Barāqiš: Detail of the Minaean inscription Y.92.B.A.3 found in the Islamic level in R44/45. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02788 | Barāqiš: General view of the context where the Minaean inscription Y.92.B.A.3 was found. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02789 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the Temple of Nakraḥ, southern corner (corresponding to the 4th-5th cellae). In Lb, included by walls Ma/M4 (S), Mb/M1 (W), and pillars 12, 13 and 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02790 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the Temple of Nakraḥ, S corner. In Lb, included by walls Ma/M4 (left), Mb/M1 (right). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02791 | Barāqiš: Excavation in Lb, in the Temple of Nakraḥ, in the northern section, two terracotta containers are visible. On the right (E) is the Islamic wall Mdh. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02792 | Barāqiš: Excavation in Lb, in the Temple of Nakraḥ, southern corner. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02793 | Barāqiš: General view of Lb (corresponding to cellae 4 and 5, in the southern corner of the Temple of Nakraḥ). In the ash layer with charcoals a fire-pit framed by a circle of stones (named Ldf) is discovered. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02794 | Barāqiš: Detail of the excavated fire-pit (named Ldf) in Lb (in the southern corner of the Temple of Nakraḥ). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02795 | Barāqiš: View from the S of the excavated fire-pit (Ldf) in Lb (in the southern corner of the Temple of Nakraḥ). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02796 | Barāqiš: General view of Lb in the southern corner of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02797 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation works in T44 and R44/45, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02798 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation works in R44/45, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02799 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation works in R44/45, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02800 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation works in T44, from the N (from the roof of the temple). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02801 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic levels in Lb (corresponding to cellae 4 and 5 of the Temple of Nakraḥ), from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02802 | Barāqiš: Excavation in R44/45. Plastered basin of Islamic origin named Ldb, included between the walls Mdi (S), Mcq (W) and locus Lde. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02803 | Barāqiš: Excavation in R44/45. Detail of plastered basin of Islamic origin named Ldb. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02804 | Barāqiš: Excavation in R44/45. Plastered tripartite basin of Islamic origin named Ldb. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02805 | Barāqiš: Excavation in R44/45, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02806 | Barāqiš: General view of excavation in R44/45, and location of the plastered tripartite basin Ldb (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02807 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, Locus Lb. Restorer Angela Bizzarro is taking the two terracotta containers from the northern section. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02808 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, Locus Lb. Restorer Angela Bizzarro is taking one of the two terracotta containers from the northern section. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02809 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N (background) and in the area corresponding to the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02810 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02811 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in T44 (left) and R44/45, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02812 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic structures in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02813 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in T44 (left) and R44/45, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02814 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic structures in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02815 | Barāqiš: Detail of a staircase of Islamic origin, in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02816 | Barāqiš: View of Islamic locus Ldg, W of Lcz. On the right is the wall Mcq, on the left Mdg (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02817 | Barāqiš: View of Islamic locus Ldg (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02818 | Barāqiš: View of Islamic locus Ldg (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02819 | Barāqiš: View of Islamic tripartite locus Ldb and locus Lde (left) in R44/45 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02820 | Barāqiš: View of Islamic loci Lde (foreground) and Ldg (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02821 | Barāqiš: Excavation in T44 and R44/45 (from the NW). On the left is M15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02822 | Barāqiš: Excavation in T44 and R44/45 (from the NW). Mud bricks. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02823 | Barāqiš: View of Islamic tripartite loci Ldb and Lde (foreground) in R44/45 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02824 | Barāqiš: Overview of the archaeological excavations in the area NW of the temple. In the background the Islamic ruins of houses, tower and mausoleum at the centre of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02825 | Barāqiš: View of T44 and R44/45, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02826 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in R44/45, and T44, from the NW. The wall M10 leans to the east. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02827 | Barāqiš: Excavation in T44, from the E. The western wall of the tower is of Islamic origin (Mcn). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02828 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. A staircase of Islamic origin is visible (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02829 | Barāqiš: View of mud bricks in T44. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02830 | Barāqiš: View of mud bricks in T44 and Islamic wall Mcn. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02831 | Barāqiš: Detail of the internal wall Mcn of T44. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02832 | Barāqiš: Detail of mud bricks in T44. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02833 | Barāqiš: View of mud bricks in T44, from the S. In the background is the tower of the city wall T48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02834 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ, SE corner (corresponding to the 1st cella). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02835 | Barāqiš: The hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the excavation in front of the cellae, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02836 | Barāqiš: View of the cellae of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02837 | Barāqiš: View of the central cella of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02838 | Barāqiš: A terracotta tannur found in Lq, just before and S of the Islamic wall Mo (in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02839 | Barāqiš: Detail of a tannur found in Lq, just before and S of the Islamic wall Mo (in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02840 | Barāqiš: The Minaean inscription Y.92.B.A.6 found in the Temple of Nakraḥ, between P3 and Md, the eastern perimetral wall of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02841 | Barāqiš: Detail of the Minaean inscription Y.92.B.A.6 found in the Temple of Nakraḥ, between P3 and Md, the eastern perimetral wall of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02842 | Barāqiš: Detail of the Minaean inscription Y.92.B.A.6 found in the Temple of Nakraḥ, between P3 and Md, the eastern perimetral wall of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02843 | Barāqiš: The Minaean inscription Y.92.B.A.5 in situ in the Temple of Nakraḥ, in M8, the eastern wall of the temple. M8 is the Minaean wall under the Islamic wall Md. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02844 | Barāqiš: Detail of the Minaean inscription Y.92.B.A.5 found in situ in the Temple of Nakraḥ, in M8, the eastern wall of the temple. M8 is the Minaean wall under the Islamic wall Md. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02845 | Barāqiš: Detail of the Minaean inscription Y.92.B.A.5 in situ in the Temple of Nakraḥ, in M8, the eastern wall of the temple. M8 is the Minaean wall under the Islamic wall Md. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02846 | Barāqiš: A stratigraphy of Islamic origin in situ between two pillars in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02847 | Barāqiš: View of the stratigraphy of Islamic origin between the pillars in front of the cellae of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02848 | Barāqiš: A stratigraphy of Islamic origin, with a thick layer of ash, between two pillars in front of the cellae of the Temple of Nakraḥ. View from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02849 | Barāqiš: View of the stratigraphy of Islamic origin between the pillars in front of the cellae of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02850 | Barāqiš: The hypostyle hall with the levels of Islamic origin between the pillars, from the southern cella of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02851 | Barāqiš: Detail of the Minaean wall M1 in the southern cella (the 5th) of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02852 | Barāqiš: Thresholds and recesses for the doors of the cellae in the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02853 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ; the cavities in the floor of the cella are probably useful to support an altar or a statue in bronze on a base (probably a bull or an ibex). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02854 | Barāqiš: Extension of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02855 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area, N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. In the foreground the bases to house the pillars of the Tetrapylon are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02856 | Barāqiš: View of the Temple of Nakraḥ from the N-NW. In the foreground are the jambs P1 and P2 of the main entrance, not excavated. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02857 | Barāqiš: View of T44, R44/45 and the excavated area, N of the Temple of Nakraḥ from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02858 | Barāqiš: View of T44, R44/45 and the area of the so-called Sacristy, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02859 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in R44/45 and the area of the so-called Sacristy, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02860 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ during the archaeological excavation, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02861 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ and all excavation areas, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02862 | Barāqiš: Extension of the excavation in the area, N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02863 | Barāqiš: General view of excavation areas in and around the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02864 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ during the archaeological excavation, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02867 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in R44/45, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02868 | Barāqiš: Mud bricks of Minaean period between T44 and M10, from the S. In the background the tower of the city wall T48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02869 | Barāqiš: The inner side of T44 (Islamic Maa), from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02870 | Barāqiš: View of the 'Sacristy' (centre), walls M10+M15 (left), and M1 of the Temple of Nakraḥ (right), from the S. In the background the tower of the city walls T48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02871 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation area around the Temple of Nakraḥ (right), from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02872 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02873 | Barāqiš: Section and stratigraphy of Islamic levels at the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02874 | Barāqiš: Section of Islamic levels at the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02875 | Barāqiš: Detail of the section and stratigraphy of Islamic levels at the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02876 | Barāqiš: Detail of a section of Islamic levels at the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02877 | Barāqiš: General view of R44/45, from the NW. The walls M15+M10 are leaning towards the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02878 | Barāqiš: View of R44/45 from the NW. Workers are restoring the walls M10+M15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02879 | Barāqiš: Detail of R44/45 from the NW. Workers are restoring the walls M10+M15. On the right, layers of mud bricks on the walkway of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02880 | Barāqiš: Detail of the inner wall Maa of tower T44 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02881 | Barāqiš: Detail of R44/45 from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02882 | Barāqiš: A terracotta tannur found in an Islamic level, in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02883 | Barāqiš: A terracotta tannur found in an Islamic level, in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ, view from the N. In the background is the city walls Mcq. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02884 | Barāqiš: The beaten earth floor and a terracotta tannur, in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). In the background is the city walls Mcq of Islamic origin. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02885 | Barāqiš: The beaten earth floor of an Islamic locus, in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02886 | Barāqiš: Extension (6 x 10 m) of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02887 | Barāqiš: Excavation in front of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02888 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02889 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in front of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02890 | Barāqiš: View of the restoration work of the walls M10 + M15 leaning to the E (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02891 | Barāqiš: View of the restoration work of the wals M10 + M15 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02892 | Barāqiš: View of the extension of the excavation area in front of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). In the background stands out a pillar of the propylaeum of Temple B dedicated to ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02893 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation area in front of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02894 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02895 | Barāqiš: The hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ with the collapsed stones in situ (from the E). The pillars are supported by scaffolding. At the center the architect Edoardo Gatti. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02896 | Barāqiš: View of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ, with collapsed stones in situ (from the SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02897 | Barāqiš: The hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02898 | Barāqiš: The hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ, (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02899 | Barāqiš: Architectonic stones found in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. The inscription Y.92.B.A.21. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02900 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02901 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02902 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in the extension area, N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02903 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in and around the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02904 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A.7 found between M9 and Md in the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02905 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A.8 found between M9 and Md in the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02906 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in the Temple of Nakraḥ, northern corner between M9 (right) and pillar 3 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02907 | Barāqiš: Excavation of Islamic locus Ldk, close to the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02908 | Barāqiš: The Islamic locus Ldk, and mud bricks walls Mcg (left), Mdr (right) and Mcd (in front) (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02909 | Barāqiš: In the foreground the Islamic locus Ldk is close to the jamb P1 (left) of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02910 | Barāqiš: The Islamic locus Ldk close to the jamb P1 of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ. The walls in mud bricks Mdr (right), Mcg (left), Mcd (in front) (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02911 | Barāqiš: The steps built in Islamic period (Mdu) in the northern corner of the Temple of Nakraḥ hypostyle hall (from the S). The steps are made of Minaean isnscriptions. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02912 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). On the left the Islamic locus Ldk, built close to the jambs P1 and P2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02913 | Barāqiš: Dismounting the Islamic locus Ldk, built close to the jambs P1 and P2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02914 | Barāqiš: The excavation NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02915 | Barāqiš: Restoration of the walls M10+M15, W of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02916 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02917 | Barāqiš: The steps built in Islamic period (Mdu) in the northern corner of the Temple of Nakraḥ hypostyle hall (from the S). The steps are made of some reused Minaean inscriptions. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02918 | Barāqiš: The Islamic steps Mdu built in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ, northern corner (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02919 | Barāqiš: The steps of the Islamic period Mdu built in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ, northern corner (from the S). In the background the iscription Y.92.B.A/8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02920 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the central cella of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02921 | Barāqiš: The excavation of the Islamic locus Ldk, built close to the jambs P1 and P2 of the main entrance of Temple of Nakraḥ, (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02922 | Barāqiš: In the background the excavation in the area NW of Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02923 | Barāqiš: In the background the excavation in the area NW of Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). On the right M1, on the left M10+M15, in the foreground the walls M5+M6 of the 'Sacristy'. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02924 | Barāqiš: The excavation in the area NW of Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). On the right the lateral entrance of the Temple, from the 'Sacristy' (L3+L6) to L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02925 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). In the foreground 'Sacristy' (L6+L3). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02926 | Barāqiš: Excavation in L4, W of the 'Sacristy' (L6+L3) (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02927 | Barāqiš: The upper part of the steps Mdu built in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ, northern corner (from the S). The iscription Y.92.B.A/8 (right). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02928 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in L4. This locus is between M10+M15 (right), and M5 (left), i.e. between the 'Sacristy' (L6+L3, left) and city wall (right). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02929 | Barāqiš: Ecavation in L4. Detail of stones along the walls M10+M15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02930 | Barāqiš: Ecavation in the 'Sacristy' (L6+L3) (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02931 | Barāqiš: The wall M15 (left) and wall M18 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02932 | Barāqiš: Chain of workers to remove the excavated material in L4 and in the 'Sacristy'. The difference in level between the Minaean level and the current city walking surface is about 6 m. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02933 | Barāqiš: View of the archaeological excavation in front of P1 and P2, jambs of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02934 | Barāqiš: View of the excavated area in front of P1 and P2, jambs of the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). M14 with the recesses to house the pillars of the propylaeum is almost freed from the Islamic levels. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02935 | Barāqiš: Detail of M14 with the recesses to house the pillars of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02936 | Barāqiš: Detail of M14 with the recesses to house the pillars of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02937 | Barāqiš: View of M14 with the recesses to house the pillars of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02938 | Barāqiš: Detail of a slab on M14, the platform with the recesses to house the pillars of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02939 | Barāqiš: Detail of M14. On the right a small bench in stone along M3, the northern perimetrical wall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. In the corner the original Minaean level/soil (30 cm). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02940 | Barāqiš: Detail of an architectonic decorated slab in alabaster, found on M14, the platform of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02941 | Barāqiš: The inscription Y.92.B.A/13, found on M14, the platform of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02942 | Barāqiš: General view of the restoration work in the 'Sacristy' (from the N). In the background the conveyor to dump the excavation soil outside the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02943 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation work on M14, the platform of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02944 | Barāqiš: View of the work in the 'Sacristy' (M3+M6). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02945 | Barāqiš: Workers in the area, N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02946 | Barāqiš: Restoration work in the 'Sacristy'. On the right detail of mud mortar (ṭīn) for the restoration of the wall M17. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02947 | Barāqiš: View of the 'Sacristy' during the restoration work. On the right the mud mortar (ṭīn) for the restoration of the wall M7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02948 | Barāqiš: View of the 'Sacristy' during the restoration work of M7. On the right the wall M1 and the vertical inscribed stone Y.90.B.A/3. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02949 | Barāqiš: The workers are carrying the collapsed stones from the loci L6 + L3 ('Sacristy') (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02950 | Barāqiš: View of the 'Sacristy' during the restoration work. On the right the vertical inscribed stone Y.90.B.A/3. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02951 | Barāqiš: Chain of workers carrying the collapsed stones from the loci L6 + L3 ('Sacristy') (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02952 | Barāqiš: Inscriprton Y.92.B.A/15 and a incense burner found in L10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02953 | Barāqiš: On the left is the inscription Y.92.B.A/15 (M20) in L10 and blocks/slabs at the level of the 2nd step of the lateral door of the Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02954 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A/15 (M20) in L10 and blocks/slabs at the level of the 2nd step of the lateral door of the Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02955 | Barāqiš: View of L10, between M20 with the inscription Y.92.B.A/15 (left) and M19 (in front). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02956 | Barāqiš: View of L10, between M20 with the inscription Y.92.B.A/15 (foreground) and M19 (in front/left). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02957 | Barāqiš: View of the 'Sacristy' during the restoration of M7, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02958 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation work in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02959 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02960 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02961 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02962 | Barāqiš: Removal of collapsed stones in the area of the propylaeum of the Temple of of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02963 | Barāqiš: View of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of of Nakraḥ (from the E). On the left is the central cella. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02964 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02965 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02966 | Barāqiš: Removal of collapsed stones in the area of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02967 | Barāqiš: Restoration of M5 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02968 | Barāqiš: Restoration of M5 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02969 | Barāqiš: Restoration of M5 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02970 | Barāqiš: The Minaean staircase of the lateral door of the Temple of Nakraḥ. On the left L10 and wall M20 (with the inscribed block Y.92.B.A/15). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02971 | Barāqiš: View of the lateral door of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). On the left L10 and wall M20 (with the inscribed block Y.92.B.A/15). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02972 | Barāqiš: Detail of the inscription Y.92.B.A/15 in the wall M20. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02973 | Barāqiš: Excavation (in L10) of the Islamic levels that cover the wall M18. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02974 | Barāqiš: The excavation, in L10, of the Islamic levels discovers the Minaean collapsed blocks. The huge stone with the inscription Y.92.B.A/16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02975 | Barāqiš: The Minaean collapsed blocks during the excavation in L10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02976 | Barāqiš: General view of the restoration work in the 'Sacristy' (L3+L6) (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02977 | Barāqiš: General view of the restoration work in the 'Sacristy' (L3+L6), W of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02978 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02979 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02980 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic structures excavated in the extension area, N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). In the foreground the locus Ldm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02981 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in front of the entrance of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02982 | Barāqiš: Islamic structures in the extension area, N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). In the foreground the kitchen Ldm with a tannur. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02983 | Barāqiš: View of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). In the foreground the Islamic locus Ldm (right) and Ldl (left). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02984 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic locus Ldl. On the right the locus Ldm surrounded by the semicircular wall Med (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02985 | Barāqiš: In the foreground the locus Ldl. In the background Ldm with the semicircular wall Med which continues in the section (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02986 | Barāqiš: View of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). In the background the tower T44 and R44/45. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02987 | Barāqiš: View of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). In the foreground the 'Sacristy' (L3+L6). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02988 | Barāqiš: From left to right: the 'Sacristy' (L3+L6), L4 and R44/45. In the foreground L10 (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02989 | Barāqiš: The squared locus Ldl excavated in the extension area, N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02990 | Barāqiš: The locus Ldm with tannur, excavated in the extension area, N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the NW). On the left is the wall Med. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02991 | Barāqiš: On the left is the squared locus Ldl of Islamic period. In front is the Islamic wall Mcc (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02992 | Barāqiš: The semicircular wall of the locus Ldm with a tannur, interpreted as a kitchen (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02993 | Barāqiš: Excavation, in L10, of the Islamic levels that cover the wall M18. In front is the wall M15 of the city walls. On the left is the wall M19 of the 'Sacristy' (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02994 | Barāqiš: View of the 'Sacristy' with staircase M7 and wall M19. On the left is i the western corner of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02995 | Barāqiš: View of the wall M18 covered by levels of Islamic period (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02996 | Barāqiš: The staircase M7 leaning on M5, in the 'Sacristy' (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02997 | Barāqiš: View of L1 (from above and E) in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. In the foreground the pillars 15 and 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02998 | Barāqiš: View of the southern cella L9 of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from above and NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn02999 | Barāqiš: View of L1 in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from above and W). On the right are the cellae. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03000 | Barāqiš: View of L1 in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. In the foreground the pillars 11 and 12 and background pillars 15 and 16 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03001 | Barāqiš: Detail of L1 in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. In the foreground the pillars 11 and 12 and background pillars 15 and 16 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03002 | Barāqiš: The inscription Y.92.B.A/17 found in L1, the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03003 | Barāqiš: The decorated slab (dentils and fillets) with traces of red painting, found in L1, the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03004 | Barāqiš: The decorated slab (dentils and fillets) with traces of red painting, found in L1, the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03005 | Barāqiš: View of the western sector of L1, included between the perimeter wall M1 (right) and the pillars 15 and 16 (left) in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03006 | Barāqiš: View of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03007 | Barāqiš: The hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). On the left are the pillars 12 and 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03008 | Barāqiš: The roof of the Temple of Nakraḥ with primary and secondary beams, metopes and slabs (view from below). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03009 | Barāqiš: A slab decorated by two rows of dentils and horizontal fillets, found on the floor of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03010 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). On the right is the Islamic locus Ldl. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03011 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic loci Ldo (right) and Lcc (left) in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. In the background is Ldl. The monolithic pillar P4 of the platform M14 (=propylaeum) is visible (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03012 | Barāqiš: Detail of the Islamic loci Ldo (right) and Lcc (left) in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. On the left is the Islamic staircase Mei (from the SE). The perpendicular walls to Mdy+Mel are (from the left): Mcz and Mej. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03013 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the Islamic locus Ldo, enclosed by Mcc (right), Mel and Mej, in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03014 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic locus Lcc, with the staircase Mei (the inscription Y.92.B.A/19 is used as the second to last step), and wall Mcz, in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03015 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic level close to the jamb P1 and perimetral wall of the Temple of Nakraḥ M9. On the background is Mcf (and Mcc, left). The wall perpendicular to P1 is Mcz, wich continues in Lcc (left) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03016 | Barāqiš: View of the restoration work of the wall M5+M9 ('Sacristy') (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03017 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic level close to the jamb P1 and perimetral wall of the Temple of Nakraḥ M9. On the background is Mcc+Mcf. The architect Giuseppe Tilia is sitting on Mdy of Ldl (on the left) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03018 | Barāqiš: Detail of the excavation of the Islamic level close to the jamb P1 and perimetral wall of the Temple of Nakraḥ M9. Perpendicular to P1 is the wall Mcz (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03019 | Barāqiš: Detail of the Islamic loci Lcc and Ldo, in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. On the left is the Islamic staircase Mei (from the S). The perpendicular walls to Mdy+Mel are (from the left): Mcz and Mej. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03020 | Barāqiš: M18 + M22 delimit L12 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03021 | Barāqiš: The Islamic levels in the area N to T45. On the left the walls M18 and M22 delimiting L12 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03022 | Barāqiš: General view of the Islamic levels in the area N to T45. On the left the walls M18 and M22 delimiting L12 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03023 | Barāqiš: The walls M18 and M22 delimiting L12, the passage that from the sacred area leads outside the city walls through a posterula (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03024 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. On the background is Mcc+Mcf (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03025 | Barāqiš: General view of the Islamic levels in the area N to T45 (from the S). On the right is the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03026 | Barāqiš: Detail of M18 (from the N). This wall and M22 delimiting L12, the passage that from the sacred area leads outside the city walls through a posterula (postern). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03027 | Barāqiš: View of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from W). The two doors, the lateral one (western / right) and the main door (northern / left) are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03028 | Barāqiš: View of 'Sacristy' and staircase M7 (from the NW). On the left is the Temple of Nakraḥ, In the foreground the wall M19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03029 | Barāqiš: View of M18 and M22 delimiting L12, the passage that from the sacred area leads outside the city walls through a posterula. On the left is M15, the inner curtain of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03030 | Barāqiš: Base of a statue with amirite inscription Y.92.B.A/20, found in the Islamic level between pillars P2 (jamb of the main door) and P10 (hypostyle hall) of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03031 | Barāqiš: Detail of the base of a statue with amirite inscription Y.92.B.A/20, found in the Islamic level between pillars P2 (jamb of the main door) and P10 (hypostyle hall) of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03032 | Barāqiš: View of the Temple of Nakraḥ. In the background T44, R44/45 and M18+M22 (delimiting L12) are visible (from the N). (©MAIRY) (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03033 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. The Islamic structures Ldl, Ldm (kitchen), Lcc and the staircase Mei are on the right (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03034 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. In the background is L2 and the side door that leads to the 'Sacristy' (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03035 | Barāqiš: View of the collapsed stones in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03036 | Barāqiš: View of the collapsed stones in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03037 | Barāqiš: The mascot goat, saved from a slaughterhouse of Hazm al-Jawf. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03038 | Barāqiš: The mascot goat, saved from a slaughterhouse of Hazm al-Jawf. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03039 | Barāqiš: The mascot goat, saved from a slaughterhouse of Hazm al-Jawf. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03040 | Barāqiš: View of the jambs P1+P2, and central nave and cella of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03041 | Barāqiš: View of the artificial terraces to contain the section of the excavation, N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03042 | Barāqiš: Staircase M7 (in the 'Sacristy') and wall M5, both restored (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03043 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ, in L1 and L2, between M9 and P3. Discovery of two offering tables. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03044 | Barāqiš: Detail of one offering table found in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ, in L1, between M9 and P3. It is decorated with a row of crouching ibexes, and below an inscription is carved. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03045 | Barāqiš: Detail of the second offering table found in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ, in L1, between M9 and P3. It is decorated with a row of crouching ibexes, and below an inscription is carved. On the right is a religious symbol. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03046 | Barāqiš: View of two offering tables found in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ, in L1, between M9 (right) and P3. In the background is L2 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03048 | Barāqiš: Stones blocks collapsed on the floor of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03049 | Barāqiš: View of L22 with three standing slabs to support an offering table made of a monolithic block decorated with a row of crouching ibexes (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03050 | Barāqiš: Stone blocks on the floor in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. The slab is decorated (dentils and fillets) and inscribed (Y.92.B.A/21). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03051 | Barāqiš: Architectonic blocks collapsed on the floor in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. The slab is decorated with dentils and fillets. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03052 | Barāqiš: Detail of a decorated slab, found on the floor in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03053 | Barāqiš: Detail of the slab with inscription (Y.92.B.A/21), found on the floor in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03054 | Barāqiš: Architectonic blocks on the floor of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03055 | Barāqiš: Architectonic blocks on the floor of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03056 | Barāqiš: Architectonic blocks on the floor in front of the cellae of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03057 | Barāqiš: Architectonic blocks on the floor of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03058 | Barāqiš: Detail of architectonic blocks found on the floor of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03059 | Barāqiš: Detail of architectonic blocks found on the floor of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03060 | Barāqiš: The decorated (dentils and fillets) and inscribed (Y.92.B.A/21) slab found on the floor in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03061 | Barāqiš: Stone blocks found on the floor in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03062 | Barāqiš: Stone blocks found on the floor in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03063 | Barāqiš: Architectonic blocks found on the floor in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03064 | Barāqiš: The inscription Y.92.B.A/10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03065 | Barāqiš: The inscription Y.92.B.A/6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03066 | Barāqiš: The inscription Y.92.B.A/6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03067 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03068 | Barāqiš: The Italian and Yemeni camp at the foot of the city walls (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03069 | Barāqiš: The Italian and Yemeni camp at the foot of the city walls (from the SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03070 | Barāqiš: The Italian and Yemeni camp at the foot of the city walls (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03071 | Barāqiš: The Italian and Yemeni camp at the foot of the city walls (from the SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03072 | Barāqiš: The Italian and Yemeni camp at the foot of the city walls (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03073 | Barāqiš: The Italian and Yemeni camp at the foot of the city walls (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03074 | Barāqiš: General view of the camp of the Italian-Yemeni Archaeological Mission at the foot of the city walls (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03075 | Barāqiš: General view of the camp of the Italian-Yemeni Archaeological Mission at the foot of the city wall (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03076 | Barāqiš: General view of the Italian-Yemeni Archaeological Mission camp at the foot of the city wall (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03081 | Barāqiš: Restoration of the inner curtain of the city walls M10 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03082 | Barāqiš: Restoration of the inner curtain (left) of the city walls M10 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03083 | Barāqiš: The student Abdelhakim of Ṣanʿāʾ Universit . Detail of restoration of the wall M10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03084 | Barāqiš: The student Abdelhakim of Ṣanʿāʾ University. Detail of restoration of the wall M10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03085 | Barāqiš: The student Abdelhakim of Ṣanʿāʾ University. Detail of restoration of the wall M10 (From the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03086 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). In the foreground is the side door conducting from the 'Sacristy' to L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03087 | Barāqiš: The western corner of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). In the foreground is the perimetral wall M1+M3. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03088 | Barāqiš: The student Abdelhakim of Ṣanʿāʾ University and the architect Giuseppe Tilia during the restoration of the wall M10 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03089 | Barāqiš: View of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). On the right are the cellae. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03090 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03091 | Barāqiš: View of the front facade of the Temple of Nakraḥ. In the foreground the extended area of excavation toward the N (the Islamic level). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03092 | Barāqiš: View of the extended area of excavation toward the N (from the S). In the background the terraces to contain the section. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03093 | Barāqiš: View of the extended area of excavation toward the N (from the S). In the background the terraces to contain the section. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03094 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation N of T45 (from the S, i.e. from the 'Sacristy'). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03095 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation N of T45 (from the S, i.e. from the 'Sacristy'). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03096 | Barāqiš: General view of the ancient city, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03097 | Barāqiš: General view of the ancient city, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03099 | Barāqiš: General view of the ancient city, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03100 | Barāqiš: General view of the ancient city, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03101 | Barāqiš: One of the two monolithic offering tables found in L23 (in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ). The offering table is decorated with crouching ibexes in high relief. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03103 | Barāqiš: Lateral view of the monolithic offering table found in L23 (in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ). A short side is decorated with crouching ibexes in high relief. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03104 | Barāqiš: Frontal view of the monolithic offering table found in L23 (in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ). Below the crouching ibexes sculpted in high relief is the inscription Y.92.B.A.40. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03106 | Barāqiš: A second monolithic offering table found in L23 (in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ). Below the crouching ibexes in high relief is the inscription Y.92.B.A.38. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03107 | Barāqiš: View of the second monolithic offering table found in L23 (in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ). Below the crouching ibexes in high relief is the inscription Y.92.B.A.38. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03108 | Barāqiš: View of the workers in the 'Sacristy' of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03109 | Barāqiš: Securing work of the main facade of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03110 | Barāqiš: View of L23 (from the W).T he workers are taking stone blocks out of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03111 | Barāqiš: General view of L3 and wall Mda (from the W). On the left is the main door of the Temple of Nakraḥ, and on the right is the hypostyle hall. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03112 | Barāqiš: A terracotta jar found in the corner between walls M5 and M19 on the Minaean floor of L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03113 | Barāqiš: A terracotta jar found in the corner between walls M5 and M19 on the Minaean floor of L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03115 | Barāqiš: A terracotta jar found in the corner between walls M5 and M19 on the Minaean floor of L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03116 | Barāqiš: A terracotta jar found in the corner between walls M5 and M19 on the Minaean floor of L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03117 | Barāqiš: A terracotta jar found in the corner between walls M5 and M19 on the Minaean floor of L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03118 | Barāqiš: A terracotta jar found in the corner between walls M5 and M19 on the Minaean floor of L6. In the background is M19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03119 | Barāqiš: General view of a terracotta jar found in the corner between walls M5 (left) and M19, on the Minaean floor of L6 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03120 | Barāqiš: Terracotta jar (with a ring foot), found in the corner between walls M5 (left) and M19, on the Minaean floor in L6 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03121 | Barāqiš: Terracotta jar (with a ring foot), found in the corner between walls M5 (left) and M19, on the Minaean floor of L6 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03123 | Barāqiš: Excavation in L4 (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03124 | Barāqiš: General view of L4 and R44/45 (right), 'Sacristy? (left) (from The NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03125 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic levels and walls Mdz and Mdy, in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03126 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic levels in Ldl+Ldn and walls Mdz and Mdy, in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03127 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A.23. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03134 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A.21 found on the floor of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03135 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A.21 found on the floor of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03136 | Barāqiš: A decorated block (dentils and fillets) found on the floor of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03137 | Barāqiš: Sounding carried out in L6, between wall M19 and staircase M21. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03139 | Barāqiš: Sounding carried out in L6, between wall M19 and staircase M21. The protruding blocks of the foundation of M19 are visible (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03140 | Barāqiš: General view of the sounding carried out in L6, between wall M19 and staircase M21. The protruding blocks of the foundation of M19 are visible. On the left is M5 and, below, M24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03142 | Barāqiš: Detail of the sounding carried out in L6, between wall M19 and staircase M21. The protruding blocks of the foundation of M19 are visible. On the left is M24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03143 | Barāqiš: Detail of the sounding carried out in L6, between wall M19 and staircase M21. The protruding blocks of the foundation of M19 are visible. On the left is a small wall, named M24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03144 | Barāqiš: Detail of the sounding carried out in L6, between wall M19 and staircase M21. Some rows of blocks of M21 protrude, like the perimetral wall of the Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03145 | Barāqiš: Detail of the sounding carried out in L6, between wall M19 and staircase M21. The foundation blocks of M19 are visible. On the left is a small wall, named M24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03146 | Barāqiš: The passage to staircase M21. On the left is M19 (from the S). M21 leads to the side door in L2 of the temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03147 | Barāqiš: Detail of the passage to staircase M21. On the left is M19 (from the S). M21 leads to the side door in L2 of the temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03148 | Barāqiš: The staircase M21. On the right is M19 (from the N). M21 leads to the side door in L2 of the temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03149 | Barāqiš: Area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Excavation of the Islamic structures Ldl+Ldn. A tannur found in situ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03150 | Barāqiš: Area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Excavation of the Islamic structures Ldl+Ldn. A tannur found in situ (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03151 | Barāqiš: Area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Excavation of the Islamic structures Ldl+Ldn. A tannur in terracotta found in situ (from the N). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03152 | Barāqiš: Area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Excavation of the Islamic structures Ldl+Ldn. Detail of the tannur found in situ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03153 | Barāqiš: Area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Excavation of the Islamic structures Ldl+Ldn. Detail of the tannur found in situ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03154 | Barāqiš: Area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Excavation of the Islamic structures Ldl+Ldn. Detail of the tannur found in situ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03155 | Barāqiš: Area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of a Minaean squared stone reused in an Islamic wall (from the N). On the left is Mcc. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03156 | Barāqiš: Area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Excavation of the Islamic structures Ldl+Ldn. Detail of the tannur found in situ (right). In the background are the walls Mcc+Mcf (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03157 | Barāqiš: Extension of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (=N of T45). Section of the Islamic levels (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03158 | Barāqiš: Area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Excavation of the Islamic structures Ldl+Ldn. In the background are the Islamic walls Mcc+Mcf (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03159 | Barāqiš: Area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Excavation of the Islamic structures Ldl+Ldn. General view from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03160 | Barāqiš: Extension of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (=N of T45). General view (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03161 | Barāqiš: Extension of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (=N of T45). Section of the Islamic levels (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03162 | Barāqiš: Extension of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (=N of T45). Section of the Islamic levels (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03163 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (=N of T45). On the right the terraces to contain the section of the excavation N of the temple of Nakraḥ. Mdz and Med are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03164 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (=N of T45). On the right the terraces to contain the section of the excavation N of the temple of Nakraḥ. Mdz and Med are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03165 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (=N of T45). On the right the excavation of the Islamic structures N of the temple (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03166 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (=N of T45). On the right the excavation of the Islamic structures N of the temple (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03167 | Barāqiš: Excavation in front of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ, named L28 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03169 | Barāqiš: Excavation in front of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ, named L28 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03170 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (=N of T45) (from the N). View of the Islamic walls Mep (front) and Mex (right). On the left is the head of Mdl. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03171 | Barāqiš: View of the walls Mej and Mel that close Lea. In the background Mcc (left) and Mcf (right) (from the W). On the left excavation work in L28. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03172 | Barāqiš: View of the 'Sacristy' and staircases M21 (left), and M7 (right) (from the NW). On the right is L4, between M5 and M15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03173 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (=N of T45) (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03174 | Barāqiš: Excavation in front of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ, named L28 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03175 | Barāqiš: View of the camp after flood (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03176 | Barāqiš: View of the camp after flood (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03177 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic structures in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ and in T45 after flood (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03178 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic structures in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ and in T45 (from the N). In the foreground locus Ldx and wall Mew (left). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03179 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic structures in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). In the foreground locus Ldx and wall Mew (left). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03180 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic structures in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ and in T45. The loci Ldr (left), Lcb and Ldt+Lds (centre), Ldp (right) (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03181 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic structures in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ and T45 (from the N). Loci Ldu (foreground), Ldr (centre), Ldp+Ldq (background). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03182 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic structures in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ and in T45 (from the N). The walls Mes (right), Met+Meq (left) +Mer (front) close the loci Ldt+Lds. The floor is composed by squared mud bricks of Minaean origin. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03183 | Barāqiš: Detail of the Islamic wooden threshold of Ldr, in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). The threshold is between Mer (background) and Mez. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03184 | Barāqiš: Detail of the Islamic locus Ldt in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ and T45 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03185 | Barāqiš: Detail of the Islamic loci Ldp (background) and Ldq (foreground) in T45 (from the N). On the right the short wall Meq. Minaean mudbricks (46x30 cm) of the floor are in situ and the original ones of tower T45. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03186 | Barāqiš: Detail of Ldp (background) and Ldq (foreground) separated by the short wall Meq. Minaean mudbricks (46x30 cm) of the floor are in situ and the original ones of T45 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03187 | Barāqiš: Detail of Ldq in tower T45 (from the N). Walls: Mem (front), Men+Mes (right). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03188 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic locus Ldt in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. The original Minaean mud bricks are in situ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03189 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic locus Ldr in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). The wooden threshold between Mer (left) and Mez (right) is visible. The wall Mex is on the right, and Mes left. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03190 | Barāqiš: View of the Islamic loci Ldr (right) and Ldx (left) in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). In the foreground/left is an area not excavated. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03191 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ and in T45 (from the N). The loci of Islamic period are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03192 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ and in T45 (from the N). In the foreground the extended area of excavation N of the Temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03193 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the excavation in the areaa NW and N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03194 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the excavation in front of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N/NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03195 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area NW + in T45 and N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03196 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03197 | Barāqiš: General view (after flood) of the excavation in front of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). The staircase before the propylaeum. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03198 | Barāqiš: General view (after flood) of the excavation around the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03199 | Barāqiš: General view (after flood) of the excavation around the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03200 | Barāqiš: View (after flood) of the excavation in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03201 | Barāqiš: View (after flood) of the excavation in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). On the left are the cellae. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03202 | Barāqiš: View (after flood) of the 'Sacristy' (from the S). In the background the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ, and in T45. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03203 | Barāqiš: General view (after flood) of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ and in T45 (from N/NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03204 | Barāqiš: View (after flood) of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03206 | Barāqiš: View (after flood) of the excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ and staircase. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03207 | Barāqiš: View of the propylaeum pillars of the Temple B dedicated to the god ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ (foreground) and the inundated centre of the city (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03208 | Barāqiš: View of the propylaeum pillars of the Temple of ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ and the inundated centre of the city (from the S). On the left is the Islamic tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03209 | Barāqiš: View of the centre of the city after flood and ruins of Islamic period (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03210 | Barāqiš: View of the inundated centre of the city after flood and ruins of Islamic period (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03211 | Barāqiš: General view of the city (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03212 | Barāqiš: General view of the city (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03213 | Barāqiš: General view of the city (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03214 | Barāqiš: General view of the city (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03215 | Barāqiš: General view of the city after flood (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03216 | Barāqiš: General view of the city after flood (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03217 | Barāqiš: General view of the plain around the city after flood and Ğabal al-Lawḏ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03218 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03219 | Barāqiš: Detail of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ and in T45 (from the S) (after flood). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03220 | Barāqiš: Detail of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S/SW) (after flood). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03221 | Barāqiš: Detail of the Islamic structures in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ and in T45 (from the S/SW). On the left are the walls Mdp+Mdq (below), and Mdk, Mdl, Mdm (up). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03224 | Barāqiš: The excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ and in T45; the northern section is collapsed after flood (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03225 | Barāqiš: The excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ and in T45 (after flood) (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03226 | Barāqiš: The excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ and in T45; the northern section is collapsed after flood (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03227 | Barāqiš: Removal of the beams of the Nakraḥ temple roof, with a crane placed outside of the city walls (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03228 | Barāqiš: Removal of the beams of the Nakraḥ temple roof, with a crane placed outside of the city walls (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03229 | Barāqiš: Removal of the beams of the Nakraḥ temple roof, with a crane placed outside of the city walls (from the E). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03230 | Barāqiš: Removal of the beams of the Nakraḥ temple roof, with a crane placed outside of the city walls (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03231 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in the area NW and N of the Nakraḥ temple (from the N/NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03232 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in the area NW and N of the Nakraḥ temple (from the N/NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03233 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03234 | Barāqiš: Viiew of the excavation around the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03235 | Barāqiš: General view of the crane arm over the Temple of Nakraḥ to remove the beams of the roof (from the E/SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03236 | Barāqiš: General view of the crane arm over the Temple of Nakraḥ to remove the beams of the roof (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03237 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Islamic locus Lci in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03238 | Barāqiš: The Islamic locus Lci in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03239 | Barāqiš: Detail of the floor of the Islamic locus Lci in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the wall Mfd with stones arranged in a herringbone pattern. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03240 | Barāqiš: The inscription Y.92.B.A/2 discovered during the demolition of the Islamic wall Mdk in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03241 | Barāqiš: View from the crane arm (about 15 m high) of the excavated Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03242 | Barāqiš: General view (from the crane arm) of tower T45 (foreground) and camp of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological team (from the E/SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03243 | Barāqiš: General view (from the crane arm) of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03244 | Barāqiš: General view (from the crane arm) of the Islamic ruins of the city (from the S). On the right (foreground) the propylaeum pillars of Temple B, and (background) the Islamic Mausoleum and Tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03245 | Barāqiš: General view (from the crane arm) of the Temple of Nakraḥ (foregrund) and T45 (background) (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03246 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation work in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N/NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03247 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavated structures, W and NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03248 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the NW). The main door of the temple with the jambs P1 and P2 are secured by metallic scaffolding. Almost all the roof beams have been removed. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03249 | Barāqiš: General view of the Islamic (foreground) and Minaean (background) structures (from the W/NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03250 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ and the crane arm (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03251 | Barāqiš: General view of the camp with tents and prefabricated offices and kitchen (from the E/NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03252 | Barāqiš: View of the crane placed at the foot of the city walls (from the N/NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03253 | Barāqiš: Excavation work in the Islamic levels NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03254 | Barāqiš: Excavation work in the Islamic levels NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03255 | Barāqiš: Excavation work in the Islamic levels NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). Dismounting of the wall Mdb. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03257 | Barāqiš: View of the Minaean wall M10+M15 (right, the inner curtain of the city walls) during restoration. The filling made of mud bricks is visible inside the two courtains. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03258 | Barāqiš: Squared stone with central hole and drain found in the Islamic locus named Led. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03261 | Barāqiš: Dismounting of the roof beams of the Temple of Nakraḥ with a crane (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03263 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view (from the crane arm) of the excavation work in the area NO of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03264 | Barāqiš: View of the area S of the Temple of Nakraḥ, where the dismounted roof beams are laid (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03265 | Barāqiš: View of the restoration work of M10+M15 (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03266 | Barāqiš: View of the Temple of Nakraḥ and restoration work of M10+M15 (right) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03267 | Barāqiš: View of the restoration work of M10+M15 (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03268 | Barāqiš: View of M31, the eastern wall of the central cella (L8) of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). In the foreground is the cella L13. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03269 | Barāqiš: Detail of the sounding carried out in the floor of the eastern cella (L7) of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). On the right is M8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03270 | Barāqiš: Detail of the recess for the stones of the wall of cella L7 in the Temple of Nakraḥ (from above). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03271 | Barāqiš: View of the eastern cella L7 and perimetral wall M8 of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03272 | Barāqiš: View of the eastern cella L7 (from NW). On the right is M4, on the left is M8, both perimetral walls of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03273 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of cella L13 (from the N). On the right is M31. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03274 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the wall M4 (left) and M31 (right) of cella L13 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03275 | Barāqiš: Excavation in L10: view of M20 (with iscription Y.92.B.A/15) and the base of staircase M21 (right) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03276 | Barāqiš: The staircase M30 (left), M20 and staicase M21 (right) (from the W). In the foreground L10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03277 | Barāqiš: View of the door between M18 (left) and M28 (right) of L12 (from the NE). L12 is the passage that leads outside the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03278 | Barāqiš: General view of the door between M18 (left) and M28 (right) of L12 (from the N). L12 is the passage that leads outside the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03279 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ and in the tower T45. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03280 | Barāqiš: The excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ and in the tower T45 (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03281 | Barāqiš: Detail of the foundation of staircase M21 (right) and M20 (left) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03282 | Barāqiš: Detail of the foundation of staircase M21 (right) and M20 (left) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03284 | View of Barāqiš from the site of Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03300 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03301 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03302 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03303 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03305 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03306 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03307 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03309 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/41. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03310 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/25. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03311 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/25. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03312 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03313 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03314 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/28. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03315 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/28. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03316 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/28. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03317 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/21. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03318 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/21. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03319 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area NW and N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03320 | Barāqiš: View of the excavation in the area NW and N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03321 | Barāqiš: Excavation in the area N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03322 | Barāqiš: On the left is the door of L12, the passage that leads from the sacred area of the temples to the outside of the city (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03323 | Barāqiš: The door (and foundation) of L12, the passage that leads from the sacred area of the temples to the outside of the city (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03324 | Barāqiš: On the left is the corner between L10 and L4 (M15+M18). On the right the door of L12, the passage that leads from the sacred area of the temples to the outside of the city (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03325 | Barāqiš: Detail of M28+M35, in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03326 | Barāqiš: View of L29 (M36 + M37) and L30, in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03327 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/29. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03328 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/29. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03329 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/31. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03330 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/31. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03331 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/51. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03332 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/51. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03333 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/27. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03334 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/27. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03335 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/27. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03336 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/50. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03337 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/50. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03338 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). In the foreground is the 'Sacristy'. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03339 | Barāqiš: View of the 'Sacristy' (from the S). On the left is the back of staircase M7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03340 | Barāqiš: View of the 'Sacristy' (from the S). On the left is L4, and the goat is on staircase M7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03341 | Barāqiš: The mascot of the Italian mission. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03342 | Barāqiš: The goat/mascot on a wall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03343 | Barāqiš: The goat/mascot on a wall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03344 | Barāqiš: The goat/mascot of the Italian archaeological mission in Yemen. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03345 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/50. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03346 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/50. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03347 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/21. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03348 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/21. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03349 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/21. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03350 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/30. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03351 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/30. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03352 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/30. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03353 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/43 (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03354 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/43. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03355 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/44. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03356 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/34. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03357 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/34. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03358 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03359 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03360 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/35. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03361 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/35. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03362 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/22. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03363 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/22. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03364 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03365 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03366 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/9. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03367 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/9. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03368 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03369 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03370 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03371 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03372 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03373 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ without beams of the roof (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03374 | Barāqiš: The driver of the crane. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03375 | Barāqiš: The small door (postern) in the corner between T45 and M39 (=R44/45). It leads from outside of the city walls to the sacred area, i.e. in front of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03376 | Barāqiš: The postern (posterula) which leads from outside of the city walls to the sacred area, i.e. in front of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03377 | Barāqiš: The postern (posterula) of L12 which leads from outside of the city walls to the sacred area, i.e. in front of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). The specialised workers of GOAM, Deifallah and Saleh. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03378 | Barāqiš: The postern in the corner between T45 (left) and M39 (=R44/45). It leads from outside of the city walls into L12 and then in the sacred area, i.e. in front of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). Saleh with the goat/mascot. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03379 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03380 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03381 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03382 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03383 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03384 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03385 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03386 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03387 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03388 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03389 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03390 | Barāqiš: Excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscription Y.92.B.A/2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03391 | Barāqiš: Restoration of M31 of the central cella of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03392 | Barāqiš: Restoration of M31 of the central cella of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03393 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ without the roof (from the N). The beams and slabs are placed S of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03394 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ without the roof (from the N). The beams and slabs are placed S of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03395 | Barāqiš: Bird's eye view of the Temple of Nakraḥ without the roof (from the N). In the background T44 and R44/45. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03396 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavated area NW and N of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N/NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03397 | Barāqiš: L12, the passage in M39 to get to the Temple of Nakraḥ from outside of the city walls (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03398 | Barāqiš: L12, the passage in M39 to get from the Temple of Nakraḥ to outside of the city walls (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03399 | Barāqiš: The iron gate in L12, the passage in M39 to get into the sacred area and Temple of Nakraḥ from outside of the city walls (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03400 | Barāqiš: Detail of the iron gate with the name of the god Nakraḥ, in L12 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03401 | Barāqiš: View of the crane arm sustaining a basket/container over the Temple of Nakraḥ (from below). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03402 | Barāqiš: Detail of an inscribed offering table (Y.92.B.A/38) in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03403 | Barāqiš: Detail of an inscribed offering table (Y.92.B.A/39) in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03404 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A/32 in M8, in the hypostyle hall (L18) of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03405 | Barāqiš: Detail of inscription Y.92.B.A/32 in M8, in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03406 | Barāqiš: General view of the context where the inscription Y.92.B.A/32 is in M8, in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03407 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A/5 in M8, in the hypostyle hall (L15) of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03408 | Barāqiš: Detail of inscription Y.92.B.A/5 in M8, in the hypostyle hall (L15) of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03409 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A/6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03410 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A/6, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03411 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A/6, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03412 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A/6, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03413 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A/24. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03414 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A/41. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03415 | Barāqiš: The discovery of the postern (posterula) in the city walls M39, i.e. recess R44/45, which leads into L12 and then to the sacred area, in front of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03416 | Barāqiš: The discovery of the postern in the city walls M39, i.e. R44/45, which leads into L12 and then to the sacred area, in front of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03417 | Barāqiš: The discovery of the postern in the city walls M39, i.e. R44/45, which leads into L12 and then to the sacred area, in front of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03418 | Barāqiš: The postern in the city wall M39, i.e. R44/45, which leads into L12 and then to the sacred area, in front of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03419 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A/33. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03420 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A/33. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03421 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A/33. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03422 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A/52. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03423 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A/52. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03424 | Barāqiš: Architectonic element decorated with fillets. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03425 | Barāqiš: Architectonic element decorated with horizontal fillets. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03426 | Barāqiš: Architectonic element (metope) decorated with dentils. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03427 | Barāqiš: Inscribed incense burner in limestone. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03428 | Barāqiš: Inscribed incense burner in limestone. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03429 | Barāqiš: Offering table decorated with crouching ibexes. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03430 | Barāqiš: Offering table decorated with crouching ibexes. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03431 | Barāqiš: Inscribed offering table decorated with crouching ibexes. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03432 | Barāqiš: Inscribed offering table decorated withcrouching ibexes. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03433 | Barāqiš: Architectonic element decorated with horizontal fillets and vertical grooves. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03434 | Barāqiš: Inscribed offering table decorated with crouching ibexes, found on surface in the city (Y.92.B.civ./1). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03435 | Barāqiš: Inscribed incense burner, found on surface (Y.92.B.civ./2). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03436 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscribed alabaster slab, found on surface (Y.92.B.civ./3). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03437 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscribed alabaster slab, found on surface (Y.92.B.civ./3). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03438 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscribed slab in sandstone, found on surface (Y.92.B.civ./4). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03439 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscribed slab in sandstone, found on surface (Y.92.B.civ./4). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03440 | Barāqiš: Fragment of an inscription, found on surface (Y.92.B.civ./5). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03441 | Barāqiš: Fragment of an inscription, found on surface (Y.92.B.civ./5). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03442 | Barāqiš: Incense burner with inscription, found on surface (Y.92.B.civ./6). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03443 | Barāqiš: Incense burner with inscription, found on surface (Y.92.B.civ./6). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03444 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscribed limestone slab decorated with fillets and dentils, found on surface (Y.92.B.civ./7). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03445 | Barāqiš: Fragment of inscribed limestone slab decorated with fillets and dentils, found on surface (Y.92.B.civ./7). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03446 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ without the roof (from the N). All pillars of the hypostyle hall and main door are sustained by scaffolding (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03447 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ and R44/45 (right) (from the NW). The main door is sustained by a scaffolding in iron. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03448 | Barāqiš: General view of the Temple of Nakraḥ, the 'Sacristy', L4 and R44/45 (right) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03449 | Barāqiš: General view of the monumental staircase and propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03450 | Barāqiš: General view of L4 (left) and 'Sacristy' (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03451 | Barāqiš: General view of L2 (background) and L23 with offering table in situ (foreground) of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03452 | Barāqiš: General view of L 21 and the offering table vertically placed in the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03453 | Barāqiš: General view of the hypostyle hall (L18-L20) of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03454 | Barāqiš: General view of the hypostyle hall (L15-L17) of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). On the left are the cellae of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03455 | Barāqiš: View of the cellae L7 and L13 of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the E). On the left is M4 (the southern perimetral wall of the temple), and in front is M31 (the eastern wall of the central cella L8). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03456 | Barāqiš: Inscription Y.92.B.A/21. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03457 | Barāqiš: General view of the monumental staircase and propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03458 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation section and structures in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03459 | Barāqiš: General view of M19 with foundation and the door to get into the 'Sacristy'. In the background is the staircase M21 (from the W). In the foreground is L10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03460 | Barāqiš: The excavation section in L10 (from the N). In the background is the door of L12. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03461 | Barāqiš: General view of the door of L12 framed by walls M18 (left) and M28 (right) (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03462 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation section and Islamic structures NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03463 | Barāqiš: Detail of the excavation section and Islamic structures NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03464 | Barāqiš: Detail of the Islamic walls Mcc+Mcf (on the right is the Temple of Nakraḥ) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03465 | Barāqiš: General view of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). In the background is the central cella L8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03466 | Barāqiš: View of L2 and the door to get into the 'Sacristy' from the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03467 | Barāqiš: Detail of an offering table decorated with crouching ibexes found in situ in the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03468 | Barāqiš: View of the eastern wall M8 of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). On the right is the drainage channel carved in the floor along the cellae of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03469 | Barāqiš: View of the cellae L9 and L14 of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03470 | Barāqiš: View of the central cella L8 of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03471 | Barāqiš: View of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03472 | Barāqiš: View of the eastern cella L7 of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03473 | Barāqiš: View of the southern cella L9 of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). L9 is on the corner between M4 (left) and M1 (right). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03474 | Barāqiš: Detail of the Islamic walls Mcf (on the right is M9 of the Temple of Nakraḥ) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03475 | Barāqiš: Structures in the area NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). Detail of loci L29-L30 on the corner between walls M28(left) and M35 (right). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03476 | Barāqiš: View of staircase L12 between the sacred area and the outside of the city. The door of L12 is framed by M28 (left) and M29 (right) (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03477 | Barāqiš: View of the staircase M7 in the 'Sacristy'. On the right is M5 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03478 | Barāqiš: General view of the western sector of the Temple of Nakraḥ, the 'Sacristy', and R44/45 (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03479 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation area western sector of the Temple of Nakraḥ, the 'Sacristy', and R44/45 (from the N). Removal of a propylaeum pillar. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03480 | Barāqiš: Removal of a propylaeum pillar (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03481 | Barāqiš: Removal of a propylaeum pillar found at the foot of the monumental staircase of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03482 | Barāqiš: General view of the monumental staircase of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2018BARn03483 | Barāqiš: Group photo at the end of the 1992 archaeological campaign. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03646 | Barāqiš: A four lines inscription found during the 1986 survey in Wādī Šaqab (Shaqab 8). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03647 | Barāqiš: A four lines inscription found during the 1986 survey in Wādī Šaqab (Shaqab 8). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03648 | Barāqiš: A four lines inscription found during the 1986 survey in Wādī Šaqab (Shaqab 8). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03649 | Barāqiš: A four lines inscription found during the 1986 survey in Wādī Šaqab (Shaqab 8).(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03650 | Barāqiš: A four lines inscription found during the 1986 survey in Wādī Šaqab (Shaqab 8).(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03651 | Barāqiš: A four lines inscription found during the 1986 survey in Wādī Šaqab (Shaqab 8). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | معين | 1986 | 2018BARn03676 | Barāqiš: Three lines inscription found during a survey in Wādī Majzir or Wādī Šaqab (Barāqiš, Ğawf). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | معين | 1986 | 2018BARn03677 | Barāqiš: Hydraulic device in Wādī Majzir or Wādī Šaqab (Barāqiš, Ğawf), apparently destroyed by a flood in the 1990s. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | معين | 1986 | 2018BARn03678 | Barāqiš: Hydraulic device in Wādī Majzir or Wādī Šaqab (Barāqiš, Ğawf), apparently destroyed by a flood in the 1990s. On the right the archaeologist S. Antonini. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | معين | 1986 | 2018BARn03679 | Barāqiš: Hydraulic device in Wādī Majzir or Wādī Šaqab (Barāqiš, Ğawf), apparently destroyed by a flood in the 1990s. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | معين | 1986 | 2018BARn03680 | Barāqiš: Hydraulic device in Wādī Majzir or Wādī Šaqab (Barāqiš, Ğawf), apparently destroyed by a flood in the 1990s, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | معين | 1986 | 2018BARn03681 | Barāqiš: Hydraulic device in Wādī Majzir or Wādī Šaqab (Barāqiš, Ğawf), apparently destroyed by a flood in the 1990s. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03701 | Barāqiš: Feminine clay figurine (Y.86.BAR ii/21), from the surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03702 | Barāqiš: Feminine clay figurine (Y.86.BAR ii/21), from the surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03708 | Barāqiš: Cubic censer from Barāqiš, survey (Y.86.BAR/13). The name ḥdk is carved on one side (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03709 | Barāqiš: Cubic incense burner from Barāqiš, survey (Y.86.BAR/13). The name rnd is carved on one side (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03710 | Barāqiš: A proposal of restoration. The pictures of the project were presented to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986. Title page with a drawing of the Temple A (P. Smith), the position of Barāqiš in a map and a general view of the ancient city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03711 | Barāqiš: A proposal of restoration. The pictures of the project were presented to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986. Aerial view of the city and general view of the city from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03712 | Barāqiš: A proposal of restoration. The pictures of the project were presented to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986. General view of the city wall from the south, view of the city from the SW and the south-western city gate. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03713 | Barāqiš: A proposal of restoration. The pictures of the project were presented to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986. The south-western gate close in the Islamic period, tower T56 of the gate, and western sector of the southern city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03714 | Barāqiš: A proposal of restoration. The pictures of the project were presented to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986. Restoration proposal of the Minaean tower T48; the facade of T48, entirely preserved and the upper part of T48, which suggests the original aspect of the ancient city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03715 | Barāqiš: A proposal of restoration. The pictures of the project were presented to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986. The inner side of the tower T48 (French T11); the embrasures and the original blocks are visible; view of some towers of the southern sector of the city walls, built up in the Islamic period. View of different architectonic techniques, the Minaean (lower part) and the Islamic. Eastern gate in the southern sector of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03716 | Barāqiš: A proposal of restoration. The pictures of the project were presented to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986. T37, state of conservation of the angular southern tower. The tower in the northern section of the city walls. Example of the restoration of T37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03717 | Barāqiš: A proposal of restoration. The pictures of the project were presented to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986. Detail of the Minaean and Islamic architectural techniques in a recess of the northern sector of the city walls. proposal of excavation of the rampart and restoration of the towers in a sector of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03718 | Barāqiš: A proposal of restoration. The pictures of the project were presented to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986. Minaean inscription in situ in the western gate of the city (wall between T56 and T57), detail of the same inscription; example of Minaean inscription in situ, sculpted in a recess of the southern sector of the city walls; inscription in situ in a tower of the southern sector of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03719 | Barāqiš: A proposal of restoration. The pictures of the project were presented to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986. Two pictures of the Temple A, and two pictures of the Temple B, both before the excavation. In the latter pictures, the pillars of the propylaeum and the jambs of the doorway of the Temple B are shown. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03720 | Barāqiš: A proposal of restoration. The pictures of the project were presented to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1986. The mausoleum (or mosque) and pillars reused in the court of the Islamic monument; pillars of Temple C; drawing of the southwestern city walls (by P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03897 | Barāqiš: The ancient Minaean city of Barāqiš, from the Wādī Ğawf. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03898 | Barāqiš: General view of the Wādī Ğawf near Barāqiš, from the four-wheel drive. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03899 | Barāqiš: General view of the Wādī Ğawf near Barāqiš and the four-wheel drive of the Italian team. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03900 | Barāqiš: General view of the ancient city of Barāqiš, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03901 | Barāqiš: General view of the Wādī Ğawf near Barāqiš. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03902 | Barāqiš: General view of Barāqiš, from the SW. The tower T37 at the corner of the city walls. Before 2000, the Wādī was the only way to reach Barāqiš. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03903 | Barāqiš: General view of Barāqiš, from the SW. The tower T37 at the corner of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03904 | Barāqiš: General view of Barāqiš, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03905 | Barāqiš: General view of Barāqiš, from the S. The tower T37 at the corner of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03906 | Barāqiš: General view of the Minaean city of Barāqiš, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03907 | Barāqiš: General view of the city wall of Barāqiš, from the S. The tower in the corner of the city walls isT37; the higher tower is T48, on the western side of the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03908 | Barāqiš: Acacia tree in the Wādī Ğawf, along the way to Barāqiš. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03909 | Barāqiš: The ancient city of Barāqiš on the background. The Italian Architect Vincenzo Labianca and the Yemeni driver Masad. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03910 | Barāqiš: General view of the city wall of Barāqiš, from the S. The tower T37 in the corner of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03911 | Barāqiš: General view of the city wall of Barāqiš, from the S. The tower T37 in the corner of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03913 | Barāqiš: View of ruins of Islamic period, from the NE. The Islamic structures, made of stones and mud bricks, are close to the towers T33 and T34 of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03914 | Barāqiš: View of the ruins of Islamic period from the NE. The structures are close to the Islamic doorway in the southeastern corner of the city, between towers T33 and T34. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03915 | Barāqiš: View of the ruins of Islamic period in the ancient Minaean city of Barāqiš, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03916 | Barāqiš: View of ruins of Islamic period and a ‘square' at the centre of the ancient Minaean city, from the N. The Islamic structures in the foreground are close to the Islamic doorway in the southeastern corner of the city, between towers T33 and T34. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03917 | Barāqiš: View of ruins of Islamic period and a ‘square' at the centre of the ancient Minaean city of Barāqiš, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03918 | Barāqiš: View of ruins of Islamic period and a ‘square' at the centre of the ancient Minaean city of Barāqiš, from the N.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03919 | Barāqiš: View of ruins of Islamic period and a ‘square' at the centre of the ancient Minaean city of Barāqiš, from the N. The Islamic structures in the foreground are close to the Islamic doorway in the southeastern corner of the city, between towers T33 and T34. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03920 | Barāqiš: View of ruins of Islamic period and a ‘square' at the centre of the ancient Minaean city of Barāqiš, from the N.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03921 | Barāqiš: View of ruins of Islamic period, from the W .(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03922 | Barāqiš: View of ruins of Islamic period in the ancient Minaean city of Barāqiš, from the W.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03923 | Barāqiš: View of ruins of Islamic period in the ancient Minaean city of Barāqiš, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03924 | Barāqiš: View of ruins of Islamic period in the ancient Minaean city of Barāqiš, and a jamb of the Temple C door on the right, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03925 | Barāqiš: View of ruins of Islamic period, and a jamb of the Temple C door on the left, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03926 | Barāqiš: View of ruins of Islamic period in the ancient Minaean city of Barāqiš, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn03927 | Barāqiš: View of ruins of Islamic period in the ancient Minaean city of Barāqiš in the Ğawf, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04107 | Barāqiš: View of part of the city wall, from the tower T48. In the background the tower T56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04108 | Barāqiš: View of northwestern part of Barāqiš, from the tower T48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04109 | Barāqiš: View of northwestern part of Barāqiš, from the tower T48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04110 | Barāqiš: View of inner side of the tower T48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04111 | Barāqiš: View of Islamic buildings, including the mosque/mausoleum, from the city walls tower T48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04112 | Barāqiš: Partial view of the wall o f tower T48 with the embrasures. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04113 | Barāqiš: View of a part of the tower T48, on the right. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04114 | Barāqiš: View of the Temple A (or Temple of Nakraḥ) before the excavation, from NW. On the top of the temple a house in mud bricks is visible. All around are structures of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04115 | Barāqiš: View of the western city walls, from the top of tower no. 50 or 51. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04116 | Barāqiš: An Islamic house built in mud bricks in the central part of Barāqiš. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04117 | Barāqiš: View of the remains of buildings in stone and mud brick of Islamic period, from the SW. In the background the mosque/mausoleum and the tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04118 | Barāqiš: View of the remains of islamic walls, where many blocks of Minaean origin were reused. The Islamic buildings were made both of stones and mud bricks, from the S .(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04119 | Barāqiš: View of the remains of buildings in stone and mud bricks of Islamic period, built in the central part of Barāqiš. Many blocks of Minaean origin were reused in the islamic walls. The top of the tower and the dome of the mosque/mausoleum are visible, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04120 | Barāqiš: View of the remains of buildings in stone and mud bricks of Islamic period, built in the central part of Barāqiš. From the south. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04121 | Barāqiš: View of the remains of buildings in stone and mud bricks of Islamic period, built in the central part of Barāqiš. The islamic tower and mosque/mausoleum are visible, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04122 | Barāqiš: View of the buildings of Islamic period, built part in stones and part in mud bricks in the central part of Barāqiš, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04123 | Barāqiš: Wall in stone of Islamic house. Behind the wall the top of the tower is visible. On the right a Minaean pillar, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04124 | Barāqiš: View of two pillars of a Minaean temple. The tower and mausoleum of Islamic period are visible on the right, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04125 | Barāqiš: View of the tower of Islamic period in the central space of the city, from the SE. The Mosque (or mausoleum) is behind the tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04126 | Barāqiš: View of the tower of Islamic period in the central area of Barāqiš, from the SE. The Mosque (or a mausoleum) is behind the tower. On the left a Minaean pillar. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04127 | Barāqiš: View of the tower of Islamic period in the central area of Barāqiš, from the E. The Mosque (or a mausoleum) is behind the tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04128 | Barāqiš: View of the tower of Islamic period in the central area of Barāqiš, from the E. The Mosque (or a mausoleum) is behind the tower.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04129 | Barāqiš: View of the tower of Islamic period in the central area of Barāqiš. On the right the architect Edoardo Gatti, and on the left professor Gherardo Gnoli, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04130 | Barāqiš: View of the remains of Islamic period in the city of Barāqiš, eastern sector, around the central area. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04131 | Barāqiš: View of the remains of Islamic period in the city of Barāqiš, northeastern sector, around the central space. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04132 | Barāqiš: View of the remains of Islamic period in the city of Barāqiš, eastern sector. The Islamic houses were made of mud bricks and stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04133 | Barāqiš: View of the remains of Islamic period in the city of Barāqiš, eastern sector. The Islamic houses were made of mud bricks and stones.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04134 | Barāqiš: View of the remains of Islamic period in the city of Barāqiš, eastern sector. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04135 | Barāqiš: View of the remains of Islamic period in the city of Barāqiš, eastern sector. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04136 | Barāqiš: View of the remains of Islamic period in the city of Barāqiš, eastern sector. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04137 | Barāqiš: View of the remains of Islamic period in the city of Barāqiš. Professor Gherardo Gnoli. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04138 | Barāqiš: View of some northeastern towers of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04139 | Barāqiš: View of some northeastern towers of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04140 | Barāqiš: View of the tell and some towers of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04141 | Barāqiš: View of the remains of Islamic period in the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARn04142 | Barāqiš: View of the remains of Islamic period in the city of Barāqiš. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2018BARn04671 | Barāqiš: Oil lamp (Y.90.B/4) in burm in triangular shape found in the excavation of the Minaean temple A (dedicated to the god Nakraḥ) (19th century).(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08022 | Barāqiš (BAR): Two inscriptions in situ carved in blocks of the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08023 | Barāqiš (BAR): Three blocks with inscriptions reused in the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08024 | Barāqiš (BAR): Three blocks with inscriptions reused in the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08025 | Barāqiš (BAR): A block with inscription reused in the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08026 | Barāqiš (BAR): A block with inscription reused in the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08027 | Barāqiš (BAR): A block with inscription reused in the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08028 | Barāqiš (BAR): Long inscription in situ carved in blocks of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08029 | Barāqiš (BAR): Long inscription in situ carved in blocks of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08030 | Barāqiš (BAR): Long inscription in situ carved in blocks of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08031 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the long inscription in situ carved in blocks of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08032 | Barāqiš (BAR): The upper part of tower T48 in the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08033 | Barāqiš (BAR): An inscription in situ carved in blocks of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08034 | Barāqiš (BAR): A block with inscription reused in the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08035 | Barāqiš (BAR): A block with inscription reused in the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08036 | Barāqiš (BAR): A block with inscription reused upside-down in the city walls. Monogram, snake and two simbols. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08037 | Barāqiš (BAR): Deatil of a block with inscription reused upside-down in the city walls. Monogram, snake and two simbols. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08038 | Barāqiš (BAR): A fragment of block with inscription reused in the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08039 | Barāqiš (BAR): A block with inscription reused in the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08040 | Barāqiš (BAR): A block with inscription reused in the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08041 | Barāqiš (BAR): A block with inscription in the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08042 | Barāqiš (BAR): A block with inscription in the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08043 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of blocks with inscription in the city walls. | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08044 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the long inscription carved in the city walls, between T1 and T56. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08045 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the long inscription carved in the city walls, between T1 and T56, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08046 | Barāqiš (BAR): An insciption in situ carved in blocks of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08047 | Barāqiš (BAR): An insciption in situ carved in blocks of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08048 | Barāqiš (BAR): An insciption in situ carved in blocks of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08049 | Barāqiš (BAR): An insciption in situ carved in blocks of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08050 | Barāqiš (BAR): An insciption in situ carved in blocks of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08051 | Barāqiš (BAR): An insciption in situ carved in blocks of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08052 | Barāqiš (BAR): Two blocks with inscription reused in the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08053 | Barāqiš (BAR): An insciption in situ carved in blocks of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08054 | Barāqiš (BAR): An insciption in situ carved in blocks of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08055 | Barāqiš (BAR): An insciption in situ carved in blocks of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08056 | Barāqiš (BAR): An insciption in situ carved in blocks of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08057 | Barāqiš (BAR): An insciption in situ carved in blocks of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08058 | Barāqiš (BAR): An insciption in situ carved in blocks of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08059 | Barāqiš (BAR): The roof beams and metopes of the temple Nakraḥ, before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08060 | Barāqiš (BAR): The roof beams and metopes of the temple Nakraḥ, before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08061 | Barāqiš (BAR): The roof beams and metopes of the temple Nakraḥ, before the excavation. | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08062 | Barāqiš (BAR): The roof beams, metopes and the upper part of pillars of the temple Nakraḥ, before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08063 | Barāqiš (BAR): The roof beams, metopes and the upper part of pillars of the temple Nakraḥ, before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08064 | Barāqiš (BAR): The roof beams, metopes and the upper part of pillars of the temple Nakraḥ, before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08065 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls between tower 45 and tower 42, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08066 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls between tower 45 and tower 47, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08068 | Barāqiš (BAR): Towers 37 and 38 of the city wall, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08069 | Barāqiš (BAR): Towers 37, 38 and 39 (from left to right) of the city walls, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08070 | Barāqiš (BAR): Towers 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41 (from left to right) of the city walls, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08071 | Barāqiš (BAR): Towers 46, 47, 48, 49 and 50 (from left to right) of the city walls, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08072 | Barāqiš (BAR): Towers 47, 48, 49, 50 and 51 (from left to right) of the city walls, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08073 | Barāqiš (BAR): Towers 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 and 57 (from left to right) of the city walls, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08074 | Barāqiš (BAR): The gate of the city and tower 1, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08075 | Barāqiš (BAR): The gate of the city, tower 56 and tower 1, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1987 | 2018BARn08076 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the city walls and north-western towers, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08456 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/1 ) Fragment of container in wood, green colour with red strips. H 5.4 cm: W 4 cm: Th 0.5/1.3. Surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08457 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/2) Wooden ring wrapped with leather strips. D 2.9 cm. Sect. A, W of the Temple B. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08458 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/3) Potsherd with incised decoration. H 4.1 cm; Th 0.6 cm. Surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08459 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/4) Fragment of a small container in alabaster with a tapering rim. H 3.8 cm; Th 0.7/0.25 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08460 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/5) Four fragments of yellow and green glazed pottery, impressed decorations. Surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08461 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/6) Fragments of coloured glass bracelets. Surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08462 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/7) Fragments of coloured glass bracelets. Sect. A. W of the Temple B, Lha, Lhb. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08463 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/8) Fragment of a vase in fine limestone, in human body shape (headless). Sect. A, W of the Temple B, Lha. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08464 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/9) Tweezers in bronze. L 2.35 cm; Th 0.5 cm. Sect. A, W of the Temple B, Lha. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08465 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/10) Fragments of brown transparent glass. Th 0.5 cm. Sect. A, W of the Temple B, Lha. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08466 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/12) Three fragments of iron tools. L 2/7.3 cm; Th 0.5/0.7 cm. Sect. A, W of the Temple B, Lha. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08467 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/13) Three fragments of glass, black with white wavy stripes. H ca. 2.2 cm. Sect. A, W of the Temple B, Lha. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08468 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/13) Three fragments of glass, black with white wavy stripes. H ca. 2.2 cm. Sect. A, W of the Temple B, Lha. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08469 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/14) Everted rim of a glass vase, black and marbled yellow. H 2.7 cm; W 2.8 cm, Th 0.25 cm. Sect. A, W of the Temple B, Lha. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08470 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/15) Four fragment of a container in wood. L 6.2/3.8 cm; Th 0.5 cm. Sect. A, W of the Temple B, Lha. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08471 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/16) Fragments of paper with Arab script. From the 1st Terrace. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08472 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/17) Three fragments of dark green glass. Vase: H 1.25 cm; Th 0.4 cm; bracelets 1.8/2.5 cm, - 1 m from the surface, 1st Terrace. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08473 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/18) Two fragments of glass, black with white wavy stripes. H ca. 2.5/3.5 cm; D 1.2 cm. Sect. A, W of the Temple B, Lhd. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08474 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/19) Two fragments of black and yellow glass bracelets and an iron nail. L nail 7.4 cm; D 0.5 cm. Sect. A, W of the Temple B, Lhd. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08475 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/20) Whetstone or sharpening stone in schist. L 7.7 cm, Th 1/1.7 cm. Sect. A, W of the Temple B, Lhd, Corner NE, - 2.20 m from the surface, 2nd Terrace. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08476 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/21) Triangle oil lamp in steatite (burm). L 9.8 cm; H 2 cm; W 6.9 cm; Sect. A, W of the Temple B, Lhd, - 2.30 m from the surface, 2nd Terrace. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08477 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/22) Carnelian bead. D 0.7 cm. Sect. A, W of the Temple B, from the collapse Mce. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08478 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/23) Glazed terracotta container, beige, light green and black. H 4 cm; D 2.9/3.9; Th 0.45 cm. Sect. A, W of the Temple B, Lhe, room i, - 1.80 m from the surface, 2nd Terrace. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08479 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/24) Bronze tool. L 4.8 cm; D 1.5/2.5 cm. Sect. A, W of the Temple B, in L28. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08480 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/25) Triangular hand stone in limestone. L 9 cm; W 2/6 cm. Sect. A, W of the Temple B, in L28. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08481 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/26) Wooden cover. D 13 cm; Th 1.3 cm. From L31. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08482 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/27) Fragment of a steatite (burm) container. The decoration consists of two rows of rectangles in relief. H 8.8; W 5 cm; Th 1 cm. From L36 (corner M42). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08483 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/28) Fragment of a flat piece of bronze. L 4 cm; W 2.1 cm; Th 0.3 cm. From L32. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08484 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/29) Two pieces of paper (a.) with Hebrew script. a. 10 x 6.5 cm; b. 5 x 4 cm. In L35. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08485 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/29) Two pieces of paper (b.) with Hebrew script. a. 10 x 6.5 cm; b. 5 x 4 cm. In L35. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2003 | 2018BARo08486 | Barāqiš: (B.03.A.O/30) Paper with Hebrew script. H 22 cm. In L35. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08487 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/1) Two fragments of paper with Arabic script. 13 x 8 cm.In Li1, -80 cm from the top of Mi2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08488 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/2) Two fragments of paper with Arabic script. 10 x 7.5 cm. In Li2, -50 cm from the top of Mi 8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08489 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/3) Three fragments of paper with Arabic script. 10 x 5 cm. In Li2, -1.20 m from the top of Mi 8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08490 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/4) A fragment of paper with Arabic script. 3 x 3.3 cm. In Li3, -0,30 cm from the top of Mi. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08491 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/5) A fragment of paper with Arabic script. 6.5 x 2.7 cm. In Li 201. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08492 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/6) Discoidal bead in bone with a large central hole. D 1 cm. In Li 200. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08493 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/7) Three fragments of paper with Arabic script. 7 x 6.4 cm. In Li 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08494 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/8) Twenty-eight fragments of paper with Arabic script. In Li2, -1.30 m from Mi8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08495 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/9) Two fragments of terracotta pipes. H 2.9 cm; D 3 cm. In Li2, -1.30 m from Mi8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08496 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/10) Comb in wood, with two opposite rows of teeth. 8.5 x 6 cm. In Li2, removal of Mi8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08497 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/11) Four fragments of paper, with Hebraic and Arabic script. In Li1, -1 m from Mi2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08498 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/12) A fragment of paper, with Arabic script. 10 x 6.5 cm. In Li1, - 1.30 m from Mi2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08499 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/13a) Stone fragment of a pipe (?), with incised decoration. H 1.9 cm; D 4.9 cm. In Li1, - 1.40 m from Mi2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08500 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/13b) Stone fragment of a pipe (?), with incised decoration. H 1.9 cm; D 4.9 cm. In Li1, - 1.40 m from Mi2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08501 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/14) Iron pointed tool with handle in wood. L 17 cm; handle D 1.6 cm. In Li1, - 1m from Mi2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08502 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/15) Fragment of a comb in wood, with two opposite rows of teeth. 9.4 x 3.6 cm. From Li1, - 1.50 m from Mi2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08503 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/16) Two fragments of decorated pipes in terracotta. From Li1, -1.20 m from Mi2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08504 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/17) Rectangular object with a central grip in terracotta. 7.8 x 4.3 cm. In Li 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08505 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/18) A fragment of paper with Hebraic script. From Li2, - 1.30 m from Mi8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08506 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/19) Fragment of a bronze folded coin (?). D 0.85 cm. From Li1, - 1.45 m from Mi2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08507 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/20) Two fragments of paper, with Arabic script. 7 x 6.6 cm. From Li2, -1.50 m from Mi8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08508 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/21) Iron ring. L 1.1 cm; D 0.3 mm. Li, -1 m from Mi6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08509 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/22) Two fragments of paper, with Arabic script. 5.7 x 5.3 cm. Li2, -1.50 m from Mi8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08510 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/23) Bronze earring. L 5 cm; D 0.3 cm. Li2, - 1.40 m from Mi8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08511 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/24) Glazed terracotta fragment of pipe, whitish and green. H 1.5 cm; D 3.4 cm. Li2, - 1.40 m from Mi8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08512 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/25) Cowrie shell. L 1.4 cm; D 0.8 cm; T 0.7 cm. Li2, -1.50 m from Mi10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08513 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/26) A bronze earring with hook closure. D 2.2 cm. Li200 at the entrance of Mi203. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08514 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/27) Oval stone token or eye bead. 1.4 x 1.2 x 0.6 cm. Mi202, in Li201. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08515 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/28) Limestone stela with eyes in relief. 11 x 10 x 6.2 cm. 30 cm from Mi200, 1 m from Mi203, -1.30 m from surface of Mi200. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08516 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29a) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08517 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29b) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08518 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29c) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08519 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29d) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08520 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29e) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08521 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29f) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08522 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29g) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08523 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29h) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08524 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29i) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08525 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29j) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08526 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29k) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08527 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29l) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08528 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29m) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08529 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29n) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08530 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29o) Fragments of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08531 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29p) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08532 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29q) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -12cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08533 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29r) Fragments of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08534 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29s) Fragments of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08535 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29t) Fragments of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08536 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/29u) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. In Li8, -120 cm from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08537 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/30) A fragment of paper with Hebraic script. 5.9 x 3.4 cm. In Li,2 -1.40 m from Mi10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08538 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/31) Three fragments of paper with Arabic script. 3.3 x 4 cm. In Li, -1.50 m from Mi10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08539 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/32) Bronze earring. D 2 cm. In Li, -1.70 m from Mi10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08540 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/33)Wooden key, L-shaped, with teeth on the short side. 15.5 x13 cm. In Li8, -1 m from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08541 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/34) Iron tool. 10.7 cm. In Li8, -1 m from Mi7. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08542 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/35)Decorated pipe in terracotta. H 4.7 cm D 4.3 cm. Li200 in proximity to Mi203 at -2.05 m. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08543 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/36)Bronze object. In Li200 in proximity to the gate three at -150cm from Mi202a. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08544 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/37) Cowrie shell. L 1.4 cm; D 0.8 cm; T 0.7 cm. In Li2, -1.50 m from Mi10. Li200 in proximity to the gate3 at -1.50 m from Mi202a. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08545 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/38) Granite grinding stone. 10.7 x 4.7 cm. In Li205 in proximity to Mi201. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08546 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/39) Two fragments of paper with Arabic script. 2.7 x 2.1 cm. In Li8, - 1.50 m from Mi10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08547 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/40) Bracelet in bronze with twisted decoration. Th 0.5 mm. Found on the threshold between Li4 and Li5. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08548 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/41) Fragment of bead in glass. L 1.3 cm; D 0.8 cm. Found on the doorstep between Li4 and Li5. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08549 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/42) Cowrie shell. L 1.6 cm; D 0.7 cm. In Li9, - 0.50 cm from Mi. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08550 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/43a)Token in bronze. D 2.4 cm; Th 1 cm. In Li4, from the Islamic level. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08551 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/43b) Token in bronze. D 2.4 cm; Th 1 cm. In Li4, from the Islamic level. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08552 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/44) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. 3.7 x 3.9 cm. In Li204. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08553 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/45) Spherical glass bead in light green colour. D 0.5 cm. In Li204. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08554 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/46) Millstone in granite. L 60 cm; W 50 cm; Th 17 cm. In Li6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08555 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/47) Three fragments of paper, with Arabic script. 10 x 4.4 cm. In Li2, - 1.70 m from Mi10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08556 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/48) A fragment of paper, with Arabic script. Interesting fragment written on xylograph paper in silver colour, as often found on ligatures of Yemenite manuscripts. 3.4 x 2.3 cm. In Li2, - 1.70 m from Mi10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08557 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/49) A fragment of paper, with Hebraic script. 8.4 x 4 cm. On the surface, quadrant NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08558 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/50) Round shallow container in sandstone. D 6. cm; Th 1.5 cm. In Li12. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08559 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/51) Bead in black glass. L 1.75 cm; D 1.4 cm. In Li6, - 2 m from M101. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08560 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/52) Fragment of a wooden key, with three fragments of teeth (L 0.7 cm). L 8 cm; Th 0.9 mm. In Li9. -70 cm from Mi6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08561 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/53) Two fragments of paper, with Hebraic script. 9.5 x 5.7 cm. In Li9. - 1.40 m from Mi2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08562 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/54) Fragment of a wooden key, with three teeth (l1.5 cm). L 11.5 cm; W 2 cm; Th 1 cm. In Li8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08563 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/55) A sharp bronze object with a decorative pattern on the outside. D 2.4 cm; Th 0.3 cm. In Li4. - 2 m from Mi200. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08564 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/56) Fragment of wooden comb with a row of small teeth long 2.2 cm. 6.65 X 4.5 cm; Th 0.7 mm. In Li12, - 2 m from M101. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08565 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/57) Cowrie shell. L 1.3 cm. In Li8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08566 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/58) Bronze coin. D 1.9 cm. In Li8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08567 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/59) Fragment of a decorated pipe in terracotta. H 4.6 cm; D 4 cm. In Li3, surface level. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08568 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/60) Axe in iron with a hole to insert the handle (D 3.2 cm). 10 x 3.4 x 5.3 cm. In Li8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08569 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/61) Cylindrical bead in a blackish glass. L 2.45 cm; D 0.9 mm. In Li 208. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08570 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/62) A Terracotta pipe with external decoration in relief. H 5.9 cm; D 3.1 cm. Inside of Mi202. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08571 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/63) Door in wood with hinges and nails in iron. H 1.35 m; W 42 cm; Th 3 cm. In Li204. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08572 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/64) Fragment of a glazed terracotta pipe, brownish. H 4.1 cm; D 1.75 cm. In Li12, - 2 m from M101. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08573 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/65) Fragment of paper, with Hebraic script. 7.1 x 4.3 cm. In Li3. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08574 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/66) Cowrie shell. L 1.8 cm. In Li12, - 2 m from M101. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08575 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/67) Fragment of a key in wood. L 11.7 cm; H 1.9 cm; Th 1.1 cm. In Li12, - 2 m from M101. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08576 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/68) Leather case (?). L 21 cm; W 7 cm; Th 0.8 cm. In Li3, - 1 m from Mi2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08577 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/69) Rectangular object in wood, with a hole at the centre. L 7 cm; H 2.8 cm; Th 1 cm. In Li8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08578 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/70) Fragment of a wooden key with five teeth (L 1.5 cm). L 13.2 cm; H 1.8 cm; Th 1.4 cm. Removal of Mi17. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08579 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/71) Round lid in wood. D 6.4 cm; Th 1.4 cm. Removal of Mi17. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08580 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/72) Small stone mortar. D 6.2 cm; Th 4.1 cm. Removal of Li1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08581 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/73) Ball/skein in dark brown vegetable fibres. W 0.9 cm; L 3.1 cm. In Li208. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08582 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/74) Parallelepiped whetstone, dark grey schist. L 13 cm; H 4.7 cm; Th 3.4 cm. In Li208. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08583 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/75) Thirteen fragments of paper, with Arabic script. On one of the fragments, a tentative of good calligraphy. L 13 x 4.9 cm. In Li2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08584 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/76) Rectangular object in wood, with 10 holes. 6 x 4 cm; Th 1.5 cm. In L12. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08585 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/77) Bottom of a container in transparent light green glass. D 2.7 cm; H 2.4 cm. In Li2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08586 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/78) Fragment of green coloured blown glass with an elongated conical shape. L 5.7; D1.1 cm. In Li2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08587 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/79) Round pommel in stone. D 4.3 cm; H 2.6 cm. In Li8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08588 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/80) Round object in ivory with a central hole. D 2.7 cm; Th 1.5 cm. In Li8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08589 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/81) Four rectangular objects in wood (keys?), with several holes (2/15 arranged regularly). In three pieces, small teeth are present (L 1/2.5 cm). In Li8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08590 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/82) Fragment of a terracotta pipe. D 2 cm; H 2.8 cm. Removal of Mi17, Mi 18 and Mi19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08591 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/83) Conical knob in wood. D 2.9 cm; H 2.5 cm. In Li8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08592 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/84) Cowrie shell. L 2 cm; Th 0.5 cm. In Li208. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08593 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/85) Fragment of a key in wood. L 8.1 cm; H 3.1 cm; Th 1.35 cm. In Li204. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08594 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/86) Cowrie shell. L 2.1 cm; Th 0.7 cm. In Li202. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08595 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/87) Hanstone in granite. D 10.5 cm. In Li203. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08596 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/88) Fragment of a bracelet in black glass. Th 1.5 cm. In Li1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08597 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/89) Two Cowrie shells. L 2.05 cm; Th 0.8 mm. In Li8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08598 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/90) Iron nail. L 3.7 cm. In Li8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08599 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/91) Fragment of glass container, dark green colour. L 3.8 cm; D 1.45 cm. In Li8, - 1 m from Mi35. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08600 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/92) Fragment of a comb in wood, with two opposite rows of teeth. L 10.9 x 5.4 cm. In Li8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08601 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/93) Fragment of a stopper with a conical knob in wood. D 3.7 cm. In Li8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08602 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/94) Rosary with irregular beads (seeds?) threaded with a vegetable rope. L 8.3 cm; D 0.35 cm. In Li8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08603 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/95) Fragment of rectangular paper, with Arabic script. 8.8 x 4.1 cm. In Li2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08604 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/96) A bronze wire. L 4.1 cm. In Li11. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08605 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/97) Three objects in wood probably pertinent to keys. In Li8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08606 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/98) Fragment of a rectangular object in wood (key?), with a hole (D 1.1 cm). 15.5 x 4 cm. In Li8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08607 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/99) Fragment of a pipe in terracotta. H 2.85 cm; D 3.5 cm. In Li8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08608 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/100) Fragment of a small bronze hook, slightly rounded at one end (used, probably, to repair a container in steatite). L 2 cm; D 0.5 mm. In Li209. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08609 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/101) A bronze flat ring with open ends. D 1.9 cm. In Li209. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08610 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/102) A folded sheet of bronze. L 2.35 cm; D 1 cm. In Li201. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08611 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/103) Oval flattened object in blue glass. D 1.1 cm. In Li208. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08612 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/105) Cylindrical bead in glass, black with a white strip. L 0.8 cm; D 0.3 cm. In Li200. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08613 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/104) Discoid bead in a shell with a central hole. D 0.6 cm. - 70 cm from Mi15, excavation of temple Terrace A. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08614 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/106) Terracotta barrel bead. D 2.1 cm. - 70 cm from Mi15, excavation of temple Terrace A. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08615 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/107) Glazed terracotta pipe, dark green. H 2.4 cm; D 2 cm. - 70 cm from Mi15, excavation of temple terrace A. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08616 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/108) Inkwell in wood. L 9.3 cm; D 0.75 cm. Li16, - 1,60 cm from Pillar P4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08617 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/109) A fragment of paper with Arabic script. 2.5 x 0.9 cm. - 70 cm from Mi15, excavation of temple Terrace A. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08618 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/110) A fragment of paper, with Arabic script. 20 x 6.3 cm. In Li15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08619 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/111) Hook in iron. D 3.3 cm. In Li15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08620 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/112) Three shells. In Li15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08621 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/113) Two fragments of keys in wood. In Li15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08622 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/114) Flat bronze ring, with engraved decoration. D ca. 6 cm. Demolition of Mi213. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08623 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/115) Two iron rings with overlapped ends. D 1.3 cm and D 2.1 cm. In Li15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08624 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/116) Fragment of a human statuette (?) in terracotta. H 8.8 cm; W 4.5 cm. In Li15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08625 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/117) Fragment of a light-green conical glass. L 4.5 cm; D 1.9 cm. In Li15. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08626 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/118) Fragments of a container in black glass with whitish wavy strips. L 3.6 cm; D 2.5 cm. In Li4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08627 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/119) Well preserved large comb in wood with two opposite rows of teeth (L c. 2.9 cm). 9.5 x 9.1 cm. In Li15,between Mi19 and Mi10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08628 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/120) Fragment of comb in wood, with opposite rows of teeth (L 5.3 cm). 12.3 x 8.3 cm. Found on the surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08629 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/121) Bronze coin. D 1.7 cm; Th 0.3 cm. From Li6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08630 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/122) Two orange discoidal carnelian beads. D 1.1 cm; Th 0.5 cm. In Li16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08631 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/123) A fragment of paper, with Arabic script. 5.9 x 5 cm. In Li16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08632 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/124) Fragment of a wooden key. 6 x 1.9 cm. In Li16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08633 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/125) Two fragments of containers in glass, blackish with white wavy stripes. In Li16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08634 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/126) Squared grinding slab and hand stone. In Li16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08635 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/127) Comb in wood with opposite rows of teeth (L 3.7 cm). 9.1 x 4.5 cm. In Li16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08636 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/128) Bronze ring with overlapping ends. D1 cm. South enlargement of Mi229, in the proximity of ruined pillar. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08637 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/190) Fragment of a flat wooden triangle, probably a tool. H 7.5 cm; W 5 cm. South enlargement of Mi19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08638 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/130) Small terracotta jar with missing handle. On the shoulder there is a hole (D c.a 1.3 cm). H 9.5 cm. Rim D 3.7 cm; Base D 6.3 cm. In Li205. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08639 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/131) Bronze tool, with round cross-section. L 10.2 cm; D 0.6 cm. In Li4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08640 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/132) Fragment of black glass with horizontal wavy stripes. H 1.5 cm; Th 0.3 mm. In Li215. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08641 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/133) Discoidal ring in bone. D 0.6 mm. In Li215, - 1.40 m from Mi10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08642 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/134) Two fragments of paper with Arabic script. 7.7 x 4 cm. In Li18, - 1 m from Mi9. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08643 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/135) Cylindrical pipe in terracotta decorated with incised motifs.H 8.3 cm; D 2.3 cm. In Li215. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08644 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/136) Fragment of an alabaster container, with an indented rim. Below the rim, three horizontal and parallel lines are incised. 11 x 7. 1 cm. In Li15 - 0,70 cm from Mi9, in proximity to P3. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08645 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/137) Fragment of an alabaster container with a stylised head bull in relief. This is perforated. H 8.3 cm; L 7 cm; Th 1.7 cm. In L107, - 3.20 m from the level of the ground. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08646 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/138) Fragment of a thin bronze slab. 2.1 x 4.4 cm. In L107. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08647 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/139) Bull statuette in withish alabaster. The surface is highly smoothed. 13 x 12.5 x 6.5 cm. In Li18, - 3.40 m from P2 (toward North), - 180 cm on the top of P2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08648 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/140) Fragment of a whitish alabaster container. One foot is preserved. The surface is decorated with incised lines. H 6.3 cm; Th 2.6 cm. In L102, - 80 cm from the top of M104. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08649 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/141) Fragment of a glass container. This is black/dark green, with whitish horizontal wavy stripes. H 4.1 cm; D 1.3 cm. In Li 215. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08650 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/142) Two fragments of a bronze bar with a row of teeth along one side. 5.5 x 1.3 cm.In L107, - 3.70 m from the top of di P2. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08651 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/143) Tool in wood with oval body, a large hole and high point (useful for a weaving (?). L 8.3 cm; Th 0.6 mm. Li2, - 1. m from Mi10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08652 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/144) Two fragments of paper with Arabic script. 5.1 x 3.7 cm. In Li2, - 90 cm from Mi10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08653 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/145) Half preserved hand stone. D 8.3 cm. In Li215. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08654 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/146) Fragment of paper with Arabic script. Found in Li20 on the southern side of Mi10, in the corner between Mi16 and Mi48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08655 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/147) A fragment of glazed flat potsherd. In the inner surface, part of Arabic (Kufic) script in emerald green is visible. 6.1 x 5.7 cm. From the demolition of Li216. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08656 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/148) Two fragments of paper, with Hebraic script. In Li20, on the southern side of Mi10, in the corner between Mi16 and Mi48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08657 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/149) A silver disc, decorated with circles and lines along the edge. D 2.5 cm. In Li20, on the southern side of Mi10, in the corner between Mi16 and Mi48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08658 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/150) Five fragments of paper with Arabic script. In Li20, on the southern side of Mi10, in the corner between Mi16 and Mi48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08659 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/151) Fragment of a terracotta pipe (?). H 1.5 cm. D 3.2 cm. In Li20, on the Southern side of Mi10, in the corner between Mi16 and Mi48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08660 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/152) Iron hoop, with a ring-shaped end. D 1.8 cm. Li20, corner M102. From Li20, in the corner M102. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08661 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/153) Small rectangular wooden shutter (?). 14 x 10 x 1.5 cm. In L108 (Islamic level). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08662 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/154) Fragment of a terra sigillata (?) bowl. L 3.9 cm; H 2 cm. In L102, P2 ground. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08663 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/155) Barrel bead in dark green colour. D 0.9 mm; Th 0.7 mm. In L108. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2004 | 2018BARo08664 | Barāqiš: (B.04.A.O/156) Bronze head of a nail. D 0.6 mm. P2 ground. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08665 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/1) Fragment of a bottle in light green glass. H 4.2 cm; Th 2.7 cm; wall Th 1.5 mm; D 12 mm. From the dismantling of Mi 34. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08666 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/2) Three bronze hooks. L 11 mm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08667 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/3) Bronze sphere pendant with a small hook on top. H 12 mm; To 7mm. Cleaning of Li 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08668 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/4) Twisted bronze wire. L 10 cm. In Li 300. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08669 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/5) Three iron flat bars, probably tools. First fragment: L 1.5 cm; Th 0.5 cm. Second fragment: L 6 cm; Th 1 cm. Third fragment: L 7.5 cm; Th 0.8 cm. Li 217, furnace A. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08670 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/6) Terracotta decorated pipe. L 3.6 cm; H 2 cm; Th 5 mm. From the dismantling of Mi75 in Li302. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08671 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/7) Fragment of a bronze ring. Th 0.2 cm; D 2.5 cm. In Li 302. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08672 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/8) Square piece of wood covered by stucco and fabric, decorated with dark blue, orange and red motifs or scripts. 5.8 x 3.9 cm. In Li 16. | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08673 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/9) A silver sheet of irregular shape. L 11 cm; Th 8 mm. In L 104, floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08674 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/10) Comb in wood with opposing double row of teeth. The central part is decorated with a row of concentric circles and horizontal engraved lines, and a hole for hanging. L 9 cm; W 5 cm; max. Th 0.8 cm; teeth Th 0.1 cm. In Li19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08675 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/11) Yellowish glass bead. 0.8 cm. In Li 217. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08676 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/12) Conical object in wood with a hole on top. Probably a handle of a tool. L 5 cm; Th 1.8 cm; D 2.4 cm. In Li 307. North of Li 19. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08677 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/13) Cylindrical stone (schist) pestle (?). H 10.2 cm; Th 5.3 cm. Cleaning of Li 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08678 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/14) Rectangular object in wood, probably part of a key, with six aligned holes and an isolated hole in one side; at the extremities two indentations. L 8.3 cm. Found in North house. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08679 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/15) Cubic incense burner in sandstone, with 4 square feet. 6.3 x 7.5 cm; H 5 cm. Found in North house. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08680 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/16) Iron nail; the off-centre stem has a square cross-section, and the end is curved and flattened. H 3 cm; D 1.5 cm. In Li 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08681 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/17) Rectangular handle, probably for a knife, with a leather band 0.7 cm wide and a central hole. 4.1 x 2 cm; Th 1 cm. In Li 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08682 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/18) Fragments of paper with Arabic scripts. 4.3 x 5 cm (the biggest). In Li 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08683 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/19) Copper alloy sheet (bronze or brass) with a surface covered with a blue-green patina. First fragment: 3.2 x 3.3 cm. In Li 10. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08684 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/20) Fragment of a pipe, in green glazed terracotta with three holes. H 2.8 cm; Th 2.2 cm; D 2.5 cm. North house. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08685 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/21) Cylindrical fragment of an object in black glass with whitish stripes. H 2.3 cm; Th 1.2 cm; D 1 cm. Mi 84, in Li 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08686 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/22) A comb in wood with a single row of teeth. The grip is decorated by incised lines and concentric circles. A wide hole is in the central part. 5.2 x 3.2 cm; Th 0.8 cm. In L 109. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08687 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/23) Tripod foot of conical shape. Sandstone. H 10.8 cm; Th 6.4 cm; D 9,4 cm; D base of the foot 5.4 cm. In Li 217. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08688 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/24) Sandstone object, reused probably as a stopper. H 5.2 cm; D 9.3 cm. In Li 217. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08689 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/25) Black glass object with a truncated conical shape. H 5.2 cm; D 9.3 cm. In Li 217. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08690 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/26) Rectangular object in trachyte (whetstone?). 9.1 x 6.2 cm. In L 111. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08691 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/27) Fragments of a triangular steatite (burm) lamp. The handle and the outer sides are decorated with wavy incised lines. The rim is decorated with indentations. H 11 cm; base 3 cm. First fragment: H 7.2 cm; Th 2 cm. Second fragment: H 7.6 cm; Th 1.7 cm. In Li 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08692 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/28) A long bronze tool with a round cross-section. L 13.8 cm; D 0.6 cm. Li 1, at the base of the wall, Northside. | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08693 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/29) Rectangular object in wood, with an oval hole. Element for weaving? 8.5 x 2.6 cm; Th 1.3 cm. In Li 1, East. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08694 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/30) Bowl with ring foot in beige-dark green glazed terracotta. Traces of burning inside. D 8.2 cm; Th 0.3 cm; Base H 0.80 cm; Base D 3.5 cm. In Li 218. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08695 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/31) Limestone gutter carved in the form of bull's head, belonging to a temple. Max. L preserved 56 cm; max. W preserved 34 cm; Th 8 cm; W channel 3 cm. In L104. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08696 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/32) Limestone gutter or spout of a libation-table carved in the shape of bull's head. L 13.5 cm; W 13 cm; W fluting 2.5 cm. In L 104. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08697 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/33) Fragment of a gutter or spout of libation-table ending with a carved bull's head. Only the neck of the bull is preserved. L 14 cm; W 7.5 cm; W fluting 1.3 cm. Mi 80, from the dismantling. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08698 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/34) Fragments of a limestone gutter carved in the shape of bull's head. Fragment 1 (with bullhead): W 22 cm; L 30 cm. Bull: L 12.5 cm; W 7 cm. Fluting: W 3 cm. W frame 2.5 cm. Fragment 2: L 30 cm; W 19 cm; H 10 cm. In L 104, floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08699 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/35) Fragment of a row of sculpted ibex, originally decorating a short side of an offering table. H 10.5 cm; W 9 cm; Th 4 cm. In Li 217. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08700 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/36) Fragment of a sandstone mortar; traces of burning are present. H 7 cm; D 10.5 cm; Th 1.5cm. In L 104. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08701 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/37) Rectangular offering table in pinkish granite, with a thick frame and four rectangular-section angular feet. W 26 cm; L 38 cm; H 10.5; Th 4.5 cm. In Li 308. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08702 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/38) Fragment of a limestone incense burner with a truncated pyramid foot. On one sid a low-relief inscription and a triangles decoration. L 14.5 cm; W 11.7 cm. In L 114-in front of Ta. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08703 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/39) Truncated pyramid foot in the limestone of an incense burner. H 17 cm;Base: 13 x 13.6 cm. In L 114, East. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08704 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/40) Incense burner in limestone with truncated pyramid foot. The symbol of the crescent moon is carved in shallow relief. H 7.5 cm. Base: H 13.5 cm; W 11.7 cm. Top: H 7.5 cm; 13.5 x 12 cm. In L 114, East. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08705 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/41) Square offering table with spout carved in the shape of bull's head. Limestone. Table: L 22.5 cm; W 25.5 cm; Th 11 cm.B) Protome: L 19 cm; W 6.7 cm; Th 9 cm. Drain: W 2.2 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08706 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/42) Frieze of six heads of ibexes in relief decorate an offering table. L 10 cm; H 15 cm; Th 12.5 cm. Top: L 10 cm; W 2.7 cm. In L 119. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08707 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/43) Fragment of an offering table in alabaster. A square hole is carved on the external base. W 12 cm; L 13 cm; Th 6.5 cm. In L 120, aeolian deposit. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08708 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/44) Grey granite cylindrical pestle. L 13.5 cm; W 5.5 cm. From the dismantling of Mi 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08709 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/45) Comb in wood with two rows of opposing teeth; concentric circles decorate the grip. L 12.5 cm; W 3.5 cm; Th 0.5 cm. In L 120. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08710 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/46) Fragment of a container with a flat base, in alabaster. L 11 cm; W 9 cm; H 6 cm; Th 2.5 cm. In L 111, floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08711 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/47) Barrel bead in dark green glass. D 0.6 cm; Th 0.4 cm. In L 117. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08712 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/48) Cylindrical bead in stone, incised with a series of parallel lines. L 2.2 cm; D 0.7 cm. In Li 1, East. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08713 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/49) Three fragments of bronze tools, with a round cross-section. a) L 9 cm; b) L 8.8 cm; c) L 7.5 cm. In L 111, floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08714 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/50) Three bronze nails and a fragment of a piece in bronze. L 2 cm; D 0.5 cm; Th 0.4 cm. In L 119. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08715 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/51) Fragment of a bronze tool with a round cross-section. L 7 cm; D 0.5 cm. In Li 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08716 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/52) A fragment of a pear-shaped object, in black glass. L 3 cm; Th 1.1 cm. From the N section of M 124. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08717 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/53) Fragment of an object in dark blue and whitish glass. H 2.5 cm; D 1.3 cm; Th 0.3 cm. In L 124, aeolian deposit. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08718 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/54) Incense burner in sandstone, with two squared compartments, supported by a truncated pyramidal foot; in the lower portion, four steps are sculpted. Both compartments are externally decorated with a false-window pattern and dentils. In the front of the smaller compartment, a three-letter inscription is engraved. H 25 cm. Foot: H 17.5 cm; W 8 cm. Part: 9 x 9.8 cm; H 7 cm. In L 121, under Mi 93; floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08719 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/55) Rectangular sandstone stela. On the front, the face is marked by the rhomboid eyes, the long and thin nose with a semicircular section and the oval mouth. Below is the inscription of a single line, with the name 'Atthar. The backside is just flattened. H 26 cm; W 15.5 cm; Th 5.7 cm, Mi 91. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08720 | Barāqiš: (B.05.A.O/56) Triangular oil lamp in limestone. All surfaces are smooth. L 1 cm; W 6 cm; H 3.5 cm; Th 2 cm. In Li 308, near M 120. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08721 | Barāqiš: (B.05.C.O/2) Limestone container or burner, Sabaean, inv. no. 5.1a. Traces of red colour are visible. L 8 cm; W 5.2 cm; H 3.7 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08722 | Barāqiš: (B.05.C.O/3) Sandstone container or incense burner, Sabaean, inv. no. 5.1b. Rectangular in shape, with ibex head. The rectangular part, designed to contain spices or cosmetics, has straight side walls on which the oblique marks of the working tool and flatBottom are evident. The ibex head protrudes from the short side. A through hole at the neck. L 8 cm; W 6 cm; Th 3 cm. Protome: L 2.5 cm; W 1.9 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08723 | Barāqiš: (B.05.C.O/4) Sandstone container or burner. Uncertain chronology, inv. no. 80.1. L 13.5 cm; W 12 cm; H 6.3 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08724 | Barāqiš: Limestone container or burner. Sabaean. W 9 cm; L 9 cm; Th 4 cm. (©MAIRY) Non c'è la foto | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08725 | Barāqiš: (B.05.C.O/5) Decorated ivory comb, Sabaean, inv. no. 38.1. Fragment of a comb with a row of teeth. The decoration consists of a series of circles incised in a frame. At the centre of the upper frame, there are two holes, perhaps useful to hang the comb. L 5.6 cm; W 4.5 cm; Th 3 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08726 | Barāqiš: (B.05.C.O/6) Glazed basalt cuboid object. Sabaean, inv. no. 43A.1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08727 | Barāqiš: (B.05.C.O/7) Glass bead, wavy decoration in light blue, yellow and white. L 2 cm; W 1.5 cm; Th 0.2 cm. inv. no. 110.1. (©MAIRY) Non c'è la foto | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08728 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/1) Funeral stela in stone with a human face carved in relief in the upper half part of the slab. The inscription with the name of the deceased is missing. The back surface is flat and bears the signs of the tool. L 13 cm; W 13 cm; Th 6.5 cm. -0,90 m from the surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08729 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/2) Rectangular funeral stela in sandstone. On the front side is engraved the symbolic portrait of the deceased. Traces of red colour can be seen on the surface. The side faces are only partially smoothed. The rear face shows evident signs of the tool. L 15 cm; W 17 cm; Th 6 cm. | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08730 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/3) Fragment of a rectangular funeral stela in limestone. The portrait is missing, while two lines of the inscription are preserved. L 18 cm; W 13.5 cm; Th 3 cm. - 1.20 m from the surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08731 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/4) Fragment of an inscription incised in an oval limestone block. L 9 cm; W 13 cm. -1.30 m from the surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08732 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/5) Fragment of a funerary stela in sandstone. On the front side, the left eye is preserved. There are evident traces of red colour. L 7 cm; W 6 cm; Th 2 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08733 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/6) Fragment of a rectangular stela in limestone; the left eye, almond-shaped, rather tapered, in weak relief, and part of the contour of the face apparently semicircular are preserved. On the front face, there are traces of the red colour and oblique signs. L 6 cm; W 8 cm; Th 2.5 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08734 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/7) Fragment of a libation-table in limestone. L 8.5 cm; W 10.7 cm; Th 5.7 cm. Groove: W 1.6 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08735 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/8) Funerary stela in stone with an engraved human face. Only part of the right side of the face is preserved. W 8 cm; L 12.5 cm; Th 7 cm, - 1,30 from the surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08736 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/9) Funeral stela with the male portrait in high relief. The face is elongated, almost triangular, with a square chin and a high forehead. The nose is rather long with a triangular section. The mouth is short and rendered by an engraved horizontal line; the lower lip is highlighted through a weak relief. The jaw is framed by a collar beard in relief. In the lower portion of the stela, there is the one-line inscription. H 28 cm; W 7 cm; Th 7.5 cm. - 1,40 m from surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08737 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/10) Rectangular funeral stela in limestone. Both the symbolic portrait of the deceased and the inscription are incised. H 27 cm; W 15 cm; Th 4.5 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08738 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/11) Rectangular funerary stela in sandstone, with regular oval face in relief. The eyes are hollowed out for inlays; the nose is long and slender and the mouth narrow with protruding lower lip. The ears are rendered as concentric semicircles in relief. Traces of red paint remain on the surface of the face. H 26 cm; W 13.5 cm; Th 5.5 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08739 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/12) The stela in sandstone is long and narrow; the elongated oval face is in low relief with rhomboidal eyes and mouth engraved and nose in slight relief. The forehead, measuring 1 cm, corresponds to the upper limit of the slab. In the lower portion of the stela, the engraved inscription comprises four letters. 37 x 15 x 6 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08740 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/13) Rectangular stela in the sandstone of which only the lower part is preserved with the name of the deceased. H 10 cm; W 10.5 cm; Th 2.5 cm. 1.58 m from the surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08741 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/14) Sandstone fragment of a face in relief from a funerary stela. The face, with a deep oblique fracture, is elongated, with a square chin fringed by a rather short chinstrap beard. The right eye, despite being only partially preserved, is almond-shaped and deep-set. The nose, trapezoidal rather than triangular in cross-section, broadens progressively towards the bottom, where the nostrils can be seen. The mouth is a narrow slit with thin lips in relief. H 10 cm; W 8 cm; Th 2 cm. - 1,50 m from surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08742 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/15) Limestone funerary stela carved from a rectangular block, with the portrait of the deceased and his name. L 35 cm; W 14.5 cm; Th 6.5 cm. - 1,40 m from ground level. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08743 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/16) Fragment of a sandstone funerary stela with inscription. L 18 cm; W 15 cm; Th 8 cm. From the surface of M1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08744 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/17) Cylindrical bead in light green glass. L 0.7 cm; D 0.4 cm. East of M1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08745 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/18) Sandstone rectangular stela with oval 'portrait' and inscription. H 22.5 cm; W 16 cm; Th 6 cm, - 1 m from the surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08746 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/19) Fragment of a funerary stela in sandstone with a 'portrait' in relief. L 12 cm; W 11.5 cm; Th 7 cm. Face: Th 2.5 cm; W 6.6 cm. -0,85 m from surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08747 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/20) Sandstone fragment of a funerary stela with an engraved face. The back is rough-hewn with traces of plaster. H 18.5; L cm 16; Th 5 cm. -0.85 m from surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08748 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/21) Funeral stela in sandstone of which only part of the incised inscription is preserved. H 14 cm; W 11 cm; Th 6 cm. -1.10 m from the surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08749 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/22) Funerary stela in sandstone with a 'portrait' in low relief. In the lower portion, three letters of the name of the deceased are engraved. On the backtraces of plaster are preserved. H 23 cm; W 12 cm; Th 5 cm, -0.98 m from the surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08750 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/23) Funerary stela in sandstone with engraved facial features, only the large tapering almond-shaped eyes being still evident; inscription. 27.5 x 15 x 5 cm, -0,98 m from ground level. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08751 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/24) Sandstone funerary stela with face in relief. The right eye still has its inlay. The lower portion of the slab is damaged but conserves part of the inscription. The sides and front are quite well-trimmed, whereas the back is left rough-hewn. H 20 cm; W 13.5 cm; Th 6.5 cm. -0.76 m from the surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08752 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/25) Funerary stela in sandstone with face in relief. In the lower part of the slab the name of the deceased is engraved in a single line. H 32 cm; max. W 17.5 cm; min. W 15 cm; Th 7.5 cm. -1 m from surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08753 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/26) Funerary stela in sandstone. The lower portion of the slab bears an inscription in two lines. H 40 cm; max. W 20 cm; min. W 19 cm; Th 5 cm, -0.58 m from the surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08754 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/27) Funerary stela in sandstone. The face engraved on the stela has a sharp outline, with large almond-shaped eyes and small half-closed mouth. In the lower section, the name of the deceased seems to have been cancelled. 33 x 16 x 6 cm. -0.98 m from ground level. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08755 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/28) Square libation table carved from a sandstone block. Seeds and other vegetal residues suggest that the table had been reused in later times, probably as a mortar. W 23.5 cm; L 27.5 cm; Th 6.5 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08756 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/29) a) A Fragment of a bronze seal. b) Biconical bead in black stone. c) Shells Oliva and cowrie used as ornaments. a) Seal: L 2.5 cm; W 1.6 cm; Th 0.3 cm. b) Bead: D 1 cm. c) Shells: L 2.6 cm. - 0,94 m from the surface level. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08757 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/30) Rectangular funerary stela in sandstone with oval face engraved; forehead and nose slightly in relief. The front is quite damaged, and the inscription is illegible. L 34 cm; W 16 cm. -1,30 m from the surface, on the Western section. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08758 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/31) Fragmentary oval grindstone in pink granite, slightly concave with smooth top and semi-circular cross-section. 16 x 12 x 5.5 cm. -1,32 m from ground level, near the western section. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08759 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/32) a) Bronze hinge made up of two rectangular plates. One of the two plates has a fixing hole at one end. b) Shells used as ornaments.L 16 cm; W 8.5 cm; Th 5.5 cm. - 1.32 m from ground level, at the side of the west section. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2005 | 2018BARo08760 | Barāqiš: (B.05.D.O/33) Rectangular funerary stela in sandstone, with an oval face in low relief. The facial features are deeply incised. In the lower portion of the slab is the two lines engraved inscription. 26.5 x 16 x 8 cm, - 0.43 m from surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08761 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/1) Terracotta round object with a central hole. D 2.5; Th 0.4 mm; D 0.4 cm. Sect. A / Li 201. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08762 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/2) Three drilled objects in wood. L 13.1 cm; W 2.2 cm; Th 0.6 cm; D 0.5 cm. Sect. A / Li 210. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08763 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/3) Cylindrical whetstone in schist. L 9.1cm; D 3.4 cm. Sect. A / Li 201. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08764 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/4) Fragments of a blade in iron. L 5.5 cm, W 1.7 cm, Th 0.5 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08765 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/5) Fragment of a paper with Arabic script. L 6.8 cm, W 7.2 cm. Sect. A / Li 211. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08766 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/6) Three fragments of a bronze ring. D 2 cm, Th 1 mm. Sect. A / Li 210. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08767 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/7) Steatite (burm) pot restored in ancient times with two bronze braces L 9 cm; W 11.1 cm; H 1.7 cm; Th 1.1 cm. Sect. A / Li 404. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08768 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/8) Fragment of a container in alabaster. L 4.6 cm; W 2.4 cm; H 1.6 cm; Th 0.8 cm. Sect. A / Li 210. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08769 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/9) Fragment of yellow-greenish glazed pottery with Arabic letters. H 1.5 cm; W 3.2 cm. Sect. A / Li 210. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08770 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/10) Fragment of a bottle in dark green glass. D 2.2; H 3.6 cm; Th 0.2 cm. Sect. A / Li 204. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08771 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/11) Fragment of a steatite (burm) pot. H 3.4 cm; W 4.4 cm, Th 1.2 cm. Sect. A / Li 210. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08772 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/12) Fragment of a triangular oil lamp, with a flat base. H 2.8; L 4.8 cm; W 2.8 cm; Th 1.1 cm. Sect. A / Li 210. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08773 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/13) Rectangular object in wood, with two holes. L 10.2 cm; W 1.8 cm; Th 1.3 cm; D 1.9 cm. Sect. A / Li 404. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08774 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/14) Rectangular object in wood with two holes (spool?). L 19 cm; W 2 cm; D 0.7 cm. Sect. A / Li 404. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08775 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/15) Object in wood with two squared holes at the sides of a groove. Sect. A / Li 404. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08776 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/16) Fragment of a grinding stone. W 22.3 cm; L 20 cm; Th 8.7 cm. Sect. A / Li 404. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08777 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/17) Fragment of a granite grinding stone. W 14 cm; L 9.9 cm; Th 5.6 cm. Sect. A / Li 401. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08778 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/18) Fragment of grinding stone in granite. W 24.2 cm; L 25.5 cm; Th max 8.7 cm. Sect. A / Li 404. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08779 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/19) Section of a round millstone with a central hole. W 21 cm; L 23.1 cm; Th 4.3 cm; D 3.3 cm. Sect. A / Li 402. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08780 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/20) Cuboid object in wood. H 3.6 cm; W 3.3 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08781 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/21) Bronze nails with a round cross-section. L 1.7 cm; Th 0.4 cm. Sect. A / Li 407. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08782 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/22) A bronze tool with a round cross-section. L 4.9 cm; D 0.4 cm. Sect. A / Li 403. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08783 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/23) Fragment of a round millstone in limestone with a central hole. W 15 cm; L 7.9 cm; Th 6.7 cm. Sect. D / Li 410. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08784 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/24) Key in wood composed of two elements. L 14 cm; W 1.7/1.9 cm; Th 0.6/0.8 cm; D holes 0.4/0.6 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08785 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/25) Object in wood with groove and holes. L 31 cm; W 5 cm; Sect. D / Li 40. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08786 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/26) Rectangular object in wood with 6 holes. W 5.5 cm; L 3.7 cm; Th 1.4 cm; D holes 0.5 cm. Sect. Sect. D / Li 409 (Mi 423). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08787 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/27) Fragment of a steatite (burm) pot. 7.8 x 7.3 cm. Sect. A / Li 401. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08788 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/28) Fragment of triangular lamp oil with dentelled grip. 9.5 x 8 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08789 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/29) Fragment of a steatite (burm) pot. Two holes for an ancient restoration. The horizontal ridge below the rim. W 10.9 cm; H 6.5 cm; Th 1 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08790 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/30) Two fragments of a steatite pot. An ancient restauration with a bronze nail is still visible. W 3.3 cm; L 3.9 cm; Th rim 1.1 cm; D 0.9 cm. Sect. A / Li 407. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08791 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/31) Rectangular object in wood with six holes on one side. L 13.1 cm; W. 3.6 cm; Th 1.5 cm. Sect. A / Li 407. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08792 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/32) Truncated cone object in wood with two holes on both ends. H 5.1 cm; D 4.4 cm. Sect. A / Li 404. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08793 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/33) Fragment of a triangular oil lamp in steatite. Incised decoration on the rim and sides. L 6.1 cm; W 3.2 cm; H 2.8 cm; Th 0.8 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08794 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/34) Fragment of a round millstone in limestone. W 33 cm; L 15 cm; Th 4.7 cm. Sect. A / Li 201. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08795 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/35) Fragment of a paper with Arabic script. W 8.9 cm; L 7.9 cm. Sect. D / Li 408. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08796 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/36) Fragment of a round sandstone millstone, with a central hole. W 14.5 cm; L 4.8 cm; Th 5 cm. Sect. D / Li 408. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08797 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/37) Fragment of a paper with Arabic script. W 10.2 cm; L 8.7 cm. Sect. D / Li 408. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08798 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/38) Fragment of a paper with Arabic script. W 6.5 cm; L 5 cm. Sect. D / Li 408. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08799 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/39) Cylindrical object in schist, probably a fragment of a whetstone. H 7.1 cm; D 6.3 cm. Sect. D / Li 408. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08800 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/40) Fragment of an object in wood, probably a lock. W 18 cm; L 7.7 cm; Th 5.7 cm. Sect. D / Li 408. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08801 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/41) Fragment of a round millstone in granite. W 31 cm; L 16.5 cm; Th 3.7 cm. Sect. D / Li 408. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08802 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/42) Elongated grinding stone. W 30 cm; L 13 cm; Th 7.7 cm. Sect. D / Li 408 (Mi 421). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08803 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/43) Fragment of unidentified object in wood. H 12 cm; D 2 cm; Th 0.9 cm. Sect. A / Lii 402. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08804 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/44) Fragment of a container in stone. Vertical grooves decoration. H 3.2 cm;W 2.3 cm. Sect. D / Li 408. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08805 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/45) Miniaturistic conical cup in terracotta. H 2.7 cm; D 2.7 cm; Th 0.4 cm. Sect. A / Li 402. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08806 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/46) Comb in wood with opposite rows of teeth. W 9.3 cm; L 5.4 cm; Th 0.8 cm. D / Li 408. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08807 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/47) Conical bottom of a terracotta container. Sect. A / Li 405. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08808 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/48) Round object with a central hole in terracotta. D 2.5 cm; Th 0.3 cm; Sect. A / Li 405. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08809 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/49) Fragment of a steatite pot with a horizontal decoration in low relief. L H 5.2 cm; W 6.2 cm; Th 1.1 cm. Sect. A / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08810 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/50) Shapeless piece of iron. W 7.7 cm; L 5.4 cm; Th 3 cm. Sect. A / Li 412. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08811 | Barāqiš:(B.06.B.O/51) Handle of a pot in stone. 4 x 3 x 3.4 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08812 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/52) Two fragments of a tool or a blade in iron. L 4.8 cm; W 2 cm; Th 1 cm. Sect. A / Li 40. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08813 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/53) Fragment of a millstone in limestone. L 7.2 cm; W 7.3 cm; Th 2.6 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08814 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/54) Fragment of a round millstone in granite. Round groove. W 8.5 cm; L 14.8 cm; Th 3.6 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08815 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/55) Fragment of grinding stone in stone. L 17 cm; W 25 cm; Th 6.4 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08816 | Barāqiš: (B.06.6.O/56) Fragment of a millstone. W 15.5 cm; L 12. cm; Th 3.8 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08818 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/58) Basin of roughly squared shape. 17.5 x 17 x 17.5 cm; Th base 8.1 cm; Th side 4.6 cm; Th rim 3.5 cm. Sect. D / Li 409.C. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08819 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/59) Cylindrical pestle in granite. L 12 cm; W 7 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08820 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/60) Fragment of a comb with opposite rows of teeth. The incised decoration consists of two rows of circles on both sides. W 8.1 cm; L 10.1 cm; Th 1 cm. Sect. A / Li 210. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08821 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/61) Rectangular whetstone in schist. L 8.7 cm; W 5.2 cm; Th 2.4 cm. Sect. D / Li 408. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08822 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/62) Fragment of a round millstone in limestone, with a central hole. W 22.5 cm; L 25 cm; Th 4.5 cm. Sect. A / Li 406. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08823 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/63) Fragment of a round millstone with a central hole. W 33.5 cm; L 20 cm; Th 6.3 cm. Sect. A / Li 404. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08824 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/64) Round object in stone with a central hole. D 2 cm; Th 0.4 cm. Sect. A / Li 403 (west enlargement). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08825 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/65) Rectangular object in wood, probably a key, with holes and six preserved teeth. L 8.2 cm; W 2.5 cm; Th 1.3 cm. Sect. A / Li 403 (west enlargement). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08826 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/66) Triangle oil lamp in steatite (burm). L 12.2 cm; W 6.1 cm; H 3.5 cm. Surface level. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08827 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/67) Fragment of a round millstone. L 36 cm; W 22 cm; Th 2.7 cm. Sect. D / L.410. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08828 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/68) Portion of a round millstone. L 32.5 cm; W 19.5 cm; H 5.4 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08829 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/69) Fragments of a glass container in dark brown colour. H 4.6 cm; D rim 2.8 cm; Th rim 0.3 mm. Sect. A / Li 413 (demolition). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08830 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/70) Portion of a round millstone. W 34.4 cm; L 16 cm; Th 2.8 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08831 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/71) Triangular fragment of a millstone. W 16.4 cm; L 19.8 cm; Th 2.5 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08832 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/72) Fragment of a millstone. W 19.7 cm; L 11.3 cm; Th 2.4 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08833 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/73) Rectangular piece of bronze. L 2.4 cm; W 1 cm; Th 0.8 cm. Sect. D / Li 410. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08834 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/74) Portion of a millstone. L 15.7 cm; W 17.5 cm; Th 4.7 cm. Sect. A / Li 406. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08835 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/75) Fragment of a millstone. W 34 cm; L 16.5 cm; Th 13 cm. Sect. A / Li 416. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08836 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/76) Piece of worked wood. L 9.9 cm; D 6.4 cm. Sect. D / Li 408. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08837 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/77) Elliptical bead in black glass, flat at the ends. L 1.3 cm; D 0.5 cm. Sect. A / Li 201. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08838 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/78) A bronze tool with a round cross-section. L 9.2 cm; D 0.7 cm. Sect. D / Li 410. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08839 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/79) Terracotta jar with a high neck, ovoid body and ring foot. Impressed decoration at the base of the neck. Small handles. H 16.5 cm; D base 6.5 cm; H base 1.7 cm; D rim 6.5 cm; Th rim 0.6 cm. Sect. A / Li 402. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08840 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/80) Fragment of an alabaster container. L max. 5.4 cm; W max. 5.5 cm Th 1.4 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08841 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/81) Cylindrical pestle in schist. L 11.5 cm; W 6.9 cm. Sect. A / Li 402. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08842 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/82) Fragment of a triangular oil lamp with a flat base. Steatite (burm). L 14.4 cm; W 7.5 cm; Th 0.4/1.2 cm. Sect. A / Li 402. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08843 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/83) Fragment of a steatite pot, with two perfectly round holes. L 5.3 cm; W 2.7 cm; Th 1.4 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08844 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/84) Triangular oil lamp in steatite (burm), with a flat base. The handle is decorated with crossed incised lines. L 12.7 cm; W 5.6 cm; H 3.7 cm; Th 0.5/1 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08845 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/85) Oval grinding slab. L 24 cm; W 13 cm; Th 7.5 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08846 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/86) Pot in steatite (H ca. 14 cm), with a flat base and four squared handles (one missing; Th 1.7 cm). Four holes along the broken rim for an ancient restoration. D 17.2/23.3; rim Th 0.8 cm. Sect. D / Li 425. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08847 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/87) Two fragments of nails in iron with a rectangular cross-section. L 3.7 cm; Th 0.9 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08848 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/88) Fragment of a millstone. L 18.5 cm; W 9.7 cm; Th 3.3 cm. Sect. D / Li 210. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08849 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/89) Fragment of a grinding slab. L 15.7 cm; W 23.3 cm; Th 5.6 cm. Sect. D / Li 425. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08850 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/90) Cylindrical object in wood, probably a cork. D 4.2 cm; Th 2.4 cm. Sect. D / Li 425. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08851 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/91) Fragment of a triangular oil lamp, of which only the handle is preserved. This is decorated with an engraved cross lines pattern. L 5.7 cm; H 4.7 cm; W 8.7 cm. Sect. A / Li 210. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08853 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/93) Rounded hand stone. L 11.4 cm; W 9.7 cm; Th 6.1 cm. Sect. A / Mi 446. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08854 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/94) Fragment of an oval grinding stone. L 10.4 cm; W 12.8 cm; Th 3.8 cm. Sect. A / Mi 463. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08855 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/95) Iron nail with a square cross-section. L 5.7 cm; Th 0.7 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08856 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/96) A fragment of an oil lamp in steatite (burm) with a flat base. L 10.3 cm; W 4.7 cm; Th 0.5/1.1 cm. Sect. A / Li 210. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08857 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/97) Fragment of a cylindrical container in glass, black with wavy whitish strips. H 4.2 cm; rim D 2 cm; Th 0.2/0.4 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08858 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/98) Fragment of a limestone millstone. Red pigments are present. W 25 cm; L 17.2; Th 4.8 cm; hole W 5.8 cm. Sect. D / Li 409. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08859 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/99) Fragment of a shapeless object in iron. L 8 cm; W 4.2 cm. Sect. D Li 405. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08860 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/100) Cylindrical pestle in schist. L 22 cm; W 6.5 cm. M135, on the fourth step. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08861 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/101) Fragment of a sandstone stela. The incised eyes and squared nose are preserved. 19 x 15.5 x 11.5 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08862 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/102) Rectangular stela in limestone. The human facial traits are incised on the upper part of the slab. Below some incised letters of a name are visible. 30 x 20 x 8.5 cm. Between the Temples A (Nakraḥ) and B (ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08863 | Barāqiš: (B.06.B.O/103) Barrel bead in pale green glass. D 0.35 cm. From L112, from the excavation along the east side of the M8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08864 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/1) Small offering table in sandstone, with rectangular inset surface, the duct in correspondence with the neck of the bull’s head. 20 x 15 x 5.5 cm. Surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08865 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/2) Fragment of a plaster sealing with inscription. L 5.5 cm; Th 1 cm. Surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08866 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/3) A bowl with ring foot in wood, an imitation of the more common terracotta bowl. H 4 cm; D 7 cm; Th 0.6 cm. Minaean landfill accumulation. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08867 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/4) Threads in organic material (sheep or goats’ wool) and a fragment of a basket. Minaean accumulation. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08868 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/5) Sandstone bull’s head neck terminating in a slightly modelled snout which is flat underneath. The eyes are indicated by two small protuberances, and the nostrils by two slight indentations. The top of the neck has the duct. Minaean landfill accumulation. L 9.5 cm; Th 6.5 cm. Minaean accumulation. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08869 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/6) Cowrie shell. L 2.6 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08870 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/7) Sandstone portion of bull’s neck, part of a small offering table or gutter. It has a semi-oval cross-section, flat on the top, with a duct measuring 2 cm in width. L 6.5 cm; W 6 cm; H 7 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08871 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/8) The terracotta figurine represents a human body down to the chest. The face is large and round, with a jutting chin. The brows and nose are in relief. The eyeball, nostrils and mouth are engraved. The neck is thick. The arms are slender and short, drawn into the bust. Two protuberances indicate the breasts. Traces of plaster suggest that the figurine was covered with plaster and then painted. The back is flat. Cleaning of the collapse of the east wall of the excavation area. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08872 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/9) Scraps of yellowish cloth (wool) with black geometric decoration. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08873 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/10) a) Deep bowl in wood, with rounded lip and fine horizontal fluting. Round borehole in the centre of the sides; b) A flat bottom of a basket probably made of woven palm fibre; c) Piece of rope made out of two lengths of fibre rolled together as a spiral. -50 from the surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08874 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/11) Fragments of leather with traces of sewing, possibly part of a sandal or bag. From the accumulation of Minaean period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08875 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/12) Fragment of white glass, porous, with small fluting under the lip and body with frames around either side. Inside the frames a decorative element in relief which cannot be reliably interpreted. 3 x 2.3 cm; Th 0.2 cm. From W section, - 50 cm from the surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08876 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/13) Rectangular stela in sandstone with engraved face in the upper part. The face is an elongated oval with a square chin, rectangular nose, lozenge-shaped eyes with lids and brows in relief. Below the face, a three-letter name is engraved. 27.5 x 13 cm; Th 5 cm, -1.25 from the surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08877 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/14) Funerary stela in sandstone with an engraved face. Lozenge-shaped eyes, lids in relief and rectangular nose. H 8 cm; W 7 cm; Th 5.5 cm. On M1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08878 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/15) Rectangular funerary stela in sandstone, covered with plaster, and eyes painted in red. The nose is made of plaster, in relief. Below the face an engraved inscription comprising three letters, partially covered with plaster and red paint. 26 x 17 x 7.5 cm. Against M4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08879 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/16) Rectangular funerary stela in limestone with engraved facial features. The eyes are lozenge-shaped. The nose is rectangular and mouth semi-oval. Two names of five and three letters are engraved. The back is rounded and rough-hewn. 22 x 12 x 4 cm. Near west section. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08880 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/17) Limestone rectangular funerary stela with triangular engraved face, square chin. The nose is long and rectangular, the mouth and eyes rhomboidal. The brows are at an obtuse angle. Three letters engraved beneath the face indicate the name of the deceased. The back of the slab is quite flat. 25.5 x 16 x 3.5 cm. Close to the M1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08881 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/18) Sandstone rectangular funerary stela with face in relief. The face is a regular oval, and the top of the head is rounded. The eyes are hollowed out to take inlays. Four letters of the name of the deceased. 28.5 x 15.5 x 3 cm. On M4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08882 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/19) Fragment of a funerary stela in limestone with the incised name of a deceased. 33 x 12.5 x 5 cm. Close to M1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08883 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/20) Rectangular funerary stela in limestone with a round engraved face. The nose is in low relief, as is the brow. The engraved eyes are quite large and oval. The mouth is also oval. Engraved rectangular beard. The name of the deceased comprises four letters. 33 x 12.5 x 5 cm. Close to M1, northern part. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08884 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/21) Rectangular stela in limestone with triangular face in low relief. The facial features are engraved: tapering oval eyes, brows slightly arching, rectangular nose and oblong oval mouth. The surface conserves traces of red paint. The lower section with engraved inscription is covered with a layer of plaster. The inscription comprises five letters. 29 x 19 x 5.8 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08885 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/22) Rectangular funerary stela in limestone, very thick, with rounded rough-hewn back. Facial features engraved bearing traces of red paint. The oval face is in low relief. An engraved straight line marks off the forehead, with the arched brows superimposed. In correspondence with the right eye and forehead, the surface is covered with a layer of plaster. Beneath the face, the surface is abraded, leaving no trace of the inscription. 27 x 19 x 8 cm. On M4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08886 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/23) Almost rectangular stela in limestone, narrower at the base, with the oval face in low relief. The surface is covered with thick s layer of plaster. Three letters irregularly engraved give the name of the deceased. 27.5 x 16 x 8 cm. On M4, near B.06.D.O/20. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08887 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/24) Rectangular stela in limestone with a male face carved in relief. The face is oval with a square chin, fringed by a beard. The eyes are hollowed out to take inlays. The forehead is rounded and bordered by hair in relief. The lower lip is in relief. The name comprises four letters. 32 x 6 x 4 cm. On M4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08888 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/25) Small offering table in sandstone; the bull’s head is missing. The square top is only a few millimetres deep, and the duct cut into the neck is only just deeper. Fragmentary engraved inscription. 18 x 15 x 6.5 cm. South of M4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08889 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/26) Large rectangular funerary stela in limestone with an engraved face. The outline of the face is square, with a broad flat chin. The nose is long and rectangular, the eyes a tapering lozenge-shape like the mouth, the brows angular. The engraving is shallow. Engraved inscription . 40 x 18.7 x 7 cm. On M4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08890 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/27) Sandstone funerary stela with human face engraved in the upper half of the slab. The lower half has the incised name of the deceased. The face is triangular with a square chin. The eyes are irregular lozenge-shaped with an engraved eyeball, brows slightly arching, rectangular nose and tapering oval mouth. Traces of dark red pigment on the surface. 37 x 18 x 7.5 cm. On M4, with B.06.D.O/26. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08891 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/28) Cube-shaped hand stone in grey granite, with a perfectly flat smooth top; one side is slightly concave, but also smooth and polished; The other side has indentations perhaps caused by improper use as a hammer. 5.7 x 5.4 x 5.9 cm. Close to M4, -1,50 from the surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08892 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/29) Calcarenite badly damaged funerary stela; only the upper left portion preserved. The human face is in relief. The left portion of the forehead is preserved surmounted by the hair, with part of the left eye hollow. 17 x 8 x 8 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08893 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/30) The stela in limestone was made by reusing an architectonic block with a plain frame and pecked inner area, where the name of the deceased is engraved; this stela is fragmentary and lacks the representation of the face. 8.7 x 11 x 4.5 cm. From the NE corner, near L5. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08894 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/31) Limestone rectangular stela with a raised oval human face. The facial features are not very evident, but one can detect the right eye with an arched brow, rectangular nose and small oval mouth. The inscription comprises three letters representing the name of the deceased. Traces of red paint. 27 x 7.8 x 4 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08895 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/32) Gutter of a small offering table of the bull’s head type. Only the section of the neck with the central duct, 2 cm in width, is preserved. Limestone. 10 x 6 x 5.2 cm. Close to M1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08896 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/33) Steatite (burm) fragment of pot. Vertical, rounded edge on the side. H 6 cm; Th 1 cm. From the accumulation of Minaean period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08897 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/34) Cowrie shell. 2 cm. From the accumulation of Minaean period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08898 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/35) Cowrie shell. 2.8 cm. From graves level. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08899 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/36) Glass spherical bead. The colour of the glass is silvered, decorated with five blue dots. D 0.4 cm. From the level of the Minaean walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08900 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/37) Long slender human plait, chestnut colour, tied at each end with string. 19 cm, -1,15 from the accumulation of the Minaean period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08901 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/38) Plaster nose which was applied to a funerary portrait. It is an elongated oval in shape, broader towards the bottom. 8 cm; Th 2 cm. From graves level. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08902 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/39) Plaster nose which was applied to a funerary portrait. 8.3 cm; Th 2 cm. From graves level. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08903 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/40) Plaster nose which was applied to a funerary portrait. 6.6 cm; Th 2 cm. From the level of Minaean structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08904 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/41) Fragment of a nose in plaster with a triangular cross-section, flat at the bottom. This is the only specimen which bears nostrils indicated with two irregular indentations made while the plaster was still fresh. The surface was red painted. 4.2 cm; Th 2.5 cm. From graves level. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08905 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/42) Nose in plaster of a funerary stela with a human face. The stelae in this category were covered with plaster, with the facial features painted on. 8.8 cm; Th 2 cm. From graves level. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08906 | Barāqiš: (B.06.D.O/43) Cylindrical object in alabaster with two horizontal flutings showing three parallel rings. Possibly a fragment of a high ring base of a chalice. H 3.5 cm; D 3.1 cm. From the cleaning of the east section (surface). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08907 | Barāqiš: (B.06.S1.O/1) Shallow and thick alabaster container, decorated with vertical ridges. The base is flat. H 1.6 cm; Th 1.3 cm. Li. 1, lev. 3, and 70 cm from M38, 40 cm from north wall N, -145 from M38. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08908 | Barāqiš: (B.06.S1.O/2) Spherical hand stone, also used as a pounding stone. D 5.5 cm. Levée 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08909 | Barāqiš: (B.06.S1.O/3) Fragment of a grinding slab in granite. 11.7 x 10 x 3.7 cm. Levée 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08910 | Barāqiš: (B.06.S1.O/4) Fragment of a container in steatite (burm), with low ridges decoration. 4 x 3.5 x 0.9 cm. End of levée 6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08911 | Barāqiš: (B.06.S1.O/5) Fragment of a container in steatite (burm). 4.5 x 7.5 x 0.9 cm. End of levée 6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08912 | Barāqiš: (B.06.S1.O/6) Fragment of a cylindrical object in terracotta. H 10.8; D 3.8 cm. Levée 7 close to the foundation of the wall M38, about m 1 from the North section. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08913 | Barāqiš: (B.06.S1.O/7) Fragment of a granite grinding stone. 6.4 x 7 x 3.7 cm. Levée 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08914 | Barāqiš: (B.06.S1.O/8) Fragment of a cylindrical object in terracotta. Incised chevron pattern decoration on the sides, and impressed dots along the base. On the flat base is a circular cavity (D 2.5 cm, depth 1.5 cm). H 6.8; D 4.2 cm. Levée 17. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08915 | Barāqiš: (B.06.S1.O/9) Fragment of a sharp terracotta object with a rounded relief applied to the surface. Probably an arm of a figurine. L 2.8 cm; Th 2 cm. Levée 17. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08916 | Barāqiš: (B.06.S1.O/10) Steatite (burm) bowl with horizontal grip. H 10 cm; Th 1.1 cm. Levée 18. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08917 | Barāqiš: (B.06.S1.O/11) Fragment of steatite (burm) container. 14 x 5 x 1.5 cm. Levée 18. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08918 | Barāqiš: (B.06.C.O/1) Fragment of a plaster jar sealing, with a portion of impressed letters. 4.5 x 3.5 x 2.5 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08919 | Barāqiš: (B.06.C.O/2) Round plaster sealing for a terracotta jar, with impressed signs and letters (5 x 3.5 cm). D 14 cm; Th 1.4 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08920 | Barāqiš: (B.06.C.O/4) Fragment of a plaster jar sealing, with an impressed inscription. 7.4 x 4.4 x 3.5 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08921 | Barāqiš: (B.06.C.O/5) Fragment of a plaster jar sealing, with part of an impressed inscription. L 7 cm; W 6 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08922 | Barāqiš: (B.06.C.O/6) Fragment of a plaster sealing for a terracotta jar 5 x 3.5 x 1 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08923 | Barāqiš: (B.06.C.O/7) Fragment of a plaster sealingl for a terracotta jar, with part of two impressions. 5 x 4 x 2 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08924 | Barāqiš: (B.06.C.O/8+9) Two fragments jar sealing in plaster. 10 x 6 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08925 | Barāqiš: (B.06.C.O/10) Fragment of a plaster with impressed signs. 6 x 3.5 cm; Th 1 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08926 | Barāqiš: (B.06.C.O/11) Fragment of a plaster sealing for a terracotta jar, with the symbol of the Sabaean god Almaqah and letters. 9 x 3.5 x 2 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08927 | Barāqiš: (B.06.C.O/12) Fragment of a plaster sealing for a terracotta jar with the symbol of the deity Nakraḥ. 5 x 4.5 x 1 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08928 | Barāqiš: (B.06.C.O/13) Fragment of a sealing in plaster for a terracotta jar. A little portion of the impressed letters is visible. 9.5 x 7 x 1 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08929 | Barāqiš: (B.06.C.O/14) Cubic incense burner in limestone, with carved dentils and inscription. The feet are carved in the shape of a bovine hoof. 9.4 x 10.7 x 9.1 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 2006 | 2018BARo08930 | Barāqiš: (B.06.C.O/15) A round fragment of a sealing in plaster for a terracotta jar. Part of the impressed inscription is preserved. 10 x 6 x 2 cm. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARp09067 | Barāqiš (BAR): Pottery BAR (6) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARp09068 | Barāqiš (BAR): Pottery BAR (7) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARp09069 | Barāqiš (BAR): Pottery BAR, BAR ii (8) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARp09070 | Barāqiš (BAR): Pottey BAR ii (9) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARp09071 | Barāqiš (BAR): Pottery BAR ii (10) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARp09072 | Barāqiš (BAR): Pottery BAR ii (11) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARp09073 | Barāqiš (BAR): Pottery BAR ii, BAR (12) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARp09074 | Barāqiš (BAR): Barāqiš (BAR): Pottery BAR (13) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARp09075 | Barāqiš (BAR): Barāqiš (BAR): Pottery BAR (14) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARp09076 | Barāqiš (BAR): Barāqiš (BAR): Pottery BAR (15) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARp09077 | Barāqiš (BAR): Pottery BAR iii (16) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARp09249 | Barāqiš (BAR ii, iv): Objects (Y.86 Tav. 6), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARp09250 | Barāqiš (BAR i, ii, iv): Objects (paper, fronte/retro), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARp09251 | Barāqiš (BAR): Drawing of part of City Walls, Southern part (paper), sketch (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARp09415 | Barāqiš (BAR): Clay Female Figurine (Pl. 53), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2018BARp09416 | Barāqiš (BAR): Clay Animal Figurine, Bronze Foot, Bronze Ring and Spoon, Decorated Stone Rim Vase (Pl. 54), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | فخار | 1986 | 2018POTp09066 | Pottery from Al-Ḥaǧfah (Hg i) and Barāqiš (BAR ii) (5) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01861 | Barāqiš (BAR): The camp of the Italian Archaeological Mission. (© MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05548 | Baynūn (BA): Castle on the road between Madīnat Al-Ahǧur and Baynūn. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05549 | Baynūn (BA): A view of the plain and a dromedrary. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05550 | Baynūn (BA): A view of the plain. At the center a dromedrary and a man. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05551 | Baynūn (BA): A view of the ruins of the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05552 | Baynūn (BA): A wall of the pre-Islamic site excavated by the local inhabitants. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05553 | Baynūn (BA): The fragment of a hexagonal column and three local kids. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05554 | Baynūn (BA): A stepped path of the pre-Islamic period and two men sitting on the top. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05555 | Baynūn (BA): A building's corner of two rows of well cutted volcanic stones. On top a fragment of architectonic element. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05556 | Baynūn (BA): General view of the ruins of the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05557 | Baynūn (BA): General view of the ruins. The surface is covered by stones of the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05558 | Baynūn (BA): View of horizontal monolithic blocks, perhaps belonging to an ancient temple. In the background two modern buildings. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05559 | Baynūn (BA): A large terracotta jar with 'rope' decoration and three feet, and a fragment of stone with recessed panels decoration. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05560 | Baynūn (BA): View of the pre-Islamic city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05561 | Baynūn (BA): View of the ruins of the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05562 | Baynūn (BA): Part of the ancient city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05563 | Baynūn (BA): View of the city walls with double curtain. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05564 | Baynūn (BA): Depature, six kids, the driver and the archaeologist Francesco Di Mario. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05688 | Baynūn (BA): Two ragments of potsherds (rims) of huge jars. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05689 | Baynūn (BA): Two fragments of rims of huge jars (inner side). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05690 | Baynūn (BA): Potsherds (fragments of rims) and a bronze ring. | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2018BAYn05691 | Baynūn (BA): Potsherds (fragments of rims, inner side) and a bronze ring. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1983 | 2018BAYn06216 | Baynūn (BA): Hydraulic structure at the foot of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1983 | 2018BAYn06217 | Baynūn (BA): Hydraulic structure at the foot of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1985 | 2018POTp09122 | Baynūn (BA)/Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Pottery (B2.10), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Bayt Abū Hašim | فخار | 1984-1985 | 2018POTp09244 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB i, ii), Bayt Abū Hašim (BAH i), Yalā (Y): Pottery NAB i, NAB ii, BAH i, Y (85.B2.18), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī | درب الصبي | 1992 | 2018DSBn03283 | Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī: The archaeologist S. Antonini and the geologist B. Marcolongo. (©MAIRY) | |
Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī | درب الصبي | 1992 | 2018DSBn03285 | Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī: The archaeologist S. Antonini and the geologist B. Marcolongo. (©MAIRY) | |
Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī | درب الصبي | 1992 | 2018DSBn03286 | Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī: View of the roof of a temple. The site was an important sanctuary for the cult of the god Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī | درب الصبي | 1992 | 2018DSBn03288 | Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī: View of ruins and standing pillars. In the background is the Minaean city of Barāqiš. (©MAIRY) | |
Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī | درب الصبي | 1992 | 2018DSBn03289 | Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī: General view of the plundered ruins and temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī | درب الصبي | 1992 | 2018DSBn03290 | Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī: The remains of a temple with standing pillars with primary and secondary beams of the roof. (©MAIRY) | |
Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī | درب الصبي | 1992 | 2018DSBn03291 | Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī: General view of the ruins with standing pillars and beams. (©MAIRY) | |
Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī | درب الصبي | 1992 | 2018DSBn03292 | Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī: General view of the ruins with standing pillars and beams. This site was an important sanctuary for the cult of the god Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī | درب الصبي | 1992 | 2018DSBn03293 | Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī: View of ruins with standing pillars and beams of a temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī | درب الصبي | 1992 | 2018DSBn03294 | Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī: View of damaged and freshly looted walls and structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī | درب الصبي | 1992 | 2018DSBn03295 | Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī: The most imposing architectural structures consist of monolithic pillars, beams and slabs that belonged to religious monuments. (©MAIRY) | |
Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī | درب الصبي | 1992 | 2018DSBn03296 | Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī: The site was an important sanctuary for the cult of the god Nakraḥ. Other structures were intended for reception of visitors and pilgrims. (©MAIRY) | |
Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī | درب الصبي | 1992 | 2018DSBn03297 | Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī: General view of the site. It was an important sanctuary for the cult of the god Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī | درب الصبي | 1992 | 2018DSBn03298 | Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī: The site is 3 km W of Barāqiš. It was an important sanctuary for the cult of the god Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī | درب الصبي | 1992 | 2018DSBn03299 | Darb Aṣ-Ṣabī: Rests of structures probably to housing visitors and pilgrims. (©MAIRY) | |
Darb Aš-Šaraf | درب الاشراف | 1990 | 2018DSFn02227 | Darb Aš-Šaraf: Inscription found during a survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Darb Aš-Šaraf | درب الاشراف | 1990 | 2018DSFn02228 | Darb Aš-Šaraf: Inscription found during a survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Darb Aš-Šaraf | درب الاشراف | 1990 | 2018DSFn02229 | Darb Aš-Šaraf: Inscription found during a survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Darb Aš-Šaraf | درب الاشراف | 1990 | 2018DSFn02230 | Darb Aš-Šaraf: Inscription found during a survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Darb Aš-Šaraf | درب الاشراف | 1990 | 2018DSFn02231 | Darb Aš-Šaraf: Inscription found during a survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Darb Aš-Šaraf | درب الاشراف | 1990 | 2018DSFn02232 | Darb Aš-Šaraf: Inscription found during a survey. Mubarak. (© MAIRY) | |
Darb Aš-Šaraf | درب الاشراف | 1990 | 2018DSFn02233 | Darb Aš-Šaraf: Sabaean inscription found during a survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Darb Aš-Šaraf | درب الاشراف | 1990 | 2018DSFn02234 | Darb Aš-Šaraf: Sabaean inscription found during a survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Darb Aš-Šaraf | درب الاشراف | 1990 | 2018DSFn02235 | Darb Aš-Šaraf: Detail of the Sabaean inscription found during a survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Darb Aš-Šaraf | درب الاشراف | 1990 | 2018DSFn02236 | Darb Aš-Šaraf: Detail of the Sabaean inscription found during a survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Darb Aš-Šaraf | درب الاشراف | 1990 | 2018DSFn02237 | Darb Aš-Šaraf: A Sabaean inscription found during a survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Darb Aš-Šaraf | درب الاشراف | 1990 | 2018DSFn02238 | Darb Aš-Šaraf: A Sabaean inscription found during a survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Darb Aš-Šaraf | درب الاشراف | 1990 | 2018DSFn02239 | Darb Aš-Šaraf: A Sabaean inscription found during a survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Darb Aš-Šaraf | درب الاشراف | 1990 | 2018DSFn02240 | Darb Aš-Šaraf (DSF): The driver, Gh. Gnoli, Jamāl Thābit and Mubarak. (© MAIRY) | |
Gabal 'Urqub | جبل العرقوب | 1984 | 2018ALRm09016 | Al-Aʿrūš/Ğabal ʿUrqūb: Topographical Map (Scale 1:10000) (V. Labianca). | |
Ǧabal Ad-Dār | جبل الدار | 1983 | 2018GDAn05991 | Ǧabal Ad-Dār (GD): The tower, from the E. | |
Ǧabal Ad-Dār | جبل الدار | 1983 | 2018GDAn05992 | Ǧabal Ad-Dār (GD): Inscription GD.1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Ad-Dār | جبل الدار | 1983 | 2018GDAn05993 | Ǧabal Ad-Dār (GD): Inscription GD.1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Ad-Dār | جبل الدار | 1983 | 2018GDAn05995 | Ǧabal Ad-Dār (GD): Inscription GD.2. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Ad-Dār | جبل الدار | 1983 | 2018GDAn05996 | Ǧabal Ad-Dār (GD): Tower with basalt foundation blocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Ad-Dār | جبل الدار | 1983 | 2018GDAn05997 | Ǧabal Ad-Dār (GD): The tower foundation with basalt blocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Ad-Dār | جبل الدار | 1983 | 2018GDAn05998 | Ǧabal Ad-Dār (GD): Eastern side of the tower foundation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Ad-Dār | جبل الدار | 1983 | 2018GDAn05999 | Ǧabal Ad-Dār (GD): Cistern on the northern side of the tower, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Al-Ḥumaymah | جبال الحميمة | 1984 | 2018HUMp09306 | Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī (HGN iv): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 76), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Al-Ḥumaymah | جبال الحميمة | 1984 | 2018HUMp09307 | Ğabal Al-Ḥumaymah (HU i): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 77), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Al-Sūdah | جبل السودة | 1985 | 2018GSDn07812 | Ğabal Al-Sūdah: Some structures, modern pottery on the ground. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Al-Sūdah | جبل السودة | 1985 | 2018GSDn07813 | Ğabal Al-Sūdah: Some structures, modern pottery on the ground. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Al-Sūdah | جبل السودة | 1985 | 2018GSDn07814 | Ğabal Al-Sūdah: General view of the site, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Al-Sūdah | جبل السودة | 1985 | 2018GSDn07815 | Ğabal Al-Sūdah: General view of the site, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Al-Sūdah | جبل السودة | 1985 | 2018GSDn07816 | Ğabal Al-Sūdah: Hills with paleolithic material in Wādī Sirr, at the confluence with Wādī Marab. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Al-Sūdah | جبل السودة | 1985 | 2018GSDn07817 | Ğabal Al-Sūdah: Hills with paleolithic material in Wādī Sirr, at the confluence with Wādī Marab. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Ǧawal | جبل جوال | 1981 | 2018GGWn05666 | Ǧabal Ǧawal (GG): Site A, lithic tools (obsidian, serpentine, flint). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Ǧawal | جبل جوال | 1981 | 2018GGWn05667 | Ǧabal Ǧawal (GG): Site A, lithic tools (obsidian, serpentine, flint). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Ǧawal | جبل جوال | 1981 | 2018GGWn05735 | Ǧabal Ǧawal (GG): Site A, flint n. 4. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07292 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): A quarry of tuff (or pozzolana) used for qaḍāḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07293 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07294 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): View of the plain from the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07295 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): inscriptions carved on a flat lava flow of the mountain (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07296 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): Inscriptions carved on a flat lava flow of the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07297 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): Inscriptions carved on a flat lava flow of the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07298 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): Inscriptions carved on a flat lava flow of the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07299 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): Inscriptions carved on a flat lava flow of the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07300 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): Inscriptions carved on a flat lava flow of the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07301 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): Inscriptions carved on a flat lava flow of the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07302 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): Inscriptions carved on a flat lava flow of the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07303 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): Inscriptions carved on a flat lava flow of the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07304 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): Inscriptions carved on a flat lava flow of the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07305 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): Inscriptions carved on a flat lava flow of the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07306 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): Inscriptions carved on a flat lava flow of the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07307 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): Inscriptions carved on a flat lava flow of the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07308 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): Inscriptions carved on a flat lava flow of the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ġūṯān | جبل غطان | 1985 | 2018GTNn07309 | Ğabal Ġūṯān (6 km N of Ṣanʿāʾ): Inscriptions carved on a flat lava flow of the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ḥamrāʿ | جبل حمرا | 1983 | 2018HMRn06139 | Ğabal Ḥamrāʿ: View from the area of Qalīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTm09040 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding, Stratigraphical Section (Scale 1:10). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn01566 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Khalid Al-Mindi, official of GOAM, next to the standing stone decorated with ibexes hornes. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn01567 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Khalid Al-Mindi, official of GOAM, next to the Neolithic remnants with a stone decorated with ibexes hornes. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06191 | Ǧabal Qutrān. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06192 | Ǧabal Qutrān. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06193 | Ǧabal Qutrān. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06194 | Ǧabal Qutrān. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06195 | Ǧabal Qutrān. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06196 | Ǧabal Qutrān: The stone with rows of ibexes horns carved in relief. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06197 | Ǧabal Qutrān: The stone with rows of ibexes horns carved in relief. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06198 | Ǧabal Qutrān: View of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06199 | Ǧabal Qutrān: The stone with rows of ibexes horns carved in relief. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06200 | Ǧabal Qutrān: The stone with rows of ibexes horns carved in relief. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06201 | Ǧabal Qutrān: The stone with rows of ibexes horns carved in relief. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06202 | Ǧabal Qutrān: View of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06203 | Ǧabal Qutrān: View of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06204 | Ǧabal Qutrān: The stone with rows of ibexes horns carved in relief. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06384 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding 1, detail of structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06385 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding 1, detail of the construction technique. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06386 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding 1, level 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06387 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding 1, level 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06388 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding 1, level 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06389 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding 1, level 1a. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06390 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding 1, level 1a. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06391 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding 1, level 1a. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06392 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Terrace I. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06393 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Terrace I. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06394 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Terrace I. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06395 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Terrace I. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06396 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Terrace I. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06397 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Terrace I. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06398 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Terrace I. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06399 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Terrace I. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06400 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Terrace I. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06401 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Terrace I. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06402 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Terrace I. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06403 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Terrace I and general view of circular structure with workers. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06404 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structure below terrace I. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06405 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structure below terrace I. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06406 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structure below terrace I. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06407 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Rest during the excavation works. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06408 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The Architect Patrizia Berardi. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06409 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The Architect Patrizia Berardi; granite stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06410 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A late structure and granite bedrock. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06411 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A late structure and granite bedrock. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06412 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A late structure and granite bedrock. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06413 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A late structure and granite bedrock. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06414 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structure below the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06415 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structure near the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06416 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structure near the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06417 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structure near the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06418 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structure near the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06419 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structure near the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06420 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structure near the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06421 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structure near the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06422 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structure near the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06423 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structure near the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06424 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06425 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06426 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06427 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06428 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06429 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): General view from the terrace II, towards the cliff. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06430 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): General view from the terrace II, towards the cliff. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06431 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Buttress of the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06432 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Northern buttress of the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06433 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Norther buttress of the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06434 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Eastern limit of the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06435 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Eastern limit of the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06436 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Eastern limit of the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06437 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Eastern limit of the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06438 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Internal view of the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06439 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Internal view of the terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06440 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Internal view of terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06441 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Terrace II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06442 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A tent of the Italian camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06443 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The Italian camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06444 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structure between the terrace I and sounding 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06445 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structure between the terrace I and sounding 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06446 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06447 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06448 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Structures between terrace I and sounding 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06449 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06450 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Circular structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06451 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): stones allignment. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06485 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Detail of a stucture in a sounding. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06486 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Detail of a stone with rows of ibexes in relief. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06487 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Detail of a stone with rows of ibexes in relief. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06488 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): On the left, the stone with rows of ibexes in relief. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06489 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): View of the sounding. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06490 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): View of the sounding. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06491 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The sounding. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06492 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Detail of the decoration in relief. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06493 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06494 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding I. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06495 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Yemeni workers in the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06496 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The camp of the Italian-Yemeni Archeological Mission. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06497 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): General view of the land near the camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06498 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): General view of the land near the camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06499 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The camp of the Italian-Yemeni Archeological Mission and Gastone Novella. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06500 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): General view from the excavation site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06501 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06502 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06503 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06504 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06505 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06506 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Detail of wall with double row. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06507 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06508 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06509 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06510 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): During the archaeological excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06511 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Alessandro de Maigret, Patrizia Berardi and Micaela Angle. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06512 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A structure discovered in the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06513 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06514 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06515 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A structure, detail of the soil and stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06516 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Detail of the soil and stones of a locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06517 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Detail of the soil. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06518 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Stones alignment. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06519 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Stones alignment. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06520 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Stones of ancient structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06521 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Stones alignment. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06522 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Breakfast time. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06523 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Breakfast time. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06524 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The sounding at the biginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06525 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The sounding at the biginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06526 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding, level 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06527 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding, level 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06528 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding, level 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06529 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06530 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06531 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The archaeologist Francesco Di Mario. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06532 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The architect Patrizia Berardi and the archaeologist Micaela Angle. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06533 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The archaeologist Gastone Novella and the architect Vincenzo Labianca. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06534 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The camp of the Italian-Yemeni Archaeological Mission near the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06535 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The architect Patrizia Berardi and the archaeologist Micaela Angle. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06536 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding, level 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06537 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding, the bottom of the locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06538 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding, the bottom of the locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06539 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Professor Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06540 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Detail of the locus and the stone with ibexes in relief. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06541 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Professor Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06542 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A visit of a local man during the archaeological excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06543 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A visit of local people during the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06544 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The sounding. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06545 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Detail of the construction technique. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06546 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): View of the section with stratigraphy. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06547 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Detail of construction technique. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06548 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): View of the section with stratigraphy. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06549 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): View of the section with stratigraphy. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06550 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Local people during the archaeological excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06551 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The restorer Mario Picchi. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06552 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): View of the section with stratigraphy. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06553 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Detail of construction technique. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06554 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Final photo of the sounding. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06555 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): General view of the excavated structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06556 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): General view of the excavated structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06557 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): View of the excavated area. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06558 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The Architect Vincenzo Labianca. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06955 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06956 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): General view of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06957 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06958 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06959 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn06960 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Stratigraphical section. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08355 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): General view from prehistoric site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08356 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): General view of the prehistoric site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08357 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding I, level 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08358 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding I, level 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08359 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding I, level 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08360 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding I, level 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08361 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding I. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08362 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08363 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Sounding I and sounding II. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08364 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Wall in sounding I, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08365 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Wall in sounding I, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08366 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): General view of the terraces. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08367 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): View of a structure in the prehistoric site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08368 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The restorer Mario Picchi. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08369 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The restorer Mario Picchi and professor Alessandro de Maigret, director of the Italian archaeological mission. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08370 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Working on the site. From right Francesco Di Mario, Vincenzo Labianca, Micaela Angle and Patrizia Berardi. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08371 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Professor A. de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08372 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A. de Maigret, M. Picchi, V.o Labianca and F. Di Mario (on the right). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08373 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The restorer Mario Picchi. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08374 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The restorer Mario Picchi. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08375 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The restorer Mario Picchi. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08376 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Leaving at the end of the excavation campaign. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08377 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The restorer M. Picchi. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08378 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): The restorer M.Picchi. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08379 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A break before leaving the camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08380 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A break before leaving to Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08381 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): M. Angle. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08382 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Gastone Novella and P. Berardi at the center of the picture. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08383 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): A local guest. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2018GQTn08384 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): F. Di Mario. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAHn06147 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH ii): A locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAHn06148 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH ii): Ancient structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAHn06149 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH ii): Structures from the S. In the background, behind the cars, the site GSH i. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAHn06150 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH ii): View of the site from the N, at the foot of the mountain Šayr. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAHp09309 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH ii, iii): Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 79), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAYn06151 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): General view of the site, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAYn06152 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): General view of the site, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAYn06153 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): General view of the site, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAYn06154 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): View of the locus A, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAYn06155 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): View of the locus B, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAYn06156 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): View of the locus B, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAYn06157 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): Detail of the locus B, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAYn06158 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): View of the huge locus C. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAYn06159 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): Detail of the huge locus C. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAYn06160 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): Southern corner of locus D. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAYn06161 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): Outside of locus D. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAYn06162 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): Inside of locus D. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAYn06163 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): View of locus E, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAYn06164 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): Tumulus (tomb), South of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GAYn06165 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): View of the Ǧabal Šayr, in the backgroung the Ğabal ʿAsāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1987 | 2018GSHn04863 | Ǧabal Šayr: Survey in the Bronze Age site (3rd Millennium BC). The driver Masad. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1987 | 2018GSHn04864 | Ǧabal Šayr: Survey in the Bronze Age site (3rd Millennium BC). The driver Masad. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1987 | 2018GSHn04865 | Ǧabal Šayr: Stones of an oval house discovered during the survey in the Bronze Age site (3rd Millennium BC). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1987 | 2018GSHn04866 | Ǧabal Šayr: Stones of an oval house discovered during the survey in the Bronze Age site (3rd Millennium BC). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1987 | 2018GSHn04867 | Ǧabal Šayr: Base of an oval house discovered during the survey in the Bronze Age site (3rd Millennium BC). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1987 | 2018GSHn04868 | Ǧabal Šayr: Oval house discovered during the survey on the Bronze Age site (3rd Millennium BC). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1987 | 2018GSHn04869 | Ǧabal Šayr: Survey in the Bronze Age site (3rd Millennium BC). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1987 | 2018GSHn04870 | Ǧabal Šayr: View of a house discovered during the survey on the Bronze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1987 | 2018GSHn04871 | Ǧabal Šayr: General view of the landscape around the Bronze Age settlement. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1987 | 2018GSHn04873 | Ǧabal Šayr: General view of the landscape around the Bronze Age settlement. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1987 | 2018GSHn04874 | Ǧabal Šayr: General view of the landscape around the Bronze Age settlement. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1987 | 2018GSHn04875 | Ǧabal Šayr: General view of the landscape around the Bronze Age settlement. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GSHn06140 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH i): View from the intersection of Wādī Ṯaʿlib and Wādī Rayġah. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GSHn06143 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH i): View of the site, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GSHn06144 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH i): Some structure of the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GSHn06145 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH i): View of the site, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2018GSHn06146 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH i): View of the site, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09227 | from PotteryAl-Ǧīrid (GRD i), Ǧabal Šayr (GSH ii), Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA ii, iii), Wādī Ramik (WRA i), Al-Maḫdarah (MKD) (Y.87.3), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01540 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): General view of the Neolithic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01541 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): View of the site of the Neolithic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01542 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): View of the site of the Neolithic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01543 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): The site of Neolithic period is damage by bulldozers. The site was discovered by A. de Maigret, 27/06/1983 (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01544 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): The site of Neolithic period is damage by bulldozers. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01545 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): General view of the site of Neolithic period. The site was discovered in 27/06/1983 (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01546 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): General view of the site of Neolithic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01547 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): Neolithic site stones removed by a bulldozer. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01548 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): View of some loci of the Neolithic site. It was discovered by Alessandro de Maigret, 27/06/1983 (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01549 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): View of a locus of the Neolithic site. On the right the traces left by a bulldozer. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01550 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): View of a locus of the Neolithic site. On the right are the clear traces left by a bulldozer. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01551 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): In the foreground a locus of the Neolithic site. On the right are the clear traces left by a bulldozer. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01552 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): Structures of the Neolithic site discovered by Alessandro de Maigret, 27/06/1983. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01553 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): Structures of the Neolithic site discovered by Alessandro de Maigret, 27/06/1983. The driver Masad. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01554 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): The driver Masad is standing next to a locus of the Neolithic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01555 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): View of a locus of the Neolithic site, discovered by Alessandro de Maigret (27/06/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01556 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): General view of the Neolithic site. The traces left by a bulldozer are clearly visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01557 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): General view of the Neolithic site. The traces left by a bulldozer are clearly visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01558 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): General view of the Neolithic site, where the traces left by a bulldozer clearly visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01559 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): View of the Neolithic site. On the right are the traces left by a bulldozer. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01560 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): General view of the Neolithic site at the foot of the mountain. The rest of the site was wiped out by a bulldozer, probably to reuse the stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01561 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): General view of the Neolithic site at the foot of the mountain. On the right are the traces (white spot) left by a bulldozer. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01562 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): View of the Neolithic remnants at the foot of the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01563 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): View of a large circle in the northern part of the Neolithic. On the right are the traces left by a bulldozer. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01564 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): View of the Neolithic remnants in the northern part of the site, at the foot of the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شهير | 1983 | 2018GAYn01565 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH iii): General view of the Neolithic site at the foot of the mountain. On the right are the traces left by a bulldozer. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01607 | Ǧabal Silyām: General view of the landscape and the remnants of turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01608 | Ǧabal Silyām: General view of the landscape and the remnants of turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01609 | Ǧabal Silyām: General view of the mountain, south of the Yemeni Ğawf, and in the foreground a turret tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01610 | Ǧabal Silyām: The mountain Silyām, south of the Yemeni Ğawf, and in the foreground remnants of two turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01611 | Ǧabal Silyām: A multitude of tombs with 'rays' (low walls) on the slopes of the mountain. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01612 | Ǧabal Silyām: Detail of the 'rays' (low walls) of a turret tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01613 | Ǧabal Silyām: Detail of the a 'ray', i.e. a low wall built with aligned stones. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01614 | Ǧabal Silyām: View of some 'rays' of turret tombs. The rays vary in number and length, and converge towards the tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01615 | Ǧabal Silyām: View of the remain of a turret tomb. The official of GOAM Aḥmad Šuğa (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01616 | Ǧabal Silyām: View of tumuli of stones. On the right the official of GOAM Aḥmad Šuğa and professor Alessandro de Maigret. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01617 | Ǧabal Silyām: View of mounds of stones, from which the 'rays' branch out. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01618 | Ǧabal Silyām: Detail of a 'ray' of stones, starting from a tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01619 | Ǧabal Silyām: View of a tomb (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01620 | Ǧabal Silyām: View of mounds of stones on the mountain's outline. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01621 | Ǧabal Silyām: View of mounds of stones and 'rays' of a necropolis on the mountain's slope. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01622 | Ǧabal Silyām: View of rows of stones on the mountain's slope. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01623 | Ǧabal Silyām: General view of the landscape and aligned tumuli of stones. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01624 | Ǧabal Silyām: General view of the mountain and tombs with 'rays'. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01625 | Ǧabal Silyām: General view of the necropolis on the slope of the mountain, from the valley. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01626 | Ǧabal Silyām: General view of the necropolis on the slope of the mountain, from the valley. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01627 | Ǧabal Silyām: View of tens of tombs with 'rays' on the slope of the mountain, from the valley. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01628 | Ǧabal Silyām: General view of the stones alignments ('rays') of the tombs (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01629 | Ǧabal Silyām: View of some tombs in the valley. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01630 | Ǧabal Silyām: View of turret tombs on top of the mountain (background). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01631 | Ǧabal Silyām: In the background, turret tombs on top of the mountain. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01632 | Ǧabal Silyām: Detail of turret tombs on top of the mountain. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01633 | Ǧabal Silyām: Turret tombs on top of the mountain, viewed from the valley. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01634 | Ǧabal Silyām: Turret tombs on top of the mountain, viewed from the valley. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01635 | Ǧabal Silyām: Detail of turret tombs on top of the mountain. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01636 | Ǧabal Silyām: Turret tombs on top of the mountain, viewed from the valley. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2018GSMn01637 | Ǧabal Silyām: Turret tombs on top of the mountain, viewed from the valley. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01574 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of the landscape during a survey to study the distribution of turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01575 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of the landscape during a survey to study the distribution of turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01576 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of the landscape during a survey to study the distribution of turret tombs. One tomb in the foreground is visible. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01577 | Ǧabal Yām: View of the landscape with some turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01578 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of turret tombs distributed all over the territory. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01579 | Ǧabal Yām: Some of the turret tombs are just mounds of stones. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01580 | Ǧabal Yām: Turret tombs built all over the area. In the background the tombs stand out along the summit of the upland. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01581 | Ǧabal Yām: View of urret tombs built all over the area. In the background (left) the tombs stand out along the summit of the upland. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01582 | Ǧabal Yām: Rectangular tomb built with standing slabs in the same necropolis with round turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01583 | Ǧabal Yām: Rectangular tomb built with standing slabs in the same necropolis with round turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01584 | Ǧabal Yām: The official of GOAM Aḥmad Šuğa next to a turret tomb. The entrance of the tomb is always on the western side. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01585 | Ǧabal Yām: View of some turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01586 | Ǧabal Yām: Detail of the construction technique of some turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01587 | Ǧabal Yām: Detail of the construction technique of a turret tomb. All graves were plundered. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01588 | Ǧabal Yām: Detail of the construction technique of the turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01589 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of the landscape; in the background the tombs can be seen along the crest of the mountain. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01590 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of the necropolis; in the background the tombs can be seen along the crest of the mountain. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01591 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of the landscape with a numbers of turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01592 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of the landscape with a numbers of turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01593 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of the landscape with a numbers of turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01594 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of the landscape with a numbers of turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01595 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of the landscape with a numbers of turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01596 | Ǧabal Yām: A huge necropolis with a numbers of turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01597 | Ǧabal Yām: View of hundreds of turret tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01598 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of the landscape. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01599 | Ǧabal Yām: Detail of a turret tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01600 | Ǧabal Yām: Detail of a tomb. During the survey we found that all tombs were looted, and some of them destroyed, perhaps to build new tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01601 | Ǧabal Yām: View of two turret tombs tombs.(© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01602 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of the landscape; in the background the tombs can be seen along the crest of the mountain. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01603 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of the landscape; in the background the tombs can be seen along the crest of the mountain. The road is in a wādī, tributary of wādī Ḫārid. (© MAIRY)(© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01604 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of the landscape. The mountains form a scenery to the huge necropolis. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01605 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of the landscape and the turret tombs necropolis on the eastern side of the wādī. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2018GYMn01606 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of the landscape and the turret tombs spead out on the eastern side of the wādī. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal ʿArqūb | جبل عرقوب | 1984 | 2018GARm09026 | Ǧabal ʿArqūb (GAR i): Geological Map of Ǧabal ʿArqūb and Vicinity (Scale 1:50.000) (B. Marcolongo, A. Palmieri, E. Fanzago). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal ʿArqūb | جبل عرقوب | 1984 | 2018GARm09044 | Ǧabal ʿArqūb (GAR i): Geological Profile of Ǧabal ʿArqūb Area. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2018ASLn06138 | Ğabal ʿAsāl: View from the area of Qalīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2018ASLn06142 | Ğabal ʿAsāl: View from the hill next to the confluence of Wādī Ṯaʿlib and Wādī Rayġah, towards the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUAn05816 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI ii): View from the tumulus, towards Ğabal Ḥamrāʿ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUAn05817 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI ii): View of the two alignements of a tumulus, towards the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUAn05818 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI ii): The base of the tumulus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUAn05819 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI ii): View of the tumulus, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUAn05820 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI ii): The stones alignement towards the tumulus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUAp09299 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i, ii), Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī (HG i): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 44), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983-1984 | 2018GUAp09300 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i, ii), Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī (HG i): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 45), full size (P. Smith). | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983-1984 | 2018GUAp09301 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i, ii), Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī (HG i): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 46), full size (P. Smith). | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983-1984 | 2018GUAp09302 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i, ii), Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī (HG i): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 47), full size (P. Smith). | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983-1984 | 2018GUAp09303 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i, ii), Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī (HG i): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 48), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983-1984 | 2018GUAp09304 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i, ii), Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī (HG i): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 49), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUAp09308 | Ğabal Al-Ḥumaymah (HU i): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 78), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn05800 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI i): View of the Precambrian from the limit of the Mesozoic sandstones (towards SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn05801 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI i): View of the Precambrian from the limit of the Mesozoic sandstones (towards SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn05802 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI i): View of the Precambrian from the limit of the Mesozoic sandstones (towards SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn05803 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI i): View of the Precambrian from the limit of the Mesozoic sandstones (towards SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn05804 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI i): View of the Precambrian from the limit of the Mesozoic sandstones (towards SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn05805 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI i): General view of the Precambrian from the Eastern limit of the Mesozoic sandstones (towards NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn05806 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI i): Precambrian from the Eastern limit of the Mesozoic sandstones (towards S). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn05807 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI i): View towards W, and the Ğabal Ḥamrāʿ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn05808 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI i): Alignment of stones towards N from the tumulus E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn05809 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI i): Alignment of stones towards W from tumulus A. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn05810 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI i): Detail of the row's base of tumulus A. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn05811 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI i): Detail of the row's base of tumulus A. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn05812 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI i): Alignments of the tumuli towards W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn05813 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI i): Tumulus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn05814 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI i): Stones alignment of tumulus A. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn05815 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GUI i): Stones alignment of tumulus A. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn06372 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i): View of the basaltic mountains. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn06373 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i): View of the basaltic mountains. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn06374 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i): Alignments of stones (tombs). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn06375 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i): Alignments of stones. Tombs. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn06376 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i): General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn06377 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i): General view towards NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn06378 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i): General view of Ğabal ʿAsal. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983 | 2018GUIn08385 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i): View from the area of Qalīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah | جدنة العومره | 1983-1984 | 2018HGNp09310 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i, ii), Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī (HGN iv): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 84), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn03510 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb: Road to Waraqah, fields viewed from the Italian archaeological mission camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn03511 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb: Road to Waraqah, fields. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn03512 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb: Road to Waraqah, fields. On the left the Italian archaeological mission camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn03513 | Waraqah (Ḏamār): Block with inscription reused in a wall of the castle. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn03514 | Waraqah: The medieval castle (Ḏamār). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn03515 | Waraqah: The medieval castle (Ḏamār). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn03516 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb: At the bottom of the site and the archeologist Giovanni Pettinato. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn03517 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb: A general view towards the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn03520 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): A Petroglyph with an ibex and an inscriptions. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn03585 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb: A petroglyph with three swords and a bowman. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn03586 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb: A petroglyph with an inscriptions. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn03587 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb: A petroglyph with a six lines inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn03588 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb: A petroglyph with a five lines inscription in a square. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn03589 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb: A petroglyph with a stylized ibex. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04234 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04235 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04236 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 11, and animal (antelope?). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04237 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglypf inscription no. 11, and animal (antelope?), detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04238 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 6, animals (right) three swords (left) and bowman (center). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04239 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph inscription no. 6, bowman, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04240 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 6, swords, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04241 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 13, horned animals, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04242 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 13, horned animals, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04243 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 5, horned animals. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04244 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 5, horned animals. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04245 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04246 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04247 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04248 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04249 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04250 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 7. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04251 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04252 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, no. 15. (horned animals). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04253 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph no. 15. Antelope (?), mother and cub, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04254 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 16. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04255 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 4. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04256 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 4, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04257 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 17. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04258 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 17. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04259 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 17. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04260 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 17. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04261 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 17. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04262 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 17. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04263 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 17. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04264 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscriptions no. 17-18. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04265 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscriptions no. 17-18. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04266 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 17. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04267 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 17. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04268 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 18. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04269 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 18. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04270 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 18. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04271 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 17, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04272 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 2, detail .(©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04273 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 2, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04274 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 2, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04275 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 2 (general view of the rock). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04276 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 6 (general view of the block). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04277 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 3, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04278 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 5 (general view). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04279 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 5, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04280 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 5, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04281 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 5, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04282 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 5 (detail of an ibex walking to the right). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04283 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 5 (detail of an ibex walking to the left). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04284 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 17 (general view of the rock). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04285 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 10A, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04286 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription number unidentified, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04287 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription number unidentidied, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04288 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 19, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04289 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph no. 7 (detail of a chessboard). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04290 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 13. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04291 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, animals no. 13, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04292 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 13, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04293 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph no. 18. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04294 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph no. 18. Detail of an animal (gazelle?). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04295 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 21, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04296 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph no. 21 (detail human, open wide legs, frontal view). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04297 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph no. 21 (detail ibexes). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04298 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph no. 21 (detail of letters and ibexes). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04299 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 21, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04300 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph no. 21 (general view of the block). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04301 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph no. 21 (general view of the block). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04302 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): General view of the inscribed rocks. On the left V. Labianca, on the right Ibrahim, the photographer of the GOAM, and Giovanni Pettinato.(©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04303 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): General view of the valley from the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04304 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): General view of the valley from the site and the photographer Ibrahim, V. Labianca and G. Pettinato.(©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04305 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph no. 22, general view of the rocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04306 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph no. 22, detail of two swords. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04307 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 24 in a frame, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04308 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 9, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04309 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 9 (detail of animals). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04310 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 25, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04312 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph, inscription no. 26 and ibex incised on an isolated block. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04313 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph no. 26 (letters and two ibexes). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04314 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph no. 1 (detail of an animal walking to the right and part of ibex horns). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04315 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph no. 18. The inscriptions are carved inside their frames. Swords and ibex. General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04316 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph no. 18. Two swords on the left and an ibex on the right, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb | جحو الحرب | 1986 | 2018GHHn04317 | Ǧaḥū Al-Ḥarb (Waraqah, Ḏamār): Petroglyph no. 18. Two swords on the left and an ibex on the right, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03484 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). City walls and tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03485 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). View of the remains inside the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03486 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). View of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03487 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). View of the ancient cite and city walls from the tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03488 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). View of the city walls from the tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03489 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). View of the tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03490 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). View of the city walls and the tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03491 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). View of a wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03492 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). View of a wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03493 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). General view of the site. In the background is the tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03494 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). Landscape. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03495 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03496 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). View of the city walls and the tower in the background. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03497 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). View of a stretch of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03498 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). View of ancient remains. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03499 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). View of heaps of remains, and the city walls in the background. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03500 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). Detail of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03501 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). View of a gate of an ancient building. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03502 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). Ancient structures brought to light by illegal excavations. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03503 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). Ancient wall brought to light by illegal excavations. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03504 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). Ancient structures brought to light by illegal excavations.(©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03505 | Survey in an ancient site in the Yemeni Ğawf or Raġwān (?). Ancient walls brought to light by illegal excavations. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03506 | Survey carried out in an ancient site in the Yemeni Jawf or in Raġwān (?). Plundered building, and destroyed by illegal excavations. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03507 | Survey carried out in an ancient site in the Yemeni Jawf or in Raġwān (?). Ancient plundered building and destroyed by illegal excavations. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03508 | Survey carried out in an ancient site in the Yemeni Jawf or in Raġwān (?). Well-worked stone blocks of an ancient building illegally excavated. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğawf | جوف | 1992 | 2018JWFn03509 | Survey carried out in an ancient site in the Yemeni Jawf or in Raġwān (?). Ancient building plundered and destroyed by illegal excavations. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġawl As-Sayfi | غول السيفي | 1983 | 2018GSIn05979 | Ġawl As-Sayfi (GS i). (©MAIRY) | |
Ġawl As-Sayfi | غول السيفي | 1983 | 2018GSIn05980 | Ġawl As-Sayfi (GS i). (©MAIRY) | |
Ġawl As-Sayfi | غول السيفي | 1983 | 2018GSIn05981 | Ġawl As-Sayfi (GS i). (©MAIRY) | |
Ġawl As-Sayfi | غول السيفي | 1983 | 2018GSIn05982 | Ġawl As-Sayfi (GS i). | |
Ġawl As-Sayfi | غول السيفي | 1983 | 2018GSWn05985 | Ġawl As-Sayfi (GS ii): Tumulus (tomb), on the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġawl As-Sayfi | غول السيفي | 1983 | 2018GSWn05986 | Ġawl As-Sayfi (GS ii): Tumulus (tomb) on the N, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġawl As-Sayfi | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09221 | Pottery from Al-Ġawlayn (GHA), Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv), Ġawl As-Sayfi (GS) (41), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2018GHYn05474 | Ġaymān: The village, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2018GHYn05475 | Ġaymān: The village, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2018GHYn05476 | Ġaymān: The Islamic palace insisting on the Himyarite city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2018GHYn05477 | Ġaymān: Detail of the Himyarite foundations of the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2018GHYn05478 | Ġaymān: The southeastern Islamic gate of the village, Bab Al-Bilad. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2018GHYn05479 | Ġaymān: View of the Islamic palace insisting on the Himyarite city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2018GHYn05480 | Ġaymān: View of the main road in the village, from Bab Al-Bilad. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2018GHYn05481 | Ġaymān: On the left a wall of the Himyarite period. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2018GHYn05482 | Ġaymān: A section of the Pre-Islamic wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2018GHYn05483 | Ġaymān: A palace built with stones of pre-Islamic origin. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2018GHYn05484 | Ġaymān: A pre-Islamic wall, probably a temple, made of limestone (upper rows) and trachyte (lower rows) stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2018GHYn05485 | Ġaymān: Glimpse of a passageway and people of the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2018GHYn05486 | Ġaymān: Glimpse of a passageway and people of the village. | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2018GHYn05487 | Ġaymān: A pre-Islamic wall, probably a temple, made of limestone (upper rows) and trachyte (lower rows) stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2018GHYn05488 | Ġaymān: A pre-Islamic wall (lower rows) in the main square of the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2018GHYn05489 | Ġaymān: Pre-Islamic paving slabs still in situ in the main square of the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Giḥanah | كوكبان | 1984 | 2018GHNm08956 | Ğihānah, Qubbah As-Sināni – Ğihānah (Scale 1:50), Zone A, Pl. 19 (V. Labianca- D. Picchi). (©MAIRY) | |
Giḥanah | جحانة | 1983 | 2018GHNn06267 | Giḥanah: The road connecting Ṣanʿāʾ and Giḥanah. (©MAIRY) | |
Giḥanah | جحانة | 1983 | 2018GHNn06268 | Giḥanah: The road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Giḥanah. (©MAIRY) | |
Giḥanah | جحانة | 1983 | 2018GHNn06269 | Giḥanah: On the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Giḥanah. (©MAIRY) | |
Ġiris | غيريس | 1983 | 2018GIRp09185 | Ġiris (GIR i): Pottery GIR i (5), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ġiris | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09186 | Pottery from Ġiris (GIR i, ii) and from Ḫašrān (KAH i) (6), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ġiris | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09188 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB vii) and from Ġiris (GIR ii) (8), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ġiris | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09193 | Pottery from Ar-Raqlah (RAQ) and Ġiris (GIR i) (13), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥağbah | حجبة | 1981 | 2018HAGn05696 | Ḥağbah (HAG): Fragments of pottery. Site K. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥağbah | حجبة | 1981 | 2018HAGn05697 | Ḥağbah (HAG): Fragments of pottery (detail), site K. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥağbah | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09239 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB vi), Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), Ḥağbah (HAG) (85.B2.7), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī | حمة غول النميري | 1983 | 2018GUAp09299 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i, ii), Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī (HG i): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 44), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī | حمة غول النميري | 1983-1984 | 2018GUAp09300 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i, ii), Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī (HG i): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 45), full size (P. Smith). | |
Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī | حمة غول النميري | 1983-1984 | 2018GUAp09301 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i, ii), Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī (HG i): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 46), full size (P. Smith). | |
Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī | حمة غول النميري | 1983-1984 | 2018GUAp09302 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i, ii), Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī (HG i): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 47), full size (P. Smith). | |
Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī | حمة غول النميري | 1983-1984 | 2018GUAp09303 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i, ii), Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī (HG i): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 48), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī | حمة غول النميري | 1983-1984 | 2018GUAp09304 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i, ii), Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī (HG i): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 49), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī | حمة غول النميري | 1984 | 2018HGNp09305 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i, ii), Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī (HG i): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 74), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī | حمة غول النميري | 1983-1984 | 2018HGNp09310 | Ǧaddānat Al-ʿŪmarah (GU i, ii), Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī (HGN iv): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 84), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī | حمة غول النميري | 1984 | 2018HGNp09311 | Ḥammat Ġawl An-Numayrī (HGN iv): Middle Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 80), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn05416 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Wall built with pre-Islamic squared stones, and Islamic inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn05417 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Wall of pre-Islamic origin. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn05418 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Modern building with reused pre-Islamic stone-blocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn05419 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Building with pre-Islamic stone-blocks (volcanic stone, trachyte). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn05420 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): House with pre-Islamic stone-blocks (volcanic stone, trachyte) with the owner. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn05421 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): A cow in a stone enclosure. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn05422 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): View of the hill behind the stones enclosure. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1981 | 2018HKLn05698 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Potsherds (rims). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1981 | 2018HKLn05699 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Fragments of pottery (inner side). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1981 | 2018HKLn05700 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Fragments of terracotta containers (rims). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1981 | 2018HKLn05701 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Fragments of terracotta containers (inner side of the rims). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn08340 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Modern village of Ḥammat Ḏiyāb Ibn Ġānim. General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn08341 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Pre-Islamic wall, built with basaltic blocks, emarging from the ruins. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn08342 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Pre-Islamic wall built with basaltic blocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn08343 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Pre-Islamic wall built with basaltic blocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn08344 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Pre-Islamic wall, detail of a basaltic block with recessed panels and the religious symbol of Crescent Moon and Disk. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn08345 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): A modern building with reused blocks and an inscription of pre-Islamic origin. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn08346 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Two local inhabitants and qāḍī Ḥassan Ibraḥim, director of GOAM in the Ḏamār office, standing on the Pre-Islamic wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn08347 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): A pre-Islamic inscription reused in a modern building (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn08348 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): The squared volcanic blocks and a relief of pre-Islamic origin are reused to build a modern house. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn08349 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): A modern wall with pre-Islamic reused blocks; detail of a block with the religious symbol of Crescent Moon and Disk. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn08350 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): A rectangular cistern. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn08351 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): View of polygonal column of pre-Islamic origin. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn08352 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): View of the door of a modern house built with blocks of pre-Islamic origin; the lintel is an inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn08353 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Pre-Islamic block with recessed panels reused in the wall of a modern house. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2018HKLn08354 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): View of the top of a house with pre-Islamic reused blocks. On the roof is a fragment of a column. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2018HAMn04207 | Hamrah: Rectangular block of stone with a late himyarite inscription of 7 lines, reused in the arch above a door of a building in the village of Hamrah. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2018HAMn04208 | Hamrah: Detail of a late himyarite inscription of 7 lines, reused in the arch above a door of a building in the village of Hamrah. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2018HAMn04209 | Hamrah: Rectangular block of stone with a late himyarite inscription of 7 lines, reused in the arch above a door of a building in the village of Hamrah. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2018HAMn04210 | Hamrah: Irregular rectangular block of stone with an inscription of 4 lines, reused in a wall of a building in the village of Hamrah. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2018HAMn04211 | Hamrah: Squared block of volcanic stone decorated with false windows, rectangular hole and the divine symbol of crescent and astral disk, reused in a wall of a building in the village of Hamrah. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2018HAMn04212 | Hamrah: Squared block of volcanic stone decorated with false windows, reused in a wall of a building in the village of Hamrah. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2018HAMn04213 | Hamrah: Block of stone decorated with two false windows, found in the village of Hamrah. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2018HAMn04214 | Hamrah: Block of stone decorated with two false windows, found in the village of Hamrah. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2018HAMn04217 | Hamrah: Petroglyph near the village of Hamrah. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2018HAMn04218 | Hamrah: Inscription carved in the rock near the village of Hamrah. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2018HAMn04219 | Hamrah: Inscription carved in the rock near the village of Hamrah. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2018HAMn04220 | Hamrah: Animals carved in the rock near the village of Hamrah. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2018HAMn04221 | Hamrah: Inscription carved in the rock near the village of Hamrah. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2018HAMn04222 | Hamrah: Inscription carved in the rock near the village of Hamrah. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2018HAMn04223 | Hamrah: The castle of Hamrah, in the Ḏamār region. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2018HAMn04224 | Hamrah: General view of the area around the village of Hamrah, in theḎamār region. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2018HAMn04225 | Hamrah: General view of the area around the village of Hamrah, in the Ḏamār region. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥanakat Ṣayād | حنكة صياد | 1986 | 2018HNSn07911 | Ḥanakat Ṣayād: Petroglyph inscription found in the ancient site, west of Waraqah (Ḏamār). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥanakat Ṣayād | حنكة صياد | 1986 | 2018HNSn07912 | Ḥanakat Ṣayād: Petroglyph inscription found in the ancient site, west of Waraqah (Ḏamār). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥanakat Ṣayād | حنكة صياد | 1986 | 2018HNSn07913 | Ḥanakat Ṣayād: Petroglyph inscription found in the ancient site, west of Waraqah (Ḏamār). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥanakat Ṣayād | حنكة صياد | 1986 | 2018HNSn07914 | Ḥanakat Ṣayād: Petroglyph inscription and bull found in the ancient site, west of Waraqah (Ḏamār). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥanakat Ṣayād | حنكة صياد | 1986 | 2018HNSn07915 | Ḥanakat Ṣayād: Detail of petroglyph inscription and bull found in the ancient site, west of Waraqah (Ḏamār). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥanakat Ṣayād | حنكة صياد | 1986 | 2018HNSn07916 | Ḥanakat Ṣayād: View of some ancient structurs. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥanakat Ṣayād | حنكة صياد | 1986 | 2018HNSn07917 | Ḥanakat Ṣayād: View of some walls of the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥanakat Ṣayād | حنكة صياد | 1986 | 2018HNSn07918 | Ḥanakat Ṣayād: The road between Ḥanakat Ṣayād and Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥanakat Ṣayād | حنكة صياد | 1986 | 2018HNSn07919 | Ḥanakat Ṣayād: General view of the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥanakat Ṣayād | حنكة صياد | 1986 | 2018HNSn07920 | Ḥanakat Ṣayād: General view of the area around the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥanakat Ṣayād | حنكة صياد | 1986 | 2018HNSn07921 | Ḥanakat Ṣayād: Grinder or mortar found during survey, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥanakat Ṣayād | حنكة صياد | 1986 | 2018HNSn07922 | Ḥanakat Ṣayād: General view of the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥanakat Ṣayād | حنكة صياد | 1986 | 2018HNSn07923 | Ḥanakat Ṣayād: View of ancient alignments of walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabah QāʿAswayd | خربة قاع سويد | 1986 | 2018KQSp09118 | Ḫarabah QāʿAswayd (KQS): Pottery KQS (1) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabah QāʿAswayd | خربة قاع سويد | 1986 | 2018KQSp09119 | Ḫarabah QāʿAswayd (KQS): Pottery KQS (2), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabah QāʿAswayd | خربة قاع سويد | 1986 | 2018KQSp09120 | Ḫarabah QāʿAswayd (KQS): Pottery KQS, HGi (3), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHm09062 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Cave Tomb 2, Plans and Sections of the Tomb (Scale 1:20) (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHm09063 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Cave Tomb 1, Plans and Sections of the Tomb (Scale 1:20) (E. Gatti, V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03522 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The tomb at the beginning of the excavation. Profile of the dromos (corridor) and entrance to the hypogean tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03523 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The tomb at the beginning of the excavation. Profile of the dromos (corridor) and entrance to the hypogean tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03524 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03525 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03526 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Excavation in the tomb, human bones in Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03527 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Excavation in the tomb, human bones in Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03528 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Excavation in the tomb, skull in Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03529 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Excavation in the eastern part of the tomb, skull in Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03530 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Excavation in the eastern part of the tomb, human skull in Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03531 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Excavation in the eastern part of the tomb, human skull in Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03532 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Excavation in the tomb, human bones in the eastern sector, Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03533 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Excavation in the tomb, human bones in the eastern sector, Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03534 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Excavation in the tomb, human bones in the eastern sector, Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03535 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: The visit at the excavation of the hypogean tomb T2 by Yaḥyah Mulisḥ, the Governor of Ḏamār. On his left Professor Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03536 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: The visit at the excavation of the hypogean tomb T2 by Yaḥyah Mulisḥ, the Governor of Ḏamār. On his left Professor Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03537 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: The visit at the excavation of the hypogean tomb T2 by Yaḥyah Mulisḥ, the Governor of Ḏamār. On his right are ʿAbd al-Razāq Nuʿmān and Sayf Husayn Masad, officials of GOAM. On his left Professor Alessandro de Maigret and qāḍī Ḥassan Ibraḥim, waqil of GOAM. On the right the cook of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological mission. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03538 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: The visit at the excavation of the hypogean tomb T2 by Yaḥyah Mulisḥ, the Governor of Ḏamār. On his right are ʿAbd al-Razāq Nuʿmān and Sayf Husayn Masad, officials of GOAM. On his left Professor Alessandro de Maigret and qāḍī Ḥassan Ibraḥim, waqil of GOAM. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03539 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Rocky landscape. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03540 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Rocky landscape. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03541 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Excavation in the tomb, terracotta bowl found in Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03542 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Excavation in the tomb, terracotta bowl found in Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03543 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi /T2): Level 3, scattered human bones in the eastern sector of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03544 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi /T2): Level 3, scattered human bones in the eastern sector of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03545 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi /T2): Level 3, scattered human bones in the eastern sector of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03546 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi /T2): Isolated skulls found in Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03547 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi /T2): Isolated skulls found in Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03548 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi /T2): Disarticulated skeleton found in Level 3, eastern sector of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03549 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi /T2): Disarticulated skeleton found in Level 3, eastern sector of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03550 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi /T2): Scattered human bones from disarticulated skeletons in the eastern sector of the tomb, level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03551 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi /T2): Scattered human bones from disarticulated skeletons in the eastern sector of the tomb, level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03552 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi /T2): Scattered human bones from disarticulated skeletons in the eastern sector of the tomb, level 3. The tomb was plundered. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03553 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi /T2): Scattered human bones from disarticulated skeletons in the eastern sector of the tomb, level 3. The tomb was plundered. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03554 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi /T2): Detail of two human skulls found in Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03555 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi /T2): Detail of two human skulls found in Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03556 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi /T2): Detail of two isolated human skulls found in Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03557 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi /T2): Detail of two isolated human skulls found in Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03558 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi /T2): Disarticulated human bones found in the eastern part of the tomb, Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03559 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi /T2): Disarticulated human bones found in the eastern part of the tomb, Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03560 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Excavation of Level 3. S. Antonini and F. Rispoli. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03561 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Excavation of the Level 3 in the eastern sector of the tomb. Some stones covered a funerary pit excavated in the floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03562 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): View of the scattered human bones in the Level 3 of the eastern sector of the tomb. The tomb was plundered. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03563 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): General view of the scattered human bones in the Level 3 of the eastern sector of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03564 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): General view of the scattered human bones in the eastern sector of the tomb, Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03565 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): General view of the scattered human bones in the eastern sector of the tomb, Level 3. The ceiling consists of a compact layer of pumice. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03566 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): General view of the scattered human bones in the eastern sector of the tomb, Level 3. The ceiling consists of a compact layer of pumice. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03567 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): General view of the scattered human bones in the eastern sector of the tomb, Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03569 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): General view of the scattered human bones in the eastern sector of the tomb, Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03570 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): General view of the scattered human bones in Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03571 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): General view of the scattered human bones in the eastern sector of the tomb, Level 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03572 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Grave 2 with the human skeleton in situ. The funerary pit is excavated in the tufaceous floor (from the SW) (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03573 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Grave 2 with the human skeleton in situ. The funerary pit is excavated in the tufaceous floor (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03574 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Grave 2 with the human skeleton in situ. The funerary pit is excavated in the tufaceous floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03576 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Grave 2 with the human skeleton in situ. The funerary pit is excavated in the tufaceous floor (from the N). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03577 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Grave 2 with the human skeleton in situ. The funerary pit is excavated in the tufaceous floor (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03578 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Detail of the human skeleton found in grave 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03590 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (Waraqah): The beginning of the excavation of the hypogean tomb T2 (Fiorella Rispoli, Madiha Rashad, Vincenzo Labianca, local workers). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03591 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (Waraqah): The beginning of the excavation of the hypogean tomb T2. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03592 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (Waraqah): The excavation of the hypogean tomb T2. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03605 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): View of the funerary pits no. 1 (on the right) and no. 2 (on the left), from the SW. The wall and the roof of the hypogean tomb are carved in the volcanic pumiceous level. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03607 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): In the foreground the pits 1 an 2. In the background, the complete skeleton laid on the right side. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03608 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The pit 1 with a slab removed in ancient times. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03609 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): On the right the complete skeleton found on the floor of the tomb, close to the pit 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03610 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): On the right the complete skeleton found on the floor of the tomb, close to the pit 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03611 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The complete skeleton found on the floor of the hypogean tomb, view from the S. The body laid on the right side. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03612 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The complete skeleton found on the floor of the hypogean tomb, view from the SW. In the foreground, pit 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03613 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Detail of the complete skeleton found on the floor of the hypogean tomb, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03614 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The complete skeleton found on the floor of the hypogean tomb, from the W. On the right side is the pit 1 with a slab removed in ancient time. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03615 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): View of the pit 2, partially opened, from the N-NE. In the foreground, the skull. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03616 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): View of the pit 1 (on the left) and pit 2 (on the right), before the excavation, from the N-NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03721 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Level 2, skeleton of a child in situ in the eastern part of the tomb, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03722 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Level 2, skeleton of a child in situ in the eastern part of the tomb, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03723 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Level 2, skeleton of a child in situ in the eastern part of the tomb, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03724 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Level 2, skeleton of a child in situ in the eastern part of the tomb, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03725 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Level 2, skeleton of a child in situ in the eastern part of the tomb, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03726 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Level 2, skeleton of a child in situ in the eastern part of the tomb, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03727 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Level 2, skeleton of a child in situ in the eastern part of the tomb, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03729 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Level 2, skeleton of a child in situ in the eastern part of the tomb, from the E, top view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03730 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Level 2, skeleton of a child in situ in the eastern part of the tomb, from the E, top view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03731 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Detail of human bones in the pit no. 1 close to the squared slab that seals the pit no. 7, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03732 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Detail of human bones in the pit no. 1 close to the squared slab that seals the pit no. 7, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03733 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Human bones in the pit no. 1, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03734 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Detail of the skull in the pit no. 2, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03735 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Detail of the skull in the pit no. 2, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03736 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Detail of the skull in the pit no. 2, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03737 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. General view of the skeleton in the pit no. 2, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03738 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. General view of the skeleton in the pit no. 2, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03739 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. General view of the skeleton in the pit no. 2, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03740 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. General view of the skeleton in the pit no. 2, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03741 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Detail of the skeleton in the pit no. 2, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03779 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. The pits 1 and 4 (in the foreground) and 7 (in the background) are opened, the pit 3 on the right still has the covering slabs. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03780 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. View of the pits 1, 4 and 7 (at the centre) and the pit 2 on the left, from the entrance. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03781 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. View of the pits 1, 4 and 7 (at the centre), the pit 2 on the left, and the pit 3 on the right, from the entrance. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03782 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. View of the pits 1, 4 and 7 (at the centre), the pits 3 and 6 on the right, at the end of the excavation works. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03783 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. View of the pits 1, 4 and 7 (at the centre), the pits 3 and 6 on the right, at the end of the excavation works. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03784 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. View of the pits 1, 4 and 7 (at the centre), the pits 2 and 5 on the left at the end of the excavation works. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03785 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. View of the pits 1, 4 and 7 (at the centre), the pits 2 and 5 on the left at the end of the excavation works. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03786 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. View of the pits 1, 4 and 7 (at the centre), the pits 2 and 5 on the left at the end of the excavation works. The pits are carved in the tuff rock of volcanic origin.(©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03787 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. View of the pits 1, 4 and 7 (at the centre), the pits 2 and 5 on the left. The pit 5 is along the wall. The vault of the tomb is carved in the pumice level. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03788 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. View of the pits 1, 4 and 7 (at the centre) and the pit 2 on the left, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03789 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. View of the pit 7 closed by a stone slab. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03790 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): View of the pits 1, 4 (in the foreground). The pit 2 on the left, and the pit 5 in the background. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03791 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The skeleton in situ in pit 4. On the right the pit 3 not excavated. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03792 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. View of the skeleton in situ in the pit 4. On the right is the pit 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03793 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. The pit no. 3 is covered with tuff stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03794 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb n. 2. The vertical squared slab closes the pit no. 7. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03795 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. The vertical squared slab closes the pit no. 7. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03796 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. The vertical squared slab closes the pit no. 7. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03797 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. View of the skeleton in situ in the pit no. 4 (excavated inside the larger pit no. 1), and on the right the sealed pit no. 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03798 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. The vertical squared slab closes pit no. 7. In the foreground the pit no. 4 (inside the pit no. 1) before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03799 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. The vertical squared slab closes the pit no. 7. In the foreground the pit no. 4 (inside the pit no. 1) before the excavation.(©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03800 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. The vertical squared slab closes the pit no. 7. In the foreground the pit no. 4 (inside the pit no. 1) before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03801 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. The skeleton in situ in the pit no. 7. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03802 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb no. 2. The skeleton in situ in the pit no. 7. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03803 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb n. 2. The skeleton discovered in the pit no. 7. The pit is carved in the floor in tuff stone and sealed with slabs. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03804 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): View of the hypogean tomb no. 2 from outside. The corridor (dromos) and the entrance to the tomb T2 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03805 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): View of the hypogean tomb no. 2 from outside. The corridor (dromos) and the entrance to the tomb T2 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03806 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): View of the hypogean tomb no. 2 from outside. The corridor and the entrance to the tomb T2. The dromos was partially filled with stones that formed irregular steps, cemented along the western wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03807 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): View of the dromos partially filled with stones that formed irregular steps.(©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03808 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): View of the hypogean tomb no. 2 from outside. The dromos led downward to the interior of the tomb and from level -0.38 m descended 50 cm. It is about 2.80 m long. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03809 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The interior of the hypogean tomb T2: from the left, the pits no. 5, 2, 1 and 4, 7 and partially the pit no. 3 (on the right) are visible.(©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03810 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. In this picture the pit no. 4 (inside the pit no. 1) is still covered with 4 slabs. In the background the pit 7 is uncovered and the skeleton is in situ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03811 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. The pit no. 4 (inside the pit no. 1) is still covered with 4 slabs. In the background the pit 7 is uncovered and the skeleton is in situ. On the left is the pit no. 2, and on the right is the pit no. 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03812 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. The pit no. 4 (inside the pit no. 1) is still sealed. In the background the pit 7 is uncovered, and on the right is the squared slab that was in vertical position to seal the pit. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03814 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. The skeleton in situ in the pit no. 6, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03815 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. The skeleton in situ in the pit no. 6. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03816 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. The skeleton in situ in the pit no. 6, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03817 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. The skeleton in situ in the pit no. 6, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03818 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. The skeleton in situ in the pit no. 3, from the NE. The skull is near the feet. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03819 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. The skeleton in situ in the pit no. 3, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03820 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. The skeleton in situ in the pit no. 3, from the NE. Detail of the skull rolled around the feet. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03821 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. The skeleton in situ in the pit no. 3, from the NE. Detail of the upper part of the body, from SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03822 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. The skeleton in situ in the pit no. 3, from the NE. The skull is rolled around the feet (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03823 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. The skeleton in situ in the pit no. 4, top view from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03824 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. The skeleton in situ in the pit no. 4, top view from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn03825 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. The skeleton in situ in the pit no. 3, from the NE. The skull is rolled around the feet, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04008 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Object Y.86.KAH i.T2/10, a spherical bead in carnelian soldered with two bronze fragments and an iron piece highly corroded. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04009 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Object Y.86.KAHi.T2/10, a spherical bead in carnelian soldered with two bronze fragments and an iron piece highly corroded. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04010 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Object Y.86.KAHi.T2/12, a mirror in bronze; the face has concentric circles around the central umbo. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04011 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Object Y.86.KAHi.T2/12, a mirror in bronze; the face is flat and in origin was covered by a thin sheet of transparent glass. The peduncle was inserted in the handle, probably in wood. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04012 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Object Y.86.KAHi.T2/14, a spherical object in bronze highly corroded, probably part of a jewel. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04013 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Object Y.86.KAH i.T2/15+16, knife formed by blade and handle, both in iron, found in level 3 of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04014 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Object Y.86.KAHi.T2/15+16, knife formed by blade and handle, both in iron, found in level 3 of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04015 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Object Y.86.KAHi.T2/15+16, knife formed by blade and handle, both in iron, found in level 3 of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04016 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Object Y.86.KAHi.T2/17, tool in iron, with T shaped cross-section, composed by two fragments, which fit together perfectly. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04017 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Object Y.86.KAH i.T2/17, fragment of a tool in iron. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04018 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Object Y.86.KAHi.T2/18, tool, composed by an iron bar with round cross-section. Traces of wood are pertinent probably to the handle. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04048 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Y.86.KAHi.T2/5, single-handle jar with ring foot. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04049 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Y.86.KAHi.T2/5, single-handle jar with ring foot. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04050 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Y.86.KAHi.T2/6, wide-necked jar with concave bottom. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04051 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Y.86.KAHi.T2/19, deep bowl with low foot. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04052 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Y.86.KAHi.T2/9, high-necked decorated jar. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04053 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Y.86.KAHi.T2/9, high-necked decorated jar, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04054 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Y.86.KAHi.T2/16, bowl of medium to small size. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04055 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Y.86.KAHi.T2/25, high-necked jar with single handle. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04056 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Y.86.KAHi.T2/25, high-necked jar with single handle. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04057 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Y.86.KAHi.T2/10, bowl medium to small size. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04058 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Y.86.KAHi.T2/8, high-necked jar with single handle. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04059 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. Y.86.KAHi.T2/4, bowl medium to small size. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04060 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. General view of pits 2 (on the left), 1 and 4, and 7 (in the background), from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04061 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. General view of pits 1 and 4, 7 (in the background), pit 3 not yet excavated, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04062 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. View of the pit no. 5 in the north-west side of the burial chamber, from the N. The pit is still covered with three slabs and stones in tuff. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04063 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. View of the pit no. 5 in the north-west side of the burial chamber, from the N. The pit is still covered with three slabs and stones in tuff. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04064 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. View of the pit no. 3 at the center of the burial chamber. In the foreground is a partial view of the pit no. 4, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04065 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. View of the pits no. 4 in pit no. 1 (in the foreground); part of the pit no. 7 on the left, and part of the pit no. 3 on the right, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04066 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. View of the pits no. 4 in pit no. 1 (in the foreground); part of the pit no. 7 on the left, and part of the pit no. 3 on the right, from the SW. The slab was placed vertically to close the opening of the pit no. 7. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04067 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. View of the pit no. 5, with the human skeleton in situ, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04068 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. View of the pit no. 5, with the human skeleton in situ, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04069 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. View of the pit no. 5, with the human skeleton in situ, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04070 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. View of the pit no. 5, with the human skeleton in situ, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04071 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. View of the pit no. 4 (carved in the larger pit no. 1), still covered with 5 slabs, from the N-NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04072 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. View of the pit no. 4 (carved in the larger pit no. 1), still covered with 5 slabs, from the N-NE. On the left is the pit no. 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04073 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. View of the pit no. 4 (carved in the larger pit no. 1), still covered with 5 slabs, from the N-NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04074 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. General view of the pits no. 1 and 4, pit no. 2 and pit no. 5, the latter along the western wall of the burial chamber. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04075 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. General view of the pits no. 1 and 4, pit no. 2 and pit no. 5, the latter along the western wall of the burial chamber, from the S .(©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04076 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. General view of the pits no. 1, 4 and 7, pit no. 2 (in the foreground) and partially the pit no. 3, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04077 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. General view of the pits no. 1, 4 and 7, pit no. 2 (in the foreground) and partially the pits nos 3 and 6, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04078 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): The hypogean tomb T2. General view of the pits no. 1, 4 and 7, and partially the pits nos 3 and 6, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04728 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Funerary good found in the hypogean tomb. Pottery, iron weapons and tools, a bronze mirror, terracotta lamps and bronze rings. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04729 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): View of the complete funerary good found in the hypogean tomb. Complete terracotta vases, iron weapons and tools, a bronze mirror, terracotta lamps and bronze rings. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04730 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): View of the complete funerary good found in the hypogean tomb. Complete terracotta vases, iron weapons and tools, a bronze mirror, terracotta lamps and bronze rings. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04731 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Jar with globular body (Y.85.KAH i.T2/2), found the second hypogean tomb discovered by the inhabitants of the village in December 1985 and excavated by the Italian Archaeological Mission in August 1986. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04732 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hole-mouth jar with small grasp and decorated with two incised wavy lines (Y.85.KAHi.T2/12). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04733 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hole-mouth jar with small grasp (Y.85.KAHi.T2/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04734 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Four ring bases of vases used as oil lamps (Y.85.KAHi.T2/7, Y.85.KAHi.T2/17, Y.85.KAHi.T2/11,Y.85.KAHi.T2/17). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04735 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Four ring bases of vases (Y.85.KAHi.T2/7, Y.85.KAHi.T2/17, Y.85.KAHi.T2/11,Y.85.KAHi.T2/17) used as oil lamps. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04736 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Tool in iron (Y.86.KAH i.T2/18). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04737 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Blade of a knife in iron (Y.86.KAH i.T2/19) found in the hypogean tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04738 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Blade of a knife in iron (Y.86.KAH i.T2/19). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04739 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Tool in iron (Y.86.KAH i.T2/20). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04740 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Tool in iron (Y.86.KAH i.T2/20). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04741 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Tool in iron (Y.86.KAH i.T2/20). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04743 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Tool in iron (Y.86.KAH i.T2/20). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04744 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Glass bead in barrel shape (Y.86.KAH i.T2/2). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04745 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Glass bead in barrel shape (Y.86.KAH i.T2/2). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04746 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Glass beads in different shapes (Y.86.KAHi.T2/3) found in the hypogean tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04747 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Ring in bronze with flat bezel (Y.86.KAHi.T2/5). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04749 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Ring in bronze, with overlapped ends (Y.86.KAH i.T2/6). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04750 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Fragment of a ring in bronze (Y.86.KAH i.T2/7). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04751 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Small ring in bronze (Y.86.KAH i.T2/8). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn04752 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Fragment of a ring in iron (Y.86.KAH i.T2/9), highly corroded with three sticked beads, found in the hypogean tomb.(©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07320 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: The Italian Archeological Mission and local people in the tent. From the left: Muḥammad Ḥalabi , A. de Maigret, S. Antonini, G. Pettinato, F. Ruspoli, Sayf Husayn Masad, M. Mascellani, V. Francaviglia, V. Labianca; in the foreground: the photographer Ibrahim, the cook and E. Gatti. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07321 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ, Director of GOAM, visiting the excavation of the hypogean tomb KAHi/T1. | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07322 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ, Director of GOAM, visiting the excavation of the hypogean tomb KAHi/T1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07323 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: From the left: Geologist V. Francaviglia, Professor A. de Maigret, inspector ʿAbd al-Razāq Nuʿmān, the Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ, photographer Ibrahim of the National Museum, and the first on the right Muḥammad Ḥalabi. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07324 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Local man talks to the Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07325 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: The Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ and Professor Alessandro de Maigret followed by the Yemeni-Italian Archaeological team. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07326 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: From the left: V. Labianca, ʿAbd al-Razāq Nuʿmān, the Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ and Professor Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07327 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: The Italian-Yemeni Archaeological team and the the Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ in a tent. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07328 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: The Italian-Yemeni Archaeological team and the Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ in a tent. From the left: the Qāḍī, ʿAbd al-Razāq Nuʿmān, Vincenzo Francaviglia and Mario Mascellani. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07329 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: The Italian-Yemeni Archaeological team and the Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ. From the left: Fiorella Rispoli, Sabina Antonini, Muḥammad Ḥalabi, Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07330 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: The Italian-Yemeni Archaeological team and the Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ (on the right). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07331 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Sounding of the ground believed to be in correspondence of a hypogean tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07332 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Survey to find another hypogean tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07333 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Survey to find another hypogean tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07442 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. The hypogean tomb into which the tractor fell. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07443 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the hypogean tomb into which the tractor fell. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07444 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the hypogean tomb into which a farmer fell with the tractor. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07445 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the hypogean tomb into which a farmer fell with the tractor. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07446 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. The farmer is explaining to the inspector of the GOAM, Muḥammad Ḥalabi (on the right), how he fell with his tractor in the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07447 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Rock inscription at Al-Hāğib, near Waraqah and Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (Ḏamār). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07448 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Rock inscription at Al-Hāğib, near Waraqah and Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (Ḏamār). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07449 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Rock inscription at Al-Hāğib, near Waraqah and Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (Ḏamār). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07450 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Rock inscription at Al-Hāğib, near Waraqah and Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (Ḏamār). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07451 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Rock inscription at Al-Hāğib, near Waraqah and Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (Ḏamār). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07452 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the entrance of the hypogean tomb at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07454 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the area around the hypogean tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07455 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Visitors and workers around the tomb at the beginning of the archaeological excavations. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07456 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Visitors and workers around the tomb at the beginning of the archaeological excavations. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07457 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Archaeologists of the GOAM and Italian Mission at work. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07458 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the arcaheological excavation from the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07459 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the archaeological excavation on the right; the Italian camp on the left. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07460 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. General view of the mountains E of the tomb and site: Al-Lissi, al-Ğirbah and al-ʾIrr (©MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07461 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the interior of the hypogean tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07462 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Interior of the hypogean tomb. Ceiling consisting of a compact layer of pumice; the walls have been dug out of the tufaceous rock. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07463 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Interior of the hypogean tomb. In the tufaceous wall some niches have been dug. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07464 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Heaps of tufaceous stone on the floor having flaked off the walls of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07465 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Tuff stones on the floor having flaked off the walls of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07466 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. General view of the hypogean tomb, fom the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07467 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. General view of the hypogean tomb, fom the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07468 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. The archaeologists of GOAM, Muḥammad Ḥalabi and ʿAbd al-Razāq Nuʿmān, at work. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07470 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. The Yemeni and Italian archaeologists at work. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07471 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Pottery found on the floor of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07472 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Pottery found on the floor of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07473 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Pottery scattered over the floor of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07474 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Pottery scattered over the floor of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07475 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. The tomb was plundered and the funerary goods were scattered over the floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07476 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Detail of a lamp and a dagger or knife belonging to the funerary goods. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07477 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Detail of a terracotta lamp and potsherds on the floor of the hypogean grave. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07478 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Sword with bone hilt found on the floor of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07479 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Knife on the floor of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07480 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the floor with some findings. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07481 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Grave goods scattered over the floor and along the SW wall of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07482 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Grave goods scattered over the floor of the tomb, view from the entrance (west). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07483 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Grave goods on the floor of the tomb, view from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07484 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Sword (Y.85.KAHi.T1/1) found on the floor of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07485 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Sword (Y.85.KAHi.T1/1) found on the floor of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07486 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Sword (Y.85.KAHi.T1/1) found on the floor of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07487 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Sword (Y.85.KAHi.T1/1) found on the floor of the tomb, detail of the tip. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07488 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Beads (Y.85.KAHi.T1/3) found on the floor, close to the eastern wall of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07489 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Beads (Y.85.KAHi.T1/3) found on the floor, close to the eastern wall of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn07924 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: The tomb T2 at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn07925 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: The tomb T2 at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn07926 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: A buried body on the floor of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn07927 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: A buried body on the floor of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn07944 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Object KAHi.T2/10. | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn07945 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Object KAHi.T2/10. | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn07946 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Bronze mirror KAHi.T2/12. | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn07947 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Bronze mirror KAHi.T2/12. | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn07948 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Object KAHi.T2/14. | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn07949 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Object KAHi.T2/15-16. | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn07950 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Object KAHi.T2/15-16. | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn07951 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Object KAHi.T2/15-16. | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn07952 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Object KAHi.T2/17. | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHn07953 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Object KAHi.T2/17. | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHp09403 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Iron Tools from Tomb 2 (Pl. 1), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHp09404 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Iron Knife from Tomb 2 (Pl. 2), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHp09405 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Iron Tool from Tomb 2 (Pl. 3), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHp09406 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Jewels (rings, beads), from Tomb 2 (Pl. 4) full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHp09407 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Iron Knife from Tomb 1 (Pl. 95), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2018KAHp09408 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Bronze Mirror and Glass Bottle from Tomb 2 (Pl. 5), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHp09409 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Stone Bull from Tomb 1 (Pl. 90), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHp09410 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Jewels (ring, beads, coin, seal, glass), full size, from Tomb 1 (Pl. 91), full-size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHp09411 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Iron Tools from Tomb 1 (Pl. 92), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHp09412 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Bronze and Silver Jewels fromTomb 1 (Pl. 93), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHp09413 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Bronze Coins, Ring, Bracelet, Glass Container and Iron Tool from Tomb 1 (Pl. 96), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHp09414 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Bronze Coins, Rings, Bracelets, Glass Container and Beads from Tomb 1 (Pl. 97), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09100 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH ii): Pottery KAH ii (1), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09101 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Pottery KAH i/T2 (1bis), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09102 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH ii): Pottery KAH ii (2), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09103 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Pottery KAH i/T2 (2bis), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09104 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH ii): Pottery KAH ii (3) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09105 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH ii): Pottery KAH ii (4) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09106 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH ii): Pottery KAH ii (5) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09107 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH ii): Pottery KAH ii (6) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09108 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH ii): Pottery KAH ii (7) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09109 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH ii): Pottery KAH ii (8) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09110 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH ii): Pottery KAH ii (9) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09111 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH ii): Pottery KAH ii (10) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09112 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH ii): Pottery KAH ii (11) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09113 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Pottery and object KAH i (B2.30) full size (E. Gatti).(©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09114 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Pottery KAH i (B2.31) full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09115 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Pottery KAH i (B2.32) full size (B. Terfloth). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09116 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Pottery KAH ii, RAQ i, full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KATp09117 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i): Pottery KAH i full size (B. Terfloth). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07526 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Detail of human bones in the wet earth of the hypogean tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07527 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. In front of the tomb: Yemeni authorities, Governor of Ḏamār region, GOAM inspectors (in the right Muḥammad Ḥalabi). At the center Professor Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07528 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. The pitgrave with the broken slabs. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07529 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. The pit grave with the broken slabs. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07530 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. The excavation of the hypogean tomb, from the W (the entrance). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07531 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Italian and Yemeni archaeologist at work, from the W. At the center of the tomb a grave is carved in the floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07532 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bone fragments found on the floor, under the collapsed ceiling. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07533 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Human bones on the floor of the tomb, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07534 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Human bones on the floor of the tomb, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07535 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Human bones scattered on the floor, at the entrance of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07536 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Human bones scattered on the floor, at the entrance of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07537 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Human bones found along the wall, at the entrance of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07538 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Detail of th human bones found along the wall, at the entrance of the tomb, upper view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07539 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Human skull, bones and bracelet on the eastern limit of the central grave carved in the floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07540 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Human skull, bones and bracelet on the eastern limit of the central grave carved in the floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07542 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. The tomb from the W, with the grave excavated in the middle of the floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07543 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the tomb at the end of the archaeological excavation, from the W. In the foreground the dromos and the bases of the door jambs. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07544 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Entrance to the hypogean tomb: Detail of the bases of the doorposts supporting the lintel. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07545 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Detail of the pit grave excavated in floor, at the centre of the tomb, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07546 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the interior of the tomb. On the right the rectangular niche excavated in the wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07547 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the arched niche in the northern wall of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07548 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Detail of the pit grave excavated in the floor of the tomb, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07549 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the niches in the southern wall of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07550 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Detail of the pit grave excavated in the floor of the tomb, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07551 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Lateral view of the cist grave excavated in the floor of the tomb, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07552 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the cist grave excavated in the floor of the tomb, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07553 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. General view of the cist grave excavated in the floor of the tomb, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07554 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of a rectangular niche excavated in the eastern wall of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07555 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of a niche excavated in the southern wall of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07556 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of a niche excavated in the southern wall of the tomb, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07557 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the entrance in the western side of the tomb, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07558 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of an arched niche excavated in the northern wall of the tomb, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07559 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of a niche excavated in the eastern wall of the tomb, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07560 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of a niche excavated in the southern wall of the tomb, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07561 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the cist grave excavated in the floor of the tomb, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07562 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the hypogean tomb and the grave excavated in the floor, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07563 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the hypogean tomb and the grave excavated in the floor, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07564 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Entrance to the hypogean tomb: detail of the bases of the doorposts supporting the lintel, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07565 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Entrance to the hypogean tomb: detail of two steps, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07566 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Entrance to the hypogean tomb: detail of two steps, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07567 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of a niche excavated in the SE wall of the tomb, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07569 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of a niche excavated in the southern wall of the tomb, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07570 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the northern wall of the hypogean tomb, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07571 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the grave excavated in the floor of the hypogean tomb, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07572 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. View of the cist grave excavated in the floor of the hypogean tomb, from the W. | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07573 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. General view of the hypogean tomb at the end of the archaeological excavation, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07574 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Mohafez (Governor) of Ḏamār Province, Yaḥyah Mulisḥ, visiting the hypogean tomb at Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur. On his right the GOAM officials Muḥammad Ḥalabi and Sayf Husayn Masad. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07575 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Mohafez (Governor) of Ḏamār Province, Yaḥyah Mulisḥ, visiting the hypogean tomb at Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur. On his left professor A. de Maigret; on his right Muḥammad Ḥalabi (GOAM). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07576 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Mohafez (Governor) of Ḏamār Province, Yaḥyah Mulisḥ, in the hypogean tomb at Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07577 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Mohafez (Governor) of Ḏamār Province, Yaḥyah Mulisḥ, visiting the hypogean tomb at Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur. On his left professor Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07578 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Mohafez (Governor) of Ḏamār Province, Yaḥyah Mulisḥ, visiting the hypogean tomb at Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur. On his left professor Alessandro de Maigret. | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07605 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/32). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07606 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/13). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07607 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/13). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07608 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85KAHi.T1/13). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07609 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/13). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07610 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Limestone bull (Y.85.KAHi.T1/51). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07611 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Limestone bull (Y.85.KAHi.T1/51). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07612 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Limestone bull (Y.85.KAHi.T1/51). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07613 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Limestone bull (Y.85.KAHi.T1/51). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07614 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Limestone bull (Y.85.KAHi.T1/51). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07615 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Limestone bull (Y.85.KAHi.T1/51). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07616 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Limestone bull (Y.85.KAHi.T1/51). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07617 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Limestone bull (Y.85.KAHi.T1/51). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07618 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver earrings and glass beads (Y.85.KAHi.T1/14). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07619 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver earrings and glass beads (Y.85.KAHi.T1/14). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07620 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze bracelets (Y.85.KAHi.T1/34). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07621 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze bracelet (Y.85.KAHi.T1/16). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07622 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze bracelet (Y.85.KAHi.T1/27). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07623 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze bracelet (Y.85.KAHi.T1/38). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07624 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze bracelet (Y.85.KAHi.T1/15). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07625 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze bracelet (Y.85.KAHi.T1/35). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07626 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze brooch, bronze earrings and pendant, and glass beads (Y.85.KAHi.T1/9). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07627 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze brooch, bronze earrings and pendant, and glass beads (Y.85.KAHi.T1/9). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07628 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze bracelet (Y.85.KAHi.T1/22). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07629 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze bracelet (Y.85.KAHi.T1/6). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07630 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze bracelet (Y.85.KAHi.T1/10). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07631 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Alabastron in glass (Y.85.KAHi.T1/8). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07632 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Alabastron in glass (Y.85.KAHi.T1/8). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07633 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Beads in carnelian, onyx and chalcedony (Y.85.KAHi.T1/3). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07634 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Beads in carnelian, onyx and chalcedony (Y.85.KAHi.T1/3). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07635 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Balsamarium in glass (Y.85.KAHi.T1/5). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07636 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Iron dagger (Y.85.KAHi.T1/46). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07637 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Fragment of iron knife or dagger tang (Y.85.KAHi.T1/47). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07638 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Iron knife (Y.85.KAHi.T1/46). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07639 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Iron knife (Y.85.KAHi.T1/45). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07640 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Knife or dagger in iron (Y.85.KAHi.T1/44). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07641 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Knife or dagger and pick in iron, and wooden tool contained in a fabric sheath (Y.85.KAHi.T1/44). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07642 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Iron sword (Y.85.KAHi.T1/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07643 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Iron sword (Y.85.KAHi.T1/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07644 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Iron sword, detail of fabric of the sheath (Y.85.KAHi.T1/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07645 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Iron sword, detail of fabric of the grip (Y.85.KAHi.T1/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07646 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Stone lamp (Y.85.KAHi.T1/49). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07647 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Stone lamp (Y.85.KAHi.T1/50). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07648 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Stone lamp (Y.85.KAHi.T1/50). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07649 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Stone lamp (Y.85.KAHi.T1/52). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07650 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Stone lamp (Y.85.KAHi.T1/52). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07651 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Iron KN ife (Y.85.KAHi.T1/43). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07652 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/20). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07653 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/20). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07654 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze ring (Y.85.KAHi.T1/41). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07655 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze earring (Y.85.KAHi.T1/17). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07656 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/12). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07657 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin, detail (Y.85.KAHi.T1/12). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07658 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin, detail (Y.85.KAHi.T1/13). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07659 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin, detail (Y.85.KAHi.T1/19). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07660 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze earrings (Y.85.KAHi.T1/24). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07661 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze ring (Y.85.KAHi.T1/36). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07662 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Agate bead, detail of a set (Y.85.KAHi.T1/11). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07663 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Set of carnelian bead, bronze twisted earrings and glass bead (Y.85.KAHi.T1/11). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07664 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze seal (Y.85.KAHi.T1/4). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07665 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze seal (Y.85.KAHi.T1/4). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07666 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze seal (Y.85.KAHi.T1/4). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07667 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Glass container (Y.85.KAHi.T1/21). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07668 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/18). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07669 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/18). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07670 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Chalcedony bead not pierced (Y.85.KAHi.T1/29). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07671 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Carnelian bead (Y.85.KAHi.T1/28). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07672 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Agate bead (Y.85.KAHi.T1/31). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07673 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Eye bead in onyx (Y.85.KAHi.T1/30). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07674 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Eye bead in onyx (Y.85.KAHi.T1/30). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07675 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze ring (Y.85.KAHi.T1/7). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07676 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Fragment of glass (Y.85.KAHi.T1/40). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07677 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Fragment of brooch and 7 earrings in bronze (Y.85.KAHi.T1/39). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07678 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Fragment of bronze ring (Y.85.KAHi.T1/37). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07679 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Fragments of bronze (Y.85.KAHi.T1/48). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07680 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/2). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07681 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/2). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07682 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Fragment of bronze ring (Y.85.KAHi.T1/37). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07683 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Fragments of bronze (Y.85.KAHi.T1/48). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07684 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/2). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07685 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/2). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07686 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/25). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07687 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/25). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07688 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/23). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07689 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/23). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07690 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze brooch pin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/42). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07691 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronzering (Y.85.KAHi.T1/33). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07692 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/26). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07693 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/26). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07694 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/32). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07695 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze pendants (Y.85.KAHi.T1/9). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07696 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bonze earring (Y.85.KAHi.T1/17). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07697 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bonze earrings (Y.85.KAHi.T1/24). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07698 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bonze ring (Y.85.KAHi.T1/36). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07699 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bonze bracelet (Y.85.KAHi.T1/27). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07700 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bonze bracelet (Y.85.KAHi.T1/35). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07701 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Grave goods consisting of silver earrings and glass beads (Y.85.KAHi.T1/14). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07702 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Grave goods consisting of silver earrings and glass beads (Y.85.KAHi.T1/14). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07703 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Iron knife or dagger (Y.85.KAHi.T1/43). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07704 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Iron dagger (Y.85.KAHi.T1/44). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07705 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Pointed tool in iron and wooden tool contained in a fabric sheath (Y.85.KAHi.T1/44). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07706 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/20). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07707 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/20). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07708 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/20). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07709 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/18). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07710 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/18). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07711 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/26). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07712 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/26). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07713 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/13). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07714 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/13). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07715 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/2). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07716 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/2). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07717 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/19). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07718 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/19). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07719 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/12). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07720 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/12). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07721 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/32). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07722 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/32). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07723 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/23). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07724 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/23). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07725 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/25). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07726 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver coin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/25). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07727 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Fragment of a glass container (Y.85.KAHi.T1/21). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07728 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Fragment of a glass container, lateral view (Y.85.KAHi.T1/21). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07729 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Fragment of a glass container, rim (Y.85.KAHi.T1/21). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07730 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Glass alabastron (Y.85.KAHi.T1/8). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07731 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Glass alabastron (Y.85.KAHi.T1/8). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07732 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Glass ariballos (Y.85.KAHi.T1/5). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07733 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze brooch pin (Y.85.KAHi.T1/42). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07734 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Chalcedony bead not pierced (Y.85.KAHi.T1/29). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07735 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Chalcedony bead not pierced (Y.85.KAHi.T1/29). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07736 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Agate bead (Y.85.KAHi.T1/31). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07737 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze seal (Y.85.KAHi.T1/4). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07738 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze seal, detail (Y.85.KAHi.T1/4). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07739 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Onyx eye bead (Y.85.KAHi.T1/30). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07740 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Fragment of bronze brooch and earrings (Y.85.KAHi.T1/39). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07741 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze bracelet (Y.85.KAHi.T1/15). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07742 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze dagger with pointed blade and two cutting edges, detail (Y.85.KAHi.T1/46). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07743 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze dagger with pointed blade and two cutting edges (Y.85.KAHi.T1/46). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07744 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze dagger, detail of vegetal impressions of sheath on dagger (Y.85.KAHi.T1/46). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07745 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Fragment of a bronze dagger tang or KN ife (Y.85.KAHi.T1/47). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07746 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Fragment of a bronze dagger tang or KN ife (Y.85.KAHi.T1/47). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07747 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Carnelian bead (Y.85.KAHi.T1/28). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07748 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Fragment of bronze ring (Y.85.KAHi.T1/37). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07749 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Fragment of bronze ring (Y.85.KAHi.T1/37). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07750 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze finger ring (Y.85.KAHi.T1/7). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07751 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Two spiral bronze rings, glass bead, carnelian and agate beads (Y.85.KAHi.T1/11). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07752 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze finger ring (Y.85.KAHi.T1/41). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07753 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze finger ring (Y.85.KAHi.T1/41). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07754 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Beads in carnelian, onyx and chalcedony (Y.85.KAHi.T1/3). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07755 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze bracelets (Y.85.KAHi.T1/34). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07756 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze bracelets (Y.85.KAHi.T1/34). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07757 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Fragments of bronze (Y.85.KAHi.T1/48). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07758 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze bracelet (Y.85.KAHi.T1/6). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07759 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Pair of bracelets in bronze (Y.85.KAHi.T1/38). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07760 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze tubular bracelet (Y.85.KAHi.T1/16). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07761 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Set of bronze brooch, pendants and earrings (Y.85.KAHi.T1/9). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07762 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze pendants, detail (Y.85.KAHi.T1/9). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07763 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Finger ring in bronze (Y.85.KAHi.T1/36). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07764 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Finger ring in bronze (Y.85.KAHi.T1/33). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07765 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bracelets in bronze, fragments (Y.85.KAHi.T1/22). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07766 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Bronze bbracelet (Y.85.KAHi.T1/10). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07767 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Silver earrings (Y.85.K (©MAIRY)AHi.T1/14). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07768 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. KN ife or dagger in iron (Y.85.KAHi.T1/45). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07769 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. KN ife or dagger in iron (Y.85.KAHi.T1/45). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07770 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. KN ife or dagger in iron (Y.85.KAHi.T1/43). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07771 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta jar (Y.85.KAHi/15). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07772 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta bowl (Y.85.KAHi/22). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07773 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta bowl (Y.85.KAHi/22). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07774 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta bowl, detail of the incised monogram (Y.85.KAHi/22). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07775 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta jar (Y.85.KAHi/17). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07776 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta jar (Y.85.KAHi/17). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07777 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta jar (Y.85.KAHi/23). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07778 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta jar (Y.85.KAHi/23). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07779 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Wavy rim bowl (Y.85.KAHi/5). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07780 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Wavy rim bowl (Y.85.KAHi/5). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07781 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Lamp in stone (Y.85.KAHi/6). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07782 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Lamp in stone (Y.85.KAHi/6). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07783 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta bowl (Y.85.KAHi/12). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07784 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta bowl (Y.85.KAHi/12). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07785 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta jar (Y.85.KAHi/9). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07786 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta jar (Y.85.KAHi/9). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07787 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Carinated jar in terracotta (Y.85.KAHi/10). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07788 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta jar (Y.85.KAHi/11). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07789 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta bowl (Y.85.KAHi/16). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07790 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta bowl (Y.85.KAHi/14). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07791 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta bowl (Y.85.KAHi/14). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07792 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta bowl with incised decoration below the rim (Y.85.KAHi/18). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07793 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta bowl with incised decoration below the rim (Y.85.KAHi/2). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07794 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. Terracotta bowl with incised decoration below the rim (Y.85.KAHi/3). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07795 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Tomb 1: Terracotta jar (Y.85.KAHi/13). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07796 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Tomb 1: Terracotta jar with handle and incised inscription (Y.85.KAHi/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07797 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Tomb 1: Terracotta jar, detail of the incised inscription (Y.85.KAHi/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07798 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Tomb 1: Terracotta jar (Y.85.KAHi/7). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07799 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Terracotta jar (Y.85.KAHi/21). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07800 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Terracotta bowl (Y.85.KAHi/4). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07801 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Terracotta jar with incised decoration below the rim and showlder (Y.85.KAHi/24). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07802 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Carinated bowl with ring base (Y.85.KAHi/8). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07803 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Terracotta jar (Y.85.KAHi/20). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07804 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Hole-mouth jar decorated with vertical grroves on shoulder (Y.85.KAHi/27). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07805 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Terracotta lamp with spout and ring base (Y.85.KAHi/19). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07806 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. The set of the grave goods in terracotta. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07807 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. The set of the grave goods in terracotta. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07808 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. The set of the grave goods in terracotta. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07809 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. The set of the grave goods in terracotta. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07810 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. The set of the grave goods in terracotta. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2018KAHn07811 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T1): Tomb 1. The set of the grave goods in terracotta. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribāt Al-Ġamīs | خربة الغميس | 1987 | 2018KGHn04581 | Ḫaribāt Al-Ġamīs: a Sabaean site between Yaʿrā and al-Masağid. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribāt Al-Ġamīs | خربة الغميس | 1987 | 2018KGHn04582 | Ḫaribāt Al-Ġamīs: a Sabaean site between Yaʿrā and al-Masağid.(©MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Hamdān | خربة همدان | 1986 | 2018KHMn03682 | Ḫaribat Hamdān: The village in the Wādī Ğawf. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01710 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: View of the Sabaean city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01711 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: Inscription found during illegal excavations. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01712 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: An inscription and a decorated altar, both in limestone, found during illegal excavations. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01713 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: General view of the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01714 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: General view of the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01715 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: View from inside of the site. L. Cagni and A. de Maigret. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01716 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: View from inside of the site. L. Cagni and A. de Maigret. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01717 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: Detail of the top of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01718 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: View of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01719 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: View of the upper surface of the city walls. In the background A. de Maigret. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01720 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: View of the upper surface of the city walls. In the background A. de Maigret. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01721 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: General view of the site. On the left is a pillaged monument. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01722 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: Detail of the upper surface of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01723 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: Detail of the looting and destruction of the Sabaean monument. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01724 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: View of the city walls, from outside. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01725 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: General view of the city walls, from outside. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01726 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: View of an ancient building in the southern sector of the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01727 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: Detail of a wall of an ancient building in the southern sector of the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01728 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: Remains of buildings next to the city walls. A. de Maigret and M. Cappon. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1989-1990 | 2018KHDn01729 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd: General view of the site (inner part). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫašrān | خشران | 1983 | 2018KHAp09183 | Ḫašrān (KHA ii): Pottery KHA ii (3), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫašrān | خشران | 1983 | 2018KHAp09184 | Ḫašrān (KHA ii): Pottery KHA ii (4), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫašrān | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2018NABp09182 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB vii): Pottery NAB vii, WY i, KHA ii (2), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫašrān | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09186 | Pottery from Ġiris (GIR i, ii) and from Ḫašrān (KAH i) (6), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫašrān | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09187 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB vii), Ḫašrān (KHA i), Wādī Hawrah (HAW ii) (7), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫašrān | فخار | 1983-1984 | 2018POTp09202 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i), An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB ii), Ḫašrān (KHA ii) (22), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫašrān | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09220 | Pottery from Ḫašrān (KHA i), An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB ix), Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH), Wādī Hawrah (HAW iii) (40), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl | خولان الطيال | 1984 | 2018KHWm09029 | Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl: Distribution of Prehistoric Sites in Ḫawlān, Al-Aʿrūš, Al-A'mas and Al-Ḥadā (Scale 1: 250.000). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl | خولان الطيال | 1983 | 2018YEMm09043 | Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl Region: Map of Archaeological Sites in Ḫawlān Region (B. Marcolongo). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05160 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): qatabanian necropolis, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05161 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): view of two loci of a tomb illegally excavated. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05162 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): Necropolis of Tamnaʿ, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05163 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): the necropolis of Tamnaʿ: structures excavated by the American Foundation for the Study of Man in the Fifties. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05164 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): the necropolis of Tamnaʿ: structures excavated by the American Foundation for the Study of Man in the Fifties. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05165 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): the necropolis of Tamnaʿ: structures excavated by the American Foundation for the Study of Man in the Fifties. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05166 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): the necropolis of Tamnaʿ: structures excavated by the American Foundation for the Study of Man in the Fifties. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05167 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): the necropolis of Tamnaʿ: structures excavated by the American Foundation for the Study of Man in the Fifties. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05168 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): the necropolis of Tamnaʿ: structures excavated by the American Foundation for the Study of Man in the Fifties. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05169 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): general view of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05170 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): general view of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05171 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): general view of the necropolis, from the top of the hill. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05172 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): general view of the necropolis. The tombs are plundered by illegal excavations. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05173 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): general view of the necropolis, from the hill. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05178 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): general view of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05179 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): general view of the necropolis from the top of the hill. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05180 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): general view of the tombs from the top of the hill, from W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05181 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): general view of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05182 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): general view of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05183 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): view of the tombs from the hill. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05205 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): view of a plundered tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05206 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): a view of the necropolis, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05207 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): detail of a plastered wall of a tomb's locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05208 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): a plundered tomb in the Qatabanian necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05209 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): walls of tombs against the rocky wall of the hill. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05210 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): plundered tombs by illegal excavations. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05211 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): view of pillaged tombs in the Qatabanian necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05212 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): view of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05213 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): view of huge walls in the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05214 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): pillaged burials by illegal excavations. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05215 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): stone niche for a funerary portrait or stela. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05216 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): stone niche for a funerary portrait or stela, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05218 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): view of a plundered burial in the Qatabanian necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05219 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): view of a tomb with the plundered funerary chambers. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05220 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): funerary goods from the pillaged tombs. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05221 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): view of a plundered tomb with a central corridor and the loci on both sides. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05222 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): a view of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05223 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): a terracotta container in fragments, from a plundered tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05224 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): view of a tomb after illegal excavations. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05225 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): fragments of worked stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05226 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): view of a tomb, illegally excavated. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05227 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): probably a well. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05228 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): view of the structures excavated by the American archaeologists in the Fifties, in the northern sector of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05229 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): general view of Hajar Kuḥlān/Timnaʿ, from the necropolis of Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05231 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): mudbrick wall in the NW part of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2018TAMn05232 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (HBA): the huge structure excavated by the American archaeologists in the Fifties, in the northern sector of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ | خربة المقسع | 1981 | 2018KMAn05490 | Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ (KM): General view of the site, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ | خربة المقسع | 1981 | 2018KMAn05491 | Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ (KM): General view of the Bronze Age site, from the site towards NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ | خربة المقسع | 1981 | 2018KMAn05492 | Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ (KM): General view of the Bronze Age site, from the site towards SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ | خربة المقسع | 1981 | 2018KMAn05493 | Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ (KM): Walls with basalt blocks and a representative of the GOAM. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ | خربة المقسع | 1981 | 2018KMAn05494 | Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ (KM): N-S wall of the Bronze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ | خربة المقسع | 1981 | 2018KMAn05665 | Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ (KM): Bronze Age flints. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ | خربة المقسع | 1981 | 2018KMAn05682 | Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ (KM): Fragments of potsherds (rims). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ | خربة المقسع | 1981 | 2018KMAn05683 | Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ (KM): Fragments of potsherds (rims) (inner part). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ | خربة المقسع | 1981 | 2018KMAn05684 | Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ (KM): Fragments of potsherds (rims). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ | خربة المقسع | 1981 | 2018KMAn05685 | Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ (KM): Fragments of potsherds (rims) (inner part). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫirbat An-Naǧǧār | خربة النجار | 1983 | 2018KNAn06166 | Ḫirbat An-Naǧǧār (KN i): General view of the site, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫirbat An-Naǧǧār | خربة النجار | 1983 | 2018KNAn06167 | Ḫirbat An-Naǧǧār (KN i): View of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫirbat An-Naǧǧār | خربة النجار | 1983 | 2018KNAn06168 | Ḫirbat An-Naǧǧār (KN i): A tower and Professor Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05743 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i-HA iii): General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1984 | 2018HAIn05744 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i-HA iii): General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05745 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i-HA ii): View from the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, towards N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05746 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i-HA iii): Lower part of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05747 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i-HA iii): General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05748 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i-HA iii): General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05749 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i-HA iii): A survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05751 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA iii): View of the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05752 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA iii): View of the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, towards S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05753 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA iii): View of the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, towards S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05754 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i-HA ii): Shelter below HAi-HAii, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05755 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i-HA ii): Shelter below HAi-HAii, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05756 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i-HA ii): Shelter below HAi-HAii, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05757 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i-HA ii): Shelter below HAi-HAii. Closer view before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05758 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i-HA ii): Shelter below HAi-HAii. View before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05759 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i-HA ii): Interior of the shelter below HAi-HAii, view before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05760 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i-HA ii): Interior of the shelter below HAi-HAii, detail before the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05777 | Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn: View of the mountain from Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05778 | Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn: Spring in the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05779 | Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn: Spring in the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05780 | Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn: Shepherds at the spring in the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05781 | Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn: View of the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05782 | Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn: Detail of the side along the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05783 | Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn: The Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05784 | Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn: Camping of the Italian-Yemeni Archaeological Mission in the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05785 | Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn: Camping of the Italian-Yemeni Archaeological team in the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05786 | Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn: Sounding in the shelter below Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn05787 | Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn: Sounding in the shelter below Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn06280 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA ii): Natural shelter. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAIn06281 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA ii): Natural shelter. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HAIp09395 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA)/Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Bronze Age Stone Tool Industries from Ḫawlān Survey (Y/81 J - 51), (Y/81/FI), (Pl. 1), full size. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HAIp09396 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA)/Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Bronze Age Stone Tool Industries from Ḫawlān Survey (Pl. 2), full size. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HAIp09397 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA)/Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Bronze Age Stone Tool Industries from Ḫawlān Survey (Pl. 3), full size. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HAIp09398 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA)/Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Bronze Age Stone Tool Industries from Ḫawlān Survey (Pl. 4), full size. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HAIp09399 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA)/Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Bronze Age Stone Tool Industries from Ḫawlān Survey (Pl. 5), full size. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HAIp09400 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA)/Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Bronze Age Stone Tool Industries from Ḫawlān Survey (Pl. 6), full size. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HAIp09401 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA)/Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Bronze Age Stone Tool Industries from Ḫawlān Survey n (Pl. 7), full size. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HAIp09402 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA)/Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Bronze Age Stone Tool Industries from Ḫawlān Survey (Pl. 8), full size. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05456 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Wādī Miswar. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05457 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Ancient structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05458 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Bird's eye view on Wādī Miswar. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05459 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05460 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05461 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Bird's eye view on Wādī Nabʿāh. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05462 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Bird's eye view on Wādī Nabʿāh. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05463 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Genral view of the area. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05464 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Bird's eye view of the area. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05465 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): General view of the valley. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05466 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Bird's eye view on Wādī Miswar. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05467 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Shed for animals built with stones probably of pre-Islamic origin. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05468 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): General view of a Middle-Palaeolithic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05469 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): View of the area with a Middle-Palaeolithic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05470 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Natural shelter. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05472 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Natural shelter. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05473 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): General view of a shelter. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06274 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): A cliff of sandstone. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06286 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): View of Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HANn05750 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA iii): View of the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HANn06275 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA iii): Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HANn06277 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA iii): General view of Wādī Ḥabābi, towards SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HANn08386 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA iii): Survey in the Middle Paleolithic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAYn05788 | Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn (HA iv): Detail of the plateau surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAYn05789 | Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn (HA iv): Detail of the plateau surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAYn05790 | Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn (HA iv): The archeological survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAYn05791 | Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn (HA iv): The archeological survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAYn05792 | Ḥumāyd Al-ʿAyn (HA iv): The team of the Italian-Yemeni Archaeological Mission ( Professor Alessandro de Maigret is standing, the 2nd from the right), Yemeni students and local people. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HAYn06276 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA iv): General view of Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | ,حُميد العين | 1985 | 2018POTp09122 | Baynūn (BA)/Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Pottery (B2.10), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05638 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Pottery (fragments of rims) collected on surface during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05639 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Lithic tools (flint) of Upper Paleolithic collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05640 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Lithic tools of Upper Paleolithic collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05641 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Two lithic tools of Upper Paleolithic collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05642 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Two lithic tools (verso) of Upper Paleolithic collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05643 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): A numbers of lithic tools of Upper Paleolithic collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05644 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Lithic tools of Upper Paleolithic collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05645 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Lithic tools (flints) of Upper Paleolithic collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05646 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Lithic tools (flints) of Upper Paleolithic collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05647 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Lithic tools of Upper Paleolithic collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05648 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Lithic tools (flints) of Upper Paleolithic collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05649 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Lithic tools of Upper Paleolithic collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05650 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Lithic tools of Upper Paleolithic collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2018HALn05651 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): Lithic tools of Upper Paleolithic collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06624 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A24. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06625 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06626 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06627 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): A structure in WJ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06628 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): Fire pit T. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06629 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): Fire pit T. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06630 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): Fire pit U. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06631 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): Fire pit U. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06632 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): Fire pit U. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06633 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): Fire pit U. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06634 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): Fire pit P. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06635 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): Fire pit P. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06636 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): Fire pit P. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06637 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): Fire pit N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06638 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): Fire pit N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06639 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): Fire pit N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06640 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A17. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06641 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A17. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06642 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A21. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06643 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A21. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06644 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A21. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06645 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A21. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06646 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A21. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06647 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A21. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06648 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A18. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06649 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A19. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06650 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A19. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06651 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A19. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06652 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A19. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06653 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A20. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06654 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A20. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06655 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A10. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06656 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A10. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06657 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A22. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06658 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A22. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06659 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A22. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06660 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ fire pit Y. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06661 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ fire pit Y. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06662 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ fire pit Z. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06663 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ fire pit AAA. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06664 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ fire pit AAA. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06665 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ fire pit BBB. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06666 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ fire pit BBB. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06667 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): The architect Vincenzo Labianca. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06668 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A23. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06669 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A23. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06670 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A23. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06671 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A23. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06672 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A24. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06673 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A24. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06674 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A24. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06675 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A24. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06676 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A24. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06677 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A24. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06678 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A24. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06679 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ Pit M. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06680 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ Pit M. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06681 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ Pit M. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06682 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ Pit M. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06683 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06684 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06685 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06686 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ wall terrace. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06687 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ wall terrace. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06688 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ wall terrace. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06689 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ wall terrace. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06690 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A12. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06691 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A12. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06692 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A12. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06693 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A12. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06694 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A12. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06695 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A12. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06696 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A12. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06697 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A12. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06698 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A12. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06699 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A12. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06700 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A13. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06701 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A13. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06702 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A13. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06703 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A13. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06704 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A11. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06705 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A11. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06706 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A11. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06707 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A11. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06708 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A21 mac. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06709 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A21. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06710 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A21. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06711 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A17-18. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06712 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A17-18. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06713 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A20. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06714 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A20. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1983 | 2018HALn06715 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA i): WJ A19. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab | حصن الذئاب | 1983 | 2018HDUn06128 | Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab (HD): General view, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab | حصن الذئاب | 1983 | 2018HDUn06129 | Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab (HD): General view of the city walls, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab | حصن الذئاب | 1983 | 2018HDUn06130 | Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab (HD): Detail of some structures (sheepfolds) inside the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab | حصن الذئاب | 1983 | 2018HDUn06131 | Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab (HD): Detail of some structures inside the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab | حصن الذئاب | 1983 | 2018HDUn06132 | Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab (HD): Structures in the abandoned village. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab | حصن الذئاب | 1983 | 2018HDUn06133 | Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab (HD): View of the Ğabal ʿAsāl, from Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab | حصن الذئاب | 1983 | 2018HDUn06134 | Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab (HD): Petroglyphs on the rocks next to the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab | حصن الذئاب | 1983 | 2018HDUn06135 | Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab (HD): Petroglyphs on the rocks next to the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab | حصن الذئاب | 1983 | 2018HDUn06136 | Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab (HD): Petroglyphs on the rocks next to the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab | حصن الذئاب | 1983 | 2018HDUn06137 | Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab (HD): Petroglyphs (Islamic inscription) on the rocks next to the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aṣ-Ṣulūl | حصن الصلول | 1981 | 2018HSAn05678 | Ḥuṣn Aṣ-Ṣulūl (HS i): Islamic potsherds. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aṣ-Ṣulūl | حصن الصلول | 1981 | 2018HSAn05679 | Ḥuṣn Aṣ-Ṣulūl (HS i): Islamic potsherds (inner part). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aṣ-Ṣulūl | حصن الصلول | 1981 | 2018HSAn05680 | Ḥuṣn Aṣ-Ṣulūl (HS i): Fragments of Islamic pottery. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aṣ-Ṣulūl | حصن الصلول | 1981 | 2018HSAn05681 | Ḥuṣn Aṣ-Ṣulūl (HS i): Fragments of Islamic pottery. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aṣ-Ṣulūl | حصن الصلول | 1984 | 2018HSUm09018 | Ḥuṣn Aṣ-Ṣulūl (HS i): Topographical Map (Scale 1:2000) (V. Labianca- D. Picchi). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06843 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): The cliff, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06844 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): The cliff. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06845 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Ghadnāh, viewed from the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06846 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Ghadnāh, viewed from the cliff. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06847 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Ghadnāh, viewed from the cliff. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06848 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Ġirās mosque, viewed from the cliff. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06849 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Passage to climb the cliff. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06850 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Passage to climb the cliff. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06851 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Passage and wall to climb the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06852 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Passage and wall to climb the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06853 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Ġirās mosque, viewed from the cliff. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06854 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Passage to climb the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06855 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Passage to climb the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06856 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Passage to climb the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06857 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Inscriptions (graffiti) and marks on the rocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06858 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Steps to reach the top of the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06938 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of the mountain from Aš-Šiʿab. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06961 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Ruins of the Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06962 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Enclosure of the Islamic period, probably a sheepfold. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06963 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Enclosure of the Islamic period, probably a sheepfold. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06964 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Buildings of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06965 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Buildings of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06966 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Wall of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06967 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Remains of pre-Islamic and Islamic structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06968 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Remains of pre-Islamic and Islamic structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06969 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Wall of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06970 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): The mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06971 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): A cistern. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06972 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Two cisterns. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06973 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Detail of the stairs of a cistern. The masonry is covered with mortar (qaḍāḍ). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06974 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Detail of the edge of the cistern/ablution basin. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06975 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Detail of the stairs of a cistern. In the background is the mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06976 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): The mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06977 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Detail of a decorated stucco of the mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06978 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of the ruined mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06979 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of the ruined mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06980 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of the mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06981 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of the arcaded courtyard. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06982 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of the arcaded courtyard and the miḥrāb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06983 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of the ruined courtyard. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06984 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Detail of a wall with the remains of plaster. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06985 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Internal view of windows of the ruined mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06986 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of two windows of the mosque, from inside. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06987 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Lateral view of the miḥrāb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06988 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Detail of the miḥrāb: stucco decorations and inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06989 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): The miḥrāb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06990 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): A window, view from the interior of the mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06991 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): General view of a mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06992 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): A ruined building close to the cistern. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06993 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): In the foreground the stepped cistern; in the background the ruined building. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06994 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): The two cisterns or basins for ablutions. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06995 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): In the background general view of a mosque; in the foreground rabble. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06996 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): In the background general view of a mosque; in the foreground rabble. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06997 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Pre-Islamic and Islamic fortress built on the spur of the mountain, overlooking the valley. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06998 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Pre-Islamic and Islamic fortress built on the spur of the mountain, overlooking the valley. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn06999 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Ruined building. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07000 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Ruined building. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07001 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Remains of a building. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07002 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Remains of a building. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07003 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Remains of a building. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07004 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Remains of a building; the walls were covered with plaster. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07005 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Ruined building with inner walls coverd with plaster. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07006 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): A wall partially covered with plaster. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07007 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Ruined building; a wall with rests of plaster. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07008 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Ruined building; a wall with rests of plaster. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07009 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): A huge ruined building. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07010 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): A building/fortress with reinforced wall at the base. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07011 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): A building/fortress with reinforced wall at the base, on the spur of the mountain. View from the bottom. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07012 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): A building/fortress with reinforced wall at the base, on the spur of the mountain. View from the bottom. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07013 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of the ancient remnants on the spur of the mountain, overlooking the valley. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07014 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of a huge building/fortress. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07015 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Wall of Islamic period, detail of the architecture technique. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07016 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of rests of Islamic buildings. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07017 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Inner view of an ancient building. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07018 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Detail of a walled up passage of an ancient building. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07019 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Detail of the stucco covering a wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07020 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Long wall covered with stucco. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07021 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Detail of stucco on a wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07022 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of a inner wall of a ruined building, coverd with plaster. In the lower part, the stucco is well worked. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07023 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Fragments of stucco collapsed from the walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07024 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of the a building/fortress with reinforced wall at the base. The embrasures on the walls are preserved. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07025 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of a building with inner walls covered with stucco. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07026 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of prayer hall of the mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07027 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Local people. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07028 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): General view of the ruins. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07029 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Detail of Islamic inscription and decoration carved on two stone blocks reused in a wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07030 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): A ruined building, view from the bottom. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07031 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): A ruined building, view from the bottom. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07032 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): A ruined building or fortress, at the bottom an arch is preserved. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07033 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): The ruins of a huge building or fortress. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07034 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): A ruined building or fortress; a passage or window is preserved in a standing wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07035 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): General view ruined building or fortress. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07036 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): General view ruined building or fortress. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07037 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): The ruined building or fortress is built on the mountain spur overlooking the valley. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07038 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Base fragment of a column of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07039 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): The ruined building or fortress is built on the mountain spur overlooking the valley. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07040 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of the ruined fortress on the mountain spur overlooking the valley. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07041 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of of a pre-Islamic fortress with a gate. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07042 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Detail of the gate of a pre-Islamic fortress. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07043 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of a ruined Islamic building, S facade. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07044 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Al-Ġirās mosque, view from the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07045 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Al-Ġirās mosque, view from the mountain. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07046 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Lateral view of a fortress built on the mountain spur overlooking the valley. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07047 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of part of the fortress built on the mountain spur overlooking the valley. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07048 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of a room of the fortress. In the inner walls squared niches (on the left) and apses niches (on the right) are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07049 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Detail of an arched door in the fortress. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07050 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of the upper part of two opposite walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07051 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Detail of a large arched passage in the fortress. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07052 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Detail of a stucco wall decorations of a ruined building. In the concentric circles is a rosette with eight petals. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07053 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Stucco decoration in an inner wall of a building. On the left wall a stepped stucco decoration is preserved. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07054 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Detail of a stucco wall decorations of a ruined building. An eight-pointed star on the left. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07055 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Rests of stucco decorations covering the inner walls of a building. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07056 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): A bird's eye view of a fortress. Narrow openings and squared niches are visible in the wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07057 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): Detail of a stucco decoration covering a corner of a ruined building. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07058 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of an arched niche. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2018HDMn07059 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): View of inner rooms of a building. In the background the wall is partially covered with a stucco decoration. (©MAIRY) | |
Kawkabān | كوكبان | 1984 | 2018KAWm08954 | Ḫawlān: Qubbah Šams Ad-Dīn (Scale 1:50), Zone A, Pl. 20 (V. Labianca- D. Picchi). (©MAIRY) | |
Kawkabān | كوكبان | 1984 | 2018KAWm08955 | Ḫawlān: Qubbah Šams Ad-Dīn - Plan section elevation (Scale 1:50), Zone A, Pl. 21 (V. Labianca- D. Picchi). (©MAIRY) | |
Kawlat Al-ʿĀdī | كولة العادي | 1981 | 2018KALn05686 | Kawlat Al-ʿĀdī (KA i): Fragments of potsherds (rims). (©MAIRY) | |
Kawlat Al-ʿĀdī | كولة العادي | 1981 | 2018KALn05687 | Kawlat Al-ʿĀdī (KA i): Fragments of potsherds (rims). (©MAIRY) | |
Kawlat Al-ʿĀdī | كولة العادي | 1985 | 2018KATp09099 | Kawlat Al-ʿĀdī (KA ii): Pottery KA ii (43), full size (E. Gatti).(©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2018MADm08989 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): General Plan of the Sabaean ancient city (Scale 1:500) (V. Labianca, D. Picchi, P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2018MADm08990 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Sections (Scale 1:500) (V. Labianca, D. Picchi, P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05495 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Cliff with columnar basalt on the way to MA. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05496 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Cliff with columnar basalt. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05497 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): View of the Wādī Aḏanah. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05498 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): View of the Wādī Aḏanah. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05499 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Ancient Himyarite cistern covered with qaḍāḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05500 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Ancient Himyarite cistern covered with qaḍāḍ. | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05501 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Ancient Himyarite cistern, bewtween 1st and 3rd sectors, covered with qaḍāḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05502 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Wall with reused pre-Islamic blocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05503 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Wall with reused pre-Islamic blocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05504 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): General view of the pre-Islamic Himyarite site. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05505 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Details of a wall of the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05506 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Illegal excavation of the site; view of some blocks of a Himyarite building. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05507 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Illegal excavation of the site, view of a wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05508 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pre-Islamic inscription (Y.81.MA/1). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05509 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Incense burner with religious symbols in relief (Y.81.MA/5). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05510 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Incense burner with religious symbols in relief (Y.81.MA/5), lateral view. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05511 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pre-Islamic inscription (Y.81.MA/2). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05512 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pre-Islamic inscription (Y.81.MA/2). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05513 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): View of a house build on the ancient, pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05514 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): View of the site and the Archeologist Francesco Di Mario during the survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05515 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): View of the site and the Archeologist Francesco Di Mario during the survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05516 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): View of a house and enclosures for animals build on the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05517 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Bird's eye view on the extensive cultivation in the Wādī Aḏanah. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05518 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Bird's eye view on the extensive cultivation in the Wādī Aḏanah. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05519 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): The modern village on the top of the cliff. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05520 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Crouched bull in alabaster (Y.81.MA/4). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05521 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pre-Islamic inscription (Y.81.MA/3) carved in a vulcanic stone. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05522 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pre-Islamic inscription (Y.81.MA/3) carved in a vulcanic stone. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05523 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): The modern village on the top of the cliff. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05524 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Extensive cultivation in the Wādī Aḏanah, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05525 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Extensive cultivation in the Wādī Aḏanah. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05527 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Alabaster crouching bull, frontal view (Y.81.MA/4). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05528 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Alabaster crouching bull, right side (Y.81.MA/4). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05530 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Alabaster crouching bull, rear side (Y.81.MA/4). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05531 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Base of the rampart of gate 'a', from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05532 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Base of the rampart of gate 'a', from the N (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05533 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Corner of a building and its entrance. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05534 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Base of the rampart of gate 'a', from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05535 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Detail of the corner of the building with the entrance. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05537 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Base of the rampart of gate 'a', from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05538 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): A wall built with basalt blocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05539 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Row of stones of a wall's base. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05540 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): A general view of the 3rd sector' ruins. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05541 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): A general view of the ruins of the 3rd sector. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05542 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): A general view of the ruins of the 3rd Sector and the main track. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05543 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): A general view of the ruins of the 3rd Sector and the main track, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05544 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): A view of structures in the northwestern Sector of the ancient site, from the S . (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05545 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): A view of structures in the 3rd sector of the ancient pre-Islamic site, from the N. | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05546 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): A view of the main track crossing the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05547 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): A view of ruins in the 1st Sector. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05633 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pre-Islamic pottery collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05634 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pre-Islamic pottery collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05635 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pre-Islamic pottery collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05636 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pre-Islamic potsherds collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05637 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pre-Islamic fragments of pottery collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2018MADn05734 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Obsidian. (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09123 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): (B2.11), full size (E. Gatti).(©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1987 | 2018MADp09132 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery MA, MNQ (4), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09133 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09134 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09135 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09136 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09137 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09138 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09139 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09140 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09141 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09142 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09143 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09144 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09145 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09146 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09147 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09148 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09149 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09150 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09151 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09152 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09153 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09154 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09155 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09156 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09157 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09158 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09159 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09160 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09161 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09162 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09163 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09164 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09165 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09166 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09167 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09168 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09169 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09170 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09171 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09172 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09173 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09174 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09175 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09176 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery (B2.12), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09177 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery (B2.27), full size (B. Terfloth). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1987 | 2018MADp09178 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1987 | 2018MADp09179 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1987 | 2018MADp09180 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Pottery, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1985 | 2018MADp09248 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA): Inscription and Ibexes MA (Y.85.B1 Tav. 1), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | فخار | 1983-1984 | 2018POTp09228 | Pottery from Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), Wādī Ramik (WRA ii): Pottery MA, WRA ii (Y.87.5), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | فخار | 1981 | 2018POTp09237 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i, ii) and Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA) (85.B2.3), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09239 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB vi), Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), Ḥağbah (HAG) (85.B2.7), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09242 | Pottery from Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery MA, WY i (85.B2.13), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Madinat Bahāʾis | مدينة بهأس | 1989 | 2018MBHn01753 | Madinat Bahāʾis: Raydah. (© MAIRY) | |
Madinat Bahāʾis | مدينة بهأس | 1989 | 2018MBHn01754 | Madinat Bahāʾis: Raydah. (© MAIRY) | |
Madinat Bahāʾis | مدينة بهأس | 1989 | 2018MBHn01755 | Madinat Bahāʾis: Raydah. (© MAIRY) | |
Madinat Bahāʾis | مدينة بهأس | 1989 | 2018MBHn01756 | Madinat Bahāʾis: Raydah. (© MAIRY) | |
Madinat Bahāʾis | مدينة بهأس | 1989 | 2018MBHn01757 | Madinat Bahāʾis: Raydah. (© MAIRY) | |
Madinat Bahāʾis | مدينة بهأس | 1989 | 2018MBHn01758 | Madinat Bahāʾis: Raydah, grave of Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Madinat Bahāʾis | مدينة بهأس | 1989 | 2018MBHn01759 | Madinat Bahāʾis: Raydah, grave of Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Madinat Bahāʾis | مدينة بهأس | 1989 | 2018MBHn01760 | Madinat Bahāʾis (MBH): Raydah, grave of Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Madinat Bahāʾis | مدينة بهأس | 1989 | 2018MBHn01761 | Madinat Bahāʾis: Raydah, grave of Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Madinat Bahāʾis | مدينة بهأس | 1989 | 2018MBHn01762 | Madinat Bahāʾis: Raydah, grave of Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Madinat Bahāʾis | مدينة بهأس | 1989 | 2018MBHn01763 | Madinat Bahāʾis: Raydah, grave of Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Madinat Bahāʾis | مدينة بهأس | 1989 | 2018MBHn01764 | Madinat Bahāʾis: Raydah, grave of Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Mağil At-Talih | ماجل التالية | 1983 | 2018MTAn06000 | Mağil At-Talih (MT): View of the site, towards W. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil At-Talih | ماجل التالية | 1983 | 2018MTAn06001 | Mağil At-Talih (MT): The remains of Mağil, towards SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil At-Talih | ماجل التالية | 1983 | 2018MTAn06002 | Mağil At-Talih (MT): The cistern, towards N. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil At-Talih | ماجل التالية | 1983 | 2018MTAn06003 | Mağil At-Talih (MT): The cistern, towards NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil-Manẓar | ماجل منظر | 1983 | 2018MMAn05988 | Mağil-Manẓar (MM): Basalt tableland. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil-Manẓar | ماجل منظر | 1983 | 2018MMAn05989 | Mağil-Manẓar (MM): Basalt tableland. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil-Manẓar | ماجل منظر | 1983 | 2018MMAn05990 | Mağil-Manẓar (MM): Basalt tableland. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil-Manẓar | ماجل منظر | 1983 | 2018MMAn06056 | Mağil-Manẓar (MM): Basalt valley. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08149 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1 and some structures (loci) on the S side. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08150 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1 and some structures (loci) on the S side. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08151 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of Tomb 1 and some annexed structures, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08152 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of Tomb 1 and some annexed structures, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08153 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1 from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08154 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1 from the W, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08155 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the tomb T1 from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08156 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the tomb T1 from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08157 | Manqaz (MNQ): Excavation work in locus LA (in front of the tomb, W side). (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08158 | Manqaz (MNQ): Excavation work in locus LA (in front of the tomb, W side). The archaeologist Maurizio Cattani. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08159 | Manqaz (MNQ): Incense tree. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08160 | Manqaz (MNQ): Incense tree. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08161 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, view of level 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08162 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, view of level 1 from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08163 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, view of level 1 from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08164 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, level 1, detail of a skull and a potsherd. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08165 | Manqaz (MNQ): Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, level 1, detail of a human bone at the entrance. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08166 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, level 1, detail of a skull. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08167 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, excavation in LA. M Mascellani, Muḥammad Asbaḥī, S. Antonini and M. Cattani. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08168 | Manqaz (MNQ): Excavation in LA. The archaeologists Muḥammad Asbaḥī (GOAM), S. Antonini and M. Cattani. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08169 | Manqaz (MNQ): Excavation in LA. Removal of surface level of stones and windborne deposit. The topographer M. Mascellani, and the archaeologists Muḥammad Asbaḥī. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08170 | Manqaz (MNQ): Excavation in LA. Removal of surface level of stones and windborne deposit. The topographer M. Mascellani, Muḥammad Asbaḥī, S. Antonini, M. Cattani and the architect V. Labianca. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08171 | Manqaz (MNQ): Some loci S of the tomb T1. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08172 | Manqaz (MNQ): Some loci S of the tomb T1. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08173 | Manqaz (MNQ): Some loci S of the tomb T1. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08174 | Manqaz (MNQ): Some loci S of the tomb T1. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08175 | Manqaz (MNQ): Some loci S of the tomb T1. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08176 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the alabaster quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08177 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the alabaster quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08178 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the alabaster quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08179 | Manqaz (MNQ): The vertical section of the alabaster quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08180 | Manqaz (MNQ): Detail of the chisel marks in the alabaster quarry walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08181 | Manqaz (MNQ): Detail of the chisel marks in the alabaster quarry walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08182 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the alabaster quarry walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08183 | Manqaz (MNQ): The quarry of alabaster, a retaining wall for excavated debris built on the edge of the quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08184 | Manqaz (MNQ): A cave in the alabaster quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08185 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the area with Tomb T1 and LA during the archaeological excavation (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08186 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the area with Tomb T1 and LA during the archaeological excavation (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08187 | Manqaz (MNQ): View of one of the houses near the alabaster quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08188 | Manqaz (MNQ): Detail of a wall of one house near the quarry of Manqaz. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08189 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of ancient dwellings near the alabaster quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08190 | Manqaz (MNQ): Overview of the quarry and and mounds of alabaster processing waste and debris. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08191 | Manqaz (MNQ): Remains of Sabaean dwellings around the alabaster quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08192 | Manqaz (MNQ): Detail of an ancient building around the alabaster quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08193 | Manqaz (MNQ): Remains of South Arabian dwellings around the alabaster quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08194 | Manqaz (MNQ): Overview of Sabaean houses around the alabaster quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08195 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, Locus A: the floor covered by slabs, west sector. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08196 | Manqaz (MNQ): The alabaster quarry, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08197 | Manqaz (MNQ): The Tomb T1 viewed from the alabaster quarry. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08198 | Manqaz (MNQ): Turret tombs along the ancient road to Sirwah. The topographer Mario Mascellani. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08199 | Manqaz (MNQ): Turret tombs along the ancient road to Sirwah. The topographer Mario Mascellani. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08243 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, locus LA. Incised sandstone slab in situ (Y.87.MNQ.T1.LA/14). (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08244 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, locus LA. Incised sandstone slab in situ (Y.87.MNQ.T1.LA/14). (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08245 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, the structure M2 in L2, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08246 | Manqaz (MNQ): Locus LA, sector NW of M3. The bedrock is covered by a level of slabs. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08247 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, the human body discovered on level 2, in the southeast part of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08248 | Manqaz (MNQ): Locus LA, sector NW of M3. Rock outcrop between M1 and M3. | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08249 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, Locus A, W sector. In the middle the wall M3. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08250 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, Locus A, area excavated NW of M3. Flat slabs cover the bedrock. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08251 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, Locus A. General view of the W part. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08252 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, Locus A, area excavated NW of M3. Flat slabs cover the bedrock (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08253 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, Locus A, area excavated NW of M3 (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08254 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, Locus A. View of the bedrock covered with flat slabs. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08255 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of Locus A and wall M3. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08258 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1 (woman and child), deposition in level 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08259 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1 (woman and child), deposition in level 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08260 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1 (woman and child), deposition in level 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08261 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1 (woman and child), deposition in level 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08262 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1 (woman and child), deposition in level 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08263 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1 (woman and child), deposition in level 2, detail of the adult skeleton's head. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08264 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1 (woman and child), deposition in level 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08265 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1 (woman and child), deposition in level 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08266 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1 (woman and child), deposition in level 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08267 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1 (woman and child), deposition in level 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08268 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1 (woman and child), deposition in level 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08269 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1 (woman and child), deposition in level 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08270 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1 (woman and child), deposition in level 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2018MNQn08271 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, in the cavity left after the removal of the level 2 burials the stones of the burial chamber are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1988 | 2018MNQn08272 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, in the cavity left after the removal of the level 2 burials the stones of the burial chamber are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1989 | 2018MNQn08273 | Manqaz (MNQ): Tomb T1, in the cavity left after the removal of the level 2, burials the stones of the burial chamber are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01638 | Marib (M i): View of the external wall of Awwām Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01639 | Marib (M i): View of the external wall of Awwām Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01640 | Marib (M i): View of the wall of Awwām Temple from outside. The outer curtain of the wall was largely removed. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01641 | Marib (M i): Detail of the external wall of Awwām Temple. The outer curtain of the wall was largely removed, leaving the inner conglomerate visible. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01642 | Marib (M i): Detail of the architectonic technique of the wall of Awwām Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01643 | Marib (M i): Detail of the architectonic technique of the wall of Awwām Temple. View of the outer side. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01644 | Marib (M i): Detail of the architectonic technique of the wall of Awwām Temple. View of the outer side. Limestone and volcanic stones are used. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01645 | Marib (M i): The wall of Awwām Temple is spoiled. View of the outer side. Both limestone and volcanic stones are used in the wall. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01646 | Marib (M i): View of the top of the round wall of Awwām Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01647 | Marib (M i): Fragments of monolithic pillars next to the Awwām Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01648 | Marib (M i): View of the external wall of Awwām Temple. The outer curtain of the wall was largely removed, leaving the inner conglomerate visible. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01649 | Marib (M i): The wall of the Awwām Temple and in the background the pillars of the propylaeum. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01650 | Marib (M i): Detail of the limestone blocks of the the Awwām Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01651 | Marib (M i): Detail of the wall of the Awwām Temple, and the limestone processing technique. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01652 | Marib (M i): Detail of a wall of the Awwām Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01653 | Marib (M i): Detail of a wall of the Awwām Temple, and the limestone processing technique. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01654 | Marib (M i): A monolithic pillar found next to the Awwām Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01655 | Marib (M i): Detail of a monolithic pillar found next to the Awwām Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01656 | Marib (M i): Detail of the architectural technique in the wall of the Awwām Temple. The rows of blocks are slightly recessed. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01657 | Marib (M i): Detail of the architectural technique in the wall of the Awwām Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01658 | Marib (M i): Detail of the architectural technique in the outer side of the wall of the Awwām Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01659 | Marib (M i): Detail of the architectural technique (use of plaster between rows of stones) in the outer side of the wall of the Awwām Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01660 | Marib (M i): View of a section of the outer wall of the Awwām Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01661 | Marib (M i): The thick sediments (silt) close to the city wall. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01662 | Marib (M i): Detail of the limestone blocks of the city wall. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01663 | Marib (M i): View of high sediments (silt) close to the city wall. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01664 | Marib (M i): View of high sediments (silt) close to the city wall. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01665 | Marib (M i): View of high sediments (silt) close to the city wall. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01666 | Marib (M i): Detail of tool marks for quarrying smaller blocks, possibly architectonic decorations. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01667 | Marib (M i): Stone with tool marks for quarrying smaller blocks, possibly architectonic decorations. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01668 | Marib (M i): Detail of tool marks (fillets) for quarrying smaller blocks, possibly architectonic decorations. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01669 | Marib (M i): View of a gateway of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01670 | Marib (M i): Dromedaries outside of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1989-1990 | 2018MRBn01671 | Marib (M i): Dromedaries outside of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2018MRBn04696 | Marib (MR i): Blocks in limestone found during the works to build the new dam. Left Sabina Antonini, center Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ (GOAM) and A. de Maigret, right M.Tosi. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2018MRBn04697 | Marib (MR i): Limestone blocks found during the works to build the new dam. Part of the bank of the new dam is visible up on the right. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2018MRBn04698 | Marib (MR i): Long Sabaean wall in fine limestone blocks found during the works to build the new dam. The latter was built upstream of the ancient dam.(©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2018MRBn04699 | Marib (MR i): Sabaean semicircular structure in fine limestone blocks found during the works to build the new dam. The new dam was built upstream of the ancient dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2018MRBn05625 | Marib (M i): The old city of Marib. Houses in mud bricks built on the Sabaean tell. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2018MRBn05626 | Marib (M i): The old city of Marib built on the Sabaean tell. The tower-houses in mud bricks. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2018MRIn05627 | Marib (M ii): General view of the Wādī Ḏanah. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2018MRIn05628 | Marib (M ii): Baʾrān temple. The pillars of the propyleum. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2018MRIn05629 | Marib (M ii): Baʾrān temple. The pillars of the propylaeum. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2018MRIn05630 | Marib (M ii): Baʾrān temple. The pillars of the propylaeum with the capitals decorated with dentils. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2018MRIn05631 | Marib (M ii): General view of the Wādī Ḏanah. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2018MRIn05632 | Marib (M ii): Blocks extracted from the wall near the pillars of the Baʾrān temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2018MRIn05692 | Marib (M ii): Potsherds (fragments of rims). (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2018MRIn05693 | Marib (M ii): Postsherds (fragments of rims). (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2018MRIn05694 | Marib (M ii): Potsherds (fragments of rims). (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2018MRIn05695 | Marib (M ii): Potsherds (fragments of rims). (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | فخار | 1985 | 2018POTp09124 | Pottery from: A (?), M i, M ii, MA, A ii (?), NAB iiI (B2.15), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2017MNTn00153 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): A megalitic stone. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2017MNTn00154 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): A megalitic stone. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2017MNTn00155 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): A megalitic stone. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2017MNTn00156 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): A megalitic stone. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2017MNTn00157 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): Landscape. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2017MNTn00158 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): Landscape. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03929 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): During the survey of the village. Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ, President of GOAM. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03930 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): During a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03931 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of the modern village. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03932 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): The modern village, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03933 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): A traditional farm at the modern village. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03934 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): Three children in a farm of the modern village. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03935 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): A medieval castle on the rocky hill. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03936 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of terraced fields, from the road to the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03937 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of terraced fields, from the road to the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03938 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of terraced fields, from the road to the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03939 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of terraced fields, from the road to the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03940 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of a village and terraced fields, from the road to the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03941 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of the cultivated fields, from the road to the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03942 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): Euphorbia. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03943 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of cultivated fields and farms, from the road to the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03944 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): View of farms and Euphorbiae, form the road to the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03947 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): Survey in the ancient site, view of a wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03948 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): Survey in the ancient site, wall (detail of the masonry). (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03949 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of the valley and the village from the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03950 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): The village and the castle on the rocky hill, detail viewed from the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03951 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): The village and the castle on the rocky hill, from the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03952 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): The Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ, President of GOAM, during the survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03953 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of the terraced fields, from the road to the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03954 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): A castle on the rocky hill. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03977 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03978 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): The survey of the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03979 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): The survey of the ancient site. Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ, Presidente of GOAM, and the director of the Italian Archaeological Mission Alessandro de Maigret .(©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03980 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): Himyarite structures discoverd during the survey in the ancient site.(©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03981 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): The survey in the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03982 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): The survey in the ancient site. Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ and Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03983 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): The survey in the ancient site. Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ and Alessandro de Maigret, director of the Italian Archaeological Mission. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03984 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): The survey in the ancient site. Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ and Alessandro de Maigret.(©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03985 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of the valley. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03986 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): The survey in the ancient site. Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ and Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03987 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): The survey in the ancient site. Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ, President of GOAM .(©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03988 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): Structures of the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03989 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): Structures of the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03990 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of the ruins in the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03991 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of the ruins in the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03992 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of the ruins. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03993 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of the ruins discovered during the survey in the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03994 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of the area. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03995 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): A megalitic stone. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03996 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): General view of the valley. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03997 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): A survey in the area carried out by Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03998 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): A survey in the ancient site and Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ, President of GOAM.(©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn03999 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn04000 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): A long inscription carved on a rock. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn04001 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): A long inscription carved on a rock. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn04002 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): A long inscription carved on a rock, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn04003 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): A long inscription carved on a rock. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn04004 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): Detail of a long inscription carved on a rock. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn04005 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): A long inscription carved on a rock, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn04006 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): A long inscription carved on a rock, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Māriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2018MNTn04007 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): Detail of a long inscription carved on a rock. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1987 | 2018MABn08019 | Maʾbar: The valley of Maʾbar, bird's-eye view. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1987 | 2018MABn08020 | Maʾbar: The valley of Maʾbar, bird's-eye view. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1987 | 2018MABn08021 | Maʾbar: The valley of Maʾbar, bird's-eye view. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1992 | 2018MAIn02865 | Maʿīn: The temple extra-moenia dedicated to ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1992 | 2018MAIn02866 | Maʿīn: The temple extra-moenia dedicated to ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ. The surface of the pillar is sculpted with the so called Banāt ʿĀd motives. Destruction due to illegal excavations. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03652 | Maʿīn: The western gate of the city of Maʿīn/Qarnaw, in the Yemeni Ğawf. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03653 | Maʿīn: Bird's eye view of the western gate of Qarnaw, the capital of the South Arabian Kingdom of Maʿīn, in the Yemeni Ğawf. The pillars supported the covering of a porch.(©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03654 | Maʿīn: Bird's eye view of the western gate of the Minaean city of Qarnaw, in the Yemeni Ğawf. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03655 | Maʿīn: Top view of the western gate of Qarnaw, the capital of the South Arabian Kingdom of Maʿīn. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03657 | Maʿīn: Slabs of a Minaean building in the ancient site of Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03658 | Maʿīn: View of the hypostyle temple in Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03659 | Maʿīn: Detail of the pillars and beams of the hypostyle temple in Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03660 | Maʿīn: View of the two orders (primary and secondary) of beams forming, together with the slabs here missing, the roof of the temple in Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03661 | Maʿīn: Detail of the perimetral wall of the hypostyle temple in Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). The wall is composed by a double curtain. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03662 | Maʿīn: Detail of the technical construction of the roof of the temple in Qarnaw (Ğawf). Pillars of the hypostyle hall, primary and secondary beams are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03663 | Maʿīn: Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). Detail of the juxtaposition of the beams on a pillar of the hypostyle hall, and in the background the boundary wall of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03664 | Maʿīn: External view of the hypostyle intra-muros temple in Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03665 | Maʿīn: Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). Frontal view of the extra-moenia temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03666 | Maʿīn: Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). Three quarters view of the extra-moenia temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03667 | Maʿīn: Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). Lateral view of pillars and beams of the extra-moenia temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03668 | Maʿīn: Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). View of pillars and beams of the extra-moenia temple. Detail of technical construction. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03669 | Maʿīn: Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). Three quarters view of the extra-moenia temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03670 | Maʿīn: Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). View of pillars and beams of the extra-moenia temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03671 | Maʿīn: Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). Frontal view of the extra-moenia temple. On the right standing pillars are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03672 | Maʿīn: Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). General view of the city from the south. The tell and the southern gare are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03673 | Maʿīn: Maʿīn: Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). A stela with a niche, extra-moenia.The representative of GOAM Muḥammad Ḥalabi. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03674 | Maʿīn: Maʿīn: Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). Frontal view of a stela with a niche, extra-moenia. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03675 | Maʿīn: Maʿīn: Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). Lateral view of a stela with a niche, extra-moenia. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03683 | Maʿīn: Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). In the foreground a gate of the ancient Minaean city. In the background a modern house in stones and mud bricks. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03684 | Maʿīn: View of the western gate of Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). In the background evidence of illegal excavations. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03685 | Maʿīn: View of rows of the city walls of Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03686 | Maʿīn: View of the western gate and city walls of Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03687 | Maʿīn: View of the tell and rows of the city walls of Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03688 | Maʿīn: Frontal view (from the outside) of the western gate and city walls of Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03689 | Maʿīn: Oblique view (from the outside) of the western gate and city walls of Qarnaw, the capital of the Kingdom of Maʿīn (Ğawf). (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03690 | Maʿīn: View (from the outside) of the western gate and city walls of Qarnaw. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03691 | Maʿīn: Pillars of the porch in the western gate of the city walls of Qarnaw (Ğawf). (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03692 | Maʿīn: The hall in the western gate that leads into Qarnaw (Ğawf). (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03693 | Maʿīn: The complex of the double entrance of the western gate of Qarnaw. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2018MAIn03694 | Maʿīn: View of the southern wall of the corridor that leads to the inner entrance of the western double gate of Qarnaw/Maʿīn. (©MAIRY) | |
Naqīl Sumarah | نقيل سمارة | 1986 | 2018NAQn03955 | Naqīl Sumarah: The well (or a cistern) of Al-Sūfi. (©MAIRY) | |
Naqīl Sumarah | نقيل سمارة | 1986 | 2018NAQn03956 | Naqīl Sumarah: The well (or a cistern) of Al-Sūfi and the archeologist Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Naqīl Sumarah | نقيل سمارة | 1986 | 2018NAQn03957 | Naqīl Sumarah: The well (or a cistern) of Al-Sūfi and the local people. (©MAIRY) | |
Naqīl Sumarah | نقيل سمارة | 1986 | 2018NAQn03958 | Naqīl Sumarah: The well (or a cistern) of Al-Sūfi. A stairway in stone. View from the bottom of the well. (©MAIRY) | |
Naqīl Sumarah | نقيل سمارة | 1986 | 2018NAQn03959 | Naqīl Sumarah: The narrow channel of Al-Sūfi cistern. (©MAIRY) | |
Naqīl Sumarah | نقيل سمارة | 1986 | 2018NAQn03960 | Naqīl Sumarah: The cistern of Al-Sūfi. The channel. (©MAIRY) | |
Naqīl Sumarah | نقيل سمارة | 1986 | 2018NAQn03961 | Naqīl Sumarah: The archeologist Alessandro de Maigret in the cistern of Al-Sūfi. (©MAIRY) | |
Naqīl Sumarah | نقيل سمارة | 1986 | 2018NAQn03962 | Naqīl Sumarah: The narrow channel of the cistern of Al-Sūfi. (©MAIRY) | |
Naqīl Sumarah | نقيل سمارة | 1986 | 2018NAQn03963 | Naqīl Sumarah: The rounded mouth of the cistern of Al-Sūfi, view from the bottom. (©MAIRY) | |
Naqīl Sumarah | نقيل سمارة | 1986 | 2018NAQn03964 | Naqīl Sumarah: The cistern of Al-Sūfi. View of the spiral staircase, from the top. (©MAIRY) | |
Qalīl | قليل | 1983 | 2018QALn08395 | Qalīl: View of the village Qalīl, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGn03965 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Structures discovered during the survey of the ancient site of Qāʿ Ǧahrān. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGn03966 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Structures discovered during the survey of the ancient site of Qāʿ Ǧahrān. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGn03967 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Structures discovered during the survey of the ancient site of Qāʿ Ǧahrān. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGn03968 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): General view of the structures discovered during the survey of the ancient site of Qāʿ Ǧahrān. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGn03969 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Structures discovered during the survey of the ancient site of Qāʿ Ǧahrān. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGn03970 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Structures discovered during the survey of the ancient site of Qāʿ Ǧahrān. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGn03971 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Structures discovered during the survey of the ancient site of Qāʿ Ǧahrān. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGn03972 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Structures discovered during the survey of the ancient site of Qāʿ Ǧahrān. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGn03973 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Structures discovered during the survey of the ancient site of Qāʿ Ǧahrān. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGn03974 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Structures discovered during the survey of the ancient site of Qāʿ Ǧahrān. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGn03975 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Structures discovered during the survey of the ancient site of Qāʿ Ǧahrān. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGn03976 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Structures discovered during the survey of the ancient site of Qāʿ Ǧahrān. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1987 | 2018QAGn04858 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Bifacial tool (amygdala) found in the Prehistoric (Lower Paleolithic) site. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1987 | 2018QAGn04859 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Bifacial tool (amygdala) found in the Prehistoric (Lower Paleolithic) site. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1987 | 2018QAGn04860 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Bifacial tool (amygdala) found in the Prehistoric (Lower Paleolithic) site. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1987 | 2018QAGn04861 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Bifacial tool (amygdala) found in the Prehistoric (Lower Paleolithic) site. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGp09258 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 51), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGp09259 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 52), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGp09260 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 53), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGp09261 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 54), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGp09262 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 55), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGp09264 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 58), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGp09265 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 59), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGp09266 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 61), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGp09267 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 62), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGp09268 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 63), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGp09269 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 64), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGp09270 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 65), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGp09271 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 66), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGp09272 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 66), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2018QAGp09273 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 68), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1982 | 2018QAGp09274 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries 30-1-1982 (Y.85.B1 Tav. 85), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09278 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 15), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09279 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 16), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09280 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 18), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09281 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 19), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09282 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 20), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09283 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 21), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09284 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 22), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09285 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 23), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09286 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 24), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09287 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 25), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09288 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 26), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09289 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 27), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09290 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 28), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09291 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 29), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09292 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 30), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09293 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 31), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09294 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 32), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09295 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 34), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09296 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 35), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1985 | 2018QAGp09297 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. ?), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGp09298 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 67), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QGRm09023 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Geomorphological Map from photointerpretation and ground survey (Scale 1:100.000) (M. Mascellani, B. Marcolongo, A. Palmieri). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07130 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 32 (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07131 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 32. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07132 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 30 (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07133 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 30. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07134 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 35 (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07135 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07136 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 35 (front side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07137 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): QG i 83, flint no. 38 (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07138 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 38. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07139 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 40 (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07140 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 41 (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07141 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 41. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07142 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 40. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07143 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 34 (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07144 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 34. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07145 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 42 (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07146 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07147 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 36 (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07148 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 36. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07149 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 37 (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07150 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 37. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07151 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 39 (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07152 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 39. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07153 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 33 (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07154 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 33. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07155 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 31 (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07156 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 31 (ventral side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07157 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 31 (lateral view). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07158 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. I (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07159 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): QG i 84, flint no. I. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07160 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. II (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07161 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. II. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07162 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. III (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07163 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. III. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07164 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. IX (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07165 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. IX. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07166 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. VIII (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07167 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i84, flint no. VIII. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07168 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. XV (upper side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07169 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG 84, flint no. XV (lower side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07170 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG 84, flint no. XVI (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07171 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. XVI. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07172 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. XIV (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07173 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): QG i 84, flint no. XIV. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07174 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. XI (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07175 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. XI. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07176 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. X (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07177 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. X. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07178 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. IV (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07179 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. IV. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07180 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. V (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07181 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. V. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07182 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. 3 (upper side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07183 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. 3 (lower side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07184 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. 4 (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07185 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. 4. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07186 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. XVIII (nucleus). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07187 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. XVIII (nucleus). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07188 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. XIII (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07189 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. XIII. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07190 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. XVII (nucleus, upper side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07191 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. XVII (nucleus, lower side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07192 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 28 (nucleus, upper side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07193 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 28 (nucleus, lower side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07194 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. XIX (part of a nucleus, upper side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07195 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 84, flint no. XIX (part of a nucleus, lower side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07200 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 33 (nucleus, dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07201 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 33 (nucleus). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07202 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 42 (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07203 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 42. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07204 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 31. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07205 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 31 (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07206 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 30 (dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07207 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 30. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07208 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 33 (nucleus, dorsal side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAGn07209 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG i): QG i 83, flint no. 33 (nucleus). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09275 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 12), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09276 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 13), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1986 | 2018QAGp09277 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Bulgarelli Tav. 14), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAHn07196 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG ii): QG ii 84, flint no. 1 (nucleus, upper side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAHn07197 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG ii): QG ii 84, flint no. 1 (part of a nucleus, lower side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAHn07198 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG ii): QG ii 84, flint no. 2 (part of a nucleus, upper side). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1984 | 2018QAHn07199 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG ii): QG ii 84, flint no. 2 (part of a nucleus, lower side). (©MAIRY) | |
Ramlat as-Sabʿatayn | ما قبل التاريخ | 1987 | 2018PREn04784 | Ramlat as-Sabʿatayn: Yemeni Prehistory (Neolithic), flint tools (drills, scrapers, arrows, bifacial tools) and axe, from the desert. (©MAIRY) | |
Ramlat as-Sabʿatayn | ما قبل التاريخ | 1987 | 2018PREn04787 | Ramlat as-Sabʿatayn: Yemeni Prehistory, stone tools. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07095 | Raʿidah (RAY): Stone blocks of pre-Islamic period found in the area E of the road. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07096 | Raʿidah (RAY): Section with a column of a Mosque in the area E of the road. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07097 | Raʿidah (RAY): General view of the archaeological area E of the road, towards SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07098 | Raʿidah (RAY): General view of the road, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07099 | Raʿidah (RAY): General view of the eastern side of the road. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07100 | Raʿidah (RAY): General view of the road, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07101 | Raʿidah (RAY): Modern excavation with bulldozer in the area E of the road. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07102 | Raʿidah (RAY): Pre-Islamic block decorated with dentils, in the area E of the street. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07103 | Raʿidah (RAY): Inscription reused in a wall of a house, E of the road. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07104 | Raʿidah (RAY): Inscription reused in a wall of a house, E of the road. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07105 | Raʿidah (RAY): Inscription reused in a wall of a house, E of the road. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07106 | Raʿidah (RAY): Startigraphical section and original level of Pre-Islamic period, E from the road. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07107 | Raʿidah (RAY): Section and column, E from the road, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07108 | Raʿidah (RAY): General view of the section, from the road. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07109 | Raʿidah (RAY): General view of the section, E from the road. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07110 | Raʿidah (RAY): Detail of a Mosque column. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07111 | Raʿidah (RAY): Detail of a Mosque column. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07112 | Raʿidah (RAY): Detail of another column of a Mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07113 | Raʿidah (RAY): Pre-Islamic blocks, probably pertained to a temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07114 | Raʿidah (RAY): Detail of a sculptured block with dentils, E of the road. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07115 | Raʿidah (RAY): Detail of a block of a Pre-Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07116 | Raʿidah (RAY): Monolithic block of Pre-Islamic period, E of the road. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07117 | Raʿidah (RAY): Section of the modern excavation, E of the road. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07118 | Raʿidah (RAY): Section of the modern excavation, E of the road. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07119 | Raʿidah (RAY): Detail of the section with Pre-Islamic structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07120 | Raʿidah (RAY): Part of the section of Pre-Islamic level and South Arabian blocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07121 | Raʿidah (RAY): General view of the section after a modern excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07122 | Raʿidah (RAY): Detail of the section with rest of ancient walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07123 | Raʿidah (RAY): Deatail of Pre-Islamic blocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07124 | Raʿidah (RAY): Deatil of a Pre-Islamic offering table. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07125 | Raʿidah (RAY): Deatil of an ancient mortar. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07126 | Raʿidah (RAY): Deatil of a Pre-Islamic offering table. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07127 | Raʿidah (RAY): Local people. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07128 | Raʿidah (RAY): Section with archaeological findings. (©MAIRY) | |
Raʿidah | ريدة | 1983 | 2018RAYn07129 | Raʿidah (RAY): General view of the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah | سبلة الجباهرة | 1983 | 2018GAIn05847 | Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah (GA i): Ruins. (©MAIRY) | |
Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah | سبلة الجباهرة | 1983 | 2018GAIn05848 | Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah (GA i): General view and the village in the background. (©MAIRY) | |
Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah | سبلة الجباهرة | 1983 | 2018GAIn05849 | Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah (GA i): The shaykh of the village with a child. (©MAIRY) | |
Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah | سبلة الجباهرة | 1983 | 2018GAIn05850 | Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah (GA i): An inscriprion found in the village of Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah. (©MAIRY) | |
Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09241 | Pottery from Al-Ma'allak (MAA ii), Al-Masannah (MAS i), Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah (GA i): Pottery MAA ii, MAS i, GA i (85.B2.9), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09241 | Pottery from Al-Ma'allak (MAA ii), Al-Masannah (MAS i), Sabbalat Al-Ǧabahirah (GA i): Pottery MAA ii, MAS i, GA i (85.B2.9), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1986 | 2017SANn00917 | Incense burner kept at the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ (YM 2312). The incense burner is found in Al-Bayḍāʾ (Wādī Ǧawf). The resin ḍarw is incised. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1986 | 2017SANn00918 | Incense burner kept at the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ (YM 2312). The incense burner is found in Al-Bayḍāʾ (Wādī Ǧawf). Three sides are decorated with triangles. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1986 | 2017SANn00919 | Incense burner kept at the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ (YM 2312). The incense burner is found in Al-Bayḍāʾ (Wādī Ǧawf). Triangles decoration. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1986 | 2017SANn00920 | Incense burner kept at the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ (YM 2312). The incense burner is found in Al-Bayḍāʾ (Wādī Ǧawf). Triangles decoration. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1986 | 2017SANn00921 | Incense burner kept at the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ (YM 2225). The incense burner is found in Al-Bayḍāʾ (Wādī Ǧawf). The name of the resin qusṭ is carved. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1986 | 2017SANn00922 | Incense burner kept at the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ (YM 2225). The incense burner is found in Al-Bayḍāʾ (Wādī Ǧawf). The name ḥādik is carved. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1986 | 2017SANn00923 | Incense burner kept at the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ (YM 2225). The incense burner is found in Al-Bayḍāʾ (Wādī Ǧawf). The name ḍarw is carved. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1986 | 2017SANn00924 | Incense burner kept at the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ (YM 2225). The incense burner is found in Al-Bayḍāʾ (Wādī Ǧawf). The name rand is carved. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1986 | 2017SANn00925 | Incense burner kept at the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ (YM 2225). The incense burner is found in Al-Bayḍāʾ (Wādī Ǧawf). The name rand is icarved. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1986 | 2017SANn00926 | Incense burner kept at the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ (YM 2312). The incense burner is found in Al-Bayḍāʾ (Wādī Ǧawf). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1986 | 2017SANn00927 | The cubic incense burner is kept at the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ (YM 2312). It was found in Al-Bayḍāʾ (Wādī Ǧawf). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | خارطة الأنهار | 1985 | 2018IDRm09031 | Idrographical Map: Idrographical Map of the area between Ṣanʿāʾ, Ma'bar and Marib (no scale) (V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01734 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01735 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01736 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01737 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01738 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01739 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01740 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01741 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01742 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01743 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01744 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01745 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01746 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01747 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01748 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01749 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01750 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. Utensils. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01751 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. Utensils. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01752 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Documentation of ceramic manufacturing technique in a workshop in al-Qa'a quarter (Ṣanʿāʾ), in November 1989. Clay. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01782 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Restoration work on pottery found in the excavation of House A at Yalā . (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01783 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Pottery from the excavation of House A (Yalā ) for restoration. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01786 | Ṣanʿāʾ: The Italian Archaeological Mission house: restoration of the pottery excavated in House A in Yalā /Ad-Durāyb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01787 | Ṣanʿāʾ: People in the mafraj of the Italian Archaeological Mission house. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01788 | Ṣanʿāʾ: People in the mafraj of the Italian Archaeological Mission house. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn01789 | Ṣanʿāʾ: An Italian student of the Naples University in the mafraj. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn02029 | Ṣanʿāʾ: A .G. Lundin, G. Pettinato and A. de Maigret at the Italian-Yemeni Cooperation Center. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn02030 | Ṣanʿāʾ: A .G. Lundin at the Italian-Yemeni Cooperation Center. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn02031 | Ṣanʿāʾ: M. Mascellani at the Italian-Yemeni Cooperation Center. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn02062 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Dar al-Kahyr, Imam palace. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn02063 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Dar al-Kahyr. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn02064 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Dar al-Kahyr. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn02065 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Dar al-Kahyr; M. Mascellani, A. de Maigret and M. Cattani. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn02066 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Dar al-Kahyr. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn02067 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Dar al-Kahyr. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989-1990 | 2018SANn02068 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Dar al-Kahyr. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2018SANn02573 | Ṣanʿāʾ: The pottery found in the 'House A' in Yalā /Ad-Durāyb on the roof of Italian-Yemeni cooperation center. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2018SANn02575 | Ṣanʿāʾ: The pottery found in the 'House A' in Yalā /Ad-Durāyb on the roof of Italian-Yemeni cooperation center. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2018SANn02576 | Ṣanʿāʾ: The pottery found in the 'House A' in Yalā /Ad-Durāyb, detail of a restored jar (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2018SANn02577 | Ṣanʿāʾ: The pottery found in the 'House A' in Yalā /Ad-Durāyb on the roof of Italian-Yemeni cooperation center. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2018SANn02578 | Ṣanʿāʾ: The pottery found in the 'House A' in Yalā /Ad-Durāyb on the roof of Italian-Yemeni cooperation center. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1986 | 2018SANn03703 | Cubic incense burner with inscriptions (with names of the resins), kept at the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1986 | 2018SANn03704 | Cubic incense burner with inscriptions (with names of the resins), kept at the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1986 | 2018SANn03705 | Cubic incense burner with inscriptions (with names of the resins), kept at the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1986 | 2018SANn03706 | Al-Jandari and S. Antonini on the roof of the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1986 | 2018SANn03945 | Ṣanʿāʾ: The cat (Baddy) of the Italian Mission. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1986 | 2018SANn03946 | Ṣanʿāʾ: The cat (Baddy) of the Italian team. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1980 | 2018SANn05433 | Ṣanʿāʾ: people in front of the Hotel Alexander. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06243 | Ṣanʿāʾ: The headquarter of the 'Yemeni-Italian Centre for Archeological Research' (YICAR). Bayt Shawkany. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06244 | Ṣanʿāʾ: The headquarter of the 'Yemeni-Italian Centre for Archeological Research' (YICAR). Bayt Shawkany. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06245 | Ṣanʿāʾ: The headquarter of the 'Yemeni-Italian Centre for Archeological Research' (YICAR). Bayt Shawkany, the garden. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06246 | Ṣanʿāʾ: The headquarter of the 'Yemeni-Italian Centre for Archaeological Research' (YICAR), Bayt Shawkany. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06247 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Houses near the headquarter of the 'Yemeni-Italian Centre for Archeological Research' (YICAR). Bayt Shawkany. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06248 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Houses near the headquarter of the 'Yemeni-Italian Centre for Archeological Research' (YICAR). Bayt Shawkany. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06249 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Houses near the headquarter of the 'Yemeni-Italian Centre for Archeological Research' (YICAR). Bayt Shawkany. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06250 | Ṣanʿāʾ: A flower the headquarter of the 'Yemeni-Italian Centre for Archeological Research' (YICAR). The garden of Bayt Shawkany. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06251 | Ṣanʿāʾ: View of the old city. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06252 | Ṣanʿāʾ: A street in the city of Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06253 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Daily life in the old city of Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06254 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Daily life in the old city of Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06255 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Daily life in the city of Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06256 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Houses in the city of Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06257 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Daily life in the old city of Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06258 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Daily life in the city of Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06259 | Ṣanʿāʾ: A house in the city of Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06260 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Daily life in the city of Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06261 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Daily life in the city of Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06262 | Ṣanʿāʾ: The car used by the Italian archaeological mission during the surveys. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06263 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Mohammed Al-Giabbar, the driver. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06264 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Francesco di Mario. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06265 | Ṣanʿāʾ: View of Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06266 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Bab Al-Yemen. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2018SANn08436 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Panel on Neolithic for the Exhibition held at the Sheraton Hotel. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2018SANn08437 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Panel on Bronze Age pottery for the Exhibition held at Sheraton Hotel. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2018SANn08438 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Panel on Neolithic animal bones for the Exhibition held at Sheraton Hotel. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2018SANn08439 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Panel on Bronze Age economy for the Exhibition held at Sheraton Hotel. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2018SANn08440 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Panel on Neolithic tools for the Exhibition held at Sheraton Hotel. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2018SANn08441 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Panel on Neolithic tools for the Exhibition held at Sheraton Hotel. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2018SANn08442 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Panel on Bronze Age lithic industry for the Exhibition held at Sheraton Hotel. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2018SANn08443 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Panel on Palaeolithic tools for the Exhibition held at Sheraton Hotel. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2018SANn08444 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Panel on Himyaritic pottery for the Exhibition held at Sheraton Hotel. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2018SANn08445 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Panel on Lower Palaeolithic industry for the Exhibition held at Sheraton Hotel. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2018SANn08446 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Panel on Sabaean pottery for the Exhibition held at Sheraton Hotel. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2018SANn08447 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Drawings of Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur tombs, T1 and T2 for the Exhibition held at Sheraton Hotel. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06287 | Ṣanʿāʾ: View of a typical house. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2018SANn06288 | Ṣanʿāʾ: View of a road in the old city. (©MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01990 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: View of a temple in the site of Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa, SW of Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989-1990 | 2018BARn01991 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: View of standing pillars belonging to a temple in the site of Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa, SW of Barāqiš. Professor Gh. Gnoli. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1986 | 2018SHQn03695 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: Inscribed pillar of a Sabaean temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1986 | 2018SHQn03696 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: Inscribed pillar of a Sabaean temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1986 | 2018SHQn03697 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: Inscribed pillar of a Sabaean temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1986 | 2018SHQn03698 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: Three pillars of a Sabaean temple. In the background the jambs of a temple doorway is quite totally covered by soil and stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1986 | 2018SHQn03699 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: View of three pillars of a Sabaean temple. In the background the jambs of a temple doorway is quite totally covered by soil and stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1986 | 2018SHQn03700 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: General view of the archaeological remains of the ancient religious site. In the background the pillars of another temple are emerging from a mound of stones and soil. (©MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989-1990 | 2018SHQn02032 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: The site of Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa, SW of Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989-1990 | 2018SHQn02033 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: An inscription found during a survey at Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa, SW of Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989-1990 | 2018SHQn02034 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: An inscription found during a survey at Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa, SW of Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989-1990 | 2018SHQn02035 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: General view of the site after illegal excavations. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989-1990 | 2018SHQn02036 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: An inscription (Y.90.SHQ/2) found during a survey at the site SW of Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989-1990 | 2018SHQn02037 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: An inscription (Y.90.SHQ/2) found during a survey at at the site SW of Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989-1990 | 2018SHQn02038 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: Jambs of a temple excavated by local people. The site is completely looted. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989-1990 | 2018SHQn02039 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: Pillars of a temple excavated by local people. The site is completely plundered. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989-1990 | 2018SHQn02040 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: View of jambs and pillars of a temple excavated by local people. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | فخار | 1981-1984 | 2018POTp09245 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB iv, vii), Ṣirwāḥ (S ii), Šibām Ġirās (SG): Pottery NAB iv, NAB vii, S ii, SG (85.B2.26), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHm08931 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Cave Tomb B from the northwestern cliff of Ğabal Marmar (Scale 1:20) (P. Berardi - V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHm08932 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Cave Tomb A from the northwestern cliff of Ğabal Marmar (Scale 1:20) (P. Berardi - V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHm08933 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Sketch plan of the Šibām area showing the location of the two cave tombs (Scale 1:2500) (P. Berardi - V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHm08934 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Cave Tombs A and B from the northwestern cliff of the Ğabal Marmar. Frontal view (from the northwest) and plan (Scale 1:50) (P. Berardi - V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHm08935 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Prospectical sketch view of building No. 2, southern facade (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHm08936 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Prospectical sketch of a building No. 2, inside view (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHm08937 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Map of the antiquities in the Ğabal Marmar area (Scale 1:2500) (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHm08938 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Sketch plan of the Himyarite site of Šibām Suḫāym (Scale 1:2500) (P. Berardi - V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHm08939 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): North-South cross section A-B of the Himyarite site of Šibām Suḫāym (Scale 1:50) (P. Berardi - V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05423 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Pre-Islamic capital reused in a cistern. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05424 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Pre-Islamic relief (tendril and letter "w") remployed in a wall of a modern building. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05425 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Pre-Islamic relief (upside down) with recessed panels and bull-shaped feet, reused in a wall of a modern building. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05426 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Pre-Islamic inscription reused in a wall of a modern building. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05427 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Pre-Islamic inscription reused in a wall of a modern building. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05428 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of the pre-Islamic site of Šibām Ġirās, from the mountain Marmar. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05429 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of the pre-Islamic site of Šibām Ġirās, from the mountain Marmar. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05430 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of the modern village of Šibām, from the mountain Marmar. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05431 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of the modern village of Šibām. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05432 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of the modern village of Šibām. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05434 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): General view of the area. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05435 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Pre-Islamic rock tombs excavated out of the faces of the Ğabal Marmar, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05436 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): General view of the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05437 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): General view of the modren village of Šibām. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05438 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Monolithic blocks of the pre-Islamic settlement of Šibām Suḫāym, found in an illegal excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05439 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Monolithic blocks of the pre-Islamic settlement of Šibām Suḫāym, found in an illegal excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05440 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of the pre-Islamic site towards the Ğabal Marmar. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05441 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): In the foreground the ruins of the pre-Islamic site; the modern village in the background. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05442 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The ruins of the pre-Islamic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05444 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The ruins of the pre-Islamic site, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05445 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The ruins of the pre-Islamic site, from the N (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05446 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Monolithic block of the pre-Islamic settlement of Šibām Suḫāym. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05447 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Two inscribed stone blocks reused in a mosque in the village of Šibām, 1st century AD. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05448 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Two inscribed stone blocks reused in a mosque in the village of Šibām, 1st century AD (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05449 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Inscription carved in a stone block reused in a mosque in the village of Šibām, 1st century AD. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2018SGHn05450 | (©MAIRY)Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of the cliff with rock-tombs. | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1981 | 2018SGHn05714 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Fragments of pottery (rims). No. 8: wavy rim bowl. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1981 | 2018SGHn05715 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Fragments of pottery (rims). No. 8: wavy rim bowl (inner side). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1981 | 2018SGHn05716 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Fragments of a rim and a ring foot of jars. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1981 | 2018SGHn05717 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Fragments of a rim and a ring foot of jars. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1981 | 2018SGHn05718 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Fragments of a rim and a handle with impressed digitations of jars. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1981 | 2018SGHn05719 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Fragments of a rim and a handle with impressed digitations of jars (inner part). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06787 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The Architect P. Berardi. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06788 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The Architect P. Berardi. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06789 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Rock tombs in the eastern side of Ǧabal Marmar. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06790 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Rock tombs in the eastern side of Ǧabal Marmar. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06791 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Rock tombs, lateral view. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06792 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Rock tombs, lateral view. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06793 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Rock tombs, lateral view. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06794 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Rock tombs in the eastern side of Ǧabal Marmar. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06795 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06796 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Rock tombs. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06797 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Rock tombs. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06798 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Rock tombs. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06799 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06800 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of a rock tomb during the topographical survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06801 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): General view of Ǧabal Marmar. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06802 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The Ǧabal Marmar. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06803 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Ǧabal Marmar. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06804 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): A rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06805 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Lateral view of the eastern side of Ǧabal Marmar, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06806 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Two rock tombs where the mummies were found. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06808 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The inside of a rock tomb a niche excavated out of the rock. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06809 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The inside of a rock tomb the niches excavated out of the rock. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06810 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The rectangular niche excavated in a rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06811 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The rectangular niche excavated in a rock tomb. Chisel marks on the rock. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06812 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The rectangular niche excavated in a rock tomb. Chisel marks on the rock. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06813 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The rectangular niche excavated in a rock tomb, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06814 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): A niche in a tomb of Ǧabal Marmar. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06815 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The inside of a rock tomb with two niches. Chisel marks. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06816 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The inside of a rock tomb with a niche. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06817 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The inside of a rock tomb with a niche scraped out of the rock. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06818 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Detail of a niche in a rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06819 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Detail of a niche in a rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06820 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): General view of a niche in a rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06821 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of a niche in a rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06822 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): General view of a niche in a rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06823 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The entrance of a rock tomb, view from the inside. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06824 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of a qāt field from the inside of a rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06825 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of a qāt field from the inside of a rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06826 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of a qāt field from the inside of a rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06827 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Two rock tombs, viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06828 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Two rock tombs, viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06829 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): General view of two rock tombs, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06830 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): General view of two rock tombs, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06831 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): General view of two rock tombs, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06832 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The entrances of two rock tombs, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06833 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of the inside of a rock tomb; in the background the niche. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06834 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Architect Vincenzo Labianca inside of a rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06835 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Detail of a wall in a rock tomb, and chisel marks. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06836 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Detail of a wall in a rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06837 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Detail of a wall in a rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06838 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Detail of the wall in a rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06839 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of a house from the inside of a rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06840 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of a house and qāt field from the inside of a rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06841 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of a house and qāt field from the inside of a rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06842 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Detail of the inside of a rock tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06933 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Upper part of Aš-Šiʿab, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06934 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Aš-Šiʿab, from the N, and the area where the prehistoric utensils were found. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06935 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Tower located in the upper part of the village of Aš-Šiʿab. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06936 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Ancient structures North of Aš-Šiʿab. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06937 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Aš-Šiʿab. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06939 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The village of Aš-Šiʿab. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06940 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The village of Aš-Šiʿab. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06941 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Aš-Šiʿab and Wādī Sirr. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06942 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Sheepfolds at Aš-Šiʿab. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06943 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Tower and house located in the upper part of the village of Al-Šaʿb. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06944 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of the village of Aš-Šiʿab and Wādī Sirr. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06945 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of the village of Aš-Šiʿab and Wādī Sirr. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06946 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of Aš-Šiʿab, the tower and sheepfolds, and in the background the Wādī Sirr. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06947 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Cave to the east of the cave tombs where mummies were found. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06948 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The two cave tombs where the mummies were found (frontal view). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06949 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The two cave tombs where the mummies were found (lateral view). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06950 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The village of Šibām. View from the cave tombs. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06951 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of Šibām, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06952 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of the western side of Ğabal Marmar, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06953 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of Šibām, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2018SGHn06954 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): View of a cave located at the northern extremity of the Ğabal Marmar. (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRIn05868 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR i): General view from Ğabal Al-Ḥamrāʿ. (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRIn05869 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR i): General view from Ğabal Al-Ḥamrāʿ. (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRLn05854 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR ii): Grave after excavation, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRLn05855 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR ii): Grave after excavation, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRLn05856 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR ii): Grave after excavation, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRLn05885 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR ii): Burial mound, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRLn05886 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR ii): Burial mound, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRLn05887 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR ii): Burial mound, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRLn05888 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR ii): Burial mound, from the W. rof. Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRLn05889 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR ii): Burial mound (detail), from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRLn05890 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR ii): Inner of burial mound, following the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRLn05891 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR ii): Burial mound, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRLn05892 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR ii): Burial mound, from the S. Prof. Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRLn05893 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR ii): Alignment at the point of contact with the burial mound, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRRn05919 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR iv): The excavated burial and the bones of a skeleton, from the N. | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRRn05920 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR iv): The excavated burial and the bones of a skeleton (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRRn05921 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR iv): The excavated burial and the bones of a human skeleton, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRRn05922 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR iv): The bones of a human skeleton found in the burial. (©MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2018SRRn05923 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SR iv): The bones of a human skeleton found in the burial. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09227 | from PotteryAl-Ǧīrid (GRD i), Ǧabal Šayr (GSH ii), Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA ii, iii), Wādī Ramik (WRA i), Al-Maḫdarah (MKD) (Y.87.3), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIAn06169 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA i): View of the structure D, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIAn06170 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA i): View of the structure D, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIAn06171 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA i): View of the structure C, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIAn06172 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA i): General view of the structure B and small terracings. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIAn06173 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA i): General view of the structure B and the 2nd terracing, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIAn06174 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA i): General view of the structure A. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIBn06175 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA ii): General view of the site SA ii, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIBn06176 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA ii): General view of the site, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIBn06177 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA ii): View of the outside of structure C, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIBn06178 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA ii): View of the inside of structure C, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIBn06179 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA ii): View of structure D. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIBn06180 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA ii): Eastern view of structure B and the slope, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIBn06181 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA ii): Inside view of the 'apsis' of structure A, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIBn06182 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA ii): Inside view of structures A and B. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIBn06183 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA ii): View of structure B with the inner partitions, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIBn06184 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA ii): View of the western valley of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIBn06185 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA ii): View of the western valley of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIMn06186 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA iii): View of the structure A, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIMn06187 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA iii): View of the southern part of the site, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIMn06188 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA iii): Ouside view of structure B, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIMn06189 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA iii): Inside view of the 'apsis' of structure B, and, behind, the structure C, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah | صرم العبادلة | 1983 | 2018SIMn06190 | Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA iii): Outside view of structure C, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | فخار | 1981-1984 | 2018POTp09245 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB iv, vii), Ṣirwāḥ (S ii), Šibām Ġirās (SG): Pottery NAB iv, NAB vii, S ii, SG (85.B2.26), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1986 | 2018SIRn03643 | Ṣirwāḥ: Alessandro de Maigret and a local young man, on the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1986 | 2018SIRn03644 | Ṣirwāḥ: The courtyard of the school in Ṣirwāḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1986 | 2018SIRn03645 | Ṣirwāḥ: The courtyard of the school in Ṣirwāḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1987 | 2018SIRn04348 | Ṣirwāḥ: Turret tombs on the mountain near Ṣirwāḥ. The pictures of the tombs are took by A. de Maigret on the way from Yalā to Ṣirwāḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1987 | 2018SIRn04349 | Ṣirwāḥ: Turret tombs on the mountain near Ṣirwāḥ. The pictures of the tombs are took by ALessandro de Maigret in November on the way from Yalā to Ṣirwāḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1987 | 2018SIRn04350 | Ṣirwāḥ: Modern houses noticed during a visit of the Italian Archeological Mission at Ṣirwāḥ, November 23rd 1987, built with reused stoned of the Sabaean buildings. A sabaean inscription (the long slab, 8th century BC). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1987 | 2018SIRn04351 | Ṣirwāḥ: Modern houses built with reused stoned of the Sabaean buildings. The Sabaean inscription RES 3945 + 3946 (frontal view). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1987 | 2018SIRn04352 | Ṣirwāḥ: Modern houses built with reused stoned of the Sabaean sacred buildings. The inscription RES 3945 + 3946 (on the right, lateral view). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1987 | 2018SIRn04353 | Ṣirwāḥ: Modern houses built with reused stoned of the Sabaean buildings. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1987 | 2018SIRn04354 | Ṣirwāḥ: The Sabaean inscription RES 3945 + 3946 under a wall of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1987 | 2018SIRn04355 | Ṣirwāḥ: The Sabaean inscription RES 3945 + 3946 under a wall of Islamic period (lateral view). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1987 | 2018SIRn04356 | Ṣirwāḥ: The Sabaean inscription RES 3945 + 3946 under a wall of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1987 | 2018SIRn04357 | Ṣirwāḥ: Kids and the Topographer Mario Mascellani at Ṣirwāḥ. The houses are built with reused material of Sabaean period. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1987 | 2018SIRn04358 | Ṣirwāḥ: Ibex heads sculpted in relief in the wall of the temenos (temple of the Sabaean god Almaqah) at Ṣirwāḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1987 | 2018SIRn04359 | Ṣirwāḥ: The Sabaean temenos of the Temple of Almaqah with the Islamic tower and a monumental gate.(©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1987 | 2018SIRn04360 | Ṣirwāḥ: Ṣirwāḥ: The Sabaean temenos of the Temple of Almaqah with the Islamic tower and a monumental gate. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SIRn05617 | Ṣirwāḥ (S i): The pillars of the ʾAlmaqah temple are incorporated in an Islamic building. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SIRn05618 | Ṣirwāḥ (S i): The tower of Islamic period built in the wall of the ʾAlmaqah temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SIRn05619 | Ṣirwāḥ (S i): General view of the building that incorporates the ʾAlmaqah temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SIRn05620 | Ṣirwāḥ (S i): Sabaean inscription in the temple dedicated to the god ʾAlmaqah. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SIRn05621 | Ṣirwāḥ (S i): Row of ibexes in relief in the temple of ʾAlmaqah. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SIRn05622 | Ṣirwāḥ (S i): The rounded wall of the temple of ʾAlmaqah, from outside. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SIRn05623 | Ṣirwāḥ (S i): The mosque built with reused pre-Islamic stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SIRn05624 | Ṣirwāḥ (S i): The ḥuṣn. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SIRn05704 | Ṣirwāḥ (S i): Fragment of a terracotta shallow bowl and objects collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SIRn05705 | Ṣirwāḥ (S i): Fragment of a terracotta shallow bowl and objects collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SIRn05706 | Ṣirwāḥ (S i): Potsherds (rims). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SIRn05707 | Ṣirwāḥ (S i): Potsherds (inner side of the rims). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SRHn05708 | Ṣirwāḥ (S ii): Fragments of pottery. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SRHn05709 | Ṣirwāḥ (S ii): Fragments of pottery. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SRHn05710 | Ṣirwāḥ (S ii): Decorated fragments of Sabaean pottery. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SRHn05711 | Ṣirwāḥ (S ii): Sabaean decorated potsherds (inner side of the rims). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SRHn05712 | Ṣirwāḥ (S ii): Sabaean fragments of carinated bowls and a lid decorated with wavy incised lines. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2018SRHn05713 | Ṣirwāḥ (S ii): Sabaean fragments of carinated bowls and a lid decorated with wavy incised lines (inner side). (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLm08992 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): General plan of the Sabaean structures, upper site (Scale 1:100) (E. Gatti, V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLm08993 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Section of the Sabaean structures, upper site (Scale 1:100) (E. Gatti, V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLm08994 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Plan of the Sabaean structures, lower site (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti, V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLm08995 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Sabaean structures, Section Y-Y', front elevation, lower site (Scale 1:50) (E. Gatti, V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07818 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): View of the gorge from 'upper site'. Ablution pool, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07819 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): View of the gorge from 'upper site'. Smoothed rocks by the Wādī Qawqah waters. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07820 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): View of the gorge from 'upper site'. Shaped and smoothed rocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07821 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): View of the gorge from 'upper site': Ablution pool, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07822 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): General view of the gorge from 'upper site'. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07823 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): View of the gorge from 'upper site'. Shaped and smoothed rocks by waters of the Wādī Qawqah (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07824 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): View of the gorge from 'upper site'. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07826 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): View of the gorge from 'upper site', detail of the rocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07827 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): View of the gorge from 'upper site', detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07828 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Deatail of the gorge bottom from 'upper site'. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07829 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): View of the gorge bottom from 'upper site'. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07830 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Stretch of path leading from 'lower site' to 'upper site'. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07831 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. Steps leading to platform A, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07832 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. The triple parallel wall structure on Platform A, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07833 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. The triple parallel wall structure on Platform A, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07834 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. On the left the triple parallel wall structure on Platform A. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07835 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. The Platform A and the tiple parallel wall structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07836 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. General view from the Platform A. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07838 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. The House B. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07839 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Bird's eye view of a structure in the 'Upper site'. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07840 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Bird's eye view of a empty area in the 'Upper site'. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07841 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. The House B, view from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07842 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Stretch of path leading from 'lower site' to 'upper site'. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07843 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. Structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07844 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. Structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07846 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The Architects of the Italian-Yemeni Archaeological Mission, Edoardo Gatti on the left and Vincenzo Labianca at the centre. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07847 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Rest under the Land Rover. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2018AQLn07850 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): A tree or bush. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṯah | ثاه | 1980 | 2018THAn05451 | Ṯah (TH): Road between Ḏamār and Radāʿ, towards the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṯah | ثاه | 1980 | 2018THAn05452 | Ṯah (TH): Pre-Islamic rock inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṯah | ثاه | 1980 | 2018THAn05453 | Ṯah (TH): Pre-Islamic rock inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṯah | ثاه | 1980 | 2018THAn05454 | Ṯah (TH): Pre-Islamic rock inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṯah | ثاه | 1980 | 2018THAn05455 | Ṯah (TH): Road between Ḏamār and Radāʿ, towards the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMm09055 | Tamnaʿ (T): Aṯirat Temple, L10-L11, plan (Scale 1:20) (N. de Falandre). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMm09056 | Tamnaʿ (T): Aṯirat Temple, plan of the Western structures (Scale 1:20) (N. de Falandre). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMm09057 | Tamnaʿ (T): Aṯirat Temple, modern military structures (Scale 1:50) (N. de Falandre). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMm09058 | Tamnaʿ (T): Aṯirat Temple, Plan of the western structures and "Private House" (Scale 1:50) (N. de Falandre). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMm09059 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Aṯirat, Section A, Plaster Floor (Scale 1:20) (N. de Falandre). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMm09060 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Aṯirat, Sections BB and CC (Scale 1:20) (N. de Falandre). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMm09061 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Aṯirat, Sections DD, EE, FF (Scale 1:20) (N. de Falandre). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04876 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, area between hypostyle hall and wall M21, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04877 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the staircase M8, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04878 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the walls M8 and M6, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04879 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the walls M8 and M9, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04880 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L4, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04881 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M1 in L13, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04882 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, base of a pillar P3, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04883 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, detail of the wall M21, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04884 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, connection between the hypostyle hall and wall M21, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04885 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, connection between the walls M21 and M34. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04886 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat general view of the building L17, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04887 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L5, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04888 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L1 and L14, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04889 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L5, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04890 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, plastered bench in L4, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04891 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L4, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04892 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, bases of pillars P1-P4 between L5 (right) and L9 (left), from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04893 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M12, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04894 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, detail of pillar P1, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04895 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M15, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04896 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L1, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04897 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L14, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04898 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M12, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04899 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L13 from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04900 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the hypostyle hall L30, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04901 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, hypostyle hall, detail of the base B3, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04902 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, hypostyle hall, L27, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04903 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, hypostyle hall, L27, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04904 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L13, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04905 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M6 of L13, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04906 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the underfloor of L7 is in cemented stone. View from the S. The N is on M6. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04907 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, wall M5 and locus L4, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04908 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, wall M5 and plastered floor in L4, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04909 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L3, the walls M3 and M1, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04910 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the plastered floor in L4, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04911 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the walls M8, M9, M9bis and M36, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04912 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M15, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04913 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M15, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04914 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M15, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04915 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the hypostyle hall, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04916 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M1 of L7, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04917 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the walls M1 and M11 of L13, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04918 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M15, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04919 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M12, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04920 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M12, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04921 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L24, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04922 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L20, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04923 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L20, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04924 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L20, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04925 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L20: detail of the walls M6 and M26, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04926 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L20: detail of the walls M1 and M24. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04927 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L2, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04928 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L10, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04929 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L10, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04930 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L11, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04931 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M15 of the locus L10, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04932 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M17 of L23, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04933 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, stratigraphy close to the wall M17 in L23, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04934 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, stratigraphy in L23. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04936 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L18, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04937 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, a door in the wall M24, between L18 (in the foreground) and L20, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04938 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the walls M6 and M24, in L18. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04939 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L32, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04940 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L32 from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04941 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M18, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04942 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L19. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04943 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L3, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04944 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L4, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04945 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, base of the wall M6 of L7, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04946 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, wall M6, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04947 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, link between the walls M6, M20 and M48, from SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04948 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the walls M35-M36-M37, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04949 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, thr walls M34-M35-M36-M37, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04950 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L28, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04951 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L39, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04952 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L28, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04953 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L28, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04954 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L28, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04955 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L28, detail from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04956 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L41, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04957 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, wall M50. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04958 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, link between the walls M19 and M19bis. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04959 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, wall M1 of L4, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04960 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, wall M1 of L4, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04961 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the loci L11 and L10; in the foreground the wall M17, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04962 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L39, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04963 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, plastered bases in L27. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04964 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, plastered base in L27. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04965 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, plastered bases in L27. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04966 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04967 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, B4 and the northern corner of the walls M32 and M38 in L31. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04968 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M45, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04969 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M29, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04970 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M32, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04971 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the hypostyle hall and the wall M23, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04972 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the walls M21 and M22, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04973 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M22, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04974 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M21, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04975 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, stratigraphy of the wall M9bis, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04976 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, link between the walls M9 and M9bis, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04977 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, stratigraphy of the wall M9bis. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04978 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, link between the walls M8 and M9, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04979 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the loci L28 and L29; in the foreground the walls M34-M35-M36-M37, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04980 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the hypostyle hall and L27, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04981 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the hypostyle hall and L27, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04982 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the hypostyle hall and L27, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04983 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L41, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04984 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L28, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04985 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L39, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04986 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, stratigraphy of the wall M9bis. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04987 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, link between the walls M8 and M9, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04988 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M9, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04989 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the hypostyle hall, L27, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04990 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the hypostyle hall and L24; in the foreground B3, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04991 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M6, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04992 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/32. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04993 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/35. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04994 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/3. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04995 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/30. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04996 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/6. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04997 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/36. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04998 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/21. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn04999 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/20. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05000 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/28. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05001 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/27. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05002 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/31. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05003 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/7. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05004 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/34. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05005 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/33. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05006 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, fragment of an inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05007 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription Y.99.A/26. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05008 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/9. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05009 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/38. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05010 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/21. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05011 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/5. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05012 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/2. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05013 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/25. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05014 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/22. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05015 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/18. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05016 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/8. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05017 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/12. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05018 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05019 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/24. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05020 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05021 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/13. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05022 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/19. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05023 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/4. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05024 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/17. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05025 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/10. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05026 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/16. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05027 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T.99.A/14. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05028 | Tamnaʿ (T): MIFT. 99/5. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05029 | Tamnaʿ (T): MIFT. 99/5. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05030 | Tamnaʿ (T): MIFT. 99/6. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05031 | Tamnaʿ (T): fragment of an alabaster container MIFT. 99/9. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05032 | Tamnaʿ (T): shell MIFT. 99/10. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05033 | Tamnaʿ (T): shell MIFT. 99/10. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05034 | Tamnaʿ (T): bronze ornament MIFT. 99/11. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05035 | Tamnaʿ (T): bronze disk MIFT. 99/12. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05036 | Tamnaʿ (T): bronze disk MIFT. 99/12. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05037 | Tamnaʿ (T): bronze disk MIFT. 99/13. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05038 | Tamnaʿ (T): bronze disk MIFT. 99/13. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05039 | Tamnaʿ (T): bracelets MIFT. 99/14. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05040 | Tamnaʿ (T): bronze ladle MIFT. 99/15. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05041 | Tamnaʿ (T): bronze ladle MIFT. 99/15. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05042 | Tamnaʿ (T): bracelets MIFT. 99/16. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05043 | Tamnaʿ (T): 36 pieces in carnelian MIFT. 99/17. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05044 | Tamnaʿ (T): 36 pieces in carnelian MIFT. 99/17. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05045 | Tamnaʿ (T): beads in glass, carnelian and agate MIFT. 99/18. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05046 | Tamnaʿ (T): beads in semi-precious stones and glass MIFT. 99/19. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05047 | Tamnaʿ (T): lamp in stone MIFT. 99/20. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05048 | Tamnaʿ (T): lamp in stone MIFT. 99/20. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05049 | Tamnaʿ (T): container in glass, date shaped MIFT. 99/21. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05050 | Tamnaʿ (T): container in brown glass for perfume, date shaped MIFT. 99/21. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05051 | Tamnaʿ (T): objects in bone or wood MIFT. 99/23. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05052 | Tamnaʿ (T): container for perfume in alabaster MIFT. 99/24. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05053 | Tamnaʿ (T): container for perfume in alabaster MIFT. 99/24. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05054 | Tamnaʿ (T): objects in bone MIFT. 99/23. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05055 | Tamnaʿ (T): container for perfume in alabaster MIFT. 99/24. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05056 | Tamnaʿ (T): container for perfume in alabaster MIFT. 99/24. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05057 | Tamnaʿ (T): shallow container in alabaster MIFT. 99/22. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05058 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the hypostyle hall, wall M32, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05059 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the hypostyle hall: the loci L24, L30, L31, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05060 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the stairway M8, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05061 | Tamnaʿ (T): inscription MIFT. 99/63. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05062 | Tamnaʿ (T): inscription MIFT. 99/63. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05063 | Tamnaʿ (T): base of a funerary stela in limestone MIFT. 99/49. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05064 | Tamnaʿ (T): limestone base for a funerary stela MIFT. 99/49. | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05065 | Tamnaʿ (T): funerary stela in alabaster MIFT. 99/44. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05066 | Tamnaʿ (T): funerary stela in alabaster MIFT. 99/44. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05067 | Tamnaʿ (T): limestone base of a funerary stela MIFT. 99/51. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05068 | Tamnaʿ (T): limestone base for a funerary stela MIFT. 99/51. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05069 | Tamnaʿ (T): limestone inscribed base for a stela MIFT. 99/56. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05070 | Tamnaʿ (T): limestone inscribed base for a funerary stela MIFT. 99/54. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05071 | Tamnaʿ (T): inscribed base in limestone for a funerary stela MIFT. 99/54. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05072 | Tamnaʿ (T): limestone base with inscription for a funerary stela MIFT. 99/58. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05073 | Tamnaʿ (T): fragment of a human figure standing on an inscribed base, alabaster, MIFT. 99/47. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05074 | Tamnaʿ (T): inscribed funerary stela in alabaster MIFT. 99/43. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05075 | Tamnaʿ (T): funerary stela in alabaster MIFT. 99/41. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05076 | Tamnaʿ (T): limestone inscribed base for a funerary stela MIFT. 99/53. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05077 | Tamnaʿ (T): inscribed limestone base for a funerary stela MIFT. 99/57. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05078 | Tamnaʿ (T): inscribed limestone base for a funerary stela MIFT. 99/57. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05079 | Tamnaʿ (T): incense burner in limestone MIFT. 99/59. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05080 | Tamnaʿ (T): cubic incense burner in limestone with inscription MIFT. 99/59. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05081 | Tamnaʿ (T): MIFT. 99/60. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05082 | Tamnaʿ (T): base for a funerary stela MIFT. 99/55. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05083 | Tamnaʿ (T): fragment of an inscribed funerary stela in alabaster MIFT. 99/46. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05084 | Tamnaʿ (T): inscribed limestone base for a funerary stela MIFT. 99/52. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05085 | Tamnaʿ (T): limestone inscribed base for a funerary stela MIFT. 99/52. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05086 | Tamnaʿ (T): limestone base with an inscription for a funerary stela MIFT. 99/50. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05087 | Tamnaʿ (T): architectonic element in alabaster MIFT. 99/65. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05088 | Tamnaʿ (T): square stone, granite MIFT. 99/62. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05089 | Tamnaʿ (T): base for an object in alabaster MIFT. 99/66. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05090 | Tamnaʿ (T): limestone niche to hold a funerary portrait, MIFT. 99/68. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05091 | Tamnaʿ (T): detail of the inscription of the niche MIFT. 99/68. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05092 | Tamnaʿ (T): funerary stela in alabaster with inscription MIFT. 99/43. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05093 | Tamnaʿ (T): inscribed funerary stela in alabaster MIFT. 99/43. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05094 | Tamnaʿ (T): funerary stela in alabaster, MIFT. 99/45. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05096 | Tamnaʿ (T): inscribed base in limestone for a funerary stela MIFT. 99/56. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05100 | Tamnaʿ (T): niche in limestone to contain a funerary portrait, MIFT. 99/67. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05101 | Tamnaʿ (T): cover of a container in limestone with inscription, MIFT. 99/64. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05102 | Tamnaʿ (T): inscribed alabaster base for a funerary portrait, MIFT. 99/74. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05103 | Tamnaʿ (T): headless human statuette in limestone with inscription, MIFT. 99/72. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05104 | Tamnaʿ (T): inscribed base in alabaster for a funerary stela, MIFT. 99/73. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05105 | Tamnaʿ (T): fragment of a right arm of a human statuette in alabaster, MIFT. 99/70. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05106 | Tamnaʿ (T): headless human funerary statuette in alabaster, MIFT. 99/71. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05107 | Tamnaʿ (T): headless alabaster funerary statuette, rear view, MIFT. 99/71. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05108 | Tamnaʿ (T): headless funerary statuette in alabaster, MIFT. 99/71. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05109 | Tamnaʿ (T): human statuette in limestone, MIFT. 99/75. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05110 | Tamnaʿ (T): human statuette in limestone, rear view, MIFT. 99/75. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05111 | Tamnaʿ (T): container for perfume in alabaster. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05112 | Tamnaʿ (T): fragment of a human portrait in alabaster. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05113 | Tamnaʿ (T): human statuette in alabaster with inscribed base. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05114 | Tamnaʿ (T): human statuette in alabaster, rear view. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05115 | Tamnaʿ (T): base in alabaster with inscription for a funerary stela. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05116 | Tamnaʿ (T): funerary stela in alabaster on stepped base. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05117 | Tamnaʿ (T): funerary alabaster stela with carved human face. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05118 | Tamnaʿ (T): inscribed limestone base for a funerary stela, (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05119 | Tamnaʿ (T): fragment of a base with inscription for a funerary stela. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05120 | Tamnaʿ (T): alabaster inscribed base for a funerary stela. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05121 | Tamnaʿ (T): limestone base with inscription for a funerary stela. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05122 | Tamnaʿ (T): fragment of an inscribed base in limestone for a funerary stela. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05123 | Tamnaʿ (T): fragment of an inscribed base in limestone for a funerary stela. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05124 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L6, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05125 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, locus L32, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05126 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, wall M40, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05127 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L19, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05128 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the hypostyle hall, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05129 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, locus L29 and staircase M8, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05130 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L29 SW corner, section. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05131 | Tamnaʿ (T): fragment of a decoration or an inscriprion in alabaster, detail. From the temple of Athirat. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05132 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, inscription T,99.A/29. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05133 | Tamnaʿ (T): container in alabster MIFT. 99/25. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05134 | Tamnaʿ (T): container in alabaster with a lid, MIFT. 99/26. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05135 | Tamnaʿ (T): container in alabaster with a lid, MIFT. 99/27. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05136 | Tamnaʿ (T): mirror in bronze MIFT. 99/8. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05137 | Tamnaʿ (T): ring in bronze MIFT. 99/31. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05138 | Tamnaʿ (T): ring in bronze MIFT. 99/31. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05139 | Tamnaʿ (T): ring MIFT. 99/31, detail of the decoration. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05140 | Tamnaʿ (T): ring MIFT. 99/31, detail of the decoration. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05141 | Tamnaʿ (T): fragments of a bowl in bronze, MIFT. 99/31. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05142 | Tamnaʿ (T): cubic lamp in burm or steatite, MIFT. 99/28. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05143 | Tamnaʿ (T): cubic lamp in steatite (burm), MIFT. 99/28. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05144 | Tamnaʿ (T): limestone base with inscription for a funerary stela, MIFT. 99/29. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05145 | Tamnaʿ (T): fragment of a human standing statuette in fine limestone, MIFT. 99/30. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05146 | Tamnaʿ (T): fragment of a statuette in fine limestone, MIFT. 99/30. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05147 | Tamnaʿ (T): terracotta funerary jar, MIFT. 99/33. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05148 | Tamnaʿ (T): terracotta funerary jar, MIFT. 99/34. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05149 | Tamnaʿ (T): terracotta funerary jar, MIFT. 99/35. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05150 | Tamnaʿ (T): terracotta bowl with wavy rim, MIFT. 99/36. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05151 | Tamnaʿ (T): terracotta bowl with wavy rim, MIFT. 99/37. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05152 | Tamnaʿ (T): fragment of a terracotta container with ring foot, MIFT. 99/38. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05153 | Tamnaʿ (T): stela in alabaster, MIFT. 99/39. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05154 | Tamnaʿ (T): stela in alabaster MIFT. 99/40. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05155 | Tamnaʿ (T): stela in alabaster MIFT. 99/42. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05156 | Tamnaʿ (T): base in alabaster for funerary stela, MIFT. 99/32. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05157 | Tamnaʿ (T): arm of a human statuette in alabaster, MIFT. 99/48. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05158 | Tamnaʿ (T): dedicatory inscription to ʿAthtar carved in a limestone block, MIFT. 99/69. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05159 | Tamnaʿ (T): dedicatory inscription to ʿAthtar MIFT. 99/69. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05174 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the wādī from Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05175 | Tamnaʿ (T): General view of Hajar Kuḥlān/Timnaʿ, from Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05176 | Tamnaʿ (T): the wādī Bayḥān from Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl; in the middle the Qatabanian site of Tamnaʿ. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05177 | Tamnaʿ (T): General view of the wādī Bayḥān from Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl; in the middle the city of Tamnaʿ and the village of Hajar Kuḥlān. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05184 | Tamnaʿ (T): A dromedary and friends at the foot of Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05185 | Tamnaʿ (T): A local man of the security. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05186 | Tamnaʿ (T): The desert near Tamnaʿ. A dromedary in the background. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05187 | Tamnaʿ (T): A dromedary. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05188 | Tamnaʿ (T): bronze coins, MIFT. 99/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05189 | Tamnaʿ (T): bronze coins MIFT. 99/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05190 | Tamnaʿ (T): bronze coins MIFT. 99/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05191 | Tamnaʿ (T): silver coin MIFT. 99/2. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05192 | Tamnaʿ (T): silver coin MIFT. 99/2. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05193 | Tamnaʿ (T): Qatabanian silver coin, head of Athena/owl, MIFT. 99/2. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05194 | Tamnaʿ (T): Qatabanian silver coin, head of Athena/owl, MIFT. 99/2. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05195 | Tamnaʿ (T): Himyarite coinage MIFT. 99/3. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05196 | Tamnaʿ (T): Hadrami coin MIFT. 99/4. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05197 | Tamnaʿ (T): Eastern stratigraphy of M21. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05198 | Tamnaʿ (T): Statigraphy of M21; in the foreground the wall M23, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05199 | Tamnaʿ (T): stratigraphy of M21; in the foreground the wall M23, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05200 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L29, stratigraphy of M21, from the N, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05201 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L29, stratigraphy, from the N, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05202 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L29, stratigraphy, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05203 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L29, from the E, on the left the wall M21. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05233 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the loci L1-L2, and the wall M1, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05234 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the loci L1-L3, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05235 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L1, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05236 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the walls M1 and M2, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05237 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the L1, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05238 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the walls M1 and M2, and locus L2, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05239 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L1, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05240 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L2 + M1 + L1 under the wall Ma, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05241 | Tamnaʿ (T): the village of Hağar Kuḥlān. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05242 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L3, NE corner. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05243 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, plastered walls in the locus L3. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05244 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L3, view of the plastered N and E walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05245 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus La, SW corner. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05246 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, detail of the stone blocks SW of La corner. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05247 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, La, from the NE. La was a military post built in 1994 during the civil war following the unification of R.P.D.Y and R.A.Y. (22 May 1990). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05250 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, view of the stone blocks of the military post built in 1994. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05251 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the loci L1-L2, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05252 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L1 and L2, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05254 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L5, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05255 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L5 from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05256 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L6, and the walls M1 and M 4, from the N. | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05257 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L3, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05258 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L1 and L5, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05259 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the walls M1, M2 and M3, and the loci L2 and L3, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05260 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L6, and the walls of the military post built in 1994, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05261 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L6, and N corner of the military post built in 1994. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05262 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L4, plastered bench, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05263 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the intersection between the walls M3 and M1 in L4, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05264 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the link of the walls M3 and M2 in M1, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05265 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, link between the walls M1 and M3, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05266 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L4, plastered bench, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05267 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the structures of the military post built in 1994, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05268 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, he structures of the military post built in 1994, from the NE (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05269 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the structures of the military post built in 1994, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05270 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, offering table from L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05271 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, offering table from L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05272 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, offering table from L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05273 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L4 and L7, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05274 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, Lb (the structures of the military post built in 1994), W section. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05275 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, offering table from L6, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05276 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, offering table from L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05277 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, burned wooden beam found in L6 in the collapse level of the house L17. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05278 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the stairway M8, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05279 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, stairway M8, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05280 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L5, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05281 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the base of pillars P3 and P4, in L15, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05282 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the base of pillars P2 and P3, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05283 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, M8 (stairway) in L8, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05284 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L4, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05285 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the walls M1 and M7, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05286 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L8 and M8, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05287 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L4 and the plastered bench (on the left), from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05288 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, loci L5 and L14, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05289 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, loci L5 and L9, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05290 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, loci L5 and L9, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05291 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, loci L5 and L9, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05292 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the recent wall (1994) Md, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05293 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L4, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05294 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the loci L1, L5, L9 and L14, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05295 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the loci L1, L5, L9 and L14, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05296 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the walls M15, M17, M14, M16, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05297 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M15, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05298 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the loci L10 and L11, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05299 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, quadrant IV, Military trench (1994), from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05300 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, quadrant IV, military structures and trench (1994), from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05301 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, quadrant III, military trenches and walls built on the temple in 1994, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05302 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, quadrant IV, military structures (1994), from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05303 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of Hağar Kuḥlān village. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05304 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, locus L7 at the biginning of the excavation, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05305 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the stones are the base of L7, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05306 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the base of L7, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05307 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, stratigraphical section close to P4, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05308 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, stones of the L13 base, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05309 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, wall M20, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05310 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, wall M20, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05312 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, detail of the base of pillar P1, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05313 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, stratigraphical section just at P4, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05314 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, limestone gutter near wall M20. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05315 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, limestone gutter found near wall M20. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05316 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, limestone gutter found near wall M20. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05317 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M20, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05318 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L8, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05319 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, view of the locus L8, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05320 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, view of the locus L8 at the beginning of the excavation, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05321 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the loci L4 and L7 at the beginning of the excavation, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05322 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L8, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05323 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L5, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05324 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, quadrant III, level of the military structures (1994) on L14, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05325 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, quadrant III, level of military structures (1994) at L14, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05326 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, quadrant IV, military trenches and walls built during the civil war (1994), from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05327 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, quadrant IV, military trenches and walls built during the civil war (1994), from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05328 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, quadrant III, military trenches built during the civil war (1994), just at L14, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05329 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the walls M15, M17, M14, M16, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05330 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, wall M18, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05331 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M18, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05332 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, view of the paved floors in L1, L5 and L14, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05333 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L6, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05334 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, male head/ portrait in alabaster, from Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05335 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L9, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05336 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the walls M20 and M 48, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05337 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L6, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05338 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L6, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05339 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L14, L1 and wall M24, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05340 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, walls M21, M22 and M19, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05341 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, M21, M23 and B1, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05342 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L26, M32 and B3, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05343 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, B3 and L24, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05344 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, M32, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05345 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, wall M6 of L4, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05346 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, wall M6 of L4, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05348 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the hypostyle hall, SW corner. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05349 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the hypostyle hall, SW corner. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05350 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L25, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05351 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L25, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05352 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L37, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05353 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L37, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05354 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, connection between the walls M48 and M20, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05355 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, view of the locus L6, from the E. In the foreground the wall M48. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05358 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, view of the locus L38, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05359 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L28, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05360 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L28, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05361 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L41, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05362 | Tamnaʿ (T): Detail of a niche of TT1 (Timnaʿ Temple 1). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05366 | Tamnaʿ (T): TT1 (Timnaʿ Temple 1). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05367 | Tamnaʿ (T): TT1 (Timnaʿ Temple 1), from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05368 | Tamnaʿ (T): TT1 (Timnaʿ Temple 1), from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05369 | Tamnaʿ (T): TT1 (Timnaʿ Temple 1), detail of a niche, from the SE. The 6 years old J. de Maigret as a unit of measure. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05370 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M51, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05371 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, wall M51, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05372 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, a terracotta oven (tannur) in locus L39. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05373 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L39, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05374 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L39, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05375 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the terracotta oven (tannur) found in locus L39. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05376 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M20, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05377 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the walls M20 and M52 (the well), from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05378 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, detail of the wall M52, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05379 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, view of the wall M52 (the well), from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05380 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, detail of the wall M52, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05381 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, wall M20, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05382 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, a bird's eye view of M52. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05383 | Tamnaʿ (T): Inscription on ancient well at 500 meters NW of the Qatabanian capital. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05384 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the hypostyle hall (south of the temple), from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05385 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the central sector of the hypostyle hall, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05386 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the hypostyle hall south of the temple, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05388 | Some members of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Yemen. In the foreground at the center the Head of Mission, A. de Maigret. On the right dr R. Valentini and J. de Maigret; in the background, from the left, the first is the epigrapher dr M. Arbach, the fifth the topographer M. Mascellani. Yemenis for security. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05391 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, view of locus L18, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05392 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L18, north section. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05393 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, M16 between L22 and L32, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05394 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L20, detail of the plaster covering the S wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05395 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L20, detail of the plaster covering the W wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05396 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L20, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05398 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L20, S and W walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05399 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L20, E wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05400 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L1 and L10, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05401 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, M5 of L7, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05402 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, M5 of L7, detail, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05403 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, view of the wall M6 of L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05404 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, stones conglomerate of the L4's base, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05405 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M3, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05406 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, walls M1 and M5 of L7, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05407 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L28, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05408 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L28, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05409 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, L41, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05412 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the wall M51, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05413 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, view of the N sector of the hypostyle hall, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05414 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, view of the hypostyle hall (S of the temple), from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2018TAMn05415 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, the locus L28, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06452 | Taʿīzz: Mosque of Jannad, the minaret and the crenellated wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06453 | Taʿīzz: Mosque of Jannad, the minaret and the crenellated wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06454 | Taʿīzz: Jannad Mosque, the oldest mosque in Yemen. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06455 | Taʿīzz: Jannad Qubba. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06456 | Taʿīzz: Jannad Mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06457 | Taʿīzz: Qubba of Jannad. | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06458 | Taʿīzz: Mosque of Jannad. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06459 | Taʿīzz: Jannad Mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06460 | Taʿīzz: Jannad Mosque, detail of the wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06461 | Taʿīzz: Qubba of Jannad. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06462 | Taʿīzz:Taʿīzz: Mosque of Jannad. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06463 | Taʿīzz: Qubba Al-Husayniyya. | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06464 | Taʿīzz: Qubba Al-Husayniyya. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06465 | Taʿīzz: Qubba Al-Husayniyya. | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06466 | Taʿīzz: Qubba Al-Husayniyya. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06467 | Taʿīzz: Qubba Al-Husayniyya. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06468 | Taʿīzz: Qubba Al-Husayniyya. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06469 | Taʿīzz: Taʿīzz: Muzaffariyya Mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06470 | Taʿīzz: Muzaffariyya Mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06471 | Taʿīzz: Muzaffariyya Mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06472 | Taʿīzz: Muzaffariyya Mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06473 | Taʿīzz: Entrance door of the Muzaffariyya Mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06474 | Taʿīzz: Muzaffariyya Mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06475 | Taʿīzz: Muzaffariyya Mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06476 | Taʿīzz: A house near the Muzaffariyya Mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06477 | Taʿīzz: View of some houses near the Muzaffariyya Mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06478 | Taʿīzz: View of some houses near the Muzaffariyya Mosque. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06479 | Taʿīzz. (©MAIRY) | |
Taʿīzz | تعز | 1983 | 2018TZZn06480 | Taʿīzz: Fortress on the road from Taʿīzz. (©MAIRY) | |
Tiḥama | تهامه | 1985-1989 | 2018THMm09049 | Tihāma: Tihāma Survey. Archaeological Sites (Scale 1:50.000) (M. Mascellani, M. Cattani). (©MAIRY) | |
Tiḥama | تهامه | 1987 | 2018THMn08448 | Tiḥama: Neolithic site 2 km N of al-Ḥudayda. Professor Maurizio Tosi and topographer Mario Mascellani during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Tiḥama | تهامه | 1987 | 2018THMn08449 | Tiḥama: Neolithic site 2 km N of al-Ḥudayda. Molluscs detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Tiḥama | تهامه | 1987 | 2018THMn08450 | Tiḥama: Neolithic site 2 km N of al-Ḥudayda. Molluscs, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Tiḥama | تهامه | 1987 | 2018THMn08451 | Tiḥama: General view of the Neolithic site 2 km N of al-Ḥudayda. (©MAIRY) | |
Tiḥama | تهامه | 1987 | 2018THMn08452 | Tiḥama: Seaside. (©MAIRY) | |
Tiḥama | تهامه | 1987 | 2018THMn08453 | Tiḥama: The topographer Mario Mascellani. (©MAIRY) | |
Tiḥama | تهامه | 1987 | 2018THMn08454 | Tiḥama: Seaside with palm trees. (©MAIRY) | |
Tiḥama | تهامه | 1987 | 2018THMn08455 | Tiḥama: Seaside. (©MAIRY) | |
Wadi 'Ush | وادي يناعم | 1983-1984 | 2018WYMp09216 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i, WU i (36), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wadi 'Ush | وادي يناعم | 1983-1984 | 2018WYMp09217 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i, WU i (37), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09221 | Pottery from Al-Ġawlayn (GHA), Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv), Ġawl As-Sayfi (GS) (41), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06016 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Stucture II. Vase in situ on E side, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06017 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Stucture II. Jar in situ on E side, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06018 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Stucture II. A grinder in situ at the center of the structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06019 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): General view, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06020 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): General view of stucture I, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06021 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Detail of a wall, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06022 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): General view of the Wādī Al-ʿUš, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06023 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): General view of the Wādī Al-ʿUš, towards Sabbalat Banī Buḫayt. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06024 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure I, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06025 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure II, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06026 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): General view of the area. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06027 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure II, from the W (detail of the site wall). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06028 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure II, from the site wall on the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06029 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure II, from the site wall on the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06030 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure II, from the site wall on the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06031 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure II, from the center of the site, towards E. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06032 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure II, from the center of the site, towards NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06033 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure II, pit, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06034 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure II, from the eastern limit of the site, towards S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06035 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure II, from the eastern limit of the site, towards SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06036 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure II, from the eastern limit of the site, towards W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06037 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure II, from the eastern limit of the site, towards NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06038 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure II, general view, towards W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06039 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure II, general view, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06040 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure II, general view, from E towards NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06041 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure III, round structure on the S, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06042 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure III, round structure on the N, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06043 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure IV, general view, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06044 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure IV, large structure, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06045 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure IV, structure on the western side, from the E limit. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06046 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure IV, structure on the western side, from the E limit. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06047 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure IV, structure on the western side, from the E limit. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06048 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure IV, view from the center of the structure, forward the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06049 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure IV, view from the center of the structure, forward the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06050 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure IV, view of the western structures, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06051 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure IV, view of the western structures, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06052 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure IV, central sector of the structures, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06053 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure IV, view of the northern sector, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06054 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure IV, huge blocks in situ in the southern locus, towards E. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WDSn06055 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structure IV, view of a large locus, towards S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05932 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Stone circles in the western area (WU ii/II). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05933 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Stone circles in the western area (WU ii/II). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05934 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Western area (WU ii/II) of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05935 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Western area (WU ii/II) from the eastern area (WU ii/III). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05936 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Western area of the site (WU ii/II). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05937 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Stone circles in the western area (WU ii/II). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05938 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Stone circle C in WU ii/II. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05939 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Stone circles in the western area (WU ii/II). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05940 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): View of the eastern area (WU ii/III). In the foreground the structure C; behind the structure A; in the background the circle B. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05941 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): View of the eastern area (WU ii/III). In the foreground the structure C. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05942 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): The structure C in WU ii/III, towards Ğabal Ḥamrāʿ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05943 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): The structure C in WU ii/III, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05944 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): The structure C in WU ii/III, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05945 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Locus with partitions of the structure C in WU ii/III, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05946 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Loci of the structure C in WU ii/III (view towards the structure A). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05947 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): The extreme locus on the eastern side of the structure C in WU ii/III, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05948 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): The structure C in WU ii/III, from the E. Professor Alessandro de Maigret on the right. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05949 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): The structure C in WU ii/III. Northeastern corner of the 2nd locus starting from the W, viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05950 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): The structure C in WU ii/III. View of the southern wall, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05951 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Northeastern corner of a locus (1st or 2nd starting from the W) in WU ii/III. View from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05952 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Structure C in WU ii/III. Southern retaining wall, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05953 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Structure C in WU ii/III. Vertical block (jamb) and doorstep of the 1st locus (starting from the W), from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05954 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Structure C in WU ii/III. Vertical block (jamb) and doorstep of the 1st locus, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05955 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Topographic relieve of the structure A in WU ii/III, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05956 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Topographic relieve of the structure A in WU ii/III, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05957 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Stones circles (loci) E-H in WU ii/III, towards NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05958 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Stones circles (loci) E-H in WU ii/III, towards W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05959 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Stones circles (loci) E-H in WU ii/III. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn05960 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Stones circles (loci) E-H in WU ii/III. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn08396 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i): Graffiti. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn08397 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i): Graffiti. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn08398 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i): Graffiti. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn08399 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i): Graffiti. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUSn06004 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Eastern side, circle of stones A, towards W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUSn06005 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Eastern side, circle of stones A, downstream blocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUSn06006 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Eastern side, circle of stones B. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUSn06007 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Eastern side, paved structure C. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUSn06008 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Eastern side, circle of stones D. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUSn06009 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Eastern side, structure E. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUSn06010 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Western side, row of terracing blocks (row 1), from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUSn06011 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Western side, row of terracing blocks (row 2), from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUSn06012 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Western side, circle of stones 3, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUSn06013 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Western side, circle of stones 4, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUSn06014 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Western side, circle of stones 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUSn06015 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): General view of blocks on the Southern side (row 7), from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06355 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): General view of the site, towards N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06356 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): General view of the site, towards N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06357 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): General view of structure 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06358 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06359 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06360 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06361 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06362 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06363 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): A little structure near structure 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06364 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06365 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06366 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 3 (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06367 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 4. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06368 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 4. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06369 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06370 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 5, mound of stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06371 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 5, mound of stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06212 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06213 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06214 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06215 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06218 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i): Mountain, south of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06219 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i): General view of the landscape, south of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06220 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i): General view of the landscape, south of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06221 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i): Sabbalat Banī Buẖayt viewed from the mountain, south of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06222 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06223 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06224 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i): Stone structure on the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06225 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i): Eastern side of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06226 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i): The site viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06227 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i): Stone structure on the N side of the site, viewed from the NW (sect. I). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06228 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i): Stone structure on the N side of the site, viewed from the E (sect. I). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06229 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i): Stone structure on the N side of the site, viewed from the E (sect. I). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06230 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i): Stone structure on the N side of the site, viewed from the E (sect. I). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06231 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06232 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06233 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06234 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06235 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06236 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06237 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i): Petroglyphs. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUHn06238 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU i): Petroglyphs, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06289 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 6. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06290 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 6 (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06291 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 7. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06292 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 7. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06293 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): View of the eastern ridge. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06294 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 8. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06295 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 9. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06296 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 10. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06297 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 10 (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06298 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 10. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06299 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 10. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06300 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 11. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06301 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Structure 11 (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06302 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Bench, N of the structure 11. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06303 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): General view, towards the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06304 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): General view, towards the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06305 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06306 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06307 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06308 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Circular structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06309 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Circular structures, detail of a grinding stone. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06310 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): Grinding stone in trachyte. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2018WUYn06311 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU vii): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī an-Niǧād | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09225 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB i, viii), Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH ii, iv), Wādī an-Niǧād (NIG ii) (Y.87.1), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī an-Niǧād | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09226 | Pottery from Wādī an-Niǧād (NIG i, ii), Al-Ǧīrid (GRD i) (Y.87.2), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09203 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i, Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH v) (23), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي يناعم/وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2018POTp09207 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Pottery WTH v, NAB ii (27), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09219 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i), An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB ix), Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH), Wādī Hawrah (HAW iii) (39), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09220 | Pottery from Ḫašrān (KHA i), An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB ix), Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH), Wādī Hawrah (HAW iii) (40), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09225 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB i, viii), Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH ii, iv), Wādī an-Niǧād (NIG ii) (Y.87.1), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1987 | 2018WTHn04798 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl region. Neolithic site. Reconstruction of the prehistoric village (drawing E. Gatti). Panel for the Prehistory room of the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1987 | 2018WTHn04799 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl region. Neolithic site. Reconstruction of the prehistoric village (drawing E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2018WTHp09204 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Pottery WTH v (24), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2018WTHp09205 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Pottery WTH v (25), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYMp09206 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i, WTH v (26), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḏanah | وادي ذنه | 1985 | 2018WDHm09025 | Wādī Ḏanah: Wādī Ḏanah Drainage Basin (Scale 1:500.000) (M. Mascellani, B. Marcolongo). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḏanah | وادي ذنه | 1984 | 2018WDNm09051 | Wādī Ḏanah: Colour Photo Geological Elaboration Wādī Ḏanah, Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl and Al-Ḥadā Regions (V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḏanah | وادي ذنه | 1985 | 2018WDNn07277 | Wādī Ḏanah: 35 km from Marib. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḏanah | وادي ذنه | 1985 | 2018WDNn07278 | Wādī Ḏanah: 35 km from Marib. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥabābiḍ | وادي حبابض | 1983 | 2018WBDn06270 | Wādī Ḥabābiḍ: Genereal view of the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, from the car. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥabābiḍ | وادي حبابض | 1983 | 2018WBDn06271 | Wādī Ḥabābiḍ: Genereal view of the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, from the car. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥabābiḍ | وادي حبابض | 1983 | 2018WBDn06272 | Wādī Ḥabābiḍ: Genereal view of the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, on the road. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥabābiḍ | وادي حبابض | 1983 | 2018WBDn06273 | Wādī Ḥabābiḍ: Genereal view of the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, on the road. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥabābiḍ | وادي حبابض | 1983 | 2018WBDn06282 | Wādī Ḥabābiḍ: In the car. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥabābiḍ | وادي حبابض | 1983 | 2018WBDn06283 | Wādī Ḥabābiḍ: Under the car. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥabābiḍ | وادي حبابض | 1983 | 2018WBDn06284 | Wādī Ḥabābiḍ: The camp of the Italian mission in Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥabābiḍ | وادي حبابض | 1983 | 2018WBDn06285 | Wādī Ḥabābiḍ: View of Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, towards the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Hawrah | وادي حورة | 1984 | 2018HAWp09209 | Wādī Hawrah (HAW i):Pottery, HAW i (29), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Hawrah | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09187 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB vii), Ḫašrān (KHA i), Wādī Hawrah (HAW ii) (7), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Hawrah | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09208 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB ii)/Wādī Hawrah (HAW i): Pottery HAW i, NAB ii (28), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Hawrah | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09210 | Pottery from Wādī Hawrah (HAW i), 'Asam (AS i) (30), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Hawrah | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09219 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i), An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB ix), Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH), Wādī Hawrah (HAW iii) (39), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Hawrah | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09220 | Pottery from Ḫašrān (KHA i), An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB ix), Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH), Wādī Hawrah (HAW iii) (40), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥaykān | وادي حيكان | 1983 | 2018WHKn06208 | Wādī Ḥaykān: General view of the Wādī Ḥaykān, toward W from the track that leads to Madīnat Al-Ahǧur. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥaykān | وادي حيكان | 1983 | 2018WHKn06209 | Wādī Ḥaykān: General view of the Wādī Ḥaykān, toward E from the track that leads to Madīnat Al-Ahǧur. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07250 | Wādī Nabʿāh: Rest under a natural shelter. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07251 | Wādī Nabʿāh: View of the wādī from the mountains to the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07252 | Wādī Nabʿāh: View of the wādī from the mountains to the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07253 | Wādī Nabʿāh: View of the wādī from the mountains to the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07254 | Wādī Nabʿāh: View of the wādī from the mountains to the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07255 | Wādī Nabʿāh: View from the wādī. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07256 | Wādī Nabʿāh: The view of the wādī from Naqīl Sām. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07257 | Wādī Nabʿāh: General view of the wādī from Naqīl Sām. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07258 | Wādī Nabʿāh: View of the wādī towards the intersection with Wādī Sarryayn. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07259 | Wādī Nabʿāh: View of Wādī Nabʿāh towards the intersection with Wādī Sarryayn. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07260 | Wādī Nabʿāh: The view of Wādī Nabʿāh towards the intersection with Wādī Sarryayn. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07261 | Wādī Nabʿāh: The view of Wādī Nabʿāh towards the intersection with Wādī Sarryayn. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07262 | Wādī Nabʿāh: The intersection of Wādī Nabʿāh and Wādī Sarryayn. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07263 | Wādī Nabʿāh: the wādī Nabʿāh at the intersection with Wādī Sarryayn. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07264 | Wādī Nabʿāh: The view of Wādī Nab'āh at the intersection with Wādī Sarryayn. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07265 | Wādī Nabʿāh: The wādī after crossing with Wādī Sarryayn. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07266 | Wādī Nabʿāh: The Wādī Nabʿāh after crossing with Wādī Sarryayn. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07267 | Wādī Nabʿāh: The wādī after crossing with Wādī Sarryayn. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07268 | Wādī Nabʿāh: The wādī after crossing with Wādī Sarryayn. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07269 | Wādī Nabʿāh: View of the wādī in the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07270 | Wādī Nabʿāh: The Wādī Nabʿāh crossing the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07271 | Wādī Nabʿāh: View of the wādī after crossing with Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07272 | Wādī Nabʿāh: View of the wādī after crossing with Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07273 | Wādī Nabʿāh: Crossing between Wādī Nabʿāh, Wādī Rohābah and Wādī Sabāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07274 | Wādī Nabʿāh: Crossing between Wādī Nabʿāh, Wādī Rohābah and Wādī Sabāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07275 | Wādī Nabʿāh: Crossing between Wādī Nabʿāh, Wādī Rohābah and Wādī Sabāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2018WNBn07276 | Wādī Nabʿāh: Crossing between Wādī Nabʿāh, Wādī Rohābah and Wādī Sabāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ramik | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09227 | from PotteryAl-Ǧīrid (GRD i), Ǧabal Šayr (GSH ii), Ṣīrm Al-ʿAbādilah (SA ii, iii), Wādī Ramik (WRA i), Al-Maḫdarah (MKD) (Y.87.3), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ramik | فخار | 1983-1984 | 2018POTp09228 | Pottery from Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), Wādī Ramik (WRA ii): Pottery MA, WRA ii (Y.87.5), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ramik | وادي راميك | 1983 | 2018WRAp09229 | Wādī Ramik (WRA ii): Pottery (Y.87.6), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ramik | وادي راميك | 1981 | 2018WRAn05611 | Wādī Ramik (WR): View of the wādī from the track. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ramik | وادي راميك | 1981 | 2018WRAn05612 | Wādī Ramik (WR): General view of the valley. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ramik | وادي راميك | 1981 | 2018WRAn05613 | Wādī Ramik (WR): Row of stones close to the track; on the right are some houses on the hill. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ramik | وادي راميك | 1981 | 2018WRAn05614 | Wādī Ramik (WR): Petroglyphs representing stylised cameldrivers. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ramik | وادي راميك | 1981 | 2018WRAn05615 | Wādī Ramik (WR): Structure of the Bronze Age period. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ramik | وادي راميك | 1981 | 2018WRAn05616 | Wādī Ramik (WR): In the foreground is a Bronze Age structure. In the back ruins of moden buildings. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Rayġah | وادي ريغة | 1983 | 2018WRYn06141 | Wādī Rayġah: The section of the Wādī Rayġah before the confluence of the Wādī Ṯaʿlib, towards the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Rimaʿ | وادي رماع | 1986 | 2018WRIp09323 | Wādī Rimaʿ (WRI): Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 57), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Surdud | وادي سردود | 1985 | 2018WSUp09322 | Wādī Surdud (WS): Stone Tool Industries, full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018HAIp09395 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA)/Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Bronze Age Stone Tool Industries from Ḫawlān Survey (Y/81 J - 51), (Y/81/FI), (Pl. 1), full size. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018HAIp09396 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA)/Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Bronze Age Stone Tool Industries from Ḫawlān Survey (Pl. 2), full size. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018HAIp09397 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA)/Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Bronze Age Stone Tool Industries from Ḫawlān Survey (Pl. 3), full size. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018HAIp09398 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA)/Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Bronze Age Stone Tool Industries from Ḫawlān Survey (Pl. 4), full size. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018HAIp09399 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA)/Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Bronze Age Stone Tool Industries from Ḫawlān Survey (Pl. 5), full size. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018HAIp09400 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA)/Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Bronze Age Stone Tool Industries from Ḫawlān Survey (Pl. 6), full size. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018HAIp09401 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA)/Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Bronze Age Stone Tool Industries from Ḫawlān Survey n (Pl. 7), full size. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018HAIp09402 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA)/Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Bronze Age Stone Tool Industries from Ḫawlān Survey (Pl. 8), full size. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2018NABp09182 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB vii): Pottery NAB vii, WY i, KHA ii (2), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09195 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY) and An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB ii) (15), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09197 | Pottery from ʿAsam (AS i) and Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i) (17), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | فخار | 1983-1984 | 2018POTp09202 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i), An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB ii), Ḫašrān (KHA ii) (22), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09203 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i, Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH v) (23), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09211 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i) and Ar-Raqlah (RAQ) (31), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09219 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i), An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB ix), Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH), Wādī Hawrah (HAW iii) (39), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09236 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i), Al-Mayanīt (MAY): Pottery WY i, MAY (85.B2.1), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | فخار | 1981 | 2018POTp09237 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i, ii) and Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA) (85.B2.3), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09242 | Pottery from Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery MA, WY i (85.B2.13), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | فخار | 1984 | 2018POTp09243 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i, RAQ (85.B2.14), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYAn05662 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY ii): Bronze Age flints. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYAn05663 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY iii): Bronze Age flints. FIII is the sigla gave at the moment of the discovery of the site, subsequently changed into WY iii. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYAn05736 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY iii): Flint collected during a survey. FIII-1 is the name of the site when discovered, changed later into WYiii. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYMn05660 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY ii): Bronze Age flints. FII = WY ii. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYMn05661 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY ii): Bronze Age flints. FII is the sigla gave at the moment of the discovery of the site, subsequently changed into WY ii. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYMn05676 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY ii): Fragments of rettacotta rims and handle. FII = WY ii. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYMn05677 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY ii): Fragments of rettacotta rims and handle (inner part). FII = WY ii. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYMn05926 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY ii): General view, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYMn05927 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY ii): General view of the southern part of the hill. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYMn05928 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY ii): General view of the southern part of the hill, towards NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYMn05930 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY ii): General view of the southern part of the hill (zoom). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYMn05931 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY ii): General view of the southern part of the hill, towards E. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09080 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tools WY (B3.3) full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09081 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tools WY (B3.4) full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09082 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tools WY (B3.5) no scale (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09083 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tools WY (B3.6) full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09084 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tools WY (B3.7)full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09085 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tool WY (B3.8) full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09086 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tool WY (B3.9) full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09087 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tool WY (B3.10) full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09088 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tool WY (B3.11), no scale (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09089 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tool WY (B3.11), Section BB, no scale (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09090 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tool WY (B3.12) full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09091 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tool WY (B3.13) full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09092 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tool WY (B3.14), no scale (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09093 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tool WY (B3.15) full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09094 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tool WY (B3.16) full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09095 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tool WY (B3.17) full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09096 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tool WY (B3.18) full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1985 | 2018WYMp09097 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Stone tosl WY (B3.19) full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYMp09189 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Pottery WY i (9), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYMp09194 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYM): Pottery WY i (14), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYMp09198 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i (18), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYMp09199 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i (19), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYMp09200 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i (20), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYMp09201 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i (21), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYMp09206 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i, WTH v (26), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYMp09213 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i (33), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYMp09214 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i (34), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYMp09215 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i (35), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983-1984 | 2018WYMp09216 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i, WU i (36), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983-1984 | 2018WYMp09217 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i, WU i (37), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYMp09218 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pottery WY i (38), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYMp09222 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i, WY ii )(42), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYMp09223 | Pottery Y.83.W, full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYMp09224 | Pottery from Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYMp09238 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i, ii): Pottery (85.B2.6), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNm09003 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General Plan (a+b), (Scale 1:100) (V. Labianca, D. Picchi, P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNm09004 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Quarter "A": Plan-Sections (Scale 1:50) (V. Labianca, D. Picchi, P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNm09005 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Loci 1-5: Plan-Sections (Scale 1:20) (V. Labianca, D. Picchi, P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNm09006 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Collapse Levels (Loci 1-5), Stratigraphic Sections (Scale 1:20) (V. Labianca, D. Picchi, P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNm09007 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Loci 1-5: Axonometric Reconstruction (Scale 1:20) (V. Labianca, D. Picchi, P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNm09008 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Loci 10-11: Plan and Sections (Scale 1:20) (V. Labianca, D. Picchi, P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNm09009 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Loci 10-11: Axonometric Reconstruction (Scale 1:20) (V. Labianca, D. Picchi, P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNm09010 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Loci 6-8: Plan and Sections (Scale 1:20) (V. Labianca, D. Picchi, P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04790 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Drawing of a decorated terracotta jar from the Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04792 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Drawing of a terracotta jar from the Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04795 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Drawing of a terracotta shallow bowl from the Bronze Age site of Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04796 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi) and ar-Raqlah (RAQ): Drawing of a terracotta jar with spout from the Bronze Age site of Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04800 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl region. Reconstruction of a Bronze Age site (drawing E. Gatti). Panel for the Prehistory room of the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04801 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl region. Reconstruction of a Bronze Age site (drawing E. Gatti). Panel for the Prehistory room of the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04802 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): How to kill an ibex with a Prehistoric tool (amygdala) (drawing P. Smith). Panel for the Prehistory room of the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ.(©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04803 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): How to kill an ibex with a Prehistoric tool (amygdala) (drawing P. Smith). Panel for the Prehistory room of the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04804 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): How to make a hole in a semiprecious stone bead using a Prehistoric bow drill (drawing V. Labianca). Panel for the Prehistory room of the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04810 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl region. Bronze Age site. Selected fragments of pottery found in the excavation. Bowls, plates, jars, spout, handles and strainers. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04811 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Bronze Age site. Selected fragments of pottery found in the Italian excavation. Bowls, plates, jars, spout, handles and strainers. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04812 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl region. Bronze Age site. Two fragmentary bowls, one jar and two vases in miniature found in the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04820 | Bronze Age pottery from the excavation in Ar-Raqlah (RAQ) and Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi) sites, Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Jars and jar with spout. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04821 | Bronze Age pottery from the excavation in Ar-Raqlah (RAQ) and Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi) sites, Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Shallow bowls. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04823 | Bronze Age pottery from the excavation in Ar-Raqlah (RAQ) and Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi) sites, Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Handles. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04824 | Bronze Age pottery from the excavation in Ar-Raqlah (RAQ) and Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi) sites, Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Handles. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04825 | Bronze Age pottery from the excavation in Ar-Raqlah (RAQ) and Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi) sites, Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl region. Two fragments of hole-mouth jars. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | ي يناعم | 1987 | 2018WYNn04826 | Bronze Age pottery from the excavation in Ar-Raqlah (RAQ) and Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi) sites, Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl region. Two strainers. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05576 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Wiew of the Bronze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05577 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Wiew of the Bronze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05578 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Detail of a row of stones belonging to a locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05579 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Wiew of some loci of the Bronze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05580 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Wiew of some loci of the Bronze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05581 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): The Archaeologist Francesco Di Mario sifts the soil. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05582 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Arcaheological sounding in a square, in the Bronze Age site. The Archaeologist Francesco Di Mario. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05583 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Arcaheological sounding in a pit of the Bronze Age site. The Archaeologist F. Di Mario. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05584 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Arcaheological survey in the Bronze Age site. An inspector of the GOAM and two Italian archaeologists. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05585 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Arcaheological survey in the Bronze Age site. An inspector of the GOAM and two Italian archaeologists. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05586 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Archaeological survey and sounding in the Bronze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05587 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Detail of a corner of a locus, in the Broze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05588 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Row of stones of a locus (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05589 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Wiew of the Bronze Age site; in the foreground the two blocks marks the entrance of a locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05590 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Two blocks (jambs) marks the entrance of a locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05591 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): The two jambs of the doorstep of a locus, lateral view. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05592 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): A locus and the two jambs of the entrance (on the right).(©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05593 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): A locus of the Bronze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05594 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Wiew of a locus of the Bronze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05595 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the Bronze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05596 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): View of some loci of the Bronze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05597 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Row of stones in the Bronze Ahe site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05598 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): View of the site and two archaeologist of the Italian Mission during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05599 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): View of some loci of the Bronze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05600 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Other loci of the Bronze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05601 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Row of huge stones of a locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05602 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Row of huge stones of a locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05603 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05604 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the site with loci. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05605 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the site with loci. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05606 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the site with loci. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05607 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Detail of a circular pit. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05608 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): A locus with a big block at the center. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05609 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): A circular locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05610 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): View of two contiguous loci. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05652 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Lithic tools (flints) collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05653 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Lithic tools (flints) collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05654 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Lithic tools (flints and obsidians) collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05655 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Lithic tools (flints and obsidians) collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05656 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Lithic tools (flints and obsidian) collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05657 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Lithic tools (flints and obsidian) collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05658 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Lithic tools (flints and obsidian) collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05659 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Lithic tools (flints and obsidian) collected during a survey. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05672 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fragments of pottery. FI is the sigla gave at the moment of the discovery of the site, subsequently changed into WY i. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05673 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Potsherds. FI = WY i. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05674 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fragments of pottery (rims, inner part). FI = WY i. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05675 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fragments of pottery (rims). FI = WY i. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05730 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Flint scarper. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05731 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Flint nucleus. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05732 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Flint scarper. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2018WYNn05733 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Flint nucleus. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn05929 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY ii): General view, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06559 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): The archaeologist Chicco Gianni and the architect Vincenzo Labianca. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06560 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 9. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06561 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus L9 and the view of the pillar in L8. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06562 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus L9. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06563 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): External fire pit L8. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06564 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): In the foreground the locus L10, on the background L8 and L9. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06565 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): The locus L10, corner. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06566 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 10. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06567 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): External fire pit near L10. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06568 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit in front of locus 10. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06569 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit in front of L10 corner. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06570 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Grinding stone in locus L10, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06571 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 10. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06572 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 10. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06573 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 10. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06574 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Alignment of stones of L10. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06575 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Partition wall in locus 10. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06576 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Partition wall in locus 10. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06577 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus L1. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06578 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus L1. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06579 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus L1. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06580 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus L1. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06581 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus L1, alignment of huge stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06582 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pits A and B. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06583 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06584 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): The archeologist Gastone Novella rests during the trip back from Wādī Yanāʿim to Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06585 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): The land on the road from Wādī Yanāʿim to Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06586 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): The land on the road from Wādī Yanāʿim to Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06587 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): L1. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06588 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): The architect Patrizia Berardi. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06589 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Wall in locus L2 with a part of fire pit. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06590 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Wall in locus 2 with a part of fire pit. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06591 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): The corner of a wall in locus L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06592 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Wall in locus L1. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06593 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): The locus L1. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06594 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): The limit and the corner of a wall in locus L1. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06595 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Internal pillars in locus L1. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06596 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit outside locus L2 and the corner of the square β towards locus 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06597 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit D. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06598 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus L3. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06599 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus L3 with a partition wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06600 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus L3, from the partition wall towards the semicircular structure (the fire pit on the background). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06601 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit outside locus L3. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06602 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit outside locus L3 towards the square α. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06603 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit in the square α. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06604 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Part of the fence in the square α. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06605 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Part of the fence in the square α. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06606 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): The fence. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06607 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): A locus in the square α, with partition wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06608 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): The second locus in the square α. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06609 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit in the square ϒ and a pestle. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06610 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Embankment in the square ϒ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06611 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Embankment. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06612 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): A structure near the square β. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06613 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): A structure between the 'forge' and square β. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06614 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Embankment towards locus L3, viewed from the square α. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06615 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Structures between square ϒ and square α. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06616 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Loci between square ϒ and square α. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06617 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Detail of a locus between square ϒ and square α. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06618 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): A locus between square ϒ and square α. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06619 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Subcircular locus between L8 and L9. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06620 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Subcircular room between L8 and L9, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06621 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Subcircular room between L8 and L9, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06622 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): First subcircular locus with partition wall and pillar (locus L8). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06623 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Second subcircular locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06716 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY FF. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06717 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY FF. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06718 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY 28A. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06719 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY 28A. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06720 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY 28A. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06721 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY 27. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06722 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY 27. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06723 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY 26. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06724 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY 26. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06725 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY AA. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06726 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY AA. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06727 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY BB e BBbis. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06728 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY BB e BBbis. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06729 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY BB e BBbis. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06730 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY BB e BBbis. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06731 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY DD. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06732 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY CC. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06733 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY EE. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06734 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY DD/CC/EE. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06735 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY 9. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06736 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY 8. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06737 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06738 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06739 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY 1. Jambs door of the locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06740 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06741 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06742 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06743 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of structures in the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06744 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06745 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Detail of a locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06746 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Detail of a locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06747 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): WY 3-4. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06748 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06749 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): View of a locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06750 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Trachyte grindimg stone (detail) in the eastern fire pit of locus 40. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06751 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): View of the eastern fire pit of L40; on the left the grinding stone in trachyte. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06752 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Grinding stone and handstone found near the fire pit QQ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06753 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): The fire pit QQ, the grinding stone and handstone in the foreground. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06754 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): A grinding stone found in locus 35, sector B. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06755 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): A grinding stone and handstone found close to the fire pit LL. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06756 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Trachyte grinding stone found in locus 29. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06757 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Grinding stone (detail) found below the plateau. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06758 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of a locus and grinding stone below the plateau. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06759 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Grinding stone found close to the fire pit of locus Q. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06760 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Two grinding stones found close to the fire pits CC, DD; EE. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06761 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): A grinding stone and a handstone found close to some fire pits (not numbered). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06762 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): In the foreground, on the right, grinding stones and a handstone found close to some fire pits (not numbered). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06763 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Detail of a grinding stone. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06764 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Detail of a grinding stone. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06765 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): A fragment of a handstone. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06766 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Basalt grinding stone and a handstone found in locus 21. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06767 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): The Architect Patrizia Beardi. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06768 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): View of locus 36. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06769 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): View of locus 36. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06770 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 19. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06771 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 36. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06772 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 36. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06773 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Detail of L36. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06774 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 20. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06775 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Detail of L20. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06776 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): L20. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06777 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): L20. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06778 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): L20. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06779 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): L20. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06780 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06781 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Detail of a locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06782 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): View of a pit. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06783 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): View of a fire pit. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06784 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the Bronze Age site and Architect V. Labianca. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06785 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06786 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit FF. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06859 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06860 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 40. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06861 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 40. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06862 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 40. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06863 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Architect P. Berardi in locus 40. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06864 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 40. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06865 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 37. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06866 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 37. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06867 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 37. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06868 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 36. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06869 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 36. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06870 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Mound 38. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06871 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 38. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06872 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 39. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06873 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 41. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06874 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit QQ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06875 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Isolated grave or pit. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06876 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Isolated pit. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06877 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Isolated pit. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06878 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 34. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06879 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 34. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06880 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 33. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06881 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 33. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06882 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 6. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06883 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 6. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06884 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit PP. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06885 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit NN. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06886 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit OO. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06887 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of square ϒ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06888 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06889 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06890 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06891 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06892 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06893 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06894 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06895 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06896 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06897 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view and the architect P. Berardi. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06898 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06899 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06900 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06901 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06902 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06903 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06904 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06905 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06907 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06908 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06909 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06910 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06911 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06912 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 35. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06913 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit LL. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06914 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit MM inside locus 32. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06915 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06916 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 32. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06917 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 32. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06918 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 31. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06919 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 31. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06920 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 31. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06921 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 30. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06922 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 30. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06923 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 30. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06924 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 29. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06925 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 29. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06926 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Locus 29. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06927 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of locus 29. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06928 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view towards fire pit LL. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06929 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit II. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06930 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit HH. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06931 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit GG. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn06932 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07210 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Grinding stone Y.83.WY i no.16 (front side). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07211 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Grinding stone Y.83.WY i no. 16 (back side). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07212 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Grinding stone Y.83.WY i no. 16 (lateral view). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07213 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Grinding stone Y.83.WY i no. 10 (back side). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07214 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Grinding stone Y.83.WY i no. 10 (front side). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07215 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Grinding stone Y.83.WY i no. 10 (lateral view). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07216 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Handstone Y.83.WY i no. 32 (front side). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07217 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Handstone Y.83.WY i no. 32 (back side). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07218 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Grinding stone Y.83.WY i no. 14 (back side). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07219 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Grinding stone Y.83.WY i no. 14 (front side). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07220 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Grinding stone Y.83.WY i no. 14 (lateral view). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07221 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Handstone Y.84.WY i no. 41 (front side). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07222 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Grinding stone Y.83.WY i no. 11 (lateral view). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07223 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Grinding stone Y.83.WY i no. 9 (front side). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07224 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Grinding stone Y.83.WY i no. 9 (outline). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07225 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Grinding stone Y.84.WY i no. 8 (front). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07226 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Millstone Y.84.WY i no. 8 (outline). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07227 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Handstone Y.84.WY i no. 13 (back). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07228 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Handstone Y.84.WY i no. 13 (front). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07229 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Handstone Y.84.WY i no. 13 (outline). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07230 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Handstone Y.84.WY i no. 13 (lateral view). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07231 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Handstone Y.84.WY i no. 17 (front side). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07232 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Hammerstone Y.84.WY i no. 17 (front side). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07233 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Hammerstone Y.84.WY i no. 17 (lateral view). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07234 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Handstone Y.84.WY i no. 30 (front side). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07235 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Handstone Y.84.WY i no. 30 (lateral view). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07236 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Hammerstone Y.84.WY i n. 46 (lateral view). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07237 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Hammerstone Y.84.WY i no. 15 (lateral view). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07238 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Hammerstone Y.84.WY i no. 15 (lateral view). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07239 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pestle/hammerstone Y.83.WY i no. 58 (back). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07240 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pestle/hammerstone Y.83.WY i no. 58 (front side). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07241 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Handstone (?). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07242 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Handstone (?). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07243 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Hammerstone Y.84.WY i no. 29 (back). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2018WYNn07244 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Hammerstone Y.84.WY i no. 29 (back). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08400 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the site towards W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08401 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the site towards W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08402 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the site towards W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08403 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the site towards W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08404 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pre-Cambrian rocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08405 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pre-Cambrian rocks and sandstone. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08406 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pre-Cambrian rocks and sandstone. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08407 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pre-Cambrian rocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08408 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pre-Cambrian rocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08409 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08410 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08411 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): A structure at W of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08412 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08413 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08414 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): A structure at W of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08415 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Structure at W of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08416 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Structure at W of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08417 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Round structure at W of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08418 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Circle of stones at W of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08419 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Circle of stones at W of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08420 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): An animal's lair. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08421 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): An animal's lair, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08422 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view, of the Bronze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08423 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): A flock of sheep. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08424 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Mortar in L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08425 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Pestle found in L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08426 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of loci L2 and L15. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08427 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of L2 and L15. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08428 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): L2 from L15. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08429 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08430 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit in L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08431 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Circular structure in L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08432 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Circular structure in L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08433 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Wall between L1 and L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08434 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Wall between L1 and L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2018WYNn08435 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Fire pit external at L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Zabid | وادي زبيد | 1985 | 2018QAGp09263 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Industries (Y.85.B1 Tav. 56), full size (P. Smith). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī ʿAdfa | وادي عدفة | 1985 | 2018WDFn07310 | Wādī ʿAdfa: Local people and the representative of GOAM ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī ʿAdfa | وادي عدفة | 1985 | 2018WDFn07311 | Wādī ʿAdfa. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī ʿAdfa | وادي عدفة | 1985 | 2018WDFn07312 | Wādī ʿAdfa: Mantiqa Rnqab. The representative of GOAM ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah with local people. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī ʿAdfa | وادي عدفة | 1985 | 2018WDFn07313 | Wādī ʿAdfa: Property of Mr Husayn ibn Husaynaz Zamlī. The representative of GOAM ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī ʿAdfa | وادي عدفة | 1985 | 2018WDFn07314 | Wādī ʿAdfa: Property of Mr Husayn ibn Husaynaz Zamlī. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī ʿAdfa | وادي عدفة | 1985 | 2018WDFn07315 | Wādī ʿAdfa: Property of Mr Husayn ibn Husaynaz Zamlī. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī ʿAdfa | وادي عدفة | 1985 | 2018WDFn07316 | Wādī ʿAdfa: Border between Al-ʿUruš (UR) and the Banī Zabyān area. (©MAIRY) | |
Waraqah | ورقة | 1986 | 2018WRQn04229 | Waraqah: The castle of Waraqah, in the Ḏamār region. (©MAIRY) | |
Waraqah | ورقة | 1986 | 2018WRQn04230 | Waraqah: Sheeps and lambs, around Waraqah, in the Ḏamār region. (©MAIRY) | |
Waraqah | ورقة | 1986 | 2018WRQn04232 | Waraqah: The castle of Waraqah, in the Ḏamār region. (©MAIRY) | |
Waraqah | ورقة | 1986 | 2018WRQn04233 | Waraqah: The castle of Waraqah, in the Ḏamār region. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03861 | Waṣṭah: View of the basin upstream of the dam, from the north to the south-east. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03862 | Waṣṭah: View of the basin upstream of the dam, from the north to the south-east. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03863 | Waṣṭah: View of the basin upstream of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03864 | Waṣṭah: View of the basin upstream of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03865 | Waṣṭah: View of the basin upstream of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03866 | Waṣṭah: View of the basin upstream of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03867 | Waṣṭah: The junction of the dam to the rock, southern side. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03868 | Waṣṭah: A pre-Islamic building or fortress; view from the north. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03869 | Waṣṭah: View of the southern side of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03870 | Waṣṭah: Detail of the wall of the dam. The stones are squared and are covered by qaḍaḍ (mortar). (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03871 | Waṣṭah: Detail of the wall of the dam. The stones are square shaped. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03872 | Waṣṭah: Detail of the wall of the dam. The stones are squared and are covered by qaḍaḍ (mortar). The geologist Vincenzo Francaviglia. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03873 | Waṣṭah: Detail of the southern wall of the dam. The stones are squared and are covered by a thick layer of qadad (mortar). (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03874 | Waṣṭah: The section view of the southern wall of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03875 | Waṣṭah: Frontal view of the southern wall of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03876 | Waṣṭah: Detail of a water duct on the northern side of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03877 | Waṣṭah: Lateral view of the southern wall of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03878 | Waṣṭah: General view of the dam, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03879 | Waṣṭah: Frontal view of the dam, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03880 | Waṣṭah: The fortress near the dam, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03881 | Waṣṭah: The fortress near the dam, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03882 | Waṣṭah: The basin downstream from the dam, view from the south-east. On the left is the pre-Islamic fortress.(©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03883 | Waṣṭah: General view of the complex of the dam, from the S.(©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03884 | Waṣṭah: General view of the complex of the dam, from the S.(©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03885 | Waṣṭah: View of the dam, from the top of the fortress.(©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03886 | Waṣṭah: General view of the basin upstream of the dam.(©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03887 | Waṣṭah: Bird's eye view of the basin upstream of the dam.(©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03888 | Waṣṭah: View of the dam and the basin downstream of the dam, from the top of the fortress.(©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03889 | Waṣṭah: The basin downstream of the dam.(©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03890 | Waṣṭah: The cultivated fields downstream of the dam.(©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03891 | Waṣṭah: Bird's eye view of the basin upstream of the dam.(©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03892 | Waṣṭah: Bird's eye view of the dam.(©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1986 | 2018WSTn03893 | Waṣṭah: View of the southern wall of the dam, from the S.(©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07490 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): The remains of a dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07491 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): The wall of a dam built with squared blocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07492 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): The ruined dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07493 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): General view of the ruined dam preserved on the S side. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07494 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): The remains of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07495 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): View of the collapsed blocks of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07496 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): The dam, detail of an underground canal. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07497 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): The dam, an underground canal, detail of the inner part. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07498 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): The dam, an underground canal, detail of the inner part. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07499 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): The section of the dam wall on the N side no longer exists. On the top of the hill a Himyarite fortress is visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07500 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): View of the Wādī Sāmʿa. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07501 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): View of Wādī Sāmʿa. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07502 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): The wall of the dam and the Wādī Sāmʿa. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07503 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): The Wādī Sāmʿa. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07504 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): The Wādī Sāmʿa. On the left side the wall of the dam; on the right side, on top of the hill, the Himyarite fortress. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07505 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): The wall of the dam covered with mortar. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07506 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): The squared blocks of the dam (lateral view) and the Wādī Sāmʿa. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07507 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): View of the ruined wall of the dam. | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07508 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): The wall of the dam is partially preserved on the S side. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07509 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): View of the ruined wall of the dam, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07510 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): View of the ruined wall of the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07511 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): General view of the ruined dam (S side) and a fortress (N side), from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07512 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): The Himyarite fortress on the N, viewed from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07513 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): The gorge related to the dam. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07514 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): A 8 lines inscription reused in a wall of the mosque in the Waṣṭah village. The photo was possible with the help of a mirror. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07515 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): A 8 lines inscription reused in a wall of the mosque in the Waṣṭah village. The photo was possible with the help of a mirror. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07516 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): A 8 lines inscription reused in a wall of the mosque in the Waṣṭah village. The photo was possible with the help of a mirror. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07517 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): A 8 lines inscription reused in a wall of the mosque in the Waṣṭah village. The photo was possible with the help of a mirror. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07518 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): A 8 lines inscription reused in a wall of the mosque in the Waṣṭah village. The photo was possible with the help of a mirror. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07519 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): A 8 lines inscription reused in a wall of the mosque in the Waṣṭah village. The photo was possible with the help of a mirror. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07520 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): A 8 lines inscription reused in a wall of the mosque in the Waṣṭah village. The photo was possible with the help of a mirror. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07521 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): A 8 lines inscription reused in a wall of the mosque in the Waṣṭah village. The photo was possible with the help of a mirror. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07522 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): A 8 lines inscription reused in a wall of the mosque in the Waṣṭah village. The photo was possible with the help of a mirror. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07523 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): A 8 lines inscription reused in a wall of the mosque in the Waṣṭah village. The photo was possible with the help of a mirror. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07524 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): A 8 lines inscription reused in a wall of the mosque in the Waṣṭah village. The photo was possible with the help of a mirror. (©MAIRY) | |
Waṣṭah | واسطه | 1985 | 2018WSTn07525 | Waṣṭah (Ḏamār): A 8 lines inscription reused in a wall of the mosque in the Waṣṭah village. The photo was possible with the help of a mirror. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2017YALn01018 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Two small jars (Y.87.Y.42/4, Y.87.Y.63/1) and two lids (Y.87.Y.58/1, Y.87.Y.35/1) of Sabaean period found in House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2017YALn01019 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Sabaean decorated jar (Y.87.Y.21/2) found in House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2017YALn01020 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Sabaean deep bowl decorated with incised wavy lines (Y.87.Y.30/1) found in House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2017YALn01021 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Sabaean bowl with ring foot (Y.87.Y.24/1) found in House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2017YALn01022 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Sabaean high carinated jar with ring foot (Y.87.Y.57/2) found in House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2017YALn01023 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Sabaean jar with lid (Y.87.Y.72/2) found in House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2017YALn01024 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Sabaean jar with wavy lines decoration (Y.87.Y.20/1) found in House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | فخار | 1984-1985 | 2018POTp09244 | Pottery from An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB i, ii), Bayt Abū Hašim (BAH i), Yalā (Y): Pottery NAB i, NAB ii, BAH i, Y (85.B2.18), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا/الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALm08948 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General plan of the Sabaean city (Scale 1:200), Zone A, Pl. 2 (V. Labianca - M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا/الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALm08949 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Plan of the House A (Scale 1:50), Zone A, Pl. 7 (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا/الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALm08950 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Plan of the house A, soundings (Scale 1:50), Zone A, Pl. 7bis (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا/الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALm08951 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): House A: W, N, E, S sections of the stratigraphical sounding in L5 (Scale 1:20), Zone A, Pl. 9 (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا/الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALm08952 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): House A: W, N, E, S sections of the stratigraphical sounding in L6 (Scale 1:20), Zone A, Pl. 10 (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا/الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALm08953 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Sketch map of the settlement in the Wādī Yalā area (Scale 1:100), Zone A, Pl. 1 (M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا/الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALm08991 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Sections of the Sabaean city (Scale 1:200) (V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا/الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALm09024 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Geolithological Map of Yalā area (Marib), (Scale 1: 125.000) (B. Marcolongo). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا/الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALm09027 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Geomorphological Interpretation of Yalā Area (Marib), (Scale 1: 62.500) (P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا/الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALm09030 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Map of Wādī Ḏanah and the sites of Yalā, Al-Ğafnah and Šiʿb al-ʿAql (Scale 1: 500.000). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا/الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALm09046 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Sections of House A (No scale) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01672 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Detail of a wall of House A, excavated in 1987 by the Italian Archaeological Mission. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01673 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Detail of the architectural technique of House A, excavated in 1987 by the Italian Archaeological Mission. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01674 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): A view inside the Sabaean site. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01675 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Professors L. Cagni, S. Bökönyi, A. de Maigret and the security escort. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01676 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): The city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01677 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): The city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01678 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01679 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): The Sabaean city (left), and M. Cappon (journalist), A. de Maigret and L. Cagni (right). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01680 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): The Sabaean city in the background. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01681 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of Sabaean city. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01773 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Potsherd with inscription (Y.87.Y/78). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01774 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Potsherd (rim of a 'torpedo jar') with inscription (Y.87.Y/86). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01775 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Potsherd with inscription (Y.87.Y/77).( © MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01776 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Carinated bowl with inscription (Y.87.Y/88). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01777 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Carinated bowl with inscription, detail (Y.87.Y/88). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01790 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Detail of an inscribed potsherd found in House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01791 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Detail of an inscribed potsherd found in House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01792 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Detail of an inscribed potsherd found in House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01793 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Detail of an inscribed potsherd found in House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01832 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Smoother (Y.87.Y/36), found in the excavation of House A, sounding in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01833 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Grinding slab (Y.87.Y/154), found in the excavation of House A, in L11. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01834 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Grinding slab (Y.87.Y/183), found in the excavation of House A, in L10. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01835 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Grinding slab (Y.87.Y/183), found in the excavation of House A, in L10. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01836 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Grinding slab (Y.87.Y/192), found in the excavation of House A, in L10. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01837 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Handstone (Y.87.Y/195), found in the excavation of House A, in L10. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01838 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pestle (Y.87.Y/201), found in the excavation of House A, in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01839 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Handstone (Y.87.Y/111), found in the excavation of House A, in L10. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01840 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Mortar (Y.87.Y/217), found in the excavation of House A, in L11. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01841 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Grinding slab (Y.87.Y/167), found in the excavation of House A, in L5. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01842 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Grinding slab (Y.87.Y/?), found in the excavation of House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01843 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Handstone (Y.87.Y/168), found in the excavation of House A, in L5. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01844 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Handstone (Y.87.Y/156), found in the excavation of House A, in L9. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01845 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Handstone (Y.87.Y/156), found in the excavation of House A, in L9. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01846 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Handstone found in House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01847 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Handstone (Y.87.Y/105), found in the excavation of House A, in L9. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01848 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Handstone (Y.87.Y/207), found in the excavation of House A, in L2. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01849 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Handstone (Y.87.Y/156), found in the excavation of House A, in L9. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01850 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Handstone (Y.87.Y/196), found in the excavation of House A, in L10. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01851 | YYalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Handstone (Y.87.Y/149), found in the excavation of House A, in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01852 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Polishing stone (Y.87.Y/212), found in the excavation of House A, from L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01853 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Grinding slab (Y.87.Y/214), found in the excavation of House A, in L2. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01854 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Grinding slab (Y.87.Y/189), found in the excavation of House A, in L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01855 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Handstone (Y.87.Y/130), found in the excavation of House A, in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01856 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Handstone (Y.87.Y/137), found in the excavation of House A, in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01857 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Mortar (Y.87.Y/181), found in the excavation of House A, in L10. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01858 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Mortar (Y.87.Y/202), found in the excavation of House A, in L11. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01859 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Grinding slab (Y.87.Y/179), found in the excavation of House A, in L11. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01860 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Grinding slab (Y.87.Y/180), found in the excavation of House A, in L11. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01862 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Container in alabaster (Y.87.Y/5). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01863 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of a bowl in alabaster (Y.87.Y/2). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01864 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of a bowl in alabaster (Y.87.Y/2). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01865 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of an unidentified object in limestone (Y.87.Y/158). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01866 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of an unidentified object in limestone (Y.87.Y/158). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01886 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Utensil in iron (Y87.Y53) found in House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01887 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Utensil in iron (Y87.Y53) found in House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01888 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Ring in bronze (Y.87.Y/81) found in House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01889 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Ring in bronze (Y.87.Y/81) found in House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01890 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of an object in alabaster (Y.87.Y/79) found in House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01892 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Whetstone (Y.87.Y/29) found in House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01893 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Unidentified object (Y.87.Y/28) found in House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01896 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of an alabaster bowl (Y.87.Y/2) found in House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01897 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of an alabaster container (Y.87.Y/3) found in House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01902 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Animal tooth used as a pendant (Y.87.Y/8), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01903 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Incense burner foot (Y.87.Y/7), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01904 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Incense burner foot (Y.87.Y/7), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01905 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of an alabaster bowl (Y.87.Y/3), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01906 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of an alabaster container (Y.87.Y/4), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01907 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fossil (Y.87.Y/51), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01908 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of an alabaster container (Y.87.Y/13), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01909 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Bead in glass (Y.87.Y/15), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01910 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Bead in glass (Y.87.Y/15), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01911 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Bead in shell (Y.87.Y/14), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01912 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Bead in agate (Y.87.Y/14), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01913 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Bead in carnelian (Y.87.Y/16), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01914 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Bead in carnelian (Y.87.Y/16), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01915 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Bead in carnelian (Y.87.Y/16), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01916 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of bronze (Y.87.Y/54), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01917 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of a bronze object (Y.87.Y/54), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01918 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of a cylindrical object in bronze (Y.87.Y/55), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01919 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of a cylindrical object in bronze (Y.87.Y/55), found in the excavation of House A (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01920 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Grinding slab (Y.87.Y/193), found in the excavation of House A, in L10. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01921 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Grinding slab (Y.87.Y/193), found in the excavation of House A, in L10. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01922 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Grinding slab (Y.87.Y/186), found in the excavation of House A, in L5. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01923 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Grinding slab (Y.87.Y/199), found in the excavation of House A, in L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01924 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Upper grinding stone (Y.87.Y/132), found in the excavation of House A, in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01925 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pounding stone, smoother (Y.87.Y/115), found in the excavation of House A, in L10. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01926 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Whetstone (Y.87.Y/213), found in the excavation of House A, in L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01927 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pounding stone, smoother (Y.87.Y/208), found in the excavation of House A, in L2. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01928 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Smoother (Y.87.Y/153), found in the excavation of House A, in L10. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01929 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pestle (Y.87.Y/170), found in the excavation of House A, in L5. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01930 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Smoother (Y.87.Y/215), found in the excavation of House A, in L11. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01931 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pestle (Y.87.Y/?), found in the excavation of House A, in L?. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01932 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Whetstone (Y.87.Y/33), found in the excavation of House A, in L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01933 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pestle, smoother (Y.87.Y/38), found in the excavation of House A, sounding in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01934 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Whetstone (Y.87.Y/32), found in the excavation of House A, in L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01935 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Poundingstone, smoother (Y.87.Y/134), found in the excavation of House A, in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989-1990 | 2018YALn01936 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Handstone (Y.87.Y/209), found in the excavation of House A, in L2. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02471 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the ruins within the Sabaean site. Ad-Durāyb is located 30 km southwest of Marib. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02472 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): The camp of the Italian Archaeological Mission, and in the background the modern village (viewed from the site). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02473 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Beginning of excavation in 'House A' (from the SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02474 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Beginning of excavation in 'House A'. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02475 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): The Šayḫ Sāliḥ Ğammāl (right) and an old man of the village. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02476 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Beginning of excavation in 'House A'. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02477 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A' before the excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02478 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A' before the excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02479 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of 'House A' before the excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02480 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of 'House A' before the excavation (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02481 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of 'House A' before the excavation (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02482 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Beginning of excavation in the 'House A'. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02483 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in the 'House A': L3 delimited by M4, M8, M3 and M10 (clockwise). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02484 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in the 'House A': detail of collapsed stones in L3. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02485 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in the 'House A'. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02486 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in the 'House A'. View of M4 (foreground) and M1 (background) (from the S) (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02487 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in the 'House A'. View of M1 (from the S) (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02488 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in the 'House A'. View of M4 (from the SE) (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02489 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Beginning of excavation of the 'House A' (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02490 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Beginning of excavation of the 'House A' (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02491 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in the 'House A', L1 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02492 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of the 'House A', L1 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02493 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in the 'House A', detail of M1 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02494 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of the 'House A', in L6. In the background is the window P3, on the right the door P5 and wall M2 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02495 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of the 'House A', in L10. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02496 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of the 'House A', in L6. The wall Mγ. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02497 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the excavation of 'House A'. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02498 | Yalā / Ad-Durāyb (Y): View of the staircases M9a and M9b in L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02499 | Yalā / Ad-Durāyb (Y): Terracotta tablet with religious symbols and a hunt representation, found in L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02500 | Yalā / Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the excavation of 'House A' (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02501 | Yalā / Ad-Durāyb (Y): View of L1. In the foreground the staircase M9a (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02502 | Yalā / Ad-Durāyb (Y): Terracotta tablet with religious symbols and a hunt representation, found in L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02503 | Yalā / Ad-Durāyb (Y): Terracotta tablet with religious symbols and a hunt representation, found in L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02504 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of 'House A'. View of L5. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02505 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of L1 with staircases M9a and M9b. Walls M2 (left) and M1 (right). In the background is the door P1 (to get into L10) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02506 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the excavation area, from the east. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02507 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of 'House A'. View of a hole for a beam in wood, in M1 in L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02508 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of 'House A', in L2. The wall Mγ. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02509 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of 'House A', in L2. The windows P3 (left) and P6 (right) in M11 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02510 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of 'House A' during the excavation (from the E) (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02511 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in 'House A'. Squared niche in wall M13 (from the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02512 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): View of L10 in 'House A'. Walls M14 (left) and M5 (right) (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02513 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of 'House A' during the excavation (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02514 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): View of locus L1 of 'House A'. In the background the doorway P1 (to get into L10). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02515 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of 'House A' during the excavation (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02516 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): View of locus L1 of 'House A'. In the background the doorway P1 (to get into L10). On the left is L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02517 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the 'House A' during the excavation (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02518 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in L2, sounding below the window P3 (left). On the right is the original floor (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02519 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of the 'House A', in L12. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02520 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the excavated 'House A' (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02521 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of 'House A', in L12. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02522 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the excavated 'House A' (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02523 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the excavated 'House A' (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02524 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): View of staircases M9a (left, the back) and M9b (right) in L1 of 'House A'. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02525 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): The ladder to take photographs of the 'House A'. On the left is the topographer M. Mascellani. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02526 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in 'House A'. The windows P6 and P3 between L6 and L2 (© MAIRY ) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02527 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in 'House A'. The staircase M9a in L1, to get to the second floor of the house. (© MAIRY ) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02528 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in the 'House A', L10. General view of wall M13 and a squared niche in the lower part of wall M13. In higher part of the wall is a hole for a wooden beam (from the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02529 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in 'House A'. The windows P6 and P3 between L6 and L2 (© MAIRY ) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02530 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of 'House A', sounding in L2. On the left at the bottom is the wall Mε (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02531 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in 'House A'. View of the doorstep in L1. (© MAIRY ) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02532 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in 'House A'. The staircases in L1: M9a (right) to get to the second floor of the house, and M9b (left) to get into L10 (from the N). (© MAIRY ) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02533 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in 'House A'. The staircases in L1: M9a (right) to get to the second floor of the house, and M9b (left) to get into L10 (from the N). (© MAIRY ) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02534 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in the 'House A', L10. View of walls M13 (left) and M14 (right. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02535 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in the 'House A', L5. View of wall M3 and holes for wooden beams (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02536 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in 'House A'. View of L6, with the windows P6 and P3, and the door P5 (between L6 and L1) (from the S). (© MAIRY ) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02537 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in 'House A'. View of L6, with the window P3, and the door P5 (between L6 and L1) (from the S). (© MAIRY ) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02538 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in 'House A'. General view of the stratigraphical sounding in L6 (from the N). (© MAIRY ) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02539 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in 'House A'. The hearth (f) between M2 and M9a (staircase) in locus L1. (© MAIRY ) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02540 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in the 'House A', L10. View of the niche in wall M13 (from the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02541 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A'. View of L12 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02542 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A'. View of L12 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02543 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A'. View of L6 (?)(from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02544 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A'. Northern stratigraphical section in the sounding carried out in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02545 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A'. Eastern stratigraphical section in the sounding carried out in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02546 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A'. Western stratigraphical section in the sounding carried out in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02547 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A'. Northern stratigraphical section in the sounding carried out in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02548 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the 'House A' at the end of the excavation (from the NE). (© MAIRY ) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02549 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A'. Western stratigraphical section in the sounding carried out in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02550 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the 'House A' at the end of the excavation (from the NE). (© MAIRY ) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02551 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A'. View of L5(from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02552 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of the 'House A', view of L5 (from the NW). (© MAIRY ) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02553 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the 'House A'. In the foreground is the locus L5 (from the S). (© MAIRY ) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02554 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in the 'House A'. View of a locus. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02555 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): View of the 'House A'. On the right is locus L12 (from the E). (© MAIRY ) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02557 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A'. Eastern stratigraphical section in the sounding carried out in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02558 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): View of 'House A' during the excavation. S. Antonini, workers and a visitor. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02559 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): View of 'House A' during the excavation (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02560 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A': view of the wall Mγ (Stratum B), in the sounding carried out in L6 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02561 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of the Sabaean 'House A' . Workers and a visitor. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02562 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Southern stratigraphical section in the sounding carried out in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02564 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A', sounding carried out in L6 (view from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02565 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A', sounding carried out in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02566 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A'. Eastern stratigraphical section in the sounding carried out in L6, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02567 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A'. Eastern stratigraphical section in the sounding carried out in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn02568 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): 'House A'. Southern stratigraphical section in the sounding carried out in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2018YALn02569 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Potsherd Y.87.Y/63 with an incised letter, found in 'House A'. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2018YALn02570 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Potsherd Y.87.Y/66 with an inscription, found in the excavation of 'House A'. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2018YALn02571 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Carinated bowl Y.87.Y/74 with inscription, found in the excavation of 'House A'. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2018YALn02572 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Carinated bowl Y.87.Y/74 with inscription, found in the excavation of 'House A'. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2018YALn02579 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Carinated bowl (outer bottom) Y.87.Y/68 with inscription, found in the excavation of 'House A'. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2018YALn02580 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Potsherd Y.87.Y/60 with inscription, found in the excavation of 'House A'. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2018YALn02581 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Potsherd Y.87.Y/58 with inscription, found in the excavation of 'House A'. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2018YALn02582 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Carinated bowl Y.87.Y/68 with inscription, found in the excavation of 'House A' in 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2018YALn02583 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of a rim Y.87.Y/71 with inscription, belonging to a 'torpedo jar', found in the excavation of 'House A'. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2018YALn02584 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of a rim Y.87.Y/57 with an inscribed name, belonging to a 'torpedo jar', found in the excavation of 'House A'. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2018YALn02585 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Potsherd with inscription (Y.87.Y/65), found in the excavation of 'House A' in 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2018YALn02586 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of a carinated bowl with inscription (Y.87.Y/61), found in the excavation of 'House A' in 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2018YALn02587 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Inscribed rim of a 'torpedo jar' (Y.87.Y/72) found in the excavation of 'House A' in 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2018YALn02588 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Carinated bowl Y.87.Y/69 with inscription, found in the excavation of 'House A' in 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2018YALn02589 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Carinated bowl Y.87.Y/69 with inscription, found in the excavation of 'House A' in 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02590 | Šib al-ʿAql (AQ) (3 km SW of Yalā), the Sabaean inscription Y.85.AQ/24 carved on a rock surface. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02591 | Šib al-ʿAql (AQ) (3 km SW of Yalā), 'Upper site', view of a pool in the gorge. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02592 | Landscape and valley from Šib al-ʿAql, 3 km SW of Yalā /Ad-Durāyb. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02593 | Šib al-ʿAql (AQ) (3 km SW of Yalā), 'Upper site', view of the ablutions pool (from the SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02594 | Šib al-ʿAql (AQ) (3 km SW of Yalā), view of the gorge from 'Upper site' (looking NE). In the background is a farm of the 'Lower site'. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02595 | Šib al-ʿAql (3 km SW of Yalā), 'Upper site', general view of granite cliff with rock inscriptions. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02596 | al-Ğafnah (GF) (3 km SW of Yalā /Ad-Durāyb) A. de Maigret and Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02597 | View of the 8th century BCE Sabaean inscriptions Y.85.GF/2, 3 incised on the rock surfaces at al-Ğafnah, 3 km SW of Yalā /Ad-Durāyb. A. de Maigret and Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02598 | View of the 8th century BCE Sabaean inscriptions Y.85.GF/6, 7 incised on the rock surfaces at al-Ğafnah, 3 km SW of Yalā /Ad-Durāyb. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02599 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Sabaean inscription Y.85.Y/3a reused in a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02600 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Two men of the village. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02601 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Detail of the Sabaean city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02602 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Sabaean inscription Y.85.Y/3b reused in a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02603 | Šib al-ʿAql (AQ) (3 km SW of Yalā), general view of the 8th century BCE Sabaean inscriptions carved on rock surfaces. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02604 | Šib al-ʿAql (AQ) (3 km SW of Yalā), general view of the 8th century BCE Sabaean inscriptions Y.85.AQ/18, 19, 20 carved on rock surfaces. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02605 | Šib al-ʿAql (AQ) (3 km SW of Yalā), general view of the 8th century BCE Sabaean inscriptions carved on rock surfaces. A. de Maigret and F. Di Mario. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02606 | Šib al-ʿAql (AQ) (3 km SW of Yalā): general view of the Sabaean inscription Y.85.AQ/27. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02607 | Šib al-ʿAql (AQ) (3 km SW of Yalā), general view of the 8th century BCE Sabaean inscriptions carved on rock surfaces. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02608 | Šib al-ʿAql (AQ) (3 km SW of Yalā), general view of the 8th century BCE Sabaean inscriptions carved on rock surfaces. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02609 | Šib al-ʿAql (AQ), 3 km SW of Yalā: detail of the Sabaean inscription Y.85.AQ/24. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02610 | Šib al-ʿAql (AQ) , 3 km SW of Yalā: detail of the Sabaean inscription Y.85.AQ/16, 17. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02611 | Šib al-ʿAql (AQ) , 3 km SW of Yalā: A. de Maigret next to the Sabaean inscriptions carved on the rock surfaces. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02612 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the Wādī Yalā valley from Šib al-ʿAql (AQ) . (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02613 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the Wādī Yalā valley from Šib al-ʿAql (AQ) . (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02614 | al-Ğafnah (GF), 3 km SW of Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): A. de Maigret and Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ between the Sabaean inscription Y.85.GF/1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02615 | al-Ğafnah (GF), 3 km SW of Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): A. de Maigret and Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ between the Sabaean inscription Y.85.GF/1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02616 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Islamic tower and NW sector of the city walls. At the centre a modern water supply sistem (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02617 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Northern sector, on higher ground, of the 'upper city' (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02618 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Eastern sector of the city walls. Detail of 'rounds path' and ramparts (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn02619 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): The Islamic tower rising in the N sector of the city walls (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04318 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04319 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04320 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04321 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04322 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. The passage into L10 from the stairway at the end of the central corridor. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04323 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04324 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04325 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. Holes for the wooden beams. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04326 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04327 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04328 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā and the workers. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04329 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā and the workers. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04330 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. Young man, worker, from the village nearby the modern village. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04331 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. The floor with traces of wood.(©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04334 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. The floor of a locus with rests of wood.(©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04335 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. General view of the excavated house. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04336 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04337 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. Staircase in the corridor to access the upper floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04338 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04339 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. General view of the excavated house. Two windows. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04340 | Yalā (Y): Excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04341 | Yalā (Y): Stela with two lines of a Sabaean inscription (Y.87.Y/1) found in Yalā. The inscription is bustrophedonic. The upper frame of the stele is concave. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04342 | Yalā (Y): Stela with two lines of a Sabaean inscription (Y.87.Y/1) found in Yalā. The inscription is bustrophedonic. The upper frame of the stele is concave. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04343 | Yalā (Y): Stela with two lines of a Sabaean inscription (Y.87.Y/1) found in Yalā. The inscription is bustrophedonic. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04344 | Yalā (Y): Stela with two lines of a Sabaean inscription (Y.87.Y/1) found in Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04345 | Yalā (Y): The Italian-Yemeni Archeological team: the Topographer M. Mascellani seated in front; the 5th from the left is Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ, and the 3rd from the right ʿAbd al-Razāq Nuʿmān, both officials of GOAM. The first man on the right is the shaykh of Yalā, Salih Jammal. The 1st man on the left is the the geologist of the Ministry of Public Works, Fuad al-Zawghari. The other people are gentlemen of the Yalā tribe. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04346 | The Italian-Yemeni Archeological team: the Topographer M. Mascellani seated in front; the 5th from the left is Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ, and the 3rd from the right ʿAbd al-Razāq Nuʿmān, both officials of GOAM. The first man on the right is the shaykh of Yalā, Salih Jammal. The 1st man on the left is the the geologist of the Ministry of Public Works, Fuad al-Zawghari. The other people are gentlemen of the Yalā tribe. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04347 | Yalā (Y): The Italian-Yemeni team: the Topographer Mario Mascellani is the 1st on the left; Professor Alessandro de Maigret in the middle.(©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04361 | Yalā (Y): Inscription in a stone block reused as door lintel in a house of the nearby village. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04363 | Yalā (Y): General view of the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04364 | Yalā (Y): General view of the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. On the right a tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04365 | Yalā (Y): General view of the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04366 | Yalā (Y): View of the city walls of the Sabaean city of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04368 | Yalā (Y): View of the city walls of the Sabaean city of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04369 | Yalā (Y): View of a stretch of the city walls of the Sabaean Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04377 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql (near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry). Inscription carved on the side of the rocky gorge of the wādī. Inscription no. 1.(©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04378 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql. Inscription no. 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04379 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql. Inscription no. 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04380 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql. Inscription no. 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04381 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql. Inscription no. 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04382 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql. Inscription no. 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04383 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql. Inscription no. 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04384 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql. Inscription no. 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04385 | Yalā (Y): At the beginning of the excavation of the House A, general view from the south. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04386 | Yalā (Y): At the beginning of the excavation of the House A, general view from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04387 | Yalā (Y): The shaykh Salih Jammal. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04388 | Yalā (Y): The shaykh Salih Jammal in front of a house. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04389 | Yalā (Y): Rear view of a modern house, built on an ancient Sabaean podium. On the left the shaykh Salih Jammal. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04390 | Yalā (Y): General view of the ancient Sabaean Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04391 | Yalā (Y): A fragmentary Sabaean inscription Y.87.Y/2(B) incised in a block reused as lintel in a modern house. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04392 | Yalā (Y): A fragmentary Sabaean inscription incised Y.87.Y/2(B) in a block reused as lintel in a modern house. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04393 | Yalā (Y): A fragmentary Sabaean inscription Y.87.Y/2(B) incised in a block reused as lintel in a modern house. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04394 | Yalā (Y): The upper part of the fragmentary Sabaean inscription Y.87.Y/2(A) incised in a block reused as lintel in a modern house. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04395 | Yalā (Y): The upper part of the fragmentary Sabaean inscription Y.87.Y/2(A) incised in a block reused as lintel in a modern house. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04396 | Yalā (Y): Turret tombs on the north of the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. Survey carried out in December, 7th 1987. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04397 | Yalā (Y): Turret tombs on the north of the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04398 | Yalā (Y): Turret tombs on the north of the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04399 | Yalā (Y): Turret tombs on the north of the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04400 | Yalā (Y): Ḫubat Naği, an Islamic fortress close to the Wādī Yalā. Survey carried out in December, 7th 1987.(©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04401 | Yalā (Y): Ḫubat Naği, an Islamic fortress close to the Wādī Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04402 | Yalā (Y): Ḫubat Naği, an Islamic fortress close to the Wādī Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04403 | Yalā (Y): Ḫubat Naği, an Islamic fortress close to the Wādī Yalā. Survey carried out in December 7th, 1987 by Professor Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04404 | Yalā (Y): Ḫubat Naği, an Islamic fortress close to the Wādī Yalā. On the left the shaykh Salih Jammal. Survey carried out by Alessandro de Maigret in December 7th, 1987. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04405 | Yalā (Y): Ḫubat Naği, an Islamic fortress close to the Wādī Yalā. Survey carried out in December, 7th 1987 by Professor Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04406 | Yalā (Y): Ḫubat Nağii, general view of the Islamic fortress close to the Wādī Yalā. Survey carried out in December 7th 1987 by Professor Alessandro de Maigret.(©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04407 | Yalā (Y): Madīnat Ḫuraym, an ancient settlement in the junction between Wādī Yalā and Wādī Ḏanah. Survey carried out in December, 7th 1987 by Professor Alessandro de Maigret. The fortress is similar to the one built in Yalā. Islamic pottery is on surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04408 | Yalā (Y): Madīnat Ḫuraym, an ancient settlement in the junction between Wādī Yalā and Wādī Dhanah. Survey carried out in December 7th 1987 by Professor Alessandro de Maigret. The fortress is similar to the one built in the Sabaean Yalā. Islamic pottery is visible on surface.(©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04409 | Yalā (Y): Madīnat Ḫuraym, an ancient settlement in the junction between Wādī Yalā and Wādī Ḏanah. Survey carried out in December, 7th 1987 by Professor Alessandro de Maigret. Islamic pottery on surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04410 | Yalā (Y): Madīnat Ḫuraym, the junction between the Wādī Yalā and the Wādī Ḏanah. Survey carried out in December, 7th 1987 by Professor Alessandro de Maigret. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04411 | Yalā (Y): Madīnat Ḫuraym, the ancient settlement in the junction between Wādī Yalā and Wādī Ḏanah. On the right is the Islamic fortress. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04412 | Yalā (Y): Madīnat Ḫuraym, an ancient settlement in the junction between Wādī Yalā and Wādī Ḏanah. Survey carried out in December, 7th 1987 by Professor Alessandro de Maigret accompanied by shaykh Salih Jammal. On the background the fortress. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04413 | Yalā (Y): Madīnat Ḫuraym, the junction between the Wādī Yalā and the Wādī Ḏanah. General view from the hill where the site of Madīnat Ḫuraym lies. Survey carried out in December, 7th 1987 by Professor Alessandro de Maigret, accompanied by shaykh Salih Jammal. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04414 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Loci L3 and L5, from the southeast. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04415 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of L3 and M8(?). On the background L4(?), from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04416 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L5, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04418 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. L5 and L3(?), from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04419 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. General view of the Locus L10 (on the right) from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04420 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. In the background Locus L1, in the foreground L2, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04421 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L10, from the E. In the background wall M13; on the right M14 and on the left M5. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04422 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04423 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. A bird’s eye view of the upper part of the staircase in Locus L1, from the N.(©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04424 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. A bird’s eye view of Locus L2, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04425 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L10, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04426 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L10, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04427 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. L6, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04428 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Loci L6 (left) and L2 (right), from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04429 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. On the left L6 with the door P5, on the right L2; at the center the wall M 11, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04430 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. In the foreground the door P5 in M2 of L6, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04431 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A (the eastern corner of the House). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04432 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L1, from the SE. In the background the staircase. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04443 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. General view, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04444 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L1, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04445 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. Stratigraphic sounding in the Locus L6, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04446 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. Stratigraphic sounding in the Locus L6, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04447 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L6, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04448 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of the upper part of the walls M1 and M5. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04449 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. Stratigraphic sounding in L2, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04450 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The wall M1 in locus L1, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04451 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The staircase in Locus L1, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04452 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The staircase (to get to the first floor) in Locus L1, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04453 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L1, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04454 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L1 and the staircase (to get to L10), from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04455 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The walls M1 and M17 of Locus L12, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04456 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of Locus L9, from the E. The door P11 in M19. On the right M18, on the left M M6 and on the background M7. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04457 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. L11, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04458 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. L11, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04459 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. L11, from the S. The holes on the wall are useful for the wooden beams, to support the first floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04460 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L10, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04461 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L6 from the E. The two windows in M11 are visible. The windows are opened between L6 and L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04462 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. Detail of the holes to supporting the wooden beams in the upper part of the wall M1 in L1, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04463 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L6 in the foreground, from the E. On the right L2 and on the left L3. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04464 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L6 in the foreground, from the E. The wall M11 in common with L2 (in the background). On the left M3 and L3. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04465 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Loci L3 and L5, from the NW. M8 (in the foreground) and M10 (at the center). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04466 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L5 from the west. On the left side M3, on the right side M 4, and M10 at the center. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04467 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The wall M3 of Locus L5, from the SW. On the left the wall M8. On the background the walls M5 (left) and M2 (front). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04468 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L5, from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04469 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The wall M5, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04470 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The wall M5, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04471 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The southern corner of the house, from the S. On the right the wall M12. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04472 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Loci L3 and L5, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04473 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L9, from the E. The door P11 is in M19. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04474 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Loci L12 and L7, from the E. The openings (window and door) P9 (in M17) and P12 (in M16). In the background the Locus L11. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04475 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. On the left the wall M1 in L12, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04476 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. L11, from the W. Detail of the holes in the wall to hold the wooden beams, supporting the firs flore. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04477 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L6 in the foreground, from the S. The northeastern wall M2 with P5, and southeastern wall M15 with P7 are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04478 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L6 in the foreground, from the S. The wall M3 on the left, and M15 with P7 on the right. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04479 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of the Loci L5 (in the foreground) and L3, from the S .(©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04480 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L5, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04481 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The sounding in Locus L6, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04482 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The sounding in Locus L6, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04483 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of the house, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04484 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of the house from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04485 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of the house, from the SE. On the right the Islamic tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04486 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of the house, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04487 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of the Locus L1, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04488 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The doorstep of the house in L1, from the E (from the outside). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04489 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The doorstep of the house in L1, from the W (from the inside). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04490 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The staircase M9b in L1, bringing into L10 throughout the entrance P1, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04491 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus, L6 from the E. On the right the wall M11 with the two windows P3 and P6. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04492 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L6 with the two windows P3 and P6 in M11, from the E. The windows are in communication with the Locus L2, to the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04493 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of the wall M3 in the stratigraphical sounding carried out in L6, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04494 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of the eastern section in the sounding carried out in L6, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04495 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of the eastern section in the sounding carried out in L6, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04496 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of the walls in the Locus L2, from the S. On the left is the wall M3 and in front is the wall M5. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04497 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The staircase M9b in L1, getting into L10 through the door P1, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04498 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The southern wall M13 of L10, from the N. On the left the wall M5. On the right the wall M14. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04499 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. General view of the excavated house, from the E. The walls M2 and M15 (L1 and L6). In M15 is the window P7.(©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04500 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The entrance into the Locus L1, from the S. The pole is resting on the wall M17, close to the window P9. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04501 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04502 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The two structures in Locus L2, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04503 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The sounding in Locus L2. The picture is took from the wall M3, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04504 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of the window P4 in M1, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04505 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. Locus L11, from the N. Detail of the window P10 in M16 and the holes to hold the wooden beams to support the first floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04506 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The Locus L11, M1, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04507 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The door P1 in M5, from L10, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04508 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of the wall M1, from the SW. Detail of the holes in the upper part of the wall useful to hold the wooden beams of the firs floor of the house. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04509 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The door P8 in L1. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04510 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The door P8 in L1. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04511 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. Not identified.(©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04512 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The stratigraphic sounding in L5 from the E. On the right M3 and on the left M4. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04513 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The sounding in L5 from the E. On the right M3 and on the left M4. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04514 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The sounding in L5 from the E. On the right M3 and on the left M4. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04515 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. The stratigraphic sounding in L5, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04516 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of the southern corner of the house, from the NE. On the background the wall M21, at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04517 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of the Locus L1, from the S. On the left the wall M1. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04518 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of the Locus L1, from the E. On the background the staircase and the door in M5 to get into L10. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04519 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. View of the Locus L12, from the E. In the foreground the window P9. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04520 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. General view of the excavated house, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04521 | Yalā (Y): Excavation in the House A. General view of the excavated house, from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04522 | Yalā (Y): Pottery found in the excavation in the House A. On the background the city walls, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04523 | Yalā (Y): Pottery from the excavation in the House A. On the background the city walls, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04524 | Yalā (Y): General view of the city of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04525 | Yalā (Y): General view of the city of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04527 | Yalā (Y): General view of the city of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04528 | Yalā (Y): General view of the city wall and the tower of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04529 | Yalā (Y): General view of the city of Yalā, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04530 | Yalā (Y): Miniaturistic squared offering table in alabaster. Frontal view. Found on surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04531 | Yalā (Y): Miniaturistic offering table in alabaster. Lateral view. Found on surface at Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04532 | Yalā (Y): Miniaturistic offering table in alabaster. Rear view. Found on surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04533 | Yalā (Y): Amulet in agate stone, in a truncated pyramidal shape, with a perforation. Found on surface at Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04534 | Yalā (Y): Amulet in agate stone, in a truncated pyramidal shape, with a perforation. Lateral view. Found on surface at Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn04535 | Yalā (Y): Amulet in agate stone, in a truncated pyramidal shape, with a perforation. Some incised letters are visible. Found on surface at Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04583 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. Inscription carved on the side of the rocky gorge of the wādī. Inscription no. 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04584 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04585 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04586 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 4. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04587 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 4. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04588 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 4. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04589 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04590 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04591 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 6. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04592 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 6. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04593 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04594 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04595 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04596 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04597 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04598 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04599 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04600 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04601 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 4. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04602 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04603 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 5. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04604 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 6. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04605 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 6. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04606 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 7. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04607 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. Goats in the rocky gorge of the wādī. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04608 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. Goats in the rocky gorge of the wādī. Under the shelter (left, background) is ʿUṯmân al-Ḫalîfah, the Sudanese interpreter of GOAM. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04609 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 8. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04610 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 8. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04611 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 8. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04612 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 8. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04613 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 9. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04614 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 9. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04615 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 10. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04616 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 10. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04617 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 10 (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04618 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 10. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04619 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 10 (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04620 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 10 (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04621 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. Stairway and structures above the rupestrian inscriptions. ʿUṯmân al-Ḫalîfah, the interpreter of the GOAM. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04622 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. Stairway and structures above the rupestrian inscriptions. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04623 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. The Sabaean tructures above the rupestrian inscriptions. On the right is ʿUṯmân al-Ḫalîfah, the interpreter of the General Organisation for Antiquities and Museums (GOAM). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04624 | Yalā (Y): The outer bottom of a so-called 'torpedo jar' found in the excavation of the House A in Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04626 | Yalā (Y): Examples of potsherds found in the excavation of the House A in Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04628 | Yalā (Y): Example of a potsherd found in the excavation of the House A in Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04629 | Yalā (Y): Example of a potsherd found in the excavation of the House A in Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04630 | Yalā (Y): Example of potsherd found in the excavation of the House A in Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04633 | Yalā (Y): Example of a 'torpedo jar' found in the excavation of the House A in Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04634 | Yalā (Y): Examples of potsherds found in the excavation of the House A in Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04636 | Yalā (Y): Examples of applied decorations on potsherds found in the excavation of the House A in Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04638 | Yalā (Y): Examples of potsherds found in the excavation of the House A in Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04639 | Yalā (Y): Examples of carinated jars found in the excavation of the House A in Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04640 | Yalā (Y): Examples of decorations on potsherds found in the excavation of the House A in Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04642 | Yalā (Y): Examples of potsherds found in the excavation of the House A in Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04645 | Yalā (Y): Al-Ğafnah, NE section of dam A viewed from the west. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04646 | Yalā (Y): Yalā (Y): Al-Ğafnah, water containment wall viewed from the west. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04647 | Yalā (Y): Yalā (Y): Al-Ğafnah, water containment wall viewed from the north. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04648 | Yalā (Y): Yalā (Y): Al-Ğafnah, remains of Sabaean buildings. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04649 | Yalā (Y): A sector of the city walls of the ancient Sabaean site. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04650 | Yalā (Y): Part of the city walls of the ancient Sabaean site of ad-Durayb/Ḥfry. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04651 | Yalā (Y): View of the city walls of the ancient Sabaean site. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04652 | Yalā (Y): View of the city walls of the ancient Sabaean site. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04653 | Yalā (Y): View of the rampart of the ancient Sabaean site. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04654 | Yalā (Y): Al-Ǧafnah, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. Remains of a Sabaean building, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04655 | Yalā (Y): Al-Ǧafnah, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. Wall of a Sabaean house, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04656 | Yalā (Y): Al-Ǧafnah, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. Northern sector of a Sabaean dam, from the E.(©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04657 | Yalā (Y): Al-Ǧafnah, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. Building B. Detail of the wall f, Western side, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04658 | Yalā (Y): Al-Ǧafnah, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. Building B. The door 1 in A, from the outside, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04660 | Yalā (Y): Al-Ǧafnah, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. Farm F, viewed from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04661 | Yalā (Y): Al-Ǧafnah, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. Farm F. Entrance in A, viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04662 | Yalā (Y): Al-Ǧafnah, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. Farm F. Entrance in A, viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04663 | Yalā (Y): Al-Ǧafnah, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. Houses E, Unit 2, viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04664 | Yalā (Y): Al-Ǧafnah, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. Houses E, Unit 1, detail of elevation of the Eastern wall of Room D. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04665 | Yalā (Y): Al-Ǧafnah, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. Houses E, general view from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04666 | Yalā (Y): Al-Ǧafnah, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. Houses E, Unit 1, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04667 | Yalā (Y): Examples of lids in terracotta found in the excavation of the House A, in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04668 | Yalā (Y): Jar in terracotta with painted decoration found in the excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04669 | Yalā (Y): Terracotta incense burner on hight ring foot with crescent and disk, found in the excavation of the House A in Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04672 | Yalā (Y): Examples of potsherds in terracotta with slip, found in the excavation of the House A, in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04674 | Yalā (Y): Detail of thick (red-violet) slip that covers the surface of a Sabaean sherd found in the House A in Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04676 | Yalā (Y): Detail of thick (red-violet) slip that covers the surface of a Sabaean sherd found in the House A in Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04678 | Yalā (Y): Example of the so-called 'torpedo jar', sandy and heavy terracotta jar found in the excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04679 | Yalā (Y): Example of the so-called 'torpedo jar', sandy and heavy terracotta jar found in the excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04680 | Yalā (Y): Fragment of a tool or weapon in iron, highly oxidized (Y.87.Y/56), found in the excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04681 | Yalā (Y): Squared strainer in steatite (Y.87.Y/12), found in the excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04682 | Yalā (Y): Discoidal object in stone (Y.87.Y/11), with three aligned holes, found in the excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04683 | Yalā (Y): Small axe (Y.87.Y/10), found in the excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04684 | Yalā (Y): Small axe (Y.87.Y/9), found in the excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04685 | Yalā (Y): Shells found in the excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. They were probably used for necklaces. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04686 | Yalā (Y): Two small terracotta loom weight (Y.87.Y.36/1, Y.87.Y.54/7), found in the excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. They are irregularly circular shaped. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04687 | Yalā (Y): Fragment of a steatite container found in the excavation of the Hoses A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. On the outer surface marks of the tool are visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04688 | Yalā (Y): Fragment of a rounded strainer in steatite (Y.87.Y/31), found in the excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04689 | Yalā (Y): Examples of steatite container. Fragments found in the excavation of the House A in the Sabaean city of Yalā. The surfaces both inside and outside are smooth. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04690 | Yalā (Y): The city walls of the ancient Sabaean site. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04691 | Yalā (Y): Part of the rampart of the ancient Sabaean site. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04692 | Yalā (Y): Part of the rampart of the ancient Sabaean site. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04693 | Yalā (Y): Part of the rampart of the ancient Sabaean site. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04694 | Yalā (Y): Part of the rampart of the ancient Sabaean site. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04695 | Yalā (Y): Part of the rampart of the ancient Sabaean site. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04700 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, near the ancient Sabaean city of Yalā. Inscription no. 3 carved on the rocky gorge of the wādī. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04701 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 3a carved on the rocky gorge of the Wādī. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04702 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 3a (detail). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn04703 | Yalā (Y): Šiʿb al-ʿAql, Inscription no. 4. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn07290 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): A sector of the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2018YALn07291 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the Wādī Yalā valley and the ancient Sabean city on the background. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn07995 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): The Sabaean city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn07996 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Wādī Yalā valley and the ancient Sabaean city. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn07997 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): View of the excavation of the House A at Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn07998 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the city wall and the tower of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn07999 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the excavation of the House A at Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn08000 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the city walls and the tower of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn08001 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of a part of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn08002 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of a part of the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn08003 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Wādī Yalā valley and the ancient Sabean city, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn08004 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of Wādī Yalā and the Sabean city of Yalā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn08005 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): A part of the city wall and the tower of Yalā, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn08006 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): View of the innerside of the ancient Sabean city; at the center the tent of the archeological mission. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn08007 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): View of the ruins in the inside of the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn08008 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): View of the innerside of the ancient Sabean city; at the center the tent of the archeological mission. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn08009 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): The archaeological excavation of the House A, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn08010 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): General view of the ruins and the excavation of the House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn08011 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): View of the city wall, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn08012 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): View of the tower and a house inside of the city wall, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn08013 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): View of the tower and a house inside of the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn08014 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Genral view of part of the city wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2018YALn08015 | Yalā /Ad-Durāyb (Y): Genral view of part of the city wall, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1985 | 2018YALp09125 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery Y (B2.19), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1985 | 2018YALp09126 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery Y (B2.20), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1985 | 2018YALp09127 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery Y (B2.21), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1985 | 2018YALp09128 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery Y (B2.22), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1985 | 2018YALp09129 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery Y (B2.23), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1985 | 2018YALp09130 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery Y (B2.24), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1985 | 2018YALp09131 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery Y (B2.25), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09324 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.1), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09325 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.2), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09326 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.3), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09327 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.4), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09328 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.5), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09329 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.6), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09330 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.7), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09331 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.8), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09332 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.9), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09333 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.10), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09334 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.11), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09335 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.12), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09336 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.13), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09337 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.14), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09338 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.15), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09339 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.16), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09340 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.17), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09341 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.18), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09342 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.19), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09343 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.20), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09344 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.21), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09345 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.22), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09346 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.23), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09347 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.24), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09348 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.25), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09349 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.26), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09350 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.27), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09351 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.28), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09352 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.29), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09353 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.30), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09354 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.31), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09355 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.32), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09356 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.33), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09357 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.34), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09358 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.35), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09359 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.36), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09360 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.37), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09361 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.38), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09362 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.39), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09363 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.40), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09364 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.41), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09365 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.42), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09366 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.43), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09367 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.44), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09368 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.45), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09369 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.46), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09370 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.47), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09371 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.48), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09372 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.49), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09373 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.50), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09374 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.51), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09375 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.52), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09376 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.53), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09377 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.54), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09378 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.55), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09379 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.56), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09380 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.57), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09381 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.58), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09382 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.59), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09383 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.60), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09384 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.61), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09385 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.62), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09386 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.63), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09387 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.64), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09388 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.65), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09389 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.66), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09390 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.67), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09391 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.68), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09392 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Pottery from Excavation of the House A (Y.89/90.C.69), full size (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Ad-Durāyb | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YALp09393 | Yalā/Ad-Durāyb (Y): Stratigraphy of the House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1989-1990 | 2018YARn01765 | Yaʿrā (YR): Reemployed pre-Islamic stones, and one inscription (Y.87.YR/10), in a wall of a modern house. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1989-1990 | 2018YARn01766 | Yaʿrā (YR): Reemployed pre-Islamic stones, and one inscription (Y.87.YR/10), in a wall of a modern house. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1989-1990 | 2018YARn01767 | Yaʿrā (YR): Reemployed pre-Islamic stones, and one inscription (Y.87.YR/10), in a wall of a modern house. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1989-1990 | 2018YARn01768 | Yaʿrā (YR): Reemployed pre-Islamic stones, and one inscription (Y.87.YR/10), in a wall of a modern house. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1989-1990 | 2018YARn01769 | Yaʿrā (YR): Reemployed pre-Islamic inscription (Y.87.YR/7) in a wall of a modern house. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1989-1990 | 2018YARn01770 | Yaʿrā (YR): Reemployed pre-Islamic inscription (Y.87.YR/7) in a wall of a modern house.(© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1989-1990 | 2018YARn01771 | Yaʿrā (YR): Reemployed pre-Islamic inscription (Y.87.YR/7) in a wall of a modern house.(© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1989-1990 | 2018YARn01772 | Yaʿrā (YR): Reemployed pre-Islamic inscription (Y.87.YR/7) in a wall of a modern house.(© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02185 | Yaʿrā (YR): Sabaean inscription (Y.87.YR/2) reused in a window of a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02186 | Yaʿrā (YR): Sabaean inscription (Y.87.YR/2) reused in a window of a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02187 | Yaʿrā (YR): Sabaean inscription (Y.87.YR/2) reused in a window of a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02188 | Yaʿrā (YR): Sabaean inscription (Y.87.YR/2) reused in a window of a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02189 | Yaʿrā (YR): Sabaean inscription (Y.87.YR/2) reused in a window of a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02190 | Yaʿrā (YR): Sabaean inscription (Y.87.YR/2) reused in a window of a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02191 | Yaʿrā (YR): A flock with children (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02192 | Yaʿrā (YR): Fragment of a Sabaean inscription (Y.87.YR/3) reused in a window of a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02193 | Yaʿrā (YR): Fragment of a Sabaean inscription (Y.87.YR/3) reused in a window of a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02194 | Yaʿrā (YR): Fragment of a Sabaean inscription (Y.87.YR/6) reused in an opening of a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02195 | Yaʿrā (YR): Fragment of a Sabaean inscription (Y.87.YR/6) reused in an opening of a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02196 | Yaʿrā (YR): Fragment of a Sabaean inscription (Y.87.YR/6) reused in an opening of a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02197 | Yaʿrā (YR): Fragment of a Sabaean inscription (Y.87.YR/6) reused in an opening of a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02198 | Yaʿrā (YR): Fragment of a Sabaean inscription (Y.87.YR/6) reused in an opening of a modern building, general view. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02199 | Yaʿrā (YR): Fragment of a Sabaean inscription (Y.87.YR/6) reused in an opening of a modern building, general view. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02200 | Yaʿrā (YR): Blocks of stones with Sabaean inscriptions reused in a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02201 | Yaʿrā (YR): A stone block with Sabaean inscription reused in a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02202 | Yaʿrā (YR): A stone block with Sabaean inscription reused in a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02203 | Yaʿrā (YR): A stone block with Sabaean inscription reused in a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02204 | Yaʿrā (YR): A stone block with Sabaean inscription reused in a modern building. On top, left, is an architectonic element with dentils decoration. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02205 | Yaʿrā (YR): A stone block with Sabaean inscription reused in a modern building. On top, left, is an architectonic element with dentils decoration. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1990 | 2018YARn02206 | Yaʿrā (YR): A stone block with Sabaean inscription reused in a wall of a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04433 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04434 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04435 | Yaʿrā: Inscription Y.87.YR/1 reused in the shaykh house at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04436 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private buildings at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04437 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04438 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04439 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04440 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04441 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04442 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04536 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04537 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04538 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04539 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04540 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04541 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04542 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04543 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04544 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04545 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04546 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04547 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04548 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04549 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04550 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04551 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04552 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04553 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04555 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04556 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04557 | Yaʿrā: Inscription Y.87.YR/1 reused in the shaykh’s house at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04558 | Yaʿrā: Inscription Y.87.YR/1 reused in the shaykh’s house at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04559 | Yaʿrā: Inscription Y.87.YR/1 reused in the shaykh’s house at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04560 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04561 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04562 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04563 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04564 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04565 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04566 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04567 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04568 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04569 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04570 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04571 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04572 | Yaʿrā: Inscription Y.87.YR/3(B) re-employed in the shaykh house at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04573 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04574 | Yaʿrā: Inscriptions reused in private houses at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04575 | Yaʿrā: Inscription Y.87.YR/4 with 3/5 hands in relief reused in the shaykh house at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04576 | Yaʿrā: Inscription Y.87.YR/3 (C), reused in a private house at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04577 | Yaʿrā: Inscription Y.87.YR/4 + Y.87.YR/3 (C) with 3/5 hands in relief (on the left) reused in the shaykh house at Yaʿrā. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04579 | Yaʿrā: A house with the reused Sabaean inscriptions in the walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Yaʿrā | يعرا | 1987 | 2018YARn04580 | Yaʿrā: A house with Sabaean inscriptions. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | ما قبل التاريخ | 1988 | 2018PREm09032 | Prehistoric Map: Distribution of the Prehistoric Sites discovered by the Italian Mission in Yemen (Scale 1:1.000.000) (A. de Maigret). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | ما قبل التاريخ | 1988 | 2018PREm09033 | Prehistoric Map: Distribution of Prehistoric Sites in Ḫawlān based on Aerial Photographs (Scale 1:250.000) (V. Labianca, M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | 1988 | 2018PREm09034 | Pre-Islamic and Islamic Map: Distribution of Pre-Islamic and Islamic Sites in Yemen (Scale 1:1.000.000) (M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | ||
Yemen | ما قبل التاريخ | 1987 | 2018PREn04782 | Yemeni Prehistory, stone tools. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | ما قبل التاريخ | 1987 | 2018PREn04783 | Yemeni Prehistory, stone tools. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | ما قبل التاريخ | 1987 | 2018PREn04806 | Prehistoric scene (Lower Paleolithic): on the left a man chipping a tool, in the centre a man who skins an ibex, on the right a crouching man with a spear under a shelter (watercolor P. Smith). Panel for the Prehistory room of the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | ما قبل التاريخ | 1987 | 2018PREn04807 | Prehistoric scene (Lower Paleolithic): on the left a man chipping a tool, in the centre a man who skins an ibex, on the right a crouching man with a spear under a shelter (watercolor P. Smith). Panel for the Prehistory room of the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ.(©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | ما قبل التاريخ | 1987 | 2018PREn04808 | Ostrich. Watercolor by Patricia Smith; panel for the Prehistory room of the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | ما قبل التاريخ | 1987 | 2018PREn04809 | Ostrich. Watercolor by Patricia Smith; panel for the Prehistory room of the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1996 | 2018YEMm09035 | Yemen Map (YEM): Map of Yemen (Scale 1:4.000.000) (M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1996 | 2018YEMm09036 | Yemen Map (YEM): Map of Yemen, Distribution of Pre-Islamic Sites (Scale 1:4.000.000) (M. Mascellani). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1996 | 2018YEMm09037 | Yemen Map (YEM): Map of Yemen, Distribution of Pre-Islamic Sites (Scale 1:1.000.000) (P. Berardi). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1984 | 2018YEMm09041 | Yemen (YEM): Map of Arabian Peninsula (Scale 1:10.000.000) (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1984 | 2018YEMm09045 | Yemen Map (YEM): Map with the Area granted to the Italian Archeological Mission in the Eighties (no scale) (E. Gatti). (©MAIRY) | |
ʿAmrān | عمران | 1983 | 2018ARNn05845 | ʿAmrān: Jar discovered in the well of Bir Sarsār, near ʿAmrān. (©MAIRY) | |
ʿAmrān | عمران | 1983 | 2018ARNn05846 | ʿAmrān: Jar founded in the well of Bir Sarsār, near ʿAmrān. (©MAIRY) | |
ʿAsam | عسم | 1983 | 2018ASAp09196 | ʿAsam (AS i): Pottery AS i (16), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
ʿAsam | فخار | 1983 | 2018POTp09197 | Pottery from ʿAsam (AS i) and Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i) (17), full size (V. Labianca). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā/Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs10000 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Potsherds found in House A under study and restoration in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā/Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs10002 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Potsherds found in House A, under study and restoration on the roof of the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā/Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs10003 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Potsherds found in House A, under study and restoration on the roof of the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā/Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs10004 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Potsherds found in House A, under study and restoration on the roof of the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā/Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs10005 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Decorated jar found in House A, under restoration in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā/Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs10006 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Example of restoration of a jar found in House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā/Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs10008 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Temporary restoration to draw the pottery found in House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā/Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs10009 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Painted decoration on a potsherd found in House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā/Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs10010 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Restoration of fragments of a terracotta jar found in House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā/Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs10011 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Temporary restoration to draw the pottery found in House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā/Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs10012 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Fragment of carinated jar, with incised and painted decoration, found in House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā/Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs10013 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Temporary restoration to draw the pottery found in House A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10014 | Yemen: Landscape (Jawf) from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10015 | Yemen: Landscape (Jawf) from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10016 | Yemen: Landscape (Jawf) from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10017 | Yemen: Landscape (Jawf) from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10018 | Yemen: View of the Yemeni Jawf from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10019 | Yemen: View of the Yemeni Jawf from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10020 | Yemen: View of the Yemeni Jawf from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10021 | Yemen: View of the Yemeni Jawf from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10022 | Yemen: View of the Wādī Jawf from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10023 | Yemen: View of the Wādī Jawf from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10024 | Yemen: A tower in mud bricks in the Wādī Jawf viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10025 | Yemen: The Wādī Jawf viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10026 | Yemen: Professor A. deM in the Wādī Jawf during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10027 | Yemen (YEM): View of the city walls of a pre-Islamic site (Jawf), during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10028 | Yemen: The Wādī Jawf viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10029 | Yemen: Houses in the Wādī Jawf viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10030 | Yemen: The Wādī Jawf viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10031 | Yemen: Houses in the Wādī Jawf viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10032 | Yemen: Checkpoint in the Wādī Jawf viewed from the helicopter (3rd March 1988). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10033 | Yemen: The Wādī Jawf viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10034 | Yemen: Flocks of sheep in the Wādī Jawf viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10035 | Yemen: The military helicopter used to fly over the Jawf during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation (3rd March 1988). (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10036 | Yemen: Archaeological remains of a pre-Islamic site in the Jawf: official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation (3rd March 1988). (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10037 | Yemen: Italian-Yemeni delegation during a visit of the ancient site of Maʿīn (3rd March 1988). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10038 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDiii): General view of the necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10039 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDiii): Excavation in the 'turret tomb' T9, human bones. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10040 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDiii): Excavation in the 'turret tomb' T9, human skeleton. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10041 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDii): Excavation in the 'turret tomb' T13, the floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10042 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDii): Fragments of fabric found in the 'turret tomb' T13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10043 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDii): Fragments of fabric found in the 'turret tomb' T13, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10044 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDii): Fragments of fabric found in the 'turret tomb' T13. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10045 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDiii): The floor of the 'turret tomb' T9. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10046 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDii): The excavation in the 'turret tomb' T13, the floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10047 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDiii): The 'turret tomb' T44 and othe tombs. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10048 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDiii): The 'turret tomb' T44 before excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10049 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDiii): The 'turret tomb' T44 before excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10050 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDiii): The 'turret tomb' T44 before excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10051 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDiii): View of the 'turret tomb' T44. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10052 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDiii): Excavation in the 'turret tomb' T44, view of bottom of burial chamber from the collapsed roof. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10053 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDiii): Excavation in the 'turret tomb' T44, detail of bottom of burial chamber. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10054 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDiii): Excavation in the 'turret tomb' T44, view of burial chamber from the collapsed roof. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10055 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDiii): Excavation in the 'turret tomb' T44, view of burial chamber from the collapsed roof. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10056 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDiii): Excavation in the 'turret tomb' T44, detail of the paved floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10057 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDiii): Excavation in the 'turret tomb' T44, detail of the floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخبة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10058 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDiii): Excavation in the 'turret tomb' T44, view of standing slabs of the burial chamber. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10059 | Al-Maḫdarah (Ṣirwāḥ) (MKDiii): Excavation in the 'turret tomb' T44, view of the floor and standing slabs of the burial chamber. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10060 | Tamnaʿ (T): The fence around Sector A, excavation of the Temple of Athirat. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10061 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Collapsed wall M20 in sounding S1.(©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10062 | Tamnaʿ (T): Negotiation for the recruitment of workers for the archaeological excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10063 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of the collapsed wall M20 in sounding S1. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10064 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The fence around the archaeological area. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10065 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of the collapsed wall M20 in sounding S1. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10066 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. On the right the wall M16, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10067 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The military trench (civil war R.A.Y. and R.P.D.Y., 1994). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10068 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The military trench (civil war R.A.Y. and R.P.D.Y., 1994). From the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10069 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A. General view of the excavation of the Temple of Athirat. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10070 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A. Door of the military trench excavated in the Qatabanian Temple of Athirat during the 1994 civil war. From the N/NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10071 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A. General view of the landscape towards NE, and the necropolis of Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl . (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10072 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A. Military trench excavated in the Qatabanian Temple of Athirat during the 1994 civil war. From the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10073 | Tamnaʿ (T): Negotiation for the recruitment of workers for the archaeological excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10074 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A. Detail of a Qatabanian wall reused in a military trench (La) excavated in the Temple of Athirat during the 1994 civil war. From the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10075 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Stones of the collapsed wall M20 in sounding S1. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10076 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of a compact level (floor) in sounding S1. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10077 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of a section and a compact level (floor) in sounding S1 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10078 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of a section and a compact level (floor) in sounding S1. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10079 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of a section and a compact level (floor) in sounding S1 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10080 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Removing a huge stone block with a tractor. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10081 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Visitors. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10082 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The well (M52+L57) discovered in sounding S1. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10083 | Tamnaʿ (T): General view of the site from the top of Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10084 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the Sector A, i.e. the excavation area of the Temple of Athirat, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10085 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the Sector A, i.e. the excavation area of the Temple of Athirat, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10086 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the Sector A, i.e. the excavation area of the Temple of Athirat, from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10087 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the Sector A, i.e. the excavation area of the Temple of Athirat, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10088 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the excavation area of the Temple of Athirat, from the W (from outside of the city walls). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10089 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the excavation area of the Temple of Athirat, from the S (from outside of the city walls). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10090 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the excavation area of the Temple of Athirat, from the S/SW (from the top of the city walls). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10091 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of Hağar Kuḥlān, the village in the Eastern part of the Qatabanian capital. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10092 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the excavation area of the Temple of Athirat, from the S. In the background is Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl, where is the ancient necropolis. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10093 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the excavation area of the Temple of Athirat, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10094 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the excavation area of the Temple of Athirat, from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10095 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the excavation area of the Temple of Athirat (Sector A), from the S. In the background is Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10096 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A. Workers at the beginning of the excavation of the Temple of Athirat. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10097 | Tamnaʿ (T): On the left prof. A. deM, M. Arbach and Khayrān al-Zubaydī (director of Shabwa Antiquities). Sector A, before the excavation of the Temple of Athirat. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10098 | Tamnaʿ (T): From the left: a bodyguard, Khalid al-Ansi (GOAM), M. Mascellani, prof. A. deM, N. Ferrault de Falandre, M. Arbach, and R. Valentini. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10099 | Tamnaʿ (T): Yemeni-Italian team at Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10100 | Tamnaʿ (T): Yemeni-Italian team at Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10101 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the site from Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10102 | Tamnaʿ (T): Local people from Hağar Kuḥlān. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10103 | Tamnaʿ (T): Workers in the Temple of Athirat (Sector A), during the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10104 | Tamnaʿ (T): A farm and fields viewed from the top of Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2019MSAs10105 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Along Wādī Hadan (Mantiqa al-Hadan). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2019MSAs10106 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Along Wādī Hadan (Mantiqa al-Hadan). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2019MSAs10107 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Stone blocks of pre-Islamic origin, on the left bank of the Wādī Hadan. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2019MSAs10108 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Squared blocks of pre-Islamic origin, on the left bank of the Wādī Hadan. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2019MSAs10109 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Ancient site of pre-Islamic origin, probably Bronze Age. (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2019MSAs10110 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Ancient site of pre-Islamic origin, probably Bronze Age (flints, obsidians and tombs). (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2019MSAs10111 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Ancient site of pre-Islamic origin, probably Bronze Age. (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2019MSAs10112 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Prehistoric site. Obsidian and flint tools were found on surface. (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2019MSAs10113 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Prehistoric site or tombs. (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2019MSAs10114 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Prehistoric site or tombs. (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2019MSAs10115 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Prehistoric site or tombs (Bronze Age). (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2019MSAs10116 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Pre-Islamic site. Obsidian and flint tools were found on surface. (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Maswah | المسواح | 1985 | 2019MSAs10117 | Al-Maswah (MS i): Local people and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2019WNBs10118 | Wādī Nabʿāh viewed from Sam pass. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2019WNBs10119 | Wādī Nabʿāh viewed from Sam pass. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2019WNBs10120 | Wādī Nabʿāh. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2019WNBs10121 | Wādī Nabʿāh. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2019WNBs10122 | Wādī Nabʿāh: The intersection of Wādī Nabʿāh and Wādī Sarryayn. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2019WNBs10123 | Wādī Nabʿāh: The intersection of Wādī Nabʿāh and Wādī Sarryayn. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2019WNBs10124 | Wādī Nabʿāh: The wādī after crossing with Wādī Sarryayn. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2019WNBs10125 | Wādī Nabʿāh: The wādī after crossing with Wādī Sarryayn. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2019WNBs10126 | The Wādī Nabʿāh. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2019WNBs10127 | Traveling the Wādī Nabʿāh. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2019WNBs10128 | Wādī Nabʿāh: Crossing between Wādī Nabʿāh, Wādī Rohābah and Wādī Sabāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Nabʿāh | وادي نبعة | 1985 | 2019WNBs10129 | Wādī Nabʿāh: Crossing between Wādī Nabʿāh, Wādī Rohābah and Wādī Sabāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs10130 | Yalā / Al-Durāyb (Y): Potsherds found in House A under study and restoration in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs10131 | Yalā / Al-Durāyb (Y): Potsherds found in House A under study and restoration in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs10132 | Yalā / Al-Durāyb (Y): Potsherds found in House A under study and restoration in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs10133 | Yalā / Al-Durāyb (Y): Potsherds found in House A under study and restoration in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10134 | Ṣanʿāʾ: View of the city from the terrace of the Italian archaeological mission premises. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10137 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Architect V. Labianca at work in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10138 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Training courses to the GOAM archaeologists, in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10139 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Training courses to the GOAM archaeologists, in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10140 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Training courses to the GOAM archaeologists, in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10141 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Training courses to the GOAM archaeologists, in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10142 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Training courses to the GOAM archaeologists, in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10143 | Yemen: View of the city walls of a pre-Islamic site (Jawf), during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988 (G. Bonalumi). (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10144 | Yemen: City walls of a pre-Islamic site (Jawf), during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988 (G. Bonalumi). (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10145 | Yemen: Landscape and wādī from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988 in the Jawf. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10146 | Yemen: A village with houses in mud bricks (Jawf), viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10147 | Yemen: Houses in mud bricks and enclosures for animals (Jawf), viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10148 | Yemen: Official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988 (A. deM., G. Bonalumi), in a pre-Islamic site (Jawf). (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10149 | Yemen: Official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988 in the Jawf. G. Bonalumi from the Italian MInistry of Foreign Affairs, between the Yemeni Colonel Rwayshān, and the Deputy Minister of Plan Al-Hamdānī. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10150 | Yemen: Official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988 in the Jawf (B. Cabras). (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10151 | Yemen: Official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988, in a pre-Islamic site (Jawf). (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10152 | Yemen: A village with houses in mud bricks viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10153 | Yemen: Tower-houses in mud bricks viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10154 | Yemen: G. Bonalumi (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988, in a pre-Islamic site (Jawf). (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10155 | Yemen: Landscape and wādī (in the Jawf) from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10156 | Yemen: Landscape and wādī from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10157 | Yemen: Wādī between cultivated fields, viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10158 | Yemen: Fields after harvest, viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10159 | Yemen: Cultivated fields in a valley floor, viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10160 | Yemen: Cultivated fields and houses in mud bricks, viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10161 | Yemen: The military helicopter and the Italian-Yemeni delegation in the Jawf on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10162 | Yemen: Cultivated fields in the valley (wādī) floor, viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10163 | Yemen: Glimpse of cultivated fields from the helicopter hatch during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10164 | Yemen: View of chicken farms from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10165 | Yemen: Cultivated fields and village in the Jawf, viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10166 | Yemen: Cultivated fields and village in the Jawf, viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10167 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Excavation in tomb T44. Remains of human bones on the floor. The 'turret tombs' necropolis is in the territory of Ṣirwāḥ (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10168 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Excavation in tomb T44. Remains of human bones on the floor. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10169 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The burial chamber of tomb T44. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10170 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The inner wall of the burial chamber of tomb T44. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10171 | Al-Maḫdara (MKD i): A 'turret tomb' or 'pill box' tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10172 | Al-Maḫdara (MKD i): Tombs T14 and T15. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10173 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD i): Turret tomb T1. View of bottom level. The base of burial chamber is cut out of bedrock (ground level). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10174 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD i): Turret tomb T1. View of bottom level. The base of burial chamber is cut out of bedrock (ground level). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10176 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): Grave 4, Level 1, detail of the floor La. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10177 | Manqaz (MNQ): View of the tomb T1, before excavation. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10178 | Manqaz (MNQ): View of the tomb T1, before excavation. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10179 | Manqaz (MNQ): View of the tomb T1, before excavation. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10180 | Manqaz (MNQ): View of the tomb T1, before excavation. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10181 | Manqaz (MNQ): View of the tomb T1, before excavation. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10182 | Manqaz (MNQ): View of the tomb T1, before excavation. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10183 | Manqaz (MNQ): Excavation in annex LA, next to the tomb T1. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10184 | Manqaz (MNQ): Funerary chamber of tomb T1. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10185 | Manqaz (MNQ): Funerary chamber of tomb T1. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10186 | Manqaz (MNQ): Funerary chamber of tomb T1, Level 1. Detail of human skull and a terracotta ring foot of a vase. (?MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10187 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of well L53. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10188 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, locus (L9) of a building west of the Temple of Athirat. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10189 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Workers' assembly. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10190 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, structures west of the Temple of Athirat. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10191 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Workers' assembly. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10192 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of plastered floor in L65. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10193 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Sounding S1, close to the well L53. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10194 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A. View of the loci L45-L46. north of the Temple of Athirat (from the West). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10195 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the well L53 (from the East). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10196 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A. View of wall M60, and loci L45-L46, north of the Temple of Athirat (from the West). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10197 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of the collapsed eastern part of the well L53 (from the East). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10198 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Sounding S2 in L50 (from the East). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10199 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of well L53. On the left is the wall M20 (from the South). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10200 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the staircase L54 (from the South). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10201 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of M52 of well L53 (from the South). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10202 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the well L53. In the background the section of sounding S1 (from the East). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10203 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the preserved steps of staircase L54 (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10204 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the preserved steps of staircase L54 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10205 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the corner M20 + M66 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10206 | Tamnaʿ (T): Excavation in Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the staircase L52 (M55+56+M57), north of L54 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10207 | Tamnaʿ (T): General view of the ancient site and Hağar Kuḥlān village, from Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10208 | Tamnaʿ (T): Detail of an inscription carved on granite block in the south gate of the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10209 | Tamnaʿ (T): Detail of an inscription carved on granite block in the south gate of the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10210 | Tamnaʿ (T): Detail of an inscription carved on granite block in the south gate of the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10211 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the ancient site and Hağar Kuḥlān village In the background is Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10212 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the ancient site and Hağar Kuḥlān village In the background (right) is Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10213 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the ancient site and Hağar Kuḥlān village In the background is Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10214 | Tamnaʿ (T): In the background is the village of Hağar Kuḥlān. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10215 | Tamnaʿ (T): General view of Hağar Kuḥlān (background). In the foreground is the so-called TT1 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10216 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the propylaeum of the so-called TT1 (from the S). In the background is Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl, the hill of the necropolis (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10217 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of Hağar Kuḥlān (background). In the foreground is the propylaeum of the so-called TT1 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10218 | Tamnaʿ (T): General view of the Southern gate of the ancient Qatabanian capital (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10219 | Tamnaʿ (T): General view of the Southern gate of the ancient Qatabanian capital (from the S/SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10220 | Tamnaʿ (T): General view of the Southern gate of the ancient Qatabanian capital (from the S). In the background (right) is Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10221 | Tamnaʿ (T): General view of the Southern gate of the ancient Qatabanian capital (from the S). In the background (right) is Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10222 | Tamnaʿ (T): General view of the Northern area of the site. In the background (left) is Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10223 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the SE corner of the so-called TT1. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10224 | Tamnaʿ (T): A beautiful modern abandoned building, built with stones of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10225 | Tamnaʿ (T): Modern houses close to the village of Hağar Kuḥlān, built with concrete bricks, and a water tank. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10226 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of Hağar Kuḥlān village. (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10227 | Tamnaʿ (T): General view of the modern houses, a water tank and a ruined building close to the village of Hağar Kuḥlān (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Sabāʿ | وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10228 | Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Along the Wādī ʿAdfa. Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, Wādī Serriayn and then Wādī Sabāʿ flow into Wādī Nabʿā. Survey carried out by Prof. A. deM, the geologist V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 23 1985.(©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Sabāʿ | وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10229 | Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Along the Wādī ʿAdfa, and in view of the village Sharaz following the wadi Al-Lāl, to the west is the Wādī Kunam and then the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (July 23 1985).(©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Sabāʿ | وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10230 | Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Along the Wādī ʿAdfa, and in view of the village Sharaz following the wadi Al-Lāl, to the west is the Wādī Kunam and then the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ. (July 23 1985).(©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Sabāʿ | وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10231 | Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Landscape. Survey carried out by Prof. A. deM, the geologist V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 23 1985.(©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Sabāʿ | وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10232 | Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, Wādī Serriayn and then Wādī Sabāʿ flow into Wādī Nabʿā. Survey carried out by Prof. A. deM, the geologist V.Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 23 1985.(©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Sabāʿ | وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10233 | Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Cross between Wādī Ḥabābiḍ and Wādī Bu. Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, Wādī Serriayn and then Wādī Sabāʿ flow into Wādī Nabʿā (July 23 1985).(©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Sabāʿ | وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10234 | Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Cross between Wādī Ḥabābiḍ and Wādī Bu. Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, Wādī Serriayn and then Wādī Sabāʿ flow into Wādī Nabʿā. Survey carried out by Prof. A. deM, the geologist V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 23 1985.(©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Sabāʿ | وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10235 | Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Cross between Wādī Ḥabābiḍ and Wādī Bu. Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, Wādī Serriayn and then Wādī Sabāʿ flow into Wādī Nabʿā. Survey carried out by Prof. A. deM, the geologist V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 23 1985.(©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Sabāʿ | وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10236 | Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Cross between Wādī Ḥabābiḍ and Wādī Bu. Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, Wādī Serriayn and then Wādī Sabāʿ flow into Wādī Nabʿā. Survey carried out by Prof. A. deM, the geologist V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 23 1985.(©MAIRY) | |
Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ | القصر وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10237 | Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): The Sabaean fortress is located 5.2 km along the Wādī Nabʿā, on the left bank. The fortress is square in shape, divided into 4 bastions. In the west wall there are slits. Survey carried out by Prof. A. deM, the geologist V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 24, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ | القصر وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10238 | Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): General view of the Sabaean fortress. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ | القصر وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10239 | Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): General view of the Sabaean fortress. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ | القصر وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10240 | Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Some walls of the Sabaean fortress. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ | القصر وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10241 | Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Remains of the Sabaean fortress. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ | القصر وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10242 | Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Remains of the Sabaean fortress. Survey carried out by Prof. A. deM, geologist V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 24, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ | القصر وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10243 | Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Remains of the Sabaean fortress. Prof. A. deM and geologist V. Francaviglia, July 24, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ | القصر وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10244 | Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Remains of the Sabaean fortress. Prof. A. deM and geologist V. Francaviglia, July 24, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ | القصر وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10245 | Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Remains of the Sabaean fortress. Detail of a wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ | القصر وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10246 | Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Remains of the Sabaean fortress. Detail of a wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ | القصر وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10247 | Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): The Sabaean fortress. Geologist Vincenzo Francaviglia. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ | القصر وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10248 | Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): The Sabaean fortress. Geologist Vincenzo Francaviglia. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ | القصر وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10249 | Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Remains of the Sabaean fortress. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ | القصر وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10250 | Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): Professor Alessandro deM on the Sabaean fortress remains. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ | القصر وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10251 | Al-Qasr Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): General view of the Sabaean fortress, located 5.2 km along the Wādī Nabʿā, on the left bank. The survey took place on July 24, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10252 | Yemen: Cultivated fields, and villages in the Jawf, viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10253 | Yemen: Cultivated fields, and villages in the Jawf, viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY). | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10254 | Yemen: houses and villages in the Jawf, viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10255 | Yemen: A village in the Jawf, viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10256 | Yemen: A village on a mountain viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10257 | Yemen: A city viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10258 | Yemen: A mechanic viewed from the helicopter on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10259 | Yemen: Modern buildings viewed from the helicopter on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10260 | Yemen: A city viewed from the helicopter on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10261 | Yemen: A modern city viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10262 | Yemen: A village built in mud bricks, and green fields viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10263 | Yemen: A beautiful village built in mud bricks, surrounded by cultivated green fields, viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10264 | Yemen: Plowed fields viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10265 | Yemen: Plowed fields viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10266 | Yemen: Plowed fields viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10267 | Yemen: Swimming pools of Sheraton Hotel in Ṣanʿāʾ, viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10268 | Yemen: Landing at the Sheraton Hotel in Ṣanʿāʾ (3rd March 1988). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10269 | Yemen: Landing of the helicopter in the Jawf. The Italian-Yemeni delegation and local people (3rd March 1988). (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10270 | Yemen: Houses, enclosures for animals, and cultivated fields in the Jawf viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10271 | Yemen: Houses, enclosures for animals, and cultivated fields (Jawf) viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10272 | Yemen: Cultivated fields (vineyards ?) in the Jawf viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10273 | Yemen: A village with houses built in mud bricks (Jawf) viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10274 | Yemen: Flocks of sheep and goats, and river in the Jawf, viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10275 | Yemen: A military base in the Jawf, viewed from the helicopter during an official visit of an Italian-Yemeni delegation on 3rd March 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10276 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Training courses to the GOAM archaeologists, in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10277 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Training courses (stone utensils) to the GOAM archaeologists, in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10278 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Training courses (pottery) to the GOAM archaeologists, in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10279 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Training courses (drawing) to the GOAM archaeologists, in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10280 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Training courses (pottery) to the GOAM archaeologists, in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10281 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Training courses (stone utensils) to the GOAM archaeologists, in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10282 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Training courses (pottery) to the GOAM archaeologists, in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10283 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Training courses (pottery) to the GOAM archaeologists, in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10284 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Group photo on the terrace of the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ (Bayt Mayad). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10285 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Training courses (pottery) to the GOAM archaeologists, in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10286 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Training courses (pottery) to the GOAM archaeologists, in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10287 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Training courses (pottery) to the GOAM archaeologists, in the premises of the Italian archaeological mission in Ṣanʿāʾ. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10288 | Sunset (maybe out of Ṣanʿāʾ) (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1989 | 2019SANs10289 | Floor covered with qadad, and two small structures with water channels (maybe out of Ṣanʿāʾ, Hadda?). (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10290 | Manqaz (MNQ): Funerary chamber of tomb T1. A human skull and a terracotta ring foot. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10291 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the funerary chamber of tomb T1 (from the SW). (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10292 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the funerary chamber of tomb T1 (from the SW, i.e. from the entrance). (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10293 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the funerary chamber of tomb T1, Level 1 (floor) (from the SW, i.e. the entrance). (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10294 | Manqaz (MNQ): Excavation of annex LA. Removal of surface level of windborne deposit. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10295 | Manqaz (MNQ): Excavation of annex LA. Removal of surface level of windborne deposit. Archaeologists M. Cattani and S. Antonini. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10296 | Manqaz (MNQ): Excavation of annex LA. Removal of surface level of windborne deposit. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10297 | Manqaz (MNQ): Excavation in annex LA. Architect V. Labianca, and archaeologists S. Antonini and M. Cattani. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10298 | Manqaz (MNQ): Excavation in annex LA. Incised sandstone slab, inv. no. Y.87.MNQ.T1.LA/14. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10299 | Manqaz (MNQ): Excavation in annex LA (from the W). (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10300 | Manqaz (MNQ): Excavation in annex LA. Detail of an incised sandstone slab, inv. no. Y.87.MNQ.T1.LA/14. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10301 | Manqaz (MNQ): Excavation in annex LA. Sounding NW of wall M3. A layer of slabs cover the bedrock. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10302 | Manqaz (MNQ): Excavation in annex LA. Sounding NW of wall M3. A layer of slabs cover the bedrock, detail. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10303 | Manqaz (MNQ): A human skeletons of an adult and a child found in the funerary chamber of tomb T1, Level 2. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10304 | Manqaz (MNQ): A human skeletons of an adult and a child found in the funerary chamber of tomb T1, Level 2 (detail). (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10305 | Manqaz (MNQ): Detail of the skull of a human skeleton of an adult in the tomb T1, Level 2. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10306 | Manqaz (MNQ): Detail of the skull of a human skeleton of an adult, and on the left a child, discovered in the tomb T1, Level 2. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10307 | Manqaz (MNQ): Detail of two human skeletons of an adult, and a child, discovered in the tomb T1, Level 2. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10308 | Manqaz (MNQ): Detail of two human skeletons: an adult and a child, discovered in the tomb T1, Level 2. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10309 | Manqaz (MNQ): Detail of two human skeletons: an adult and a child, discovered in the tomb T1, Level 2. (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab | مسنع رحاب | 1985 | 2019MRAs10310 | Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab (MR): It is located 4/5 km by turning left after the beginning of Wādī Sabāʿ and going up the Wādī Rahab for about 5 km, towards the west. The rocky spur is about 40 m high, leaning against the mountain, but separated. On the top there is a fortress. Inscriptions and graffiti are on the crag of the south bank of the wādī, east of the rocky spur. The survey was carried out by prof. A. deM, geologist V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah on July 24, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab | مسنع رحاب | 1985 | 2019MRAs10311 | Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab (MR): It is located 4/5 km by turning left after the beginning of Wādī Sabāʿ and going up the Wādī Rahab for about 5 km, towards the west. The rocky spur is about 40 m high, leaning against the mountain, but separated. On the top there is a fortress, no longer accessible from the mountain. Inscriptions and graffiti are on the crag of the south bank of the wādī, east of the rocky spur. The survey was carried out by prof. A. deM, the geologist V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 24, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab | مسنع رحاب | 1985 | 2019MRAs10312 | Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab (MR): It is located 4/5 km by turning left after the beginning of Wādī Sabāʿ and going up the Wādī Rahab for about 5 km, towards the west. The rocky spur is about 40 m high, leaning against the mountain, but separated. On the top there is a fortress, no longer accessible from the mountain. Another fortress is to the north, opposite to the other, on a cliff that rises steeply from the wādī. Inscriptions and graffiti are on the crag of the south bank of the wādī, east of the rocky spur. The survey was carried out by prof. A. deM, the geologist V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 24, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab | مسنع رحاب | 1985 | 2019MRAs10313 | Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab (MR): View of the fortress built on top of the rocky spur. The survey was carried out by prof. A. deM, the geologist V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 24, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab | مسنع رحاب | 1985 | 2019MRAs10314 | Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab (MR): View (from the Wādī Rahab) of the fortress built on top of the rocky spur. Another fortress is to the north, opposite to this one, on a cliff that rises steeply from the wādī.(©MAIRY) | |
Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab | مسنع رحاب | 1985 | 2019MRAs10315 | Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab (MR): View (from the Wādī Rahab) of the fortress built on top of the rocky spur. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab | مسنع رحاب | 1985 | 2019MRAs10316 | Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab (MR): Graffiti are on the crag of the south bank of the wādī Rahab, east of the rocky spur. The survey was carried out by prof. A. deM, the geologist V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 24, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab | مسنع رحاب | 1985 | 2019MRAs10317 | Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab (MR): Graffiti are on the crag of the south bank of the wādī Rahab, east of the rocky spur. The survey was carried out by prof. A. deM, the geologist V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 24, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab | مسنع رحاب | 1985 | 2019MRAs10318 | Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab (MR): Graffiti are on the crag of the south bank of the wādī Rahab, east of the rocky spur. The survey was carried out by prof. A. deM, the geologist V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 24, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab | مسنع رحاب | 1985 | 2019MRAs10319 | Al-Musnaʿar-Rahab (MR): Graffiti are on the south bank of the wādī Rahab, east of the rocky spur. The survey was carried out by prof. A. deM, the geologist V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 24, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Markābah | المركابة | 1985 | 2019MARs10320 | Al-Markābah (MAR): General view of the ancient site. The survey was carried out by prof. A. deM, the geologist V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Markābah | المركابة | 1985 | 2019MARs10321 | Al-Markābah (MAR): General view of the Wādī Sabāʿ (to the N) from the ancient site. The survey was carried out by prof. A. deM, the geologist V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Markābah | المركابة | 1985 | 2019MARs10322 | Al-Markābah (MAR): View of the NW remains of the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Markābah | المركابة | 1985 | 2019MARs10323 | Al-Markābah (MAR): Western ruins of the ancient site (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Markābah | المركابة | 1985 | 2019MARs10324 | Al-Markābah (MAR): General view of the buildings in the western sector of the site. (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Markābah | المركابة | 1985 | 2019MARs10325 | Al-Markābah (MAR): General view of the Wādī Sabāʿ (to the S). In the southern part of the relief there are two isolated ancient buildings (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Markābah | المركابة | 1985 | 2019MARs10326 | Al-Markābah (MAR): General view of the Eastern part, full of ruined buildings. Here trachyte and granite millstones, pestles, and basalt mortars are visible (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Markābah | المركابة | 1985 | 2019MARs10327 | Al-Markābah (MAR): The ancient site has a defensive wall (to the N), and houses of one or two rooms (to the S). Central space free of ruins. The little pottery sems to be ancient, but the walls are built with non-square stones (Turkish fort?). The E part is full of ruined buildings. Here trachyte and granite millstones, pestles, and basalt mortars are visible (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Markābah | المركابة | 1985 | 2019MARs10328 | Al-Markābah (MAR): General view of the Wādī Sabāʿ (to the S), and two isolated ancient buildings in the southern part of the upland where the site lays (Prof. A. deM, July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Markābah | المركابة | 1985 | 2019MARs10329 | Al-Markābah (MAR): General view of the site, from the South (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Markābah | المركابة | 1985 | 2019MARs10330 | Al-Markābah (MAR): General view of the site towards SE (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Markābah | المركابة | 1985 | 2019MARs10331 | Al-Markābah (MAR): View of ruined buildings (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Markābah | المركابة | 1985 | 2019MARs10332 | Al-Markābah (MAR): The ancient site has a defensive wall (to the N), and houses of one or two rooms (to the S). Central space free of ruins (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Markābah | المركابة | 1985 | 2019MARs10333 | Al-Markābah (MAR): General view of paleo-riverbed of Wādī Sabāʿ, to the South of the site (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10334 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the staircase L52 (M55+M56+M57), from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10335 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of well L53 (foreground) and wall M20, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10336 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the staircases L54 (M64+M68+78+78bis) and L52 on the right (M55+M56+M57), from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10337 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The well L53 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10338 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the staircase L54, from the NE. On the right is a monolithic pillar, probably of the propylaeum or courtyard of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10339 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the courtyard L50 of the temple (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10340 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the staircase L54, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10341 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the well L53 (from the E). In the background the sounding S1 is visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10342 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of steps a in M52 of well L53 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10343 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of L57 of well L53. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10344 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of the wall M20 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10345 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The western loci of the temple (from the N). Detail of L63. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10346 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The western loci of the temple (from the N). Detail of L59. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10347 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The western loci of the temple (from the N). Detail of loci L59. L10, L11. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10348 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The western loci of the temple. On the left is L64. (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10349 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The western loci of the temple and M18. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10350 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The western loci of the temple and M18. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10351 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The western loci of the temple. Detail of plastered locus L59. (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10353 | Tamnaʿ (T): Mud bricks houses in Hağar Kuḥlān village. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10354 | Tamnaʿ (T): General view of Hağar Kuḥlān village, the water tank and the Palace (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10355 | Tamnaʿ (T): General view of Hağar Kuḥlān village (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10356 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of the Palace in Hağar Kuḥlān village (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10357 | Tamnaʿ (T): The Palace in Hağar Kuḥlān village, built up with square stones in granite from the ancient site (November 28, 1999). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10358 | Tamnaʿ (T): The terrace of the Palace in Hağar Kuḥlān village (November 28, 1999). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10359 | Tamnaʿ (T): Professor A. deM and Khayrān al-Zubaydī, director of the Antiquities of Shabwa Region. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10360 | Tamnaʿ (T): Professor A. deM. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10361 | Tamnaʿ (T): Topographer M. Mascellani. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10362 | ʿAtaq Museum (December 4, 1999). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10363 | ʿAtaq Museum (December 4, 1999). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10364 | Bayḥān Museum (?) (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10365 | Tamnaʿ (T): Bodyguards and dromedary (December 24, 1999). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10366 | Tamnaʿ (T): Bodyguards and J.deM (December 24, 1999). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10367 | Tamnaʿ (T): Farm and cultivated fields near the ancient site. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10368 | Tamnaʿ (T): The first premises of the Italian archaeological team at Nuqub. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10369 | Tamnaʿ (T): The mountain pass. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Sabāʿ | وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10370 | Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): The guide Husayn and local people next to the Italian Mission Land Rover (Jyly 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Sabāʿ | وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10371 | Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): The guide Husayn and local people next to the Italian Mission Land Rover (Jyly 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Sabāʿ | وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10372 | Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): (Jyly 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Sabāʿ | وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10373 | Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): (Jyly 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Sabāʿ | وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10374 | Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): (Jyly 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Sabāʿ | وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10375 | Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): (Jyly 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Sabāʿ | وادي سبأ | 1985 | 2019SABs10376 | Wādī Sabāʿ (SAB i): (Jyly 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Līzīm | الزيزم | 1985 | 2019LIZs10377 | Al-Līzīm (LZ): Leaving the Wādī Sabā, on both sides of the track is a necropolis with circular tombs, of Sabaean origin. A survey was carried out by A. deM, V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Līzīm | الزيزم | 1985 | 2019LIZs10378 | Al-Līzīm (LZ): General view of Sabaean tombs. A survey was carried out by A. deM, V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM) (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Līzīm | الزيزم | 1985 | 2019LIZs10379 | Al-Līzīm (LZ): View of a tomb of Sabaean origin. A survey was carried out by A. deM, V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM) (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Līzīm | الزيزم | 1985 | 2019LIZs10380 | Al-Līzīm (LZ): Ruins of Sabaean tombs. Few potsherds were found on surface. A survey was carried out by A. deM, V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM) (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Līzīm | الزيزم | 1985 | 2019LIZs10381 | Al-Līzīm (LZ): View of a huge ruined tomb of Sabaean origin (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Līzīm | الزيزم | 1985 | 2019LIZs10382 | Al-Līzīm (LZ): View of Sabaean tombs (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Līzīm | الزيزم | 1985 | 2019LIZs10383 | Al-Līzīm (LZ): Leaving the Wādī Sabā, on both sides of the track is a necropolis with circular tombs, of Sabaean origin. A survey was carried out by A. deM, V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10384 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): A Sabaean farm. A survey was carried out by A. deM, V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Līzīm | الزيزم | 1985 | 2019LIZs10385 | Al-Līzīm (LZ): The necropolis extends on both sides of the track; this crosses it cutting some tombs. A survey was carried out by A. deM, V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Līzīm | الزيزم | 1985 | 2019LIZs10386 | Al-Līzīm (LZ): A tomb cut by the track. A survey was carried out by A. deM, V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Līzīm | الزيزم | 1985 | 2019LIZs10387 | Al-Līzīm (LZ): General view of the necropolis on the left side of the track. The tombs are on both sides og the track (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Līzīm | الزيزم | 1985 | 2019LIZs10388 | Al-Līzīm (LZ): General view of the necropolis on the left side of the track. A survey was carried out by A. deM, V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Līzīm | الزيزم | 1985 | 2019LIZs10389 | Al-Līzīm (LZ): The track cut the necropolis in two parts. A survey was carried out by A. deM, V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10390 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): A Sabaean farm. A survey was carried out by A. deM, V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10391 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): A Sabaean farm. Ǧabal Sawād is to the East. A survey was carried out by A. deM, V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10392 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): A Sabaean farm. A survey was carried out by A. deM, V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10393 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): A Sabaean farm. A survey was carried out by A. deM, V. Francaviglia and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM), July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10394 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Italian-Yemeni team camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10395 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Italian-Yemeni team camp, from the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10396 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Italian-Yemeni team camp, from the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10397 | Barāqiš (BAR): A glimps of the camp, from the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10399 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of area around the camp, from the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10400 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the camp and the tents of the Italian-Yemeni team. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10401 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the camp and the tents of the Italian-Yemeni team. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10402 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the camp and the jeep of the Italian archaeological mission. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10403 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the camp at the foot of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10405 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the camp, and in the background the city walls, and the tower T48. On the right, the blue tent is the infirmary. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10407 | Manqaz (MNQ): Human skeletons of an adult and a young child in Level 2, found in the turret tomb T1, detail. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10408 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the area around the turret tomb T1. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10409 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the area around the turret tomb T1, from the alabaster quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10410 | Manqaz (MNQ): Manqaz (MNQ): View of some adjacent loci south of the tomb T1. The picture is taken from the roof of T1. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10411 | Manqaz (MNQ): Manqaz (MNQ): View of some adjacent loci south of the tomb T1. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10412 | Manqaz (MNQ): Manqaz (MNQ): View of some adjacent loci south of the tomb T1. The picture is taken from the roof of T1. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10413 | Manqaz (MNQ): Manqaz (MNQ): View of some adjacent loci south of the tomb T1. The picture is taken from the roof of T1. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10414 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the alabaster quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10415 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the alabaster quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10416 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the alabaster quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10417 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the alabaster quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10418 | Manqaz (MNQ): One of the vertical section of the alabaster quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10419 | Manqaz (MNQ): Detail of one of the vertical section of the alabaster quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10420 | Manqaz (MNQ): View of the alabaster quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10421 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the alabaster quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10422 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the alabaster quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10423 | Manqaz (MNQ): View of the alabaster quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10424 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of the alabaster quarry. A retainment wall for the excavation debris was built on the edge of the quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10425 | Manqaz (MNQ): Remains of ancient dwellings around the quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10426 | ʿAdan: At the Italian Embassy, November 3, 1988 (PDRY). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10427 | ʿAdan: In the courtyard of the Italian Embassy, November 3, 1988 (PDRY). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10428 | ʿAdan: Visit on November 4, 1988. Old buildings and mosque in Crater. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10429 | ʿAdan: Visit on November 4, 1988. A water tank. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10430 | ʿAdan: Visit on November 4, 1988. Maʿalla. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10431 | ʿAdan: Visit of the city, prof. A. deM and Abdallah Bāwazīr, November 4, 1988. Elephant Bay. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10432 | ʿAdan: Italian Embassy, four 90 years old 'Askari' (Yemeni soldiers who fought with the Italians in the wars in Abyssinia) (November 4, 1988). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10433 | On the way to the Laḥeğ, prof. A. deM with the Italian Ambassador in then P.D.R.Y., and Ahmed Batayah, November 5, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10434 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10435 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10436 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. Wādī Waṭan. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10437 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. Wādī Yahar. Terracing walls to contain cultivated fields along the wādī. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10438 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. Wādī Yahar. Terracing walls to contain cultivated fields along the wādī. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10439 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. Wādī Yahar. Houses in Labʿūs. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10440 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. Wādī Yahar. Typical houses in granite blocks, in Labʿūs. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10441 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. Wādī Yahar. General view of typical houses in granite blocks, in Labʿūs. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10442 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. Terracing walls to contain cultivated fields along the Wādī Yahar. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10443 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. Terracing walls to contain cultivated fields along the Wādī Yahar. In the background is Ğabal Thamar. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10444 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. General view of typical houses in granite blocks, in the area called Labʿūs. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10445 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. General view of typical houses built with granite blocks, in the area called Labʿūs. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10446 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. General view of typical houses built with granite blocks, in the area called Labʿūs. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10447 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. Along the Wādī Yahar, view of typical houses built with granite blocks, in the area called Labʿūs. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10448 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. View of the landscape from Wādī Yahar, in the area called Labʿūs. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10449 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. View of the landscape and houses from Wādī Yahar, in the area called Labʿūs. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10450 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10451 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10452 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10453 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation. L29, staircase M8bis, and wall M9 (from the S).(©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10454 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10455 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation.(©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10456 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation. Western area. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10457 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation.(©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10458 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation.(©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10459 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10460 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10461 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10462 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10463 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10464 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of Sector A, the area where is the Temple of Athirat (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10465 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10466 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Excavation in L29. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10467 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation. S area.(©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10468 | Tamnaʿ (T): General view of Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10469 | Tamnaʿ (T): General view of Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10470 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Excavation in L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10471 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation in L17. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10472 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation (NW area). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10473 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of the excavation, NW area. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10474 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The steps a ans a1 of the well L53. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10475 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The wall M52 of the well L53. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10476 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The wall M52 of well L53. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10477 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The gutter c in the western wall M52 of well L53. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10478 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of gutter c in the western wall M52 of well L53. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10479 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat.View of M52 of well L53. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10480 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the sheathing L57 of the well L53. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10481 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the well L53. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10482 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of gutter c in the western wall M52 of well L53. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10483 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of wall M72; on the right is western wall M52 of well L53. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10484 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of wall M72; on the right is western wall M52 of well L53. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10485 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of well L53. On the left is wall M20. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10486 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of wall M52, slabs and the opening to let the water flow into the gutter c of well L53. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10487 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of well L53. On the left is the slab a1 of steps a, and on the right is the opening to let the water flow into the gutter c. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10488 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the opening to let the water flow into the gutter c, and the wall M72 (right). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10489 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the wall M72 and a section of the stratigraphic sounging S1. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10490 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of wall M67, detail (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10491 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. In the foreground is wall M67, and in the background the doorstep M56 of the staircase L52 (from the SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10492 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. In the foreground is the doorstep M56 of the staircase L52 (from the SE). In the background is the wall M60 a Sounding S2. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10493 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of steps M78 of the staircase L54 (from the SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10494 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of steps M78 of the staircase L54 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10495 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Farm E, Unit 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10496 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Building G. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10497 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): House C. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10498 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). Wall d of the Sabaean Complex G. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10499 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of a farm in the Sabaean Complex. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10500 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). General view of a farming settlement. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10501 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). General view of the area. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10502 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of the Sabaean Complex. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10503 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of the Sabaean Complex. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10504 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of the Sabaean Complex. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10505 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of the Sabaean Complex. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10506 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of the Sabaean Complex and fortified area. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10507 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of the Sabaean Complex. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10508 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of the Sabaean Complex. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10509 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of the Sabaean Complex. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10510 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of the Sabaean Complex. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10511 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of the Sabaean Complex. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10512 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of the Sabaean Complex. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10513 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of the Sabaean garrison on Wādī Qawqah. Detail of one of the longitudinal dividing walls inside the complex (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10514 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of a wall of the Sabaean garrison on Wādī Qawqah. Detail of one of the longitudinal dividing walls inside the complex. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10515 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of the wall i of Sabaean Complex G. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10516 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of remains of the Sabaean Complex G. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10517 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of the Sabaean Complex. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10518 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF). View of the Sabaean Complex. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10519 | Barāqiš (BAR): The camp, and in the foreground the supports of a conveyer belt. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10520 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the camp, and on the right is the 'infirmary'. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10521 | Barāqiš (BAR): Working on pottery found in the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10522 | Barāqiš (BAR): From the right: A. deM, G. Pettinato, M. Liverani, B. Marcolongo, V. Labianca, F. Brancaleoni, V. Francaviglia. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10523 | Barāqiš (BAR): From the right: A. deM, G. Pettinato, M. Liverani, B. Marcolongo, F. Brancaleoni, V. Francaviglia. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10524 | Barāqiš (BAR): From the left: V. Francaviglia, F. Brancaleoni, G. Pettinato, and from behind A. deM. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10525 | Barāqiš (BAR): Working on pottery found in the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10526 | Barāqiš (BAR): Working on pottery found in the Temple of Nakraḥ. Khālid al-ʿAnsī, S. Antonini and Monica Ricci. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10527 | Barāqiš (BAR): A dinner in a tent. From the left: B. Marcolongo, V. Labianca. S. Antonini, Khalid Al-Mindi (GOAM), A. deM. M. Mascellani, the cook Masad, F. Brancaleoni and M. Liverani. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10528 | Barāqiš (BAR): A visit to the camp and temple of the Wakīl Al-Muddai (GOAM). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10529 | Barāqiš (BAR): A visit to the camp and temple of the Wakīl Al-Muddai (GOAM), the 2nd from the right. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10530 | Barāqiš (BAR): A visit of the Wakīl Al-Muddai (GOAM) to the excavation of the temple Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10531 | Barāqiš (BAR): A visit of the Wakīl Al-Muddai (GOAM) to the excavation of the temple Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10532 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Wakīl Al-Muddai (GOAM) visiting the excavation of the temple Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10533 | Manqaz (MNQ): One of the dwellings near the quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10534 | Manqaz (MNQ): Remains of ancient dwellings around the quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10535 | Manqaz (MNQ): Detail of an ancient dwelling around the quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10536 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of remains of ancient dwellings around the quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10537 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of remains of ancient dwellings around the quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Manqaz | منقز | 1987 | 2019MNQs10538 | Manqaz (MNQ): General view of remains of ancient dwellings around the quarry. (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10539 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): General view from Hill A. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10540 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): General view from Hill A. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10541 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): General view of the 'Turret tombs' necropolis from Hill A. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10542 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): General view of the pre-Islamic necropolis from Hill A. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10543 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): General view from Hill A. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10544 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): General view from Hill A. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10545 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The camp of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological team. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10546 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): General view of the necropolis from Hill A. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10547 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of some tombs from Hill A. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10548 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): General view from Hill A. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10549 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. Terracing walls along the Wādī Yahar, in Labʿūs. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10550 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. Terracing walls along the Wādī Yahar. Typical house in granite blocks, in Labʿūs. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10551 | On the way to the Laḥeğ on November 6, 1988. Terracing walls along the Wādī Yahar. Typical house in granite blocks, in Labʿūs. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10552 | On the way to Kharibat Hadīm on November 7, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10553 | Palace of a sultan; at the time of the survey carried out by A. deM, A. Batayah and the Italian Ambassador M. Bondioli Osio was a guesthouse, November 6, 1988. (?MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10554 | On the way to Kharibat Hadīm on November 6, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10555 | On the way to Kharibat Hadīm on November 6, 1988. Paved track. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10556 | On the way to Kharibat Hadīm on November 6, 1988. Dtail of a paved track. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10557 | A stop on the way to Kharibat Hadīm. November 6, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10558 | A stop on the way to Kharibat Hadīm. November 6, 1988. The Italian Ambassador Mario Bondioli Osio. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10559 | A stop on the way to Kharibat Hadīm. November 6, 1988. The Italian Ambassador Mario Bondioli Osio. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10560 | Tea time at Qaṭnān, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd. November 7, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10561 | A smiley and flowery dressed lady at Qaṭnān village, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd. November 7, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10562 | A survey at Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd. November 7, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10563 | View of the pre-Islamic site of Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd. November 7, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10564 | Yemen (YEM): South Yemen and the trip at Yâfiʿ. | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10565 | Banī Bakr, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd. November 7, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10566 | On the way to Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd. November 7, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10567 | Terracing wall built with stones of the pre-Islamic site of Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd. November 7, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10568 | Walls of pre-Islamic site of Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd. November 7, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10569 | Wall built with stones from the pre-Islamic site of Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd. November 7, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10570 | The pre-Islamic site of Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd. November 7, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10571 | A survey at the pre-Islamic site of Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd. November 7, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10572 | A survey at Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd. November 7, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10573 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Wester limit of wall M66. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10574 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The door in M15 of locus L10. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10575 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The door in M15 of locus L10. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10576 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The sounding S2 in L50. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10577 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The sounding S2 in L50. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10578 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The sounding S2 in L50, against M60. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10579 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The sounding S1. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10580 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. H. David. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10581 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat.View of the SE wall M20. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10582 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of staircase L54, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10583 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of staircase L54, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10584 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of Southern structures, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10585 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of Southern structures, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10586 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of M20, stratigraphical sounding S1, the court L50, and in the foreground (right) the well L53, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10587 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of M20, stratigraphical sounding S1, the court L50, and in the foreground (right) the well L53. On the left the Southern structures (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10588 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. On the left is wall M68, and on the right is the staircase M57 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10589 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Next to wall M68 are 4 pieces of a monolithic pillar. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10590 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of L52 of staircase M57 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10591 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Next to wall M68 are 4 pieces of a monolithic pillar (view from L52, from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10592 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation (from the S). In the background is Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10594 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation in the sector S of the temple (view from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10595 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation in the sector S of the temple (view from the E). Prof. A. deM. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10596 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Assembly of workers. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10597 | Tamnaʿ (T): On the right is the tell of the ancient site (from the SW). In the background (left) is Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10598 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation (view from the E). Prof. A. deM. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10599 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation. Locus L20, in the sector south of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10600 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation. View of L15 and L5, in the sector south of the temple(from the SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10601 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10602 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation. A gutter. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10603 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation. Professor Alessandro deM. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10604 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation. General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10605 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10606 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10607 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10608 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation. Structures in the sector, S of the temple (from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10609 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10610 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation. L6 and M48 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10611 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation. L1 (from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10612 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation. L21 (from the SE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10613 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10614 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of the Complex. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10615 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Complex B, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10616 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Water containment wall(from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10617 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Water containment walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10618 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Water containment walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10619 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of Complex B. In the background the Šiʿb al-ʿAql opens onto the plain. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10620 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of Complex B from the NW. In the foregroung loci L, M and N are visible (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10621 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of the Western part of Complex B (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10622 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of the Western part of Complex B (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10623 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of the Western part of Complex B (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10624 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of Complex B. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10625 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Detail of part of Complex B. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10626 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Complex B (from the NW) (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10627 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Complex B (from the NW), detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10628 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Complex B. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10629 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): The tents of the Italian-Yemeni team. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10630 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Building G (from the SW).(©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10631 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Building G (from the SW).(©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10632 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Building G (from the SW)., detail of a wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10633 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Building G. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10634 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Building G. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10635 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of the plain. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10636 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of the plain. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10637 | Barāqiš (BAR): S. A. during the excavations of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10638 | Barāqiš (BAR): M. Ricci and S. A. on M21, the door between L2 and L6, during the excavations of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10639 | Barāqiš (BAR): M. Ricci and S. A. on M21, the door between L2 and L6, during the excavations of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10641 | Barāqiš (BAR): A local worker, during the excavations of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10643 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of towers T36 and T37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs10646 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of a tower of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10647 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of remains of Islamic buildings. In the foreground (right) is a pillar of a pre-Islamic temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10648 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of Islamic ruins within the city. In the background is the tower T48 of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs10649 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of Islamic ruins within the city. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10650 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of the necropolis from the W. The Italian-Yemeni camp is among tombs T3, T4 and T5 of MKDiii. Background, right, the tombs of MKDii. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10651 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of the necropolis from the W. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10652 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of the necropolis from the W. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10653 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of the necropolis from the W. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10654 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of the necropolis from the W. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10655 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of the necropolis from the W. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10656 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of the necropolis and landscape. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10657 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): General view of the landscape. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10658 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD i): View of a tomb of the necropolis. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10659 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD i): View of some tombs of the necropolis. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10660 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. Official of GOAM Muḥammad Asbaḥī. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10661 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. Archaeologist M. Cattani and architect V. Labianca. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10662 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Graffiti found along the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10663 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Graffiti found along the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10664 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): View of the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10665 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): View of the terrace work of the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the slope of Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10666 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): View of the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the slope of Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10667 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): View of the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the slope of Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10668 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): General view of the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the slope of Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10669 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Detail of the ancient paved road to Ṣirwāḥ in the slope of Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10670 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): View of the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the slope of Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10671 | A survey at Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd, carried out by Prof. A. deM, A. Batayah with the Italian Ambassador on November 7, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10672 | Deatil of a wall at Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd (November 7, 1988). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10673 | The landscape around Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd (November 7, 1988). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10674 | A survey at Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd, carried out by Prof. A. deM, A. Batayah with the Italian Ambassador on November 7, 1988. (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10675 | A survey at Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd, carried out by Prof. A. deM, A. Batayah with the Italian Ambassador (November 7, 1988). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10676 | Detail of a ruined building at Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd (November 7, 1988). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10677 | General view of landscape around Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd, (November 7, 1988). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10678 | A survey in the pre-Islamic site at Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd, carried out by Prof. A. deM, Ahmed Batayah with the Italian Ambassador M. Bondioli Osio (November 7, 1988). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10679 | The ruins of the pre-Islamic site of Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd (November 7, 1988). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10680 | Remains of pre-Islamic walls in the site of Kharibat Hadīm, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd (November 7, 1988). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10681 | Alabaster male head kept in the small antiquarium at Banī Bakr, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd (November 7, 1988). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10682 | Alabaster bull kept in the small antiquarium at Banī Bakr, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd (November 7, 1988). (©MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1988 | 2019YEMs10683 | Fragment of relief with eagle kept in the small antiquarium at Banī Bakr, in the markaziya Al-Ḥadd (November 7, 1988). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10684 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10685 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of twall M26bis of locus L20 (Southern loci). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10686 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of the staircase L54 (steps M78+M78bis), viewed from the East. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10687 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The well L53, viewed from the South. On the left is wall M20. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10688 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The well L53, viewed from the South. On the left is wall M20. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10689 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of staircase L54 (and the smaller one L52), and the Northern loci. Stratigraphical sounding S2 is visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10690 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of staircase L54 (and the smaller one L52), and the Northern loci. Stratigraphical sounding S2 is visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10691 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of staircase L54 (right),the court L50, the well L53, the stratigraphical sounding S1 and wall M20 (left) (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10692 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the stratigraphical sounding S2. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10693 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Western limit of wall M66 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10694 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Eastern limit of wall M66 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10695 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of court L50 throughout the door of locus L10 (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10696 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Plastered locus L59 (from the W). In the background is the doorstep leading to the court L50. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10697 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of the doorstep of L59, leading to the court L50. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10698 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of the doorstep of L59, leading to the court L50. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10699 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of plastered L65 (Northern loci) (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10700 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of Western limit of wall M66 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10701 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of locus L5 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10702 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of staircase M8bis and wall M6 (right) (from the SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10703 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of staircase M8bis and wall M6 (right) (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10704 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. A wall in the Northern sector, at the beginning of excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10705 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. A section in the Northern sector, at the beginning of excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10706 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Stones collapsed in the Northern sector, at the beginning of excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10707 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. On the left is M20, at the beginning of excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10708 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Locus L6, at the beginning of excavation. In the background is staircase M8bis (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10709 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Locus L6, at the beginning of excavation. In the background (right) is staircase M8bis (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10710 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Paved loci L1 (left) and L21 (right) separated by wall M24ter. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10711 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Sector,south of the temple, at the beginning of excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10712 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Sector,south of the temple, at the beginning of excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10713 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Sector,south of the temple, at the beginning of excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10714 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Sector south of the temple, at the beginning of excavation. Detail of a squared stone block P2 on M23 (of locus L17). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10715 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Sector south of the temple, at the beginning of excavation. In the background is staircase M8 and wall M6. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10716 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Sector south of the temple, at the beginning of excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10717 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Sector south of the temple, at the beginning of excavation. Paved loci L1 and L5 are visible. In the background is Hağar Kuḥlān village. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10718 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Sector south of the temple at the beginning of excavation (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10719 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of loci L3 and L4 at the beginning of excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10720 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat at the beginning of excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10721 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Building G, room A (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10722 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): The tents of the Italian-Yemeni team. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10723 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): NE section of dam A viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10724 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of House D. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10725 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): House C viewed from the N. Marina Marini. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10726 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of House D, Units 1 and 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10727 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of House D, Unit 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10728 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of House D, Unit 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10729 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): NE water containment wall, form the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10730 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): NE water containment wall, form the N. V. Francaviglia. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10731 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of House E, Unit 1 viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10732 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of House E, Unit 1 viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10733 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of House E, Unit 1. Detail of elevation of the Eastern wall of room D. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10734 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of House E, Unit 1. Detail of elevation of the Eastern wall of room D. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10735 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of House E, Unit 2 viewed from the NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10736 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of landscape towards W from House E, Unit 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10737 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of House E, Unit 2. Detail of lay-out of room B on the bedrock. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10738 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of House E, Unit 2. Detail of la door. Archaeologist M. Marini. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10739 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of House E, Unit 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10740 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of House E, Unit 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10741 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of Farm F (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10742 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): View of Farm F (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10743 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Farm F. Detail of entrance in A viewed from E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10744 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): General view of landscape from the Farm F. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs10745 | Baynūn (BA): Rest of a wall of the pre-Islamic site. Survey carried out by Professor deM on November 11, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs10746 | Baynūn (BA): Wādī Numārah viewed from the pre-Islamic site. Survey carried out by Professor deM on November 11, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs10747 | Baynūn (BA): Part of the city walls of the pre-Islamic site. Survey carried out by Professor deM on November 11, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs10748 | Baynūn (BA): Collapsed city walls of the pre-Islamic site. Survey carried out by Professor deM on November 11, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs10749 | Baynūn (BA): A fragment of architectural decoration with dentils and fillets in relief. Survey carried out by Professor deM on November 11, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs10750 | Baynūn (BA): Professor deM and children (November 11, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2019HATs10751 | Al-Haṭamah (HAT): Ancient wall (vulcanic rock, trachyte and riolite), with an inserted relief showing the religiuos symbol, crescent and astral disc. Survey carried out by Professor deM on November 11, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2019HATs10752 | Al-Haṭamah (HAT): Ancient wall (vulcanic rock, trachyte and riolite), with an inserted relief showing the religiuos symbol, crescent and astral disc. Survey carried out by Professor deM on November 11, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2019HATs10753 | Al-Haṭamah (HAT): Modern houses built with squared srones from the pre-Islamic site. Survey carried out by Professor deM on November 11, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2019HATs10754 | Al-Haṭamah (HAT): A modern houses built with squared srones from the pre-Islamic site. Survey carried out by Professor deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 11, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2019HATs10755 | Al-Haṭamah (HAT): Local people (November 11, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1981 | 2019RADs10757 | On the way to Radāʿ (November 11, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1981 | 2019RADs10758 | On the way to Radāʿ (November 11, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1981 | 2019RADs10759 | On the way to Radāʿ (November 11, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1981 | 2019RADs10760 | Radāʿ: View of the castle (November 11, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1981 | 2019RADs10761 | Radāʿ: View of the Madrasa (November 11, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs10762 | Break in Wādī Miswār, on the way to Wādī Yanāʿim (November 12, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs10763 | On the way to Wādī Yanāʿim, general view of the landscape (November 12, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs10764 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): View of a small circular pit (November 13, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs10765 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): View of a small circular pit (November 13, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs10766 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): View of a small circular pit (November 13, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10767 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Piles of stones, i.e.ruined turret tombs. Archaeologist M. Cattani. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10768 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): A 'ray', that is a small wall pertinent to a turret tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10769 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. Official of GOAM Muḥammad Asbaḥī. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10770 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Ancient paved road to Ṣirwāḥ in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10771 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): View of the well preserved ancient paved road to Ṣirwāḥ in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10772 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Detail of the stones of the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10773 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): General view of the ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10774 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): Ancient road to Ṣirwāḥ in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. Official of GOAM Muḥammad Asbaḥī. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10775 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): General view of the ancient paved road (seen from above) in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10776 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): General view of the ancient paved road (seen from above) in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10777 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): General view of the the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah, and track to Ṣirwāḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs10778 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD): The ancient paved road in the Wādī Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2019GYMs10779 | Ǧabal Yām: Beautiful frankincense tree. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2019GYMs10780 | Ǧabal Yām: Beautiful frankincense tree. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2019GYMs10781 | Bush of al-raʾah (Aerva javanica), a hygroscopic plant used for mummification of human bodies. Traces of this plant have been found in the tombs excavated by the Italian mission at Al-Maḫdarah. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2019GYMs10782 | Ǧabal Yām: General view of a necropolis of 'turret tombs'. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2019GYMs10783 | Ǧabal Yām: Necropolis of turret tombs. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2019GYMs10784 | Ǧabal Yām: Landscape. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2019GYMs10785 | Ǧabal Yām: 'Turret tombs'. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2019GYMs10786 | Ǧabal Yām: 'Turret tombs'. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10787 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Stratigraphical sounding S1. In the foreground is well L53 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10788 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Stratigraphical sounding S1. In the foreground is well L53 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10789 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of well L53. The hole is L57 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10790 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of well L53. The hole is L57 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10791 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of doorstep L52 (of staircase M57) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10792 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of doorstep L52 (of staircase M57) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10793 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of doorstep L52 and staircase M57 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10794 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of staircase M57 (from the E). (©MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10795 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of staircase M57 (from the W). (©MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10796 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of doorstep L52 and staircase M57 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10797 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of locus L3 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10798 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of locus L3 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10799 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of locus L2 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10800 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of locus L20. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10801 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of locus L20. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10802 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of locus L20. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10803 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of plastered locus L20. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10804 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Stratigraphical Sounding S2 in the court L50. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10805 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of L6 and wall M6, from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10807 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the structures S of the temple (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10808 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the structures (L28+L29+L38+L39) and staircase M8, S of the temple (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10809 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of L1, S of the temple (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10811 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of L6 (left), L7, L15 and L9 (right), S of the temple (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10813 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of M20 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10814 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of M20 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10815 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of M20 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10817 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of M20 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10818 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of M20. In the background, below, two rows of the well L53 are visible (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10819 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of M20. In the background, below, two rows of the well L53 are visible (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10820 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of M20. In the background, below, two rows of the well L53 are visible (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10821 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the structures S of the temple (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10822 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the structures S of the temple (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10823 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the structures SW of the temple (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10824 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the structures (left) W of the temple, and the court L50 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10825 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the structures S of the temple. In the foreground paved loci L1 and L5 are visible (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10826 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of loci L6 (left), L7, L15+L5 and L9 (right), S of the temple (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10827 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of lstructures, S of the temple (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10828 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of lstructures and L17 (left), S of the temple (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10829 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Stratigraphical sounding S2, in L50. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10830 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Stratigraphical sounding S2, in L50. Eastern section. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10831 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Stratigraphical sounding S2, in L50 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10832 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Stratigraphical sounding S2, in L50. Southern section. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10833 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of locus L2 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10834 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of well L53 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10835 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the stratigraphical sounding S1 (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10836 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of L52 and staircase M57 (right)(from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10837 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the stratigraphical sounding S1 (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10838 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. In the background, below, two rows of the well L53 are visible. On the left is M20 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10839 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. In the background, below, two rows of the well L53 are visible. On the left is M20 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10840 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Southern part of the perimetral wall M18 with the loci L23, L11 (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10842 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Southern part of the perimetral wall M18 with the loci L23, L11 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10843 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Structures S of the temple. In the background L17, in the foreground L6 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10844 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Structures S of the temple. On the left L17, on the right L6. The long wall is M48 (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10845 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Structures S of the temple, L17 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10846 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of House (L17), viewed form SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10848 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. House L17. On the left is M45 (from the SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10849 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the House L17, viewed form the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10850 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the structures S of the temple, In the foreground is House L17, in the background are wall M6 and straircase M8 (form the SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10852 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of House L17 (form the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10853 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of House L17. In the foreground is M23 (form the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs10855 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of House L17 (form the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2019GYMs10856 | Turret tombs in the area of Ǧabal Yām. Syrvey carried out by Prof. A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on October 25, 1987. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2019GYMs10857 | A turret tomb in Ǧabal Yām. Syrvey carried out by Prof. A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on October 25, 1987. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2019GYMs10858 | General view of turret tombs in Ǧabal Yām. Syrvey carried out by Prof. A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on October 25, 1987. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 2019GYMs10859 | Syrvey in the area of Ǧabal Yām carried out by Prof. A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on October 25, 1987. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Yām | جبل يام | 1987 | 201GYMFs10860 | Syrvey in the area of Ǧabal Yām carried out by Prof. A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on October 25, 1987. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ğawf | وادي جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs10861 | Landscape of Wādī Ğawf viewed from Ǧabal Yām. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on October 25, 1987. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ğawf | وادي جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs10862 | Landscape of Wādī Ğawf viewed from Ǧabal Yām. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on October 25, 1987. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ğawf | وادي جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs10863 | Landscape of Wādī Ğawf viewed from Ǧabal Yām. In the foreground a 'turret tombs' necropolis is visible. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ğawf | وادي جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs10864 | Landscape of Wādī Ğawf viewed from Ǧabal Yām. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on October 25, 1987. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ğawf | وادي جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs10865 | Landscape of Wādī Ğawf viewed from Ǧabal Yām. View of 'turret tombs'. (©MAIRY). | |
Wādī Ğawf | وادي جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs10866 | Landscape of Wādī Ğawf viewed from Ǧabal Yām (October 25, 1987). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ğawf | وادي جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs10867 | Turret tombs necropolis in Wādī Ğawf viewed from Ǧabal Yām. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on October 25, 1987. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ğawf | وادي جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs10868 | A necropolis of turret tombs around Ǧabal Yām. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on October 25, 1987. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ğawf | وادي جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs10869 | Wādī Ğawf. In the background rows of turret towers are visible. Survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on October 25, 1987. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ğawf | وادي جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs10870 | Wādī Ğawf. In the background rows of turret towers are visible (October 25, 1987). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ğawf | وادي جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs10871 | Wādī Ğawf. In the background rows of turret towers are visible. Survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on October 25, 1987. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ğawf | وادي جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs10872 | Wādī Ğawf (October 25, 1987). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ğawf | وادي جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs10873 | Sediments along Wādī Ğawf. In the background rows of turret towers are visible. Survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on October 25, 1987. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ğawf | وادي جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs10874 | Water in the the Wādī Ğawf. In the background, rows of turret tombs are visible. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 25 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ğawf | وادي جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs10875 | Landscape around the Wādī Ğawf. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on October 25, 1987. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2019GSMs10876 | General view of turret tombs at Ǧabal Silyām. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 25 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Silyām | جبل سيليام | 1987 | 2019GSMs10877 | View of some turret tombs at Ǧabal Silyām. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 25 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10878 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the Bronze Age site. A Bronze Age for Yemen was discovered by Alessandro deM. Survey carried out on November 13, 1981. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10879 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): View of some loci. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10880 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): View of some loci. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10881 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Detail of a locus. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10882 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10883 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Detail of a locus of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10884 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Stones in the ground forming loci. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10885 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): Huge stones in the ground forming part of a locus. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10886 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10887 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10888 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY i): General view of the Bronze Age site. F. Di Mario and A. deM. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10889 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): General view of the area. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10890 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): General view of the area with remains of dwellings of Bronze Age origin. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10891 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): General view of the area with remains of dwellings of Bronze Age origin. November 13, 1981. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10892 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Petroglyphs. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10893 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Petroglyphs. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10894 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Remains of loci from the Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10895 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Remains of a Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs10896 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario, November 13, 1981. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs10897 | Ṣirwāḥ (S i): General view of the wall of the Sabaean ʾAlmaqah temple and the tower of Islamic period. Survey carried out on November 13, 1981 (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs10898 | Ṣirwāḥ (S i): General view of the Sabaean site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs10899 | Ṣirwāḥ (S i): Survey carried out by A. deM and F. Di Mario on November 13, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs10900 | Ṣirwāḥ (S i): Survey carried out by A. deM and F. Di Mario on November 13, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs10901 | Ṣirwāḥ (S i): General view of the Sabaean ʾAlmaqah temple and the tower of Islamic period. Survey carried out on November 13, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ǧafnah | الجفنة | 1985 | 2019GFAs10902 | Al-Ǧafnah (GF): Islamic tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10903 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The city walls. Discovery and survey by A. deM on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10904 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The city walls. Discovery and survey by A. deM on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10905 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The city walls. Discovery and survey by A. deM on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10906 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the Sabaean city, July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10907 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): A Sabaean building at Al-Ǧafnah (?), July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10908 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Y.85.Y/5 (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10909 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The tower of Islamic origin in the Northern sector of the city walls. Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10910 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the Northern sector ('upper city'). Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10911 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Detail of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10912 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Southern part of the city walls. Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10913 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of 'upper city' from the south. Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10914 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the Sabaean city from the SW. Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10915 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): A section of the city walls. Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10916 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Flat area at the centre of 'upper city'. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10917 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Outcropping structures in the 'upper city'. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10918 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the Sabaean city (from the East). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10919 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the Sabaean city (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10920 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): A Eastern sector of the city walls (from the East). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs10921 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The passage in the Sabaean walls created by cars. Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs10922 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): Survey carried out by A. deM and F. Di Mario on November 13, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs10923 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): Pillars of a Sabaean temple. Survey carried out by A. deM and F. Di Mario on November 13, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs10924 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): Pillars of a Sabaean temple. Survey carried out by A. deM and F. Di Mario on November 13, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs10925 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): Survey carried out by A. deM and F. Di Mario on November 13, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs10926 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): Sabaean building. Survey carried out by A. deM and F. Di Mario on November 13, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs10927 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): Remains of a Sabaean building. Survey carried out by A. deM and F. Di Mario on November 13, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs10928 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): Sabaean structures. Survey carried out by A. deM and F. Di Mario on November 13, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs10929 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): A house built with squared stones of Sabaean origin. Survey carried out by A. deM and F. Di Mario on November 13, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs10930 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): With a local family (November 13, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRBs10931 | Marib (M i): The old city of Marib. Houses in mud bricks built on the Sabaean tell (November 14, 1981). (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRBs10932 | Marib (M i). Governor's Palace built with squared stones of Sabaean origin. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 14, 1981. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs10933 | Marib (M ii): Baʾrān Temple. (November 14, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs10934 | Marib (M ii): Baʾrān Temple. A. deM. (November 14, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs10935 | Marib (M ii): Baʾrān Temple. (November 14, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs10936 | Marib (M ii): Awwām Temple dedicated to Almaqah, the patron of the Sabaean capital. (November 14, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs10937 | Marib (M ii): The temple dedicated to Almaqah, the patron of the Sabaean capital. (November 14, 1981). (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs10938 | Marib (M ii): Pillars of the Almaqah Temple. (November 14, 1981). (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs10939 | Marib (M ii): Pillars of a mausoleum in the necropolis next to the Almaqah Temple. In the background the wall of the temple (November 14, 1981). (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs10940 | Marib (M ii): Pillars of a mausoleum in the necropolis next to the Almaqah Temple. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 14, 1981. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs10941 | Marib (M ii): The dam, Southern part. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 14, 1981. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs10942 | Marib (M ii): Inscription carved on the dam, Southern part (November 14, 1981). (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs10943 | Marib (M ii): Large stone slabs erected at the dam, Northern part (November 14, 1981). (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs10944 | Marib (M ii): The dam, part N. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 14, 1981. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs10945 | Marib (M ii): View of the dam. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 14, 1981. (?MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10946 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, bull-headed gutter Y.99.A.O/44. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10947 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, bronze statuette Y.99.A.O/51. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10948 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, bronze statuette Y.99.A.O/50. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10950 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, incense burner Y.99.A.O/34. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10951 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, fragment of a male statue Y.99.A.O/18. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10952 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, fragment of a male statue Y.99.A.O/18. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10953 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, incense burner Y.99.A.O/97. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10954 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, gutter Y.99.A.O/119. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10956 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, gutter Y.99.A.O/117. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10957 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, gutter Y.99.A.O/119. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10958 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, gutter Y.99.A.O/117. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10959 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, small inscribed column in alabaster Y.99.A.O/27. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10960 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, incense burner Y.99.A.O/97. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10961 | Tamnaʿ (T): Temple of Athirat, miniaturistic capital in alabaster Y.99.A.O/43. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10962 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, structures S of the temple, House L17 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10963 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, structures S of the temple, House L17, and in the foreground L6 (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10964 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, structures S of the temple, House L17, and in the foreground L6 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10965 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, structures S of the temple, in the foreground L6 (left), in the background loci L28, L38, L39 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10966 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, the stratigraphic sounding S1 and well L53 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10967 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, the stratigraphic sounding S1 and well L53 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10968 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, structures S of the temple, detail of walls M34 (left) and M37 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10969 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, structures S of the temple, detail of corner M34 (left)and M37 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10970 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, structures S of the temple, detail of corner M34 (left) and M37 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10971 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, structures S of the temple, detail of M51 between L38 and L39. In the foreground M19 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10972 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, structures S of the temple, detail of M9. On the right the staircase M8 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10973 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, structures S of the temple, detail of the staircase M8 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10974 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, structures S of the temple, in the foreground the staircase M8, in the background M6 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10975 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, structures S of the temple, the staircase M8, and on the right M6 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10976 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, structures S of the temple, detail of House L17 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10977 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, structures S of the temple, House L17 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10978 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, the Temple of Athirat viewed from the E. On the right the well L53 and staircase L54. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10979 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, the Temple of Athirat viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10980 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, structures S of the temple, House L17 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10981 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, the Temple of Athirat viewed from the E. On the right the well L53 and staircase L54. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10982 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, the Temple of Athirat viewed from the E. On the right the well L53 and staircase L54, on the left the structures S of the temple and House L17. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs10983 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, view of turret tombs. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs10984 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, iview of a turret tomb. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs10985 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, general view of the necropolis on the slope of the mountain. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs10986 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, detail of a of turret tomb. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs10987 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, general view of the necropolis on the slope of the mountain. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs10988 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, Aḥmad Šuğah (GOAM) and detail of a turret tomb (26 October 1987). (© MAIRY). | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs10989 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, Aḥmad Šuğah (GOAM) and a turret tomb (26 October 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs10990 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, 'rays' starting from turret tombs (26 October 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs10991 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, in the foreground detail of a a turret tomb (26 October 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs10992 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, view of a 'ray'. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs10993 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, view of a turret tomb. S. Antonini (26 October 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs10994 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, detail of a 'ray' which starts from a turret tomb. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs10995 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, detail of a 'ray' of a turret tomb. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs10996 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, rows of 'rays' of turret tombs. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs10997 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, general view of 'rays' of turret tombs. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs10998 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, detail of a ruined turret tomb (26 October 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1984 | 2019GLDs10999 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, detail of a 'ray' of a turret tomb (26 October 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs11000 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, landscape and turret tombs. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs11001 | Landscape from the slope of Ğabal al-Lawḏ. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019JLDs11002 | Landscape from the area of Ğabal al-Lawḏ. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs11003 | Detail of a ruined turret tomb at Ğabal al-Lawḏ. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs11004 | View of 'rays' (long small walls) of turret tombs at Ğabal al-Lawḏ. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11005 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The passage in the Sabaean city walls created by cars (Eastern city walls). Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11006 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Detail of a connection between an Islamic wall and a Sabaean wall (from the SW). Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11007 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the Sabaean city from the E. Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11008 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Ruins of structures in the Northern sector of the 'upper city'. Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Ad-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11009 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): View of Eastern sector of the city walls. Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11010 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): View of remnants in the city. The geologist V. Francaviglia. Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11011 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The Islamic tower rising in the Northern sector of the city walls (from the W). Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11012 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Remnants of structures in the 'upper city'. Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11013 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Inside eastern city walls. (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11014 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Remnants of structures in the 'upper city'. Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11015 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Detail of a wall. Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11016 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Remnants of structures in the 'upper city'. Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11017 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Remnants of structures in the 'upper city'. Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11018 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Flat area in the centre of the 'upper city'. Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11019 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Remnants of structures. Survey carried out on July 25, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11020 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Breach in the Eastern city walls, viewed from the N (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11021 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Y.85.Y/1 (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11022 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Y.85.Y/1 (July 25, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs11027 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, view of a long wall departing from a turret tomb. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs11028 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, detail of a long wall departing from a turret tomb. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs11029 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, view of walls departing from a turret tomb (26 October 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs11030 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, general view of the turret tombs necropolis on the slope of the mountain. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs11031 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, general view of the turret tombs on the slope of the mountain. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs11032 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, general view of the turret tombs necropolis on the slope of the mountain. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal al-Lawḏ | جبل لوذ | 1987 | 2019GLDs11033 | Ğabal al-Lawḏ, general view of the turret tombs necropolis on the slope of the mountain. A survey was carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario and S. Antonini on 26 October 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Saʿūd | خربة سعود | 1987 | 2019KHDs11034 | Ḫaribat Saʿūd (26 October 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11035 | Along Wādī Abrad, on the way to Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ and ʿAlam Aswad, and Ğabal Ruwayk, view of turret tombs on the crest of the basaltic hills (28 October 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11036 | Along Wādī Abrad, on the way to Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ and ʿAlam Aswad, and Ğabal Ruwayk, view of turret tombs on the crest of the basaltic hills (28 October 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11037 | Along Wādī Abrad, on the way to Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ and ʿAlam Aswad, and Ğabal Ruwayk, view of turret tombs on the crest of the basaltic hills (28 October 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11038 | Along Wādī Abrad, on the way to Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ and ʿAlam Aswad, and Ğabal Ruwayk, view of turret tombs on the crest of the basaltic hills (28 October 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11039 | Along Wādī Abrad, on the way to Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ and ʿAlam Aswad, and Ğabal Ruwayk, view of turret tombs on the crest of the basaltic hills (28 October 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11040 | Along Wādī Abrad, on the way to Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ and ʿAlam Aswad, and Ğabal Ruwayk, view of turret tombs on the crest of the basaltic hills (28 October 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11041 | Along Wādī Abrad, on the way to Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ and ʿAlam Aswad, and Ğabal Ruwayk, view of turret tombs on the crest of the basaltic hills (28 October 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11042 | Turret tombs necropolis at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11043 | Turret tombs necropolis at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11044 | Turret tombs necropolis at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11045 | Turret tombs necropolis at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11046 | Turret tombs necropolis at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11047 | Turret tombs necropolis at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs11048 | Marib (M ii): The dam. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 14, 1981. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs11049 | Marib (M ii): The dam. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 14, 1981. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs11050 | Marib (M ii): The dam. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 14, 1981. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs11051 | Marib (M ii): The dam. Detail (November 14, 1981). (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs11052 | Marib (M ii): The dam. General view of silt. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 14, 1981. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs11053 | Marib (M ii): Detail of a wall of the dam. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 14, 1981. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs11054 | Marib (M ii): The dam. Detail of qaḍāḍ. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 14, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs11055 | Marib (M ii): The dam. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 14, 1981. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs11056 | Marib (M ii): Wādī Ḏanah. (November 14, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs11057 | Marib (M ii): Wādī Ḏanah. (November 14, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs11058 | Marib (M ii): General view of Wādī Ḏanah (November 14, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs11059 | Marib (M ii): General view of silt in Wādī Ḏanah (November 14, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs11060 | Marib (M ii): Wādī Ḏanah (November 14, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRIs11061 | Marib (M ii): Wādī Ḏanah (November 14, 1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥabāb | وادي حبابة | 1981 | 2019WBBs11062 | Wādī Ḥabāb, 400 m from the village Al-Harağat al-Radāmah, on a rocky spur are the ruins of Shʿab Al-Kharabah of Islamic origin. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 15, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ramik | وادي راميك | 1981 | 2019WRAs11063 | On the way to Wādī Ramik. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 15, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ramik | وادي راميك | 1981 | 2019WRAs11064 | Wādī Ramik (WR). Incision, horseman. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 15, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Kawlat Al-ʿĀdī | كولة العادي | 1981 | 2019KADs11065 | Kawlat Al-ʿĀdī (KA ii). City walls. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 15, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Kawlat Al-ʿĀdī | كولة العادي | 1981 | 2019KADs11066 | Kawlat Al-ʿĀdī (KA ii). On the way to Wādī Yanāʿim. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 15, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs11067 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY ii). Bronze Age site. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 16, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs11068 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY ii). Bronze Age site. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 16, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs11069 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY ii). Bronze Age site, general view. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 16, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYMs11070 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY ii). A Bronze Age stone circle. Survey carried out by Professor Alessandro deM and Francesco Di Mario on November 16, 1981. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11071 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, fragment of an offering table T.99.A.O/116. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11072 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, fragment of an offering table T.99.A.O/116. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11073 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, incense burner T.99.A.O/33. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11075 | Tamnaʿ (T): Limestone niche for a funerary portrait, probably from the necropolis of Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl, in. no. MIFT. 99/67. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11076 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, mould T.99.A.O/29. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11077 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, mould T.99.A.O/29. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11078 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, fragments of steatite (burm) cooking pots. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11079 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, grinding stones, pestle and handstones (Y.99.A.O/106, 192, 163, 138, 155, 139). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11080 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, mortar (Y.99.A.O/52), grinder and container (Y.99.A.O/95) in stone. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11081 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, fragments of painted plaster. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11082 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, offering tripod in sandstone (Y.99.A.O/32). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11083 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, offering container in sandstone (Y.99.A.O/32). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11084 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, fragment of an alabaster stela (Y.99.A.O/94). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11085 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, fragment of an incense burner (Y.99.A.O/25). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11086 | TTamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, fragment of painted plaster (snake). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11087 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, fragment of a jar seal with monogram (Y.99.A.O/96). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11088 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, head of an ibex in terracotta (Y.99.A.O/127). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11091 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, fragment of an incense burner (Y.99.A.O/144). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11092 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, gutter in a shape of a bull head (Y.99.A.O/44). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11093 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of locus L1 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11094 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of sounding S1 (right) and wall M20 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11095 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the well L53. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11096 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the well L53 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11097 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11098 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11099 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The Southern part of wall L15 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11100 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Structures south of the temple. In the foreground is locus L3 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11101 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Structures south of the temple. In the background L17 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11102 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Structures south of the temple. Loci L28, L38, L39 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11103 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Structures south of the temple. Loci L28, L38, L39 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11104 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Area south of the temple. House L17 (right) and wall M48 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11105 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Area south of the temple. House L17 (right), and in the foreground wall M48 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11106 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. House L17 built south of the temple (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11107 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. House L17 (left) and L6 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11108 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. House L17 (left) and L6 (from the SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11109 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the wall M20 (left), sounding S1, the well L53 and staircase of the temple L54 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11110 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The wall M20 of the temple (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11111 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The wall M20 of the temple (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11112 | TaTamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. M55 of staircase L52. On the right is M20 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11113 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. M55 of staircase L52. On the right is M20 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11114 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. M55 of staircase L52. In the background is M68 of staircase L54. On the right is M20 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11115 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Survey carried out on October 27, 1985. Prof. A. deM. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11116 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Survey carried out on October 27, 1985. Prof. Gh. Gnoli. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs11117 | Marib (M): The village with houses in mud bricks. On the way to visit Yalā /In-Durāyb (October 27, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11119 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Survey carried out on October 27, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs11120 | Marib (M): The new dam in construction. On the way to visit Yalā /In-Durāyb (October 27, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11121 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Survey carried out on October 27, 1985. Prof. A. deM. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs11122 | Marib (M): Volcanic hills and desert. On the way to visit Yalā /In-Durāyb (October 27, 1985). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11123 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Survey carried out on October 27, 1985. Prof. Gh. Gnoli and Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ (GOAM). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11124 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Survey carried out on October 27, 1985. Prof. F. Fedele and Chicca Gaia. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11125 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Survey carried out on October 27, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11126 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Part of the city wall of the Sabaean site. Survey carried out on October 27, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11127 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the city wall of the Sabaean site. Survey carried out on October 27, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11128 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the Islamic tower. Survey carried out on October 27, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11129 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the Sabaean site. Survey carried out on October 27, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11130 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Part of the city wall of the Sabaean site. Survey carried out on October 27, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11131 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the Sabaean city. Survey carried out on October 27, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11132 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the city wall of the Sabaean site. Survey carried out on October 27, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11133 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the ruins in the Sabaean city. Survey carried out on October 27, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11134 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the city wall of the Sabaean city and the tower of Islamic origin. Survey carried out on October 27, 1985. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11135 | Turret tombs necropolis at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11136 | Turret tomb at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11137 | Turret tomb at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ (October 28 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11138 | Turret tombs necropolis at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. General view. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11139 | General view of a necropolis at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11140 | General view of Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11141 | General view of a turret tombs necropolis at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) s. | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11142 | General view of a turret tombs necropolis at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11143 | General view of a turret tombs necropolis at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11144 | Remains of a turret tomb at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11145 | A turret tomb at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. S. Antonini (October 28 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11146 | Remain of turret tombs at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11147 | Turret tombs at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Abyaḍ | البيضاء | 1987 | 2019ABYs11148 | General view of turret tombs at Ğabal ʿAlam al-Abyaḍ. Survey carried out by A. deM, F. Di Mario e S. Antonini on October 28 1987. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11149 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the city wall of the Sabaean city and the tower of Islamic origin. Northern sector (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11150 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the city wall of the Sabaean city and the tower of Islamic origin. Southern sector (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11151 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in House A, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā / Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11152 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavation in House A, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Mablaqah | مبلاقة | 1999 | 2019MBQs11153 | Mablaqa: The road that retraces the ancient pass of Mablaqa, which leads to Wādī Bayḥān, to Hajar bin Ḥumayd, the ancient Qatabanian dhu-Ghayl. (©MAIRY) | |
Mablaqah | مبلاقة | 1999 | 2019MBQs11154 | Mablaqa: Traces of the ancient road, which leads to Wādī Bayḥān, to Hajar bin Ḥumayd, the ancient Qatabanian dhu-Ghayl. (©MAIRY) | |
Mablaqah | مبلاقة | 1999 | 2019MBQs11157 | Mablaqa: The ancient pass of Mablaqa, which leads to Wādī Bayḥān, to Hajar bin Ḥumayd, the ancient Qatabanian dhu-Ghayl. (©MAIRY) | |
Mablaqah | مبلاقة | 1999 | 2019MBQs11158 | The plaque commemorating the construction of the road by three government companies from 1968 to 1969 and the memory of the Mablaqa pass. (?MAIRY) | |
Mablaqah | مبلاقة | 1999 | 2019MBQs11159 | Mablaqa: The road that retraces the ancient pass of Mablaqa, which leads to Wādī Bayḥān, to Hajar bin Ḥumayd, the ancient Qatabanian dhu-Ghayl. (©MAIRY) | |
Mablaqah | مبلاقة | 1999 | 2019MBQs11160 | Mablaqa: Remains of the ancient road, which leads to Wādī Bayḥān, to Hajar bin Ḥumayd, the ancient Qatabanian dhu-Ghayl. (©MAIRY) | |
Mablaqah | مبلاقة | 1999 | 2019MBQs11161 | Mablaqa: Remains of the ancient road, which leads to Wādī Bayḥān, to Hajar bin Ḥumayd, the ancient Qatabanian dhu-Ghayl. (©MAIRY) | |
Mablaqah | مبلاقة | 1999 | 2019MBQs11162 | Mablaqa: Remains of the ancient road, which leads to Wādī Bayḥān, to Hajar bin Ḥumayd, the ancient Qatabanian dhu-Ghayl. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11164 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: General view of the Qatabanian necropolis, from the top of the hill (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11165 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: Detail of a plundered tomb in the Qatabanian necropolis of Tamnaʿ. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11166 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: View of plundered tombs in the Qatabanian necropolis. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11167 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: General view of the hill where the Qatabanian necropolis is (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11168 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: General view of the Qatabanian necropolis, from the top of the hill (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11169 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: General view of the Qatabanian necropolis, from the top of the hill (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11170 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: General view of the Qatabanian necropolis, from the top of the hill (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11171 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: View of the excavated area by del AFSM in the 1950s in the Qatabanian necropolis (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11172 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: View of the excavated area by del AFSM in the 1950s in the Qatabanian necropolis (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11173 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of wall M9 (left) of locus L19, in the Southern sector. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11174 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the court L50 of the temple (from the S). In the background is Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11175 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of L21 (left) and L1 (right) with paved floors, divided by M24bis. In the foreground is wall M1 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11176 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of L1 with paved floor. In the foreground is wall M1 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11177 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of L5 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11178 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of plastered floor in L4 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11179 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of L20 and L18 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11180 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of L29 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11181 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of L29 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11182 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of L4 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11183 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of L4 (from the S). In the foreground M6. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11184 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of plastered locus L4 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11185 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of M66, the Northern perimetral wall of the temple (from the E/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11186 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the structures, S of the temple, i. e. M6 (right), locus L6 (foreground, right), and staircase M8 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11187 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The well L53 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11188 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. A Southern section of wall L20 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11189 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Staircase of the temple M78 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11190 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Staircase of the temple M57. On the right is M20, on the left M68 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11191 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Staircase of the temple M57. In the foreground is a broken monolithic pillar (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs11192 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Staircase M57 of the temple. On the left M68 (from the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11193 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY iii): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11194 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11195 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11196 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11197 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11198 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11199 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11200 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11201 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11202 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11203 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11204 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11205 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11206 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11207 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11208 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11209 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11210 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11211 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYAs11212 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Wādī Yanāʿim, Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn. | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11213 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of a section of the Sabaean city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11214 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the Sabaean city walls and the Islamic tower in the Northern sector (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11215 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of a sector of the Sabaean city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11216 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the Sabaean city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11217 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the Sabaean city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11218 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the Sabaean city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1985 | 2019YALs11219 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the Sabaean city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11220 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ): View of Bronze Age structures, E of RAQi. Survey carried out by A. deM on September 14, 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11221 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): View of the Bronze Age structures, before the archaeological excavations held by A. deM, F. Di Mario, S. Antonini, Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ and Aḥmed Šamsān (GOAM) (September 15, 1985). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11222 | deM, F. Di Mario, S. Antonini, Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ and Aḥmed Šamsān (GOAM) (September 15, 1985). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11223 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): View of some structures of the Bronze Age settlement (September 15, 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11224 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): View of some structures of the Bronze Age settlement (September 15, 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11225 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Detail of a locus of the Bronze Age settlement (September 15, 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11226 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Detail of a locus of the Bronze Age settlement (September 15, 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11227 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): General view of Bronze Age structures, before the archaeological excavations held by A. deM, F. Di Mario, S. Antonini, Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ and Aḥmed Šamsān (GOAM) on September 15, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11228 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): View of the door between L4 (foreground) and L3 (from the S/SW). Excavations in the Bronze Age site carried out between 15 and 19 September 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11229 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): View of loci L3(foreground) and L4 (from the N/NE). Excavations in the Bronze Age site carried out between 15 and 19 September 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11230 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Detail of loci L3(foreground) and L4 (from the N/NE). Excavations in the Bronze Age site carried out between 15 and 19 September 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11231 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Detail of loci L3(foreground) and L4 (from the N/NE). Excavations in the Bronze Age site carried out between 15 and 19 September 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11232 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Detail of the doorstep and hinge of a door, between loci L3 (foreground) and L4 (15 - 19 September 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11233 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): General view of the excavated area, loci L4 (right), L3 and L2 (background) (from the S) (15 - 19 September 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11234 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): View of L4 (foreground) and L3, and the common door (from the E). Archaeological excavations held by A. deM, F. Di Mario, S. Antonini, Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ and Aḥmed Šamsān (GOAM) (September 15-19, 1985). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11235 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Detail of L5 Archaeological excavations held by A. deM, F. Di Mario, S. Antonini, Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ and Aḥmed Šamsān (GOAM) (September 15-19, 1985). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11236 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): On the right the excavated area, loci L4 (right), L3 and L2 (background) (from the S). In the background a typical geological dike (15 - 19 September 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11237 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): View of locus L2 (from the S) (excavation carried out from 15th and 19th September 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11238 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): View of locus L2 (from the S) (excavation carried out from 15th and 19th September 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11239 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Grinding stone and handstone found in locus L2 (excavation carried out from 15th and 19th September 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11240 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Grinding stone and handstone found in locus L2 (excavation carried out from 15th and 19th September 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11241 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): General view of loci L11 and L2 (from the N). Excavation carried out from 15th and 19th September 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11242 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): View of loci L11 and L2 (from the N). Excavation carried out from 15th and 19th September 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11243 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): General view of locus L2 (foreground) (from the N). Excavation carried by A. deM, F. Di Mario, S. Antonini, Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ and Aḥmed Šamsān (GOAM) (September 15-19, 1985). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11244 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Excavated area, the northern loci (from the S). In the background a typical geological dike (15 - 19 September 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11245 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Excavated area, the northern loci (from the S). In the background a typical geological dike (15 - 19 September 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11246 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Excavated L2, from the W (15 - 19 September 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11247 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Excavated L2, from the W (15 - 19 September 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11248 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Excavated area, from the W (15 - 19 September 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11249 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Detail of the doorstep between L4 (foreground) and L3. Archaeological excavations held by A. deM, F. Di Mario, S. Antonini, Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ and Aḥmed Šamsān (GOAM) (September 15-19, 1985). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11250 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Detail of the doorstep between L4 (background) and L3. Archaeological excavations carried out from 15th and 19th September 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11251 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The passage between L4 (foreground) and L5 (September 15-19, 1985). (? MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11252 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Detail of a passage between L3 and L6 (from the S) (September 15-19, 1985). (? MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11253 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Locus L3, detail of the two central pillars (from the N) (15 - 19 September 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11254 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Excavated L2, from the W (15 - 19 September 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11255 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Excavated L2, from the W/NW (15 - 19 September 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11256 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: In the background is the hill where the necropolis of Tamnaʿ is located (survey carried out in November 28, 1999). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11257 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: A plundered tomb in the necropolis of Tamnaʿ. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11258 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: View of some tombs in the necropolis of Tamnaʿ. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11259 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: General view of the necropolis of Tamnaʿ (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11260 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: Fragments of inscribed funerary stelae found on surface in the necropolis of Tamnaʿ (survey carried out in November 28, 1999). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11261 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: Illegal excavation of a tomb in the necropolis of Tamnaʿ (survey carried out in November 28, 1999). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11263 | ḤayḤayd bin ʿAqīl: Illegal excavation of a tomb in the necropolis of Tamnaʿ (survey carried out in November 28, 1999). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11264 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: Survey carried out in the necropolis of Tamnaʿ, the capital of the Qatabanian kingdom (November 28, 1999). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11265 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: General view of Tamnaʿ, from the necropolis (from the N) (November 28, 1999). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11267 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: General view of the necropolis from the top of the hill (December 24, 1999). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11268 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: View of the excavated area by the AFSM (American Foundation for the Study of Man) in the 1950s (December 24, 1999). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11269 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: View of the excavated area by the American Foundation for the Study of Man in the 1950s (December 24, 1999). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11270 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: The well in the Northern area of the necropolis (December 24, 1999). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11271 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: A survey carried out by the Italian archaeological team in the necropolis of the Qatabanian capital (December 24, 1999). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11272 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: General view of the necropolis from the W (December 24, 1999). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11273 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: View of excavated tombs in the necropolis of the Qatabanian capital. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11274 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: View of excavated tombs in the necropolis of the Qatabanian capital. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11275 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: View of illegally excavated tombs in the necropolis of the Qatabanian capital (December 24, 1999). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HANs11277 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): General view. Remains of Neolithic period (and ancient Islamic houses). Survey carried out by A. deM and F. Di Mario (November 16-17, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HANs11278 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): General view of the Neolithic settlement. Survey carried out by A. deM and F. Di Mario (November 16-17, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HANs11279 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): General view of the Neolithic site (November 16-17, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HANs11280 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): View of the Neolithic remains. F. Di Mario. (November 16-17, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HANs11281 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): General view of the Neolithic site (November 16-17, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HANs11282 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): General view of the sandstone rocks where the Neolithic site is located (November 16-17, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HANs11283 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn: Break at the spring in the Wādī Miswār, at the foot of the Neolithic site (November 16-17, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HANs11284 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn: The spring in the Wādī Miswār (November 16-17, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HANs11285 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn: View of the Wādī Miswār (November 16-17, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HANs11286 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn: A gorge to climb from the Wādī Miswār to the Western hill (f) (November 17, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HANs11287 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn: General view of Wādī Miswār (November 17, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HANs11288 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn: General view of Wādī Miswār and terracings (November 17, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HANs11289 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA): View of Wādī Miswār (November 17, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HANs11290 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn: General view of Wādī Miswār and silt at the foot of the Neolithic settlement (November 17, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HANs11291 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn: M. Jung General view of Wādī Miswār from the Neolithic settlement (November 17, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2019GHYs11292 | Ġaymān: General view of the village from the SW (November 18, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2019GHYs11293 | Ġaymān: View of the a Islamic wall on a wall of pre-Islamic origin (November 18, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2019GHYs11294 | Ġaymān: Southern section of the city walls of Ḥuṣn Ġaymān. The base is in basalt and the top in rhyolite stones. (November 18, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2019GHYs11295 | Ġaymān: The gate of Ḥuṣn Ġaymān. (November 18, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2019GHYs11296 | Ġaymān: View of some buildings in Ḥuṣn Ġaymān. (November 18, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2019GHYs11297 | Ġaymān: The houses are build with reused stones from the pre-Islamic site. (November 18, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2019GHYs11298 | Ġaymān: Walking in Ḥuṣn Ġaymān. (November 18, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2019GHYs11299 | Ġaymān: The ancient pre-Islamic paved square preserved in Ḥuṣn Ġaymān. (November 18, 1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11300 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The structures, S of the temple (from the N/NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11301 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The structures, S of the temple (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11302 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the structures, S of the temple (from the NW). In the foreground is the court L50. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11303 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the court L50. On the left is the Sounding S2. on the right is wall M12 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11304 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The structures, S of the temple. In the background is L17, in the foreground is M12 and at the centre the paved loci L1 and L5 (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11305 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. The structures, S of the temple. In the background is L17, in the foreground is M12 and at the centre the paved loci L1 and L5 (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11306 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of plasterd locus L4 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11307 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the staircase M8 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11308 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the staircase M8, detail. On the left is the wall M6 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11309 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the staircase M8, detail of the steps (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11310 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of plasterd locus L4, detail (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11311 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the Southern structures (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11312 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the Southern structures (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11313 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the Southern structures. In the foreground is M12, in the background (left) L17 (from the N/NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11314 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the court L50. On the right is the wall M12 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11315 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the structures, S of the temple. On the left the paved loci L1 and L5 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11316 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the structures, S of the temple. In the foreground the paved L1 and loci L18, L20, L2, L3. At the centre L19. In the background loci L28. L38, L39 and L17 (from the N/NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11317 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the court of the temple, the Northern loci and Sounding S2. In the background is the hill of Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (from the W/SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11318 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the Southern structures (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11319 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the the paved loci L1 and L5. On the left is the court of the temple L50 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11320 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the court of the temple L50, the Northern loci and Sounding S2, and the Western loci (on the left). In the background is the hill of Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11321 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the court of the temple L50 (right), and the Western loci (on the left). In the background is the hill of Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11322 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the the paved loci L1 and L5. On the left is the court of the temple L50 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11323 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of the Sabaean House A (November 30, 1987)(from the E). (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11324 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Beginning of the excavation of the Sabaean House A. S. Antonini and workers (from the E). (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11325 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Beginning of the excavation of the Sabaean House A (November 30, 1987). The topographer M. Mascellani. (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11326 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the Sabaean site (from the E). (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11327 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the Sabaean site (from the E/SE). (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11328 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the excavation of the Sabaean House A, and the tower of Islamic origin (from the E/SE). (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11329 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the excavation of the Sabaean House A, and the tower of Islamic origin (from the E/SE). (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11330 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the Sabaean site and Islamic tower (left), and the camp of the Italian-Yemeni team (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11331 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The houses of the local inhabitants at the Sabaean site. (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11332 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the landscape around the Sabaean site. (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11333 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the Sabaean site and city walls (from the SE). (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11334 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of the Sabaean House A (November 30 - December 17, 1987). (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11335 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of the Sabaean House A (December 3, 1987). (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11336 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the excavation of the Sabaean House A (December 3, 1987) (from the SE). (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11337 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of the Sabaean House A, L1 (from the E/SE) (December 3, 1987). (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11338 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the excavation of the Sabaean House A (from the E/NE) (December 3, 1987). (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11339 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of the House A. Staircase M9a in L1. (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11340 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of the House A. Staircase M9a in L1. (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11341 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of the House A. Loci L1 and L2. (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11342 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of the House A. Loci L2 (left) and L10 (right). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11343 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Excavation in Sector B. View of locus L2 (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11344 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site discovered by A. deM in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Grinding stone and handstone found in the excavation of locus L2. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11345 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Grinding stone and handstone of Bronze Age origin, found in the excavation of locus L2. (? MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11346 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site discovered by A. deM in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Locus L3, stone with recess where the door hinge rotated (between L3 and L4), detail. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11347 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site discovered by A. deM in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Locus L3, stone with recess where the door hinge rotated (between L3 and L4), detail. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11348 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Stone with recess where the door hinge rotated, found in L3. (? MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11349 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Stone with cavity where the door hinge rotated, found in L3, detail. (? MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11350 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Detail of the doorstep between Loci L3 (left) and L4. (? MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11351 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Excavation in the Bronze Age site discovered by A. deM in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of L2 from the N. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11352 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Excavation in the Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of L5 from the NE. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11353 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Excavation in the Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Detail of the passage between L4 and L5. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11354 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Excavation in the Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. A. deM stands in L5. On the left is L3 (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11355 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Excavation in the Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Pillar to support the roof in L4 (?). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11356 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Excavation in the Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. General view of L2 (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11357 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Excavation in the Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of L3. (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11358 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Excavation in the Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. The passage between L3 and L6, detail L3 (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11359 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Excavation in the Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. General view of the site (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11360 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Excavation in the Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of the bedrock. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11361 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Northern limit of the excavated area (from the NW). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11362 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. General view of the unexcavated area (from the NW). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11363 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Sector B. General view of the Northern part of the site (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11364 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. General view of the site (from the W). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11365 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of the Northern limit of the excavated area (Sector B) (from the W). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11366 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the wall M20, Sounding S1 and the well L53 (from the SE). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11367 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the excavated area (from the S/SE). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11368 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the wall M20 (from the E). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11369 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the excavated structures, S of the temple (from the W). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11370 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the excavation (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11371 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the wall M20 and the staircase M57+M55 (from the E). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11372 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the wall M66 (Northern perimetral wall of the temple), M55 (Northern wall of the staircase) and M68 (Northern wall of the main staircase of the temple, on the left) (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11373 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. View of the wall M20 (Eastern perimetral wall of the temple), and the two staircase, the lateral and the main one (from the NE). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11374 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of the wall M68 (Northern wall of the main staircase), and the lateral and smaller staircase (from the NE). Along M68 is a broken monolithic pillar. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11375 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of the paved L1 (from the W). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11376 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of the paved L21and L1 (from the W). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11377 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Measurement of M34 of L28. In the background the staircase M8, and M9 (from the E). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11378 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of the wall M6. In the background the plastered locus L4 (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11379 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Detail of the wall M6. The well cutted granitic blocks are on the foundation's blocks (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11380 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. General view of the wall M6. In the foreground the wall M23 and the base B1 (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11381 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Relief of the wall M21 (background). M23 on the right, and M32 on the left delimit the locus L26 (from the E). On the left the architect Patrick Neury. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11382 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Relief of the wall M21 (background). In the foreground is B1. (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11383 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of the Sabaean House A (December 5, 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11384 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the excavation of the House A (December 5, 1987) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11385 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the excavation of the House A (December 5, 1987) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11386 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of the House A (December 5, 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11387 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the excavation of the House A (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11388 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the excavation of the House A (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11389 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the excavated House A (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11390 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the House A after excavations (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11391 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11392 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, general cleaning (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11393 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, final cleaning of the walls (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11394 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, final cleaning of the walls (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11395 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, final cleaning (from the E). The official of the GOAM Aḥmed Šamsān stends up on a wall. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11396 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, final cleaning (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11397 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, final cleaning (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11398 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, final cleaning (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11399 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavations of the House A. In the foreground L9 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11400 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavations of the House A. On the right L1, L6 and L5 (on the left). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11401 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavations of the House A. On the right L1, and L6 on the left. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11402 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavations of the House A. On the right L12, and L7 (background). On the left is L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl | حيد بن عقيل | 1999 | 2019HBAs11403 | Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl: Survey carried out in the necropolis (November 28, 1999). (© MAIRY) | |
Ẓafār | ظفار | 1999 | 2019ZAFs11404 | Ẓafār: Survey carried out by Alessandro deM and Christian Robin (November 25, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ẓafār | ظفار | 1999 | 2019ZAFs11405 | Ẓafār: Survey carried out by Alessandro deM and Christian Robin (November 25, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ẓafār | ظفار | 1999 | 2019ZAFs11406 | Ẓafār: General view. Survey carried out by Alessandro deM and Christian Robin (November 25, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ẓafār | ظفار | 1999 | 2019ZAFs11407 | Ẓafār: General view of the Himyarite site. Survey carried out by Alessandro deM and Christian Robin (November 25, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ẓafār | ظفار | 1999 | 2019ZAFs11408 | Ẓafār: Landscape from the Himyarite site. Survey carried out by Alessandro deM and Christian Robin (November 25, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ẓafār | ظفار | 1999 | 2019ZAFs11409 | Ẓafār: Landscape from the Himyarite site. Survey carried out by Alessandro deM and Christian Robin (November 25, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ẓafār | ظفار | 1999 | 2019ZAFs11410 | Ẓafār: Landscape from the Himyarite site. Survey carried out by Alessandro deM and Christian Robin (November 25, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ẓafār | ظفار | 1999 | 2019ZAFs11411 | Ẓafār: Detail of a modern house built on a spur, and, below, structures built against the steep wall. Survey carried out by Alessandro deM and Christian Robin (November 25, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ẓafār | ظفار | 1999 | 2019ZAFs11412 | Ẓafār: Detail of a pre-Islamic wall. Survey carried out by Alessandro deM and Christian Robin (November 25, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ẓafār | ظفار | 1999 | 2019ZAFs11413 | Ẓafār: General view of the village from the Himyarite site. Survey carried out by Alessandro deM and Christian Robin (November 25, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ẓafār | ظفار | 1999 | 2019ZAFs11414 | Ẓafār: Christian Robin and local children (November 25, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ẓafār | ظفار | 1999 | 2019ZAFs11415 | Ẓafār: Detail of a cyclopic wall. Survey carried out by Alessandro deM and Christian Robin (November 25, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ẓafār | ظفار | 1999 | 2019ZAFs11417 | Ẓafār: View of a pre-Islamic wall. Survey carried out by Alessandro deM and Christian Robin (November 25, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ẓafār | ظفار | 1999 | 2019ZAFs11418 | Ẓafār: View of a pre-Islamic wall. Survey carried out by Alessandro deM and Christian Robin (November 25, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ẓafār | ظفار | 1999 | 2019ZAFs11419 | Ẓafār: General view of a pre-Islamic wall. Survey carried out by Alessandro deM and Christian Robin (November 25, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ẓafār | ظفار | 1999 | 2019ZAFs11420 | Ẓafār: A fragment of an architectural relief. Survey carried out by Alessandro deM and Christian Robin (November 25, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11421 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Northern limit of the excavated area (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11422 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Northern limit of the excavated area (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11423 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. General view of the site (from the N). In the background is the camp of the Italian-Yemeni team. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11424 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Northern limit of the excavated area, soundings (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11425 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Northern limit of the excavated area (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11426 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): General view of the Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl (from the E). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11427 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Detail of the doorstep between L4 (foreground) and L3. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11428 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of L5 (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11429 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of L3 (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11430 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. General view from the S. The site is bordered on the N by a dike. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11431 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of L3, and the door between L3 and L4 (from the W). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11432 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of L2 with a grinding stone in situ (from the SW). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11433 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of the NE limit of L2 (on the right is a grinding stone in situ). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11434 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of L3: the two pillars at the centre to support the roof, and the jambs of the door between L3 and L4 (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11435 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Detail of the two pillars at the centre of L3 to support the roof, and the jambs of the door between L3 and L4 (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11436 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of the excavated loci L5, L6 on the right and L4 on the left (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11437 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Detail of a grinding stone in situ in L2 (from the SW). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11438 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of the Northern loci (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11439 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): General view of the Bronze Age site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl) (from the SW). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11440 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site discovered by A. deM in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. L4 viewed from the N. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11441 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site discovered by A. deM in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. L5 viewed from the N, detail. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11442 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site discovered by A. deM in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. L5 viewed from the N. In the background is L4. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11443 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. The passage between L6 and L3 viewed from L6 (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11444 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: Survey in the ancient Dhū-Ghayl carried out by the Italian archaeological mission on December 10, 1999. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11445 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: Cultivated fields in Wādī Bayḥān (December 10, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11446 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: Survey in the ancient Dhū-Ghayl carried out by the Italian archaeological mission on December 10, 1999. Inscribed block H 2c. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11447 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: Survey in the ancient Dhū-Ghayl carried out by the Italian archaeological mission on December 10, 1999. R. Valentini. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11448 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: Survey in the ancient Dhū-Ghayl carried out by the Italian archaeological mission on December 10, 1999. R. Valentini. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11449 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: Survey in the ancient Dhū-Ghayl (December 10, 1999). View of the stratigraphical excavation carried out by the American Foundation for the Study of Man in the 1950s. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11451 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: Survey in the ancient Dhū-Ghayl (December 10, 1999). M. Mascellani. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11452 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: General view of Wādī Bayḥān (December 10, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11453 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: Survey in the ancient Dhū-Ghayl (December 10, 1999). View of the stratigraphical excavation carried out by the AFSM in the 1950s. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11454 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: Survey in the ancient Dhū-Ghayl (December 10, 1999). View of the stratigraphical excavation carried out by the American Foundation for the Study of Man in the 1950s. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11455 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: Survey in the ancient Dhū-Ghayl (December 10, 1999). View of the stratigraphical excavation carried out by the American Foundation for the Study of Man in the 1950s. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11456 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: The ancient Dhū-Ghayl. View of Wādī Bayḥān (December 10, 1999).(© MAIRY) | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11457 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: Survey in the ancient Dhū-Ghayl (December 10, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11458 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: Cultivated fields in Wādī Bayḥān (December 10, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11459 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: Landscape and cultivated fields in Wādī Bayḥān (December 10, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11460 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: General view of the ancient Dhū-Ghayl (December 10, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11461 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: Survey in the ancient Dhū-Ghayl (December 10, 1999). (© MAIRY). | |
Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd | هجر بن حمبد | 1999 | 2019HIHs11462 | Ḥağar bin Ḥumayd: View of the stratigraphical excavation carried out in the ancient Dhū-Ghayl by the American Foundation for the Study of Man in the 1950s. Survey carried out by the Italian mission in 1999, December 10. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11463 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Assembly of workers. The 'hill' to be excavated, South of the 'Market obelisk'.(September 20, 2000). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11464 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Assembly of workers, and in the background ... some dissenters. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11465 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Assembly of workers. In the background is Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11466 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Workers at the beginning of the excavation. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11467 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Loci L201-L202 of House B/A. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11468 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Locus L200, and M202 of House B/A. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11469 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Loci of House B/A, from the S. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11470 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A. Stones of a collapsed wall. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11471 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. A terracorra jar and a stone (burm) jar in situ, in L210. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11472 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Two terracorra jars and a stone (burm) jar in situ, in L210. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11473 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Fragments of bones, plaster and potsherds found in locus L216. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11474 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Loci L213-L214 (from the S). The colour red of the soil is due to the burnt mud bricks. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11475 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Detail of stone chips in a locus. (© MAURY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11476 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Topographic relief of M6, the Southern perimetral wall of the temple. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11477 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Topographical relief of M9. On the right is the staircase M8 (from the E). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11478 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Topographical relief of the staircase M8 (+M8bis) (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11479 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A. Khalid al-Ansi and workers. (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11480 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, final cleaning (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11481 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, final cleaning (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11482 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of House A, M10 between loci L3 and L5 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11483 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): Excavation of House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11484 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of House A from the S. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11485 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, wooden floor in L10. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11486 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, wooden floor in L10. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11487 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, wooden floor in L10 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11488 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, wooden floor in L10. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11489 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, L9. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11490 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, L9. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11491 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, L9. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11492 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, L9. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11493 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, L9. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11494 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, L9. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11495 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11496 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11497 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11498 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11499 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11500 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations, L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11501 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11502 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (from the E). (© MAIRY | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11503 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (from the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11504 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Detail of the passage between L4 and L5 (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11505 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. A deM. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11506 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. A local man on wall M1 of L2. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11507 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of L2 (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11508 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. General view of L2 and geological dyke in the background (from the S). A local man is wolking on the site. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11509 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. General view of the excavated loci from the N. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11510 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of M1 of L2. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11511 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Detail of M9 of L12 on the bedrock. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11512 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Detail of M9 of L12 on the bedrock. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11513 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Detail of M9 of L12. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11514 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of L6 from the N. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11515 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Detail of L8b (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11516 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of L8a (left) and L8b (right). (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11517 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. General view of the excavated area form the N (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11518 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. General view of the excavated area form the N (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11519 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. General view of the excavated area form the N. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11520 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. General view of the excavated area form the NE. V. Labianca and A. deM. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11521 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. General view of the excavated area form the NW (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11522 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of L12 form the E. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11523 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of L10 form the NW. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11524 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. View of L11 and L15 form the NW. (© MAIRY). | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11525 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site in the Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. Al-ʿIzzī Muḥammad Muṣliḥ(GOAM). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11526 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A. The trunk of a tree in situ, against M201, in corrispondence of L200 (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11527 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A. View of loci L200 (left), L202 (right), M250 foreground (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11528 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A. General view. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11529 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A (left) and House B/B and B/C (right). Schoolchildren. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11530 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. General view of House B/A. On the right the lane L227 separates House B/A from Houses B/B and B/C. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11531 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. General view of House B/A. Detail of M250 and wall M201. On the right L227. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11532 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. General view of House B/A. Detail of M250 and wall M201. On the right L227. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11533 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. General view of House B/A. In the foreground the entrtance to the house. On the right is M250. The floors of loci L200 and L202 (background) are covered with qaḍāḍ. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11534 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A. Architectonic element. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11535 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C. Potsherds found next to M211 in correspondence of M219. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11536 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C. Potsherds found next to M211 in correspondence of M219. A small window is visible in M211.(© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11537 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Excavation in House B/B. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11538 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Excavation in House B/B.(© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11539 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Inscription found in situ in the wall M217 of the House B/B, with the name of the owner (bayt Yaʿūd).(© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11540 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Excavation at the wall M 217 of the House B/B (bayt Yaʿūd). Potsherds, and burnt wood and bricks are found. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11541 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Excavation at the wall M 217 of the House B/B (bayt Yaʿūd). Detail of a rettacotta pot, and burnt wood. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11542 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, burnt wood in L226, framed by M236 (left), M239 (foreground), M238 (right) and M211 of L206 (background). On the left is the lane 227. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11543 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, L226 (framed by M236 (foreground), M239 (right), M238 (gbackground) and M211 of L206 (left). The doorstep is a slab of stone. The wooden step was related to the door. On the corner (M238-M239) some slabs and a small jar are in situ. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11544 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, L226. Detail of the doorstep with a slab of stone and wooden step. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11545 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, L226. Detail of slabs and a small jar found in situ, on the corner between M238 and M239. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11546 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The so-called Marker Obelisk, with the international trade laws of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th cent. BC) carved on four sides of the granite monolith. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11547 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Excavation at the wall M 217 of the House B/B (bayt Yaʿūd). Detail of burnt wood. (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11548 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Detail of burnt wood found at the wall M 217 of the House B/B (bayt Yaʿūd). (© MAIRY). | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11549 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985) (from the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11550 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985) (from the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11551 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985) (from the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11552 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985) (from the E/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11553 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985) (from the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11554 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985) (from the E/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11555 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985) (from the E/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11556 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985) (from the E/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11557 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985) (from the E/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11558 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985) (from the E/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11559 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985) (from the E/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11560 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985) (from the E/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11561 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985). Loci L7, L8, L9, L11 and L12, north of L1(from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11562 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985). Loci L7, L8, L9, L11 and L12, north of L1(from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11563 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985). Locus L1 at the centre of the house (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11564 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985). Locus L1 at the centre of the house (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11565 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985). Loci L2, L3, L4, L5 and L6, south of L1(from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11566 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985). View of Loci L5, L3 and L4 (on the left), L6 and L2 (one the right) (from the S/SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11567 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985). View of Loci L5, L3 and L4 (on the left), L6 and L2 (one the right) (from the S/SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11568 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985). View of Loci L5 (foreground), L3 and L4 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11569 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985). View of Loci L6(foreground) and L2 communicating through two windows (P6 and P3 in M11) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11570 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985). View of Loci L12(foreground) and L7 communicating through a window (P12 )(from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11571 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985). View of Loci L12(foreground) and L7 communicating through a window (P12 in M22 )(from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11572 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985). View of L9. The door P11 in M19 (from the E/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11573 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985). In the foreground is L9 (from the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11574 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985). In the foreground is L9 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11575 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985). View of L10; on the right is M14, in the background M13, on the left is M5 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11576 | Yalā/Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavations (December 17, 1985). View of L10; on the right is M14, in the background M13, on the left is M5 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11577 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. General view of loci L12 and L14 (from the N/NW). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11578 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. General view of loci L15, L11 and L2 (from the NW). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11579 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. General view. (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11580 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. General view (from the N). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11581 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. A local young man. (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11582 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. Detail of locus L15 (from the NW). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11583 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. Architect V. Labianca (left), the driver Masad and Prof. A. deM (right). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11584 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. Detail of locus L12 (from the N). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11585 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. Detail of locus L12. (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11586 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. Detail of locus L12, detail of the bedrock. (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11587 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. Detail of locus L12. The topographer M. Mascellani (from the SW). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11588 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. General view of locus L12. (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11589 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. General view of L12 before the final excavation (from the NW). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11590 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. General view of L12 before the final excavation (from the NW). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11591 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. General view of L12 before the final excavation (from the NW). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11592 | Ar-RaqlAr-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. Architect V. Labianca and, in the background, topographer M. Mascellani. (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11593 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. General view of L12 before the final excavation (from the N). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11594 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. View of the hearth b in L8 (from the S). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11595 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. View of the hearths b in L8 (right) and a (left) in L6(from the S). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11596 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. View of the hearth b in L8(from the S). (? MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11597 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): Bronze Age site. Detail of locus L15 (from the N). (? MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11598 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A. The floor of L 221 (under L200) is covered with qaḍāḍ, a sort of mortar; the walls are covered with plaster with ṭin. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11599 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11600 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C. Staircase M242 is built against M211 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11601 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C. Staircase M242 is built against M211 (right) (viewed from the E) In the background is the Eastern wall M238 of L226. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11602 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Mud bricks (cm 23x30x7) in situ in L215. The locus was filled with 10/11 horizontal rows of mud bricks. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11603 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. View of mud bricks in situ in L215. The locus was filled with 10/11 horizontal rows of mud bricks. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11604 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C. Wall in mud bricks discovered in the stratigraphic sounding carried out in L226. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11605 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C. Wall in mud bricks discovered in the stratigraphic sounding carried out in L226. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11606 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Piece of plaster found in a burnt level, next to the wall M244 (Eastern wall of the house). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11607 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Pieces of plaster that probably covered the facade of the house. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11608 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C. Wall in mud bricks discovered in the stratigraphic sounding carried out in L206. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11609 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C. Wall in mud bricks discovered in the stratigraphic sounding carried out in L206. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11610 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A. Excavation of the Western wall M248 of the house. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11611 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C. Wall in mud bricks discovered in the stratigraphic sounding carried out in L226. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11612 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. General view of wall M259 between House B and House D. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11613 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Detail of wall M259 between House B and House D. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11614 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. View of mud bricks in situ in L215. The locus was filled with 10/11 horizontal rows of mud bricks. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11615 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. General view of wall M259 between House B and House D (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11616 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. General view of wall M259 between House B and House D (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11617 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Group photo with Italian-Yemeni archaeologists and workers. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11618 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square.General view of Houses B/A, B/B and B/C. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11619 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). In the foreground L9 (from the E) (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11620 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). In the foreground L9 (from the NE) (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11621 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). Locus L10 (from the N) (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11622 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). Locus L10 (from the N) (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11623 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). Locus L10 (from the N) (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11624 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). In the foreground Locus L10. On the left the door P1, between L10 and L1 (from the NW) (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11625 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). Detail of door P1, between L10 and L1 (from the W) (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11626 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). Detail of door P1, between L10 and L1 (from the W) (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11627 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation. Detail of door P1, between L10 and L1. The staircases M9b (left) and M9a (right) are visible (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11628 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation. Detail of door P1, between L10 and L1. The staircases M9b (that goes down into L1, on the left) and M9a (that goes up to the upper floor, on the right) are visible (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11629 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation. Detail of the door P1 - opened in the wall M5 - between L10 and L1. (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11630 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). M4 viewed from the N. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11631 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). M4 viewed from the N. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11632 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). M11 with the windows P3 (left) and P6 (right) viewed from the W/NW. In the foreground is locus L2, in the background L6(© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11633 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). View of Locus L6 with the door P5. In the background is the wall M1 of L1 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11634 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). View of Loci L3 and L5 (from the W). The wall M10 separates the two loci. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11635 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). View of Loci L2 and L6 (from the N). TIn the foreground is L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11636 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). View of Locus L1 and staircase M9a (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11637 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). View of Locus L1 and staircases M9a and M9b (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11638 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). View of Loci L1 (foreground) and L2 (right) and L6 (left) (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11639 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). View of Loci L7 (foreground) and L12 (background). On the left of L12 is L9 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11640 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). View of Loci L7 (foreground) and L12 (background). On the left of L12 is L9 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11641 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). View of Loci L1 (left) and L6 (right) (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11642 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of L6. The grinding stone and handstone are in situ (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11643 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of L6. The grinding stone and handstone are in situ, detail (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11644 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of L2 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11645 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of fireplace a in L6 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11646 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of fireplace b in L8 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11647 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of fireplace a in L6 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11648 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of loci L3 and L4 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11649 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of loci L3 (left) and L4 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11650 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of locus L12 (from the S/SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11651 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of locus L12 (from the S/SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11652 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Detail of grinding stone and handstone found in situ in L6. (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11653 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of locus L2 (from the W/SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11654 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of locus L4 (on the left is L3). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11655 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Locus L3 (on the left is L2, and on the right is L4) viewed from L8 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11656 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of hearth b in L8 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11657 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of hearth a in L6 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11658 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. General view of L6 with hearth a, and on the right L5. (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11659 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of hearth a in L6. L6 on the left. (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11660 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of L14 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11661 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of L12 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11662 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of pillars in L14 next to M2 (from the N/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11663 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of pillars in L14. On the left is M10 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11664 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View L12. On the left is M13, background M8 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1985 | 2019RAQs11665 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQ i): The Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View L12. On the left is M13, background M8, foreground M9, right M10 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11666 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A. General view of the house at the end of the archaeological excavation (October 9, 2000) (form the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11667 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A. Detail of L221. The floor is covered with qaḍāḍ and wall with mud and plaster (form the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11668 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A. Detail of L221. The floor is covered with qaḍāḍ and wall with mud and plaster (form the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11669 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A. Detail of L221. The floor is covered with qaḍāḍ and wall with mud and plaster (form the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11670 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A, B/B and B/C. General view. In the foreground is the wall M248 and locus L229 of House B/A (from the W) (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11671 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A, B/B and B/C. General view. In the foreground is the wall M248 and locus L229 of House B/A (from the W) (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11672 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A. View of Locus L229 (background) and the corner of Locus L228 (M248 on the right, and M253 in the foreground) (from the N) (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11673 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A. View of Locus L229 (background) and the corner of Locus L228 (M248 on the right, and M253 in the foreground) (from the N) (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11674 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Stratigraphical section in front of M217 of House B/B (from the S) (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11675 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Stratigraphical section in front of M217 of House B/B (from the S) (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11676 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Stratigraphical section in front of M217 of House B/B (from the S) (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11677 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Stratigraphical section in front of M217 of House B/B (from the S) (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11678 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Stratigraphical section in front of M217 of House B/B (from the S) (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11679 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Stratigraphical section in front of M217 of House B/B (from the S) (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11680 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B, view of the wall M244 (from the E). In the foreground (on the right) is the wall M259 between House B/B and House B/D. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11681 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B, view of a wall. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11682 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl from the Market Square. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11683 | Tamnaʿ (T): View of Hağar Kuḥlān village (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11684 | Tamnaʿ (T): General view of the excavated houses B/A, B/B and B/C, around the Market Square (from the SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11685 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). View of Loci L1 (foreground), L6 (left) and L2 (right) (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11686 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). View of Locus L11 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11687 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). View of Loci L7 (foreground) and L12. Windows P12 in M22 (foreground) and P9 in M17 (background) (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11688 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). View of Loci L7 (foreground) and L12. Windows P12 in M22 (foreground) and P9 in M17 (background) (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11689 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11690 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987) (from the E/SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11691 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11692 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). Detail of Loci L9 and L12 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11693 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987) (from the N). On the left is Locus L9. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11694 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987) (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11695 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the tell where is House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987) (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11696 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11697 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987) (from the S/SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11698 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987) (from the S/SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11699 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987), detail of the walls M3, M2 and M1 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11700 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987), detail of wall M3 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11701 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987), detail of the walls M3 (foreground), M2 and M1 (background). The holes for the wooden beams are visible (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11702 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). View of the facade walls, and the door P8 of Locus L1 (from the S/SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11703 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). View of Loci L5 (foreground) and L3. In the middle is the wall M10 and the door P2 (left) (from the E/SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11704 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). View of Locus L6 and windows P6 and P3 in M11 (from the E/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11705 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A at the end of the archaeological excavation (December 17, 1987). View of Locus L1 (from the E/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11706 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): General view of the rocky gorge. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11707 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): General view of the rocky gorge. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11708 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Detail of gorge bottom with rocks shaped and smoothed by the Wādī Qawqah waters. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11709 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): General view of the rocky gorge with water, from the 'Lower site' (looking SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11710 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site', detail of a villa viewed from the S/SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11711 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Upper site', general view of Sabaean structures. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11712 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Upper site', general view of Sabaean structures. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11713 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Upper site', general view of Sabaean structures. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11714 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Upper site', general view of Sabaean structures. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11715 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Upper site', general view of Sabaean structures. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11716 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Upper site', general view of Sabaean structures. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11717 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Upper site', general view of Sabaean structures. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11718 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Upper site', general view of Sabaean structures. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11720 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site', general view of a villa (from the S/SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11721 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site', general view of a villa (from the S/SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11722 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site', general view of a villa (from the S/SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11723 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site', general view of a villa (from the S/SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11724 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site', view of a villa (from the S/SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11725 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site', general view of a villa (from the S/SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11726 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site', the staircase of a villa, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11727 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site', general view of a villa (from the S/SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11728 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site', general view of a villa (from the S/SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11729 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site', general view of a villa (from the S/SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11730 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Houses B/A, B/B and B/C (October 9, 2000) (from the S/SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11731 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Houses B/B and B/C at the end of the archaeological excavation (October 9, 2000) (from the S/SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11732 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Houses B/A (left), B/B (background, right) and B/C (foreground, right) at the end of the archaeological excavation (October 9, 2000) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11733 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Houses B/A (left), B/B (background, right) and B/C (foreground, right) at the end of the archaeological excavation (October 9, 2000) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11734 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Houses B/A (left), B/B (background, right) and B/C (foreground, right) at the end of the archaeological excavation (October 9, 2000) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11735 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Houses B/A (left), B/B (background, right) and B/C (foreground, right) at the end of the archaeological excavation (October 9, 2000) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11736 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A, Loci L229 (left), L222 (right)(from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11737 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Houses B/A (left), B/B (background, right) and B/C (foreground, right) at the end of the archaeological excavation (October 9, 2000) (from the S/SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11738 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A, Loci L 229 (left), L222 (centre), L202 and L203 (right) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11739 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, stratigraphical sounding next to wall M258 (right), and M242 (October 9, 2000) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11740 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, staircase M241 (October 9, 2000) (form the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11741 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, stratigraphical sounding next to wall M242 (October 9, 2000) (from the E/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11742 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, staircase M242 (October 9, 2000) (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11743 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, the wall M238 (October 9, 2000) (form the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11744 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, General view of Loci L1 (left), L12 and L9 (on the right) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11745 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, view of staircase M9b in L1 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11746 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, view of door P12 in M22 between Loci L12 (foreground) and L7 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11747 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, general view (from the E). S. Antonini in L1. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11748 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, view of Locus L12 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11749 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, view of Locus L12 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11750 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, view of Locus L7. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11751 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, view of Locus L11 (from the N/NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11752 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, view of Locus L11 (from the N/NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11753 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, view of Locus L10 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11754 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, view of staircases M9a (right) and M9b (left) in Locus L1 (from the N/NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11755 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, view of Locus L2 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11756 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, view of Locus L2 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11757 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, view of Locus L10. On the left is M14, and on the right is M5 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11758 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, view of the stratigraphical sounding in Locus L5 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11759 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, general view at the end of the archaeological excavation (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11760 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A, general view at the end of the archaeological excavation (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11762 | Archaeological survey carried out in the Ramlat al-Sabʿatayn desert, non far from Marib. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11764 | Archaeological survey carried out in the Ramlat al-Sabʿatayn desert, non far from Marib. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11765 | Marib (M): Inscription. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11766 | Marib (M): Pillars of the propylaeum of the Awwām Temple, dedicated to the god Almaqah. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11767 | Marib (M): Awwām Temple, local people on top of the pillars of the propylaeum. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11768 | Marib (M): Awwām Temple, a young man on top of a pillar of the propylaeum. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11770 | Marib (M): Section of the ancient Sabaean city walls. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11771 | Marib (M): The village with houses in mud bricks, built on the tell of the ancient Sabaean capital. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11772 | Marib (M): Pillars of Baʾrān Temple, dedicated to the Sabaean god Almaqah. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11774 | Marib (M): Awwām Temple, local people on top of the pillars of the propylaeum. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11775 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the drilling operation in Lbe (from the E). F. Brancaleoni and V. Francaviglia. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11776 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, visitors watching the drilling operation in Lbe (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11777 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, drilling operation in Lbe. A workman, in charge of sawing the tubes, stands by B. Marcolongo who, crouched on the ground, is ordering and labelling the samples of core D90-1 onto the half-tubes. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11778 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, drilling operation in Lbe. Geologist B. Marcolongo is ordering and labelling the samples of core D90-1 onto the half-tubes. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11780 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, drilling operation. Field photographs of the core segments, comprising cores D90-1 and D90-2, onto the half-tubes. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11781 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, drilling operation. Field photographs of the core segments, comprising cores D90-1 and D90-2, onto the half-tubes. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11782 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, drilling operation. Field photographs of the core segments, comprising cores D90-1 and D90-2, onto the half-tubes. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11783 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of drilling core segments in plastic bags. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11784 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the drilling operation in the ‘sacristy’, locus L3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11785 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the drilling operation in the ‘sacristy’, locus L3. M. Ricci, S. Antonini, F. Brancaleoni, V. Labianca and workers. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11786 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the drilling operation in the ‘sacristy’, locus L3. F. Brancaleoni and workers. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11787 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the drilling operation in the ‘sacristy’, locus L3. F. Brancaleoni and workers. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11788 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site', staircase of a villa. ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11789 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site' villa, staircase. Prof. A. deM, the local guide Ḥusayn al-Zamlī and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11790 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site', detail of façade of Room C of a villa (from the S/SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11791 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site' villa, Room C (left) and Room D (right) viewed from the N. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11792 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site' villa, Room C (left) viewed from the N. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11793 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site' villa, Room D viewed from the NE. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11794 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site', general view of a villa (from the S/SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11795 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Lower site' villa, Room C (left) and Room D (right) viewed from the N/NE. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11796 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Upper site', Platform A. Prof. A. deM and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11797 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): The 'Upper site', a wall. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11798 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. Oval structure in the Northern sector of Platform A. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11799 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. Oval structure in the Northern sector of Platform A. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11800 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. House B viewed from the E. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11801 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site', steps leading to Platform A (from the N). Prof. A. deM and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11802 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site', detail of steps leading to Platform A. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11803 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site', staircase leading to Platform A. Prof. A. deM and ʿUṯmān al-Ḫalīfah (GOAM). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11804 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. A structure in Platform A. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11805 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. Structures in Platform A. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11806 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. The rocky (granite) gorge. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11807 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. The rocky (granite) gorge. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11808 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. The ridge with the inscriptions viewed from the NE. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11809 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. Structures in Platform A. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11810 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. General view of the granite gorge. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11811 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B, example of a wall of a locus, covered with a mud mortar (ṭin). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11812 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B, example of a wall of a locus, covered with a mud mortar (ṭin). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11813 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A, general view (From the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11814 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A, general view (From the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11815 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A, general view (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11816 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Locus L227 between House B/A (left) and B/B and B/C (right) (from the S). In the background the wall M245. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11817 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, Locus L226. Walls M238 (right), M239 (foreground), M236 (left), M211 (background) (from the S). Inside are the walls M224 and M225. In the middle a hole where there was a tree. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11818 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, general view. Staircase M242 and Loci L219, L223 and L224 (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11819 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, ancient life level (external) corresponding at the last step of the staircase M242. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11820 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, ancient life level (external) corresponding at the last step of the staircase M242. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11821 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, ancient life level (external) corresponding at the last step of the staircase M242 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11822 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, ancient life level (external) corresponding at the last step of the staircase M242 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11823 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, ancient life level (external) corresponding at the last step of the staircase M242. On the right is the stratigraphical sounding (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11824 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, example of a hole in the wall for a beam to support an upper story. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11825 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, example of a hole in the wall for a beam to support an upper story. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11826 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, locus L226 (background) and L206 (foreground) (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11827 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, wall M240 of the staircase M242 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11828 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, locus L226 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11829 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A at the end of the archaeological excavation, general view (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11830 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): House A at the end of the archaeological excavation, general view (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11831 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the city walls. (December 9, 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11832 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the Sabaean site. On the left the tents of the Italian-Yemeni team (December 9, 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11833 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the city walls, and behind the excavation area (House A) (from the E) (December 9, 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11834 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): General view of the Sabaean city (from the S) (December 9, 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11835 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of the city walls, and behind the houses of the modern village (December 9, 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11836 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Huts (December 9, 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11837 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The excavation area (House A) (from the SE) (December 9, 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11838 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of a stretch of the city walls (December 9, 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11839 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): View of a Southern stretch of the city walls (December 9, 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11840 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Women and little girls at the well (December 9, 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11841 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): In the foreground the containers (zanbil) with pottery found in the excavation of the House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11842 | Marib (M): Pillars of the Awwām Temple, dedicated to the god Almaqah. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11843 | Marib (M): Pillars of the propylaeum of the Awwām Temple, dedicated to the god Almaqah. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11844 | Marib (M): Wall of the oval temenos of the Awwām Temple, dedicated to the god Almaqah (middle 7th century BC). (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11845 | Marib (M): Pillars of the propylaeum of the Awwām Temple, dedicated to the god Almaqah. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11846 | Marib (M): General view of the Awwām Temple, dedicated to the god Almaqah. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11847 | Marib (M): General view of the Awwām Temple, dedicated to the god Almaqah. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11848 | Marib (M): Pillars of the propylaeum of the Awwām Temple, dedicated to the god Almaqah. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11849 | Marib (M): Decorated limestone altar in the Awwām Temple, dedicated to the god Almaqah. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11850 | Marib (M): Bronze statue of Māʿadīkarib found by the AFSM in the Awwām Temple, dedicated to the god Almaqah. The statue is kept at the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ (YM262). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs11851 | Barāqiš (BAR): Land arrangement, at the SE gate of the city, to reach the Nakraḥ Temple by mechanical means. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs11852 | Barāqiš (BAR): Stones arrangement, at the SE gate of the city, to reach the Nakraḥ Temple by mechanical means. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs11853 | Barāqiš (BAR): Stones arrangement, at the SE gate of the city, to reach the Nakraḥ Temple by mechanical means. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs11854 | Barāqiš (BAR): Stones arrangement, at the SE gate of the city, to reach the Nakraḥ Temple by mechanical means. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs11855 | Barāqiš (BAR): Land arrangement, at the SE gate of the city, to reach the Nakraḥ Temple by mechanical means. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs11856 | Barāqiš (BAR): Land arrangement, at the SE gate of the city, to reach the Nakraḥ Temple by mechanical means. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs11857 | Barāqiš (BAR): Stones arrangement, at the SE gate of the city, to reach the Nakraḥ Temple by mechanical means. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs11858 | Barāqiš (BAR): Stones arrangement, at the SE gate of the city, to reach the Nakraḥ Temple by mechanical means. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs11859 | Barāqiš (BAR): Stones arrangement, at the SE gate of the city, to reach the Nakraḥ Temple by mechanical means. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs11860 | Barāqiš (BAR): A conveyor belt at the SE gate of the city. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11861 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Detail showing inscriptions carved in the granite cliff, in their natural condition, prior to being picked out in chalk. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11862 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Detail showing inscriptions carved in the granite cliff, in their natural condition, prior to being picked out in chalk. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11863 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Detail showing inscriptions Y.85.AQ/16, 17, in the granite cliff, in their natural condition, prior to being picked out in chalk. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11864 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscriptions carved in the granite cliff, in their natural condition, prior to being picked out in chalk. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11865 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscriptions Y.85.AQ/18, 19, 20, 21 in the granite cliff, in their natural condition, prior to being picked out in chalk. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11866 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscriptions sculpted in the granite cliff, in their natural condition, prior to being picked out in chalk. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11867 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscriptions Y.85.AQ/6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 in their natural condition, prior to being picked out in chalk. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11868 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Detail showing inscription Y.85.AQ/1, after to being picked out in chalk. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11869 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Detail showing inscription Y.85.AQ/1. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11870 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Detail showing inscription Y.85.AQ/24. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11871 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): General view of the inscription Y.85.AQ/24. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11872 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Detail showing inscription Y.85.AQ/24. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11873 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Detail showing inscription Y.85.AQ/25. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11874 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Example of a locus (L208), whose walls are plastered with mud (ṭīn) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11875 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Example of a locus (L213), whose walls are plastered with mud (ṭīn) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11876 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Example of a locus (L214), whose walls are plastered with mud (ṭīn) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11877 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Example of a locus (L215), whose walls are plastered with mud (ṭīn) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11878 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Example of a locus (L216), whose walls are plastered with mud (ṭīn) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11879 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Locus L212. M224 separates L212 from L211 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11880 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Locus L211. M220 separates L211 from L210 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11881 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Locus L210. Foundation of the wall M217 in L210 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11882 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Locus L209. Foundation of the wall M217 in L209 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11883 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Locus L220. Foundation of the wall M217 in L220 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11884 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Locus L217, i.e. the paved central corridor. At the end is L208. On the left are the Southern loci, and on the right the Northern loci. In the foreground is the doorstep (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11885 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. M259 between House B/B (background) and House B/D (foreground) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11886 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. M259 between House B/B (background) and House B/D (foreground) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11887 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. M259 between House B/B (background) and House B/D (foreground) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11888 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. M259 between House B/B (background) and House B/D. Detail (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11889 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, Locus L216 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11890 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, Loci L224 and L223 (right). On the left is the stratigraphic sounding (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11891 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. General view of House B/B (from the N). On the right is House B/A. On the left the House B/D at the beginning of the excavation. Between the Houses B/D and B/B is M259. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11892 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The camp of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological team viewed from the Sabaean city. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11893 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The camp of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological team viewed from the Sabaean city. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11894 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): The earth from the excavation of House A. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11895 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Terracotta tablet with inscription, symbols and a hunting scene in relief, found in L1 of House A (December 7, 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11896 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Terracotta tablet with inscription, symbols and a hunting scene in relief, found in L1 of House A (December 7, 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11897 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Terracotta tablet, detail of inscription and symbols. (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11898 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Terracotta tablet found in L1 of House A. Detail of symbols and a hunting scene (December 7, 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11899 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Terracotta tablet found in L1 of House A. detail of symbols and a hunting scene in relief (December 7, 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11900 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Terracotta tablet, detail of the inscription in the upper tab, and symbols (hands, snakes, vases, ibexes, mountains). (© MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1987 | 2019YALs11901 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Terracotta tablet found in L1 of House A. Detail of symbols (discs), bulls (with floreal decoration between the horns)and hunting scene to an oryx and an ostrich in a mountainous context. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1987 | 2019SANs11902 | Ṣanʿāʾ: National Museum of Yemen, the Imam Aḥmed Palace, Dār as-Saʿdah (Happiness Palace) (September 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1987 | 2019SANs11903 | Ṣanʿāʾ: National Museum of Yemen, the Imam Aḥmed Palace, Dār as-Saʿdah (Happiness Palace) (September 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1987 | 2019SANs11904 | Ṣanʿāʾ: National Museum of Yemen, Photographic exhibition on the activities of the archaeological missions in (North) Yemen (Italy, France, Germany) (September 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1987 | 2019SANs11905 | Ṣanʿāʾ: National Museum of Yemen, Photographic exhibition on the activities of the archaeological missions in (North) Yemen (Italy, France, Germany) (September 1987). S. Antonini, A. deM and Yusuf Abdallah. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1987 | 2019SANs11906 | Ṣanʿāʾ: National Museum of Yemen, Photographic exhibition regarding the activities of archaeological missions in (North) Yemen (Italy, France, Germany) (September 1987). A. deM and Yusuf Abdallah. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1987 | 2019SANs11907 | Ṣanʿāʾ: National Museum of Yemen. Room of Prehistory set up by the Italian Mission (September 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11908 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Conveyor belt to move stones from the excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11909 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Conveyor belt to move stones from the excavation to outside of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11910 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Conveyor belt to move stones from the excavation to outside of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11911 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Conveyor belt to move stones from the excavation to outside of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11912 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. A conveyor belt used to move stones from the excavation to the Southern area, outside of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11913 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11914 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11915 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11916 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11917 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11918 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11919 | Barāqiš (BAR): Dismantling the camp at the end of the archaeological campaign. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11920 | Barāqiš (BAR): Loading a truck at the end of the archaeological campaign. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11921 | Barāqiš (BAR): Visitors to the Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs11922 | Marib (M): The feet of the bronze statue of Māʿadīkarib found by the AFSM in the Awwām Temple, dedicated to the god Almaqah. The statue is kept at the National Museum of Yemen, Ṣanʿāʾ (YM262). (© MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Mâriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2019MNTs11923 | Maṣnʿat Mâriya (Maʾbar): (Naqîl Sumarah), Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ, President of GOAM. during an rchaeological survey with Alessandro deM. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Mâriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2019MNTs11924 | Maṣnʿat Mâriya (Maʾbar): Landscape. General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Mâriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2019MNTs11925 | Maṣnʿat Mâriya (Maʾbar): (Naqîl Sumarah), Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ, President of GOAM. during an rchaeological survey with Alessandro deM. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Mâriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2019MNTs11926 | Maṣnʿat Mâriya (Maʾbar): A survey held by the Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ, President of GOAM. and Alessandro deM. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Mâriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2019MNTs11927 | Maṣnʿat Mâriya (Maʾbar): A survey held by the Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ, President of GOAM. and Alessandro deM. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Mâriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2019MNTs11929 | Maṣnʿat Mâriya (Maʾbar): A survey held by the Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ, President of GOAM. and Alessandro deM (Naqîl Sumarah). (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Mâriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2019MNTs11930 | Maṣnʿat Mâriya (Maʾbar): A survey held by the Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ, President of GOAM. and Alessandro deM (Naqîl Sumarah). (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Mâriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2019MNTs11933 | Maṣnʿat Māriya (Maʾbar): Landscape, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Maṣnʿat Mâriya | مصنعة مارية | 1986 | 2019MNTs11934 | Maṣnʿat Mâriya (Maʾbar): A survey held by the Qāḍī Ismāʿīl bin ʿAlī Al-Akwaʿ, President of GOAM. and Alessandro deM (Naqîl Sumarah). (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11936 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/25. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11937 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/26. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11938 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/26. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11939 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/27. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11940 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/27. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11941 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): A single letter. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11942 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): A single letter. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11943 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/23. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11944 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/23. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11945 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription not readable. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11946 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription not readable. (©MAIRY). | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11947 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/21 (right). (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11948 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/21 (on the right). (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11949 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscriptions Y.85.AQ/18, 19, 20. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11950 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscriptions Y.85.AQ/18, 19, 20. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11951 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscriptions Y.85.AQ/18, 19, 20. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11952 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/18. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11953 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/18. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11954 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscriptions Y.85.AQ/16, 17. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11955 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscriptions Y.85.AQ/16, 17. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11956 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/15. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11957 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/15. (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs11958 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/14. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11959 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, the Market Square. The Northern wall M217 of the House B/B (from the NW). On the right is the wall M245, which closes the lane L227 to the North. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11960 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, the Market Square. The Northern wall M217 of the House B/B. On the right is the wall M245, which closes the lane L227 to the North, and House B/A(from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11961 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Mud bricks (cm 23x30x7) in situ in L215. The locus was filled with 10/11 horizontal rows of mud bricks. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11962 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Mud bricks (cm 23x30x7) in situ in L215. The locus was filled with 10/11 horizontal rows of mud bricks. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11963 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Mud bricks (cm 23x30x7) in situ in L215. The locus was filled with 10/11 horizontal rows of mud bricks. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11964 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A. The trunk of a tree in situ, against M201, in corrispondence of L200 (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11965 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A. Detail of the trunk of a tree in situ, against M201, in corrispondence of L200 (from the S). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11966 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Stratigraphic section of the Southern limit of the excavation, in front of House B / C (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11967 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Stratigraphic section of the Southern limit of the excavation, in front of House B / C (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11968 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Stratigraphic section of the Southern limit of the excavation, in front of House B / C (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11969 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Stratigraphic section of the Southern limit of the excavation, in front of House B / C (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11970 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. General view of Houses B/A, B/B and B/C (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11971 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. General view of lane L227 (left) and House B/A (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11972 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. General view of House B/A (right), lane L227 (centre), and House B/B (partially) (left) (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11973 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. General view of the excavated Houses B/A, B/B and B/C (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11974 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. General view of the excavated Houses B/A, B/B and B/C (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11975 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. View of the partially excavated House B/D (from the N). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs11976 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. View of House B/A (from the N).In the foreground is the Northern wall M253 of the house. (© MAIRY). | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1987 | 2019SANs11977 | Patricia Smith drawing of a Bronze Age statuette found by the Italian Archaeological Mission in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. The drawing was displayed in the Prehistory room at National Museum of Yemen, (September 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1987 | 2019SANs11978 | Potsherds found by the Italian Archaeological Mission in the Bronze Age site of Ar-Raqlah (Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl). They were displayed in the Prehistory room at National Museum of Yemen, (September 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1987 | 2019SANs11979 | Potsherds found by the Italian Archaeological Mission in the Bronze Age site of Wādī Yanāʿim (Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl). They were displayed in the Prehistory room at National Museum of Yemen, (September 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1987 | 2019SANs11980 | Potsherds found by the Italian Archaeological Mission in the Bronze Age site of Wādī Yanāʿim (Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl). They were displayed in the Prehistory room at National Museum of Yemen, (September 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1987 | 2019SANs11981 | Potsherds found by the Italian Archaeological Mission in the Bronze Age site of Wādī Yanāʿim (Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl). They were displayed in the Prehistory room at National Museum of Yemen, (September 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1987 | 2019SANs11982 | Fragments of handles found by the Italian Archaeological Mission in the Bronze Age sites of Wādī Yanāʿim and Ar-Raqlah (Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl). They were displayed in the Prehistory room at National Museum of Yemen, (September 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1987 | 2019SANs11983 | Fragments of strainers found by the Italian Archaeological Mission in the Bronze Age site of Wādī Yanāʿim (Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl). They were displayed in the Prehistory room at National Museum of Yemen, (September 1987). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11984 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign (January 31, 1990). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11985 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign (January 31, 1990). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11986 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign (January 31, 1990). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11987 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ at the end of the archaeological campaign (January 31, 1990). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11988 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Astragali (76), some of them with traces of red and black colours, found in Lp (Y.90.B/95). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11989 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Glass bracelets of Islamic period. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11990 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of decorated blu glass, found in Lp (Y.90.B/35). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11991 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragments of bronze, shells, beads of different materials of Minaean period. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11992 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Shells. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11993 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Bead in white stone (iron in the hole) (Y.90.B/62). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11994 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of a turquoise bead. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs11995 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Lid of a small alabaster jar, found in L6 (Y.90.B/18). (© MAIRY) | |
Tihāma | تهامه | 1988 | 2019THMs11996 | Tihāma: Palm tree. (© MAIRY) | |
Tihāma | تهامه | 1988 | 2019THMs11997 | Tihāma: Huts. (© MAIRY) | |
Tihāma | تهامه | 1988 | 2019THMs11998 | Tihāma: Palm trees. (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs11999 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12000 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12001 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12002 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12003 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12004 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12005 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12006 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram, inscription on the gate (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12007 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram, inscription on the gate (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12008 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12009 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12010 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12011 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram, general view (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12012 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī/ Sumhuram, general view of the ancient site (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12013 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī/ Sumhuram, general view of the ancient site (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12014 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī/ Sumhuram, general view (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12015 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī/ Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12016 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/14. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12017 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/13. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12018 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/13. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12019 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscriptions Y.85.AQ/6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12020 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscriptions Y.85.AQ/6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12021 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscriptions Y.85.AQ/7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12022 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscriptions Y.85.AQ/7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12023 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/6. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12024 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/6. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12025 | ŠŠiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscriptions Y.85.AQ/7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12026 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscriptions Y.85.AQ/7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12027 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscriptions Y.85.AQ/6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12028 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscriptions Y.85.AQ/6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12029 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/5. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12030 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Inscription Y.85.AQ/5. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12031 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): Stretch of stepped path leading from 'Lower site' to 'Upper site'. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12032 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. On the right is the Platform A. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12033 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. On the right is the Platform A. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12034 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site'. Granite rocks rounded by the water of the Wādī Qawqah. V. Francaviglia. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12035 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site' and the Platform A viewed from the SW. Geologist V. Francaviglia on the right. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12036 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site' with the Platform A viewed from the SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12037 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site' with the Platform A viewed from the SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2019MKDs12038 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): A 'turret tombs' necropolis in the Province of Sirwāḥ. The camp of the Italian archaeological mission is set up among T3, T4 and T5. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2019SIRs12039 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The 'turret tomb' T13 before excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2019MKDs12040 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): A 'turret tombs' necropolis in the Province of Sirwāḥ. In the foreground a ray of a tomb. In the background is the camp of the Italian archaeological mission. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2019MKDs12041 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The 'turret tomb' T13 before excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2019MKDs12042 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): A 'turret tombs' necropolis in the Province of Sirwāḥ. The camp of the Italian archaeological mission is set up among T3, T4 and T5. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2019MKDs12043 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): The 'turret tomb' T13 before excavation, viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2019MKDs12044 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): T13, human bones piled up against the NE wall of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2019MKDs12045 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): T13, disarticulated human bones. Detail of centre of burial chamber (lev. 1) showing the hard dark earth. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2019MKDs12046 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): T13, disarticulated human bones in Level 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2019MKDs12047 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): T13, human bones piled up against the NE wall of the tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2019MKDs12048 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): T13, human bones in Level 1. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2019MKDs12049 | ṢirwAl-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): T13, human bones piled up against the NE wall of the tomb (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2019MKDs12050 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of a 'turret tomb' with rays. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2019SMKD12051 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): A 'turret tombs' necropolis in the Province of Sirwāḥ (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2019MKDs12052 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): A 'turret tombs' necropolis in the Province of Sirwāḥ. The camp of the Italian archaeological mission is set up among T3, T4 and T5. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1986 | 2019MKDs12053 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKDii): TombT13 viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12054 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, Locus L226. Walls M239 (right), M236 (foreground), M211 (left), M238 (background), M254 (inside, right), M255 (inside, foreground), and doorstep M247 (foreground, left) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12055 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, Locus L226. Walls M239 (right), M236 (foreground), M211 (left), M238 (background), M254 (inside, right), M255 (inside, foreground), and doorstep M247 (foreground, left) (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12056 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, Locus L226 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12057 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/C, Locus L226 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12058 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12059 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/A (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12060 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/D (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12061 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Houses B/A (right) and B/B (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12062 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Houses B/A (right) and B/B (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12063 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Houses B/A (right) and B/B (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12064 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Houses B/A (right) and B/B (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12065 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Houses B/A (right) and B/B, general view (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12066 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Detail of the wall M245 of lane L227, between Houses B/A (right) and B/B (left) (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12067 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. View of the wall M245 of lane L227, between Houses B/A (right) and B/B (left) (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12068 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. View of Loci L228 (right), L225 (centre) and L230 (left) of the House B/A. In the foreground the Northern perimetric wall M253 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12069 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. View of the Northern wall M217 of House B/B (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12070 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. View of the Northern wall M217 of House B/B (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12071 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. M Arbach. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs12072 | Barāqiš: Lateral view of a seated headless female figurine in terracotta covered with plaster (Y.90.B/3) found in the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs12073 | Barāqiš: Rear view of a seated headless female figurine in terracotta covered with plaster (Y.90.B/3) found in the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs12074 | Barāqiš: Lateral view of a seated headless female figurine in terracotta covered with plaster (Y.90.B/3) found in the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989 | 2019SHQs12075 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: In the foreground the beams of a temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989 | 2019SHQs12076 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: View of standing pillars belonging to a temple in the site of Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa, SW of Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989 | 2019SHQs12077 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: View of pillars belonging to a temple in the site of Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa, SW of Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989 | 2019SHQs12078 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: View of pillars belonging to a temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989 | 2019SHQs12079 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: Professor Gh. Gnoli. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989 | 2019SHQs12080 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: View of inscribed pillars belonging to a temple, discovered by illegal excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989 | 2019SHQs12081 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: View of an offering table. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989 | 2019SHQs12082 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: Epigraphical survey carried out by Professor Gh. Gnoli in a plundered temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12083 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī / Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12084 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī / Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12085 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī / Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12086 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12087 | OOman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12088 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12089 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram, general view (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12090 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12091 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram, general view (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12092 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12093 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, view of the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12094 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, view of the bay (ḫawr), from the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12095 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, view of the bay (ḫawr), from the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12096 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, view of the landscape from the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12097 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, view of the landscape from the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12098 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, view of the bay (ḫawr), from the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12099 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram, stone containers (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12100 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, general view of some structures of the ancient Sumhuram and landscape (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12101 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, general view of some structures of the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12103 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site' with the Platform A viewed from the SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12104 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site' with the Platform A viewed from the SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12105 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site' with the Platform A viewed from the SW. On the right geologist V. Francaviglia. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12106 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site' with the Platform A viewed from the SW. Triple parallel wall structure. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12107 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site', building west to the Platform A (viewed from the SW). The survey in the Sabaean complex was carried out by A. deM on July 25 and on August 6 and 7, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12108 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site', building west to the Platform A, detail (viewed from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12109 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site', building west to the Platform A, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12110 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site', Platform A viewed from the NE. The survey in the Sabaean complex was carried out by A. deM on July 25 and on August 6 and 7, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12111 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site', building west to the Platform A. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12112 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site', the structures viewed from the NE. The survey in the Sabaean complex was carried out by A. deM on July 25 and on August 6 and 7, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12113 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site', Platform A viewed from the NE. The survey in the Sabaean complex was carried out by A. deM on July 25 and on August 6 and 7, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12114 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site', Platform A. The survey in the Sabaean complex was carried out by A. deM on July 25 and on August 6 and 7, 1985. (MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12115 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site', Fragments of limestone basin found near Platform A. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12116 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Landscape from the ancient site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12117 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: On the way to reach the hypogeal tomb T1. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12118 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: The hypogeal tomb T1 discovered by a farmer of Waraqah village while plowing the fields with his tractor. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12119 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: The hypogeal tomb T1 at the beginning of the archaeological excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12120 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Landscape around the hypogeal tomb T1 discovered by a farmer of Waraqah village while plowing the fields with his tractor. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12121 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: Landscape around the hypogeal tomb T1. The harvesting season. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12122 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: The hypogeal tomb T1 at the beginning of the archaeological excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12123 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur: The hypogeal tomb T1 discovered by a farmer of Waraqah village while plowing the fields with his tractor. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12124 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): A long 'ray' of a 'turret tomb' (T22). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12125 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of a long 'ray' of a 'turret tomb', probably T22. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12126 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): General view of the MKDii necropolis. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12127 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of some tombs of MKDii necropolis. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12128 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD ii): View of some 'turret tombs' of MKDii necropolis (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12129 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): View of some 'turret tombs' of MKDiii necropolis. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12130 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): View of some 'turret tombs' of MKDiii necropolis. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12131 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKDiii): View of a 'turret tomb' (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12132 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): View of some 'turret tombs' (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12133 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): View of some 'turret tombs' of MKDiii necropolis (from W/SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12134 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): View of some 'turret tombs' of MKDiii necropolis (from W/SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12135 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): General view of the necropolis (from W/SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12136 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): General view of the necropolis (from W/SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12137 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): View of 'turret tombs' (from W/SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12138 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): 'Turret tombs' or 'Pill boxes'. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12139 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): General view of the necropolis. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12140 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The camp of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological team is set up among the tombs T3, T4 and T5. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12141 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): The camp of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological team is set up among the tombs T3, T4 and T5. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12142 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): General view of the necropolis. On the right are the tents of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological team. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12143 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKD iii): General view of the necropolis (from the W). The camp of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological team is set up among the tombs T3, T4 and T5. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12144 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12145 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, T.00.A/13. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12146 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, T.00.A/40. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12147 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Yashhal 26 (=LC 1). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12148 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, T.00.A/23. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12149 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, Yashhal 27. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12150 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, Yashhal 27. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12151 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, Yashhal 27. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12152 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, Yashhal 27. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12153 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, Yashhal 27. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12154 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, T.00.A/12. A. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12155 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, T.00.A/12, B. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12156 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, T.00.A/19. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12157 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, T.00.A/34. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12158 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, T.00.A/33. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12159 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of an inscription. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12160 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, T.00.A/5. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12161 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, T.00.A/32. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12162 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, T.00.A/24. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12163 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, T.00.A/15. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12164 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12165 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, Yashhal 82 (T.00.A/40, T.00.A/53). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12166 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa | شقب المنصة | 1989 | 2019SHQs12167 | Šaqab al-Manaṣṣa: Epigraphical survey carried out by Professor Gh. Gnoli in a plundered temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Raġwān | وادي رغوان | 1989 | 2019RAGs12168 | Survey in a Sabaean site in the Wādī Raġwān (November 6, 1989). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Raġwān | وادي رغوان | 1989 | 2019RAGs12169 | Survey in a Sabaean site in the Wādī Raġwān, Al-Asāḥil / Ararat (November 6, 1989). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Raġwān | وادي رغوان | 1989 | 2019RAGs12170 | Survey in a Sabaean site in the Wādī Raġwān, Al-Asāḥil / Ararat (November 6, 1989). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Raġwān | وادي رغوان | 1989 | 2019RAGs12171 | Survey in a Sabaean site in the Wādī Raġwān, Al-Asāḥil / Ararat (November 6, 1989). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Raġwān | وادي رغوان | 1989 | 2019RAGs12172 | Survey in a Sabaean site in the Wādī Raġwān (November 6, 1989). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Raġwān | وادي رغوان | 1989 | 2019RAGs12173 | Survey in a Sabaean site in the Wādī Raġwān (November 6, 1989). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12174 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): The hypogeal tomb, where a farmer fell with his tractor. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12175 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): The hypogeal tomb (right) viewed from the ancient site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12176 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): The camp of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological team. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12177 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Landscape near the hypogeal tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12178 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): The hypogeal tomb viewed from the west. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12179 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Ceiling consisting of a compact layer of pumice; the walls have been dug out of the tuff. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12180 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Ceiling consisting of a compact layer of pumice; the walls have been dug out of the tuff. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12181 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Ceiling consisting of a compact layer of pumice; the walls have been dug out of the tuff. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12182 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Ceiling consisting of a compact layer of pumice; the walls have been dug out of the tuff. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12183 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): General view of the hypogeal tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12184 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Grave goods scattered over the floor. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12185 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): View of the tombs from the E. Grave goods scattered over the floor. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12186 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Grave goods scattered over the floor, A niche is dug out in the tuffaceous wall. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12187 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Excavation in the hypogean tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12188 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): General view of the tomb during the excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12189 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Landscape around the hypogeal tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12190 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Excavation in the grave dug in the floor. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12191 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Excavation in the grave dug in the floor. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12192 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Excavation in the grave dug in the floor. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12193 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Excavation in the grave dug in the floor. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12194 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): A visit of the Mohafez (Governor) of Ḏamār Province, Yahyah Mulish. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12195 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Excavation in the grave dug in the floor, in the centre of the tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12196 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Excavation in the grave dug in the tuffaceous floor. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12197 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Excavation in the grave dug in the in the floor, at the centre of the tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12198 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12199 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12200 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram, general view. (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12201 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram. (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12202 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram, general view of the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12203 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram, and the bay. (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12204 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram (1988). (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12205 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram general view. (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12206 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram general view of the site in 1988. (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12207 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram general view of the site in 1988. (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12208 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram general view of the site in 1988. (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12209 | Oman: Ḫawr Rūrī, the ancient Sumhuram general view of the site in 1988. (© MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12210 | Oman: On the way to Salalah. (? MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12211 | Oman: Salalah. (? MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12212 | Oman: Salalah. (? MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12213 | Oman: The ancient site from the road. (? MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12214 | Oman: On the way to Salalah, Frankincense trees. (? MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12215 | Oman: Frankincense trees. (? MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12216 | Oman: Frankincense trees. (? MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12217 | Oman: Frankincense trees. (? MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12218 | Oman: Frankincense tree. (? MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12219 | Oman: Frankincense tree. (? MAIRY) | |
Oman | عمان | 1988 | 2019OMAs12220 | Oman: Frankincense tree, detail. (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12222 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKDii): General view of 'turret tombs' necropolis from Hill A. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12223 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKDii): View of 'turret tombs' from Hill A. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12224 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKDii): View of 'turret tombs' necropolis from Hill A. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12225 | Al-Maḫdarah (MKDii): General view of 'turret tombs' necropolis from Hill A. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12226 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the site and city walls, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12227 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the site and city walls, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12228 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the site and city walls, from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12229 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the site and city walls, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12230 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the site and city walls, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12231 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the site and city walls, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12232 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the site and city walls, from the NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12233 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple B (Temple of ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12234 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of T48 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12235 | Barāqiš (BAR): The temple A (Temple of Nakraḥ). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12236 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of T48 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12237 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the tents of the Italian-Yemeni camp (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12238 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/11. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12239 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/14. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12240 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/32. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12241 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/4. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12242 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12243 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12244 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Yashhal 8 (T.00.A/44, ex T.00.A/45). (©MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12245 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/5. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12246 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12247 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/41. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12248 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/26. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12249 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat.(©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12250 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/3. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12251 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of sealed plaster. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12252 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12253 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12254 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. LC6 (Yashhal 36). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12255 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/25. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12256 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of alabaster with two carved letters. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12257 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of alabaster with two carved letters. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12258 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of an inscribed limestone block. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12259 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/11. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12260 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Fragments of human bones found under the collapsed ceiling in the Northern sector of the hypogeal tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12261 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Fragments of human bones found under the collapsed ceiling in the Northern sector of the hypogeal tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12262 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Excavation in the hypogeal tomb (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12263 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): General view of the hypogeal burial chamber during the excavation in the grave dug out in the tuffaceous floor (from the W). On the right, kneeling, is ʿAbd al-Razāq Nuʿmān (GOAM). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12264 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Muḥammad Halabi (GOAM) during the excavation in the grave dug out in the floor of the hypogeal tomb (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12265 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Fragments of human bones found under the collapsed ceiling in the Northern sector of the hypogeal tomb. Detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12266 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): An official of the GOAM during the excavation in the grave dug out in the floor of the hypogeal tomb (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12267 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): View of a tuffaceous slab inside the grave dug out in the floor of the hypogeal tomb (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12268 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): S. Antonini and A. deM are digging the grave dug out in the floor of the hypogeal tomb (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12269 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): S. Antonini and A. deM are digging the human bones in the grave dug out in the floor of the hypogeal tomb (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12270 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Muḥammad Halabi (GOAM) in the grave dug out in the floor of the hypogeal tomb (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12271 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): S. Antonini and A. deM are digging the human bones in the grave dug out in the floor of the hypogeal tomb (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12272 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Outside the underground tomb (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12273 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Outside the underground tomb (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12274 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Outside the underground tomb (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12275 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Excavation in the grave dug out in the floor of the funeral chamber (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12276 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): General view of the underground tomb (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12277 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Human bones and bracelet found in the grave. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12278 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Human bones and bracelet found in the eastern limit of the grave. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12279 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): A. deM is cleaning a skull found in the grave. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12280 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Disarticulated human bones found in the grave. The tomb was probably plundered in ancient time. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12281 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Disarticulated human bones found in the grave, detail viewed from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12282 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Disarticulated human bones found in the grave, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12284 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/38. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12285 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/30. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12286 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of an inscription carved on a granite block. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12287 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/14. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12288 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12289 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of an inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12290 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/29. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12291 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of an inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12292 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/16. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12293 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of an inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12294 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of an inscribed piece of alabaster. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12295 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Yashhal 85 (=LC 3). (©MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12296 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): General view of the rocky gorge. The survey in the Sabaean complex was carried out by A. deM on July 25 and on August 6 and 7, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12297 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site', inscriptions in their natural conditions, prior to being picked out in chalk. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12298 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site', inscriptions and dromedaries in their natural conditions. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12299 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site', The granite blocks with inscriptions, viewed from the NE. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12300 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site', inscriptions in their natural conditions, prior to being picked out in chalk. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12301 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Upper site', inscriptions in their natural conditions, prior to being picked out in chalk. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12302 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): 'Lower site', villa viewed from the S-SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12303 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): View of the gorge from 'Lower site'. The survey in the Sabaean complex was carried out by A. deM on July 25 and on August 6 and 7, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12304 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): General view of the rocky gorge. (© MAIRY) | |
Šiʿb al-ʿAql | شعب العقل | 1985 | 2019AQLs12305 | Šiʿb al-ʿAql (AQ): General view of the granite gorge. The survey in the Sabaean complex was carried out by A. deM on July 25 and on August 6 and 7, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12306 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): In the section the two layers of tuff and pumice can be observed. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12307 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Niche in the northern wall. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12308 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Niche in the Eastern wall of the hypogeal tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12309 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Niche in the Southern wall of the hypogeal tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12310 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Excavation in the grave dug into the tuffaceous floor of the hypogeal funerary chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12311 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Remains of human bones and a bracelet discovered in the grave. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12312 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Niche in the Northern wall of the hypogeal tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12313 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): View of the layers of pumice and tuff on the ceiling, walls and floor of the underground tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12314 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): View of the layers of pumice and tuff on the ceiling, walls and floor of the underground tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12315 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): View (on the left) of the base of the Northern jamb of the entrance of the tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12316 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Niche in the Southern wall of the hypogeal tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12317 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): General view of the NW part of the tomb. In the foreground is the rectangular grave dug in the floor. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12318 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): General view of the tomb (from the W). In the foreground the bases of the door jambs are visible. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12319 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Detail of the entrance from the dromos (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12320 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Detail of the grave duf in the floor of the funerary chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12321 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Detail of the grave in the floor of the funerary chamber (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12322 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1):General view of the hypogeal tomb, the cista, the entrance and the dromos (corridor). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12323 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Detail of the grave dug in the floor of the funerary chamber (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12324 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Detail of the pumice layer of the ceiling of the burial chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12325 | ḪaraḪarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Detail of the pumice layer on the ceiling of the burial chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12326 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Rectangular niche in the Eastern wall of the burial chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12327 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Rectangular niche in the Southern wall of the burial chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12328 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): General view of the hypogeal tomb (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12329 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): General view of the hypogeal tomb (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12330 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Yashhal 23 (=T.00.A/7 = T.00.A/2.). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12331 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Yashhal 41 (T.00.A/43 = T.00.A/72). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12332 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of an inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12333 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of an inscribed block of alabaster. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12334 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of an inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12335 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/41. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12336 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Yashhal 8 (T.00.A/44 = ex T.00.A/45). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12337 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/4. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12338 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/16. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12339 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of an inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12340 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12341 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Yashhal 85 (=LC 3). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12342 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/29. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12343 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/6. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12344 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/9. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12345 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/7. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12346 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Yashhal 14 (=T.00.A/9). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12347 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A/8. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12348 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Yashhal 83 (T.00.A/41 = T.00.A/12). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12349 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Yashhal 57 (T.00.A/42 = T.00.A/14). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12350 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Yashhal 14 (=T.00.A/38). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12351 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Yashhal 14 (=T.00.A/38). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12352 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Yashhal 19 (=T.00.A/10). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12353 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): View of the hypogeal tomb at the end of the archaeological excavation (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12354 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): View of the entrance of the hypogeal tomb (from the SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12355 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): General view of the hypogeal tomb (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12356 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): General view of the hypogeal tomb (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12357 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): General view of the hypogeal tomb, the cista and the entrance, at the end of the archaeological excavation (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12358 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Detail of the grave (or cista) dug in the floor of the funeral chamber, at the end of the archaeological excavation (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12359 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): A limestone statuette representing a bull found in the tomb, frontal view, detail (inv. no. Y.85.KAHiT1/51). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12360 | ḪarabatḪarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): A limestone statuette representing a bull found in the tomb, Y.85.KAHiT1/51. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12361 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): A limestone statuette representing a bull found in the tomb, Y.85.KAHiT1/51. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12362 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): A limestone statuette representing a bull found in the tomb, Y.85.KAHiT1/51. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12363 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Lateral view of a limestone bull found in the tomb, Y.85.KAHiT1/51. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12364 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): A limestone statuette representing a bull found in the tomb, Y.85.KAHiT1/51. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12365 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Rear view of a limestone bull found in the tomb, Y.85.KAHiT1/51. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12366 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Detail of the head of a limestone bull found in the tomb, Y.85.KAHiT1/51. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12367 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Set of grave goods pottery. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12368 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Set of grave goods pottery found in the hypogeal tomb (bowls, jars, lamps and a wavy rim bowl). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12369 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Set of grave goods pottery found in the hypogeal tomb (bowls, jars, lamps and a yellowish wavy rim bowl). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12370 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Set of grave goods pottery found in the hypogeal tomb, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12371 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Bowls, jars, lamps and a wavy rim bowl found in the hypogeal tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12372 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Wavy rim bowl Y.85.KAHi/5. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12373 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Red burnished small terracotta jar Y.85.KAHi/23. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12374 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Red burnished bowl with monogram incised after firing, Y.85.KAHi/22. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12375 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Terracotta lamp Y.85.KAHi/6. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12376 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Necked and handled small jar, with brown burnished slip, and inscription incised after firing, Y.85.KAHi/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12377 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). The long inscription on the 4 sides contains the code of laws that regulated the international market on the city, the capital of the Qatabanian Kingdom. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12378 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/35. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12379 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/20. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12380 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). Detail of an inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12381 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/13. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12382 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/24. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12383 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/22. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12384 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/26. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12385 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). The long inscription on the 4 sides contains the code of laws that regulated the international market of the city, the capital of the Qatabanian Kingdom. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12386 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/3. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12387 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/23. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12388 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/12. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12389 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). The long inscription on the 4 sides contains the code of laws that regulated the international market of the city, the capital of the Qatabanian Kingdom. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12390 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12391 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). Detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12392 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/21. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12393 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). Detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12394 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/25. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12395 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). The long inscription on the 4 sides contains the code of laws that regulated the international market of the city, the capital of the Qatabanian Kingdom. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12396 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC).Detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12397 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). Detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12398 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). Detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12399 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). The long inscription on the 4 sides contains the code of laws that regulated the international market of the city, the capital of the Qatabanian Kingdom. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12400 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). Detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12401 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of an inscription carved on alabaster. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12402 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Yashhal 38 (LC 9). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12403 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Yashhal 39 (LC 10). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12404 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Yashhal 39 (LC 10). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12405 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Yashhal 40 (LC 11). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12406 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/32. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12407 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/27. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12408 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/18. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12409 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.99.A/29. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12410 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Necked and handled small jar, with brown burnished slip, and inscription incised after firing, Y.85.KAHi/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12411 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Necked and handled small jar, with brown burnished slip, Y.85.KAHi/1. Detail of the inscription incised after firing. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12412 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Terracotta lamp found in the hypogeal tomb, Y.85.KAHi/6. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12413 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Terracotta lamp found in the hypogeal tomb, Y.85.KAHi/6. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12414 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Bowl with red burnished slip and incised decoration, Y.85.KAHi/18. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12415 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Bowl with red burnished slip and incised decoration, Y.85.KAHi/18. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12416 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Terracotta jar with red burnished slip and grooves, Y.85.KAHi/27. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12417 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Terracotta jar with red burnished slip and grooves, Y.85.KAHi/27. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12418 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Sword found in the hypogean tomb, Y.85.KAHi.T1/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12419 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Sword found in the hypogean tomb, Y.85.KAHi.T1/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12420 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Stone lamps found in the hypogean tomb, Y.85.KAHi.T1/49, 52, 50. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12421 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Stone lamps found in the hypogean tomb, Y.85.KAHi.T1/49, 52, 50. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12422 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Stone lamps found in the hypogean tomb, Y.85.KAHi.T1/49, 52, 50. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12423 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Stone lamps found in the hypogean tomb, Y.85.KAHi.T1/49, 52, 50. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12424 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Stone lamps found in the hypogean tomb, Y.85.KAHi.T1/49, 52, 50. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1085 | 2019KAHs12425 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Sword with remains of fabric, Y.85.KAHi.T1/1. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12426 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Silver seal Y.85.KAHi.T1/4. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12427 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Silver seal Y.85.KAHi.T1/4. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12428 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Knife, iron tool, and a fabric sheath containing a wooden tool, Y.85.KAHi.T1/44. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12429 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Knife, iron tool, and a fabric sheath containing a wooden tool, Y.85.KAHi.T1/44. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12430 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Silver seal Y.85.KAHi.T1/4. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12431 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Silver seal Y.85.KAHi.T1/4. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12432 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Knives, Y85.KAHi.T1/44, 45, 43. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12433 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Knives, Y85.KAHi.T1/44, 45, 43. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12434 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). The long inscription on the 4 sides contains the code of laws that regulated the international market of the city, the capital of the Qatabanian Kingdom. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12435 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12436 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12437 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12438 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12439 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12440 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl, detail of the inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12441 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12442 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12443 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12444 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). The long inscription on the 4 sides contains the code of laws that regulated the international market of the city, the capital of the Qatabanian Kingdom. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12445 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). The long inscription on the 4 sides contains the code of laws that regulated the international market of Tamnaʿ. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12446 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). Detail of part of the inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12447 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). The long inscription on the 4 sides contains the code of laws that regulated the international market of the capital of the Qatabanian Kingdom. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12448 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). Detail of part of the inscription. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12449 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. General view of the monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). The long inscription on the 4 sides contains the code of laws that regulated the international market of the city, the capital of the Qatabanian Kingdom. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12450 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12451 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl (5th-4th century BC). General view. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12452 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. The monolithic granite stele of King Shahr Hilāl, general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12453 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH/T1): Knives, Y85.KAHi.T1/44, 45, 43. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12454 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Earrings in silver belonging to a women's funerary goods, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 14. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12455 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Earrings in silver and beads in glass and semi-precious stones, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 14. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12457 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Earrings in silver (1st century AD), Y85.KAHi.T1 / 14. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12458 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Earrings in silver (1st century AD), Y85.KAHi.T1 / 14. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12459 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Bracelets in bronze (1st century AD). (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12460 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Brooch with accessories in bronze, and beads, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 9. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12461 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Brooch with accessories in bronze, and beads, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 9. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12462 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Brooch with accessories in bronze, and beads, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 9. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12463 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Bronze bracelets, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 22, 16, 15. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12464 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Bronze bracelet, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 16. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12465 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Bronze bracelet, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 16. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12466 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Bronze bracelets. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12467 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Bronze finger rings. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12468 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Bronze finger ring, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 41. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12469 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Bronze finger ring, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 41. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12470 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Bronze bracelets, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 22, 16, 15. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12471 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Alabastron in black and white glass, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 8. (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12472 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Balsamarium in glass, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 5 (1st century AD). (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12473 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Balsamarium in glass, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 5 (1st century AD). (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12474 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Finger rings in bronze (1st century AD). (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12475 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Beads in semi-precious stones (1st century AD). (© MAIRY). | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12476 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Beads in semi-precious stones (1st century AD). (© MAIRY). | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12477 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of painted plaster found in Locus L63 (Phase b, 100 BC - 50 AD). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12479 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of worked plaster, probably depicting the breast of the so-called dhāt-Himyām, found in Locus L63 (Phase b, 100 BC - 50 AD). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12480 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of painted plaster found in Locus L63 (Phase b, 100 BC - 50 AD). (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12481 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A.O/10, found in L50. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12482 | Tamnaʿ (T): Inscribed incense burner. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12483 | Tamnaʿ (T): Inscribed incense burner. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12484 | Tamnaʿ (T): Inscribed incense burner. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12485 | Tamnaʿ (T): Inscribed incense burner. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12486 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A.O/12, found in L10. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12487 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Frontal view of a hand in bronze of a statue, T.00.A.O/33, found in L8. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12488 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Hand in bronze of a statue, lateral view, T.00.A.O/33, found in L8. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12489 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. T.00.A.O/24, found in L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12490 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Foot on a base of a standing statue in alabaster, T.00.A.O/8, found in L50. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12491 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Miniaturistic tripod in alabaster, T.00.A.O/37, found on surface, NE of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12492 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Beads in semi-precious stones (1st century AD). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12493 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Alabastron in black and white glass, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 8 (1st century AD). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12494 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Silver coin, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 23. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12495 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Silver coin, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 23. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12496 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Silver coin, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 23. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12497 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Silver coin, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 23. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12498 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Silver coins found in the hypogeal tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12499 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Silver coins found in the hypogeal tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12500 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Silver coins found in the hypogeal tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12501 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Silver coins found in the hypogeal tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12502 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Silver coin, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 18. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12503 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Silver coin, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 18. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12504 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Silver coin, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 18. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1985 | 2019KAHs12505 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH / T1): Silver coin, Y85.KAHi.T1 / 18. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12506 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Minaean site in the Yemeni Jawf viewed from the W. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12507 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of a stretch of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12508 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of a stretch of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12509 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of a stretch of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12510 | Barāqiš (BAR): A Mausoleum /Mosque inside the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12511 | Barāqiš (BAR): A tower of Islamic period inside the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs12512 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the site (from the SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12513 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Architectonic elements from the House B/B. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12514 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Burnt architectonic elements. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12515 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Architectonic element in white alabaster. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12516 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B (L220). Limestone block with hole, probably used to tie animals. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12517 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. Architectonic element: a fragment of a sandstone pillar with two squared cavities. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12518 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Seal T.00.A.O/14, from L50. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12519 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Weight in trachyte T.00.A.O/7, from surface, W of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12520 | Tamnaʿ (T): Object. | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12521 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Fragment of a plaster with impression to seal the mouth of a terracotta jar, T.00.A.O/23, from L8+L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12522 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Part of the body of a snake in relief (with a bull head) in plaster, found in L63. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12523 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square, House B/D. Amulet with sphinxes T.00.B.O/17. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12524 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square, House B/A. Small decorated jar, kohl (galena)-blackened shell, and bronze rod found in a niche of the wall M204 in L202. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12525 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square, House B/A. A bronze spoon with handle ending in a bull's head (T.00.B.O/31), found in a niche of the wall M204 in L202. (©MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12526 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square, House B/A. A finger ring in bronze, found in a niche of the wall M204 in L202. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12527 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the remains of the Islamic period, and the propylaeum pillars of the Minaean Temple B (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12528 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the remains of the Islamic period, the Mausoleum(Mosque and tower (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12529 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of the inner wall of tower T48 of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12530 | Barāqiš (BAR): The tower T48 of the city walls (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12531 | Barāqiš (BAR): A Minaean inscription in situ, in the city walls (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12532 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of the original Minaean wall (below), and the wall of Islamic period (above). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12533 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the city walls (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12534 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of recess between towers T54 (right) and T55, and then T55 and T56. On the left is T57 and the city gate (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12535 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of recess between towers T55 (left) and T54, and then T53 and T52 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12536 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the city walls (from the W). The higher tower is T48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12537 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the city walls (from the W). The higher tower is T48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12538 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the city walls (from the S). On the corner is T37. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12539 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the city walls(from the S). The higher tower is T48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12540 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Minaean site (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12541 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Minaean site (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12542 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the Minaean site (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12543 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Minaean site (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1985 | 2019BARs12544 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Minaean site (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1985 | 2019MAIs12545 | Maʿīn: Ancient Qarnāw, capital of the Minaean Kingdom, viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1985 | 2019MAIs12546 | Maʿīn: Ancient Qarnāw, capital of the Minaean Kingdom. Decorated monolithic pillar of an extra-moenia Banāt ʿĀd temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1985 | 2019MAIs12547 | Maʿīn: Ancient Qarnāw, capital of the Minaean Kingdom. The extra-moenia Banāt ʿĀd temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1985 | 2019MAIs12548 | Maʿīn: Ancient Qarnāw, capital of the Minaean Kingdom. The extra-moenia Banāt ʿĀd temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1985 | 2019MAIs12549 | Maʿīn: Ancient Qarnāw, capital of the Minaean Kingdom. View of the Western gate. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs12550 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Inscribed potsherd found in 1987 archaeological excavation in House A (Y.87.Y/62). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs12551 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Inscribed potsherd found in 1987 archaeological excavation in House A (Y.87.Y/61). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs12552 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Inscribed potsherd found in 1987 archaeological excavation in House A (Y.87.Y/61). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs12553 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Inscribed potsherd found in 1987 archaeological excavation in House A (Y.87.Y/61). (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs12554 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Terracotta tablet found in 1987 archaeological excavation in House A, L1. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs12555 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Terracotta tablet found in 1987 archaeological excavation in House A, L1. Detail of hunt representation. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs12556 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Terracotta tablet found in 1987 archaeological excavation in House A, L1. Detail of hunt representation. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs12557 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Terracotta tablet found in 1987 archaeological excavation in House A, L1. Detail of hunt representation. (©MAIRY) | |
Yalā /Al-Durāyb | يلا / الدريب | 1989 | 2019YALs12558 | Yalā /Al-Durāyb (Y): Terracotta tablet found in 1987 archaeological excavation in House A, L1. Detail of inscription and symbols. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ḥamrah | جبل حمرا | 1989 | 2019AMRs12559 | Ğabal Ḥamrah: Survey carried out in a site of Bronze age period. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ḥamrah | جبل حمرا | 1989 | 2019AMRs12560 | Ğabal Ḥamrah: A Bronze Age settlement. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ḥamrah | جبل حمرا | 1989 | 2019AMRs12561 | Ğabal Ḥamrah: Survey carried out in a site of Bronze age period. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ḥamrah | جبل حمرا | 1989 | 2019ARNs12562 | Ğabal Ḥamrah: General view of the huge Bronze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ḥamrah | جبل حمرا | 1989 | 2019AMRs12563 | Ğabal Ḥamrah: A site of Bronze Age period (3rd Millennium BC). (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ḥamrah | جبل حمرا | 1989 | 2019AMRs12564 | Ğabal Ḥamrah: A site of Bronze Age period, detail of a tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ḥamrah | جبل حمرا | 1989 | 2019AMRs12565 | Ğabal Ḥamrah: A site of Bronze age period. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ḥamrah | جبل حمرا | 1989 | 2019AMRs12566 | Ğabal Ḥamrah: Local people next to the Bronze Age settlement. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ḥamrah | جبل حمرا | 1989 | 2019AMRs12567 | Ğabal Ḥamrah: General view of the Bronze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ḥamrah | جبل حمرا | 1989 | 2019AMRs12568 | Ğabal Ḥamrah: Detail of a wall of the Bronze Age settlement. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ḥamrah | جبل حمرا | 1989 | 2019AMRs12569 | Ğabal Ḥamrah: Detail of a tomb of the Bronze Age settlement. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ḥamrah | جبل حمرا | 1989 | 2019AMRs12570 | Ğabal Ḥamrah: Detail of a Bronze Age tomb. (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12571 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB v): Double side flint Y.84.NABv.42 from the Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12572 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB v): Flint Y.84.NABv.42 from the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12573 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB v): Flint Y.84.NABv.42 from the Bronze Age site. (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12574 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB v): Flint Y.84.NABv.42 from the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12575 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABv): Scraper from the Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12576 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABv): Scraper from the Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12577 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABv): Scraper from the Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12578 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABv): Scraper from the Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12579 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABv): Scraper from the Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12580 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABv): Scraper from the Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12581 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABv): Scraper from the Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12582 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABiii): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12583 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABiii): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12584 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABiii): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12585 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABiii): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12587 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABiii): Scraper from the Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12588 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABiii): Scraper from the Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12589 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABiii): Scraper from the Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs12590 | Tamnaʿ (T): Alabaster jar with a lid MIFT.99/26 from illegal excavation (MIFT = Missione Italo-Francese a Tamnaʿ). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs12591 | Tamnaʿ (T): Alabaster jar with a lid MIFT.99/26 from illegal excavation (MIFT = Missione Italo-Francese a Tamnaʿ). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs12592 | Tamnaʿ (T): Alabaster jar with a lid MIFT.99/26 from illegal excavation (MIFT = Missione Italo-Francese a Tamnaʿ) and donated to the Archaeological museum of ʿAtaq. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs12593 | Tamnaʿ (T): Cubic lamp in burm (steatite) MIFT.99/28 from illegal excavation and donated to the Archaeological museum of ʿAtaq. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs12594 | Tamnaʿ (T): Mirror in bronze MIFT.99/8 from illegal excavation and donated to the Archaeological museum of ʿAtaq. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs12595 | Tamnaʿ (T): Fragments of a bronze bowl MIFT.99/32 from illegal excavation and donated to the Archaeological museum of ʿAtaq. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12596 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square. House B/B. Architectonic elements in alabaster with imprints of burnt wooden beams. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs12597 | Tamnaʿ (T): Balsamarium in alabaster MIFT.99/23 from illegal excavation and donated to the Archaeological museum of ʿAtaq. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs12598 | Tamnaʿ (T): Balsamarium in alabaster MIFT.99/23 from illegal excavation and donated to the Archaeological museum of ʿAtaq. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs12599 | Tamnaʿ (T): Balsamarium in alabaster MIFT.99/23. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12600 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat. Limestone slab that decorated an external wall of a building (T.00.A.O / 56, from L56). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs12601 | Tamnaʿ (T): Miniature tripod container in alabaster (MIFT.99/22). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12602 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector B, Market Square, House B/B, example of a mud brick with handprint. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs12603 | Tamnaʿ (T): Jar in alabaster with five handles (MIFT.99/25). The MIFT collection comes fron illegal excavation at Hağar an-Nāb (Wādī Marḫa), and donated to the Archaeological museum of ʿAtaq. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs12604 | Tamnaʿ (T): Coins (MIFT.99/1). The MIFT collection comes fron illegal excavation at Hağar an-Nāb (Wādī Marḫa), and donated to the Archaeological museum of ʿAtaq. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs12605 | Tamnaʿ (T): Coins (MIFT.99/1). The MIFT collection comes fron illegal excavation at Hağar an-Nāb (Wādī Marḫa), and donated to the Archaeological museum of ʿAtaq. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs12606 | Tamnaʿ (T): Qatabanian silver coin, head of Athena/owl (MIFT.99/2). (4th-3rd cent. BC) (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs12607 | Tamnaʿ (T): Himyarite coinage, series with two heads (MIFT.99/3). (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12608 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12609 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12610 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12612 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12613 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): Bronze Age stone tool. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12614 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): Bronze Age stone tool. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12615 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): Bronze Age stone tool. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12616 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): Bronze Age stone tool. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12617 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): Bronze Age stone tool. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12618 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): Bronze Age stone tool. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12619 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvi): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12620 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvi): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12621 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvi): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12622 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABviii): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12623 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABviii): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age. (© MAIRY). | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12624 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABviii): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12625 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABviii): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12626 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABviii): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12627 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABviii): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12628 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABviii): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs12629 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABviii): Plate composed of stone tools from the Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1985 | 2019MAIs12630 | In the Wādī Jawf, on the way to Maʿīn. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1985 | 2019MAIs12631 | In the Wādī Jawf, on the way to Maʿīn. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1985 | 2019MAIs12632 | Maʿīn: Ancient Qarnāw, capital of the Minaean Kingdom. A temple intra moenia. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1985 | 2019MAIs12633 | Maʿīn: Ancient Qarnāw, capital of the Minaean Kingdom. The temple intra moenia. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1985 | 2019MAIs12634 | Maʿīn: Local people. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Hamdān | خربة همدان | 1985 | 2019KHMs12635 | Ḫaribat Hamdān: Ancient Haram. The lintel of the Banāt ʿĀd temple's door. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫaribat Hamdān | خربة همدان | 1985 | 2019KHMs12636 | Ḫaribat Hamdān: Ancient Haram. Jambs of the Banāt ʿĀd temple's door. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12637 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12638 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12639 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12640 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12641 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12642 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12643 | Tamnaʿ (T): Stone statue representing a dromedary on a base (MIFT.00/42) from illegal excavation carried out probably at Hağar an-Nāb (Wādī Marḫa), and donated to the Archaeological museum of ʿAtaq (MIFT = Missione Italo-Francese a Tamnaʿ). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12644 | Tamnaʿ (T): Stone statue representing a dromedary on a base (MIFT.00/42) from illegal excavation carried out probably at Hağar an-Nāb (Wādī Marḫa), and donated to the Archaeological museum of ʿAtaq (MIFT = Missione Italo-Francese a Tamnaʿ). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12645 | Tamnaʿ (T): Bone talisman decorated with two sphinxes and the tree of life (MIFT.00 / 40) from illegal excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12646 | Tamnaʿ (T): Base of a container of a funerary portrait in alabaster (MIFT.99 / 66). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12647 | Tamnaʿ (T): Base of a container of a funerary portrait in alabaster (MIFT.99 / 66). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12648 | Tamnaʿ (T): Human head in alabaster (MIFT.00 / 62). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12649 | Tamnaʿ (T): Bull head and inscription in alabaster (fake) (MIFT.00 / 28). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12650 | Tamnaʿ (T): Miniature round offering table in limestone (MIFT.00 / 14). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12651 | Tamnaʿ (T): Bull head of a miniature offering table in alabaster (MIFT.00 / 15). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12652 | Tamnaʿ (T): Bull head of a miniature offering table in alabaster (MIFT.00 / 15). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12653 | Tamnaʿ (T): Bull head and inscription in alabaster (fake) (MIFT.00 / 28). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12654 | Tamnaʿ (T): Hand of a human statue in alabaster (MIFT.00 / 63). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12655 | Tamnaʿ (T): Hand of a human statue in alabaster (MIFT.00 / 63). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12656 | Tamnaʿ (T): Bracelet in bronze (MIFT.00 / 64). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12657 | Tamnaʿ (T): Fragment of a lion head in bronze (MIFT.00 / 39). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12658 | Tamnaʿ (T): Fragment of a lion head in bronze (MIFT.00 / 39). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12659 | Tamnaʿ (T): Spoon in bronze with handle ending in a bull's head (MIFT.00 / 41). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12660 | Tamnaʿ (T): Spoon in bronze with handle ending in a bull's head (MIFT.00 / 41). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12661 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sympulum (ladle) in bronze with handle ending in a feline's head (MIFT.99 / 13). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12662 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sympulum (ladle) in bronze with handle ending in a feline's head (MIFT.99 / 13). (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ḥamrah | جبل حمرا | 1989 | 2019AMRs12663 | Ğabal Ḥamrah: Grave of Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ḥamrah | جبل حمرا | 1989 | 2019AMRs12664 | Ğabal Ḥamrah: Grave of Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Aš-Šumah | الشُمه | 1989 | 2019SHMs12665 | Aš-Šumah (SHM): Tihāma, November 8, 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Aš-Šumah | الشُمه | 1989 | 2019SHMs12666 | Aš-Šumah (SHM): Tihāma, November 8, 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Aš-Šumah | الشُمه | 1989 | 2019SHMs12667 | Aš-Šumah (SHM): Tihāma, November 8, 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Aš-Šumah | الشُمه | 1989 | 2019SHMs12668 | Aš-Šumah (SHM): Tihāma, November 8, 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Aš-Šumah | الشُمه | 1989 | 2019SHMs12669 | Aš-Šumah (SHM): Tihāma, November 8, 1989. (© MAIRY) | |
Aš-Šumah | الشُمه | 1989 | 2019SHMs12670 | Aš-Šumah (SHM): Tihāma, the Neolithic site (November 8, 1989). (© MAIRY) | |
Aš-Šumah | الشُمه | 1989 | 2019SHMs12671 | Aš-Šumah (SHM): Tihāma, the Neolithic site (November 8, 1989). (© MAIRY) | |
Aš-Šumah | الشُمه | 1989 | 2019SHMs12672 | Aš-Šumah (SHM): Tihāma (November 8, 1989). (© MAIRY) | |
Aš-Šumah | الشُمه | 1989 | 2019SHMs12673 | Aš-Šumah (SHM): Tihāma (November 8, 1989). (© MAIRY) | |
Aš-Šumah | الشُمه | 1989 | 2019SHMs12674 | Aš-Šumah (SHM): Tihāma, the Italian-Yemeni archaeological team in the Neolithic site. Prof. M. Tosi, Prof. S. Bökönyi, and M. Cattani (November 8, 1989). (© MAIRY) | |
Aš-Šumah | الشُمه | 1989 | 2019SHMs12675 | Aš-Šumah (SHM): Tihāma, the Neolithic site. Prof. M. Tosi and M. Cattani (November 8, 1989). (© MAIRY) | |
Aš-Šumah | الشُمه | 1989 | 2019SHMs12676 | Aš-Šumah (SHM): Tihāma, the Neolithic site. Prof. M. Tosi, Yemeni students and the Wakīl ‘Alī Al-Muddaī, GOAM (Ṣanʿāʾ) (November 8, 1989). (© MAIRY) | |
Aš-Šumah | الشُمه | 1989 | 2019SHMs12677 | Aš-Šumah (SHM): Tihāma, excavation in the Neolithic site (November 8, 1989). (© MAIRY) | |
Aš-Šumah | الشُمه | 1989 | 2019SHMs12678 | Aš-Šumah (SHM): Tihāma, excavation in the Neolithic site (November 8, 1989). (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12679 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12680 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12681 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12682 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12683 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12684 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12685 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12686 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12687 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12688 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12689 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš, cemetery. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12690 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12691 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš, tombs. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12692 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš, cemetery and a monumental tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12693 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš, a monumental tomb in the cemetery. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12694 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš, detail of a tomb in the cemetery. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12695 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš, view of a tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš | قرية الحنيش | 1985 | 2019QARs12696 | Qaryat Al-Aḥneyš, detail of qaḍāḍ that cover a monumental tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2019SANs12697 | Structures (probably from the Bronze Age) in the third terrace on the slopes of Ğabal Suda, at the confluence of Wādī al-Oqran and Wādī al-Āʿṣāf. Endorheic basin of Ṣanʿāʾ region. Survey carried out by A. deM, G.M. Bulgarelli, F. Di Mario and Aḥmad Šamsān, September 24, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2019SANs12698 | Structures (probably from the Bronze Age) in the third terrace on the slopes of Ğabal Suda, at the confluence of Wādī al-Oqran and Wādī al-Āʿṣāf. Endorheic basin of Ṣanʿāʾ region. Survey carried out by A. deM, G.M. Bulgarelli, F. Di Mario and Aḥmad Šamsān, September 24, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2019SANs12699 | Ğabal Suda viewed from the NW. A site(probably from the Bronze Age) on the slopes of Ğabal Suda, at the confluence of Wādī al-Oqran and Wādī al-Āʿṣāf. Endorheic basin of Ṣanʿāʾ region. Survey carried out by A. deM, G.M. Bulgarelli, F. Di Mario and Aḥmad Šamsān, September 24, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2019SANs12700 | Ğabal Suda viewed from the NW. A site(probably from the Bronze Age) on the slopes of Ğabal Suda, at the confluence of Wādī al-Oqran and Wādī al-Āʿṣāf. Endorheic basin of Ṣanʿāʾ region. Survey carried out by A. deM, G.M. Bulgarelli, F. Di Mario and Aḥmad Šamsān, September 24, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2019SANs12701 | Wādī Sirr facing the confluence into the Wādī Marab. Endorheic basin of Ṣanʿāʾ region. Survey carried out by G.M. Bulgarelli, F. Di Mario and Aḥmad Šamsān searching for a Palaeolithic site, September 24, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2019SANs12702 | Wādī Sirr facing the confluence into the Wādī Marab. Endorheic basin of Ṣanʿāʾ region. Survey carried out by G.M. Bulgarelli, F. Di Mario and Aḥmad Šamsān searching for a Palaeolithic site, September 24, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12703 | Tamnaʿ (T): Ibex in bronze (fake) (MIFT.00 / 48). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12704 | Tamnaʿ (T): Ibex in bronze (fake) (MIFT.00 / 48). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12705 | Tamnaʿ (T): Terracotta jar. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12706 | Tamnaʿ (T): Terracotta jar, from illegal excavation (Qatabanian tombs). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12707 | Tamnaʿ (T): Terracotta jar from funerary context illegally excavated. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12708 | Tamnaʿ (T): Terracotta jar from funerary context illegally excavated. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12709 | Tamnaʿ (T): Terracotta jar from funerary context illegally excavated. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12710 | Tamnaʿ (T): A wavy rim bowl from funerary context. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12711 | Tamnaʿ (T): A wavy rim bowl from funerary context. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12712 | Tamnaʿ (T): Fragment of a jar found in a tomb illegally excavated. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12713 | Tamnaʿ (T): Fragment of a jar found in a tomb illegally excavated. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12714 | Tamnaʿ (T): Fragment of a rim of a jar with inscription. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12715 | Tamnaʿ (T): Fragment of a handle of a terracotta container. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12716 | Tamnaʿ (T): Fragment of a terracotta decorated rim found in a funerary context (illegally excavated). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12717 | Tamnaʿ (T): Statue in bronze representing a standing man (fake) (MIFT.00 / 86). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12718 | Tamnaʿ (T): Statue in bronze representing a standing man (fake) (MIFT.00 / 86). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12719 | Tamnaʿ (T): Statue in bronze representing a standing man (fake). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12720 | Tamnaʿ (T): Statue in metal representing a standing man (fake). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12721 | Tamnaʿ (T): Statue in metal representing a standing man (fake). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12722 | Tamnaʿ (T): Couple of statues in metal representing standing men (fakes). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2019SANs12723 | Wādī Sirr facing the confluence into the Wādī Marab. Endorheic basin of Ṣanʿāʾ region. Survey carried out by G.M. Bulgarelli, F. Di Mario and Aḥmad Šamsān searching for a Palaeolithic site, September 24, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2019SANs12724 | Wādī Sirr facing the confluence into the Wādī Marab. Endorheic basin of Ṣanʿāʾ region. Survey carried out by G.M. Bulgarelli, F. Di Mario and Aḥmad Šamsān searching for a Palaeolithic site, September 24, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12725 | On the way from Ṣanʿāʾ to Ṣirwāḥ. Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - Augus1 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12726 | On the way from Ṣanʿāʾ to Ṣirwāḥ. Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - August 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12727 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - August 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12728 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): General view of the Almaqah Temple. Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - August 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12729 | ṢṢirwāḥ (S): General view of the Almaqah Temple. Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - August 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12730 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): The city walls, Southern tower. Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - August 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12731 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): Remains of the fortification. Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - August 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12732 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): Monolithis pillars of the Almaqah Temple. Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - August 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12733 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - August 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12734 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): The pillars of the Sabaean Almaqah Temple. Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - August 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12735 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): The Almaqah Temple (mid-7th cent. BC) and the Islamic tower. Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - August 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12736 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): The long inscription of Karibʾīl Watar, mukarrib of Saba. Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - August 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12737 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): The long inscription of Karibʾīl Watar, mukarrib of Saba. Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - August 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12738 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): Fragment of an inscription reused in a wall of Islamic period. Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - August 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12739 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): Inscriptions reused in a wall of Islamic period. Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - August 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12740 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): An inscription reused in a wall of Islamic period. Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - August 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12741 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): Inscriptions reused in a wall of Islamic period. Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - August 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1985 | 2019SIRs12742 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): Fragment of a Sabaean inscription reused in a wall of Islamic period. Survey carried out by F. Di Mario and V. Francaviglia on July 31 - August 1, 1985. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs12743 | On the way from Marib (volcanic area) to the capital. Survey carried out by archaeologist F. Di Mario and geologist V. Francaviglia, July 31 - August 1, 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs12744 | On the way from Marib (volcanic area) to the capital. Survey carried out by archaeologist F. Di Mario and geologist V. Francaviglia, July 31 - August 1, 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs12745 | On the way from Marib (volcanic area) to the capital. Survey carried out by archaeologist F. Di Mario and geologist V. Francaviglia, July 31 - August 1, 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs12746 | On the way from Marib (volcanic area) to the capital. Survey carried out by archaeologist F. Di Mario and geologist V. Francaviglia, July 31 - August 1, 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12747 | Tamnaʿ (T): Decorated golden bead. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12748 | Tamnaʿ (T): Female head in alabaster (MIFT.00 / 30). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12749 | Tamnaʿ (T): Male head in alabaster (MIFT.00 / 12). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12750 | Tamnaʿ (T): Male head in alabaster (MIFT.00 / 12). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12751 | Tamnaʿ (T): Male head in alabaster (MIFT.00 / 12). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12752 | Tamnaʿ (T): Male head in alabaster (MIFT.00 / 12). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12753 | Tamnaʿ (T): Male head in alabaster (MIFT.00 / 12). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12754 | Tamnaʿ (T): Male head in alabaster (MIFT.00 / 12). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12755 | Tamnaʿ (T): Male head in alabaster (MIFT.00 / 12). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12756 | Tamnaʿ (T): Headless standing woman in limestone (MIFT.00 / 6). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12757 | Tamnaʿ (T): Headless standing woman in limestone (MIFT.00 / 6). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12758 | Tamnaʿ (T): Fragment of female bust in alabaster of the so-called Dhāt-Ḥimy. (MIFT.00 / 6). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12759 | Tamnaʿ (T): Light blue glazed cup with three feet. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12760 | Tamnaʿ (T): Light blue glazed cup with three feet. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12761 | Tamnaʿ (T): Balance (Lat. trutina) in bronze and weight, from illegal excavation carried out at Hağar an-Nāb (Wādī Marḫa) (MIFT.00 / 52). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12762 | Tamnaʿ (T): Detail of a female bust with inscription [ʾls2r(ḥ)] of the balance in bronze. (MIFT.00 / 52). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12763 | Tamnaʿ (T): Incense burner in bronze, from illegal excavation carried out at Hağar an-Nāb (Wādī Marḫa) (MIFT.00 / 53). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12764 | Tamnaʿ (T): Incense burner in bronze, with lid (with holes) and handle ending in a gazelle's head (MIFT.00 / 53). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12765 | Tamnaʿ (T): Incense burner in bronze, with lid (with holes) and handle ending in a gazelle's head (MIFT.00 / 53). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12766 | Tamnaʿ (T): Inscribed stone pertaining to a funerary container (MIFT.99 / 64). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12767 | Tamnaʿ (T): Inscribed stone pertaining to a funerary container (MIFT.99 / 64). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12768 | Tamnaʿ (T): Inscribed base of a funerary stela. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12769 | Tamnaʿ (T): Inscribed base of a funerary stela. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12770 | Tamnaʿ (T): Limestone base of a funerary stela. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12771 | Tamnaʿ (T): Inscribed stela. The hole was probably used to fix a bull's head (MIFT.00 / 69). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12772 | Tamnaʿ (T): Limestone base of a funerary stela. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12773 | Tamnaʿ (T): Bowl in bronze. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12774 | Tamnaʿ (T): Deep bowl in bronze (MIFT.00 / 51). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12775 | Tamnaʿ (T): Lids in bronze (MIFT.00 / 45, 46, 47). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12776 | Tamnaʿ (T): Lids in bronze (MIFT.00 / 45, 46, 47). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12777 | Tamnaʿ (T): Miniature vases in bronze from a funerary context (MIFT.00 / 65). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12778 | Tamnaʿ (T): A key in bronze. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12779 | Tamnaʿ (T): Bronze ibex used as a lamp handle. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12780 | Tamnaʿ (T): Couple of bracelets in bronze (MIFT.00 / 50). The MIFT collection comes fron illegal excavation at Hağar an-Nāb (Wādī Marḫa), and donated to the Archaeological museum of ʿAtaq. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12781 | Tamnaʿ (T): Couple of bracelets in silver (MIFT.00 / 49). The MIFT collection comes fron illegal excavation at Hağar an-Nāb (Wādī Marḫa), and donated to the Archaeological museum of ʿAtaq. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12782 | Tamnaʿ (T): Statue in metal representing a standing man (fake), lateral view (MIFT.00 / 86). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12783 | Tamnaʿ (T): Statue in metal representing a standing man, rear view (fake) (MIFT.00 / 86). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12784 | Tamnaʿ (T): Statue in metal representing a standing man, frontal view (fake) (MIFT.00 / 86). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12785 | Tamnaʿ (T): Base with inscription of a funerary stela (MIFT.00 / 1). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12786 | Tamnaʿ (T): Base with inscription of a funerary stela. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12787 | Tamnaʿ (T): Human head in limestone (MIFT.00 / 85). (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs12788 | On the way from Marib (volcanic area) to the capital. Survey carried out by archaeologist F. Di Mario and geologist V. Francaviglia, August 1, 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs12789 | On the way from Marib (volcanic area) to the capital. Survey carried out by archaeologist F. Di Mario and geologist V. Francaviglia, August 1, 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs12790 | On the way from Marib (volcanic area) to the capital. Survey carried out by archaeologist F. Di Mario and geologist V. Francaviglia, August 1, 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs12791 | Geologist V. Francaviglia. On the way from Marib (volcanic area) to the capital (August 1st, 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs12792 | On the way from Marib (volcanic area) to the capital. Survey carried out by archaeologist F. Di Mario and geologist V. Francaviglia, August 1, 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs12793 | On the way from Marib (volcanic area) to the capital. Survey carried out by archaeologist F. Di Mario and geologist V. Francaviglia, August 1, 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs12794 | On the way from Marib (volcanic area) to the capital. Survey carried out by archaeologist F. Di Mario and geologist V. Francaviglia, August 1, 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs12795 | On the way from Marib (volcanic and desertic area) to the capital. Survey carried out by archaeologist F. Di Mario and geologist V. Francaviglia, August 1, 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs12796 | On the way from Marib (volcanic area) to the capital. Survey carried out by archaeologist F. Di Mario and geologist V. Francaviglia, August 1, 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs12797 | On the way from Marib (volcanic area) to the capital. Survey carried out by archaeologist F. Di Mario and geologist V. Francaviglia, August 1, 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs12798 | On the way from Marib (volcanic area) to the capital. Survey carried out by archaeologist F. Di Mario and geologist V. Francaviglia, August 1, 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1985 | 2019MRBs12799 | On the way from Marib (volcanic area) to the capital. Survey carried out by archaeologist F. Di Mario and geologist V. Francaviglia, August 1, 1985. (? MAIRY) | |
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12800 | In the ragion of Ḏamār, survey carried out by geologist Vincenzo Francaviglia searching for obsidian (November 1985). (© MAIRY) | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12801 | In the ragion of Ḏamār, survey carried out by geologist Vincenzo Francaviglia searching for obsidian (November 1985). (© MAIRY) | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12802 | In the ragion of Ḏamār, survey carried out by geologist Vincenzo Francaviglia searching for obsidian (November 1985). (© MAIRY) | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12803 | In the ragion of Ḏamār, survey carried out by geologist Vincenzo Francaviglia searching for obsidian (November 1985). (© MAIRY) | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12804 | In the ragion of Ḏamār, survey carried out by geologist Vincenzo Francaviglia searching for obsidian (November 1985). (© MAIRY) | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12805 | The Ḏamār plain, general view (November 1985). (© MAIRY) | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12806 | The Ḏamār plain, general view (November 1985). (© MAIRY) | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12807 | On the way from Ṣanʿāʾ to the plain of Ḏamār, general view (November 1985). (© MAIRY) | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12808 | On the way from Ṣanʿāʾ to the plain of Ḏamār, general view (November 1985). (© MAIRY) | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12809 | The plain of Ḏamār, general view (November 1985). (© MAIRY) | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12810 | The plain of Ḏamār, general view (November 1985). (© MAIRY) | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12811 | Ğabal Isbīl, in the Region of Ḏamār, geological survey carried out by V. Francaviglia (November 1985). (© MAIRY). | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12812 | Ğabal Isbīl, in the Region of Ḏamār, geological survey carried out by V. Francaviglia (November 1985). (© MAIRY). | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12813 | Ğabal Isbīl, in the Region of Ḏamār, geological survey. Stratigraphy with pumice and lapilli, and sulfur residues (November 1985). (© MAIRY). | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12814 | Ğabal Isbīl, in the Region of Ḏamār, geological survey. Stratigraphy with pumice and lapilli, and sulfur residues, general view (November 1985). (© MAIRY). | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12815 | Ğabal Isbīl, in the Region of Ḏamār, geological survey. Stratigraphy with pumice and lapilli, and sulfur residues, general view (November 1985). (© MAIRY). | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12816 | Ğabal Isbīl, in the Region of Ḏamār, geological survey. Stratigraphy with pumice and lapilli, and sulfur residues, general view (November 1985). (© MAIRY). | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12817 | Ğabal Isbīl, in the Region of Ḏamār, geological survey. Stratigraphy with pumice and lapilli, and sulfur residues, detail (November 1985). (© MAIRY). | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12818 | Ğabal Isbīl, in the Region of Ḏamār, geological survey. Stratigraphy with pumice and lapilli, and sulfur residues, detail (November 1985). (© MAIRY). | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12819 | Ğabal Isbīl, in the Region of Ḏamār, geological survey. Stratigraphy with pumice and lapilli, and sulfur residues, detail (November 1985). (© MAIRY). | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12820 | Ğabal Isbīl, in the Region of Ḏamār, geological survey. Stratigraphy with pumice and lapilli, and sulfur residues, detail (November 1985). (© MAIRY). | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12821 | General view of the plain of Ḏamār, (November 1985). (© MAIRY). | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12822 | Geological survey in the Region of Ḏamār (November 1985). (© MAIRY). | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12823 | Geological survey in the Region of Ḏamār (November 1985). (© MAIRY). | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12824 | Ğabal Isbīl, in the Region of Ḏamār, geological survey (November 1985). (© MAIRY). | ||
Ḏamār | 1985 | 2019DMRs12825 | Ğabal Isbīl, in the Region of Ḏamār, geological survey (November 1985). (© MAIRY). | ||
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2019SANs12826 | Panel with lithic tools of Neolithic period, exhibited at the Sheraton Hotel during a conference on the discoveries of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Yemen (October 30, 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2019SANs12827 | Panel with Bronze Age lithic tools exhibited at the Sheraton Hotel during a conference on the discoveries of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Yemen (October 30, 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2019SANs12828 | Panel with Bronze Age pottery exhibited at the Sheraton Hotel during a conference on the discoveries of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Yemen (October 30, 1985). (? MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12829 | Tamnaʿ (T): Inscribed base in alabaster of a funerary stela. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12830 | Tamnaʿ (T): Inscribed stela. The hole was probably used to fix a bull's head (MIFT.00 / 69). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12831 | Tamnaʿ (T): Inscribed stela. The hole was probably used to fix a bull's head (MIFT.00 / 69). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12832 | Tamnaʿ (T): Inscribed base found on surface in the necropolis of Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 2000 | 2019TAMs12833 | Tamnaʿ (T): Fragment of an inscription found on surface in the necropolis of Ḥayd bin ʿAqīl. (© MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1982 | 2019QAGs12834 | Dayq Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Neolithic (?) stone tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs12835 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Fragment of an alabaster pendent (?) found in L1. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs12836 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Smoothed granite axe. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1985 | 2019WTHs12837 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Panels, bronze object, plate 1. | |
Wādī Ḥawrah | وادي حورة | 1984 | 2019HAWs12838 | Wādī Ḥawrah (HAWi): Bronze tool found on surface. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1985 | 2019WTHs12839 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Panels, bronze object, plate 1. | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1985 | 2019WTHs12840 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Panels, bronze object, plate 1. | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1985 | 2019WTHs12841 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Panels, bronze object, plate 1. | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1985 | 2019WTHs12842 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Panels, bronze object, plate 1. | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1985 | 2019WTHs12843 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Panels, bronze object, plate 1. | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1985 | 2019WTHs12844 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Panels, bronze object, plate 1. | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1985 | 2019WTHs12845 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Panels, bronze object, plate 1. | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1985 | 2019WTHs12846 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Panels, bronze object, plate 1. | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1985 | 2019WTHs12847 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Panels, bronze object, plate 1. | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1985 | 2019WTHs12848 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Panels, bronze object, plate 1. | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1985 | 2019WTHs12849 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Panels, bronze object, plate 1. | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1985 | 2019WTHs12850 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTH): Panels, bronze object, plate 1. | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs12851 | Marib (M): The monolithic pillars of Baʾrān Temple, dedicated to the god Almaqah. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs12852 | Marib (M): The monolithic pillars of Baʾrān Temple, dedicated to the god Almaqah. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs12853 | Marib (M): The monolithic pillars of Baʾrān Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs12854 | Marib (M): The monolithic altars of Baʾrān Temple, dedicated to the god Almaqah. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs12855 | Marib (M): The monolithic pillars of a mausoleum of the cemetery next to Awwām Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs12856 | Marib (M): The monolithic pillars of the Awwām Temple (Prof. M. Tosi). (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs12857 | Marib (M): The Temple Awwām dedicate to the god Almaqah. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs12858 | Marib (M): The Temple Awwām dedicate to the god Almaqah. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs12859 | Marib (M): The Temple Awwām, inscription. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs12860 | Marib (M): The Temple Awwām. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs12861 | Marib (M): The Temple Awwām. (© MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs12862 | Marib (M): The dam. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs12863 | Marib (M): The dam. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs12864 | Marib (M): The dam, detail. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs12865 | Marib (M): The dam. (? MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs12866 | Marib (M): The dam. (? MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12867 | Ṣanʿāʾ, the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12868 | Ṣanʿāʾ, the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12869 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12870 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12871 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12872 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, April 1983 (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12873 | Ṣanʿāʾ, A. deM on the roof of a house in front of Bayt Shwkani. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12874 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12875 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12876 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12877 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12878 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12879 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Land Rover in front of the gate of Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12880 | Ṣanʿāʾ,The Italian team (A. deM, M. Angle, F. Gianni, V. Labianca, P. Berardi, A. Solazzi) and Yemenis of GOAL in front of the Library. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12881 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the mafraj (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12882 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the mafraj (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12883 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani (al-Qa'a quarter), the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the mafraj. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12884 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani (al-Qa'a quarter), the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the mafraj. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12885 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani (al-Qa'a quarter), the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the mafraj. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12886 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani (al-Qa'a quarter), the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the mafraj. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12887 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani (al-Qa'a quarter), the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the mafraj. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12888 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani (al-Qa'a quarter), the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the mafraj. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12889 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani (al-Qa'a quarter), the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the mafraj. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12890 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the mafraj. Bayt Shwkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12891 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the photographic laboratory. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12892 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the photographic laboratory. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12893 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the photographic laboratory. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12894 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the photographic laboratory. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12895 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the photographic laboratory. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12896 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the photographic laboratory. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12897 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the photographic laboratory. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12898 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the photographic laboratory. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12899 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the photographic laboratory. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). A. Solazzi. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12900 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the photographic laboratory. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12901 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the lessons room. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12902 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the room for the architects, V. Labianca. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12903 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the room for the architects, P. Berardi. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12904 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the room for the architects, P. Berardi and V. Labianca. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12905 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the room for the architects, P. Berardi and V. Labianca. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12906 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12907 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, office of the Head of Mission Alessandro deM. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12908 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, office of the Head of Mission Alessandro deM. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12909 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, office of the Head of Mission Alessandro deM. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12910 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the lessons room. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12911 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12912 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, a sleeping room. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12913 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, a sleeping room. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12914 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the archaeological laboratory. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12915 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the archaeological laboratory. F. G, M. A. and G.M. B. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12916 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the archaeological laboratory. F. G., M. A. and G.M. B. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12917 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the archaeological laboratory. M. A. and G.M. B.. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12918 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the archaeological laboratory. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12919 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the archaeological laboratory. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12920 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the archaeological laboratory. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12921 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the archaeological laboratory. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12922 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the archaeological laboratory. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12923 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the kitchen. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12924 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the archaeological storehouse. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12925 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the roof. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12926 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the garden. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12927 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs12928 | Ṣanʿāʾ, The Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the garden and the gate. Bayt Shawkani (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs13059 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Flora of the area of Wādī Yanāʿim. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs13060 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Flora of the area of Wādī Yanāʿim. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs13061 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Flora of the area of Wādī Yanāʿim. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs13062 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Flora of the area of Wādī Yanāʿim. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs13063 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Flora of the area of Wādī Yanāʿim. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs13064 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Flora of the area of Wādī Yanāʿim. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs13065 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Flora of the area of Wādī Yanāʿim. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs13066 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Flora of the area of Wādī Yanāʿim. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs13067 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Flora of the area of Wādī Yanāʿim. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs13068 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): Flora of the area of Wādī Yanāʿim. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2019SANs13077 | Panel with Sabaean pottery from Yalā / Al-Durāyb, exhibited at the Sheraton Hotel during a conference on the discoveries of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Yemen (October 30, 1985). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1985 | 2019SANs13078 | Panel with Himyarite pottery from Madīnat Al-Ahǧur, exhibited at the Sheraton Hotel during a conference on the discoveries of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Yemen (October 30, 1985). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs13139 | Al-Masannah (MASi): Pit 1, Bronze Age (28/5/1983). (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs13140 | Al-Masannah (MASi): Pit 1, Bronze Age (28/5/1983). (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs13141 | Al-Masannah (MASi): Pit 2, Bronze Age (28/5/1983). (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs13142 | Al-Masannah (MASi): Pit 2, Bronze Age (28/5/1983). (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs13143 | Al-Masannah (MAS): workers and visitors (2/6/1983). (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs13144 | Al-Masannah (MAS): workers and visitors (2/6/1983). (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs13145 | Al-Masannah (MASii): archaeological sounding, Neolithic (M.G. Bulgarelli excavation) (2/6/1983). (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs13146 | Al-Masannah (MASii): archaeological sounding, Neolithic (M.G. Bulgarelli excavation) (2/6/1983). (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs13147 | Al-Masannah (MASii): 2nd archaeological sounding, Neolithic (M.G. Bulgarelli excavation) (2/6/1983). (?MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2019SRLs13148 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SRii): View of the tombs from Jabal Hamrah (2/5/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2019SRLs13149 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SRii): View of the tombs from Jabal Hamrah (2/5/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2019SRLs13150 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SRii): View of the excavated tomb, Bronze Age (2/5/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2019SRLs13151 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SRii): the excavated tomb viewed from the W, (2/5/1983), Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2019SRLs13152 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SRii): general view of the excavated tomb (2/5/1983), Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2019SRLs13153 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SRii): general view of the excavated tomb (2/5/1983), Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2019SRLs13154 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SRii): general view of the excavated tomb (2/5/1983), Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2019SRLs13155 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SRii): view of the excavated tomb (2/5/1983), Bronze Age. Detail of the funerary chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2019SRLs13156 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SRii): view of the excavated tomb (2/5/1983), Bronze Age. Detail of the funerary chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2019SRLs13157 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SRii): view of the excavated tomb (2/5/1983), Bronze Age. Detail of the funerary chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2019SRLs13158 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SRii): view of a 'ray' (long wall) of the excavated tomb (2/5/1983), Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2019SRLs13159 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SRii): detail of a 'ray' (long wall) of the excavated 'turret tomb' (2/5/1983), Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Silbām Ar-Radaʿi | سلبام الرداعي | 1983 | 2019SRLs13160 | Silbām Ar-Radaʿi (SRii): side view of the excavated 'turret tomb' (2/5/1983), Bronze Age. (© MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1982 | 2019QAGs13186 | Dayq Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Neolithic (?) stone tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1982 | 2019QAGs13188 | Dayq Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Amygdala tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1982 | 2019QAGs13189 | Dayq Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Amygdala tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13192 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl, detail of a locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13193 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl, detail of stones inserted in the ground. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13194 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Professor Alessandro deM standing in a locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13195 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Professor Alessandro deM at the foot of the dike, viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13196 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Structures in Zone 2 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13197 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Structures in Zone 2 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13198 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Structures in Zone 2 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13199 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Structures in Zone 2 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13200 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Structures in Zone 2 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13201 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Structures in Zone 2. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13202 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Structures in Zone 2 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13203 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Structures in Zone 2 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13204 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Detail of a locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13205 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Collapsed structures in Zone 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13206 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Collapsed structures in Zone 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13207 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Collapsed structures in Zone 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13208 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Collapsed structures in Zone 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13209 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Collapsed structures in Zone 3. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13210 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Zone 4 and the whole site (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13211 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Zone 4 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13212 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Zone 4, detail of structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13213 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Zone 4 view of some loci. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13214 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of the dike above the site (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13215 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of the dike above the site (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13216 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of the site from the dike. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13217 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. View of the site from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13218 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Detail of a locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13219 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Detail of a row of stones into the ground. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13220 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Detail of a locus with a central pillar. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13221 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. General view of the site from the dike. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13222 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Landscape and modern village viewed from the dike. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13223 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. General view of the geological dike. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13224 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Landscape and modern village viewed from the site (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13225 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. The site viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13226 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. The site viewed from the N/NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13227 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Landscape and the site viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13228 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. The site viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13229 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. The site viewed from the N/NE. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13230 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. The site viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13231 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. The site viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13232 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Detail of some structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13233 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Structures viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13234 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Detail of structures viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13235 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. The site viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13236 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Geomorfologist Bruno Marcolongo on the Land Rover roof. (©MAIRY) | |
Ar-Raqlah | الرقلة | 1984 | 2019RAQs13237 | Ar-Raqlah (RAQi): Bronze Age site in Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. Geomorfologist Bruno Marcolongo on the Land Rover roof. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019ASLs13238 | Ğabal ʿAsāl: general view from Ǧabal Šayr(27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019ASLs13239 | Ğabal ʿAsāl: general view of pre-Cambrian (from the S) (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13240 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH): general view (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13241 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH): general view (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13242 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSHiii): general view of the Neolithic site toward south (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13243 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSHiii): general view of the Neolithic site toward south (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13244 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSHiii): general view of the Neolithic site toward south (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13245 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSHiii): general view of the Neolithic site toward south (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13246 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSHiii): oval-shaped (granite) structure in the site of Neolithic period (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13247 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSHiii): oval-shaped (granite) structure in the site of Neolithic period (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13248 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSHiii): structure in the site of Neolithic period (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13249 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSHiii): a structure in the Neolithic site (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13250 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSHiii): a structure in the Neolithic site (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13251 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSHiii): a structure in the Neolithic site (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13252 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSHiii): a structure in the Neolithic site (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13253 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSHiii): a huge structure in the Neolithic site (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13254 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSHiii): view of structures in the Neolithic site (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019ASLs13255 | Ğabal ʿAsāl: general view from the S(27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13256 | Ǧabal Šayr viewed from the Neolithic site GSHiii (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13257 | Ǧabal Šayr viewed from the Neolithic site GSHiii (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13258 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSHiii): the Neolithic site viewed from the west (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13259 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSHiii): the Neolithic site viewed from the west (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13260 | 'Turret tombs', south of the Neolithic site GSHiii (27/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs13261 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSHiii): the Neolithic site viewed from the west (27/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13262 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. A terracotta figurine covered by plaster (Y.92.B/183) representing a female head. Found in L4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13263 | Barāqiš (BAR): Local people employed to set up the camp fence. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13264 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Minaean city viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13265 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the camp from the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13266 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Minaean city viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13267 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the camp from the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13268 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Minaean city viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13269 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the camp from the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13270 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the ancient city (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13271 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the camp from the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13272 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the Minaean city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13273 | Barāqiš (BAR): The tents in the camp at the foot of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13274 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the city. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13275 | Barāqiš (BAR): The tents in the camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13276 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13277 | Barāqiš (BAR): The tents of the Italian-Yemeni camp at the foot of the city walls (SW side). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13278 | Barāqiš (BAR): The tents of the Italian-Yemeni camp at the foot of the city walls (SW side). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13279 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13280 | Barāqiš (BAR): Life in the camp. The Somali nurse Osman. T48 in the background. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13281 | Barāqiš (BAR): The camp with the prefabricated buildings under construction. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13282 | Barāqiš (BAR): The camp with the prefabricated buildings under construction. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13283 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city gate between towers T56, T57, T1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13284 | Barāqiš (BAR): The camp of the Italian-Yemeni archaeological team. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13285 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city gate between towers T56, T57, T1. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13286 | Barāqiš (BAR): The life in the camp. M. Mascellani. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13287 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city gate between towers T56, T57, T1 viewed from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13288 | Barāqiš (BAR): The life in the camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13289 | Barāqiš (BAR): The wall of T56, viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13290 | Barāqiš (BAR): The life in the camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13291 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city gate between towers T56, T57, T1 viewed from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13292 | Barāqiš (BAR): The life in the camp. S. Antonini. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13293 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city gate between towers T56, T57, T1 viewed from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13294 | Barāqiš (BAR): The life in the camp. S. Antonini. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13295 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13296 | Barāqiš (BAR): Young Italian S.A. archaeologist and two local people. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13297 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13298 | Barāqiš (BAR): The prefabricated buildings under construction in the camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13299 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the city walls (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13300 | Barāqiš (BAR): Both the prefabricated buildings and the fence under construction. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13301 | Barāqiš (BAR): Both the prefabricated buildings and the fence under construction. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13302 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the city walls (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13303 | Barāqiš (BAR): The dumper to take away the stones from the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13304 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13305 | Barāqiš (BAR): The dumper to take away the stones from the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13306 | Barāqiš (BAR): The drillin truck for a water well, S of the camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13307 | Barāqiš (BAR): The tents and the prefabricated buildings under construction viewed from the city walls (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13308 | Barāqiš (BAR): Scaffolding of the conveyor belt, from the top to the base of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13309 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls viewed from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13310 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13311 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13312 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the SW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13313 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13314 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13315 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13316 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13317 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13318 | Barāqiš (BAR): The camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13319 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13320 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Italian-Yemeni camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13321 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13322 | Barāqiš (BAR): The camp and the city walls with T48. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13323 | Barāqiš (BAR): A drilling truck for a water well. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13324 | Barāqiš (BAR): The drilling truck for a water well, S of the camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13325 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13326 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Minaean city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13327 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of a water well drilling truck. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13328 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of a water well drilling truck. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13329 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13330 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of a water well drilling truck. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13331 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13332 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of a water well drilling truck, S of the camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13333 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13334 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of a water well drilling truck. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13335 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13336 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of a water well drilling truck, S of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13337 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of a water well drilling truck, S of the city walls, and inside the site fence. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13338 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13339 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of a water well drilling truck, S of the city walls, and inside the site fence. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13340 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Southern corner of the city walls (T37-T41). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13341 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of a water well drilling truck, S of the city walls, and inside the site fence. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13342 | Barāqiš (BAR): Tea in the moonlight in the camp. The mechanic Abdallah and the Somali nurse Osman. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13343 | Barāqiš (BAR): Tea in the moonlight in the camp. The mechanic Abdallah and the Somali nurse. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13344 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of T34 of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13345 | Barāqiš (BAR): The conveyor belt at work, from the excavation of Temple of Nakraḥ to outside and at the foot of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13346 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of T34 of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13347 | Barāqiš (BAR): The conveyor belt at work, from the excavation of Temple of Nakraḥ to outside and at the foot of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13348 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls: detail of T34 at the base. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13349 | Barāqiš (BAR): The conveyor belt at work, from the excavation of Temple of Nakraḥ to outside and at the foot of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13350 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls: detail of T34 at the base, and the wall of Islamic period betweem T33 and T34 (the SE gate). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13351 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the W. The small bulldozer carries the excavated earth on the conveyor belts. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13352 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls: detail of T34 at the base with collapsed stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13353 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the W. The small bulldozer removes the excavated earth. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13354 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls: detail of T34 at the base, and the wall of Islamic period betweem T33 and T34 (the SE gate). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13355 | Barāqiš (BAR): The earth from the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ is removed with a small bulldozer. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13356 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls: detail of T34. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13357 | Barāqiš (BAR): The earth from the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ is removed with a small bulldozer, and then on the conveyor belt. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13358 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of the double curtain of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13359 | Barāqiš (BAR): The earth from the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ is removed with a small bulldozer on the conveyor belt. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13360 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the double curtain of the city walls. T48 in the background. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13361 | Barāqiš (BAR): The use of the conveyor belt. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13362 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Southern gate of Islamic period. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13363 | Barāqiš (BAR): During the excavation of the Nakraḥ Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13364 | Barāqiš (BAR): The city walls: detail of the wall of Islamic period betweem T33 and T34 (the SE gate). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13365 | Barāqiš (BAR): Removal of the earth from the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13366 | Barāqiš (BAR): The ruins from the Islamic period on the SE city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13367 | Barāqiš (BAR): The ruins from the Islamic period on the SE city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13368 | Barāqiš (BAR): The conveyor belt at work, from the excavation area to outside the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13370 | Barāqiš (BAR): Removal of the earth from the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13371 | Barāqiš (BAR): The ruins from the Islamic period on the SE city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13372 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Italian-Yemeni camp at the foot of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13373 | Barāqiš (BAR): The ruins from the Islamic period on the SE city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13374 | Barāqiš (BAR): The conveyor belt at the foot and S of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13375 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the top of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13376 | Barāqiš (BAR): The conveyor belt at the top of the city walls, next to the Temple of Nakraḥ (on the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13377 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the top of the city walls, towers and recesses (Eastern sector). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13378 | Barāqiš (BAR): The use of a small bulldozer to remove the earth from the archaeological excavation to outside the city walls with the conveyor belt. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13379 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the inner part of the site along the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13380 | Barāqiš (BAR): The use of a small bulldozer to remove the earth from the archaeological excavation to outside the city walls with the conveyor belt. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13381 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the Islamic remains along the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13382 | Barāqiš (BAR): The use of a conveyor belt. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13383 | Barāqiš (BAR): Landscape viewed from the top of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13384 | Barāqiš (BAR): The use of a conveyor belt. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13385 | Barāqiš (BAR): The top of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13386 | Barāqiš (BAR): The use of a conveyor belt. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13387 | Barāqiš (BAR): The dam S of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13388 | Barāqiš (BAR): The top of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13389 | Barāqiš (BAR): The camp at the foot of the city walls viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13390 | Barāqiš (BAR): The remains of Islamic period along and on top of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13391 | Barāqiš (BAR): The camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13392 | Barāqiš (BAR): Landscape and ancient dam viewed from the top of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13393 | Barāqiš (BAR): Unpacking the tents. A. deM. and Khalid al-Ansi. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13394 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of top of a tower. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13395 | Barāqiš (BAR): Unpacking the tents. (©MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13396 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of top and inner side of city walls, Northern sector. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13397 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of top and inner side of city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13398 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of remains of Islamic period along the city walls, inner side. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13399 | Barāqiš (BAR): Building the fence around the camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13400 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of top of the city walls, inner side. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13401 | Barāqiš (BAR): Setting up a tent. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13402 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of remains of Islamic period laong the city walls, inner side. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13403 | Barāqiš (BAR): Setting up a tent. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13404 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of top of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13405 | Barāqiš (BAR): The camp at the very beginning of the archaeological campaign. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13406 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of a collapsed recess of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13407 | A. deM. and M. Mascellani at the Italian Embassy, coming from Barāqiš after the theft of the Jeep and its contents. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13408 | Barāqiš (BAR): A tower in the N sector of the city walls, viewed from inside. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13409 | Barāqiš (BAR): Unloading the trucks. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13410 | Barāqiš (BAR): Remains of Islamic period laong the city walls, inner side. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13411 | Barāqiš (BAR): Unloading a truck. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13412 | Barāqiš (BAR): The remains of an Islamic building at the south gate of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13413 | Barāqiš (BAR): Unloading a truck. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13414 | Barāqiš (BAR): The remains of an Islamic building at the south gate of the site, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13415 | Barāqiš (BAR): Unloading the trucks coming from Sanaa. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13417 | Barāqiš (BAR): Unloading the trucks, and nets for the fence of the camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13418 | Barāqiš (BAR): Landscape, S of the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13419 | Barāqiš (BAR): A water tank. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13420 | Barāqiš (BAR): The dam viewed from the N, from the top of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13421 | Barāqiš (BAR): A break for tea at the camp. The Somali nurse Osman, the mechanic Abdallah, M. M. and A. deM. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13422 | Barāqiš (BAR): Landscape and Islamic cemetery viewed from the city walls, S of the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13423 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Sudanese cook Ahmed in the camp. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13424 | Barāqiš (BAR): Landscape and Islamic cemetery viewed from the city walls, S of the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13425 | Barāqiš (BAR): Local delegation visiting the head of mission. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13426 | Barāqiš (BAR): Landscape and Islamic cemetery viewed from the city walls, S of the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13427 | Barāqiš (BAR): Local delegation visiting the head of mission. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13428 | Barāqiš (BAR): Landscape and Islamic cemetery (foreground) viewed from the city walls, S of the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13429 | Barāqiš (BAR): At the beginning of the archaeological campaign, NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13430 | Barāqiš (BAR): Landscape and Islamic cemetery (foreground) viewed from the city walls, S of the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13431 | Barāqiš (BAR): At the beginning of the archaeological campaign, NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13432 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Islamic cemetery (foreground) viewed from the city walls, S of the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13433 | Barāqiš (BAR): Infirmary in the camp. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13435 | Barāqiš (BAR): Infirmary in the camp. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13436 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of Islamic wall built with stones, wood and mud bricks on top of a tower of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13437 | Barāqiš (BAR): The construction of the toilets. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13438 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of the Minaean curtain between T43 and T44 of the city walls (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13439 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the Islamic level on the Minaean curtain between T43 and T44 of the city walls (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13440 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Islamic level on the Minaean curtain between T43 and T44 of the city walls (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13441 | Barāqiš (BAR): The base of the Italian Mission and the prefabricated panels. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13442 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Islamic level on the Minaean curtain between T43 and T44 of the city walls (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13443 | Barāqiš (BAR): The camp of the Italian Mission and the prefabricated panels. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13444 | Barāqiš (BAR): A stretch of the city walls with a Minaean inscription in situ (lower part). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13445 | Barāqiš (BAR): Works for the infrastructures in the base of the Italian Mission. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13446 | Barāqiš (BAR): A stretch (recess) of the city walls with a Minaean inscription in situ (lower rows). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13447 | Barāqiš (BAR): A stretch of the city walls with a Minaean inscription in situ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13448 | Barāqiš (BAR): Break moment. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13449 | Barāqiš (BAR): A stretch (recess) of the city walls with a Minaean inscription in situ (lower rows). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13450 | Barāqiš (BAR): A stretch (recess) of the city walls with a Minaean inscription in situ, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13451 | Barāqiš (BAR): A stretch (recess) of the city walls with a Minaean inscription in situ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13452 | Barāqiš (BAR): A stretch (recess) of the city walls with a Minaean inscription in situ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13453 | Barāqiš (BAR): A stretch (recess) of the city walls with a Minaean inscription in situ, detail (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13454 | Barāqiš (BAR): A stretch (recess) of the city walls with a Minaean inscription in situ, general view. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13455 | Barāqiš (BAR): City walls, a Minaean inscription in situ, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13456 | Barāqiš (BAR): City walls, a Minaean inscription in situ, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13457 | Barāqiš (BAR): City walls, a Minaean inscription in situ, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13458 | Barāqiš (BAR): City walls, a Minaean inscription in situ, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13459 | Barāqiš (BAR): City walls, a Minaean inscription in situ, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13460 | Barāqiš (BAR): City walls, a Minaean inscription in situ, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13461 | Barāqiš (BAR): City walls, a Minaean inscription in situ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13462 | Barāqiš (BAR): City walls, a Minaean inscription in situ, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13463 | Barāqiš (BAR): City walls, a tower. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13464 | Barāqiš (BAR): City walls, a tower. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13465 | Barāqiš (BAR): City walls, a tower. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13466 | Barāqiš (BAR): City walls, a recess between two towers. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13467 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple A (dedicated to the god Nakraḥ) before the excavation (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13468 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple A (dedicated to the god Nakraḥ) before the excavation (from the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13469 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation. A house in stones and mud bricks of Islamic period was built on the temple's roof (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13470 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation. A house in stones and mud bricks of Islamic period was built on the temple's roof (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13471 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation. A house in stones and mud bricks of Islamic period was built on the temple's roof (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13472 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation. A house in stones and mud bricks of Islamic period was built on the temple's roof (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13473 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation. A house in stones and mud bricks of Islamic period was built on the temple's roof (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13474 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ before the excavation, viewed from the NW. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13475 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of mud bricks of the Islamic house built on the Minaean Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13476 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of mud bricks of the Islamic house built on the roof's beams of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13477 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of mud bricks of the Islamic house built on the roof's beams of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13478 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Islamic ruins and a 3rd Minaean temple, probably dedicated to the god Wadd (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13479 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the door of a 3rd Minaean temple (Temple C), probably dedicated to the god Wadd, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13480 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the Temple B, dedicated to the god ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ, before the archaeological excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13481 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of the propylaeum pillars and the door of the Temple B, dedicated to the god ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ, before the archaeological excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13482 | Barāqiš (BAR): In the background the door of Temple C, and in the foreground some pillars reused in Islamic structures. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1992 | 2019TAMs13483 | Tamnaʿ (T): TT1. (11 June) (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13484 | Barāqiš (BAR): In the background the door of Temple C, and in the foreground some pillars reused in Islamic structures. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1992 | 2019TAMs13485 | Tamnaʿ (T): In the foreground the podium of the TT1 (Timna Temple 1). In the background Hağar Kuḥlān village (11 June). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13486 | Barāqiš (BAR): In the foreground some Minaean pillars reused in Islamic structures. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1992 | 2019TAMs13487 | Tamnaʿ (T): Hağar Kuḥlān village viewed from TT1 (11 June). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13488 | Barāqiš (BAR): In the background the door of Temple C, and in the foreground some Minaean pillars. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13489 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before the excavation. On top of the roof a house was built in the last Islamic occupation (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1992 | 2019TAMs13490 | Tamnaʿ (T): The TT1 (Timna Temple 1). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13491 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of structures of Islamic period (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13492 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before the excavation. On top of the roof a house was built in the last Islamic occupation of the site (from the N/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs13493 | Tamnaʿ (T): The View of the Southern Gate (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13494 | Barāqiš (BAR): Sabaean inscription found on surface. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13495 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before the excavation. On top of the roof a house was built in the last Islamic occupation (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1992 | 2019TAMs13496 | Tamnaʿ (T): General view of the landscape around the ancient Qatabanian site. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13497 | Barāqiš (BAR): Sabaean iscription found on surface. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13498 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before the excavation. On top of the roof a house was built in the last Islamic occupation of the site (from the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1992 | 2019TAMs13499 | Tamnaʿ (T): The Southern gate of the ancient Qatabanian capital. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13500 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the ruins of Islamic period, the mausoleum and, on the right, the tower. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13501 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before the archaeological excavation. On top of the roof a house was built in the last Islamic occupation (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1992 | 2019TAMs13502 | Tamnaʿ (T): The Southern gate of the ancient Qatabanian capital (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13503 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the ruins of Islamic period (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1992 | 2019TAMs13505 | Tamnaʿ (T): The inscription carved on the Southern gate of the ancient Qatabanian capital. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13506 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the ruins of Islamic period. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13507 | Barāqiš (BAR): Tower T44 before the archaeological excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs13508 | Tamnaʿ (T): The Southern gate of the ancient Qatabanian capital. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13509 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the ruins of Islamic period; at the centre is the tower. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13510 | Barāqiš (BAR): The building in stones and mud bricks built on top of the temple dedicated to the god Nakraḥ before the excavation (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1992 | 2019TAMs13511 | Tamnaʿ (T): The Southern gate of the ancient Qatabanian capital. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13512 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the ruins of Islamic period; at the centre is the tower. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1992 | 2019TAMs13513 | Tamnaʿ (T): Lanscape viewed from the ancient Qatabanian capital. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13514 | Barāqiš (BAR): Monolithic pillars of a Minaean temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs13515 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of a beam of the temple ofNakraḥ under an Islamic house in mud bricks and stones. (© MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1992 | 2019TAMs13516 | The Sharif Hussein bin Ahmed Al-Habeili palace in Al-Nuqub Asilan (not far from the Qatabanian capital) (? MAIRY). | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13517 | Barāqiš (BAR): Ruined buildings of the last Islamic occupation (mausoleum/mosque and tower). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13518 | Barāqiš (BAR): An Islamic building in stones and mud bricks on top of the temple of Nakraḥ roof (before the archaeological excavation). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13520 | Barāqiš (BAR): Ruined buildings of the last Islamic occupation (mausoleum/mosque and tower) (from the SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13521 | Barāqiš (BAR): At the very biginning of the excavation of the Temple A (Nakraḥ). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13523 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Islamic tower and the mausoleum/mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13525 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Islamic tower and the mausoleum/mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13526 | Barāqiš (BAR): At the very biginning of the excavation of the Temple A (Nakraḥ). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13528 | Barāqiš (BAR): The tower built in stones, and mud bricks on top, viewed from the S. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13529 | Barāqiš (BAR): At the very biginning of the excavation of the Temple A (Nakraḥ). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13531 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the mausoleum/mosque, and Minaean pillars reused in the court, in front of the Islamic building. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13532 | Barāqiš (BAR): At the very biginning of the excavation of the Temple A (Nakraḥ). Removing the house in stones and mud bricks. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13534 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the tower and the mausoleum/mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13536 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the mausoleum/mosque, and the tower. In the foreground two standing Minaean pillars. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13538 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the mausoleum/mosque, and the tower (detail). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13540 | Barāqiš (BAR): Remnants of Islamic buildings (from the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13541 | Barāqiš (BAR): The roof of the Temple A was freed from the building of the Islamic period (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13543 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Islamic ruins. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13545 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of ruined Islamic buildings. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13547 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of ruined Islamic buildings. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13549 | Barāqiš (BAR): Islamic buildings viewed from the N. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13551 | Barāqiš (BAR): Islamic buildings viewed from the NW. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13552 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the roof of the Nakraḥ Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13554 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Islamic buildings (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13555 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of wall M1 of the Nakraḥ Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13557 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Islamic ruined buildings. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13561 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the roof of the Nakraḥ Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13566 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the door jambs of the Nakraḥ Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13568 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the ruined buildings of Islamic period. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13569 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the wall M1 of the Nakraḥ Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13571 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of an Islamic building near the southern gate of the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13572 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the wall M1 of the Nakraḥ Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13574 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of a ruined Islamic building near the southern gate of the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13575 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of a wall of the Nakraḥ Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13577 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the ruins of Islamic period. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13578 | BarāqiBarāqiš (BAR): Excavation of the Nakraḥ Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13580 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the Islamic remains. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13581 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of Islamic loci built against wall M1 of the Nakraḥ Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13583 | Barāqiš (BAR): Remains of an Islamic building. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13584 | Barāqiš (BAR): Islamic loci built against wall M1 of the Nakraḥ Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13586 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of Islamic ruins in the southern part of the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13588 | Barāqiš (BAR): The site viewed from the S. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1989 | 2019BARs13687 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of the 'Sacristy'. On the right is the inner curtain of the Minaean city walls + collapsed walls of Islamic period. On the left is the perimetrical wall M1 and the side door of the temple (from the W/NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13689 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Excavation of Level 3. Human bones scattered on the florr in the easter sector of the funerary chamber The tomb was pillaged in ancient times. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13690 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of the 'Sacristy'. Inner curtain of the Minaean city walls + collapsed walls of Islamic period (from the N). On the left the lintel of the side door in visible. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13692 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the lintel of the side door ('Sacristy'/L6 - L2) (the photo is taken from above the wall M1, from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13694 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, Level 3, scattered human bones on the floor, in the eastern sector of the funeral chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13696 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Human bones scattered on the floor of the hypogeal tomb. The depositions of Level 3 are above the pits dug into the tuff floor of the funerary chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13699 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, Level 3, detail of a human skeleton in the eastern sector of the funerary chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13701 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, Level 3, excavation of human skeletons in the eastern sector of the funerary chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13703 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, Level 3, excavation of human skeletons in the eastern sector of the funerary chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13705 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, Level 3, scattered human bones on the floor. The tomb was plundered in ancient times. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13707 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, Level 3, scattered human bones on the floor, in the eastern sector of the funeral chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13710 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, Level 3, human skeleton on the floor, in the eastern sector of the funeral chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13711 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of the excavation (from the W). In the background ithe buildings of Islamic period. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13713 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, Level 3, human skeleton on the floor, in the eastern sector of the funeral chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13715 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, Level 3, scattered human bones on the floor, in the eastern sector of the funeral chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13717 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, Level 3, scattered human bones on the floor of the funeral chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13719 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, Level 3, skeleton of a child in the eastern sector of the funeral chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13720 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Excavation in the hypostyle hall (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13722 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, Level 3, skeleton of a child in the eastern sector of the funeral chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13724 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, Level 3, skeleton of a child in the eastern sector of the funeral chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13726 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, human bones of Level 3 burials. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13728 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, Level 3 burials, disarticulated human skeletons. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13731 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, pit no. 2. View of the human skeleton (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13732 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of the excavation (from the N). In the background is tower T44 of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13734 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, pit no. 2. Detail of the human skeleton (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13735 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of the excavation (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13737 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, pit no. 2. Detail of the human skull (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13738 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of the excavation (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13740 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (right), no. 2 (left) at the beginning of the excavation (from the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13741 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Excavation in the hypostyle hall (L22) (from the W/NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13743 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (center), no. 2 (left) at the beginning of the excavation (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13744 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the N. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13746 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (center), no. 2 (left). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13748 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (center), no. 2 (left). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13749 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the E. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13751 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (center), no. 2 (left). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13752 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Excavation outside of the perimetrical wall M8 (from the E/SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13754 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (foreground), no. 7 (background). The latest is closed with a slab placed vertically (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13756 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (foreground), no. 7 (background). The latest is closed with a slab placed vertically (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13757 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Excavation in L22. In the foreground is L2 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13759 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (foreground), no. 7 (background). The latest is closed with a slab placed vertically (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13760 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Excavation in L22. In the foreground is L2 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13763 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The doorway in L2. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13764 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (foreground), no. 7 (background). The latest is closed with a slab placed vertically (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13765 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (foreground), no. 7 (background), no. 3 (right) and no. 2 (left). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13766 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (foreground), no. 7 (background), no. 3 (right) and no. 2 (left). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13767 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (foreground), no. 7 (background), no. 3 (right). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13768 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. A crowned female head in plaster found in the 'Sacristy' (L6). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019BARs13769 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, inside grave no. 7. Detail of the pit with human skeleton (from the S/SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13770 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, inside grave no. 7. Detail of the pit with human skeleton (from the S/SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13771 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, inside grave no. 7. Detail of the pit with human skeleton (from the S/SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13772 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the roof composed by beams and coveting slabs (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13773 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, inside grave no. 7. Detail of the pit with human skeleton. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13774 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, inside grave no. 7. Detail of the pit with human skeleton. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13775 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, grave no. 7. Detail of the covering slabs viewed from below. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13776 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (center) viewed from the NE. Detail of pit no. 4 (in grave no. 1), sealed with slabs. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13777 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (center) viewed from the NE. The pit no. 4 (in grave no. 1) is sealed with slabs. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13778 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Excavation of Islamic structures. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13779 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 7, 1 and 4. On the right is grave no. 3. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13780 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 7, 1 and 4. On the right is grave no. 3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13781 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Excavation the cella L7. On the right is the perimetrical wall of the temple M8, on the left is M4 (from the E/SE). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13782 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (left), 3 (right) viewed from the SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13783 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (left), 3 (right) viewed from the SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13784 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the corner M1 (left) + M4 (right) of the perimetrical walls of the temple (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13785 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (center), no. 3 (right). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13787 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, grave no. 4 (in grave no. 1) viewed from the NW. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13788 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of the lintel of the side doorway in L2 (from the so-called Sacristy. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13789 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, grave no. 4 (in grave no. 1) viewed from the NW. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13790 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, grave no. 4 viewed from the NW. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13792 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the Islamic structures, west of the temple. In the foreground is L2 (the lintel of the side entrance is visible) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13793 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (center), 3 and 6 (left). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13794 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Cleaning the perimetrical wall M1 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13795 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 (center), 3 and 6 (left). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13796 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Cleaning the perimetrical wall M1 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13797 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1 and 4 viewed from the E. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13798 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1, 4, 7 (center), no. 3(right) and no. 6 (along the wall). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13799 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the perimetrical wall M1 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019BARs13800 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1, 4, 7 (center), 3 (right), 2 (left) (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019BARs13801 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, graves nos 1, 4, 7 (center), 3 (right), 2 (left). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019BARs13802 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Hypogeal tomb, grave no. 2 sealed with slabs. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13803 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the inner curtain of M3 in L2 (?) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13804 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Skeleton of a woman aged 60/65 years in grave no. 3. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13805 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Skeleton of a woman aged 60/65 years in grave no. 3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13806 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the upper part of pillars and trabeation (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs13807 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Skeleton of a woman aged 60/65 years in grave no. 3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13808 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the S. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13809 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the W. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13810 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Corner M1 (left) + M4 (right), the perimetrical walls of the temple (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13811 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the S. On the left is the inner curtain of perimetrical wall M1. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13812 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the W. In the foreground L2. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13813 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the W. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13814 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the W. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13815 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The architect V. Labianca in L22, viewed from the N. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13817 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The architect V. Labianca in L22, viewed from the W. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13818 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The architect V. Labianca in L22, viewed from the S. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13826 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of L2. On the right is the inner curtain of the perimetrical wall M3 (form the NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13827 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. An example of Minaean construction technique (double curtain wall). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13828 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of the inner curtain of the perimetrical wall M3, in L2 (form the E/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13829 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The cellae of the temple, viewed from the S (before restoration). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13831 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of highest inscribed stela leaning against the perimetrical wall (M1) of the temple (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13832 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the inscribed stelae leaning against the perimetrical wall (M1) of the temple (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13833 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of L21, and the broken offering table transversely posed in the Islamic period. (from the W, from L22). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13834 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of L21, and the broken offering table transversely posed in the Islamic period. In the background is the perimetrical wall of the temple M8 (rebuilt in Islamic period) (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13835 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of L21, and the broken offering table transversely posed in the Islamic period (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13836 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of L21, and the broken offering table transversely re-employed in the Islamic period (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13837 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Hypostyle hall. View of loci L22 (background) and L21 (foreground). On the sides, the accumulation of earth of the Islamic period (from the N/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13838 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of L21. In the foreground (on top), part of the trabeation of the roof (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13839 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of loci L22 (background) and L21 (foreground) (from the N/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13840 | Barāqiš (BAR): Excavation of the Islamic structures, NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13841 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the main entrance (P1+P2) and the propylaeum (M14) (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13842 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of loci L22 (background) and L21 (foreground) (from the N/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13843 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Restoration works of staircase M7 and wall M5 in the 'Sacristy' (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13844 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Accumulation of earth of Islamic period in the hypostyle hall. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13846 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Restoration works of staircase M7 in the 'Sacristy' (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13847 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of L22 (from the E/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13848 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Restoration works of staircase M7 in the 'Sacristy' (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13849 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of L22 (from the E/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13850 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of a broken pillar in the hypostyle hall, between the accumulation of earth from the Islamic period. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13851 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of a broken pillar in the hypostyle hall, between the accumulation of earth from the Islamic period. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13852 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of the temple (left) and Islamic structures (right) (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13853 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of locus L21 with the offering table placed transversely (from the W, from L22). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13854 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the N. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13855 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of locus L21 with the offering table placed transversely (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13856 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the E/NE. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13857 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of locus L21 with the offering table placed transversely (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13858 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the hypostyle hall during excavation. On the left the perimetrical wall M4, and the eastern wall (M31) of the central cella (L8) are visible (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13859 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of locus L21 with the offering table placed transversely (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13860 | Barāqiš (BAR): Restoration works of walls M5 and M7 (staircase) in the 'Sacristy'. In the background is M1 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13861 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of the excavation area (Islamic structures), W/NW of the temple (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13862 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the city walls M39 (left) (from the S). In the background is T48. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13863 | Barāqiš (BAR): Restoration works of walls M5 and M7 (staircase) in the 'Sacristy'. In the background is M1 (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13864 | Barāqiš (BAR): A worker is producing the mud mortar (ṭīn) for the restoration. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13865 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of the temple (left) and 'Sacristy' during the excavation and restoration works (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13866 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The locus L22 viewed from above. On the right is the accumulation of Islamic period. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13867 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of the temple and 'Sacristy' during the excavation and restoration works (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13868 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of locus L21 with the offering table placed transversely (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13869 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Islamic structures in front of the temple (from the W/NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13870 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of the stratigraphy of the Islamic occupation in the hypostyle hall (from above). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13871 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of loci L21 (foreground) and L22 (background). The standing slabs were used to support the offering tables. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13872 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the W/NW. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13873 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the Islamic structures, N of the temple (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13874 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of loci L22 (foreground) and L21 (background). The standing slabs were used to support the offering tables. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13875 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of the excavation in the area, N/NW of the temple. On the right the structures of Islamic period (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13876 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Reading of an inscribed slab holding an offering table in L23. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13877 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the roof of the hypostyle hall (from below). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13878 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of an inscribed stela leaning against M1 (right) in the 'Sacristy' (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13879 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The inscribed stelae leaning against M1 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13880 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The hypostyle hall. In the background is M1 (from the N/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13881 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The hypostyle hall. In the background is M1, on the left the cellae (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13882 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The hypostyle hall. In the background is M1 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13883 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The inscribed stela leaning against M1, detail (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13885 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The inscribed stela leaning against M1, detail (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13896 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The wall M1 with the inscribed stelae (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13898 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The wall M1 with the inscribed stela (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13900 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The wall M1 viewed from the W. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13902 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The wall M1 with the inscribed stelae (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13904 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The lintel of the door in L2 (from below). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13906 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The lintel of the door in L2 (from below). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13908 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The lintel of the central cella (L8, detail (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13910 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The lintel of the central cella (L8) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13912 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The lintel of the central cella (L8). In the background is M4 (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13914 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The lintel of the central cella (L8) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13916 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The lintel of the central cella (L8) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13918 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of pillars of the hypostyle hall and primary beams. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13922 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The wall M4 viewed from the E. This perimetrical wall of the temple was rebuilt in Islamic period, re-using pre-Islamic stones (see the stone block with dentils). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13924 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. A pillar of the southern wall of L2 (from the W/NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13928 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the wall M4 (from the E). In the background is the lintel of the central cella (L8). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13930 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of a cavity in the floor (L2), where the hinge of a door rotated. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13931 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13932 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of the restoration of M5 of the 'Sacristy'. On the right the city walls M39, between T44 and T45 (from the W/NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13933 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of the Islamic structures, N of the temple (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13934 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of the restoration of M5 of the 'Sacristy' (from the W/NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13935 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of a pillar in the southern wall in L2 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13936 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of M21, the side door of the temple, which leads from the 'Sacristy' to L2 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13937 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from NW during the excavations. In the foreground the Islamic structures are visible. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13938 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, the 'Sacristy' (L3+L6) viewed from the S.On the right is M1. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13939 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, detail of a cella door joint. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13940 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the beams of the cellae (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13941 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, detail of the roof made up of metopes, beams and covering slabs. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13942 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, detail of a double dovetail joint in two beams of the temple roof. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13943 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the roof beams (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13944 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of a metope decorated with dentils on top of the roof. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13945 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, detail of a dovetail joint in a beam of the temple roof. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13946 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, view of a metope decorated with dentils. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13947 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ, offering table in L23. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1990 | 2019BARs13948 | Barāqiš (BAR): Mechanical coring outside the SE wall of the temple of Nakraḥ in January 1990; drilling specialist F. Brancaleoni, and geologist V. Francaviglia. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13949 | Barāqiš (BAR): Excavation in the area, W of the Temple of Nakraḥ, and in T45. General view from the NE. Islamic levels. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13950 | Barāqiš (BAR): A Yemeni trainee at the theodolite. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13951 | Barāqiš (BAR): Construction of a drywall to support the excavation area limit, NW of the Nakraḥ Temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13952 | Barāqiš (BAR): Excavation in the area, W of the Temple of Nakraḥ, and in T45 (from the NE). Islamic levels. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13953 | Barāqiš (BAR): Excavation in the area, W of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the NE). Islamic levels. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13955 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The excavation of staircase, viewed from the N. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13956 | Barāqiš (BAR): Woods used in stones masonry of Islamic period, found in the area, NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13957 | Barāqiš (BAR): Woods used in stones masonry of Islamic period, found in the area, NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13958 | Barāqiš (BAR): A wooden threshold with hinge holes, in the Islamic level in the area, NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13959 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the excavated area, NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ. In the background is the cylindrical Islamic tower. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13960 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the excavated area, NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (left) the day after a downpour (July 27, 1992). In the background is T45. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13961 | Barāqiš (BAR): The central area of the site after a downpour (July 27, 1992). In the foreground are the propylaeum pillars of Temple B. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13962 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of Minaean mudbricks in T45 after a downpour (July 27, 1992) (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13963 | Barāqiš (BAR): The central area of the site after a downpour (July 27, 1992), at dawn. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13964 | Barāqiš (BAR): The central area of the site after a downpour (July 27, 1992), at dawn (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13966 | Barāqiš (BAR): The central area of the site after a downpour (July 27, 1992). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13967 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of landscape after a downpour on July 27, 1992. In the foreground is the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13968 | Barāqiš (BAR): The central area of the site after a downpour (July 27, 1992). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13969 | Barāqiš (BAR): The central area of the site after a downpour (July 27, 1992). In the foreground are the propylaeum pillars of Temple B. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13970 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of landscape, village and cemetry from the city walls (July 27, 1992) (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13971 | Barāqiš (BAR): The ancient site viewed from the N (July 27, 1992). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13973 | Barāqiš (BAR): The ancient site viewed from the N (July 27, 1992). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13976 | Barāqiš (BAR): The ancient site viewed from the N (July 27, 1992). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13977 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Wādī Jawf after a downpour on July 27, 1992. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13978 | Barāqiš (BAR): The ancient site viewed from the SE. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13979 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Wādī Jawf after a downpour on July 27, 1992. In the background is Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13981 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Wādī Jawf after a downpour on July 27, 1992. In the background is Barāqiš. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13982 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Wādī Jawf after a downpour on July 27, 1992. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13983 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of the roof truss (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13984 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of ruined buildings of Islamic period. In the foreground are the propylaeum pillars of Temple B. On the right the doorway jambs of Temple C. (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13985 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of ruined buildings of Islamic period (from the NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13986 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of the roof truss (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13987 | Barāqiš (BAR): Dust cloud raised by the earth which, from the conveyor belt, falls into the dumper below (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13988 | Barāqiš (BAR): Dust cloud raised by the earth which, from the conveyor belt, falls into the dumper below (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13989 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of a conveyor belt used to transport the excavated soil from the Temple of Nakraḥ in a dumper out of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13990 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the camp of the Italian and Yemeni archaeologists (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13991 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the camp of the Italian and Yemeni archaeologists (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13992 | Barāqiš (BAR): Dust cloud raised by the earth which, from the conveyor belt, falls into the dumper below (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13993 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of a conveyor belt used to transport the earth from the Temple of Nakraḥ excavation in a dumper out of the city walls (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13994 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the Italian-Yemeni camp (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13995 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of a conveyor belt used to transport the earth from the Temple of Nakraḥ excavation in a dumper out of the city walls (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13996 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of a conveyor belt used to transport the earth from the Temple of Nakraḥ excavation in a dumper out of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13997 | Barāqiš (BAR): The small dumper at the foot of the city walls was used to transport the earth from the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs13998 | Barāqiš (BAR): The small dumper at the foot of the city walls was used to transport the earth from the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14000 | Barāqiš (BAR): Use of a conveyor belt to take the earth from the Temple of Nakraḥ excavation in a dumper out of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14001 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the excavation, N/NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14002 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the excavation, N/NW of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14004 | Barāqiš (BAR): A new well drilled for water supply for the people living in the camp (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14005 | Barāqiš (BAR): A new well drilled for water supply for the people living in the camp. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14006 | Barāqiš (BAR): A new well drilled for water supply for the people living in the camp. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14019 | Barāqiš (BAR): The crane at the foot of the city walls viewed from T45 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14020 | Barāqiš (BAR): The Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from T45 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14021 | Barāqiš (BAR): Professor AdeM sitting on T45 to observe the crane at the foot of the city walls (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14022 | Barāqiš (BAR): Professor AdeM sitting on T45 to observe the crane (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14023 | Barāqiš (BAR): Professor AdeM sitting on T45 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14024 | Barāqiš (BAR): Stones found in the excavation of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14025 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ and archaeological works along the city walls, viewed from the N. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14026 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ and landscape viewed from the N. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14027 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the N. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14028 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. The crane moves a roof beam to the area south of the temple (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14029 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the excavation (Islamic levels) in front of T45, and W of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14030 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the 'Sacristy' and the Temple of Nakraḥ (M1 on the right) (from the S). In the background is T48. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14031 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the excavation (Islamic levels) in front of T45, and W of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14032 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the excavation (Islamic levels), W of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs14033 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the western gate of the site, T56+T57+T1 (from right to left). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs14034 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the western gate of the site, T56 (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs14035 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the western gate of the site, T1 (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs14036 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the SW sector of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs14037 | Barāqiš (BAR): Tower T48 viewed from the SE. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs14039 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of the inner side of tower T48 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs14040 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of the southern corner (T37) of the city walls (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs14041 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of the southern corner (T37) of the city walls (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs14042 | Barāqiš (BAR): The southern corner of the city walls (T37), detail, (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs14043 | Barāqiš (BAR): The southern corner (T37) of the city walls (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs14044 | Barāqiš (BAR): A well (foreground), W of the Minaean site (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs14045 | Barāqiš (BAR): A well, W of the Minaean site (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1986 | 2019BARs14046 | Barāqiš (BAR): Detail of a well (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14054 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the flooded camp at the foot of the city walls, after July 27, 1992 rainfall (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14055 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the flooded camp at the foot of the city walls, after July 27, 1992 rainfall (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14056 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the flooded camp at the foot of the city walls, after July 27, 1992 rainfall (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14057 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the flooded camp at the foot of the city walls, after July 27, 1992 rainfall. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14058 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the flooded camp at the foot of the city walls, after July 27, 1992 rainfall (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14059 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the flooded tents at the foot of the city walls, after July 27, 1992 rainfall (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14060 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the flooded camp at the foot of the city walls, after July 27, 1992 rainfall. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14061 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the flooded camp at the foot of the city walls, after July 27, 1992 rainfall. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14062 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the flooded camp at the foot of the city walls, after July 27, 1992 rainfall. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14063 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Pottery and objects found in the hypogean tomb (funerary good). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14064 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ and 'Sacristy' viewed from the W, after rainfall (July 27, 1992). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14065 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Iron tool Y.86.KAHi.T2/20. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14066 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the NW, after rainfall (July 27, 1992). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14067 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the N, after rainfall (July 27, 1992). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14068 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Pottery and objects found in the hypogean tomb (funerary good). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14069 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Funerary good. Pottery and objects found in the hypogean tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14070 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the 'Sacristy' and the city walls between T44 and T45, after rainfall (July 27, 1992) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14071 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Glass and carnelian beads, Y.86.KAHi.T2/3. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14072 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the 'Sacristy' and the city walls between T44 and T45, after rainfall (July 27, 1992) (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur ( | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14073 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Glass bead, Y.86.KAHi.T2/2. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14074 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Glass bead, Y.86.KAHi.T2/2. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14075 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the 'Sacristy' after rainfall (July 27, 1992) (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14076 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Fragment of a ring and beads, Y.86.KAHi.T2/10. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14077 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the flooded central area of the site after rainfall (July 27, 1992). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14078 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Fragment of a ring with beads, Y.86.KAHi.T2/10. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14079 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the flooded central area of the site after rainfall (July 27, 1992). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14080 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Fragment of a ring with beads, Y.86.KAHi.T2/9. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14081 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the flooded central area of the site after rainfall (July 27, 1992). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14082 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Bronze mirror, reverse side, Y.86.KAHi.T2/12. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14083 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the flooded central area of the site after rainfall (July 27, 1992). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14084 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Silver ring Y.86.KAHi.T2/6. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14085 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the flooded central area of the site after rainfall (July 27, 1992). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14086 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Iron tool Y.86.KAHi.T2/18. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14087 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the flooded central area of the site after rainfall (July 27, 1992). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14088 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Iron tool Y.86.KAHi.T2/18. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14089 | Barāqiš (BAR): General view of the flooded central area of the site after rainfall (July 27, 1992). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14091 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the flooded central area of the site, after rainfall (July 27, 1992). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14092 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Fragment of jewelry Y.86.KAHi.T2/10. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14094 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Iron tool Y.86.KAHi.T2/20. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14095 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Iron tool Y.86.KAHi.T2/20. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14096 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the central area of the site, after rainfall (July 27, 1992) (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14097 | Barāqiš (BAR): View of the central area of the site, and Islamic tower, after rainfall (July 27, 1992) (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14098 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Bronze mirror Y.86.KAHi.T2/12. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14099 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. General view of the northern section of the excavation area after rainfall (July 27, 1992) (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14100 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Knife Y.86.KAHi.T2/19. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14101 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the northern section of the excavation area (Islamic wall Mcc) after rainfall (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14102 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Knife Y.86.KAHi.T2/19. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14103 | Barāqiš (BAR): Temple of Nakraḥ after a rain storm, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14104 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Collapsed stones in the hypostyle hall. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14105 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. View of restoration works of the cellae (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14106 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavation W of the Temple of Nakraḥ, i.e. L12 and T45 (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14107 | Barāqiš: Inscription. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14108 | Barāqiš: General view of the architectonic elements found in the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14109 | Barāqiš: General view of the dismounted roof (beams) of the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14110 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavated area W to the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the N). Mud bricks in T45 are visible. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14111 | Barāqiš: General view of the hypostyle hall of the Temple of Nakraḥ without roof (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14112 | Barāqiš: General view of the area W to the Temple of Nakraḥ. In the background is T48 (from the E). The area was cleared of the soil from the archaeological excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14113 | Barāqiš: General view of the beams of the dismounted roof of the Temple of Nakraḥ, placed in an area S of the temple (from the N). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14114 | Barāqiš: General view of the 'Sacristy'. On the left is the Temple of Nakraḥ. On the right the city walls (from the W/NW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14115 | Barāqiš: General view of the excavated area N of the propylaeum of the Temple of Nakraḥ. On the left are the Islamic walls Mcc and Mcf. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14116 | Barāqiš: View of the postern discovered in the city walls (M39). The Mianean postern was closed in the Islamic period. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14117 | Barāqiš: View of a conveyor belt loading the excavated soil onto the truck at the foot of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14118 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, general view of restored inner sector of the city walls (left) and 'Sacristy' (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14119 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the cellae L8, L13 and L7 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14120 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the inscribed and sculpted offering table in L21. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14121 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the inscribed and sculpted offering table in L22. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14122 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ, view of the central cella (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14123 | Barāqiš: Inscribed offering table. Detail of sculpted crouching ibexes. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14124 | Barāqiš: View of L12. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14125 | Barāqiš: Group photo of some workers. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14126 | Barāqiš: View of a conveyor belt loading the excavated soil onto the truck at the foot of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14127 | Barāqiš: General view of the area, east to the Temple of Nakraḥ (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14128 | Barāqiš: General view of the inner city walls. On the right is tower T45. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14129 | Barāqiš: A bulldozer useful to remove the soil from the excavation (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14130 | Barāqiš: Inscription. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14131 | Barāqiš: Offering table decorated with sculpted crouched ibexes. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14132 | Barāqiš: Inscription. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14133 | Barāqiš: View of a crane, a conveyor belt and a truck at the foot of the city walls (from SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14135 | Barāqiš: A conveyor belt to load the excavated soil (Temple of Nakraḥ) onto the truck at the foot of the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14136 | Barāqiš: Restoration of the postern, viewed from outside of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14137 | Barāqiš: Restoration of the postern. In the background L12 viewed from outside of the city walls. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14138 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Three workers on the eastern corner of the excavation area. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14139 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of L12's doorway (M18+M28). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14140 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Three workers in front of L12's doorway. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14141 | Barāqiš: The NW section of the excavated area, in front of the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14142 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Restoration of the cellae L7, L13, L8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14143 | Barāqiš: Soil excavated in the Temple of Nakraḥ. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14144 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the hypostyle hall; M3 on the rignt. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14145 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscribed offering table in situ, in L21. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14146 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. The main entrance viewed from the central corridor. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14147 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. This monolith, found on the staircase, was the fourth pillar of the propylaeum. It was moved with the crane and placed along the city walls.(©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14148 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. The staircase and propylaeum viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14149 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14150 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14151 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the W/NW. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14152 | Barāqiš: The crane close to the city walls, viewed from the camp. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14153 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the postern from L12 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14156 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. View of L12, and, in the background, the postern (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14157 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. View of staircase M21, and side door between the 'Sacristy' and L2 (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14158 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. View of (restored) staircase M7 in the 'Sacristy' (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14159 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. View of staircase M7 in the 'Sacristy' (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14160 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. The area in front of the cellae (right). In the background is the Minaean drain (in the perimetral wall M8) (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14161 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. The inscribed offering table found in situ in L23. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14162 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. The podium L11 viewed from the N/NW. On the left is M3, the perimetral wall of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14164 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. The podium L11 viewed from the N/NE. On the left is M3, the perimetral wall of the temple. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14165 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Paving, N of the of the main entrance (right), between the perimeter wall M9 of the temple (front), and the Islamic wall Mcf (left). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14166 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Paving, N of the podium M14 of the main entrance, between the perimeter wall M9 of the temple, and the Islamic wall Mcf (left). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14167 | Barāqiš: Crane and the driver. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14168 | Barāqiš: The iron gate for the postern. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14169 | Barāqiš: The iron gate for the postern. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14170 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Specialised workers of GOAM restoring M32 of the central cella. On the left is M4 (from the E/SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14171 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Specialised workers of GOAM restoring M32 of the central cella. On the left is M4 (from the E/SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14172 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Specialised workers of GOAM restoring M32 of the central cella (from the E/SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14173 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of a broken pillar. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14174 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of a small drainage channel carved into the floor of one of the cellae. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14175 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Specialised workers of GOAM restoring M31 of the central cella. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14176 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Specialised workers of GOAM restoring M31 of the central cella. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14177 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the side door between L2 and L6 (the 'Sacristy') (from the N/NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14178 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the side door between L2 and L6 (the 'Sacristy'). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14179 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. View of M31 of central cella L8. On the left is M8 and on the right M4. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14180 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. View of M31 of central cella L8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14181 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. The hypostyle hall, specifically the area in front of the cellae (right). In the background, the perimetral wall M8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14182 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. View of the offering table in L23, from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14183 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. The central corridor of the hypostyle hall. In the background is the main entrance. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14184 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Detail of the central cella L8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14185 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. The hypostyle hall, specifically the area in front of the cellae. In the background, the perimetral wall M8. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14186 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscribed offering table decorated with crouching ibexes, foundin situ in L22. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14187 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscribed offering table decorated with crouching ibexes, found in situ in L23. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14188 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Tle side door in L2, viewed from the 'Sacristy', from L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14189 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscribed stelae leaning against the perimetral wall M1 (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14190 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. The door in L12 (framed by M18 and M28), in M39, where is the postern. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14191 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. The perimetral eastern wall M8 viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14192 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. The perimetral southern wall M4 viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14193 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. The cellae viewed from the east. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14194 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. The cellae viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14195 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. The fence around the excavation area. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14196 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Architectonic slabs, arranged in the area, south of the temple (from the SE). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14197 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Architectonic slabs found in the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14198 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Beams of the dismounted roof, arranged in the area, south of the temple (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14199 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ, viewed from the east. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14200 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Beams of the dismounted roof, arranged in the area, south of the temple (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14201 | Barāqiš: Local people on top of T45, viewed from the crane arm (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14202 | Barāqiš: The city wall (M39) between T44 and T45, and the postern viewed from the crane arm (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14203 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ and the 'Sacristy' (foreground) and the ruined buildings of Islamic period (background) viewed from the crane arm (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14204 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ (foreground) and the ruined buildings of Islamic period (background) viewed from the crane arm (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14205 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ and the 'Sacristy' viewed from the crane arm (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14206 | Barāqiš: The central area of the city enad landscape viewed from the crane arm (from the W ). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14207 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ and the 'Sacristy' viewed from the crane arm (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14208 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the crane arm. On the right the beams of the dismounted roof; in the foreground is T44 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14209 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the crane arm. On the right the beams of the dismounted roof (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14210 | Barāqiš: The Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the crane arm. On the right the beams of the roof (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14211 | Barāqiš: The city walls, towers T44-T45, and the Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the crane arm (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14212 | Barāqiš: The city walls section next to the Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the crane arm (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14213 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ viewed from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14214 | Barāqiš: View of the city walls, T44 and the postern (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14215 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of a plaster with impressed seal, for a terracotta jar. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14216 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of a plaster with impressed seal, for a terracotta jar. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14217 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Fragment of a plaster with impressed seal, for a terracotta jar. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14218 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Inscribed incense burner (Y.92.B.O/104). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14219 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Spout of a stone gutter in a bull head shape (Y.92.B.O/130). (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14220 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Human head of a stela in sandstone, found in a level of Islamic period. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14221 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Right human arm in wood of a statue, found in L12. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14222 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Flat piece of bronze. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14223 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Plaster female head found in the 'Sacristy', L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Barāqiš | براقش | 1992 | 2019BARs14224 | Barāqiš: Temple of Nakraḥ. Plaster female head found in the 'Sacristy', L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14225 | Banī ʿAsāl (BASii/III): general view (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14226 | Banī ʿAsāl (BASii/III): NE side (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14227 | Banī ʿAsāl (BASii/III): NE side of the mountain (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14228 | Banī ʿAsāl (BASii/III): NE side of the nountain (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14229 | Banī ʿAsāl (BASii/III): NE side of the mountain (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14230 | Banī ʿAsāl (BASii/VI): general view of the site (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14231 | Banī ʿAsāl (BASii/VI): general view of the site (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14232 | Banī ʿAsāl (BASii/VI): general view of the site (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14233 | Banī ʿAsāl (BASii/VI): general view of the pre-historic site (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14234 | Banī ʿAsāl (BASii): rock graffiti from the top of the site (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14235 | Banī ʿAsāl (BASii): rock graffiti on the northern side of the mountain (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14236 | Banī ʿAsāl: visitors (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab | حصن الذئاب | 1983 | 2019HDUs14237 | Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab (HD): general view toward north (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab | حصن الذئاب | 1983 | 2019HDUs14238 | Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab (HD): general view toward east (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab | حصن الذئاب | 1983 | 2019HDUs14239 | Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab (HD): general view toward east (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab | حصن الذئاب | 1983 | 2019HDUs14240 | Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab (HD): general view of the ruins (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab | حصن الذئاب | 1983 | 2019HDUs14241 | Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab (HD): the ruins of Late Islamic period viewed from the south (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab | حصن الذئاب | 1983 | 2019HDUs14242 | Ḥuṣn Aḏ-Ḏiyab (HD): general view of the ruins of Late Islamic period (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | 1981 | 2019BEDs14244 | Banī Bedā, the village (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | ||
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14245 | View of Wādī Ḥaykān from Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (sector 2). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14246 | View of Wādī Ḥaykān from Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (sector 2). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14247 | View of Wādī Ḥaykān from Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (sector 2). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14248 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), cylindrical column in Sector 1. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14249 | View of Wādī Ḥaykān from Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (sector 2). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14250 | View of Wādī Ḥaykān from Madīnat Al-Ahǧur . (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14251 | View of Wādī Ḥaykān from Madīnat Al-Ahǧur. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14252 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of the ancient site. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14253 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of the ancient site (sector 2). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14254 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), a wall in the ancient site. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14255 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view from the ancient site (columnar basalt). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14256 | View of Wādī Ḥaykān from the ancient site of Madīnat Al-Ahǧur. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14257 | View of Wādī Ḥaykān from the ancient site of Madīnat Al-Ahǧur. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14259 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of the ruins in 'sector 1'. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14260 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of the ruins in 'sector 3'. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14261 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), detail of a bastion of the city wall in 'sector 3'. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14262 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of the ruins. Illegal excavations to recover bulding stones. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14263 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of the ruins. Illegal excavations to recover bulding stones. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14264 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of the ruins. Illegal excavations to recover bulding stones. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14265 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of the ruins. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14266 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of the ruins. (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14268 | Banī Bedā, near to Jabal Halal (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14269 | Banī Bedā, at the entry in Wādī Ḥaykān (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14270 | Banī Bedā, Islamic ruins on top of Wādī Ḥaykān (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14271 | Banī Bedā, ruins of Islamic period on top of Wādī Ḥaykān (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14272 | Banī Bedā, ruins of Islamic period on top of Wādī Ḥaykān (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14273 | At the bottom of Wādī Ḥaykān (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14274 | At the bottom of Wādī Ḥaykān (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14275 | At the bottom of Wādī Ḥaykān, detail of basalt columns ('organ pipes') (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14276 | A village on top of the mountain viewed from Wādī Ḥaykān (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14277 | A village on top of the mountain viewed from Wādī Ḥaykān (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14278 | The mountain near Banī Bedā (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14279 | Banī Bedā, the gate of the village (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14280 | Banī Bedā, general view of Wādī Ḥaykān from the village (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14281 | Banī Bedā, general view of Wādī Ḥaykān from the village (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14282 | Banī Bedā, the shaykh of the village (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14283 | BBanī Bedā, we are guests in the house of the shaykh of the village (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14284 | Banī Bedā, a man and his son (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14285 | Banī Bedā, we are guests in the house of the shaykh of the village (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14286 | Banī Bedā, we are guests in the house of the shaykh of the village (9/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14287 | Banī Bedā, general view of the confluence of Wādī Beiham and Wādī Bedda (10/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14288 | Banī Bedā, general view of Wādī Bedda (10/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14289 | Banī Bedā, general view of Wādī Bedda (10/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Bedā | بني بدا | 1981 | 2019BEDs14290 | Banī Bedā, view of the pass close to the village (10/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14291 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), a cistern plastered with qaḍāḍ. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14292 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), detail of a cistern plastered with qaḍāḍ. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14293 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), view of Wādī Adanah. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14294 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), the city gate (where the dirt road passes) viewed from the inner part of the ancient Sabaean site. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14295 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), the city gate (where the dirt road passes) viewed from the inner part of the ancient Sabaean site. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14296 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), view of the city walls of the Sabaean site. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14297 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), view of the city walls of the Sabaean site. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14298 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), inscription. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14299 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), incense burner. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14300 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), inscription. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14301 | Banī Bedā viewed from Madīnat Al-Ahǧur. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14302 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), mountains above Wādī Adanah viewed from the Sabaean site. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14303 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), inscription. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14304 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), the city gate (where the dirt road passes) viewed from outside of the ancient Sabaean site. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14305 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), the city gate (where the dirt road passes) viewed from outside of the ancient Sabaean site. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14306 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), the ancient Sabaean site viewed from the ancient gate. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14307 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), small statue of a bull (right side) (10/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14308 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), small statue of a bull (left side). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14309 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), small statue of a bull (front view). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14310 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), small statue of a bull (rear view). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14311 | Nseir village, not far from Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (10/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14317 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): view of the southern part of the as-Sudd dam (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14318 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): a dromedary. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14320 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The as-Sudd dam (also called al-Ğābar, or Ğubāra), southwest of the village of al-Ḍaraʿa (viewed from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14321 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): view of the southern part of the as-Sudd dam (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14323 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The as-Sudd dam (al-Ğābar, or Ğubāra), southwest of the village of al-Ḍaraʿa (viewed from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14324 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The as-Sudd dam (al-Ğābar, or Ğubāra) viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14325 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The as-Sudd dam viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14326 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The as-Sudd dam (al-Ğābar, or Ğubāra) viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14327 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The as-Sudd dam (al-Ğābar, or Ğubāra) viewed from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Kawla | الكولة | 1985 | 2019KWLs14329 | Al-Kawla: the Himyarite dam viewed from the E. (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Kawla | الكولة | 1985 | 2019KWLs14330 | Al-Kawla: the Himyarite dam viewed from the NE. (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Kawla | الكولة | 1985 | 2019KWLs14331 | Al-Kawla: the Himyarite dam viewed from the SE. (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1985 | 2019DARs14336 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The as-Sudd dam, the topographer M. Mascellani and a shepherd. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1985 | 2019DARs14337 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The as-Sudd dam, local people. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14354 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): View of the excavation in the Neolithic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14355 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): A locus in the Neolithic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14356 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): A locus in the Neolithic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14357 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): View of a strucure in the Neolithic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14358 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): A locus in the Neolithic site, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14359 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): General view of the Neolithic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14360 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14361 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation in the site of Neolithic origin. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14362 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14363 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14365 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14366 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the stratigraphical section. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14367 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14368 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation, detail of a section. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14369 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of part of the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14370 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation with huge stone blocks. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14371 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): the excavation. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14372 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): the excavation in the Neolithic site. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14373 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of a structure. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14374 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of some structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14375 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of a large squared locus. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14376 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of some structures. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14377 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation in the Neolithic site in Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14378 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation of a locus delimited by huge stones. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14379 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation of a locus, detail of the stones, one of which is decorated with five of superimposed ibexes hornes sculpted in low relief. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14380 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation of a locus, in the Aceramic Neolithic site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14381 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation of a locus, in the Aceramic Neolithic site in Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14382 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation of a locus, detail of the stones, one of which is decorated with five of superimposed ibexes hornes sculpted in low relief. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14383 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): detail of the stone decorated with five of superimposed ibexes hornes. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14384 | SǦabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation in the Aceramic Neolithic site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14385 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation in the Aceramic Neolithic site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14386 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation in the Aceramic Neolithic site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14387 | SaǦabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation in the Aceramic Neolithic site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14388 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation in the Aceramic Neolithic site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14389 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation in the Aceramic Neolithic site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14390 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation in the Aceramic Neolithic site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14391 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation in the Aceramic Neolithic site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14392 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation in the Aceramic Neolithic site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14393 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation in the Aceramic Neolithic site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14394 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation in the Aceramic Neolithic site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14395 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): a grinding stone in situ. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14396 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): a grinding stone in situ. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14397 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of some structures in the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14398 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): detail of a broken mortar in situ, in the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14399 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): detail of a broken mortar in situ, in the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14400 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): detail of a stone with hollow (for the hinge of a door?), in the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14401 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of the excavated area in the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14402 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of the area at the beginning of the archaeological excavation (a Aceramic Neolithic site in Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14403 | SǦabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of the excavation in the Aceramic Neolithic site. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14404 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): a moment of work. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14405 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): a moment of work. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14407 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of the Neolithic site in Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14408 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): a break. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14411 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): a break during the archaeological excavation in the Aceramic Neolitic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14414 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): the topographical survey of the Aceramic Neolitic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14415 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of the Aceramic Neolitic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14416 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of the Aceramic Neolitic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14417 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of the Aceramic Neolitic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14418 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of the Aceramic Neolitic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14419 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of the Aceramic Neolitic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14420 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): the excavation area in the Aceramic Neolitic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14421 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of the site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14422 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of the site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14423 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of the Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14424 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): detail of a stone at the center of a locus. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14425 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of a sector of excavated area in the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14427 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of a structure in the site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14428 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of a structure in the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14429 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of the site (Aceramic Neolithic in Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14430 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): detail of a structure in the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14431 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of some structures in the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14432 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): landscape and the excavation (left). On the right the architect V. Labianca. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14433 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14434 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of some structures in the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14435 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of some structures in the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14436 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): detail of a structure in the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14437 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of some structures in the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14438 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): landscape, and the excavation in the foreground. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14439 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of a structure in the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14440 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): view of some structures in the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14441 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14443 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of some structures (Aceramic Neolithic site discovered by A.deM in Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14444 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view (Aceramic Neolithic site discovered by A.deM in Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14445 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): the topographical survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14446 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of the Aceramic Neolithic site discovered by A.deM in Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14447 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of the Aceramic Neolithic site. The archaeological campaign were carried out between 23 and 26 October 1983. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14448 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): The archaeological campaign were carried out between 23 and 26 October 1983. (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14449 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): general view of the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14450 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): lanscape around the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Quṭrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14451 | Ǧabal Quṭrān (GQ): the lanscape and the Aceramic Neolithic site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14458 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): at the foot of Ğabal Marmar. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14459 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): uphill towards the summit of the Ğabal Marmar. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14461 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): a column of Islamic period. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14462 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): landscape of the valley viewed from a building of Ḥuṣn. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14463 | SḤuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): landscape of the valley viewed from Ḥuṣn. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14464 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): general view of a fortress built on a rocky spour. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14465 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): general view of some towers built on a rocky spour. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14466 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): general view of Ğabal Marmar from the valley. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14467 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): steps to reach the fortress on Ğabal Marmar. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14468 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): a grave. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14469 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): view of the top of Ğabal Marmar from the hillside. (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14470 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS), general view from the top of Asal towards the W (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14471 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS), general view from the top of Asal towards the village (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14472 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS), general view from the top of Asal towards the village, detail (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14473 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS), general view from the top of Asal towards Al-Masannah (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14474 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS), general view from the top of Ğabal Asal towards Al-Masannah (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14475 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS), view from the top of Asal towards the end of the Mesozoic on the Precambrian (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14476 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS), general view from the top of Asal towards Al-Masannah (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14477 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS), general view from the top of Ğabal Asal towards the E (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14478 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS), general view from the top of Ğabal Asal towards the E (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14479 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS), general view from the top of Ğabal Asal towards the E (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14480 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS), general view from the top of Ğabal Asal towards Al-Masannah (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAsāl | بني عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14481 | Banī ʿAsāl (BAS), boys on top of Ğabal Asal (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14482 | Ğabal ʿAsāl (BASii/III), probably an Early Islamic site (from both the construction technique and pottery point of view) (25/6/1983). Square building (m 6,30). (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14483 | Ğabal ʿAsāl (BASii/III), a cistern (large m 4) (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14484 | Ğabal ʿAsāl (BASii/III), probably an Early Islamic site (c. m 300 x 100/150) (25/6/1983). Square building (background) a cistern (foreground). (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14485 | Ğabal ʿAsāl (BASii/III), probably an Early Islamic site (c. m 300 x 100/150) (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14486 | Ğabal ʿAsāl (BASii/III), general view of the site (Early Islamic?) (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14487 | Ğabal ʿAsāl (BASii/III), detail of a ruined building (Early Islamic site?) (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14488 | Ğabal ʿAsāl (BASii/III), detail of a ruined building (Early Islamic site?) (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14489 | Ğabal ʿAsāl (BASii/III), general view of the site, probably of Early Islamic origin (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14490 | Ğabal ʿAsāl (BASii/III), view of a wall (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14491 | Ğabal ʿAsāl (BASii/III), view of a ruined structure, probably of Early Islamic origin (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14492 | Ğabal ʿAsāl (BASii/III), detail of a wall in the site of Early Islamic origin (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019BASs14493 | Ğabal ʿAsāl (BASii/III), detail of the architectonic technique, in the site of Early Islamic origin (25/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2019GHYs14494 | Ġaymān, Detail of the city walls (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2019GHYs14496 | Ġaymān, Detail of a wall built in volcanic rock (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2019GHYs14497 | Ġaymān, View of a wall built in volcanic rock (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2019GHYs14498 | Ġaymān, an architectonic element decorated with dentils reused in a modern wall (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ġaymān | غيمان | 1981 | 2019GHYs14499 | Ġaymān, an architectonic element decorated with fillets and false windows reused in a modern wall (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14500 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), samples of pottery collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14501 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), samples of pottery collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14502 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), pottery collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14503 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), fragments of jars collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14504 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), potshards collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HAIs14505 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA), potshards collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14506 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), flints collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HAIs14507 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA), flints (1a) collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HAIs14508 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA), flints (1b) collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HAIs14509 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA), flints (2a) collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HAIs14510 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA), flints (2b) collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HAIs14511 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA), flints (3a) collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HAIs14512 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA), flints (4a) collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HAIs14513 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA), flints (4b) collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HAIs14514 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA), flints (5a) collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HAIs14515 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA), flints (5b) collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HAIs14516 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA), flints (6a) collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn | حُميد العين | 1981 | 2019HAIs14517 | Ḥumayd Al-ʿAyn (HA), flints (6b) collected on surface during the archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14542 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): View of Precambrian (4/5/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14543 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): View of Precambrian (4/5/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14544 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): View of the Bronze Age sites WYi and WYii (4/5/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14545 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): View of the Bronze Age sites WYi and WYii (4/5/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14546 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): View of the Bronze Age sites WYi and WYii (4/5/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14547 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): View of the Bronze Age sites WYi and WYii (4/5/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14548 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): View of the Bronze Age sites WYi and WYii (4/5/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14549 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): View of the Bronze Age sites WYi and WYii (4/5/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14550 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): View of the Bronze Age sites WYi and WYii (4/5/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14551 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): View of the Bronze Age sites WYi and WYii (4/5/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14552 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): View of the Bronze Age sites WYi and WYii (4/5/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14553 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): View of the Bronze Age sites WYi and WYii (4/5/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14554 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): View of Ğabal Teref and Ğabal Tiyal (4/5/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14555 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): View of Ğabal Teref and Ğabal Tiyal (4/5/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs14556 | Al-Masannah (MAS): General view of the site (4/5/1983). (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs14557 | Al-Masannah (MAS): General view of the Precambrian (4/5/1983). (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs14558 | Al-Masannah (MAS): View of the camp (4/5/1983). (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs14559 | Al-Masannah (MAS): View of the archaeological excavation area, and the camp (4/5/1983). (?MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥabābiḍ | وادي حبابض | 1983 | 2019WBDs14560 | Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, the abandoned village of Banī Harith, a bird's eye view (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥabābiḍ | وادي حبابض | 1983 | 2019WBDs14561 | Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, a bird's eye view of the wādī (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥabābiḍ | وادي حبابض | 1983 | 2019WBDs14562 | Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, landscape (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥabābiḍ | وادي حبابض | 1983 | 2019WBDs14563 | Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, landscape (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥabābiḍ | وادي حبابض | 1983 | 2019WBDs14564 | Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, the abandoned village of Banī Harith (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥabābiḍ | وادي حبابض | 1983 | 2019WBDs14566 | Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, the abandoned village of Banī Harith (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Lowḍ | جبل الوذ | 1983 | 2019GBDs14567 | Ğabal Lowḍ viewed from the S (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Tiyal | جبل الطيال | 1983 | 2019GBTs14568 | Ǧabal Tiyal viewed from the S (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ḥamrah | جبل حمرا | 1983 | 2019AMRs14569 | View from the Ğabal Ḥamrah toward the W (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عاطف | 1983 | 2019BAFs14570 | Banī ʿAṭif viewed from the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عاطف | 1983 | 2019BAFs14571 | Banī ʿAṭif viewed from the Wādī Ḥabābiḍ (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عاطف | 1983 | 2019BAFs14572 | General view of the area ʿAṭif - Asal: outcrops of the Cenozoic, Mesozoic and Quaternary (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عاطف | 1983 | 2019BAFs14573 | General view of the area ʿAṭif - Asal: outcrops of the Cenozoic, Mesozoic and Quaternary (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿAṭif | بني عاطف | 1983 | 2019BAFs14574 | General view of the area ʿAṭif - Asal: outcrops of the Cenozoic, Mesozoic and Quaternary (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal Ḥamrah | جبل حمرا | 1983 | 2019AMRs14575 | Ğabal Ḥamrah (on Precambrian) (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019ASLs14576 | Ğabal ʿAsāl, viewed from Al-Masannah (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019ASLs14577 | Banī Asal by night (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019ASLs14578 | Banī Asal by night (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019ASLs14579 | Ğabal ʿAsāl, general view from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019ASLs14580 | Ğabal ʿAsāl, general view of the geological feature. (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019ASLs14581 | Geological formation, Precambrian viewed from Ğabal ʿAsāl (toward the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019ASLs14582 | Geological formation, Precambrian viewed from Ğabal ʿAsāl (toward the S/SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Ğabal ʿAsāl | جبل عسال | 1983 | 2019ASLs14583 | Geological formation, Precambrian viewed from Ğabal ʿAsāl (toward the S/SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14584 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), the ruined mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14585 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), the mosque, prayers hall. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14586 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), the mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14587 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), ruined mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14588 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), ruined mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14589 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), mosque and basin. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14590 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14591 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14592 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), Yemeni women. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14593 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), the ablution basin. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14594 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), the ablution basin. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14595 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), the new mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14596 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), the new mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14597 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), the new mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14598 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), the new mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14599 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), a young Yemeni woman. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14600 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), a young Yemeni man. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14601 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), two young Yemeni men. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14602 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), two young Yemeni men. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1983 | 2019HDDs14603 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), group photo. (© MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2019HAMs14604 | Hamrah: Rectangular block of stone with a late himyarite inscription of 7 lines, reused in the arch above a door of a building in the village of Hamrah. (?MAIRY) | |
Ḏamār | ذمار | 1986 | 2019DMRs14605 | View of Ğabal al-Issī, NW of Ḏamār, and SW of Waraqah. (©MAIRY) | |
Hamrah | حمرا | 1986 | 2019HAMs14606 | Hamrah: Irregular rectangular block of stone with an inscription of 4 lines, reused in a wall of a building in the village of Hamrah. (?MAIRY) | |
Ḏamār | ذمار | 1986 | 2019DMRs14607 | View of the Ḏamār plain from Ğabal al-Issī. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14608 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2), The hypogeal tomb, detail of pit no. 7 sealed with a vertical slab, before the excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14609 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2), The hypogeal tomb, pits nos 1, 4 and 7 before the excavation, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14610 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2), The hypogeal tomb, pits nos 1, 4 and 7 before the excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14611 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2), The hypogeal tomb, pits nos 1, 4 and 7 before the excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḏamār | ذمار | 1986 | 2019DMRs14614 | View of Ğabal Isbīl, N of Qaraqah (Ḏamār). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḏamār | ذمار | 1986 | 2019DMRs14615 | View of the Ḏamār plain, and Ğabal al-Issī. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14617 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The as-Sudd dam (also called al-Ğābar, or Ğubāra), southwest of the village of al-Ḍaraʿa (viewed from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14618 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The as-Sudd dam (also called al-Ğābar, or Ğubāra), southwest of the village of al-Ḍaraʿa (viewed from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14619 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The as-Sudd dam (also called al-Ğābar, or Ğubāra), southwest of the village of al-Ḍaraʿa (viewed from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14620 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The as-Sudd dam (also called al-Ğābar, or Ğubāra), southwest of the village of al-Ḍaraʿa (viewed from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14621 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): The as-Sudd dam (also called al-Ğābar, or Ğubāra), southwest of the village of al-Ḍaraʿa (viewed from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14622 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): view of the southern part of the as-Sudd dam (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14623 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): view of the southern part of the as-Sudd dam (from the NW). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14624 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): view of the southern part of the as-Sudd dam (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14625 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): view of the as-Sudd dam (from the W). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14626 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): view of the southern part of the as-Sudd dam (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ḍarāʿ | الضراع | 1986 | 2019DARs14627 | Al-Ḍarāʿ (Ḏamār region): view of the as-Sudd dam (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14676 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): general view of the Ğabal Marmar from the valley. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14677 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): general view of the Ğabal Marmar from the valley. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14678 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): view of the Ğabal Marmar from the valley. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14679 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): the spur where the fortress is, viewed from the valley. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14680 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): the spur where the fortress is, viewed from the valley. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14681 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): view of a fortress on Ğabal Marmar. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14683 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): the spur and the fortress viewed from below. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14684 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): bird's-eye view of the spur and the fortress. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14685 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): shelters along the Ğabal Marmar side. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14686 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): remnants of buildings of Islamic period built on top of Ğabal Marmar. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14687 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): the ruined mosque built on top of Ğabal Marmar. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14688 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): the ruined fortress (right) built on top of Ğabal Marmar. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14689 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): view of ruined buildings built on top of Ğabal Marmar. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14690 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): view of a tower (right) built on the spur of Ğabal Marmar, and the fields (vineyards and qat) in the valley at the foot of the mountain. (© MAIRY) | |
AḤuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14691 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): bird's-eye view of the mosque in the valley at the foot of the mountain (Al-Ġirās). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14692 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): the mosque at Al-Ġirās, viewed from the mountain. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14693 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): a tower and buildings in Šaʿb (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14694 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): the Miḥrāb of the ruined mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14695 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): the Miḥrāb of the ruined mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14696 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): the decorated stuccos of the ruined mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14697 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): the decorated stuccos of the ruined mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14698 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): the decorated stuccos of the ruined mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14699 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): the prayer hall of the ruined mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14700 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): the prayer hall of the ruined mosque and the Miḥrāb (right). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14701 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): la vallata vista dalla montagna. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14702 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): ruined building of Islamic period. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14703 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): ruined building of Islamic period. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs14704 | Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar (HDM): ruined building of Islamic period. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14726 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, human skeleton in pit 3 viewed from the NE. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14727 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, human skeleton in pit 3 viewed from the NE. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14728 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, burial no. 5 viewed from the S. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14729 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, detail of burial no. 5 before the excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14730 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, detail of burial no. 5 before the excavation. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14731 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, burial no. 5 before the excavation, general view. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14732 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, burial no. 5 before the excavation, general view. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14733 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, burial no. 5 covered with three slabs, before the excavation, general view. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14734 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, human skeleton in pit no. 5. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14735 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, human skeleton in pit no. 5. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14736 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, human skeleton in pit no. 5. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14737 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, human skeleton in pit no. 5 viewed from the E. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14738 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, human skeleton in pit no. 5. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14739 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, human skeleton in pit no. 5. This pit is in N/NW side of the funeral chamber. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14740 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, human skeleton in pit no. 5, viewed from the SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14741 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, general view of pits nos 1 and 4 in the foreground, and no. 7 in the background. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14742 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, general view of pits nos 1 and 4 in the foreground, and no. 7 in the background. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14743 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, general view of pits nos 1, 4 and 7 in the foreground, and nos 3 and 6 on the right (eastern side of the funerary chamber). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14744 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, general view of pits nos 1, 4 and 7 at the center of the funeray chamber, and nos 2 and 5 on the left (western side of the funerary chamber). In the foreground, right, is pit no. 3 ((from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14745 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, general view of pits nos 1, 4 and 7 at the center of the funeray chamber, and nos 2 and 5 on the left (western side of the funerary chamber). In the foreground, right, is pit no. 3 ((from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14746 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, general view of pits nos 1, 4 and 7 in the foreground, and nos 3 and 6 on the right (eastern side of the funerary chamber). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14747 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, general view of pits nos 1, 4 and 7 in the foreground, and nos 3 and 6 in the background (eastern side of the funerary chamber). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14749 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, general view of the funerary chamber with the pits carved in in tuffaceous floor, viewed from pit no. 7 (from the N/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14750 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, general view of the funerary chamber with the pits carved in in tuffaceous floor, viewed from pit no. 7 (from the N/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14751 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, general view of the funerary chamber with the pits carved in in tuffaceous floor, viewed from pit no. 7. In the background is the dromos (corridor and entrance) (from the N/NE). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14752 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, general view of pits nos 1, 4 and 7 in the foreground, and nos 2 and 5 on the left (western side of the funerary chamber). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14753 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, general view of pits nos 1 and 4 in the foreground, and nos 3 and 6 on the right (eastern side of the funerary chamber). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14754 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, general view of pits nos 1, 4 and 7 in the foreground, and nos 2 and 5 on the left (western side of the funerary chamber). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14755 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, general view of pits nos 1, 4 and 7 in the foreground, and nos 2 and 5 on the left (western side of the funerary chamber). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14756 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, view of pits nos 6 and 3. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14757 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, general view of the graves carved in the tuffaceous floor. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14758 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): The hypogeal tomb T2, general view of the graves carved in the tuffaceous floor (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14759 | Landscape NE of Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur. View of Ǧaḥū al-Ḥarb, the basalt hill facing the northern side of Ğabal al-Issī. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14761 | View of Ǧaḥū al-Ḥarb, the basalt hill facing the northern side of Ğabal al-Issī, and NE of Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14762 | View of Ǧaḥū al-Ḥarb, the basalt hill facing the northern side of Ğabal al-Issī, and NE of Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14763 | View of Ǧaḥū al-Ḥarb, the basalt hill facing the northern side of Ğabal al-Issī, and NE of Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14765 | Graffito at Ǧaḥū al-Ḥarb, the basalt hill facing the northern side of Ğabal al-Issī, and NE of Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14766 | View of of Ğabal al-Issī from Ǧaḥū al-Ḥarb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs14767 | View of of Ğabal al-Issī from Ǧaḥū al-Ḥarb. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs14770 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age lithic industry. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs14773 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age lithic industry. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14778 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age lithic industry. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Ǧawal | جبل جوال | 1981 | 2019GGWs14779 | Ǧabal Ǧawal (GG): Flint, nucleus. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14782 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age lithic industry. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14784 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age lithic industry. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs14793 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age lithic industry. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs14796 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age lithic industry. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs14804 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age lithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs14807 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age lithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1983 | 2019NABs14814 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABi): Lithic industry, Bronze Age. (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1983 | 2019NABs14823 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABii): Lithic industry, Bronze Age. (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1983 | 2019NABs14831 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABv): Lithic industry, Bronze Age. (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1983 | 2019NABs14845 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABv): Lithic industry, Bronze Age. (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1983 | 2019NABs14846 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABv): Lithic tool, Bronze Age. (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1983 | 2019NABs14851 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABv): Lithic tool, Bronze Age. (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1983 | 2019NABs14852 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABv): Lithic tool, Bronze Age. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs14854 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi), Bronze Age Lithic industry (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs14855 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi), Lithic industry (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs14856 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi), Lithic industry, Bronze Age (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs14857 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi), Lithic industry (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs14858 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi), Lithic industry (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs14859 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi), Lithic industry (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs14860 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYii), Bronze Age Lithic industry (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs14861 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYii), Lithic industry (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs14862 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYii), Lithic industry (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs14863 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYii), Lithic industry (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs14864 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYiii), Bronze Age Lithic industry (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs14865 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYiii), Lithic industry (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥağbah | حجبة | 1981 | 2019HAGs14866 | Ḥağbah (HAG): lithic industry. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥağbah | حجبة | 1981 | 2019HAGs14867 | Ḥağbah (HAG): lithic industry. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ | خربة المقسع | 1981 | 2019KMAs14868 | Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ (KM): Lithic scatters. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ | خربة المقسع | 1981 | 2019KMAs14869 | Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ (KM): Lithic scatters. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-ʿUruš | العروش | 1981 | 2019URUs14870 | Al-ʿUruš (UR): Lithic industry. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-ʿUruš | العروش | 1981 | 2019URUs14871 | Al-ʿUruš (UR): Lithic industry. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥağbah | حجبة | 1981 | 2019HAGs14872 | Ḥağbah (HAG): potsherds. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1981 | 2019HKLs14873 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): potsherds. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1981 | 2019HKLs14874 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): potsherds. (©MAIRY) | |
Kawlat Al-ʿĀdī | كولة العادي | 1981 | 2019KADs14875 | Kawlat Al-ʿĀdī (KA): potsherds. (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs14876 | Baynūn (BA): Fragments of pre-Islamic jars collected on surface during an archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs14877 | Baynūn (BA): Fragments of pottery collected on surface during an archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2019QAGs14878 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Paleolithic tools. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2019QAGs14879 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Paleolithic tools. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14882 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic industry. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14883 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14884 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WUi): Lithic tool (Neolithic). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1984 | 2019WUHs14885 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14886 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14887 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WUi): Lithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14888 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14889 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14890 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14891 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14892 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1984 | 2019WUHs14893 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14894 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14895 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14896 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WUi): Lithic tool (Neolithic). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14897 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic tool (Neolithic). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14898 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic tool (Neolithic). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14899 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14900 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14901 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14902 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WUi): Lithic tool (Neolithic). (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil At-Talih | ماجل التالية | 1983 | 2019MTAs14904 | Mağil At-Talih (MT): pendant, seal (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil At-Talih | ماجل التالية | 1983 | 2019MTAs14905 | Mağil At-Talih (MT): pendant, seal (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs14906 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission, the garden (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs14907 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs14908 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs14909 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs14910 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs14911 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs14912 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs14913 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs14914 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs14915 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs14916 | Ṣanʿāʾ, Bayt Shwkani, the Centre of the Italian Archaeological Mission (al-Qa'a quarter). (© MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14917 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): lithic industry, Neolithic. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14918 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Neolithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14920 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): lithic industry, Neolithic. (©MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Qutrān | جبل قطران | 1983 | 2019GQTs14921 | Ǧabal Qutrān (GQ): Neolithic tools. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2019QAGs14922 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Paleolithic tools. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2019QAGs14923 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Paleolithic tools. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs14924 | Al-Masannah (MASi): terracotta bowl. (?MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2019QAGs14927 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Paleolithic tool. (©MAIRY) | |
Qāʿ Ǧahrān | قاع جهران | 1983 | 2019QAGs14928 | Qāʿ Ǧahrān (QG): Paleolithic tools. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUHs14929 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU): Lithic tools. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs14930 | Al-Masannah (MASi): flints, Bronze Age (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs14931 | Al-Masannah (MASi): potsherds, Bronze Age (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs14932 | Al-Masannah (MASi): flints, Bronze Age (?MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs14933 | Al-Masannah (MASiii): lithic industry, Neolithic. (?MAIRY) | |
Ǧabal Šayr | جبل شاير | 1983 | 2019GSHs14934 | Ǧabal Šayr (GSH): Lithic industry (Neolithic and Bronze Age site). (©MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14940 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), the city walls viewed from the south. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14941 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), bastion of the city walls (sector 4). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14942 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), bastion of the city walls (sector 4). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14943 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), bastion of the city walls (sector 4), detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14944 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), canal with transverse containment walls for the waters (cisterns). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14945 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), ruins of a fortress and cistern (foreground). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14946 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), a small canal that conveys water into the main canal with transverse walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14947 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of the columnar basalts. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14948 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of the columnar basalts. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14949 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of the columnar basalts. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14950 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of the columnar basalts. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14954 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), a cistern, east of the ruined fortress (right). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14955 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), detail of a cistern, east of the ruined fortress (right). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14956 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), view of the ruined fortress (right). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14957 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of the ruined fortress and cistern. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14958 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of the ruined fortress and cistern. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14959 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of a paved area with small flat stones (barnyard) (from the N). In the background is the cemetery. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14960 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of a cemetery. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14961 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), detail of a tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14962 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of a paved area with small flat stones (barnyard?), N of the ancient site (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14963 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of a paved area with small flat stones (barnyard?), N of the ancient site (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14964 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of the valley, NW of the ancient site. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14965 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), bastion and city walls (sector 3) viewed from the NW. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14966 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), bastion and city walls (sector 3) viewed from the S. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14967 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), a cemetery, west of the Sabaean site viewed from the SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14968 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), a cemetery, west of the Sabaean site viewed from the SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14969 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), a cemetery, west of the Sabaean site viewed from the SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14970 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), a cemetery, west of the Sabaean site viewed from the SW. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14974 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of a cemetery (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14975 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of a cemetery (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14976 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of a cemetery (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14977 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of a cemetery (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14978 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of a cemetery (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14979 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of a cemetery (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14980 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of a cemetery (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs14981 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), detail of tombs (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14982 | Maʾbar: details of the stratigraphic section. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14983 | Maʾbar: general view of the stratigraphic section in search for a Lower Paleolithic (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14984 | Maʾbar: the stratigraphic section. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14985 | Maʾbar: the stratigraphic section, Lower Paleolithic (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14986 | Maʾbar: details of the stratigraphic section, Lower Paleolithic (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14987 | Maʾbar: general view of the stratigraphic section (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14988 | Maʾbar: general view of the landscape, in search for a Lower Paleolithic (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14989 | Maʾbar: general view of the landscape, in search for a Lower Paleolithic (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14990 | Maʾbar: general view of the landscape, in search for a Lower Paleolithic (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14991 | Maʾbar: general view of the landscape, in search for a Lower Paleolithic (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14992 | Maʾbar: general view of the landscape, in search for a Lower Paleolithic (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14993 | Maʾbar: general view of the landscape (Paleolithic) (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14994 | Maʾbar: general view of the landscape, Lower Paleolithic (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14995 | Maʾbar: general view of the landscape (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14996 | Maʾbar: family of shepherds (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14997 | Maʾbar: endemic plants (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14998 | Maʾbar: endemic plants (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs14999 | Maʾbar: endemic plants (agave) (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15000 | Maʾbar: endemic plants (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15001 | Maʾbar: endemic plants (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15002 | Maʾbar: endemic plant (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15003 | Maʾbar: landscape (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15004 | Maʾbar: landscape and plowed fields (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15005 | Maʾbar: endemic plant (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15006 | Maʾbar: landscape and plowed fields (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15007 | Maʾbar: landscape, view on the plain (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15008 | Maʾbar: landscape, view on the plain (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15009 | Maʾbar: landscape, view on the plain (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15010 | Maʾbar: landscape, view on the plain from the road to Ṣanʿāʾ (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15011 | Maʾbar: landscape viewed from the road to Ṣanʿāʾ (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15012 | Maʾbar: landscape (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15013 | Maʾbar: landscape (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15014 | Maʾbar: landscape and a village (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15015 | Maʾbar: landscape (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15016 | Maʾbar: A. deM. and a local man (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15018 | Maʾbar: landscape (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY): | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15019 | Maʾbar: landscape (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15020 | Maʾbar: landscape (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15021 | Maʾbar: landscape (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15022 | Maʾbar: landscape (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15023 | Maʾbar: landscape, A. deM. and a local guide (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15027 | Maʾbar: Yemeni hospitality, family of shepherds (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15030 | Maʾbar: landscape (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15031 | Maʾbar: landscape (17/11/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs15032 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), detail of tombs (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs15033 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), detail of tombs (from the S). (© MAIRY) | |
Mağil At-Talih | ماجل التالية | 1983 | 2019MTAs15055 | Mağil At-Talih (MT): general view (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil At-Talih | ماجل التالية | 1983 | 2019MTAs15056 | Mağil At-Talih (MT): general view (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil At-Talih | ماجل التالية | 1983 | 2019MTAs15057 | Mağil At-Talih (MT): general view (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil At-Talih | ماجل التالية | 1983 | 2019MTAs15058 | Mağil At-Talih (MT): general view (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil At-Talih | ماجل التالية | 1983 | 2019MTAs15059 | Mağil At-Talih (MT): general view (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ġawlayn | الغولين | 1983 | 2019GHAs15060 | Al-Ġawlayn (GHA): general view (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ġawlayn | الغولين | 1983 | 2019GHAs15061 | Al-Ġawlayn (GHA): general view (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ġawlayn | الغولين | 1983 | 2019GHAs15062 | Al-Ġawlayn (GHA): general view (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019MQUAs15063 | Al-Quray (QUii): general view and cistern (16/6/1983). (?MAIRY) | |
Mağil-Manẓar | ماجل منظر | 1983 | 2019MMAs15064 | Mağil-Manẓar (MM): view of Wādī Man'am towards N. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil-Manẓar | ماجل منظر | 1983 | 2019MMAs15065 | Mağil-Manẓar (MM): view of Wādī Man'am towards N. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil-Manẓar | ماجل منظر | 1983 | 2019MMAs15066 | Mağil-Manẓar (MM): view of Wādī Man'am towards N. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil-Manẓar | ماجل منظر | 1983 | 2019MMAs15067 | Mağil-Manẓar (MM): cistern. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil-Manẓar | ماجل منظر | 1983 | 2019MMAs15068 | Mağil-Manẓar (MM): cistern, detail of the concrete. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil-Manẓar | ماجل منظر | 1983 | 2019MMAs15069 | Mağil-Manẓar (MM): cistern. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil-Manẓar | ماجل منظر | 1983 | 2019MMAs15070 | Mağil-Manẓar (MM):general view of the cistern. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil At-Talih | ماجل التالية | 1983 | 2019MTAs15071 | Mağil At-Talih (MT): view of the cistern (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil At-Talih | ماجل التالية | 1983 | 2019MTAs15072 | Mağil At-Talih (MT): view of the cistern (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil-Manẓar | ماجل منظر | 1983 | 2019MMAs15073 | Mağil-Manẓar (MM): view of Wādī Man'am towards N. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil-Manẓar | ماجل منظر | 1983 | 2019MMAs15074 | Mağil-Manẓar (MM): view of Wādī Man'am towards S. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil-Manẓar | ماجل منظر | 1983 | 2019MMAs15075 | Mağil-Manẓar (MM): view of Wādī Man'am towards S. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil-Manẓar | ماجل منظر | 1983 | 2019MMAs15076 | Mağil-Manẓar (MM): view of Wādī Man'am towards S. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil-Manẓar | ماجل منظر | 1983 | 2019MMAs15077 | Mağil-Manẓar (MM): view of Wādī Man'am towards S. (©MAIRY) | |
Mağil-Manẓar | ماجل منظر | 1983 | 2019MMAs15078 | Mağil-Manẓar (MM): view of Wādī Man'am towards E. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ | خربة المقسع | 1981 | 2019KMAs15079 | Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ (KM): Himyarite potsherds (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ | خربة المقسع | 1981 | 2019KMAs15080 | Ḫirbat Al-Maqsaʿ (KM): Himyarite potsherds (no. 2 Islamic?) (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aṣ-Ṣulūl | حصن الصلول | 1981 | 2019HSAs15081 | Ḥuṣn Aṣ-Ṣulūl (HS): Islamic potsherds (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Aṣ-Ṣulūl | حصن الصلول | 1981 | 2019HSAs15082 | Ḥuṣn Aṣ-Ṣulūl (HS): Islamic potsherds (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRBs15083 | Marib (Mi): potsherds, Barān Temple (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRBs15084 | Marib (Mii): potsherds, Almaqah Temple (18/11/1981). (?MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs15085 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): potsherds collected during an archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs15086 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): potsherds collected during an archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs15087 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYii): potsherds collected during an archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ramik | وادي راميك | 1981 | 2019WRAs15088 | Wādī Ramik (WR): Islamic potsherds collected during an archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1981 | 2019SGHs15089 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): potsherds collected during an archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1981 | 2019SGHs15090 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): potsherds collected during an archaeological survey (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2019HATs15091 | Al-Haṭamah (HAT): potsherds found on surface during a survey (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2019HATs15092 | Al-Haṭamah (HAT): fragments of jars (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2019HATs15093 | Al-Haṭamah (HAT): potsherds (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Haṭamah | الحطمة | 1981 | 2019HATs15094 | Al-Haṭamah (HAT): Himyarite potsherds (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs15095 | Ṣirwāḥ (Sii): potsherds collected during an archaeological survey, outside, and W of the temple (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs15096 | Ṣirwāḥ (Sii): Sabaean potsherds collected during an archaeological survey, outside, and W of the temple (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs15097 | Ṣirwāḥ (Si): Sabaean potsherds collected during an archaeological survey, in the Almaqah temple (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs15098 | Ṣirwāḥ (Si): Sabaean bowl and objects (bronze, alabaster, stone) collected during an archaeological survey, in the Almaqah temple (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣirwāḥ | صرواح | 1981 | 2019SIRs15099 | Ṣirwāḥ (Sii): Sabaean potsherds collected during an archaeological survey, outside, and W of the temple (18/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1981 | 2019SANs15100 | Ṣanʿāʾ: F. Di Mario and A. deM study the material collected during the archaeological surveys (18/11/1981) in a room at the Italian Embassy. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1981 | 2019SANs15101 | Ṣanʿāʾ: M. Jung and A. deM study the material collected during the archaeological surveys (18/11/1981), in a room at the Italian Embassy. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15102 | Marib (Mi): Wādī Dhana. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15103 | Marib (Mii): The village. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15104 | Marib (Mi): Wādī Dhana. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15105 | Marib (Mi): Wādī Dhana. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15106 | Marib (Mi): Wādī Dhana. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15107 | Marib (Mi): Wādī Dhana. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15108 | Marib (Mi): Wādī Dhana. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15109 | Marib (Mi): The dam. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15110 | Marib (Mi): The dam. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15111 | Marib (Mi): The dam. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15112 | Marib (Mi): An inscription. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRBs15115 | Marib (Mii): The village (14/11/1981). (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15116 | Marib (Mi): Landscape. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15117 | Marib (Mi): Landscape. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15118 | Marib (Mi): Wādī Dhana. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15119 | Marib (Mi): Wādī Dhana. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRBs15120 | Marib (Mi): checkpoint (14/11/1981). (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRBs15121 | Marib (Mi): checkpoint (14/11/1981). (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRBs15122 | Marib (Mii): The village (background) (14/11/1981). The driver Muhammad. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRBs15123 | Marib (Mii): The village (background) and sediments (14/11/1981). (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRBs15124 | Marib (Mii): The village (background) (14/11/1981). (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRBs15125 | Marib (Mii): The village (background) (14/11/1981). (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15126 | Marib (Mi): The dam. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15127 | Marib (Mi): The dam. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15128 | Marib (Mi): The dam. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15129 | Marib (Mi): The dam and sediments. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15130 | Marib (Mi): Sediments near the dam. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15131 | Marib (Mi): Wādī Dhana. (©MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15132 | Marib (Mii): The village. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1981 | 2019MRBs15133 | Marib (Mii): Pre-Islamic capitals at the mosque in the village. (?MAIRY) | |
Marib | مأرب | 1983 | 2019MRBs15134 | Marib (Mii): the pre-Islamic temple (and then mosque) in the village. (?MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15135 | The valley of Shab Attaleh viewed from the Khasharah. (?MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15136 | Madinat Khasharah (Maʾbar): a ruined building with arched door. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15137 | Madinat Khasharah (Maʾbar): a cistern (background) and a reused column. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15138 | Khasharah (Maʾbar): general view. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15139 | Qiriz (Maʾbar): rocky spur and a standing column in the second terrace. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15140 | Qiriz (Maʾbar): rocky spur (background), a standing column in the second terrace, and a column on the ground between the first and second terrace. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15141 | Qiriz (Maʾbar): a standing column in the second terrace, and a column on the ground between the first and second terrace. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15142 | Qiriz (Maʾbar): a column on the ground between the first and second terrace, and paved area (foreground). (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15143 | Qiriz (Maʾbar): a paved area, and circular area framed with stones in the first terrace. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15144 | Qiriz (Maʾbar): an Islamic tomb in the second terrace. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15145 | Qiriz (Maʾbar): a Turkish ruined fort. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15146 | Qiriz (Maʾbar): a Turkish ruined fort. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15147 | Qiriz (Maʾbar): view of a Turkish ruined fort. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15148 | Qiriz (Maʾbar): the valley viewed from the Turkish fort. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15149 | Qiriz (Maʾbar): general view of the valley seen from the Turkish fort. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15150 | Qiriz (Maʾbar): a plastered cistern. (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MARs15151 | Maʾbar: a stratigraphic section. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15152 | Maʾbar: a stratigraphic section. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15153 | Maʾbar: a stratigraphic section. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15154 | Maʾbar: a stratigraphic section and landscape. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15155 | Maʾbar: detail of the stratigraphic section. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15156 | Maʾbar: Prof. M. Tosi and the driver Mohammad. (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15157 | Al-Masannah (MASi): the Neolithic site, general view (26/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15158 | Al-Masannah (MASi): the Neolithic site, general view (26/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15159 | Al-Masannah (MASi): the Neolithic site, general view (26/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15160 | Al-Masannah (MASi): the Neolithic site, general view (26/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15161 | Al-Masannah (MASi): the Neolithic site, locus A1 (26/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15162 | Al-Masannah (MASi): the Neolithic site, sounding 1, fire pit (27/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15163 | Al-Masannah (MASi): the Neolithic site, sounding 1, fire pit (27/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15164 | Al-Masannah (MASi): the Neolithic site, sounding 1, fire pit, detail (27/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15165 | Al-Masannah (MASi): the Neolithic site, sounding 1, fire pit, general view (27/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15166 | Al-Masannah (MASi): the Neolithic site, sounding 1, fire pit, general view (27/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15167 | Al-Masannah (MASi): the Neolithic site, sounding 1, general view (27/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15168 | Al-Masannah (MASi): the Neolithic site, sounding 1, stratigraphical section (28/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15169 | Al-Masannah (MASi): the Neolithic site, sounding 1, stratigraphical section (28/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15170 | Al-Masannah (MASi): the Neolithic site, sounding 1, stratigraphical section (28/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15171 | Al-Masannah (MASi): the Neolithic site, sounding 1, stratigraphical section (28/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15172 | Al-Masannah (MASi): the Neolithic site, pit 1 (28/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15173 | Al-MAl-Masannah (MASi): the Neolithic site, pit 1 (28/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15174 | Al-Masannah (MASi): The Neolithic site, the bottom of pit 1, detail (28/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15175 | Al-Masannah (MASi): The Neolithic site, pit 1 (28/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs15176 | Al-Masannah (MASi): The Neolithic site, pit 1, general view (28/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1981 | 2019MASs15177 | Al-Masannah (MASi): The Neolithic site, pit 1, general view (28/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1981 | 2019WYNs15178 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi), potsherds. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15179 | View of Maʿīn/Qarnaw city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15180 | View of the ruins of Maʿīn/Qarnaw, and a modern house in mud bricks. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15181 | View of the ruins of Maʿīn/Qarnaw. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15182 | View of the ruins of Maʿīn/Qarnaw, and a temple intra muros. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15183 | View of the hypostyle temple (intra muros) in Maʿīn/Qarnaw. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15184 | View of the city walls of Maʿīn/Qarnaw. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15185 | View of the hypostyle temple (intra muros) in Maʿīn/Qarnaw. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15186 | View of the hypostyle temple (intra muros) in Maʿīn/Qarnaw. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15187 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, view of the city walls towers. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15188 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, detail of the gate wall. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15189 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, general view of the ruins. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15190 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, general view of the ruins. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15191 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, general view of a gate. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15192 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, general view of a gate. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15193 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, general view of a gate. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15194 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, general view of the Minaean ruins. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15195 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, general view of the Minaean ruins. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15196 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, an inscribed stela, extra muros. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15197 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, detail of a decorated pillar of a so-called Banāt ʿĀd temple, extra muros. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15198 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, an extra muros inscribed stela. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15199 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, in the foreground is an extra muros inscribed stela, in the background the temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15200 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, the extra muros temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15201 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, the extra muros temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15202 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, the extra muros temple, and decorated pillars with incised figures (Banāt ʿĀd). (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15203 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, the extra muros temple, so-called Banāt ʿĀd temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʿīn | معين | 1986 | 2019MAIs15204 | Maʿīn/Qarnaw, the extra muros temple, so-called Banāt ʿĀd temple. (© MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15205 | General view of sediments in the Wādī Jawf (Maʿīn/Qarnaw). (© MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15206 | Architectonic element in limestone (a window?) (Maʿīn/Qarnaw). (© MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15207 | A Minaean wall (dam?) in the Wādī Jawf (Maʿīn/Qarnaw). (© MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15208 | Stelae or pillars in the Wādī Jawf (Maʿīn/Qarnaw). (© MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15209 | Stelae or pillars in the Wādī Jawf (Maʿīn/Qarnaw). (© MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15210 | Structure (dam ?) in the Wādī Jawf (Maʿīn/Qarnaw). (© MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15211 | Worked artifact in the Wādī Jawf (Maʿīn/Qarnaw). (© MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15212 | Survey in the Wādī Jawf (Maʿīn/Qarnaw). (© MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15214 | Landscape in the Wādī Jawf. (© MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15215 | Landscape in the Wādī Jawf. (© MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15216 | A small village in the Wādī Jawf. (© MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15217 | A village in the Wādī Jawf. (© MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15218 | A village in the Wādī Jawf. (© MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15219 | A village in the Wādī Jawf. (© MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15220 | A village in the Wādī Jawf. (© MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15221 | A village in the Yemeni Jawf. The houses are built in mud bricks. (? MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15222 | View of a village in the Yemeni Jawf. The houses are built in mud bricks. (? MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15223 | A village in the Yemeni Jawf, built in mud bricks near. (? MAIRY) | |
Jawf | جوف | 1987 | 2019JWFs15224 | View of towers built in mud bricks in a village in the Yemeni Jawf. (? MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15225 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Set of pottery and other objects found in the hypogean tomb. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15226 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Knife or dagger found in the hypogeal tomb, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/15-16. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15227 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Mirror in bronze found in the hypogeal tomb, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/12. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15228 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Mirror in bronze found in the hypogeal tomb, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/12. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15229 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Knife or dagger in iron with scabbard found in the hypogeal tomb, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/19. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15230 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Knife or dagger in iron with scabbard found in the hypogeal tomb, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/19. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15231 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Knife or dagger in iron with scabbard found in the hypogeal tomb, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/19. Detail of the fragmentary handle and rivet. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15232 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Iron tool found in the hypogeal tomb, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/20. Side view. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15233 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Iron tool found in the hypogeal tomb, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/20. Side view. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15234 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Iron tool found in the hypogeal tomb, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/20. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15235 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Iron tool found in the hypogeal tomb, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/20. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15236 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Iron tool found in the hypogeal tomb, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/17. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15238 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Fragment of bronze ring found in the hypogeal tomb, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/7. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15239 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Fragment of bronze ring found in the hypogeal tomb, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/7. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15240 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Silver ring found in the hypogeal tomb, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/5. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15241 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Bronze ring found in the hypogeal tomb, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/4. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15242 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Fragment of bronze ring and beads, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/9. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15243 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Bbronze ring, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/8. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15244 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Iron tool, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/17. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15245 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Iron tool, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/17, detail. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15246 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Iron tool, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/17. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15247 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAHi/T2): Iron tool, inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/20, sede view. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15248 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Iron tool inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/20, side view. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur | خربة الاهجر | 1986 | 2019KAHs15249 | Ḫarabat Al-Ahǧur (KAH i/T2): Iron tool inv. no. Y.86.KAHi.T2/20, side view. (© MAIRY) | |
Mukihilla | المكيحلة | 1984 | 2019MKIs15257 | Turkish fort Ḫirbat Mukihilla (المكيحلة خربة) (Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl). (©MAIRY) | |
Mukihilla | المكيحلة | 1984 | 2019MKIs15258 | Turkish fort Ḫirbat Mukihilla (المكيحلة خربة) (Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl). (©MAIRY) | |
Mukihilla | المكيحلة | 1984 | 2019MKIs15259 | Turkish fort Ḫirbat Mukihilla (المكيحلة خربة) (Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs15260 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NAB): | |
Mukihilla | المكيحلة | 1984 | 2019MKIs15261 | Turkish fort Ḫirbat Mukihilla (المكيحلة خربة) (Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15355 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of terracotta vases in situ in Locus L5. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15356 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of terracotta vases in situ in Locus L5. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15357 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of excavation area. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15358 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of terracotta vases in situ in Locus L5. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15359 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of the excavation area. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15360 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of the excavation area. (©MAIRY) | |
Mukihilla | المكيحلة | 1984 | 2019MKIs15361 | Mukihilla village (Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl). (©MAIRY) | |
Mukihilla | المكيحلة | 1984 | 2019MKIs15362 | Mukihilla village (Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl). (©MAIRY) | |
Mukihilla | المكيحلة | 1984 | 2019MKIs15363 | Monumental tomb of Islamic period, W of the Turkish Ḫirbat Mukihilla (المكيحلة خربة) fort (Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl). (©MAIRY) | |
Mukihilla | المكيحلة | 1984 | 2019NABs15364 | Monumental tomb of Islamic period, W of the Turkish Ḫirbat Mukihilla fort (Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl). (©MAIRY) | |
Mukihilla | المكيحلة | 1984 | 2019MKIs15365 | Tombs of Islamic period, W of the Turkish Ḫirbat Mukihilla fort (Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl). (©MAIRY) | |
Mukihilla | المكيحلة | 1984 | 2019MKIs15366 | Monumental tomb of Islamic period, W of the Turkish Ḫirbat Mukihilla fort (Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl). (©MAIRY) | |
Mukihilla | المكيحلة | 1984 | 2019MKIs15367 | Monumental tomb of Islamic period, W of the Turkish Ḫirbat Mukihilla (المكيحلة خربة) fort (Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī Nseir | بني نصير | 1981 | 2019NSEs15369 | Banī Nseir, is a village not far from Madīnat Al-Ahǧur and Banī Bedā. The graffiti (Islamic) are carved on the rocky walls along the wādī near the village (10/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Nseir | بني نصير | 1981 | 2019NSEs15370 | Banī Nseir, is a village not far from Madīnat Al-Ahǧur and Banī Bedā. The graffiti (Islamic) are carved on the rocky walls along the wādī near the village (10/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Nseir | بني نصير | 1981 | 2019NSEs15371 | Banī Nseir, is a village not far from Madīnat Al-Ahǧur and Banī Bedā. The graffiti (Islamic) are carved on the rocky walls along the wādī near the village (10/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Nseir | بني نصير | 1981 | 2019NSEs15372 | The wādī near Banī Nseir, a village not far from Madīnat Al-Ahǧur and Banī Bedā (10/11/1981). (© MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs15375 | Baynūn (BA): landscape of Baynūn (10/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs15376 | Baynūn (BA): landscape (10/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs15377 | Baynūn (BA): landscape (10/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs15378 | Baynūn (BA): fragment of a column (10/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs15379 | Baynūn (BA): the stairway to climb the Himyarite site (10/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs15380 | Baynūn (BA): remains of an ancient building (10/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs15381 | Baynūn (BA): an ancient wall (10/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs15382 | Baynūn (BA): ruined wall (10/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs15383 | Baynūn (BA): ruined wall (10/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs15384 | Baynūn (BA): detail of a wall (10/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs15385 | Baynūn (BA): ruins of the ancient site (10/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs15386 | Baynūn (BA): general view of the site (10/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs15387 | Baynūn (BA): general view of the pre-Islamic site (10/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs15388 | Baynūn (BA): landscape and wādī viewed from the site (10/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs15389 | Baynūn (BA): landscape and wādī viewed from the site (10/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs15390 | Baynūn (BA): landscape viewed from the site (10/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Baynūn | بينون | 1981 | 2019BAYs15391 | Baynūn (BA): landscape and wādī viewed from the site (10/11/1981). (©MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15392 | Maʾbar: a stratigraphic section. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15393 | Maʾbar: a stratigraphic section. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15394 | Maʾbar: a stratigraphic section. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15395 | Maʾbar: a stratigraphic section. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15396 | Maʾbar: a stratigraphic section. (© MAIRY) | |
Maʾbar | معبر | 1983 | 2019MABs15397 | Maʾbar: a stratigraphic section. (© MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15408 | Radāʿ: View of the fortress/citadel. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15409 | Radāʿ: View of the fortress or citadel. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15410 | Radāʿ: A mud bricks house. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15411 | Radāʿ: General view of the village. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15412 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15413 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15414 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15415 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15416 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15417 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15418 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15419 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15420 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15421 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15422 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15423 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15424 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15425 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15426 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15427 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15428 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15429 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15430 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15431 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15432 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15433 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Radāʿ | رداع | 1983 | 2019RADs15434 | Radāʿ: Al-Amiriya madrasa. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1980 | 2019SANs15469 | Ṣanʿāʾ: NE city viewed from the S. November 5, 1980. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1980 | 2019SANs15470 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Southern city walls. November 5, 1980. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1980 | 2019SANs15471 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Southern city walls. November 5, 1980. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1980 | 2019SANs15472 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Southern city walls. November 5, 1980. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1980 | 2019SANs15473 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Southern city walls. November 5, 1980. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1980 | 2019SANs15474 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Southern city walls. November 5, 1980. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1980 | 2019SANs15475 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Southern city walls. November 5, 1980. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1980 | 2019SANs15476 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Southern city walls. November 5, 1980. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1980 | 2019SANs15477 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Southern city walls. November 5, 1980. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1980 | 2019SANs15478 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Bab al-Yemen. November 5, 1980. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1980 | 2019SANs15479 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Houses in the old city. November 5, 1980. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1980 | 2019SANs15480 | Ṣanʿāʾ: General view of the city and Ǧabal Nugum viewed from the roof of the National Museum. November 5, 1980. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1980 | 2019SANs15481 | Ṣanʿāʾ: General view of the city viewed from the roof of the National Museum, toward W. November 5, 1980. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1980 | 2019SANs15482 | Ṣanʿāʾ: General view of the city viewed from the roof of the National Museum, toward SW. November 5, 1980. (©MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1980 | 2019SANs15483 | Ṣanʿāʾ: Kamariya (window) of the National Museum, and an alabaster lamp. November 5, 1980. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2019SGHs15484 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The village viewed from the N. November 6, 1980. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2019SGHs15485 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Al-'Abla (Ǧabal Marmar) and the ruins of Šibām Suḫaym viewed from the W. November 6, 1980. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2019SGHs15486 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The ruins of Šibām Suḫaym viewed from the W. November 6, 1980. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2019SGHs15487 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The ruins of Šibām Suḫaym viewed from the NW. November 6, 1980. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2019SGHs15488 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The ruins of Šibām Suḫaym viewed from the SW. November 6, 1980. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2019SGHs15489 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The ruins of Šibām Suḫaym viewed from the W. November 6, 1980. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2019SGHs15490 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The ruins of Šibām Suḫaym viewed from the W. November 6, 1980. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2019SGHs15491 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): Monolithic blocks in the ruins of Šibām Suḫaym. November 6, 1980. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2019SGHs15492 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): A South Arabian inscription reused in a wall of the mosque, NE of Šibām Suḫaym. November 6, 1980. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2019SGHs15493 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The mosque, NE of Šibām Suḫaym. November 6, 1980. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15494 | Ṣanʿāʾ: views of the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15495 | ṢṢanʿāʾ: a modern building. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15496 | Ṣanʿāʾ: views of the old city, sūq. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15497 | Ṣanʿāʾ: a wall of the Great Mosque. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15498 | Ṣanʿāʾ: the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15499 | Ṣanʿāʾ: the sūq in the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15500 | Ṣanʿāʾ: the city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15501 | Ṣanʿāʾ: views of the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15502 | Ṣanʿāʾ: views of the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15503 | Ṣanʿāʾ: view of a building with a wooden bow window. (© MAURY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15504 | Ṣanʿāʾ: views of the old city and bustan. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15505 | Ṣanʿāʾ: detail of a minaret in the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15506 | Ṣanʿāʾ: the ancient city walls in mud bricks. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15507 | Ṣanʿāʾ: detail of a minaret in the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15508 | Ṣanʿāʾ: views of the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15509 | Ṣanʿāʾ: the dome of a mosque in the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15510 | Ṣanʿāʾ: views of the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15511 | Ṣanʿāʾ: detail of a decorated wooden window, in the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15512 | Ṣanʿāʾ: a mosque and minaret in the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15513 | Ṣanʿāʾ: views in the city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15514 | Ṣanʿāʾ: a building in the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15515 | Ṣanʿāʾ: view of the ancient city walls. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15516 | Ṣanʿāʾ: a building in the ancient city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15517 | Ṣanʿāʾ: a building in the ancient city. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15518 | Landscape on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15519 | Landscape on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15520 | Landscape and a village on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15521 | Landscape on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda, qat cultivations. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15522 | On the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15523 | On the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15524 | Landscape on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15525 | Small stores on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15526 | Stop in a wādī on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15527 | Stop in a wādī on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15528 | Break in a wādī on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15529 | A village in Tihāma, on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15530 | Landscape in Tihāma (on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda). (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15531 | A village in Tihāma, on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15532 | Tihāma, landscape (on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda). (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15533 | Tihāma, landscape (on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda). (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15534 | Landscape, Tihāma. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15535 | Landscape, Tihāma. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15536 | Landscape, Tihāma. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15537 | A wādī on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15538 | A village on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15539 | A village on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15540 | A small store on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15541 | A small store on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15542 | A wādī on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15543 | A wādī on the road from Ṣanʿāʾ to Al-Ḥudayda. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15544 | Landscape on the road from Al-Ḥudayda to Ṣanʿāʾ. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15545 | Landscape on the road from Al-Ḥudayda to Ṣanʿāʾ. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15546 | Cultivated terraces (on the road from Al-Ḥudayda to Ṣanʿāʾ). (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15547 | Cultivated terraces (on the road from Al-Ḥudayda to Ṣanʿāʾ). (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15548 | Landscape on the road from Al-Ḥudayda to Ṣanʿāʾ. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15549 | Landscape (on the road from Al-Ḥudayda to Ṣanʿāʾ). (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15550 | Vendors of vegetables on the road from Al-Ḥudayda to Ṣanʿāʾ. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15551 | Lanscape, on the road from Al-Ḥudayda to Ṣanʿāʾ. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15552 | Cultivation of sorghum, on the road from Al-Ḥudayda to Ṣanʿāʾ. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15553 | A village and cultivated terraces, on the road from Al-Ḥudayda to Ṣanʿāʾ. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15554 | Landscape and cultivated terraces, on the road from Al-Ḥudayda to Ṣanʿāʾ. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15555 | Landscape and cultivated terraces, on the plateau. (? MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15556 | Landscape and cultivated terraces on the plateau. (? MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15557 | A village and plowed fields (on the road from Al-Ḥudayda to Ṣanʿāʾ). (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15558 | AdeM and two archaeologists of GOAL (on the road from Al-Ḥudayda to Ṣanʿāʾ). (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15559 | Landscape and cultivated terraces on the plateau. (? MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15560 | Ṣanʿāʾ: in the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15561 | Landscape on the road from Al-Ḥudayda to Ṣanʿāʾ. (© MAIRY) | |
YEM | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15562 | Landscape on the road from Al-Ḥudayda to Ṣanʿāʾ. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15563 | Ṣanʿāʾ: The walls in mud bricks of the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15564 | Ṣanʿāʾ: The walls of the old ciry. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15565 | Ṣanʿāʾ: A bustan in the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15566 | Ṣanʿāʾ: The city walls, general view. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15567 | Ṣanʿāʾ: a family. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15568 | Ṣanʿāʾ: colleagues and friends. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15569 | Ṣanʿāʾ: a Yemeni family. (© MAIRY) | |
Yemen | يمن | 1983 | 2019YEMs15570 | Landscape. (? MAIRY) | |
Šaʿb | شعب | 1983 | 2019SHAs15571 | Šaʿb (SHi): tower and houses in modern village. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2019SGHs15572 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): view of the village from the mountain. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2019SGHs15573 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): landscape from the mountain. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2019SGHs15574 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): landscape from the mountain. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2019SGHs15575 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): landscape from the mountain (Ğabal Marmar). (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2019SGHs15576 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): the village viewed from the mountain (Ğabal Marmar). (© MAIRY) | |
Šaʿb | شعب | 1983 | 2019SHAs15577 | Šaʿb (SHi): tower and houses in modern village. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaʿb | شعب | 1983 | 2019SHAs15579 | Šaʿb (SHi): a house in the modern village. (© MAIRY) | |
Ṣanʿāʾ | صنعاء | 1983 | 2019SANs15580 | Ṣanʿāʾ: houses, NW of the old city. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15585 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, grindstones, mortars. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15586 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, grindstones, mortars. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15587 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, grindstones, mortars. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15596 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, grindstones, mortars, pestels. handstone. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15597 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, grindstones, mortars, pestels. handstone. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15598 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, grindstones, mortars, pestels. handstone. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15602 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, grindstones, mortars, pestels. handstone. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15604 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, grindstones, mortars, pestels. handstone. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15606 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, mortar. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15608 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, mortar. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15610 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, mortar and pestel. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15614 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, mortar and pestel. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15618 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, grinding stone. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15621 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, grinding stone. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15622 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, oval grinding stone. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15624 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, round grinding stone. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15626 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, grinding stone. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15628 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, grinding stone. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs15629 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age, grinding stone. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs15630 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), general view of the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs15631 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), bastion and city walls (sector 3) viewed from the NW. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs15632 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), bastion and city walls (sector 3) viewed from the NW. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs15633 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), the city gate (where the dirt road passes) viewed from outside of the ancient Sabaean site. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs15634 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), a bastion of the ancient Sabaean site. (© MAIRY) | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1984 | 2019MADs15635 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MA), view of the ruins of the ancient Sabaean site. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2019SGHs15638 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The Ǧabal Marmar with the rock tombs, viewed from the mosque (6/11/1980). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1989 | 2019SGHs15639 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The ancient pre-Islamic site, viewed from the mosque (6/11/1980). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2019SGHs15640 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The Ǧabal Marmar with the rock tombs, viewed from the village (6/11/1980). (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1980 | 2019SGHs15641 | Šibām Ġirās (SG): The Ǧabal Marmar with the rock tombs, viewed from the village (6/11/1980). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Dhar | وادي ظهر | 1980 | 2019DHAs15642 | Wādī Dhar. The Ǧabal Šamsān, viewed from the road to Ṣaʿdah (7/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Dhar | وادي ظهر | 1980 | 2019DHAs15643 | Wādī Dhar. Rock inscription incised on a side of Ǧabal Šamsān (7/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Dhar | وادي ظهر | 1980 | 2019DHAs15644 | Wādī Dhar. The wādī viewed from Ǧabal Šamsān (7/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Dhar | وادي ظهر | 1980 | 2019DHAs15645 | Wādī Dhar. Rocky relief at the end of the northern valley (7/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Dhar | وادي ظهر | 1980 | 2019DHAs15646 | Wādī Dhar. Rocky relief at the end of the northern valley, detail (and a green lizard) (7/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Dhar | وادي ظهر | 1980 | 2019DHAs15647 | Wādī Dhar. The mountain that limits the valley (7/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Dhar | وادي ظهر | 1980 | 2019DHAs15648 | The Dar al-Hajar, the residence of the imām in the Wādī Dhar (7/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Rada'a | رَدَاع | 1980 | 2019RDAs15650 | Rada'a, the citadel (9/11/1980). (? MAIRY) | |
Ḏamār | ذمار | 1980 | 2019DMRs15651 | Ḏamār, view of the plain and Ğabal Isbīl from the west (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2019HKLs15652 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK), view of the ancient site from the south (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2019HKLs15653 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK), view of the ancient site from the east (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2019HKLs15654 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK), the plain viewed from the pre-Islamic site (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2019HKLs15655 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK), the plain viewed from the pre-Islamic site (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2019HKLs15656 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK), view of the plain, and a cistern, halfway up the hill (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2019HKLs15657 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK), view of an ancient wall (in situ) at the center of the hill (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2019HKLs15658 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK), view of an ancient building, a pre-Islamic temple, at the center of the hill (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2019HKLs15659 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK), the city walls on the volcanic rock in the northern side (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2019HKLs15660 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK), the city walls on the volcanic rock in the northern side (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2019HKLs15661 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK), corner of the northern city gate (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2019SGHs15662 | Šibām Ġirās (SG), General view of rock tombs of Ğabal Marmar. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2019SGHs15663 | Šibām Ġirās (SG), General view of rock tombs of Ğabal Marmar. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs15664 | Passage and wall to climb Ğabal Marmar, above the cave tombs of Šibām Ġirās. (©MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs15665 | Passage and wall to climb Ğabal Marmar, above the cave tombs of Šibām Ġirās. (©MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2019SGHs15666 | Šibām Ġirās (SG), General view of the village. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2019SGHs15667 | Šibām Ġirās (SG), General view of the village (from Ğabal Marmar). (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2019SGHs15668 | Šibām Ġirās (SG), General view of the village (from Ğabal Marmar). The photographer A. Solazzi. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2019SGHs15669 | Šibām Ġirās (SG), General view of the village. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs15670 | Climb up Ğabal Marmar from Šibām Ġirās. The photographer A. Solazzi. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs15671 | General view of Šibām Ġirās from Ğabal Marmar. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs15672 | General view of the Ğabal Marmar from the valley. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2019SGHs15673 | Šibām Ġirās (SG), a cave located in the northern extremity of Ğabal Marmar. (© MAIRY) | |
Šibām Ġirās | شبام غراس | 1983 | 2019SGHs15674 | Šibām Ġirās (SG), general view of the vineyards, and qat in the background. (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥuṣn Ḏu Marmar | حصن ذو مرمر | 1983 | 2019HDMs15675 | A tomb carved in the rock discovered climbing up Ğabal Marmar, from Šibām Ġirās to Šaʿb. (© MAIRY) | |
Šaʿb | شعب | 1983 | 2019SHAs15676 | Šaʿb (SHi): the area and shelter where prehistoric utensils were found by the MAIRY (Wādī Šaʿb). (© MAIRY) | |
Šaʿb | شعب | 1983 | 2019SHAs15677 | Šaʿb (SHi): the area and shelter where prehistoric utensils were found by the MAIRY (Wādī Šaʿb). (© MAIRY) | |
Šaʿb | شعب | 1983 | 2019SHAs15678 | Šaʿb (SHi): the shelter (left) and the village (right). (© MAIRY) | |
Šaʿb | شعب | 1983 | 2019SHAs15679 | Šaʿb (SHi): the modern village. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ṯarum | وادي ثاروم | 1983 | 2019WTRs15686 | Wādī Ṯarum, view of the eastern edge of the 'limestone triangle', between Wādī Al-Hamrah and Wādī Ṯarum (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ṯarum | وادي ثاروم | 1983 | 2019WTRs15687 | Wādī Ṯarum, view of the eastern edge of the 'limestone triangle', between Wādī Al-Hamrah and Wādī Ṯarum (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ṯarum | وادي ثاروم | 1983 | 2019WTRs15688 | Wādī Ṯarum, view of the 'limestone triangle', toward E (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ṯarum | وادي ثاروم | 1983 | 2019WTRs15689 | Wādī Ṯarum, view of the 'limestone triangle', toward E (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ṯarum | وادي ثاروم | 1983 | 2019WTRs15690 | Wādī Ṯarum, view of the 'limestone triangle', toward E (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ṯarum | وادي ثاروم | 1983 | 2019WTRs15691 | Wādī Ṯarum, view of the 'limestone triangle', toward E (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15692 | Al-Quray (QUi), general view of the limestone 'quarry' (16/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15693 | Al-Quray (QUi), general view of the limestone 'quarry', M. Jung (16/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15694 | Al-Quray (QUi), general view of the limestone 'quarry' (16/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15695 | Ṯah (TH):Al-Quray (QUi), general view of the limestone 'quarry' (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15696 | Al-Quray (QUi), general view of the limestone 'quarry' (16/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15697 | Al-Quray (QUi), general view of limestone outcrops (16/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15698 | Al-Quray (QUi), general view of limestone blocks (16/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15699 | Al-Quray (QUi), general view of limestone blocks, probably a quarry (16/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15700 | Al-Quray (QUi), general view of limestone blocks, probably a quarry (16/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15701 | Al-Quray (QUii), detail of a structure (16/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15702 | Al-Quray (QUii), general view of the site(16/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15703 | Al-Quray (QUii), general view of heaps of limestone blocks (16/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15704 | Al-Quray (QUii), general view of limestone blocks (16/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15705 | Al-Quray (QUii), landscape with enclosures (16/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15706 | Al-Quray (QUii), landscape with stones enclosures (16/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15707 | Al-Quray (QUii), landscape with stones enclosures (16/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15708 | Al-Quray (QUi), general view of the site (limestone quarry) (16/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Quray | القري | 1983 | 2019QUAs15709 | Al-Quray (QUi), general view of the site (limestone quarry) (16/6/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15710 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): View from W towards SE, Neolithic site (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15711 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): View from W towards SE, Neolithic site (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15712 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): View from W towards S/SE, Neolithic site (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15713 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): View from W towards SE, Neolithic site (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15714 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): View from W towards SE, Neolithic site (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15715 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): View from W towards SE, Neolithic site (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15716 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): View from W towards SE, Neolithic site (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15717 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): View from W towards SE, Neolithic site (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15718 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): A Neolithic site in Al-Hadā Region, structures on the S (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15719 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): View towards NW (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15720 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): View towards NW (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15721 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): A Neolithic site in Al-Hadā Region, structures (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15722 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): A Neolithic site in Al-Hadā Region, structures (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15723 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): A Neolithic site in Al-Hadā Region, structures (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15724 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): A Neolithic site in Al-Hadā Region, general view (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15725 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): A Neolithic site in Al-Hadā Region, structures (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15726 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): A Neolithic site in Al-Hadā Region, general view (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15727 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): A Neolithic site in Al-Hadā Region, structures (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15728 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): A Neolithic site in Al-Hadā Region (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019USHs15729 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): A Neolithic site in Al-Hadā Region, viewed from the W toward E/NE (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15730 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Views of the Neolithic site from the W, towards the E/NE (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15731 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Views of the Neolithic site from the W, towards the E/NE (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15732 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Views of the Neolithic site from the W, towards the E/NE (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15733 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Views of the Neolithic site from the W, towards the E/NE (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15734 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Views of the Neolithic site from the W, towards the E/NE (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15735 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Views of the Neolithic site from the W, towards the E/NE (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15736 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Views of the Neolithic site from the W, towards the E/NE (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15737 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Views of the Neolithic site from the W, towards the E/NE (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15738 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Views of the Neolithic site from the W, towards the E/NE (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15739 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Views of the Neolithic site from the W, towards the E/NE (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15740 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Views of the Neolithic site from the W, towards the E/NE (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15741 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Views of the Neolithic site from the W, towards the E/NE (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15742 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Views of the Neolithic site from the W, towards the E/NE (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15743 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Views of the Neolithic site from the W, towards the S/SE (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15744 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards Ğabal Hamrah (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15745 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards Ğabal Hamrah (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15746 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards Ğabal Hamrah (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15747 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards Ğabal Hamrah (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15748 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards Ğabal Hamrah (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15749 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards Ğabal Hamrah (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15750 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards Ğabal Hamrah (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15751 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards Ğabal Hamrah (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15752 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards Ğabal Hamrah (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15753 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards Ğabal Hamrah (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WUSs15754 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU ii): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards Ğabal Hamrah (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019USHs15755 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the E (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15756 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the E (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15757 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the E (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15758 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the S (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15759 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the S (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15760 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the S (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15761 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the S (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15762 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the S (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15763 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the S (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15764 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the S (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15765 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the S (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15766 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the W/NW (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15767 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the W/NW (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15768 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the W/NW (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15769 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the W/NW (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15770 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the N (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15771 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the N (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15772 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the N (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15773 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards the N (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15774 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards NW (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15775 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards NW (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15776 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Structures of the Neolithic site, towards NW (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15778 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): The camp of the Italian Mission (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15779 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): The camp of the Italian Mission (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15780 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): The camp of the Italian Mission (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Al-ʿUš | وادي العش | 1983 | 2019WDSs15781 | Wādī Al-ʿUš (WU iv): Departure from the Neolithic site (18/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15782 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHii), detail of a structure in the Bronze Age site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15783 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHii), detail of a structure in the Bronze Age site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15784 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHii), detail of a structure in the Bronze Age site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15785 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHii), general view of the Bronze Age site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15786 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHii), some structures in the Bronze Age site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15787 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHii), view of some structures in the Bronze Age site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). On the right AdeM. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15788 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHii), detail of a structure in the Bronze Age site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15789 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHii), a modern sheepfold in the Bronze Age site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15790 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHii), a modern wall for animals in the Bronze Age site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15791 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHii), a modern sheepfold in the Bronze Age site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15792 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHii), a modern sheepfold in the Bronze Age site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). AdeM. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15793 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHii), modern walls in the Bronze Age site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15794 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), a tomb with rays (Turret tomb) (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15795 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), general view of the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15796 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), general view of the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15797 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), tools scattering area in the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15798 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), tools scattering area in the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15799 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), tools scattering area in the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15800 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), general view of the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15801 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), view of some structures in the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15802 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), view of some structures in the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15803 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), view of some structures in the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15804 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), view of a tomb with rays in the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15805 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), view of some structures of the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15806 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), general view of the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15807 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), a tomb with one ray (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15808 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), general view of the Prehistoric site, and a tomb with one ray (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15809 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), general view of the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15810 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), general view of the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15811 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHiii), general view of the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15813 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), general view of the Prehistoric site (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15814 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), general view of the Prehistoric site (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15815 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), general view of the Prehistoric site (from the W). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15816 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), general view of the structures in the southern area of Prehistoric site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15817 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), general view of the structures in the southern area of Prehistoric site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15818 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), general view of the southern area of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15819 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), view of the southern area of the Bronze Age site. Adem. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15820 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), view of some structures in southern area of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15821 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), detail of a structure in the southern area of the Bronze Age site (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15822 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), view of the southern area of the Bronze Age site (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15823 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), detail of a structure the southern area of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15824 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), general view of the southern area of the Bronze Age site (from the E). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15825 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), view of the northern area of the Bronze Age site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15826 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), view of the northern area of the Bronze Age site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15827 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), rearrangement of the northern area of the Bronze Age site, viewed from the E (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15828 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), rearrangement of the northern area of the Bronze Age site, viewed from the E (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15829 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), rearrangement of the northern area of the Bronze Age site, viewed from the E (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15830 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), rearrangement of the northern area of the Bronze Age site, viewed from the E (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15831 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), Ahmad Shuja, official of GOAM, Ṣanʿāʾ. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15832 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHii), the Bronze Age site viewed from WTHv. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15833 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHii), the Bronze Age site viewed from WTHv. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15834 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), structures on the southern area of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15835 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah (WTHv), structures on the southern area of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs15836 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABix), Bronze Age structures in the SE sector of the site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs15837 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABix), Bronze Age structures in the SE sector of the site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs15838 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABix), Bronze Age structures in the SE sector of the site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs15839 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABix), Bronze Age structures in the SE sector of the site, and camp (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs15840 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABx), general view of the Prehistoric site (from the SW). (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs15841 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABx), structures in the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs15842 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABx), structures in the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs15843 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABx), general view of the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs15844 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABx), general view of the Prehistoric site (Ḫawlān al-Ṭiyāl). (© MAIRY) | |
Alasaf | الاصف | 1984 | 2019ALAs15845 | Alasaf (Al-Aʿṣāf) (AL), general view of a Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Alasaf | الاصف | 1984 | 2019ALAs15846 | Alasaf (Al-Aʿṣāf) (AL), general view of a Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Alasaf | الاصف | 1984 | 2019ALAs15847 | Alasaf (Al-Aʿṣāf) (AL), general view of a Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15848 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah, collection of samples from the sediments of the wādī. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15849 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah, collection of samples from the sediments of the wādī. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah | وادي الثيلة | 1984 | 2019WTHs15850 | Wādī Aṯ-Ṯayylah, collection of samples from the sediments of the wādī. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15854 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Views of the Bronze Age site from the relief to the East. A. Solazzi. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15855 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Views of the Bronze Age site from the relief to the East. Alessandro deM. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15856 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Views of the Bronze Age site from the relief to the East. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15857 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Views of the Bronze Age site from the relief to the East. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15858 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Views of the Bronze Age site from the relief to the East. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15859 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Views of the Bronze Age site from the relief to the East. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15860 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15861 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15862 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Views of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15863 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15864 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15865 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15866 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15867 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15868 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15869 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15870 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. Domenico Picchi. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15871 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15872 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Views of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15873 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Views of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15874 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Views of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15875 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15876 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15877 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15878 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Views of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15879 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Views of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15880 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Views of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15881 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Views of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15882 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Views of the Bronze Age five sub-sites. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYAs15899 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WY): ramarro NAB | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15900 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Excavation in L11. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15901 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Excavation in L11. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15902 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Loci L3 (right) and L1 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15903 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Loci L3 (right) and L1 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15904 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L3 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15905 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L3 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15906 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Loci L4 and L5 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15907 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Loci L4 and L5 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15908 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the excavation area (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15909 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the excavation area (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15910 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail in Locus L3(from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15911 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of pit L2 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15912 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Locus L1 and wall M1 viewd from the E. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15913 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of a pillar in Locus L3 viewd from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15914 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Loci L10 and L11, detail (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15915 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Loci L10 and L11, detail (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15916 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Locus L10, detail of the pillars (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15917 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Locus L10, detail of the pillars (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15918 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Locus L7. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15919 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): The worker Husseyn (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15920 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): The worker Husseyn (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15921 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Loci L4 (foreground) and L5 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15922 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Locus L3 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15923 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of a pit in L3 (between M1 and M2) (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15924 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L1 (in the foreground is the wall M1) (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15925 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L1, wall M1, and a hole for a wooden post (c) in the floor (left) (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15926 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of L2, a fire pit (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15927 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of L2, a fire pit viewed from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15928 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Loci L7 and L8. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15929 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi):Detail of a hole for a wooden post (c) in the floorof L1 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYAs15930 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L1, wall M1, and a hole for a wooden post (c) in the floor (left) (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15931 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of pit L2 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15932 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of pit L6. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15933 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L7. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15934 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L7. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15935 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of pit L8. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15936 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of pit L8. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15938 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L7. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15939 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L10 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15940 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of a Southern pillar in Locus L10 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15941 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of a Northern pillar in Locus L10 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15942 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L11 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15943 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L11 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15944 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of Locus L10 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15945 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Loci L10 (left) and L11 (right) (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15946 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Loci L10 (left) and L11 (right) (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15947 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Loci L10 (left) and L11 (right) (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15949 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L11 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15950 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L11 (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15951 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L11 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15952 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Loci L11 (foreground) an L10 (background) (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15954 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L10 (from the NE). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15955 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L11 (from the E). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15956 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the excavation area (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15957 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the excavation area (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15958 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the excavation area (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15959 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the excavation area (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15961 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the excavation area (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15962 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the excavation area (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15964 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the excavation area (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15965 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the excavation area (from the SW). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī Sulayḥ | بني صليح | 1984 | 2019BSUs15967 | Banī Sulayḥ (BSUi): Male statuette found by local people in the Bronze Age site, Wādī Kurayb, al-Aʿrūš, Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī Sulayḥ | بني صليح | 1984 | 2019BSUs15968 | Banī Sulayḥ (BSUi): Male statuette found by local people in the Bronze Age site, Wādī Kurayb, al-Aʿrūš, Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī Sulayḥ | بني صليح | 1984 | 2019BSUs15969 | Banī Sulayḥ (BSUi): Male statuette found by local people in the Bronze Age site, Wādī Kurayb, al-Aʿrūš, Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī Sulayḥ | بني صليح | 1980 | 2019BSUs15970 | Banī Sulayḥ (BSUi): Male statuette found by local people in the Bronze Age site, Wādī Kurayb, al-Aʿrūš, Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15971 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Tents of the Italian-Yemeni camp next to the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15972 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Tents of the Italian-Yemeni camp next to the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15973 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Tents of the Italian-Yemeni camp next to the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15974 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Tents of the Italian-Yemeni camp next to the site. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15975 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Loci L10(foreground) and L11 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15976 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Loci L10(foreground) and L11 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15977 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L10 (from the S). In the background is L11. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15978 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Locus L10 (from the S). In the background is L11. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15979 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Views of excavation area. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15980 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of Loci L10 (foreground) and L11 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15981 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Views of excavation area. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15982 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of the Southern pillar in Locus L10. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15983 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of the Northern pillar in Locus L10. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15985 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of a pillar in Locus L11. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15987 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of the pillars in Locus L10 viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15988 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of the pillar in Locus L11 viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15989 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of Locus L11. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15990 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of the pillar in Locus L11. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15991 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of the pillars in Locus L10 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15992 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of Southern pillar of Locus L10. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15993 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of Northern pillar of Locus L10 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15994 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of the two pillars of Locus L10 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15995 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of the two pillars of Locus L10 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15996 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Locus L10 viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15997 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Locus L11 viewed from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15998 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Locus L11 viewed from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs15999 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Group photo. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs16000 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Group photo. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs16001 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Loci L1-L5 viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs16002 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Loci L1-L5 viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs16003 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Loci L1-L5 viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs16004 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Detail of Loci L5 (foreground), L4, and L3 (background) viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs16005 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Loci L5 and L3 viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs16006 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Locus L3 viewed from the S. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs16007 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Locus L10 viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs16008 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Locus L11 viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs16009 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Locus L10 viewed from the N. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs16010 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Locus L11 viewed from the W. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs16011 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): LA. AdeM. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1984 | 2019WYNs16012 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Architects D. Picchi and P. Berardi at work. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī Sulayḥ | بني صليح | 1984 | 2019BSUs16013 | Banī Sulayḥ (BSU): Bronze Age wall with North-South direction. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī Sulayḥ | بني صليح | 1984 | 2019BSUs16014 | Banī Sulayḥ (BSU): Bronze Age wall with North-South direction, detail. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī Sulayḥ | بني صليح | 1984 | 2019BSUs16015 | Banī Sulayḥ (BSU): Bronze Age wall with North-South direction. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī Sulayḥ | بني صليح | 1984 | 2019BSUs16016 | Banī Sulayḥ (BSU): Bronze Age wall with North-South direction. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī Sulayḥ | بني صليح | 1984 | 2019BSUs16017 | Banī Sulayḥ (BSU): Bronze Age wall with North-South direction. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | بني صليح | 1984 | 2019BSUs16018 | Banī Sulayḥ (BSU): The landscape viewed from the Bronze Age wall. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī Sulayḥ | بني صليح | 1984 | 2019BSUs16019 | Banī Sulayḥ (BSU): Detail of the Bronze Age wall with North-South direction. (©MAIRY) | |
Banī Sulayḥ | بني صليح | 1984 | 2019BSUs16020 | Banī Sulayḥ (BSU): Bronze Age wall with North-South direction. (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs16021 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): General view of the archaeological Sondage 1 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs16022 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): General view of the archaeological Sondage 1 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs16023 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): General view of the archaeological Sondage 1 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs16024 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): Detail of the archaeological Sondage 1. (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs16025 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): View of the archaeological Sondage 1 (from the S). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs16026 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): View of the archaeological Sondage 1. (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs16027 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): View of the archaeological Sondage 1. (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs16028 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): View of the archaeological sounding in a pit L2 (from the N). (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs16029 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): View of the archaeological sounding in a pit L2. (©MAIRY) | |
An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ | النجد الأبيض | 1984 | 2019NABs16030 | An-Naǧid al-Abyaḍ (NABvii): Detail of the archaeological sounding in a pit L2. (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYAs16036 | Wādī Yanāʿim, general view of the Precambrian (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYAs16037 | Wādī Yanāʿim, view of the Bronze Age structures (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥaykān | وادي حيكان | 1983 | 2019WHKs16039 | Wādī Ḥaykān, a spring (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥaykān | وادي حيكان | 1983 | 2019WHKs16040 | Wādī Ḥaykān, a spring, and on the right the basalt rock ('organ pipes') (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥaykān | وادي حيكان | 1983 | 2019WHKs16041 | Wādī Ḥaykān, the 'organ pipes' rock (basalt) near the spring water (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥaykān | وادي حيكان | 1983 | 2019WHKs16042 | Wādī Ḥaykān, general view towards Banī Bedā, and cultivated fields among the Quaternary effusions (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥaykān | وادي حيكان | 1983 | 2019WHKs16043 | Wādī Ḥaykān, general view towards Banī Bedā (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥaykān | وادي حيكان | 1983 | 2019WHKs16044 | Wādī Ḥaykān, general view towards Banī Bedā, and cultivated fields among the Quaternary effusions (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥaykān | وادي حيكان | 1983 | 2019WHKs16045 | Wādī Ḥaykān, general view towards Banī Bedā, and cultivated fields among the Quaternary effusions (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥaykān | وادي حيكان | 1983 | 2019WHKs16046 | Wādī Ḥaykān, a general view of 'organ pipes' rocks (basalt) (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥaykān | وادي حيكان | 1983 | 2019WHKs16047 | Wādī Ḥaykān, a detail of 'organ pipes' rocks (basalt) (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥaykān | وادي حيكان | 1983 | 2019WHKs16048 | Wādī Ḥaykān, cultivated fields among the Quaternary effusions (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥaykān | وادي حيكان | 1983 | 2019WHKs16049 | Wādī Ḥaykān, cultivated fields among the Quaternary effusions, detail of a plowing with dromedary (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥabābiḍ | وادي حبابض | 1983 | 2019WBDs16054 | Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, general view of the wādī bend (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16057 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of the hills, W of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16058 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of the hills, W of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16059 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of the hills, W of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16060 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of the hills, W of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16061 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Huge stones of a structure in the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16062 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the hills, around the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16063 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the hills, around the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16064 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): View of the wādī, E of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16065 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the hills, around the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16066 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16067 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the landscape around the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16068 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Outcrop of the rock. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16079 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16080 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Outcrop of the rock. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16084 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): At work during the topographic survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16086 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): At work during the topographic survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16087 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): At work during the topographic survey of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16088 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): at work during the topographic survey of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16089 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): general view of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16090 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): general view of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16091 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): general view of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16092 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): general view of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16093 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): general view of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16094 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): view of some structures of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16097 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): general view of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16098 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): general view of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16099 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): general view of the Bronze Age site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16101 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): camp of the Italian archaeological mission. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16102 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): camp of the Italian archaeological mission. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16103 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): camp of the Italian archaeological mission. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16104 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): grinder and pestle in situ. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16105 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): grinder in situ. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16107 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): grinder in situ. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16108 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): grinder in situ. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16109 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): grinder in situ. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16110 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): huge stone of a locus in situ. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16111 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): architects at work. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16112 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Architects at work. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16113 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Architect at work. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16114 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Architects at work for the topographical survey. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16115 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): General view of the site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16116 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age site, general view. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16117 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age site, landscape, general view. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16118 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age site and the wādī, bird's eye view. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16119 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age site, bird's eye view. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16120 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age site, bird's eye view. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16121 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age site, general view. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16122 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age site, bird's eye view. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16123 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): Bronze Age site, bird's eye view. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16124 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): bird's eye view of the Bronze Age site and the wādī. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16125 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): bird's eye view of the Bronze Age site and the wādī. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16126 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): bird's eye view of the Bronze Age site and the wādī. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Yanāʿim | وادي يناعم | 1983 | 2019WYNs16127 | Wādī Yanāʿim (WYi): bird's eye view of the Bronze Age site and the wādī. (© MAIRY) | |
Zarāğah | زراجة | 1983 | 2019ZIRs16128 | Zarağah, view of the village (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿIsa | بني علسة | 1983 | 2019BISs16129 | Banī ʿIsa, camp during a survey (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿIsa | بني علسة | 1983 | 2019BISs16130 | Banī ʿIsa, camp during a survey (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿIsa | بني علسة | 1983 | 2019BISs16131 | Banī ʿIsa, camp during a survey (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī ʿIsa | بني علسة | 1983 | 2019BISs16132 | Banī ʿIsa, camp during a survey (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Wādī Thaʿlib | وداي ثعالب | 1983 | 2019WTAs16133 | Wādī Thaʿlib, one of the villages on the plateau (26/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Buḫayt | بني بوخيت | 1983 | 2019BBTs16134 | Banī Buḫayt, one of the three villages on the plateau (26/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Buḫayt | بني بوخيت | 1983 | 2019BBTs16135 | Banī Buḫayt, Al-Ḥuṣn village (26/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ṯarum | وادي ثاروم | 1983 | 2019WTRs16136 | Wādī Ṯarum, view towards SE of the 'limestone triangle' (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ṯarum | وادي ثاروم | 1983 | 2019WTRs16137 | Wādī Ṯarum, view towards SE of the 'limestone triangle' (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Ġawlayn | الغولين | 1983 | 2019GHAs16138 | Al-Ġawlayn (GHA), a structure (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ġawlayn | الغولين | 1983 | 2019GHAs16139 | Al-Ġawlayn (GHA), a structure (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ġawlayn | الغولين | 1983 | 2019GHAs16140 | Al-Ġawlayn (GHA), remains of limestone structures (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ġawlayn | الغولين | 1983 | 2019GHAs16141 | Al-Ġawlayn (GHA), remains of limestone structures (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ġawlayn | الغولين | 1983 | 2019GHAs16142 | Al-Ġawlayn (GHA), remains of limestone structures (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ġawlayn | الغولين | 1983 | 2019GHAs16143 | Al-Ġawlayn (GHA), limestone squared stones (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Ġawlayn | الغولين | 1983 | 2019GHAs16144 | Al-Ġawlayn (GHA), a cistern (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) | |
Banī Buḫayt | بني بوخيت | 1983 | 2019BBTs16145 | Banī Bukhayt, Mesozoic on the Precambrian, E of the plateau (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Buḫayt | بني بوخيت | 1983 | 2019BBTs16146 | Banī Bukhayt, Mesozoic on the Precambrian, E of the plateau (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Buḫayt | بني بوخيت | 1983 | 2019BBTs16147 | Banī Bukhayt, Mesozoic on the Precambrian, E of the plateau (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Banī Buḫayt | بني بوخيت | 1983 | 2019BBTs16148 | Banī Bukhayt, Mesozoic on the Precambrian, E of the plateau (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Ġawlayn | الغولين | 1983 | 2019GHAs16149 | Al-Ġawlayn (GHA), view of the large 'limestone triangle' (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Ġawlayn | الغولين | 1983 | 2019QUAs16150 | Al-Ġawlayn (GHA), view of the large 'limestone triangle' (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ṯarum | وادي ثاروم | 1983 | 2019WTRs16151 | Wādī Ṯarum, view of the eastern edge of the 'limestone triangle', between Wādī Al-Hamrah and Wādī Ṯarum (16/6/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Dhar | وادي ظهر | 1983 | 2019DHAs16152 | The Dar al-Hajar ('Stone House' or 'Rock Palace) is a former royal palace in the Wādī Dhar (1/5/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Dhar | وادي ظهر | 1983 | 2019DHAs16153 | The Dar al-Hajar ('Stone House' or 'Rock Palace) is a former royal palace in the Wādī Dhar (1/5/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Dhar | وادي ظهر | 1983 | 2019DHAs16154 | The Dar al-Hajar ('Stone House' or 'Rock Palace), a former royal palace (Imām) in the Wādī Dhar (1/5/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Kawkabān | كوكبان | 1983 | 2019KAWs16155 | Kawkabān, the fortress (1/5/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Kawkabān | كوكبان | 1983 | 2019KAWs16156 | Kawkabān, the gate of the fortress (1/5/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Kawkabān | كوكبان | 1983 | 2019KAWs16157 | Kawkabān, the valley viewed from the fortress (1/5/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Kawkabān | كوكبان | 1983 | 2019KAWs16158 | Kawkabān, the path to get to Šibām (Kawkabān) from of the fortress (1/5/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Kawkabān | كوكبان | 1983 | 2019KAWs16159 | Kawkabān, general view of the valley from of the fortress (1/5/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Kawkabān | كوكبان | 1983 | 2019KAWs16160 | Kawkabān, the city walls (1/5/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Kawkabān | كوكبان | 1983 | 2019KAWs16161 | Kawkabān, view of the fortress (1/5/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Dhar | وادي ظهر | 1983 | 2019DHAs16162 | Wādī Dhar, the village (1/5/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Dhar | وادي ظهر | 1983 | 2019DHAs16163 | Wādī Dhar, the village (1/5/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Kawkabān | كوكبان | 1983 | 2019KAWs16164 | Rows of stones on the way to Kawkabān (1/5/1983). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2019HKLs16165 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Modern houses built with the materials of the ancient site (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2019HKLs16166 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): A modern house built with the volcanic stones of the ancient site (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2019HKLs16167 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Detail of a cistern covered with qaḍāḍ (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2019HKLs16168 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): The site viewed from the east (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2019HKLs16169 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): The site viewed from the east (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2019HKLs16170 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): dr Da Rin and prof. A.deM. (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥammat Kilāb | حمة كلاب | 1980 | 2019HKLs16171 | Ḥammat Kilāb (HK): Group photo with the local shaykh in the center (10/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1980 | 2019HDDs16172 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), the walnut grove (12/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1980 | 2019HDDs16173 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), the mosque (12/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Ḥaddah | حدة | 1980 | 2019HDDs16174 | Ḥaddah (Ṣanʿāʾ), the mosque (12/11/1980). (© MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs16175 | Al-Masannah (MASi), excavated pit 1(28/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs16176 | Al-Masannah (MASi), excavated pit 1(28/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Al-Masannah | المسنة | 1983 | 2019MASs16177 | Al-Masannah (MASi), excavated pit, detail of animal jaw (28/5/1983). (? MAIRY) | |
Tamnaʿ | تمنع | 1999 | 2019TAMs10598 | Tamnaʿ (T): Sector A, Temple of Athirat, at the beginning of the excavation (view from the SW). Dr Mounir Arbach. (©MAIRY) | |
Al-Maḫdarah | المخدرة | 1987 | 2019MKDs12222 | Ṣirwāḥ (S): Sirwāḥ Al-Maḫdarah - Barāqiš. | |
Madīnat Al-Ahǧur | مدينة الأهجر | 1981 | 2019MADs14306 | Madīnat Al-Ahǧur (MAD), general view of the Sabaean site. (© MAIRY) | |
Wādī Ḥabābiḍ | وادي حبابض | 1983 | 2019WBDs14565 | Wādī Ḥabābiḍ, the abandoned village of Banī Harith (16/6/1983). (©MAIRY) |