Alessandro de Maigret

Fig. 1 – Alessandro de Maigret, Ṣanʿāʾ 1980.

AAlessandro de Maigret (14 August, 1943 – 14 February, 2011) studied Archaeology of the Ancient Near East at the Istituto di Studi del Vicino Oriente at the Università di Roma. He graduated in Classical Archaeology in 1971 and completed post-graduate studies in Eastern Archaeology in 1973. From 1970 to 1976, de Maigret was part of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Syria directed by Paolo Matthiae (Università di Roma) that performed excavations at Ebla (modern Tell Mardikh).

de Maigret field experience included direct responsibility for excavations at Ebla and Tell Afiss, as well as archaeological explorations in the region South of Aleppo. He complemented his fieldwork with academic research on the pre-Hellenistic Syrian-Palestinian culture.

Fig. 2 – Alessandro de Maigret, Wādī Yanāʿim 1981.
Fig. 3 – Alessandro de Maigret, Barāqish 1992.
Fig.4 – Alessandro de Maigret, Tamnaʿ 2004.
Fig.5 – Alessandro de Maigret and Rosario Valentini,
Barāqish 2006.
Fig.6 – Alessandro de Maigret and ʿAbd al-Karīm al-Iryānī, Barāqish 2004.
Fig.7 – Alessandro de Maigret, Dūmat al-Jandal
(Saudi Arabia) 2009.

At the end of the research at Ebla, de Maigret broadened his theoretical and methodological approach by studying the New Archaeology methods developed in America. From 1978 to 1979, he completed a fellowship in Environmental Archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology in the University of London. As a result of this new direction, de Maigret published a critical review of the excavations conducted at Hama in Syria (1979), and an article on the environment and economic resources of ancient Ebla (1981).

In 1980, following his appointment as Associate Professor at the Istituto Universitario Orientale in Naples, he created the Italian Archaeological Mission in the Yemen Arab Republic (MAIRAY) (Fig. 1), with funding from the Italian Foreign Ministry, the Ministero dell’Università and the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). The Archaeological Mission, with the support of Sabatino Moscati and under the aegis, first, of the Istituto per l’Oriente of Rome and from 1983, of the Istituto per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (IsMEO) directed by Gherardo Gnoli, is still actively engaged as Italian Archaeological Mission in the Republic of Yemen (MAIRY).

From 1981 to 1985, the Mission carried out a preliminary survey of the rich and diverse prehistory of Yemen at sites on the high-plateau, in the desert and coastal plain. In 1981, the Mission discovered the existence of a Bronze Age culture in the Yemen dating from the 3rd to the 2nd millennium BCE (Fig. 2). Over fifty sites from this pre-Sabaean phase were discovered in the mountainous region to the Southeast of Ṣanʿāʾ. Explorations and excavations carried out in 1984 and 1985 in four of the main settlements gave the first complete picture of a culture with clear affinities to the culture that flourished in Palestine in the Early Bronze Age, and that directly preceded the Southern Arabian civilization of the classic period.

In 1985, research on the Sabaean period resulted in the discovery of a large complex of ruins (Wādī Yalā) on the Eastern boundary of the desert, which, after Marib, is considered the most important Sabaean archaeological complex known in Yemen. An excavation conducted in the site of Yalā ad-Durayb/Ḥfry (1987) provided essential data that clarify the much-debated chronology of Southern Arabian civilizations.

In the late 1980s, de Maigret and the Italian Mission investigated a number of sites: the necropolises located in the desert (‘turret tombs’) and the hypogean tombs on the plateau, and the religious architecture of the Islamic period that, during a four-year survey, established the first typological classification of the oldest mosques in Yemen. Lastly, de Maigret initiated large-scale excavations in the extraordinary Minaean city of Barāqish (the ancient city of Yathill), and, during two archaeological campaigns in 1989 and 1992 discovered an important temple dedicated to the tutelary god Nakraḥ (7th –1st century BCE) (Fig. 3).

In 1990, Alessandro de Maigret became Full Professor of Archaeology and Art History of the Ancient Near East at the Istituto Universitario Orientale in Naples. The following year he was elected President of Arabia Antiqua, the International Association for Studies of the Arabian Peninsula, established at the Arabia Antiqua International Congress organized by IsMEO in Rome. This led, in 1992, to his appointment by the Italian Foreign Ministry as Archaeological Counsellor to the Italian Embassy in Riyadh. During his stay in Saudi Arabia (1993–1997), de Maigret was able to establish contacts with the Universities and cultural institutes in the various countries of the Arab Peninsula and gained first-hand experience of the most important archaeological sites in Saudi Arabia and the neighbouring states of Oman, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Qatar.

In 1998, through a programme of collaboration with the French Archaeological Mission directed by Christian Robin, de Maigret headed a series of excavations of the South Arabian temple of Yeha in Ethiopia (Fig. 4). Between 1999 and 2004, he conducted six extensive archaeological campaigns at Tamnaʿ, the ancient capital of the Kingdom of Qatabān, first excavated in the early 1950s by the archaeological mission of the American Foundation for the Study of Man. These excavations brought to light a large temple dedicated to the goddess Athirat, ten houses in the famous Market Place of the city and 8 tombs in Ḥayd Ibn ʿAqīl, the city’s necropolis (Fig. 5).

In 2003, with funding from the Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo of the Italian Foreign Ministry, de Maigret completed a lengthy restoration at Barāqish featuring the temple of Nakraḥ (Fig. 6), and, between 2004 and 2006, he completed and safeguarded the excavation of second temple in the ‘Sacred Area’ of the city, dedicated to the god ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ (Fig. 7). Two stratigraphic surveys, carried out inside and outside the city walls of Barāqish (2005-2006) established the chronology of the successive phases of the city’s life, from the Sabaean to the Minaean and Islamic periods.

Both the Tamnaʿ and Barāqish excavations were interrupted due to security problems, and therefore the 2007 and 2008 archaeological campaigns were devoted exclusively to the analysis of the archaeological materials acquired in previous excavations.

In April-May 2009, de Maigret, with funds from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Direzione Generale per la Promozione del Sistema Paese), carried out an excavation campaign in Dūmat al-Jandal (the city of Adumatu of the Assyrians (Fig. 8), as part of an Italian-Saudi five-year research project, aimed at highlighting and enhancing the past of an oasis that was the first capital of the Ancient Arabs (7th century BCE) and one of the most important trade centres in Northern Arabia.

In December 2010, de Maigret started the first archaeological survey in Ghaymān (Yemen), without being able to participate actively due to his declining health. The archaeological campaign was funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Direzione Generale per la Promozione del Sistema Paese).

At the University of Naples L’Orientale, de Maigret held several academic positions: President of the Program in Archaeology (2002-2003), President of the Interdepartmental Service Centre for Archaeology (2001- 2007), Member of the Board of Directors (1998-2000, 2003-2005), Member of the Academic Senate (2006-2010).

A. de Maigret was a corresponding member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres of the Institut de France; member of the Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, Rome; the Society for Arabian Studies, London; the Sociètè des Archèologues, Philologues et Historiens de l’Arabie, Paris; the Deutsche Archaeologische Institut, Berlin; and the Société Asiatique, Paris. He was Director of the series Repertorio Iconografico Sudarabico (Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres of the Institut de France, Paris – Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente, Rome), co-director of the journal Arabia (Aix-en-Provence) and member of the Scientific Committee of the journals Arabian Epigraphy and Archaeology (Copenhagen), Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale (Naples), Saba (Paris), Oriens Antiquus (Rome) and Archeologia Viva (Florence).

Click here to download the bibliography of Prof. A. de Maigret


Bibliografia di Alessandro de Maigret
1970Entry: Palestina, Enciclopedia Italiana dell’Arte Antica, Classica e Orientale, Supplemento 1970, 577–592. Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da G. Treccani.-
1972Review: P.R. de Miroschedji, L’époque pré-urbaine en Palestine, Paris 1971, Oriens Antiquus 11, 145–146.-
1974a Sigilli a stampo dell’Istituto Orientale di Napoli, Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli 34, 577–583.-
1974b Tell Munbatah: un nuovo sito della ‘cultura caliciforme’ nella Siria del Nord, Oriens Antiquus 13, 249–270.-
1974c Review: R.M. Boehmer, Boğazköy-Hattuša. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen des Deutsches Archäologisches Instituts und der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft, herausgegeben von Kurt Bittel. VII. Die Kleinfunde von Boğazköy, aus den Grabungskampagne 1931-1939 und 1952-1969 (=Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 87), Berlin 1972, Oriens Antiquus 13, 238–241.-
1975a Review: J. Mallet, Tell el-Far‘ah (région de Naplouse). L’installation du Moyen Bronze antérieure au rempart (Cahiers de la Revue Biblique 14), Paris 1973, Oriens Antiquus 14, 82–85.-
1975b Review: V. Karageorghis, Cypriote Antiquities in the Pierides Collection, Larnaca, Cyprus (n.d.), Oriens Antiquus 14, 180.-
1976a Le lance nell’Asia Anteriore nell’età del Bronzo. Studio tipologico (= Università di Roma, Istituto di Studi del Vicino Oriente, Studi Semitici 47). Rome.-
1976b Su alcune punte di lancia mesopotamiche di periodo babilonese, Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli 36, 226-232.-
1976c Due punte di lancia iscritte da Tell Mardikh-Ebla, Rivista di Studi Orientali 50. 31-41.-
1977Review: J.R. Stewart, Tell el-‘Ajjūl. The Middle Bronze Age Remains, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology 38, Göteborg 1974, Oriens Antiquus 16, 168–172.-
1978a Fluttuazioni territoriali e caratteristiche tipologiche degli stanziamenti nella regione del Matah (Siria). Nota preliminare, in Atti del 1o Convegno italiano sul Vicino Oriente antico, Roma 22-24 aprile 1976 (= Centro per le Antichità e la Storia dell’Arte del Vicino Oriente antico, Orientis Antiqui Collectio 13). Rome, 83–94.-
1978b Per un’archeologia tridimensionale. Riflessioni sulla ceramica della Siria dell’età del Ferro, Antiqua 11, 25–30.-
1979La cittadella aramaica di Hama. Attività, funzioni e comportamento (= Centro per le Antichità e la Storia dell’Arte del Vicino Oriente antico, Orientis Antiqui Collectio 15). Rome.-
1980a Riconsiderazioni sul sistema ponderale di Ebla, Oriens Antiquus 19, 161–169.-
1980b Storia della ricerca Archeologica in Siria e Palestina, Storia dell’archeologia (Librex), 48–55. Rome.-
1980c Entries: Amuq; Ceramica della Mesopotamia; Gaza; Gerar; Gemdet Nasr; Hama; Hazor; Karkemish; Masada; Siria antica: archeologia della Siria dell’età del Bronzo; Tell; Tell el-‘Ubayd; Tell Hassuna; Urartu; Ziqqurat, Grande Dizionario Enciclopedico UTET. Turin.-
1980d Commento critico-bibliografico ai rilievi scolpiti dei sovrani Assurnasirpal II, Salmanassar III, Tiglatpileser III, Sargon II, Sennacherib, in Gli Assiri. La scultura dal regno di Assurnasirpal II al regno di Assurbanipal (883-631 a.C.). Rome: De Luca Edizioni d’Arte.-
1980e Review: J. Ringel, Césarée de Palestine. Étude historique et archéologique, Paris (n.d.), Oriens Antiquus 19, 229–230.-
1980f Prospezione geo-archeologica nello Yemen del Nord. Notizia di una prima ricognizione (1980), Oriens Antiquus 19, 307–313.PDF
1981a Il fattore idrologico nell’economia di Ebla, Oriens Antiquus 20, 1–36.-
1981b Two Prehistoric Cultures and a New Sabaean Site in the Eastern Highlands of North Yemen, Raydān. Journal of Ancient Yemeni Antiquities and Epigraphy 4, 191–204, pls I–XIII.PDF
1982a Ricerche archeologiche nella Repubblica Araba Yemenita. Notizia di una seconda ricognizione, Oriens Antiquus 21 (1-4), 237–253, pls XII–XVI.PDF
1982b 1982 IsMEO Activities in the Yemen Arab Republic, East and West 32 (1-4), 230–231.PDF
1983Activities of the Italian Archaeological Mission in the Yemen Arab Republic (1983 Campaign), East and West 33, 340–344.PDF
1984a La paleo-ecologia di Ebla alla luce dei testi amministrativi, in L. Cagni (ed.), Il bilinguismo a Ebla. Atti del Convegno internazionale di Napoli (19-22 aprile 1982) (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici, Series Minor 22), 329–335. Naples.-
1984b Ricerche della Missione Archeologica Italiana nella Repubblica Araba Yemenita, in Atti del II Convegno su: La presenza culturale italiana nei Paesi Arabi: storia e prospettive, Sorrento, 18-20 November 1982, 326–328. Rome: Istituto per l’Oriente.-
1984c A. de Maigret, L. Costantini and F.G. Fedele, The Bronze Age Culture of the Yemen Arab Republic, Rome, Abstract from East and West 34, Rome: IsMEO / Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente.-
1984d A Bronze Age for Southern Arabia, East and West 34, 5–36.PDF
1985de Maigret, A., G.M. Bulgarelli, L. Costantini, P. Cuneo, F.G. Fedele, V. Francaviglia, U. Scerrato, M. Tosi and G. Ventrone, Archaeological activities in the Yemen Arab Republic, 1985, East and West n.s. 35 (4), 337–395.PDF
1986de Maigret, A., G.M. Bulgarelli, L. Costantini, M. Cucarzi, P. Cuneo, F. Di Mario, F.G. Fedele, V. Francaviglia, G. Gnoli, B. Marcolongo, A.M. Palmieri, G. Pettinato, U. Scerrato, M. Tosi and G. Ventrone, Archaeological activities in the Yemen Arab Republic, East and West 36 (4), 376–470.-
1987a Entries: Marib, il porto del deserto, Ma‘in, dove i Minei inventarono il commercio, Timna, la città dei sessantacinque templi, Città sepolte. Origine e splendore delle città antiche, 1891-1896, 1907-1914. Rome: Curcio Editore.-
1987b Aṣr nuḥāsī fī janūb al-jazīra al-ʿarabiyya (The Bronze culture in Southern Arabia), Al-Iklīl, 73–96.-
1987c Die Bronzezeit des Jemen, in W. Daum (ed.), Jemen. 3000 Jahre Kunst und Kultur des glücklichen Arabien, 39–49. Innsbruck /Frankfurt-on-Main: Pinguin. -
1987d The Yemeni Bronze Age, in W. Daum (ed.), Yemen. 3000 Years of Art and Civilisation in Arabia Felix, 38–43. Innsbruck/Frankfurt-on-Main: Pinguin. [Translation in English from the German edition 1987c].-
1987e La Missione Archeologica Italiana nello Yemen del Nord, Levante 29 (3) (September 1987), 47–59.-
1987f Nel leggendario Regno di Saba, Archeo. Attualità del passato 29 (July 1987), 21–27.-
1988a Archaeological Survey in the Wādī Yalā Antiquities, in A. de Maigret (ed.), The Sabaean Archaeological Complex in the Wādī Yalā (Eastern Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl, Yemen Arab Republic). A preliminary report (Reports and Memoirs 21), 1–20, Rome: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente. [In English and Arabic.] -
1988b A. de Maigret, F.G. Fedele and F. Di Mario, Lo Yemen prima del Regno di Saba, Le Scienze 234 (February 1988), 12–23.-
1988c Die Sabäer vor der Königin von Saba, in W. Daum (ed.), Die Königin von Saba. Legende und Archäologie zwischen Morgenland und Abendland, 36–39. Stuttgart/Zürich: Belser Verlag.-
1989a Le attività di formazione e di cooperazione archeologica condotte dalla Missione Italiana dell’IsMEO nello Yemen del Nord, Cooperazione, 87 (September 1989), 64–65.-
1989b Activity of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Yemen Arab Republic, Vestnik Drevnej Istorii 3, 155–163. [in Russian] -
1989c A. de Maigret and C.J. Robin, Les fouilles italiennes de Yalâ (Yémen du Nord): nouvelles données sur la chronologie de l'Arabie du Sud préislamique, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Comptes rendus des séances de l'année 1989 133 (2), 255–291.PDF
1989d A. de Maigret, C. Azzi, B. Marcolongo and A.M. Palmieri, Recent pedogenesis and neotectonics affecting archaeological sites in North Yemen, Paléorient 15 (1), 239–243.-
1990a A. de Maigret (ed.), The Bronze Age Culture of Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl and Al-Ḥadā (Republic of Yemen). A first general report (Reports and Memoirs 24). Rome: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente.-
1990b Scoperte italiane nello Yemen, Archeo. Attualità del passato 64 (June 1990) 12–13.-
1990c La città dell'incenso, in Archeo. Attualità del passato 6 (67) (September 1990), 28–37.-
1991a Gli scavi della Missione Archeologica nella città minea di Barāqish. Con una nota di G. Gnoli [With an essay by G. Gnoli]. Conferenze IsMEO 3. Rome: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente.-
1991b The excavations of the temple of Nakraḥ at Barāqish (Yemen), Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 21, 159–172.PDF
1991c Arabia Felix, Archeologia Viva 6 (January-February 1992), 24–35.-
1991d Entry: Giordania: archeologia, Enciclopedia italiana (Quinta Appendice), 459, Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da G. Treccani.-
1993a La seconda campagna di scavi della Missione Archeologica Italiana a Barāqish (Yemen 1992). Con una nota di G. Gnoli [With an essay by G. Gnoli]. Conferenze IsMEO 6. Rome: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente.-
1993b A. de Maigret and C.J. Robin, Le temple de Nakraḥ à Yathill (aujourd'hui Barāqish), Yémen, résultats des deux premières campagnes de fouilles de la Mission italienne, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Comptes rendus des séances de l’année 1993 137 (2), 427–496.-
1994a A. de Maigret and C.J. Robin, Yathill, appelée aujourd’hui Baraqish, Saba. Art, Littérature, histoire de l’Arabie Méridionale 1, 47–69. -
1994b Alcune considerazioni sulle origini e lo sviluppo dell’arte sudarabica, in N. Nebes (ed.), Beiträge zur Sprache und Kultur des vorislamischen Arabien. Festschrift Walter W. Müller zum 60. Geburtstag, 142-159. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.-
1994c The Desert Fount of Life, Ahlan fi Italia. The Italian Magazine in Saudi Arabia 1 (March-April 1994), 12–13.-
1994d Rediscovering Arabia Felix, Ahlan fi Italia. The Italian Magazine in Saudi Arabia 2 (May-July 1994), 8–10.-
1994e An Italian Explorer in Central Arabia, Ahlan fi Italia. The Italian Magazine in Saudi Arabia 3 (August-October 1994),12–13.-
1996a The Ancient Frankincense Caravan Route, Ahlan fi Italia. The Italian Magazine in Saudi Arabia 8 (May 1996), 18–19; 9 (October 1996), 15–16.-
1996b I dati degli scavi yemeniti per un’ipotesi sull’origine della ‘cultura sudarabica’, in C.J. Robin (ed.), Arabia Antiqua. Early Origins of South Arabian States, Proceedings of the first international conference on the conservation and exploitation of the archaeological heritage of the Arabian Peninsula held at the Palazzo Brancaccio, Rome, by IsMEO on 28th-30th May 1991 [Serie Orientale Roma 70 (1)], 111–119. Rome: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente. PDF
1996c New Evidence from the Yemenite ‘Turret Graves’ for the Problem of the Emergence of the South Arabian States, in J. Reade (ed.), The Indian Ocean in Antiquity, 321–337. London: Kegan Paul International/British Museum. PDF
1996d Entry: Yemen: archeologia, Enciclopedia Italiana (Quinta Appendice), 809–810. Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da G. Treccani.-
1996e Entries: Arabia, I. Prehistoric, 2. Yemen and Arabia, PIS, 5. Pottery, (ii) Yemen, The Dictionary of Art. London/New York: MacMillan Publishers.-
1996f Entries: Abu Ghosh, Ai, Arad, Bab edh-Dhra, Baraqish, al-Bayda, Bayhan, Beer Resisim, Beth Shan, Beth Shearim, Beth Shemesh, Beth Zur, Bethel, Enciclopedia Archeologica. Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da G. Treccani.-
1996g Arabia Felix. Un viaggio nell’archeologia dello Yemen. Milan: Rusconi. -
1997a The Frankincense Road from Najrān to Ma‘an: a Hypothetical Itinerary, in A. Avanzini (ed.), Profumi d’Arabia (Saggi di Storia Antica 11), 315–331: Rome: «L’Erma» di Bretschneider.PDF
1997b Entry: Sudarabica Arte, Enciclopedia dell’Arte Antica Classica e Orientale 5 (Secondo Supplemento 1971-1994), 482–489. Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da G. Treccani.-
1997c L’âge du Bronze sur les Hautes-Terres, in Yémen, au pays de la reine de Saba (Exhibition held at the Institut du Monde Arabe, 25 October 1997 – 28 February 1998), 34–39. Paris: Flammarion.-
1997d L’aube de l’histoire dans le Yémen intérieur, in Yémen, au pays de la reine de Saba (Exhibition held at the Institut du Monde Arabe, 25 October 1997 – 28 February 1998), 50–52. Paris: Flammarion.-
1997e Yathill, in Yémen, au pays de la reine de Saba (Exhibition held at the Institut du Monde Arabe, 25 October 1997 – 28 February 1998), 138–139. Paris: Flammarion.-
1997f Les pratiques funéraires, in Yémen, au pays de la reine de Saba (Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Institut du Monde Arabe, 25 October 1997 – 28 February 1998), 165–169. Paris: Flammarion.-
1997g Entries : Archéologues, Architecture, Baraqish, Caravanes, Céramique, Digue de Marib, Dromadaire, Eau, Encens, Gravure rupestre, Hajar Kuhlan, Marib, Montagne, Myrrhe, Nomades, Oasis, Palais royal, Préhistoire, Sa‘da, Shabwa, Sirwah, Temple, Tihamah, Zafar, in ABCdaire du Yemen. Paris: Flammarion.-
1997h Review: A. Avanzini, As-Sawdāʾ (= Inventario delle Iscrizioni Sudarabiche 4). Rome 1995 (de Boccard, Paris), 227 p., 42 pls, Annali dell’Istituto Universitario di Napoli 57, 585–586.PDF
1998a Review: J.-F. Breton, J.-C. Arramond, B. Coque-Delhuille and P. Gentelle, Une vallée aride du Yémen antique. Le wâdî Bayhân (Ministère des Affaires Étrangères, Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations). Paris 1998, 249 p., Annali dell’Istituto Universitario di Napoli 58, 568–571.PDF
1998b Die Bronzezeit im jemenitischen Hochland, in W. Seipel (ed.), Jemen. Kunst und Archäologie im Land der Königin von Saba (Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Künslerhaus of Vienna, 9 November 1998 – 21 February 1999), 117–122. Milan: Skira. [Being a translation of 1997c]-
1998c Anfänge, Ausbreitung und Entwicklung des altsüdarabischen Kulturhorizonts, in W. Seipel (ed.), Jemen. Kunst und Archäologie im Land der Königin von Saba (Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Künslerhaus of Vienna, 9 November 1998 – 21 February 1999), 157–160. Milan: Skira. [Being a translation of 1997c]-
1998d Der Tempel von Baraqish, in W. Seipel (ed.), Jemen. Kunst und Archäologie im Land der Königin von Saba (Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Künslerhaus of Vienna, 9 November 1998 – 21 February 1999), 217–218. Milan: Skira. [Being a translation of 1997d]-
1998e A. de Maigret, B. Vogt, J.-C. Roux, Die Grabsitten der südarabischen Hochkultur, in W. Seipel (ed.), Jemen. Kunst und Archäologie im Land der Königin von Saba (Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Künslerhaus of Vienna, 9 November 1998 – 21 February 1999), 233–246. Milan: Skira.-
1998f A. de Maigret, S. Antonini, Nel Paese della Regina di Saba, Archeo. Attualità del passato 156 (February 1998), 2–87.-
1998g Yathil: la città e il deserto. Scavi italiani nel Vicino Oriente, Archeologia Viva 67 (January/February 1998), 54–59.-
1998h A. de Maigret and C.J. Robin, Le grand temple de Yéha (Tigray, Éthiopie), après la première campagne de fouilles de la Mission Française (1998), Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Comptes rendus des séances 1998, 737–798.PDF
1998i The Arab nomadic people and the cultural interface between the ‘Fertile Crescent’ and ‘Arabia Felix’, Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 10, 220–224.PDF
1999Yeha: recenti scavi in un tempio sudarabico d’Etiopia, Levante 41, 5–19.-
2000a Le attività della Missione Archeologica Italiana in Yemen, Yemen. Nel paese della regina di Saba (Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Fondazione Memmo, Palazzo Ruspoli, Rome 5 April – 30 June 2000), 31–32, Milan: Skira.-
2000b L’età del Bronzo nell’altopiano, Yemen. Nel paese della regina di Saba (Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Fondazione Memmo, Palazzo Ruspoli, Rome 5 April – 30 June 2000), 61–64. Milan: Skira. [Being a translation of 1997c, 1998b]-
2000c L’alba della storia sudarabica, Yemen. Nel paese della regina di Saba (Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Fondazione Memmo, Palazzo Ruspoli, Rome 5 April – 30 June 2000), 93–95. Milan: Skira. [Being a translation of 1997d, 1998c]-
2000d Il tempio di Nakrah a Barâqish/Yathill, Yemen. Nel paese della regina di Saba (Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Fondazione Memmo, Palazzo Ruspoli, Rome 5 April – 30 June 2000), 167–168. Milan: Skira. [Being a translation of 1997e, 1998d]-
2000e A. de Maigret, B. Vogt and J.-C. Roux, I costumi funerari, Yemen. Nel paese della regina di Saba (Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Fondazione Memmo, Palazzo Ruspoli, Rome 5 April – 30 June 2000), 183–193, Milan: Skira. [Being a translation of 1998e]-
2000f La Penisola araba: per un’espansione geografica degli studi vicino-orientali, in S. Graziani (ed.), Studi sul Vicino Oriente antico dedicati alla memoria di Luigi Cagni (Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici, Series Minor 61), 163–176.PDF
2000g Svelando la regina di Saba, in P. Gribaudo (ed.), La regina di Saba. Arte e leggenda dallo Yemen (Catalogue of the exhibition held at Palazzo Bricherasio, Turin, September 26 2000 – January 7 2001), 27–41. Milan: Electa.-
2000h Review: J.-F. Breton (ed.), Fouilles de Shabwa, III. Architecture et techniques de construction (= Institut français d’archéologie du Proche Orient, Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique 154). Beirut 1998, 295 p., Annali dell’Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli 60-61 (2000-2001), 548–551.PDF
2000i A. de Maigret and B. Vogt, Tod und Jenseits im antiken Südarabien, in W. Daum, W. Müller, N. Nebes and W. Raunig (eds), Im Land der Königin von Saba (Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Staatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, München, July 7 1999 – January 9 2000), 170–185. Munich: Dörfler Verlag.-
2001Desvelando a la Reina de Saba, Yemen. En la tierra de la Reina de Saba (Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza, A Coruña, July 24 – October 21 2001), 17–39. A Coruña: Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza.-
2002a Arabia Felix. An Exploration of the Archaeological History of Yemen. London: Stacey International. [Being a translation of 1996h]-
2002b The first excavation campaign in ‘Temple I’ at Yeha (Tigray, Ethiopia), Vestnik Drevney Istorii 3, 184–190.PDF
2003a The Ancient Sabaeans, in C. Del Mare and A. de Maigret (eds), Coral in the Traditional Ornaments and Costume of the Yemen (Le vie del corallo 4), 8–23. Naples: Electa Napoli (In Italian and English).-
2003b La ceramica sabea. Specificità e sviluppi da uno studio delle forme, Arabia. Revue de sabéologie 1, 89–96, 217–244, Pls 12–39. PDF
2003c Tamnaʿ, ancient capital of the Yemeni desert. Information about the first two excavation campaigns (1999, 2000), in M. Liverani (ed.), Arid Lands in Roman Times. (International Conference, Rome July 9-10 2001) (Arid Zone Archaeology, Monographs 4), 135–140. Rome: Ed. all’Insegna del Giglio.PDF
2003d Alla riscoperta di Tamna‘, antica capitale dell’Arabia del sud. Risultati di quattro anni di scavi italo-francesi (1999-2002), in M.V. Fontana and B. Genito (eds), Studi in onore di Umberto Scerrato per il suo settantacinquesimo compleanno (Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici, Series Minor 65), 259–270, pls XLI–XLIII.PDF
2004a Barāqish, Minaean Yathill. Excavation and restoration of the temple of Nakrah. YICAR Papers 1, Ṣanʿā [sic] (Yemeni-Italian Centre for Archaeological Research). [Printed and distributed by Il Torcoliere, Naples.]-
2004b New stratigraphical data for the ancient chronology of Tamnaʿ, in A. Sedov (ed.), Scripta Yemenica. Studies on South Arabia. Collection of scientific articles on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Mikhail Borisovich Piotrovskij (Oriental Publications), 242–256. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences.PDF
2004c Saba, Archeologia e arte, Yemen. Assonanze. Arte e Mito dalla terra della Regina di Saba (Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Real Albergo dei Poveri, Palermo, December 30 2004 – February 20 2005), 19–21. Palermo. -
2004d Dall’Arabia Felix al Mediterraneo, Kalós 16 (4) (October-December 2004), 34–37.-
2004e La route caravanière de l’encens dans l’Arabie préislamique. Éléments d’information sur son itinéraire et sa chronologie, Chroniques yéménites 11, 36-46. [Being an abridged translation of the article 1997a]-
2005a Excavations of the Turret Tombs of Jabal al-Makhdarah, in A. de Maigret and S. Antonini (eds), South Arabian Necropolises. Italian Excavations at al-Makhdarah and Kharibat al-Ahjur (Republic of Yemen), 11–40 (Serie Orientale Roma N.S. 3). Rome: Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente.-
2005b The Italian Archaeological Mission. An appraisal of 25 years research (1980–2004). YICAR Papers 2, Ṣanʿā [sic] (Yemeni-Italian Centre for Archaeological Research). [Printed and distributed by Il Torcoliere, Naples.]-
2005c Some reflections on the South Arabian bayt, in Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen 10, 101–109, Mainz am Rhein: P. von Zabern.PDF
2005d Recent Discoveries in the ‘Market Square’ of Tamna‘, in A. V. Sedov and I. M. Smilianskaia (eds), Arabia Vitalis. Studies on Arab Orient, Islam and Ancient Arabia in Honour of V.V. Naumkin, 346–353, Moscow: Institut stran Azii i Afriki pri MGU.PDF
2005e Restoration work on the Temple of Nakraḥ at Barāqish (and related excavations), in Sāleh ʿAlī Bāsurrah (ed.), Ṣanʿāʾ. History and cultural heritage. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Yemeni Civilization. Vol. 1, 33–41. Ṣanʿāʾ: University of Sanaa, Al-Metha.-
2005fVenticinque anni di ricerche della Missione archeologica italiana nella Repubblica dello Yemen (1980-2004), in M. Bernardini and N. Tornesello (eds), Scritti in onore di Giovanni M. D’Erme (Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici, Series Minor 68), 353–367.-
2006a L’antica carovaniera dell’incenso tra Arabia e Mediterraneo, in Per mare e per terra verso il Mediterraneo, Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, 37–44. Naples: Il Torcoliere.-
2006b A. de Maigret and C.J. Robin, Tamnaʿ, antica capitale di Qatabān / Tamnaʿ, capitale antique de Qatabān. YICAR Papers 3, Ṣanʿāʾ (Yemeni-Italian Centre for Archaeological Research). [Printed and distributed by Il Torcoliere, Naples.] -
2006c Excavations of the Italian Archaeological Mission in the second temple at Barāqish (2004-2005), in C.J. Robin and M. ‘A. Jāzim, Le pèlerin des forteresses du savoir. Hommage au qāḍī Ismāʿīl b. ʿAlī al-Akwaʿ à l’occasion de son 85e anniversaire (Centre Français d’Archéologie et de Sciences Sociales de Sanaa), 81–92, Ṣan‘āʾ: -
2009a The excavations of the Italian Archaeological Mission at Barâqish (Republic of Yemen), Newsletter Archeologia (CISA) 0, 50–90. Also available online: -
2009b Arabia Felix. An exploration of the archaeological history of Yemen. Reprinted with a foreword by Professor T. J. Wilkinson. London: Stacey International. [First published 1999, reprinted 2002.]-
2009c A. de Maigret and C.J. Robin, Le royaume sudarabique de Ma‘īn: nouvelles données grâce aux fouilles italiennes de Barāqish (l’antique Yathill), Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Comptes rendus des séances 2009, 59–76.-
2010a Joint Saudi-Italian Archaeological Project at Dūmat al-Jandal. Preliminary report of the 1st excavation campaign (2009), in B. Genito (ed.), Newsletter Archeologia (CISA) 1, 67–83. Also available online: PDF
2010b Il grande tempio di Yéha (Etiopia) ed i templi minei di Barāqish (Yemen), in F. Mazzei and P. Carioti (eds) Oriente, Occidente e dintorni... Scritti in onore di Adolfo Tamburello (Università degli studi di Napoli “L'Orientale”, Dipartimento di Studi asiatici – Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente), 773–781. Naples. -
2010c A Sabaean stratigraphy from Barāqish, Arabia. Revue de sabéologie 4 (2007–2010), 67–95, 205–240, Figs 66–127.-
2010d Review: Jérémie Schiettecatte and Christian J. Robin (eds), L’Arabie à la veille de l’Islam: bilan clinique (Table ronde tenue au Collège de France les 28 et 29 août 2006 dans le cadre du projet de l’Agence nationale de la recherche ‘De l’Antiquité tardive à l’Islam’; Orient & Méditerranée 3), p. 316, 93 illustrations, Paris 2008 (de Boccard), Antiquity 84, 582–583.PDF
2010e Alla scoperta dell’Arabia Felix (In search of the Arabia Felix), Ligabue Magazine 29 (56) (1st semester 2010), 94–111.-
2011Some new considerations on the Great Temple of Yeha, in S. Wenig (ed.) Kaiserlichem Auftrag. Die Deutsche Aksum-Expedition 1906 unter Enno Littmann. Band 2: Altertumskundliche Untersuchungen der DAE in Tigray/Äthiopien. Herausgegeben von (Forschungen zur Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen. Band 3.2.), 183–194. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag.-
2016a Il tempio di Athirat. Rapporto finale degli scavi 1999-2000, in A. de Maigret and C.J. Robin (eds), Tamna‛ (Yemen). Gli scavi italo-francesi / Les fouilles italo-françaises / The Italian-French Excavations. Rapporto finale / Rapport final / Final Report (Orient & Méditerranée 20), 109–257, Paris: Éditions de Boccard.-
2016b Saba senza la Regina di Saba. Un profilo archeologico dei Sabei nella prima metà del I millennio a.C,, in F. Battiato, D. Hartman and G. Stabile (eds), La Regina di Saba. Un mito fra Oriente e Occidente, Atti del Seminario diretto da Riccardo Contini, Napoli, Università “L’Orientale”, 19 novembre 2009 –14 gennaio 2010, (Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, Dipartimento Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo, Centro di Studi Ebraici, Archivio di Studi Ebraici 8), 17–54. Naples: Il Torcoliere.PDF