Al-Jāmi‘ al-Kabīr – Zabīd
الجامع الكبير- زبيد
Monument description
The Great Mosque is located in Zabid city in the Rob’ Al-Jama’ and it is close to the side road that connects the historic city of Zabid and the city of Tuhayta.

Architectural and cultural value
Construction style and built date: The Great Mosque is characterized by a unique and historical architectural character. It is considered one of the largest religious monuments in Yemen. It was built with bricks; clay was used in the courses, and parts of the timber were placed horizontally in the courses of the walls to carry out the connection process, or in the areas of loading the domes that form the ceilings. In the ceilings Tharh wood, Tanab wood, Indian teak, Qafl and A’leb were used. It is almost square in shape and it can contain about 3,500 worshipers. It contains an open space (Al-Shamasi) 14.5 x 25.7 m. It contains 8 domes. The Mosque is surrounded by dirt paths and residential areas.
Components of the Mosque: Prayer Hall, Minaret, Matahir (Ablution Unit), bathrooms, 3 pools, 2 wells, 8 domes, tubs, rooms.
- Justifications for intervention:
- 1. One of the most important Yemeni landmarks with its architectural character
2. The monument has a lot of damage and needs restoration
3. Contribute to the restoration of damaged monuments in a proper manner in order to keep Zabid in the UNESCO list.
- Monument conditions and treatment:
The Monument has many damages and needs urgent interventions for rescue:
1. Leakage of rainwater from some roofs and water congestion in some ceilings
Treatment: Removing and replacing ceilings in areas where water is leaking2. The spread of termites in the ceilings and the disappearance of some wood, panels and beams
Treatment: Treatment and injection of termite poison in ceilings and replacement of damaged woods3. Cracks in the walls of some domes
Treatment: Removing and replacing ceilings in areas where water is leaking4. Corrosion of bricks, binder and coatings on some external facades as a result of salinity
5. Decline of the coverings in some external facades as a result of rain, wind and time.