Al-Maḥḍār Mosque – Tarīm – Ḥaḍramawt
جامع المحضار- تريم- حضرمو ت
Monument description
Al-Muhdhar Mosque in Tarim is considered one of the remaining Mosque style in the city, in terms of the design that was influenced by the early Islamic Mosques, characterized with roofed galleries and an open courtyard that contains side galleries like other Mosques in a number Yemeni and Arab cities. This is a Mosque in which prayers are performed, as well as a destination for teaching Islamic

Architectural and cultural value
Construction style and built date: The mosque was built according to the layout of the Prophet’s Mosque. It consists of a central courtyard surrounded by galleries, the deepest of which is the Qibla portico, in addition to outbuildings. Al-Muhdhar Mosque has gone through three stages of construction:
1. The first is the construction phase and dates back to the year 833 AH
2. The second phase of expansion occurred before the year 1321 AH
3. The current and third phase goes back to the month of Muharram 1331 AH.
Components of the Mosque: The present Mosque consists of several parts, which are the Prayer Hall, the
courtyard, the minaret and places of wudu (ablution places, usually a shallow water pool or fountain or rows of normal water taps). The area of the Monument with courtyard and annexes is about 1404 m2.
- Justifications for intervention:
- 1. In order to know the necessary and appropriate repairs, we have to consider the previous changes that have added new features, beside electrical and sound additions, water and drainage installations, and others 1. In order to know the necessary and appropriate repairs, we have to consider the previous changes that have added new features, beside electrical and sound additions, water and drainage installations, and others
2. All of this can be done after knowing about all the details of the changes, and to make adjustments to remove any damages such as moisture damage in the courtyard caused by the paving that was made two decades ago on the eastern and northern sides of the Mosque, especially near the edges of the courtyard, in addition to the obvious cracks in the Mosque’s courtyard - 3. It is recommended to increase the electrical capacity that is no longer adequate to the current consumption, and find a way to add an additional line with suitable specifications for consumption.
- Monument conditions and treatment:
The monument’s damages include:
Serious damages
1. Salts and sulfates in paving
– Removing the stone paving and leaving the land
exposed to direct sunlight to evaporate moisture, which was retained by the stones.2. Cracks in the external and internal walls
– Spray Al-Noura for external walls. The work includes using iron brush to remove the dust layer, treat cracks and bulges in the damaged walls.3. Cracks in the roof
– Skim the surface and remove the current layer; make a new layer first with clay mixed with small stones, then adjusting with sand in two perpendicular directions, making all the necessary gutters, taking into account the slop towards the gutters; making cement overalls, while maintaining the places of water leakage and the places of cracks.