Hārūn Al-Rashīd Mosque – Shibām – Ḥaḍramawt
جامع هارون الرشيد- شبام- حضرمو ت
Monument description
Shibam Mosque is one of the largest mosques in Shibam city and represents a model for early Islamic mosques in terms of design and general shape. It is characterized by the presence of the Prayer Hall and the courtyard, as other Islamic mosques that still maintain their architectural and design style, whether in Yemen or in some other Islamic areas.

Architectural and cultural value
Construction style and built date: It represent a model of early Islamic mosques in terms of design and general form. Shibam Mosque (Harun al-Rashid Mosque) is one of the oldest mosques in Yemen. Its construction date goes back to the second year of immigration 2nd AH.
Components of the Mosque: The current Mosque consists of the Prayer Hall, courtyard, Minaret, wudu places and stores.
- Justifications for intervention:
- 1 – The necessity of preserving Shibam Mosque as a model of the Islamic mud monument and its presence in a historic city registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1982.
2 – Raising awareness of the local community and the beneficiaries of the monument not to harm it, demolish it or change some of its architectural components.
3 – Carrying out repair work in the places of damage that were found on this mosque, even if it was minor.
4 – The beneficiaries are recommended to implement a canopy on the courtyard of the mosque that is compatible with the nature of the city and in a manner that does not violate the national and international regulations of the World Heritage.
- Monument conditions and treatment:
- The monument is damaged and there are many damages, including:
Serious damages:
1. Salts and sulfates in wall deck. Treatment: Cover the wall deck with noura, sand, and rocks well in two perpendicular directions, while maintaining the places of cracks, making a layer of noura over it, using all the necessary materials to finish the work according to the principles of workmanship and according to the instructions of the supervisor engineer.
2. Cracks in the external and internal walls. Treatment: Spray noura for external walls. The work includes using iron brush to remove the dust layer, maintain cracks and bulges in the damaged walls.
3. Cracks in the roof. Treatment: Skim the surface and remove the current layer, and make a new layer first with clay two faces mixed with small stones, then adjusting with sand in two perpendicular directions, in two perpendicular directions, making all the necessary gutters, taking into account the slop towards the gutters, making cement overalls, while maintaining the places of water leakage and the places of cracks.